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File 16282398304.jpg - (98.17KB , 1280x720 , E4cOIw6WQAI7bGF.jpg )
38588 No. 38588 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
post interesting and unique websites outside the mainstream big sites
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38659 [Edit]
File 16299650376.png - (314.19KB , 640x360 , Moka_Hoto_Holding_Forth_for_Atari.png )
>> No. 38664 [Edit]
That's great thank you for sharing.
>> No. 38672 [Edit]
>> No. 38680 [Edit]
Here's a webapp that uses an ai to make 2ch style ascii art:

Combined with this website that makes pictures into line art:

You can render pretty much any image into this format. Formatting the output text anywhere else is a bitch though.

Post edited on 10th Sep 2021, 2:41pm

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30052 No. 30052 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you do it?
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30108 [Edit]
Could you have picked a crappier image? Great fucking job buddy.
>> No. 30109 [Edit]
Maybe they're a mobile user? No need to be rude.
>> No. 30112 [Edit]
To be fair, it is a very shitty image.
>> No. 38667 [Edit]
File 163012091665.jpg - (95.54KB , 1024x634 , _ariete.jpg )
Replace it with something else.

File 162891485392.jpg - (110.16KB , 640x800 , dont ask me silly questions I won't play sill.jpg )
38626 No. 38626 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does tohno-chan like riddles?
Fire away if you got any (but remember to spoiler the answers if you choose to include one.)

There is a thing that nothing is, and yet it has a name. It's sometimes tall and sometimes short, joins our talks, joins our sport, and plays at every game.
11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38649 [Edit]
Feed me and I live. Give me drink and I die. What am I?
>> No. 38650 [Edit]
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An alcoholic.
>> No. 38651 [Edit]
I can't help but think googling answers defeats the point.
>> No. 38661 [Edit]

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36543 No. 36543 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Let's say that for whatever reason you can never use the internet ever again. Everything you have is still there, but you can't download or stream anything new. What do you do to pass the time and keep busy from now on?
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>> No. 36567 [Edit]
>I like the custom icons.

Most of them are from a huge pack of icons you can easily find. But lots of obscure OVA's and weird stuff are made by me, when I had most folders with icons but some without them I felt the need to have them all the same, and with folder growth it became some sort of autistic fixation, there's shows without even logos of any kind and I still made icons for them. I learned to properly use GIMP only because of this weird obsession.
>> No. 38448 [Edit]
I would drop the internet and go read books, learn a new skill, and start doing more things with my waifu. Maybe I would become a productive member of society
>> No. 38639 [Edit]
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Do gardening or raise some hens
>> No. 39035 [Edit]
Like the other anon >>36554 I got various media archived so I will be good for a long while.

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33244 No. 33244 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I tried to create this thread in /fb/, but that board got locked again so I'm putting it here instead.
This thread has been created for the express purpose of making outrageously offensive, greedy or even technologically impossible demands on the TC staff.
My own opinion on this issue is that /mai/ should smell like strawberries and I feel like whomever is responsible for failing to carry this out should compensate me financially for the service level deficiency.
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>> No. 33297 [Edit]
/ot/ should be accompanied by a 24/7 radio audio stream that it just two people reading out all the 'tangents' on the board.
>> No. 33298 [Edit]
You could do it with TTS, but there isn't enough post traffic to keep it as a continuous stream unless you loop them.
>> No. 33308 [Edit]
The stream could primarily play music but have breaks where the posts are read aloud.
>> No. 38618 [Edit]
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Everytime the Kagami Kuro banner appears, she comes out of the screen screaming "DOOOOOUTEEEEEEEEI" and kicks anon right in the balls.

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29473 No. 29473 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Fact is, sleep takes up a large fraction of anyone's life. Have a comfortable bed & a large fraction of your life is excellent.
Please tell me ways to improve the quality & volume of my sleeping.
11 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35747 [Edit]
Consistent sleep schedule is important.
>> No. 36911 [Edit]
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>> No. 38581 [Edit]
Try a buckwheat pillow. I recently got one and it really helped my neck pain and I think I sleep more deeply. The key is the ability to mould it to your desired position, and then as you shift throughout the night it's very easy to adjust the pillow to maintain support.

