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29188 No. 29188 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some of the worst anime you've ever seen, and why?
It could be objectively bad or just something you hated for personal reasons.
11 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38598 [Edit]
>why do some people believe abusive relationships are comedy gold?
I feel this way about the disappearing akarin gag in yuru yuri. I could not watch s1 and s2 because of it, ignoring a friend is not very yuru.
>> No. 38599 [Edit]
So it was CR adapting Korean shit into anime? Fuck, I hate them even more now.
>> No. 38625 [Edit]
Psycho-Pass 2nd season. The story was so nonsensical and disrespectful towards the lore of the first season that it actually made me stop watching anime for a while. Only good aspect was the OP song.
I also didn't like Girlish Number, and at this point I can't really remember why. Something about the humor being unfunny or the characters being cunty or meandering plot. Probably all 3. Designs were at least cute.
>> No. 38626 [Edit]
It is funny. I think it's a bit ridiculous to take cartoon antics like that too seriously.

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35476 No. 35476 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
A thread for anime you have something to say about but don't want to make a thread for. Thought that this might be a good alternative to the seasonal anime thread and encourage people to post more.

Post edited on 23rd Feb 2021, 11:02pm
500 posts and 241 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38621 [Edit]
Art being subjective is a narrative propagated by western art academia so they can peddle their crap. There's contemporary art, which is made by people more interested in being living works of art than creating it, "modern art", which is pretty much a money-laundering scheme, and low-quality/primitive art made by their preferred minorities. They need the shield of subjectivity so people will keep taking them seriously and not compare their stuff to what's good.
>> No. 38622 [Edit]
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I think Aquatope looked nice. I don't think there's anything wrong with the 'aesthetics' of modern anime but a lot of shows suffer from bad productions that make them end up looking bland or ugly, but that's always an issue.
>> No. 38623 [Edit]
Maybe this should be forked to /tat/ but yeah I agree it's mostly just cost cutting. Also for the genres I like visuals are sort of the least important factor, character development is by far the most important and I'd even argue that shows from 2010+ are orders of magnitude better in this regard (again with respect to the particular genres I'm interested in).
>> No. 38624 [Edit]
Yeah, I think there's lots of anime being made now that have better art than beetrain's for example.

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2446 No. 2446 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's have a thread for "old" stuff (i.e. not from the newest season) that you're catching up on.

Pic related: I'm watching Hidamari Sketch x 365 (AKA the second season). I've been thinking for awhile lately that I wanted to watch something with a "weird" character like Osaka/Rin, and Miyako kinda fits the bill, so this was just what I'm looking for.

What are you watching?
988 posts and 350 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38606 [Edit]
I started Mushishi last week. I'm watching an episode every day or so before bed.
I'm enjoying it. The self-contained stories are interesting, and the show does a good job of bringing you to a strange, yet beautiful world.
It's a very nice change of pace for me.
>> No. 38607 [Edit]
Mushishi is top tier. Rare example of popular anime actually being good. I liked it too.
>> No. 38608 [Edit]
I'm re-watching Kanon after about 12 years because I never finished it at the time.
The Makoto arc was sad. I really like Mai.
>> No. 38609 [Edit]
>The Makoto arc was sad.
All these years later, and I still don't know whether the ending was hopeful.

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30778 No. 30778 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
146 posts and 107 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38602 [Edit]
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And the mascots.
>> No. 38603 [Edit]
IIRC I once saw some anime where a girl saw such stickers sold and the one with her printed wasn't selling and she got upset. Or maybe I'm imagining. By the way there was an anime where anime and manga characters would become alive to fight against something. There was a huge robot and a girl with a sword of fire. I don't remember the name, don't you know it!? Please somebody...
>> No. 38604 [Edit]
I have fond memories of it
>> No. 38605 [Edit]
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9259 No. 9259 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
In this thread, we discuss and point out regular cliches and common occurrences found in anime.
a example would be the well known protag seat, but there are many out there, some more obvious than others.

Just to start things off, this is one I've been seeing a lot of.
Characters who fail to notice obvious things directly in front of them, often times needing someone to point it out for them.
305 posts and 133 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38561 [Edit]
It's certainly happier that way, when that doesn't happen you get Kagami in Lucky Star.
>> No. 38562 [Edit]
I hate school theatre episodes in general. There is never anything funny or new.
>> No. 38586 [Edit]
There is breast envy as a common trope, in particular in more Slice-of-Life-ish shows. I think it's fair to say that this counts as an anime cliche. I don't know if it's as common these days as it used to be, but for a bit this was very common.
>> No. 38587 [Edit]
I like that it's never too mean spirited, it's sort of in good faith.

