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File 156408779067.jpg - (262.48KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 01 [1080.jpg )
33153 No. 33153 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's a slice of life comedy about cute high school girls doing arguably cute things. Enough said.
16 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33458 [Edit]
It's over-populated. There's more people in Japan than there are people in Texas and Japan is way smaller than Texas.
>> No. 33461 [Edit]
Populations naturally adapt to the land and what it can comfortably support(first world ones anyway), Japan is not the only one going through this, Germany was(I don't know about now because of all the migrants), Italy is and most eastern European states are.

Most western states have large immigrant populations and are still receiving more and in cases like Australia, the US and Canada they also still have large amounts of land that can be used to expand into.
>> No. 33473 [Edit]
File 156915196247.jpg - (364.97KB , 2560x1440 , [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 11 [1080.jpg )
What a fantastic ep. I've seen this same kind of set up countless times, and they always pull a copout for the sake of a cheap laugh while putting off the issue at hand to keep the status quo. I fully expected them to do the same here and it looked like they were going in that direction, only to turn things around at the last minute and actually tackle the issue head on for what ended up being the best resolution one could realistically hope for there. Good stuff.
>> No. 33488 [Edit]
File 156938256242.jpg - (250.79KB , 1280x720 , [Erai-raws] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 08 [720p]_m.jpg )
We've been found out.

File 156223988649.png - (555.80KB , 1280x738 , realplayer2019-07-04-04h24m00s837.png )
33060 No. 33060 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A half length show starring Hotaru as a distinctly unmagical girl and ditzy senpai. Seems like it might be based on a 4-koma type comic, first ep was pretty entertaining. Every time she pulls a trick, it gets botched resulting in unintended fanserivce instead of magic
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>> No. 33469 [Edit]
It really is. 10 minute episodes with no story you have to concentrate on. It's like junk food anime and it's fucking great.
>> No. 33470 [Edit]
File 156906366777.png - (1.42MB , 1920x1080 , 17.png )
I think I will watch one episode every day for the next couple of weeks. At the end I should have a mighty collection of fun screenshots to share.
>> No. 33472 [Edit]
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How lewd
>> No. 33479 [Edit]
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33235 No. 33235 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has anyone here seen this?
21 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33373 [Edit]
This is a show about a bunch of young woman going to the gym to lose a bit of weight. It's not a high-intensity sports show about obsessively commiting yourself to a single pursuit. Either way, there's no good reason to complain about minute details like how they animate weight lifting not being accurate to real life, and on top of that complaining about anime as a whole, creators making doujin instead of "talking to real woman"(???) and "basement dwellers".
>> No. 33374 [Edit]
I agree, those kind of complaints are silly. This show is a comedy, which they would know if they watched beyond the first episode.
>> No. 33403 [Edit]
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru has better muscle. Heh.
>> No. 33405 [Edit]
You could’ve just posted the ED.

File 15678948918.jpg - (104.52KB , 1200x675 , a_madoka.jpg )
33380 No. 33380 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is it about Madoka that inspires such ardent fervor among its fanbase? While it's a fun watch and the impact on the viewer is of course subjective, even among other popular/hyped series Madoka seems to have a disproportionately vocal cross-section of fans, even moreso than other SHAFT works (e.g. Monogatari).

While the "twist" on the Mahou Shoujo genre might have been interesting (I am not a particular fan of the genre so I cannot speak as to wheter it was actually novel), that alone doesn't really seem to be substantive enough to explain it. Was it just the combination of the artwork and mildly "dark" plot combined with the sprinkling of symbolism to provide a thin layer of depth that nonetheless remains accessible?

