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File 151526766788.jpg - (101.71KB , 1280x720 , [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - 01 [720p][Multiple Sub.jpg )
30201 No. 30201 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
41 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31043 [Edit]
File 152202586263.jpg - (158.62KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic - 09 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
A hearty good laugh was had.
>> No. 31049 [Edit]
Don't make me back hand you!
>> No. 31126 [Edit]
File 152343191819.jpg - (107.32KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic - 12 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
That last ep was crap, even by this show's standards.
>> No. 31127 [Edit]
It makes no sense to try and make sense out of something that makes no sense.

File 150757841995.jpg - (1.16MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 01 [1080p]_.jpg )
29541 No. 29541 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is going to be a fun 90's throwback series.

The heavy metal guitar BGMs could do without the dubstep, but overall it works.
13 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30474 [Edit]
God that's fucking hilarious!
>> No. 30800 [Edit]
File 151840526796.jpg - (570.08KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 17 [1080p]_.jpg )
>> No. 31003 [Edit]
File 152098886422.jpg - (692.16KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 21 [1080p]_.jpg )
It should be considered a crime against humanity if there are no footjob doujins from this girl.
>> No. 31089 [Edit]
File 152262552164.jpg - (737.34KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 24 [1080p]_.jpg )
Well, that was a fun ride.

The final fights, in every case, were extremely underwhelming, rushed with shitty pacing, and were loaded with QUALITY. The sophie hacking thing with the ghost girl was promptly dropped and forgotten, which is a shame. The epilogue was quite good though. Hopefully we get a movie with more post time-skip Sophie and bishop.

File 151536971837.jpg - (217.83KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 01 [720p]_mkv_s.jpg )
30236 No. 30236 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Easily the cutest show of the season and It's very reminiscent of ichigo marshmallow. If you're craving some light hearted moe slice of lifeness, this is the anime to watch!
58 posts and 39 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31033 [Edit]
What I'm concerned about is all the scat porn this anime is likely to generate.
>> No. 31054 [Edit]
File 15222069818.jpg - (204.49KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 10 [1080p]_mkv_.jpg )
I know it's a common theme in anime to not give background characters/extras any faces, but that doesn't make it any less creepy.
>> No. 31055 [Edit]
Maybe the colors are in a virtual reality setting. That's why they need to save the town.
>> No. 31065 [Edit]
File 152223102123.jpg - (432.60KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 12 [1080p]_mkv_.jpg )
As incredibly awkward as this scene would be in the real world, it was extremely cute. Here's hoping that dude nails his next interview.

File 15155750088.jpg - (126.37KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Overlord II - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
30275 No. 30275 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Skeletor is back to play more MMOs!
14 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31022 [Edit]
File 15215399622.jpg - (98.43KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Overlord II - 06 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Whelp, I think it's about time I drop this. Not sure why or how I've stuck with it this long. I was mildly curious about the mystery/story behind the anime, but not only are they probably not going to answer anything anytime soon, but in retrospect it doesn't feel that interesting anymore. It might all be a dream, or maybe the game devs accidentally created a portal to another universe, who knows. I don't much care anymore to be honest and it doesn't feel like it maters much to the story anyway.

The further on this goes the more pointless it feels to have the main character be a human in an mmo when they can just have the anime be centered around some antihero demon lord in a fantasy world from the start. I wish fantasy anime could just be fantasy anime again without any of this VR otaku's after life bullshit tacked on as if they need to justify taking part in the genre. Yes there are themes here of the main character loosing his humanity, but that could easily be replicated by having the main character be a former human in this fantasy world. The real world tie in stuff is just so unnecessary, as proven by the second season which makes very little reference to it.

Gotta say, I'm not usually much for dark themes. In anime dark/violent tends to mean immature with cheesy levels of gore. It's a bit on the tame side for the most part, but I draw the line at torture girls and this is the second time such a thing comes up. At least in the first season they got it over with without dragging it out too much. From what I hear, it seems things only get worse. Season two opens with the main character nearly committing genocide just to evaluate one of his underlings. That ain't my cup of tea yo.

