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File 147298180759.jpg - (11.21KB , 259x194 , Rozen Maiden.jpg )
26902 No. 26902 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What episode of the original Rozen Maiden is your favorite /an/??.
19 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29028 [Edit]
I couldn't agree more anon.
>> No. 29029 [Edit]
File 149894686893.jpg - (15.78KB , 300x225 , 300.jpg )
When they befriend kanaria
>> No. 29031 [Edit]
File 149895584445.gif - (329.28KB , 200x200 , shinkuani1.gif )
thats in träumend, not in the original RM (as stated in OP). Sorry to be a stickler about these things (not on your account, but on account of that ep, which I agree is very good), but that post shouldn't be in this thread, it should be in the träumend thread


fukkin plebs u can't hang with me - i'm getting out of this thread
>> No. 29056 [Edit]
Kanaria is a great character.

File 149905276966.jpg - (912.17KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
29039 No. 29039 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is absolutely great.

If Japan has any sense at all, they will make this show sell well enough to set a precedent for other production studios to make more of them.
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29048 [Edit]
>This is absolutely great.
No, this is just another generic moelove. If Japan had any sense at all they would stop making these shitty moe anime and start producing something good instead.
>> No. 29049 [Edit]
I forgot moe**shit** is changed to "moelove" here.
>> No. 29050 [Edit]
japs like cute, Americans don't, and japs don't care what Americans like or don't like. That should be common sense.
>> No. 29094 [Edit]
At this point posts like these honestly seem to be delibrate just to stir some sort of conversation.

File 149903949213.png - (452.15KB , 853x482 , anime screencap2017-07-02-16h48m08s085.png )
29036 No. 29036 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i'm glad that there is an anime addressing the topic of gratuitous sexual displays of human flesh in public. athletics is often the excuse for this kind of offensive behavior.

File 149121523326.jpg - (36.33KB , 640x488 , daki dude.jpg )
28242 No. 28242 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
waiting between seasons for new anime fukkin sucks
7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 28300 [Edit]
File 149165034397.png - (1.04MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-04-08-04h02m09s218.png )
due to the season gap i got motivated enough to go find the hozuki no reistsu ovas i hadn't seen yet, very worth doing and good
>> No. 29018 [Edit]
File 149886851819.png - (935.41KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-03-03-00h17m03s385.png )
fukkin season gap again
>> No. 29019 [Edit]
I had a bad habit of slowly falling behind with anime and end with a few ep left after the anime finishes, so this isn't so bad for me.
>> No. 29025 [Edit]
regardless that, i still demand that you sympathize with my cause

File 148566430248.jpg - (169.15KB , 1280x720 , [BudLightSubs] Granblue Fantasy The Animation - 01.jpg )
27801 No. 27801 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There's a high fantasy story here somewhere, but so long as they keep the main girl's hands, collar bones and feet bare, I'll keep watching.
29 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 28986 [Edit]
File 149843487927.jpg - (98.88KB , 1280x720 , siero and bird.jpg )
Collest bird that I've seen in a while.
>> No. 28988 [Edit]
File 149843820175.jpg - (731.70KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Granblue Fantasy The Animation - 13.jpg )

the animation quality and art style alone had me sold from ep 1. It's a shame the animation quality took a nose dive in eps 11 and 12, but they made up for that in the beach epilogue.

The story not being garbage was certainly a plus, but wouldn't have really stopped me from watching it.
>> No. 28990 [Edit]
For me the artstyle wasn't particularly notable. I feel like I've seen it a few times before, though I couldn't tell you where, I'm a bit under the weather at present so my recall is not as I'd like it to be. I liked the backgrounds and the colours though. That's what stood out to me about it. You make very valid points though, I think that the reason KF did knock my socks off while this was 'solid but not amazing' to me was that I was expecting KF to be rubbish while Granblue Fantasy started off with decent visuals and didn't appear to be a cheap, crappy adaptation.
>> No. 30885 [Edit]
I loved this anime, it was fantastic and enthralling, and I don't understand the general complaints it got regarding it being mediocre or having underdeveloped plot. I disagree entirely. The characters themselves are the usual cliched JRPG stereotypes, but they are all cute and charismatic in their own way, to the point those cliches don't feel that forced nor unauthentic, specially when you're supposed to take this series in as projection of how a JRPG would play as an anime.

