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File 150882957954.jpg - (159.36KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
29589 No. 29589 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Anime about anime girls forming an anime club with other anime fans to watch anime and talk about anime. Also, anime.
63 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30165 [Edit]
File 151505137724.jpg - (123.34KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - 11 [720p]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
They caught some of that nasty 80s virus that's been going around lately.
>> No. 30180 [Edit]
File 151512096564.jpg - (139.19KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - 11 [720p]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
Well it's over now and I gotta say, This was a pretty nice anime up till ep8. They covered most of the bases for the fandom, The different sides and branches of it, the kinds of fans you see, and so on. Granted they glossed over or ignored most of the more ugly parts of it, such as the mental disorders, depression, and they didn't really touch on waifus much. It would have been great if they kept things going like that. Then ep8 came along and they started going off the rails, meta, then full retard by the end. I really have no idea what the fuck those last few ep were, It's like it turns into a completely different anime at that point. After that point this anime went to shit and everything about it was horrible, but It was also strangely entertaining. It was like watching a train wreck.
>> No. 30181 [Edit]
File 151512104391.jpg - (134.50KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - 11 [720p]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
and by full retard, I really do mean Full Retard.
>> No. 30220 [Edit]
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File 151527364287.jpg - (159.93KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hoshiiro Girldrop - 01 [720p]_mkv_s.jpg )
30203 No. 30203 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone else here watching this? It's about a generic high school boy finding out that he's engaged to the leader of a hit idol group.
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>> No. 30212 [Edit]
File 151527599153.jpg - (210.04KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hoshiiro Girldrop - 01 [720p]_mkv_s.jpg )
I don't understand how her classmates don't know. It's not like she looks any different on stage. Are they pretending not to know so she can have a normal school life? The way that one group of girls acted when she walked into the classroom makes me think that surely they must know.

Live and learn. I think you're exaggerating a bit, but all the same everyone's an idiot when they're young. He'll get over it I'm sure.
>> No. 30213 [Edit]
He better!
>> No. 30214 [Edit]
I'm sure they'll probably introduce the blue haired girl who will fight pink for MC's cock, then the blond girl on the third ep. That's how these things usually go.
>> No. 30215 [Edit]
It's kind of a shame they did the "parents going overseas" cliche because the parents could have been a good opportunity to have some episodes serious in tone to encourage family values and the return of the arranged marriage.
I'm sure whatever serious episodes they do do will be centered around the red haired succubus girl with the doll. Her name is clever wordplay on succubus, by the way. I was impressed the translators didn't fuck that one up. I watched the hardsub version on nyaa and it was fine.

Oh? I've never actually watched an idol anime before.
I hope the slutty teacher is part of the harem, too. She's the cutest imo.

File 151463516220.png - (513.95KB , 560x994 , anime screencap2017-12-30-03h27m11s252.png )
30133 No. 30133 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
nine year old girl run a restaurant by herself with predictable results
produced in iphone format
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>> No. 30148 [Edit]
>depressingly realistic.
I can't help but think in the real world this would go one of two ways; A large chunk of the town would visit the shop regularly out of pity/charity, or social services would step in and dump her off in a foster home if they couldn't find a relative to leave her with.
>> No. 30178 [Edit]
Although I don't think it works that well, I'm glad to see any innovation in an industry that is often so stagnant.
It seems that clearly this show had a very low budget, so it probably would have been downright bad anyway. At least this format allows them to stand out and also save money. As for the content of the show itself, it's better than I expected. The jokes sometimes fall flat but it's not exactly trying to be some revolutionary commentary on the human condition, it's just a light hearted show to watch on your phone while you're on the train going to your depressing office job. Overall, I think it's good that this show exists.
>> No. 30189 [Edit]
I agree. While the format designed for phones doesn't entirely work, it isn't something I've seen before and even though it doesn't entirely work, at least it is trying to do something.

And honestly, while the format isn't great for watching in the way that I watch anime, as a format for as you say
>to watch on your phone while you're on the train going to your depressing office job
it does make a lot of sense to have something like this designed for small screens. It could be a niche product designed for that market in Japan going forward.