Personal preference aside, the show crawls at a snail's pace. Season 1 was a whole of " something already!!!" followed by some "...That was it?!" with not much in between. It was like watching someone take an hour to set up a chess board, take two turns, then tell you to wait a few years to see the next couple turns. It was obvious they were trying to stretch out the content they had to work with as much as they could and it was a snore fest because of it. Then you sprinkle in some fights that feel pointless due to how over powered all the characters are. No challeng
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>> No. 31026 [Edit]
>It was like watching someone take an hour to set up a chess board, take two turns, then tell you to wait a few years to see the next couple turns.
Lol, have you read Akagi?
>> No. 31040 [Edit]
Yes, and it's a bit different. In Akagi they do indeed drag out matches and will at times make you wait for the next episode to see the rest of the match. The thing is though, you knew you were going to see the end of the match in the next ep, even if they drag it out to the end. Akagi (at least the animated version) had a had a decent conclusion at the end. The story was wrapped up in a nice little package, and it's a shame they don't do anime like that too often anymore. There's very little to suggest they'll -ever- animate the end of this anime. Much like many other anime out there that never had their endings animated, let alone anything past the first couple chapters. Now it's all about having IPs companies can milk installments out of every few years. Anime producers have been clear cutting the manga and LN fields for decades knowing full well it's an unsustainable practice, and it's catching up to them. Now dang near every anime is just a segment of a story, that combined with stretched out small amounts of content is makes this anime and others like it feel like a waste of time in it's current state.

let me rephrase. Akagi was like watching people play a complete chess match and take 15-30 minutes between moves. Overlord is watching people set up the board for an hour, make a move, then stop and tell all the people watching to go home and come back in two years. Then when you come back you find them playing dungeons and dragons and have to force them to get back to the chess match. They then make a couple moves after taking hours between each one, then tell you to come back in a few years. Mind you at this point they're still just moving pawns out of the way and don't seem to have much of a game plan.
>> No. 31041 [Edit]
Nice way to explain it. Sounds annoyingly boring then. I was thinking the same a few weeks ago, sooner or later the well of LNs and Manga will dry. They're already making sequels, offshoots, remakes and such of anime. The future is slightly grim.

File 15152809051.jpg - (148.46KB , 424x600 , 89885l.jpg )
30217 No. 30217 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anime is about evil creatures called Aratama attacking people and these sword wielding Miko sworn to fight them off. These girls have a competition to find out who's the best of the best at what they do.
19 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30891 [Edit]
File 151955932642.jpg - (118.82KB , 920x999 , sample-0bb5cd04e97062730f84384e5b61d682[1].jpg )
I wonder what it's like to have someone rest a massive rack like that on your head.
>> No. 30892 [Edit]
Heavy, but comfy.
>> No. 30929 [Edit]
File 15200541473.jpg - (71.55KB , 1280x720 , _HorribleSubs__Toji_no_Miko_-_08__720p__mkv_snapsh.jpg )
What are those end lyrics?
Is it "Listen god, I want to feed you." ?
>> No. 31021 [Edit]
File 15215374067.jpg - (186.57KB , 1280x720 , _HorribleSubs__Toji_no_Miko_-_09__720p__mkv_snapsh.jpg )
I guess she's never seen a taco before?

File 151581486335.jpg - (113.96KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hakumei to Mikochi - 01 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
30344 No. 30344 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Tiny people living a tiny little life.
20 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31001 [Edit]
These are the kinds of things why I don't watch seasonal anime.
>> No. 31002 [Edit]
File 152098860622.jpg - (121.95KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hakumei to Mikochi - 08 [1080p]_mkv.jpg )
Can't say I blame you.
>> No. 31004 [Edit]
Gotta let the kids know it's okay to be gender neutral in 2018.
>> No. 31007 [Edit]
File 152118883989.jpg - (222.00KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hakumei to Mikochi - 08 [1080p]_mkv.jpg )
It's not that bad. Things get a touch on the dark/serious side but it's always still light hearted in the end. I can't see any of the villains doing anything truly evil here.

File 150529233390.jpg - (6.56MB , 1440x9235 , Fall.jpg )
29396 No. 29396 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Here is anichart disorganized shitball for the upcoming 2017 autumn anime season. I fell in love with this shitball when it confirmed the 2nd season of Hoozuki no Reitsu and god damn its got a lot of other good news tucked away in seemingly random locations. That foxgirl SoL at an onsen looks very promising and so does the Nekopara OVA which will probably never be subbed.
12 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29473 [Edit]
but that just marks the beginning of comfy fall and winter anime and fanart
>> No. 29484 [Edit]
>> No. 30111 [Edit]
So, what's the verdict? What was worth the watch?
>> No. 30965 [Edit]
File 152037292822.jpg - (505.56KB , 1920x1080 , ep10.jpg )
I finished watching Inuyashiki yesterday and it was quite something. The best thing about this anime is the OP ( and the overall theme, but the execution can feel lacking at some points.

