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38632 No. 38632 [Edit]
Around 11 months ago I decided to look through all the anime seasons from the past century. I did this because I was not really happy with the seasons in the past years. Maybe since 5 years or 6 this is the case? Right now I can’t tell, but one day I will find out.

What I did is using Myanimelist, going back to the very first anime season and looking through all of them until Fall 1999. The reason for doing this was to hopefully fill my plan to watch list. While browsing through them I looked at every single entry to decide if I am interested or not.

Usually I download anime, but for this endeavour I decided not to, as I didn’t want to delete most of it again due to not being interested in it. Which means I searched for them online to watch them somewhere. The searching was done with Startpage, as this is what I have been using since 7 or 8 years. When I found something I skipped through the first episode of it, for example watching the first 3 minutes, skip ahead 3 minutes, watch 2 minutes, skip ahead 2 minutes, you get it. While I was doing this I suddenly thought that maybe somebody on TC may regard my findings as interesting, then while doing this I learned a few trivia here and there about anime. Therefore I go through decade for decade and write some of the information I discovered. Obviously I do not claim for this to be complete, so feel free to add something I may have missed. The same goes for correcting me when I made a mistake, because I only decided a few months ago to share what I found, which means I haven’t been making notes since the very start. On top of that I took several breaks from this, as 2024 was a horrible year for me and I now and then had zero energy and motivation left.


The first season listed is Winter 1917. A whole 2 entries are there and both of them are considered lost. I only started and wondered how people knew something existed, but couldn’t preserve it.. Unfortunately this decade continues like this, not much is around and almost everything is lost. More to that in the 1920s. Besides this nothing was produced in 1919. Or nobody knows there was something.


Now this decade was one of the more interesting to me. For one thing there were only 2 things created from 1920 – 1923, one of them was an advertisement for cosmetics and the other not available online. This made me ask myself how this can be, it exists, why hasn’t it been uploaded? As it turns out this has to do with the fact that anime has been stored on film reels. Those are very rare and some people or institutions such as museums have them, with only sharing them at special screenings, where recording is prohibited. Some reels are in such a bad state, they are not being used anymore as their owners are afraid to destroy them for good. The next occurrence that caught my attention is the Great Kanto Earthquake. It’s largely blamed for having destroyed most of the stuff produced in 1917 and 1918, which is the reason why they are so poorly documented. They also remade a few things that was made in the last decade. I guess they did that because what they had was lost and it was an opportunity to do it again but better? Besides this there wasn’t much around again, which I couldn’t believe and made me poke around further. It turns out on MAL you can search for years only and not just seasons. I did so and unearthed more. Once again a lot of those works are lost, why I will write down in the 1940s. This also lead me to find the oldest known anime, Katsudo Shashin. While they are not sure when it was made, they agree that it was before 1917. As those who started everything are Oten Shimokawa, Junichi Kouichi, Seitarou Kitayama mentioned, especially Kitayama who taught other people that continued to produce after the three stopped doing so.


Lost, lost, lost. It doesn’t get any better. The reason why is just around the corner, so let’s explore other titbits until there. Animals are huge so far, while I do like animals I like them because they are exactly that, animals. Seeing them fish, fly a plane or cook doesn’t appeal to me. Also military themes are showing up, to my dismay also in combination with animals. At least sound could now be recorded. Before everything was mute or during a screening music was played live. This also brings us to the fact that so far everything produced carries the label movie, but the duration is quite short. Another fact is that until now often paper cut outs are being used to save money.
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>> No. 38633 [Edit]
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Well, I never tried to post more than one thing on TC so far, therefore I only now realized that it can't be done. Attached the picture that would make more sense with the post.
If somebody wants to look around themself a litte, I can give you this.
>> No. 38634 [Edit]
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Japan was hit again by a major catastrophe, but this time man made. During WW2 a lot of works were destroyed. In total there are more creations from before 1945 lost than preserved. While so far nothing made it to my PTW list it still pained me as I would love to have all the music, video games, books, anime and so on to be archived and available. Anyway, when the war raged not much was produced, only a few propaganda works. Afterwards not much has been created either. Worth being mentioned is that the first full length film has been produced and the first studio with works being attributed to it was established. All the prior stuff had as information regarding the studio unknown written down, as they rarely founded studios so far. Regarding the source it was either original, book, or other with folktales and fables being very popular to adopt. Unfortunately the mentioned studio was only a short-lived propaganda studio, but familiar studios start to appear soon. At least the paper cut outs from the last three decades have been replaced with cel animation now. Besides this China entered the stage with its first work, which surprised me, because I didn’t expect to see them this early. What makes me doubt a little was the fact that other sources say that China has done animation even before that, namely a few commercials, then some short films and later propaganda during the war with Japan. The title of pioneers have the Wang Brothers and they started doing so in the 1920s. Overall this made me question if MAL is any good regarding Donghua. Given the fact I do that for anime I hope nobody is upset that I didn’t dig deeper there. Honestly, I don’t really like Donghua too…


Not much is being done, but Toei and Eiken are around now, two studios that are still active today. Somebody may now think that Toei was already founded in the 1940s, but I decided to put them in here, when they released their first anime. Another mention is the first time anime was seen on TV, a short special. Else the first anime has been shown in movie theatres outside of Japan. China is doing what China does, producing stuff like crazy. A lot of puppet animations and stop motions are among them, else propaganda. I also had a hard time finding the Chinese productions, until I started to search them in Chinese instead English. This was something I couldn’t let it be how it was and I went back to search for anime I didn’t found in Japanese. As it turns out it didn’t matter much. All those creations from the 1910s – 1950s have not copyright and are even made available by Japanese institutions itself, who otherwise are very hard about that due to Japanese laws.. Exceptions are only the works from studios that still exist today. Still, this realization regarding searching made it much easier for me later.


The first anime series is reality, it’s called Instant History. Several hundred episodes, but only a few minutes each. As it is about history I would be interested to watch it, but it’s almost entirely lost. Astro Boy aired around 2 years later and the first popular anime was born. Instant History got a sequel too. Important occurrences would be Tezuka Osamu starting to produce anime, bringing Mushi Productions with him and anime being in colour now. To save money a few years after the introduction of colour black and white coexisted alongside of it, before it was scrapped as it couldn’t compete. This is not all though, as the craze for sci-fi and space began, which lasted decades. The first mahou shoujou came along as well., same goes for the first shoujou. Sazae-san also started airing, which is remarkable as it does so to this day. What makes it even more interesting is that there was were never any physical media released for it. Perhaps nobody ever saw everything from it. For some reason this remembered me of the refusal of the author of Yotuba-to to make an anime adaptation. At last there is Korea joining in and creating their first work. Again there are sources saying Korea already made commercials and propaganda before, but MAL does not have them. Makes me wonder why they don’t, either go all in with documenting stuff or let It be. Hopefully this doesn’t mean they are also lacking when it comes to anime and olny Dongua and Aeni, which is the Korean name for anime.

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