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29106 No. 29106 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So what's it gonna be?
>> No. 29107 [Edit]
the way i die.
university named after me.
free wifi wherever I go.
fulfill my biggest wish.
private island.
read minds.
$1 million amazon cards
best friends forever with my favorite celebrity.
free gas for 25 years.
be a ninja.
restart my life.
live the life of fame and wealth.
have the ability to see the future.
>> No. 29111 [Edit]
>Pick the year
(Never? If that's not an option; the way.)
>Free Apple products
(No man, hear me out. This means all the older stuff too right?(I fucking love old Macs) and I can pawn the shit I don't want and buy a WiFi stick. It's win-win.)
>Biggest wish
>Private island
>Read minds
>$1mil in Amazon
(That's like quadrupling the money because Amazon is cheap as fuck and with Prime that shit's like all free 2-hour delivery)
>Best friends
>Dream car
(Gas isn't that expensive, you don't drive everyday, dream cars are rare and this probably means you can't sell it)
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>> No. 35919 [Edit]
I'm gonna live forever !
>> No. 42971 [Edit]
Pick the year I die
Have a university named after me
Have free wifi wherever I go
Resolve my biggest regret (10000% this. Besides I don't have any big wishes)
have my own private island
be able to travel at the speed of lights
have 100k in real money
best friend forever with my favorite celebrity
have free gas for 25 years
be a pirate
restart my life
live in harry potters world
have the ability to read minds

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23994 No. 23994 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Aneki or Imouto, which do you like best?

For me the choice is obvious.
61 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33914 [Edit]
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Ara ara
>> No. 33944 [Edit]
Original or not this is a high quality post.
>> No. 33962 [Edit]
the manga is slam dunk but obviously its an edit
>> No. 35902 [Edit]
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Tulta - Alisu Shimada's elder sister.

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35843 No. 35843 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How would you describe what "cute" is to someone who's alien to the idea?
>> No. 35847 [Edit]
Well seems like a dictionary definition would be a good start [1]. The first definition there is pretty spot-on

>Possessing physical features, behaviors, personality traits or other properties that are mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals; e.g. fair, dainty, round, and soft physical features, disproportionately large eyes and head, playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity or shyness, innocence, affectionate behavior.
The only circular definition might be "cuddly", but the specific qualities listed should help disambiguate.

Although perhaps more interesting is that the meaning of "cute" has diverged from its original:
>Shortened from acute, originally “keenly perceptive or discerning, shrewd” (1731). Meaning transferred to “pretty, fetching” by US students (slang) c.1834. Meaning drifted further to describe the pleasing attraction to features usually possessed by the young.

>> No. 35849 [Edit]
To my non-native brain, I understood cute as something attractive and/or beautiful but doesn't evoke any sexual desire. I would call a pretty butterfly cute or a nice, colorful wallpaper pattern cute but reading the dictionary definition posted above I see that's incorrect. Interesting.
>> No. 35852 [Edit]
There are multiple definitions to cute. You might be referring to the usage as
>Generally, attractive or pleasing, especially in a youthful, dainty, quaint or fun-spirited way.
Although to me calling a butterfly "cute" seems a bit weird unless it's one of those cartoonish butterflies. Ditto for calling a colorful wallpaper "cute," since I normally only attribute cuteness to things that are nominally "alive" or intended to portray life (so a stuffed animal or figurine would count as well).

Then again maybe the term has diverged even further since I do recall some kids using "cute" in the sense you described, even though I feel the term "pretty" would fit better.

Post edited on 9th Sep 2020, 4:07pm
>> No. 35874 [Edit]
Your post is pretty cute, anon.

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29166 No. 29166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you could have any one supernatural ability or 'superpower' (barring omnipotence), what would you choose?
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35630 [Edit]
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I would pick flight. It's convenient and I think it would be quite fun. Not just flying itself but flying of your own power would give you a kind of control, view and perspective that any other flight would be hard to provide.
>> No. 35788 [Edit]
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Conjure coffee anywhere anytime. LOL.
>> No. 35808 [Edit]
You mean having a boner all the time?

I don't know man, seems pretty annoying.
>> No. 35809 [Edit]
Sounds like just being a teenager.

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31659 No. 31659 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is it weird to have your laptop like this in bed? Like before you go to sleep or something. Not a great drawing but I'm drunk and not an artist either.
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>> No. 35772 [Edit]
"Datte hontou wa crazy"?

I always use my laptop in bed (don't have space for a proper table/chair, and using it in bed is more comfortable anyhow) but I do it by propping a pillow against the side of the bed and the wall to support my back, so I'm still upright. The thing to be most careful of is to avoid blocking the fan vents, since I nearly had a laptop die from that once.
>> No. 35773 [Edit]
>using it in bed is more comfortable
Not if you're writing something or need access to physical books. What kind of hole are you living in where you don't have room for a desk?
>> No. 35774 [Edit]
I do occasionally, always get out of bed and sit at a desktop when RSI inevitably becomes noticeable.
>> No. 35792 [Edit]
Oh, Kay On.

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32745 No. 32745 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

15 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35660 [Edit]
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Cold treats!
>> No. 35789 [Edit]
Ice cream curls or rolls are fine too.
>> No. 35790 [Edit]
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Here's a picture of one such item.
>> No. 35802 [Edit]
I need to vicariously live through the person eating this.

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34989 No. 34989 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A new LoveLive group has just been unveiled!

