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File 172967168842.jpg - (253.24KB , 1920x1080 , s4.jpg )
38501 No. 38501 [Edit]
Urobuchi's puppetkino.
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>> No. 38502 [Edit]
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>> No. 38503 [Edit]
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>> No. 38505 [Edit]
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>> No. 38506 [Edit]
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>> No. 38507 [Edit]
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>> No. 38508 [Edit]
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>> No. 38509 [Edit]
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>> No. 38510 [Edit]
>> No. 38511 [Edit]
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>> No. 38559 [Edit]
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As part of rewatching most of the earlier seasons, I rewatched the part where Shou meets the makaismith and seeing this part after recently watching the last episode, led to me wondering if there is a connection being made between the two auroras which I believe are the only ones shown in the series and that perhaps the shinkai makai are an inside job. Consider that the episode where Shou meets the "smith" naturally is when Azibelpher shows himself posessing the means to travel through time and allegedly preview results. This adjacency could be a hint. The makaismith also claims to have awoke in a different world and says that "in this place the links between time and space become unstable" and wonders whether "the hand of god is involved". And I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Azibelpher isn't the only one who could control time magic, assuming he himself wasn't involved, and altering events through time seems perfect for political manipulation. Moreover there's already implications at multi-dimensional layers being accessesed elsewhere in the demon realm world this season, such as the demon gods themselves who, conveniently, emerged at the same time. They were summoned but supposedly can't be returned and so must be worshiped. The demonking seems superficially obsessed with maintaining peace, which itself has been the fondation of s4's subplots, and so with that image it would align that the shinkai makai were a way of forcing the demons back so he could subjugate them in the way that he did. Perhaps the presently living characters are completely detached but there's a relation between the auroras all the same.
On a meta-level the first thing you see in the OP is the makaismith transporting his sword somewhere, and Urobuchi loves the conspiratory "it was x all along" twist, and there's even been a crossover video with kyubey from madoka and thunderbolt fantasy (

There's two main questions that immediately appear about this suspicion though; was Shou ending up where he did Azibelphers intent or is where they ended up based on what they were thinking (which is what I theorize determines what shows up on the scrying mirrors) and thus was independent of him? Cause if so and if the above is not unfound it would suggest that Azibelpher is in on it, which maybe is implied with pic related. What is the longterm motivation of who would do this? If the demonking is not actually a demon at all, it kind of makes sense but beckons the question why he didn't try staging a counterattack against the demons or having the gods revolt to exterminate them. So then maybe he is a demon, then why prevent the expansion of demon territory? Only thought that comes to mind is he feared with it's expansion the kingdom would inevitably divide into territories and he himself wanted sole rule, and so that being the case decided to force the demons into his and only his domain.
>> No. 38565 [Edit]
File 173115666460.png - (82.48KB , 600x900 , 1661554509362.png )
>If the demonking is not actually a demon at all, it kind of makes sense but beckons the question why he didn't try staging a counterattack against the demons...
So much speculation. Just wait until the demon lord turns out to be a little girl.

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