No. 36458
There's a difference in the kind of struggle you see in a SoL and the struggle of the real world. I think the difference is the honesty that >>36456 mentioned. In CGDCT/SoLs you may have some conflicts between friends and some fights, but the characters remain honest and open. Despite turmoil, there remains a clear-cut sense of rightness in the world, and uncertainty is only short-term is nature. Put another way, I would feel comfortable confessing my secrets, worries, and dreams (if I had any) to them [characters in a CGDCT/SoL], and I'd be confident that they would patiently listen, smile and accept me, for no other reason that they are fundamentally kind people.
In the real world, people are selfish by necessity, all actions are ultimately taken from the framework of maximizing personal gain (even actions like "donating to a charity" are a farce to increase the schmuck's vanity). People are not fundamentally "good", but rather fundamentally opportunistic and self-serving (which can at times appear to manifest as "good" depending on the circumstance).
In the context of the real world, the platitude that "struggle builds character" is mostly used as a back-rationalization/means of coping with the unpleasant circumstances one finds himself in, and ultimately as a means of trying to attribute some purposefulness to the struggle.
Post edited on 25th Aug 2022, 10:25pm