Not sure if this would be /an/ /vg/ or /mp3/, sooo whatever!
>> No. 34990 [Edit]
So this one is going to turn into an anime after Nijigasaki?
There was some news of a recruiting some time ago, now that you mention it.
>> No. 35052 [Edit]
I can't say I'm loving this. The characters seem very generic.
>> No. 35748 [Edit]
LoveLive + Macross = Macross Delta
>> No. 35779 [Edit]
Official name's Love Live Superstars.

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34992 No. 34992 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think about reviews as a form of entertainment, and more broadly, mixing information with entertainment? What started out as a way for people to know if a product was worth buying or not has branched out into different genres of people stating and explaining their opinions on things which people consume not for their functional value, but for their own sake and because of cult of personality. There's no hard line between review, essay and opinion piece anymore. Siskel and Ebert might be an early example of this shift, were people tuned in more for their personality dynamic than to find out if they should watch a movie or not, but they were still called reviews. Redlettermedia pioneered the internet, video form of this, and now everybody in that circle uses variations of their format and jokes. Then there's stuff like that guy with the glasses, people who made things barely resembling a review, but called themselves critics. In written form, anime blogs were doing the same kind of thing. People eat it up.
9 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35053 [Edit]
I like hearing people talk about things they are very passionate about, that all i need from a review. I tend to like more personal blogs, i particularly enjoy the written form and don't care much for videos honestly, than professional reviewers.
>> No. 35072 [Edit]
A review in video format is a total waste of time and I see no reason to ever watch one. George Orwell, now known as a famous novelist was in his own time considered the greatest book reviewer alive. Just as he retired he wrote an essay titled "Confessions of a Book Reviewer" where he explained how and why he didn't even bother reading a lot of the stuff he reviewed. I highly recommend that essay and it is freely available online. It's a simple fact that if someone is financially dependent on writing reviews and pushing out content constantly they are going to end up writing some trash no matter how good they are. I think this is the crux of the problem.
>> No. 35073 [Edit]
What if they do it for free?
>> No. 35702 [Edit]
>reviews as a form of entertainment
It's what you need to do for good info on Amazon shops these days.
5 or 1 stars tells you nothing!

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29622 No. 29622 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
whats the best country to move to if you just want to live off welfare and lurk the internet?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29624 [Edit]
I had a recurring fantasy of going to North Korea to seek asylum from the trappings of life in the west. Of course, they would probably either always suspect me or execute me on the spot, and North Korea has it's own problems. Why would they support me? They don't even feed their own citizens. Still, it's nice to think about before bed.
>> No. 29625 [Edit]
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Argentina. Say you are paraguayan or bolivian and you'll have right to get citizenship and wellfare.
>> No. 35626 [Edit]
>> No. 35628 [Edit]
The problem seems to be that every country with welfare is going to make you work for it, you don't get it for nothing it's support while they make you get into the work force. I have to spend half the year doing ridiculous things like volunteer work or courses and if they find me a Job I can't refuse it.

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30203 No. 30203 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
From the J-List newsletter: "One of the more refreshing aspects of Japan is the laissez faire attitude companies take to certain aspects of Japanese copyright, specifically "doujin" or fan-produced works such as ecchi doujinshi comics that explore improbable relationships between characters, or other kinds of non-official creative works like music remixes and soundtracks and, er, anime onaholes. In the decades since the first Comiket in 1975, an odd tradition of allowing free use of copyrighted works has grown up, due to the fact that virtually every industry artist got his or her start making doujinshi, and the reality that every modern anime needs a healthy "ecosystem" of doujin artists in order to make a mark with fandom. When studios went to remake the venerable 1974 Space Battleship Yamato franchise, they understood the need to engage fans from several angles, including adding in fan-service and encouraging creators to make fanart using the characters. But now an animation studio is trying to stop these creative works: the owners of Love Live are asking doujin circles and shops to completely stop distributing products featuring their characters, citing Japanese copyright rules. Since Bandai also tried (and failed) to use Japanese copyright to ban Pokemon doujin works back in the day, I'm sure this new development won't affect things much, but it is kind of a disappointment."

I'm glad I never watched Love Live, nor bought any merchandise. Never will, now, either, and will inform others of why. I'll definitely never watch this anime, nor read its manga, ever.... considering how much money I spend on merchandise, they might regret it if this is a frequent opinion of people. Just, go away. Just, please go bankrupt, you fuckers... =_=
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30219 [Edit]
>there is fan fiction for sale of every single popular anything ever
It is referring to the legal sale of copyrighted intellectual property at events such as natsucomi. There is no Western equivilent; you cannot legally profit from fan-fiction of intellectual property for which you have not obtained the rights to, and therefore there is no market event for sales of such items.
>> No. 30247 [Edit]
I wonder if this is something the people working on the show support or not. It seems like the kind of decision that would come from higher-ups in the corporate ladder who are concerned about the "image" of their franchise. And why Love Live in particular? They own Idolmaster too but they aren't they trying to crack down on doujin works there?
>> No. 30248 [Edit]
You cant legally create fan-fiction. profit or not. Japan or west. But companies allow it, mostly
>> No. 35627 [Edit]
USA copyright caused this indirectly. When your copyright term is your life-time plus 50years, it's not sounding "temporary".

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29603 No. 29603 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you ever feel ashamed or guilty when you find or look back on the things you liked in the past?
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29713 [Edit]
we've all made mistakes

i know i have
>> No. 29762 [Edit]
are you alright?

Post edited on 19th Dec 2016, 5:47pm
>> No. 30191 [Edit]
A little late I know, but I am doing fine now, other than depression and anxiety which can happen at random.
>> No. 35625 [Edit]

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