For example, when they reach the second town, and the little cutie is there waiting for them, it reminded me of that typical NPC that is everywhere and gives you missions or chats. The world feels as alive as any good RPG and they projected perfectly the feeling of people (at least in my case) who really get into the game. With the art sytle, the instrumentation, the music direction, etc. it's impossible not to feel this was a love letter to RPG fans and it shows that the people who made it have a true passion for the genre. Starting from the first episode, the characters "defeat" (i.e. kill) the enemies with magical achievement, there is no blood and it makes you forget it as something that is relevant besides progression. Whatever can be said about this series in general, it has to be admitted that the people in charge understood fully the effect a game has on a player, including the mental gymnastics that the player applies to keep enjoying the game, and emulated that feeling perfectly.

With that said, the series ends on episode 12, and then the episode 13 is a warped, fan-service, retelling of the events using the female MC instead of the male one you have seen for the all the previous. I found very bothersome because there wasn't any indication it would happen, so I was excited for the last episode only to find it's a shallow, CGDCT version of what you have already seen, but with an entirely different character and story dynamic, which imho detracts from the overall series. Same goes for the 14th (special) episode that was bundled with one of the BDs.

The story progresses from the viewpoint of you projecting into Gran and becoming the JRPG hero. Li
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File 149177911543.jpg - (888.83KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zouroku - 01 [1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
28330 No. 28330 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Now this is an interesting take on the japanese fantasy genre.

The magical lolis are about what you would expect from a fantasy series, but the main character is an old man who lives with his granddaughter.

It looks like it will have a good mix of cutesy stuff and story.
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>> No. 28743 [Edit]
File 149479320417.jpg - (783.37KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zouroku - 06 [1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
>that this series will be more about the journey than the destination, which isn't a bad thing.

I get that impression as well. The series reminds me a lot of Mahoro.
Lots of absolutely adorable stuff. Also lots of not so adorable stuff, and it goes back and forth quite fast.
>> No. 28786 [Edit]
File 149539355421.jpg - (684.28KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zouroku - 07 [1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
This is adorable.
>> No. 28831 [Edit]
File 149610757596.jpg - (696.46KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zouroku - 08 [1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
I'm not really a fan of the witch, but we'll see where they take the story from here.
>> No. 28989 [Edit]
File 149844173147.jpg - (600.40KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zouroku - 12 [1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
Well, that's certainly a definitive end to the series.
It's a shame this sold so poorly.

A full episode for the twins would've been nice, but having them thrown away and replaced with a girl that Sana literally just met is quite a slap in the face.

File 149297179847.jpg - (299.26KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uchouten Kazoku S2 - 03 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
28529 No. 28529 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Since the previous thread is in the archive, we need a new one.
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>> No. 28643 [Edit]
Man, tbose two tanuki twins are really annoying.
>> No. 28819 [Edit]
Best anime set in Kyoto?
>> No. 28984 [Edit]
File 149842966269.jpg - (294.28KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uchouten Kazoku S2 - 12 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
That was a great second season.

I hope we get a 3rd eventually.
>> No. 28987 [Edit]
In the end I still can't follow what's going on in Uchouten Kazoku.
I understand the episode by episode action but I just can't see the big picture.

File 149173529863.png - (1.05MB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2017-04-09-03h52m34s805.png )
28317 No. 28317 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
wtf is wrong with this girl's pussy lips?
41 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 28950 [Edit]
File 149778645690.jpg - (107.05KB , 736x733 , anime screencap2017-06-18-04h36m02s819.jpg )
and look at the huge flab crease on her abdomen, its practically ⅓ the length of her torso. theres nothing appealing about her compared to the other girls. i like the class rep girl with the cock fetish the best, but the nudist blonde neighbor is a close 2rd.
>> No. 28952 [Edit]
kirino is in much better shape and way hotter
people are calling this a siscon anime, but anyone attracted to saggy sad sack sagiri over the other girls has way weirder fetishes than incest. shitcon would be a better term
>> No. 29016 [Edit]
Imouto is about cute, not sexy. What a dumb-ass.
>> No. 30786 [Edit]
File 151832861274.gif - (5.15MB , 720x404 , eromanga.gif )
I gave this a shot. It wasn't anywhere as bad as people made it seem to be. I'd even say it was better than Oreimo if you were to remove Kuroneko from it, and definitely better than it if you only take S1 into account. It's entertaining, cute, has very decent production values, and great tsundere and imouto interactions if that appeals to you. The sister is nowhere near as abusive, entitled nor idiotic as Kirino and she's technically not the MC's sister (not a spoiler), so the love she has for him makes much more sense within the story. The MC is also a much more sympathetic character and I never felt like he was a moron for taking care of Sagiri. Definitely above average for an ecchi / harem series.
This is hilarious.