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38537 No. 38537 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I just finished this show.

It was a roller coaster ride.

How could a show make you cry like a bitch but also horny at the same time?

Also, Kuro Kagami is cute but bitchy loli.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38563 [Edit]
Too pedo for me. You can't even pretened she's a 1000yo demon in the body of a loli.
>> No. 38566 [Edit]
>How could a show make you cry like a bitch but also horny at the same time?
Wait until you read the manga. The ending is glorious.
>> No. 38584 [Edit]

It is a shame it was banned in the US.
>> No. 38585 [Edit]

You are gay.

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33339 No. 33339 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's post reviews of anime when we finish watching them!

It doesn't have to be from this season; any anime is fine!

I'll post the first review ITT
590 posts and 279 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38579 [Edit]
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Great Pretender is an organized crime anime about con artists going around the world, deceiving the morally bankrupt through convoluted plots that probably cost almost as much as they make. The main character is a naive, wannabe crook who gets roped into these plots against his will.

Great Pretender is good at creating a sense of suspense and surprise. A lot of the time, you don't have much more idea of what's going on than whoever is getting scammed. The character dynamics are also serviceable, but lack a satisfying conclusion. Abigail, who's kind of a more down to earth Revy, especially could have had more in this department. The main character's arc though is good.

The art style is a little unique and the production value is decent.

This is a Netflix licensed anime. I don't know how much, if any influence that had on creative decisions. If you look for it, maybe you'd get that sense from a few things. It didn't affect my overall enjoyment and nothing was egregious. I would recommend Great Pretender if you liked Black Lagoon, or anime with multiple, mostly self-contained stories.

Post edited on 10th Nov 2024, 4:14pm
>> No. 38581 [Edit]
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Last anime I saw was Magical Canan.
I feel like there's not a lot to say about it. It's an extremely cliché magical girl anime with every trope you can imagine, and what seemed to be a low budget. So low they didn't even have an OP done till the show was half way aired. I checked it out after seeing the art which gave me some nurse witch and pop-tan vibes, and sure enough Watanabe, Akio was attached to it. That and I've seen a lot of older magical girl anime, and this one some how slipped under my radar.
It's a bit of a monster of the week with seeds infecting trouble making people, turning them into monsters. Like with Nanoha it's got a mascot that turns out to be humanoid, but not before the protag does some embarrassing stuff with the mascot.
One thing I didn't really see coming is that they actually kill one of the girls.
For the most part it does follow pretty typical formulas and patterns. There's an ojou-sama type magical girl who was pretty fun and a nice reveal.
It was a bit more pervy than I expected with panty shots all over the place, but for the time it comes from it isn't really abnormal.
...I'm really struggling to think of anything mention worthy from this.
Can't say I'd recommend it, it's really dull. It might be a magical girl anime but it isn't particularly cute and can look down right ugly at times. It's also not much fun either, with a lot of it revolving around family drama. I'd say watch literally any other magical girl anime and you'd probably have a better experience.
>> No. 38582 [Edit]
>I'd say watch literally any other magical girl anime and you'd probably have a better experience.
Even Meguca?
>> No. 38583 [Edit]
No. Being Meguca is suffering.

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37581 No. 37581 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
62 posts and 41 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38441 [Edit]
Season 2 announced
>> No. 38443 [Edit]
Still haven't watched the first season, but neat. Though I suppose this was inevitable.
>> No. 38444 [Edit]
I bet they'll ruin it, if they haven't already. Didn't watch it, though. It's too over hyped, and whatever [italic]they[italic] love, I oppose.
>> No. 38580 [Edit]
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I'm surprised you don't see social media managers just playing with figurines or fumos more often

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38501 No. 38501 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Urobuchi's puppetkino.
8 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38510 [Edit]
>> No. 38511 [Edit]
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>> No. 38559 [Edit]
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As part of rewatching most of the earlier seasons, I rewatched the part where Shou meets the makaismith and seeing this part after recently watching the last episode, led to me wondering if there is a connection being made between the two auroras which I believe are the only ones shown in the series and that perhaps the shinkai makai are an inside job. Consider that the episode where Shou meets the "smith" naturally is when Azibelpher shows himself posessing the means to travel through time and allegedly preview results. This adjacency could be a hint. The makaismith also claims to have awoke in a different world and says that "in this place the links between time and space become unstable" and wonders whether "the hand of god is involved". And I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Azibelpher isn't the only one who could control time magic, assuming he himself wasn't involved, and altering events through time seems perfect for political manipulation. Moreover there's already implications at multi-dimensional layers being accessesed elsewhere in the demon realm world this season, such as the demon gods themselves who, conveniently, emerged at the same time. They were summoned but supposedly can't be returned and so must be worshiped. The demonking seems superficially obsessed with maintaining peace, which itself has been the fondation of s4's subplots, and so with that image it would align that the shinkai makai were a way of forcing the demons back so he could subjugate them in the way that he did. Perhaps the presently living characters are completely detached but there's a relation between the auroras all the same.
On a meta-level the first thing you see in the OP is the makaismith transporting his sword somewhere, and Urobuchi loves the conspiratory "it was x all along" twist, and there's even been a crossover video with kyubey from madoka and thunderbolt fantasy (

