Which other imageboards do you go to? desuchan? uboachan.net/ot/?
I honestly see no point in looking for other places. They are either corrupted by normalfaggotry or try to cling onto a time that will never come back, yet I still come here. You are here forever huh. How I wish steve jobs would have never invented the iphone. There might come a time when language models are good enough that I can consult them about any inquiry or try to engage in discussion, but being proprietary garbage I don't have a lot of expectations for themPost edited on 1st Oct 2024, 11:22pm
>>42969 >How I wish steve jobs would have never invented the iphone. Is there really anything to even suggest that during that era smartphones wouldn’t have eventually been invented whether it was Apple or not and become as widespread as they are today? You’re also referring to a time period when competition was still thriving in California and Washington due to a far less aggressive regulatory environment... https://youtu.be/lFeDBGXwwp4?t=89
>>42972 I think he's using the iPhone as a stand-in for the smartphone revolution in general.
>>42972 Apple made sure web developers prioritized phone experience over desktops. I never used blackberry but I guess it wasn't that normalfag friendly because only black suits used them
>>43022 A woman punching a man is a perfect banner for that site.
>>43022 What is the difference between kiwi farms and lolcow farm?
>>43025 The one is a forum and the other is an imageboard. Also, lolcow colloquially has a lot of bitter females, meanwhile kiwifarms is more dominated by male users.
>lolcow >kiwifarms Those are abominations. I hope you don't use them.
>>43027 Why? You're on an imageboard. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
>>43028 Because spending your life abusing others for your own entertainment is abominable. People who do it deserve to suffer, and suffer they will.
>>43027 IB user getting angry at lolcowfarm and kiwifarms, lmao what you're even on about anon ? As if these places are particularly different, and you bring up "abuse", most are literally just documenting people and laughing at their stupid antics, not that different from people who follow celebrities tbh.
>>43032 Image boards aren't inherently offshoots of Something Awful, with its nasty strain of normalfaggotry. This is where kiwifarms is coming from. Just look at null and his hate boner for anything otaku. So it shouldn't be any surprise that it's hated here. >>32923 >The Well-Cultured Anonymous (abbreviated WCA) is a book containing informative sections describing how to be a well-mannered and social Anon. Written in true Encyclopedia Dramatica style, the Well-Cultured Anonymous promises hours of meme filled enjoyment that may actually get you ahead(cross out the a) in life. >This book will teach 15-year-old WoW players who live in their mothers' basements how to make themselves seem normal to the outside world. And how to get head. >The Well-Cultured Anonymous includes not one, not two, but FIVE chapters on Dating, Relationships and Sex! These are of utmost importance to the basement dwelling troll who would some day hope to attract and keep a wimmins in the kitchen. And it's all contained in a scant 110 highly enjoyable, easily digested pages is everything you need to know. And lots of things you didn't.Post edited on 24th Oct 2024, 11:39am
>>43032 >>43028 I'm genuinely surprised anyone on TC tolerates, let alone is supportive of their (lolcow) activities. But then again, from your posting style alone I infer you haven't been a TC user for very long. My vehement dislike is not from some abstract social-justicey notion that it's "mean" or whatever. Discussion on boards like /pol/, for instance, can get "mean" in some sense but it is nonetheless dispassionate rather than targeted. I'm sure some people there absolutely mean every word they say, but as a whole it does not target any single individual. With kiwi/lolcow on the other hand, even in the best possible light that all discussion about "lolcows" are strictly confined to forums and no one tries to poke at people outside of it, you are inherently laughing at others for your own amusement. You are right in the sense that it's similar to gossip about celebrities or whatever, but the fact that that is de facto normalfag behavior kind of proves my point. And actually I see "lolcow" stuff as worse, purely because the targets tend to be more vulnerable in the first place and consider the internet as their home. So it's really not much better than someone bullying a poor kid in a class, and then telling the kid he can always stop coming to school if he doesn't like it.
Don't speak with them and they'll go away.
Gawking at, obessesing over and documenting everything retards and mentally ill people on the internet do is pretty lolcow-worthy itself.
>>43056 That lack of self-awareness boggles my mind as well.
>>43029 >>43034 >gossip is abuse And I'm sure you never badmouth politicians, especially now? Please. With that holier-than-thou attitude you don't fit in on any imageboard - perhaps try major social media sites, like Twitter, Facebook or Reddit. Just stop invading our spaces with your nagging.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
>>43056 Yeah, I agree all journalists are mentally ill lol. Perhaps you are own of their 'cows' too and this is what makes you mad?
>>43113 >And I'm sure you never badmouth politicians, especially now? No, my sweet yankee, I don't.
>>43113 > (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) Praise Lord Tohno
>>43122 Does this mean we are getting a thread on kiwifarms now キタ─────────────(゚∀゚)─────────────!!!
>>43144 kf is more concerned about heyuri
They discuss /mai/ often if I can trust search results I've obtained a few seconds ago on their forum, so it's no wonder they wander in here as well.
>>43146 /mai/ is basically dead though, and I'm sure even some waifuism subreddit would be more active.
>>43144 tohno-chan is probably too obscure. even when it was relevant over a decade ago it still didn't attract much attention
>>43148 It is still relevant. Miserable people are still there. Those who need imageboards are still there. Imageboards will die soon, but only because newer generations like me are way too retarded to keep on the effort.
>>43148 How did tohno come to be? I think I've read somewhere it was some sort of diaspora. Does that coincide with the highest peak in popularity you are referencing?