File 148403360199.jpg - (70.44KB , 314x450 , 82950l.jpg )
27672 No. 27672 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
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>> No. 28106 [Edit]
Ro, no contest.
>> No. 28198 [Edit]
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>> No. 28315 [Edit]
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>> No. 28821 [Edit]
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File 147607012146.jpg - (82.99KB , 1280x720 , [MagnAvaloN] Gi(a)rlish Number - 01v2 [720p]_mkv_s.jpg )
27108 No. 27108 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Damn, this anime is harsh. The cute smiling girl on the front and the 'slice-of-life' tag are intentionally deceptive.
I don't know if my soul can take it.
>> No. 27137 [Edit]
File 147634747353.jpg - (113.97KB , 640x854 , 1476238736386.jpg )
Why aren't you watching Flip Ship Dip?
>> No. 27139 [Edit]
Who says one can't have it both ways?
>> No. 28784 [Edit]
I could never really forget about this anime, not that I hated it, so I continued watching it.
I found that, past episode two, it gets lighter and more humorous. The girls are cute too.

File 149177977712.jpg - (62.12KB , 354x499 , Clockwork_Planet_light_novel_volume_1_cover.jpg )
28333 No. 28333 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
At a unspecified point in the future, the Earth dies. Then, a genius engineer only known as "Y" manages to revive the Earth using only gears and clockwork. Thus the world is renamed "Clockwork Planet", with cities being built inside the planet's gears. A thousand years later Naoto Miura, a student and lover of machines living in the Kyoto gear, finds a crate has crashed through the roof of his apartment. Inside the crate is a coffin containing the broken body of an automaton. Using his superior sense of hearing, Naoto fixes the automaton, who is named RyuZU YourSlave, who reveals she has been broken for over 200 years. RyuZU promises complete loyalty to Naoto and the two become close. Later they meet two people trying to find RyuZU: Dr. Marie Bell Breguet, the youngest person to become a "meister", a group of master engineers; and her bodyguard Vainney Halter. A month after their encounter, all four appear in Akihabara, Tokyo, having now become the world's most infamous terrorists.
- wikipedia
22 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 28512 [Edit]
It really is a lot of missed potential. Buildings could move to be in different places at different times of the day. Whole farms could rotate for optimal alignment with the sun. You might not even need public transportation since your destination could come to you. Instead this anime glues gears on everything like a fashion statement. Real disappointment this show is I tell you.
>> No. 28774 [Edit]
Anybody else still watching this shitshow? I feel like it's gotten better (or at least more entertaining) the last few episodes.
Probably I should drop it and read the books, but at this point it's become a guilty pleasure. Plus dropping an anime past the halfway point is just lame.
>> No. 28775 [Edit]
I dropped it half way into ep2. I'm sure there might be some charm to it, but I didn't care enough to try and find it. I thought the art was ugly, the characters were uninteresting (robotits aside), the setting was retarded, and everything was disappointing overall.

Also, I used to think that way about crappy anime and wanting to see it to the end one way or another. Overtime I stoped caring however. Could be because so many anime have very unfulfilling or outright unfinished endings anyway. Some shows simply get worse and worse as they go along, and there's no reason to drag out the pain in cases like those.
I've even dropped some anime an ep or two before the end. Like with the retarded coffin girl anime from last year(?). It's last couple ep were WAY to edge for me.
>> No. 28777 [Edit]
>crappy anime
>wanting to see it to the end one way or another
For me, it really depends on what way(s) it's crappy in. The only thing absolutely unforgivable is if a show is boring. Also, it's a lot easier (for me) to persevere through a shitty show if it's currently airing, because then it's only 20 minutes out of my week. Otherwise, I would have dropped the shit out of Clockwork Planet by now.
>retarded coffin girl anime
I think you're thinking of Hitsugi no Chaika from a few years back. I personally really enjoyed that one.

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