I probably won't watch the rest of this myself but it is an interesting development, even though I highly doubt that the concept will go much further if this show flops.
>> No. 30191 [Edit]
I found while watching this that it worked and looked okay on my cell. The thing is I watch a lot of video on my phone and this is why the gimmick is a double edged sword. Sure it's unique and stands out, but it's redundant because -ANY- video can be watched on a smart phone by simply turn the phone on it's side and it'll take up the full screen, meanwhile this video format limits them to mainly just smart phones held in the vertical position. There's tons of anime made for watching on your phone, or in short bursts while waiting on ramen to cook. The reason no one has done this before is because it isn't very practical.

File 149178004625.png - (816.90KB , 1280x720 , 00060610_1031740.png )
28336 No. 28336 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
This season's cute girls doing cute things anime.
48 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29091 [Edit]
File 149983650246.jpg - (139.99KB , 1280x720 , wtf.jpg )
I have a hard time figuring out what to make of this anime. It started out as being very high in quality, cute, and generally wholesome. The quality then dropped after ep3 and they started using these really bizarre and oddly perverted eyecatchs at the ends of the eps. As if that wasn't enough they started sticking in some really random bits of awkward fanservice, like out of nowhere focusing in on character's panties while they talk, but it's so seldom done you can't call this a fan service style anime, and instead it simply feels weird. One amusing aspect of this anime is the premises is about creating a stage group and acting, yet that gets sidelined and basically used as an excuse to show the characters in cute outfits. I mean don't get me wrong, I love that sort of thing, but the way it's done here makes me almost feel guilty about it. The anime feels very shallow, deceptive, and I almost want to say exploitative in how it handles this. It reminds me of those old 80s movies that have bare bones plots to justify the director being a massive pervert with the actresses mixed with mindless action/explosions for the brain dead fans, But with cute girls doing cute or semi-lewd things instead.
I don't know how to properly describe it other than to say this anime is just really strange. It's like buying a strawberry shortcake from an adorable little shop run by nice friendly cute girls. Maybe you don't even want cake buy just buy it there anyway to see those girls in their cute uniforms or whatever. But then you take that cake home, look at it, see something that isn't right, and start to realize that's semen you're looking at on one of the strawberry. You start to wonder if it is then how did it get there, why it's there, if the girls at the shop are trying to tell you something, and if you should toss the cake out because of it and never go to that shop again.
>> No. 29092 [Edit]
File 14998365817.jpg - (138.41KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 10 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
This anime in a nutshell.
>> No. 30187 [Edit]
File 151517575699.jpg - (121.03KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 03 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Really is cute.
Picked it up after, I think, seeing the director has done other shows I liked.
>> No. 30195 [Edit]
So I believe she said 'black tea' but the subtitles said 'coffee'.
Not to mentioned it was poured out of a tea-pot.

File 151505337320.png - (1.51MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-03-20h29m08s772.png )
30166 No. 30166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
apparently there was a new konosuba ova that came out somewhat recently and nobody went out of their way to tell me about it.
pretty lucky finding something like this during the preseason doldrums
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30228 [Edit]
File 151531289111.png - (1.62MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h19m33s462.png )
plenty of butt in this one
>> No. 30229 [Edit]
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>> No. 30230 [Edit]
File 151531317672.png - (1.60MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h03m10s130.png )
there was some other nice anime ass too
>> No. 30231 [Edit]
File 151531341952.png - (2.29MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h09m03s732.png )
and explosions

File 150865299839.jpg - (85.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Juuni Taisen - 02 [720p]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
29586 No. 29586 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
12 trained killers each representing different members of the Chinese Zodiac square off in an battle royal to the death.
14 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30155 [Edit]
For some it might just be starting.
>> No. 30156 [Edit]
I meant that there's no point in betting nor guessing openly when the outcome is already known.
>> No. 30157 [Edit]
True, but their post is most likely a reference to the Dead Pool movie, and not betting on the outcome of this anime.
>> No. 30163 [Edit]
As annoying as he was, I think it's a shame he was the only character who didn't get any backstory. I'm mildly curious what drove him to become so fucked up.