There's some who claim that it grapples with essential truths like "what are good intentions," "what's the nature of evil," (all conveniently wrapped up in a Rorsarch-esque fog of moral ambiguity that makes it prime material for over the top analysis), but such grand and overarching themes seem like they could found in almost any piece of work. Certainly not enough to make claims as bold as "greatest story ever told" (which although might have been initially in jest, probably does reflect to some degree the reverence some have for this particular work). And not to mention the downright veneration many seem to share for Homura.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33386 [Edit]
I think it's simply because it is a more mature Mahou Shoujo targetted at an older audience, an average adult anime fan is more likely to like Madoka than Precure.
>> No. 33387 [Edit]
File 156792235286.jpg - (125.93KB , 600x450 , 1093620544307.jpg )
Keep telling yourself that kiddo.
>> No. 33388 [Edit]
I know(I actually watch Precure myself) but it's still less mainstream among adults particularly in the west(for example it's not even subbed by horrible subs).
>> No. 33392 [Edit]
The idea here seems to be that Madoka is appreciated because of its intellectual insight, and that this is largely not justified. Neither claim is correct, but let's start with the first one. Madoka has the production and direction values, not to mention great moe characters. Add to that the emotional nature of its storytelling, and Madoka already deserves to be remembered. But going deep into what makes the characters so good is a lot of work, and many that only feel the moe but can't really think about it will take the easy way out to justify their love, which is saying the anime is "deep". It's a simple claim, and in casual conversation it's quite hard to falsify. But I want to stress this: if these people loved Madoka for intellectual reasons, as OP seems to believe, they'd talk about Camus or Nietzsche instead of Madoka.

Second, when it comes to whether or not Madoka's intellectual side is "substantive enough", OP is right to disqualify himself right off the bat. Tl;dr is that Madoka has some good commentary to add to the first story arc of Sailor Moon, but the conclusion of its thought isn't much to celebrate. It's the problem that is more interesting, and even then, it's core dates from the early nineties.

1) Mahou Shoujo was about self-sacrifice even before Sailor Moon, but SM managed to choose the exact right points to focus on. Those are: what constitutes a "pure heart", the isolation the heroines experience, and the absolute and absolutely silent manner of their sacrifice. It's a classic tragic story, except for the absence of corruption - the girls simply die. And here we see the first thing Madoka has to add: truly classical tragedies show how the protagonist is heroic but succumbs to evil and self-destructs.
2) The second move Madoka makes is a little bolder: it forgets how SM was retconned to have a happy ending, and asks what the implications would have been if the story of SM would have ended there. Should we take it to mean that in times of great danger, some misfits give their lives for people who ostracized them in the first place, and that's it? Is there no way to escape this fate? Ultimately, Madoka deems existence itself tragic - the only way out is to go outside "existence". Going even further, you could say t
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33102 No. 33102 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You can donate directly to KyoAni by buying high-res images from their store. Comments below the twitter post show you how to do it.
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>> No. 33259 [Edit]
Don't forget he directed Maid Dragon.
>> No. 33322 [Edit]
he was chief director for all of the shows composed/written by Gatoh (KyoAni FMP, AmaBuri, and Hyouka which for some reason is never mentioned) and directed the Haruhi movie, Maiddragon, Komugi-Chan, and one of the Free movies
>> No. 33323 [Edit]
File 156694190678.png - (382.95KB , 640x480 , [Exiled-Destiny]_Nurse_Witch_Komugi-chan_Ep04_(067.png )
Komugi is seriously underappreciated. It was such a fun series.
>> No. 33368 [Edit]
Come on, guys. Peace.
Clannad Dango Daikazoku だんご大家族(Great Dango Family)

File 15611977732.jpg - (65.99KB , 844x477 , sword.jpg )
33003 No. 33003 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are there any other anime girl characters that have a handblade similar to what is depicted in this pic?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33082 [Edit]
Umineko no Naku Koro ni ?
>> No. 33084 [Edit]
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>> No. 33087 [Edit]
Kanade from Angel Beats.
>> No. 33213 [Edit]
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I forgot about her blades. I only remember the wings.

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33120 No. 33120 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I forgot if I dropped the oringal DanMachi or not so I checked out ep1 of s2 and dropped it about halfway through.
I realize thats kind of a bummer to open the thread with.

File 144188033562.jpg - (143.46KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs]_THE_iDOLM@STER_CINDERELLA_GIRLS_-_1.jpg )
23946 No. 23946 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What a fucking poser.

It just dawned on me. She's this series's Makoto.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 27419 [Edit]
File 147974243753.png - (667.99KB , 768x960 , 1455784330838.png )
Didn't I see this exact post on /a/ four-years ago?

Ahah, the show only came out practically two-years ago.

