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File 167091445239.jpg - (186.33KB , 1920x1080 , Bang Dream S01E09_mkv_snapshot_02_28_[2020_07_14_1.jpg )
40936 No. 40936 [Edit]
Stuff you bought, ordered, or just hope to get someday.
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>> No. 40937 [Edit]
File 167091465897.jpg - (75.60KB , 1074x579 , YESTON-SAKURA-7900-HERO.jpg )
This is a dang nice looking GPU.
>> No. 40961 [Edit]
I bought an 18TB HDD. It'll be nice to download large collections of things so I don't have to hunt down and download much individually. Maybe I'll buy another one or two eventually.
>> No. 40964 [Edit]
File 167175690082.jpg - (72.36KB , 1489x1500 , 71FfU6J7y9L__AC_SL1500_.jpg )
Just ordered a captain of crush, 80lb gripper to use for warming up. I've been using a old, loose one that I'm not even sure how many lbs of resistance it has.

Also a Pentel mechanical pencil.

Post edited on 22nd Dec 2022, 5:03pm
>> No. 40980 [Edit]
File 167206049675.jpg - (374.84KB , 850x600 , __fujiwara_no_mokou_kamishirasawa_keine_houraisan_.jpg )
I was looking at some old militaria. I found a lot of stuff that I wanted. Not that I'm super into that sort of thing, but things such as my jacket are quite modular, and there is a lot that would be nice to have... I really love my jacket.
>> No. 40996 [Edit]
File 167259435858.png - (1.47MB , 1100x1618 , 008c6c9ea22c07f3ad2d2c6f85ea38cc.png )
I've been thinking that while my Samsung earbuds, which came with my phone, aren't awful, I could do a lot better, and then enjoy music more. I'm not an audiophile, so all this "IEM" stuff is new to me. I was considering "true wireless" ones ones for a bit, since they caught my attention first.

Moondrops's Nekocake with its nice packaging and decent price. Looking at reviews, it's got problem. Delay on the audio, so when you watch a video it's noticeable. There's the slightly more expensive Sparks, so I was thinking about that. Then there's Final Audio's ZE3000, which has the benefit of being made by a Japanese company, instead of a Chinese one(I know it's a petty consideration), but that's too pricey at like $150 dollars. Windows also has issues with bluetooth anything, so wireless is really more of a phone thing, and I don't use my phone that much.

Okay, but wired IEMs are actually the norm. No delay and no charging needed. So now I'm considering Moondrop's Aria. It's dumb, but one of my reservations is that the wire wrapping around your ears seems weird to me(which most IEMs are like). You should get used to that though.
>> No. 40997 [Edit]
File 167259744741.jpg - (171.13KB , 1000x562 , mausu.jpg )
I got a new mouse around a month ago, it's the Logitech Signature M650.
It's really nice, I like the smart scroll feature. I haven't used many mouses before (I'm mostly on laptops) so I'm not sure if it's widespread functionality, but I can let go of the scroll wheel while scrolling and it'll keep doing it for some time. Pretty convenient.
>> No. 40998 [Edit]
>I've been thinking that while my Samsung earbuds, which came with my phone, aren't awful
I had no issues with the sound quality or coomfort, but after about a month, they started shocking my ears. Maybe your work isn't as physical or requires as much movement as I did back then, but I'd recommend better.
I find that quality doesn't matter too much if you need earbuds, though I require earbuds that also have hearing protection for work due to OSHA. Odds are that you aren't listening closely anyway. At home I prefer proper headphones as my ears are small and most earbuds are very uncomfortable. Point is, I personally recommend buying purpose made headphones for home listening. If you require earbuds, I'd just make sure they're connected. I don'ty like having to think about them.
>> No. 40999 [Edit]
>I personally recommend buying purpose made headphones for home listening
I don't want my head getting sweaty, and from what I know they leak noise a lot. Comfort wise, earbuds don't bother me.
>> No. 41009 [Edit]
I bought recently a logitech mk295 "silent touch" wireless keyboard and mouse combo. Was totally worth it, though people said that it will become less silent within a few weeks. The mouse is not so bad but have no side buttons. Also bought a logitech g305 mouse. First I thought I'm going to send it back. Buttons press too easily/accidentally, feels like cheap plastic, clicking sound is loud and cheap. But then started to like it because the performance is nice, the buttons pressing easily is not such a bad thing actually. So I'm keeping it.

other thing I bought is a Huion H610x draw tablet. Never had a draw tablet before. First I thought I'm going crazy from having to look not where my hand is drawing but at the monitor, but it got better. So keeping it.
>> No. 41035 [Edit]
File 167320819887.jpg - (1.40MB , 1301x1730 , bad28f170d90b881dc79c71e127d0383.jpg )
They've arrived. Things sound crisper and more detailed. Haven't had them long enough to judge durability, but I'm already glad I got them, if for no other reason than to see what I was missing out on by using cheap, comes with the phone, earbuds.

Post edited on 8th Jan 2023, 12:05pm
>> No. 41123 [Edit]
$65 HUGE cotton-threaded blanket for summer
>> No. 41408 [Edit]
File 168371368475.jpg - (355.83KB , 850x1203 , 20230510.jpg )
Bought some fancy croissants. They're about twice as expensive compared to normal croissants at the supermarket but damn it is so much flakier & tastier.
>> No. 41425 [Edit]
I bought a new pair of headphones after using a shitty pair with a very broken headband for a few years now. Not much of a price difference despite feeling and looking to be much higher quality, as this pair isn't marketed toward gamers, has no microphone, and has been in production for a very long time.
Have to buy a 6.35mm to 3.5mm adapter before I can use it with my PC. On the bright side, if I decide to bust out one of my electric instruments, I can use my new headphones easily.
>> No. 41729 [Edit]
File 169311706735.jpg - (0.99MB , 4032x3024 , DSC_1172.jpg )
Bought one of those random assortment packs of Japanese candy. It was like $20 for a pack, which might be a bit much if it was in japan but for something imported I can't complain. the same stuff would probably come out to twice as much if bought from a local Asian market.
Reviews made it sound like it ranges from gross to great. should be interesting to see how it pans out.
>> No. 41730 [Edit]
I've been thinking about doing something similar but with snacks instead of just sweets. Do let us know how it goes.
>> No. 41731 [Edit]
Funny that they still have candy cigarettes.
>> No. 41743 [Edit]
File 169327706277.jpg - (1.06MB , 1500x1125 , DSC_1175.jpg )
They're kinda chalky lemon flavored sticks that dissolve quickly. I think it's funny the packaging says "We support your No-smoking"
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