Modern mattresses are a scam. They use foams that are basically designed to break down in 2 years, so you're forced to keep buying them. Notice how it's basically impossible to buy the "traditional" basic innerspring mattresses of yore (which you can get 10-15 years out of by flipping over and rotating once in a while). And the memory foam ones will heat you up at night, since you're basically sleeping on insulation.

After doing a lot of research, the best option seems to be just going to costco or some other brick and mortar shop (NOT a mattress store, which have also interestingly all become conglomerated and owned by a single company) and buying the cheapest, firmest mattress with springs you can tolerate. The key is to get one that has springs and also the thinnest amount of foam possible. You can always add foam yourself, but you can never replace foam on a mattress that has it built in.

Do you sleep on your side or on your back? Sleeping on the floor would be torture for me since it means all the pressure is concentrated on my hips and shoulder.

You can also try a futon if you like sleeping on the floor. Also the Chinese supposedly have very hard beds. In terms of whether it's better for your back, it's generally true that if you sleep on your back then a firmer surface is better. So yeah sleeping on a carpet or padded floor is probably fine; but I think sleeping on bare har
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>> No. 38582 [Edit]
Spring mattresses are uncomfortable and loud in my experience. I associate them with old people and the convertible sofas you find in hotels.

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28733 No. 28733 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is Loli/Shota allowed here? It's technically illegal.

I deleted my stashes all a long time ago out of paranoia.
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>> No. 38419 [Edit]
File 16241648383.jpg - (106.40KB , 1000x1600 , MTG21.jpg )
So if you draw a murder of underaged fictional character, that's legal. But if you draw a underaged fictional character doing it, you go to jail. That's USA for you.
>> No. 38420 [Edit]
>if you draw a underaged fictional character doing it, you go to jail
No, not really. In the US, that's not the case. People have been arrested who just so happened to also have loli, or they've been arrested for importing a lot of physical media. I've never read a case about an artist being arrested.
>> No. 38505 [Edit]
Not really no. We have a lot of fucked laws but loli/shota is in a strange gray area and prosecution for it is exceedingly rare. People have been arrested crossing the border into Canada with it though.
>> No. 38556 [Edit]
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The legal grey area of it sometimes bothers me, but I do things that are more commonly prosecuted like extensive piracy and it doesn't as much. The law on it changing is sometimes what haunts me though. I'm not a lolicon, but I do enjoy /ss/ even though for me it's more about the height difference and penis size.

That map is either bait or severely outdated as well, Canada is known for enforcing their laws on this. (But if you rape a native woman, you're good).

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29631 No. 29631 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i hung one of these in the window a week ago, but its still raining.
do these things only work in japan or do i need to put batteries in it or what?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29634 [Edit]
If anime has thought me anything it's that teru teru bozu aren't all that effective. According to anime a much more reliable strategy is to find someone who's sad and cheer them up.
>> No. 29635 [Edit]
Try folding it properly next time
>> No. 29640 [Edit]
You probably need a 2D one since 3D anything is never as good as 2D. Probably also needs to be made by a 2D loli at that for full potency.
>> No. 38418 [Edit]
As effective as singing "Rain rain go away"

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32916 No. 32916 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Who bicycles around here?
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>> No. 37732 [Edit]
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I want to ride my bicycle...
>> No. 37867 [Edit]
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Bicycle Build
>> No. 38384 [Edit]
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Actually right... Why did the Japanese use bicycles to conquer Malaya?
>> No. 38385 [Edit]
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This thread seems to be just a dumping ground for low-effort posts. I think it is reasonable to lock it.

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29120 No. 29120 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do I become an Otaku? I've liked anime and manga forever but "otaku" stuff has eluded me forever. I've been aware of these things but I've always associated them with a layer of the internet where everyone is aware of what's going on except for me.

I have no idea where to go to learn about otaku stuff except imageboards, because everything is always in japanese. Anime is easy and I've always watched it, but I've never pierced (successfully) past that layer where I could just go and download an anime after reading about it on wikipedia or MAL.

"Franchises" in particular, things that aren't actually based off an anime (the other way around often) are very difficult for me to "get". Stuff like Touhou or Idolm@ster and stuff like that.

Every time I see someone post something "otaku" that isn't anime and instantly recognizable I feel like I'm missing out on something everyone else "gets".