There's two main questions that immediately appear about this suspicion though; was Shou ending up where he did Azibelphers intent or is where they ended up
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>> No. 38565 [Edit]
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>If the demonking is not actually a demon at all, it kind of makes sense but beckons the question why he didn't try staging a counterattack against the demons...
So much speculation. Just wait until the demon lord turns out to be a little girl.

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8903 No. 8903 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Figured it would be better to keep it in one thread, rather than make a ton of small ones every so often...
1137 posts and 527 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38380 [Edit]
Atsuko Tanaka passed away today after a year of fighting an illness. She was most known for voicing Motoko in GitS, Caster in F/SN, and Harumi in Railgun.
>> No. 38415 [Edit]
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【葬送のフリーレン 】花畑を出す魔法
Atsuko Tanaka also voiced Flamme from Sousou no Frieren.
>> No. 38439 [Edit]
魔王様、リトライ!R Airs
>> No. 38564 [Edit]
Hiroya Oku to Work on New Manga

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33396 No. 33396 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How far into a series do you go before deciding to drop it? What are your thoughts on the "3 episode rule" that has become colloquial knowledge and a de-facto threshold?

This may vary between genres, but for the SoL genre I find character interactions are the most important aspect that define the show and it usually only takes one or two episodes to ascertain the pacing, mood, and style. Similarly for comedy, where usually one episode is sufficient to determine the style of humor.

The issue with this is that I often have the lurking fear that I may have missed out on a show that gets better at a later episode. While these are usually an exception, some shows like Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san or Animegataris improve midway through with the addition of a character or mild subversion of expectations. It seems absurd to watch an entire series that one has no interest in solely based on this fear of missing out though, so where do you draw the line in deciding to stop watching.
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>> No. 38104 [Edit]
Over the past year I've been trying to never drop anything. Even the most dogshit show I'll still finish. Sometimes I really have to force myself and for some shit I'm watching 5 minutes a day for weeks to months until I finish it. But at least I never feel the fear of missing out, because I never miss out anymore.

Now, this is actually pretty healthy in my opinion for anime because they're short and it trains you to finish what you start no matter what even if you have to force yourself, which can be helpful in other scenarios. But I also do it for VNs and I have now been reading White Album 2 for two years and I hate myself because it's just not my thing. Almost finished though I'm on coda.
>> No. 38113 [Edit]
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Use a player (eg. vlc) that can play at 1.5x speed without increasing the potch of the audio. Hehe.
>> No. 38512 [Edit]
After decades of anime experience I don't even start things that I won't like. But for those that I give a chance there is no real rule. In many cases I look into it and only need minutes till I can tell that it isn't for me and drop. Depends on the dialogues it has and how good or stupid/artificial they are, the designs, surroundings, the narrative etc.

Three episode rule happens when an anime is objectively fine and well-produced but failing to catch my attention. Current example: Dandadan. Looks fine, feMC isn't bad for once and everybody praises it. But the first two episodes bored me. I will give it three because of that since a few things seem to change with ep. 3. Might change my opinion. If not I drop it.

>fear that I may have missed out
I had this in the 00s. Watched so fucking much even if it was bad because I always thought "what if I miss a mind-blowing reveal or ending?" Here is the thing though, I eventually got a burnout and realised that the ending will never be good if the characters and writing isn't.
If scenes don't hit now they won't hit later. A bad series with bad characters and bad writing can incorporate a great twist or idea, but it won't work because the rest is bad. It's at best like good lyrics for a song and genre you hate.
>> No. 38513 [Edit]
This happened outside of anime, but I used to not drop anything, until I forced myself to watch the whole of the original Kamen Rider series, all 98 episodes and two short movies. That made me reevaluate my life. Now I am much less lenient, I've dropped series that were eight episodes long after watching only two, and halfway through I already knew I wouldn't go on. The only thing I can't really manage is to just stop halfway through an episode.

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