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A while back I found a list of passwords for databases we had access to in my middle school. I thought it would interesting to see what articles they had on anime. Here's a few interesting and amusing choice quotes.
>Goku may fly over you this weekend, Sanji will offer a tasty dish and one of Naruto's kunais might come zipping through the air. It's a good thing I brought my kids to work because I'm really not sure what all that means. The boys tell me these and other characters from the world of anime will fill downtown starting Friday when Florida's largest anime convention kicks off at the Tampa Convention Center.
>The boys are excited, but me? I'm just waiting for The Flintstones convention. …
>About that iPhone hype. Unless it comes with a direct connection to the man above, I don't think you should call anything the "Jesus phone."
TV Overdose for Kids- 2009
>I still get nostalgic whenever I come across kiddie shows on television.For example, I pine for old good carrot-munching Bugs Bunny and perky Woody Woodpecker. The fast-paced Japanese animated shows called Anime, in my book, are too realistic and mere imitation of violent adult action movies. Some of the casualties of modern animation were characters that my generation grew up with.
>harsh-voice Donald Duck, Tom and Jerry and Mickey Mouse with his merry gang of Minnie Mouse, Pluto and hare-brained Goofy, truly kid stuffs. These wholesome shows of my childhood have now been replaced by Astro Boy, Voltes V, Mazinger Z and other androids battling mechanical monsters out to take over the world.As always, the shows always end up with the hero and the villain trying to annihilate each other in a flurry of lights, colors and grating synthesized sounds. Great for kids, but unfortunately, bad for their education.
>Research shows that exposure to this type of programming increases the risk of aggressive behavior and at the same time, desensitizes children to violence. Studies on links between TV overdose and child development and value formation also reveal that these kinds of shows can muddle children’s understanding of the world and get in the way of their learning what’s right and what’s wrong. All this is according to LimiTV, a United States organization that advocates little-to-no TV viewing for children four-and-under.
Japanese Art, Contemporary- 2004
>The signs of Western childhood play a very prominent role in post–World War II Japanese popular art, which has become increasingly global in its reach. This imagery, which is loosely called anime, takes many forms
>Begun in reaction to the events of World War II, anime have been described as both evidence of Japanese cultural vitality in the face of trauma and an escape from it.
>The salient characteristic of Japanese popular art within the history of childhood is its wholesale adoption of distinctly Western conventions for representing the ideal of innocent childhood–hybridized with traditionally Japanese manga comic drawings and mainstream Western cartoons. Most importantly, the large, round-eyed facial features of the stereotypically innocent child quickly became the standard mode of representing anime heroes and heroines, despite their clear racial difference from Japanese facial features.
>Western artists, moreover, have begun to incorporate anime imagery into their traditions, causing the stereotypes of childhood to reappear where they came from in radically new modes. A group of artists led by the award-winning French conceptual artist Pierre Huyghe, for instance, created a series of works made between 1999 and 2002, collectively titled No Ghost Just a Shell, based on an anime girl character called Annlee. These works addressed a range of distinctly adult concerns. As with other aspects of a post-modern, global culture, the signs of what was once considered inherently natural, in this case innocent childhood, have been detached from their content.
Anime in America: Japan's animated movies have risen from cult status to cultural force in the US. Next up for the moviemakers: winning approval from Mom and Dad- 2003
>An abandoned theme park. Temples, lakes and food fit for gods. It's a cartoon, but a beautiful, stunningly realistic one that leaves the audience hushed at this dinky art house theater in South Florida. Most wait until the last credit leaves the screen. The movie is Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi in Japanese) and it's the latest anime hit in the US. Anime in America is winning more sales and fans than ever before.
>Hard-core anime fans are not surprised by the film's success. They've grown up on TV shows like Voltron and Power Rangers, so the brilliance of Miyazaki and other anime directors is nothing new.
>Japanese anime, a genre once reserved for the TV dens of Star Trek-types and reclusive teenagers, is now super-hip in the States.
>typical anime fans used to be predominately male, techie types, 70-80 percent college educated and between 25 and 30 years old. Today the US audience is 50:50 teenagers (mostly 14- and 15-year-olds) and adults, according to a recent survey at an SPJA expo in New York.typical anime fans used to be predominately male, techie types, 70-80 percent college educated and between 25 and 30 years old. Today the US audience is 50:50 teenagers (mostly 14- and 15-year-olds) and adults, according to a recent survey at an SPJA expo in New York.
>Like other anime fans, Innes has his own Web site, AbsoluteAnime.com, where anime followers post their own bios and profiles. It's for fans to keep track of which character is which, he says.