Post edited on 21st Nov 2016, 7:43am
>> No. 27430 [Edit]
I accidentally made this thread when I meant to reply to the IM@S;CG thread. I thought I deleted this post...
>> No. 27435 [Edit]
Makoto was cute, though.
>> No. 33088 [Edit]
File 156314297868.jpg - (74.56KB , 850x379 , 20190718.jpg )
Cutest boy ever

File 155512539928.jpg - (127.93KB , 1280x720 , Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san.jpg )
32780 No. 32780 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A cute little 800 year old fox girl pampers a lonely officer worker.
15 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 32946 [Edit]
>If I were that guy I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself.
The latest episode did in fact touch on this. The way MC just dismisses the issue that Senko is probably projecting her feelings/guilt over his ancestor onto him quite unsatisfying emotionally.

But on the other hand the reason he gave is ultimately practical and I don't fault him for just being content with Senko's company. Even though it may only be a facade, having Senko around is probably more comforting for him than not having anyone at all, much in the same way watching the show provides the viewer with comforting escapism.
>> No. 32951 [Edit]
File 155924679128.jpg - (184.96KB , 2560x1440 , [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 08 .jpg )
I noticed that, and it seems they doubled down on it for ep8. I guess they must have figured many viewers were thinking the same thing. So it's nice to see them address it. Like they say it doesn't really help things to worry about good times coming to an end and you shouldn't let that stop you from enjoying the moment.
>> No. 33030 [Edit]
File 156187401964.jpg - (199.31KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 10 .jpg )
No kidding...
>> No. 33085 [Edit]
File 156305479344.jpg - (251.37KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 12 .jpg )
At this point, any sane person who isn't a complete and total bitch would just hang up the phone.

File 155589454917.jpg - (199.64KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p]_mkv_sn.jpg )
32821 No. 32821 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
An otaku takes home a 1/6 scale figure only to discover she's alive.
36 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33033 [Edit]
The anime skipped that part, actually it skipped quite a lot of non-essential parts. You should give it a read, it's actually pretty short.
>> No. 33034 [Edit]
I started reading it but it seemed like a 1-1 adaptation (just with more nudity) so I didn't keep up with it. Does the manga really go into stuff the anime doesn't?
>> No. 33035 [Edit]
Off topic but can it be cleaned?
I never experienced it with plastics, I never had any figures though. I get similar damage with rubber, rubberized non slip coatings, stuff like that. Shit's turning back to raw latex.
Digging through old stuff I found some binoculars that look like they were dipped in a bucket of glue. I've no idea what to do with them.
>> No. 33050 [Edit]
File 156212143093.jpg - (523.31KB , 1920x1080 , IMG_20190702_190955-1920x1080.jpg )
It's a little sticky but nothing you can't wipe off with a damp cloth. Here's a photo of a figure I've noticed has this problem. It's not supposed to be this glossy, and that's because of the oil leaking.

Post edited on 2nd Jul 2019, 7:39pm

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28340 No. 28340 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A group of large mentally challenged people band together take a bite out of crime in a small gated community. Meanwhile a group of spiderman cosplayers try to thank them by relieving them of their neck pains.
26 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33017 [Edit]
Watching it to see how it ends. But it lost its lustre when it was still new & fresh. The author needs to focus on what it does the action adventure side and less on the haphazard politics and poorly thought-out "mysteries".
>> No. 33018 [Edit]
File 156159035763.jpg - (667.56KB , 2560x1440 , [HorribleSubs]_Shingeki_no_Kyojin_S3_-_56_[1080p]_.jpg )
That's some fucking think plot armor...

Same here. From the start I thought the titan designs were stupid and I disliked the gore porn aspect, but that underdog struggle for survival aspect made the first season interesting. Things really did get lame though when it tried to go political or mystery. I mean I was curious about what the titans are, where they come from, why they're attacking and so on, but then no one freaking asks these questions. It just makes things frustrating. I just want to see how this shit show ends.
>> No. 33026 [Edit]
After that holocaust shit with the dogs I felt like dropping this and would have done so if it wasn't for sunk cost fallacy. At this point I don't particular enjoy the show but instead follow along because I've made it this far and feel that I may as well see it through to the end.
>> No. 33032 [Edit]
File 156187540833.jpg - (181.53KB , 1689x950 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Did Eren's dad never think to themselves "gee my son's friends have the same names the guy who saved my life mentioned, what a funny coincidence!"

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