There is never explanation why Inuyashiki looks like 80 despite being only 58. A lot of the plot points are exalted and then wane on their own without much further exposition to make room for the plot to progress, which I think works very well for an anime that airs weekly, but becomes painfully obvious when you watch it in quick succession or with no other anime in-between. The one thing that really surprised me [SPOILERS] is how fast I went from absolutely hating the villain (i.e. "He needs to be put down, NOW") to feeling sympathy and pity for him and his surroundings, specially by the time Pubehead came along. By the end he goes down the path of evil again and the pity becomes sour when you realize he didn't try to redeem himself, he only tried to feel validated. Eventually he sacrifices himself to stop a cataclysm, by then I couldn't care less for the guy. Apart, I found the epilogue extremely sour, when Inuyashiki's daughter wins the WSJ maanga spot by adapting the villian's story, over the story adapted by the villian's friend about Inuyashiki's heroic acts. At some point I felt it having more episodes would be ideal, but also feel it wouldn't have solved the issues with how the series is written.

I wouldn't say it's an amazing anime nor the AotS, and I think it can be skipped in favour of finishing a backlog, but it's very decent nevertheless and worth a watch if you liked the OP or the Gantz manga (less so the anime, for obvious reasons).

File 151545729459.png - (293.60KB , 853x482 , anime screencap2018-01-08-02h16m07s924.png )
30263 No. 30263 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
enjoyable, but i feel sorry for the autistic girl who only cares about ramen.
8 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30904 [Edit]
That ain't the meaning of either Italy or Mexico flags alright; which are, respectively: hills/Alps/blood of war heroes; hope/religion/blood of war heroes.
>> No. 30905 [Edit]
Italians love their alps? Not really something one would think.

Looking it up, it says that's just a 'common intepretation'.
Japanese wiki says: 緑は「国土」、白は「雪・正義・平和」、赤は「愛国者の血・熱血」
>> No. 30908 [Edit]
File 151986307163.jpg - (43.29KB , 464x645 , 1.jpg )
Not true (about Italy at least).
There are various conjectures about the meaning of the colors.
You can read more here:
>> No. 30931 [Edit]
Food tickets are efficient, Maccas has something similar, but being mandatory is a bit impersonal.
Good and bad, it just balances itself out and becomes 'neutral but different'.

File 150146132924.jpg - (189.74KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
29253 No. 29253 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone else here seen this yet?
17 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29812 [Edit]
File 151122854643.jpg - (746.38KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )

In theory, it helps save the inner ear and ear drums from rupturing when hit by a shockwave from a blast.

In practice, t's about as effective as stop drop and roll when covered in petrol and lit on fire.
>> No. 29815 [Edit]
Dunno, theoretically, rolling would help disperse the petrol, but I get what you mean.
I thought it was like when you get punched in the gut and you automatically gasp, whereas firing a missile would be to abrubt for your body to mitigate on its own.
>> No. 30280 [Edit]
File 151560448133.jpg - (98.68KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo?!
>> No. 30887 [Edit]
File 151949564532.jpg - (107.50KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
They did it, the absolute madmen!

File 151646053456.jpg - (538.32KB , 841x1200 , 149644466642.jpg )
30465 No. 30465 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I honestly believe that in the distant future the prevalence of anime and manga will be studied academically as an art form, and that it will define the cultural epoch that we find ourselves in now.

Anime and manga art can be considered analogous to prior artistic revolutions in the past. In the future, the proliferation of anime and manga will be viewed similarly to how we currently perceive the Renaissance or the rise of impressionism in art history.

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>> No. 30824 [Edit]
What? They don't.
If you live somewhere where women don't do that sort of thing you might not understand what those accessories are. Such as Yuno's double Xs.
>> No. 30830 [Edit]
No clue where you're from, but even when I have the misfortune of having to go outside I will at least see a few women with hair accessories like hairpins, barrettes, headbands, scrunchies, those hair claw thingies, and even ribbons (although rare) and kerchiefs (although ugly)... and even more if you want to count practical tools like regular hair ties, alligator clips or bobby pins.
>> No. 30831 [Edit]
I never see them wear any for fashion, usually it's just a scrunchie to make a ponytail.
>> No. 30835 [Edit]
Same. Not unless they're kids being made to wear stuff like that by their parents. You never see it on tv or film here either.

File 148426989928.png - (597.72KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-12-15h16m11s172.png )
27690 No. 27690 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
this anime season delivers, i hope i have enough free time to watch all the fantastic new animes i keep on picking up
67 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 28211 [Edit]
File 149056322364.jpg - (140.02KB , 1280x720 , good riddens to bad rubish.jpg )
I never would have guessed things would go in that sort of direction.
>> No. 28212 [Edit]
That whole thing was so cute.
>> No. 28230 [Edit]
File 14910096098.jpg - (168.48KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut - 12 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
...aside from those who assume everyone on the internet is a guy.
>> No. 30794 [Edit]
File 151837370738.png - (380.30KB , 533x672 , Screenshot (883).png )
that season 2 better come out soon! I enjoyed this anime very much. way better than umaru in my opinion.
I especially need more of satania!

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