>>43285 Tohno has always been the kind to reach out instead of leeching off, it was just a matter of time before he created the world this chan
Kissu kind of has the bitterness it does because early in its life (and I think to this day) it was subject to sustained raiding by soyjak.party and the ownership of the soyjak site had a vendetta against it, this embittered the staff of it towards the imageboard space as a whole and this melancholy kind of fell into the userbase in general. There is an attempt made to kind of keep the spirit of 4/qa/ alive, specifically on /secret/, but yeah. It's pretty sad. It still is better than most /jp/ spinoffs these days, I'd say
>soyjak.party Oh great lord these are truly reason enough to hate imageboards.
On the opposite side of things, this: https://kissu.moe/jp/thread/83272 is the very definition of what I would serve the shadow to never see again. Having to constantly exist among posters like that is what killed every bit of my attraction towards imageboard. Every poster around every corner can just turn out to be an idiot posting about 53xx0. Forgive me, but I need to yell it alound. IF I NEVER IT AGAIN IT WILL BE TOO SOON
>Kissu The ban on lolicon and "extreme political content" turned me away. What a travesty.
>>43302 Lolicon is allowed on hidden boards. A developer finds it immoral (despite supporting the CPC, which has a very low age of consent) https://kissu.moe/secret/thread/35478
>>43302 What do you expect from Canadians? Also, the UI is an awful, cluttered mess. There's retro, and there's being different for its own sake, even if the result sucks.
What value do people see in /jp/ spinoffs? I wasn't really around for the supposed /jp/ golden years, but at least looking at their derivatives it just seems like truly inane posting. I guess my ideal would be something like /lol/: if TC is mostly medium-effort medium/high quality discussion of serious topics, /lol/ could be considered a place for low-effort but still medium-quality lighthearted discussion of trivial topics with some humor. Basically again (>>42384) what I thought Merorin would be, after all the data-processing club is basically just Yui/Yuzuko/Yukari shitposting about various topics, but doing so with elegance and grace.
>>43314 I guess there's plenty of people who like anime, but are too stupid to have a real conversation. They still want company. If they were born a bit later, they'd be on discord instead.Post edited on 21st Dec 2024, 2:00pm
>>43315 >If they were born a bit later, they'd be on discord instead. Technically, this is not true. This is highly probably, but not universally true.
>>43315 >I guess there's plenty of people who like anime, but are too stupid to have a real conversation. that's basically what kissu ends up being, I finally arrived at that conclusion after seeing so many unnecessarily passive aggressive anons every time I visited. >>43316 anyone who uses that site is already on discord, age has nothing to do with it.
>>43285 I only remember Tohno used to trip on /a/ a lot
I was batting an eye again on /robowaifu/ on Alogs Space. At first the board seemed not very interesting due to being one of those webring imageboards and having a lolcow board, both of which kind of sucks, but on the other hand, they have /robowaifu/, in which some people, so it seems at least, making a real effort to make female humanoid robots. As of now, I don't know what to think of it, but I like lurking that place and read their discussions. Maybe if I lurk enough, I will become some kind of self-learned robot engineer and can make a robot of my own waifu...probably not though.
>>43356 I remember that board. I don't think anyone there has the skills to bring it to fruition. Also hardware is sort of the "easy" part, software is going to be the hardest (even just the closed-loop control for actions like walking). You'd have better return reading recent papers in ML and experimenting with local models.
>>43357 >Also hardware is sort of the "easy" part Not quite easy. I don't know prices but something tells the total cost is going to more than all the people on that board have together. You need to keep balance and for that you need a great deal of very precise sensors and motors. They are atrociously overpriced afaik. Besides that, who is going to develop the control algorithms? Besides requiring insane knowledge of math to even understand, there are no publications on the subject, all of the technology is kept proprietary at the factories. In published form you will only find generic theory that has to be heavily adapted to your particular application and it just happens to be so hard that independent institutions simply find themselves to be painfully unable to reproduce the achievements of industry. People even nearly qualified for the job have their asses too busy building bulletproof empire for the great lords to care about a bunch of lonely shizoids on a god forsaken imageboard.Post edited on 2nd Jan 2025, 2:39pm
>>43358 >Not quite I meant easy in the academia sense, as in "solvable". There's no research to be done, the parts already exist and if you have enough money you can buy it. >no publications on the subject Right, which is why I mentioned that's the harder problem. And to make matters worse, unlike LLMs where we sort of get free leftovers of bigcorp research (deepseek and lama), robotics has direct military implications and they're simply not going to let any university or company make that publicly available (which is probably why I suspect there's little public research on the cutting-edge control theory needed for humanoid robots, it's all gobbled by DARPA.)
>>43358 >>43357 The problem is there's no clear goal. Does a toaster with googly eyes and silicon breasts qualify as a "robowaifu"? It's just a place to throw ideas out there. >You need to keep balance and for that you need a great deal of very precise sensors and motors. They are atrociously overpriced afaik. That's odd considering there's quintillions of insects capable of balancing and precise movement across land, water and air. I think a more biology-inspired approach makes more sense than sticking to traditional mechanical engineering. Not an engineer though...
>>43361 >That's odd That's not odd at all. I am not going to rant about capitalism though.
Maybe asking here is a shot in the dark, but does anyone know any good Russian imageboards/textboards or forums? I learned some Russian but I haven't had the opportunity to really put the language to use yet, and I've heard that the grass is greener on the other side, so...
>>43541 >pic related Die.
>>43541 I just lurk on ычан and also just the анимублядсках threads on харкач/a/ and /media/ (the mp4/webum ones). Доброчан was alright too, but it died-ed-ed, but maybe whatever bunker they found themselves in is alright too, haven't checked. >pic related pic related
>>42399 A year later and T-C is still the only 'social' site, let alone imageboard, I occasionally check. The internet sure fucking sucks now.
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