So where do I go? Niconico or something? Everytime I see a post about J-Pop or something like that everyone seems to know what every group is and every member's name etc. If I try getting into something like that often enough I'm just presented with a PV with the artist's name and song title in block letters and everything else in nip scribble.

It's a world of figurines and body pillows and light novels and stuff, MMD's and MADs and all sorts of music and I feel like, for someone who has been browsing imageboards as long as I have, to be missing out and not being "in".

I don't know about or have ever associated with otaku stuff outside of imageboards but everytime I see an otaku person or someone posts a picture of a touhou or something I'm left completely lost as to why every otaku seems to know everything there is to know about otaku stuff but I'm left completely lost as to how they learned these things and got into them.
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>> No. 29154 [Edit]
You aren't an "otaku" at all because none of those things make you an otaku. In reality, you're the only normalfag here because of your desperation to prove that you're not like them and your desperation in having something that makes you different.
Of course you browse Retardchan. You know what you are? You're a failed normalfag. You bring up that you've "never held hands with a girl" and such. You don't belong here at all. Fuck off and go back there.
>> No. 29178 [Edit]
The most important step in being an otaku is learning how to be alone & be yourself.
>> No. 29215 [Edit]
"Otaku" isn't really something you try to become, it's more of a murky swamp that you just sort of gradually sink into if you have the right type of personality. Before you know it you realize that you're in so deep you might as well get comfortable. Anyway I think I roughly understand what you're trying to ask so here is my personal experience:

Around 2003 or so I kind of got hooked watching the anime that Cartoon Network would run at night (Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, etc), and got interested enough in a couple of shows to start collecting them on DVD. When I started college the following year I saw a flier for a school anime club so I started going to that. Most of the people there knew a lot more about anime than I did and had been into it longer so I felt kind of out of place. However I got to be friends with some of the people in the club and I just kind of got sucked further and further into that world. In addition to the club we started going to conventions and the like, and we would frequently hang out and watch each others DVDs. I learned about 4chan from one of those guys too, and that was really the point of no return for me. Before I got into this stuff I was basically just a somewhat awkward and socially beta but still relatively normal male; I now live in a world of plastic figurines and erotic visual novels. My only close friends are the anime club friends I met in college.

Anyway, being otaku is basically like having any other interest that you're very deeply into, like being into a music genre or something. If you want to get into it just start looking into titles that sound interesting to you, learn all you can again, and go from there. One of two things will happen: either you'll find out it was just a phase, or you'll become one of us.
>> No. 38375 [Edit]
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Too hot to think straight. I'm a fan but not "otaku" (ie.hardcore) enough.

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33200 No. 33200 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Let’s talk about escapism.

What is escapism exactly?
>the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.

What are the benefits and downsides of escapism? Do you think it’s an inherently bad thing? Do you knowingly/unknowingly practice it or do you try to stay grounded in reality? In what ways do you usually practice it?

For me my big escapist thing was I couldn’t wait to get to sleep because after a long day I could lay there and fantasize about whatever I wanted, it was a nice carefree time but lately I have taken to staying up as late as possible and constantly consuming some sort of media while posting on image boards. If I don’t do that I feel that my time and day is wasted. It’s awful and while in the moment I feel happy and manage to get away from reality, as soon as I stop and step away I become high strung and anxious about things. I can’t even take a nap in the middle of the day out of fear of wasting time

Im not sure if it’s just my habits or me myself who changed but I’m going to try to reevaluate and readjust so I can get back to my day dreaming and early bed times, but I’m not sure where to begin. I prefer that more relaxed type of escapism, it’s soothing
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>> No. 33885 [Edit]
I prefer daydreaming as my way of escapism. I like to create my own stories. I wish I had writing talent to make them "real" and get paid money though.
>> No. 33886 [Edit]
>I believe that fiction is desensitizing.
That's not what i've experienced. Normally i'm mostly numb to what the people around me are feeling, but if i'm in the middle of a book, I'm already in the mindset of empathizing with others so I feel a little more. The brain gets better at what it's trained to do. Fiction doesn't actually have stakes to it, so I don't think it's desensitizing.
>> No. 38372 [Edit]
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>> No. 38378 [Edit]
Stop posting this low effort shit.

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