File 151463471794.png - (299.63KB , 853x482 , anime screencap2017-12-30-03h48m28s211.png )
30130 No. 30130 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
sadistic OL comes home from work every day, gets drunk and berates her husband
alcoholism is moe
special feature: they show you how to make what she's drinking
>> No. 30162 [Edit]
File 151497754146.jpg - (142.23KB , 850x621 , 20180102.jpg )
Drunk moe? I'm on board with that..

File 151497489466.png - (450.09KB , 853x482 , anime screencap2018-01-03-02h13m12s502.png )
30160 No. 30160 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
first anime of the new year, a story about girls traveling to antarctica to try and see the earth's pantsu. kinda overmoe to the point of being saccharine but maybe not. twin spica had that problem but it was still good.

File 150757389965.jpg - (500.32KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Kino no Tabi (2017) - 01 [1080p]_mk.jpg )
29540 No. 29540 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It has the magic of the first series.

There's a good amount more CGI than I would have liked, but it's only really jarring in the first scene so far.
38 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30096 [Edit]
All I know is she picked the worst possible time to bring it up. After living in that country for 12 years you'd think she'd know how big of a deal the surgery is, and she should have an idea what her parents are like and how they might react. Instead she comes out in front of a group of people, one of which seems to be in a position of power. The hell was she thinking?
>> No. 30097 [Edit]
She was 12, give her a break. Kids are all idiots.
>> No. 30144 [Edit]
File 151476842536.jpg - (162.17KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Holy sheep, what the flock was this episode?
>> No. 30145 [Edit]
File 151476921992.jpg - (135.09KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kino no Tabi (2017) - 12 [720p]_mkv.jpg )
......................Why not drive along it's edge?

File 15090733656.jpg - (123.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susume - 01 [720p]_mkv_s.jpg )
29606 No. 29606 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is the story of a 30 year old NEET who becomes addicted to an MMO and falls in love with another player.
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>> No. 30127 [Edit]
That's japan for you. They're industry leading in manufacturing and designing electronics, but they tend to be a few years behind on actually implementing them in home and work settings.
>> No. 30137 [Edit]
File 151471754597.jpg - (109.41KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susume - 11 [720p]_mkv_s.jpg )
The way ep10 ended and 11 started I thought maybe they were skipping ahead a bit and the characters were moving in together. Were that the case I might have declared this the single best ending to a romance anime ever. Actual outcome was a bit disappointing but at least they're 'sort of' a couple at the end of the day.
>> No. 30141 [Edit]
I marathoned it yesterday.

Basically 'You've got mail' in MMORPG version, and I'm a fan of neither. I mean I do love romance and the premise was ok, but didn't hit home; maybe it lacked true conflict.

Mori-mori was really cute, though (I kept hearing Sawako peeking through her voice). Would have loved to see more of that killer body of her.
>> No. 30142 [Edit]
>Would have loved to see more of that killer body of her.

being ecchi in a romance thread is against the rules of common courtesy and good taste.

File 150017563750.jpg - (61.66KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_02_[h264-720p][5CC3C3F5]_mk.jpg )
29121 No. 29121 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Fate will never end, will it?
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>> No. 30081 [Edit]
Man I don't know what the fuck happened with ep22. Production quality has been going down hill as this anime went on, but it just sort of nose dived at that point. Although the animation was so over the top and insane I can't say I really blame them. I couldn't even follow along with what was happening half the time, it got to be like a bad acid trip during some of those fights.
>> No. 30134 [Edit]
File 151468647275.jpg - (57.20KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_24_[h264-720p][076597B8]_mk.jpg )
Cool sword fight bro.
>> No. 30139 [Edit]
File 151471806684.jpg - (96.72KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_23_[h264-720p][1EA7AE93]_mk.jpg )
Did this mofo seriously rip out his own eye and toss it into a room his servant had just kicked his ass out of? And without taking off his sunglasses?
>> No. 30168 [Edit]
File 151505579727.jpg - (92.41KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_23_[h264-720p][1EA7AE93]_mk.jpg )
Member when Fate was gud? I memeber...

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