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File 165378184539.png - (2.06MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot_2022-05-28_17-47-22.png )
36236 No. 36236 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
He's human; not a demon

He is not the dog boy Inuyasha
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36244 [Edit]
>awful animation
You're trolling
>> No. 36245 [Edit]
Nice reading comprehension. It doesn't say "awful animation" anywhere at all.
>> No. 36246 [Edit]
Yes this is, very true. And yet, there are things which exist only subtextually, not explicitly. No where in my post did I call you a faggot, for example
>> No. 36251 [Edit]
Easy there buddy. We're all friends here. No need for any of that now.

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36202 No. 36202 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Any thoughts on this series? It's about a 28-year-old who travels back in time to 2006 and redoes their life or something like that. I thought I'd download it after seeing this scene alluding to Haruhi. I'm only on the first episode but it seems slow to start
>> No. 36204 [Edit]
How does it differ to re;life?
>> No. 36209 [Edit]
File 16532722979.png - (288.00KB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot_2022-05-22_20-17-44.png )
Different animu
>> No. 36210 [Edit]
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35784 No. 35784 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I have conducted a thorough analysis of anime from the year 2016. The primary purpose of this analysis is to identify works which have artistic merit, and to classify the nature of that artistic merit. Secondarily, my intent here is to rank the works in terms of their superiority in various categories. This will allow for comparison with other surveys of 2016 anime. This analysis is an expression of my own personal opinions and did not involve input from anyone else. I did this for my own intellectual and personal satisfaction, but I also hope that others may find it interesting or useful. At the very least, maybe this will generate some interesting discussion. Additionally, if you're looking for anime to watch, you can peruse through the specific categories I've provided to identify works that are likely to suit your tastes. 

Only anime which started airing in 2016 are considered here. Meaning that anime for which the first season aired before 2016 are not considered (ex. neither Hibike Euphonium nor Love Live are candidates here). The considered anime are evaluated on the basis of all seasons that have aired (not just the first season in 2016). Movies are not included unless they are related to a TV anime (ex. Bungou Stray Dogs). I am conducting reviews for other years using this same system. Annual reviews are typically done as soon as the year ends, but I believe my methodology here is superior for conducting reviews of years retrospectively. Furthermore, classifying the year's best works only by season/genre I find is an ineffective method for identifying meritorious works, so I've included more-specific categories. 

Categories and their results are listed below. Winning titles for each category are separated by commas, with the superior titles being listed first. For the genre categories I've provided two answers (the winning title followed by the runner up). However, polls for anime of the season and anime of the year typically list many top candidates in their results, so I've followed a similar procedure with my results here. For the anime of the season and year results, I've listed the top-5 candidates in order of superiority, with the winning title listed first and the progressively lesser titles listed afterwards.

Regarding the genre results, there are a couple important
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41 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36160 [Edit]
Not the person to whom you're replying, but I'm surprised by the extent to which you dislike it.
>> No. 36161 [Edit]
File 165260134885.png - (194.77KB , 969x846 , princess principal torrents.png )
>Regarding torrent issues, I've been having trouble with some of the shows in the yet-to-watch list above. Well, I was at least. Most of the issues have worked out since I made that last post. Finding good seeded Bluray rips in particular for some of these has not been easy. I may be forced to suffer the indignity of watching low-quality rips (good heavens, I may faint just thinking about it).
>I know there are some anons here who have private tracker access
36153 here, I am one of them (I have an AnimeBytes account). I should have said it explicitly, but if you are wanting BD torrents of a particular show, name it and I can try to get it for you. For TV series released in this century and especially in the last 10 years, AnimeBytes has pretty good coverage. Let me know if you want this for 2018 or whatever other year's anime you review. Caveats: I don't have the space to get 200 GB raw rips for all these shows and my upload speed is nothing to write home about.
>> No. 36162 [Edit]
File 165265073913.png - (2.08MB , 1920x1080 , [Coalgirls]_High_School_Fleet_Movie_(1920x1080_Blu.png )
I appreciate the offer! I should be fine for 2017, but I might take you up on that for 2018 shows. Thanks.
>> No. 36163 [Edit]
You know, they should separate out the subs, audio track, and video track and seed each separately. There's no point in having two different files that essentially contain the same video track which is going to be identical for all the blue ray rips.

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34874 No. 34874 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The third Love Live group finally has it's anime.
35 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35390 [Edit]
File 161164104095.jpg - (99.03KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School I.jpg )
I guess Mugi got tired of HTT and wanted to explore school idols instead.
>> No. 35392 [Edit]
File 16116415503.jpg - (349.23KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School I.jpg )
Whelp, there you go.
>> No. 36095 [Edit]
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I'm amazed this made it's way in.
>> No. 36132 [Edit]
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36115 No. 36115 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you guys think about true tears?
I watched it a few months ago, and felt like talking about it. I thought the scenery was a really strong point of this anime, with the breakwater and dike coast, and the city really had this strong japanese feel to it. The OP and ED were great, but I felt that there could be more to the rest of the soundtrack, it wasn't very memorable. The voice acting was great for some and ok for others. I think the main fault of this show is the characters. The romance and the character's feeling didn't felt very developed. The siscon guy felt somewhat out of place. The MC was too generic. The only character I really like in the non-physical realm was Noe. I think she was the only character that got a great personality that was reasonably developed throughout the series. One scene that I really liked was the scene where she is singing the aburamushi song, and she says "Shin'ichirou no kokoro no naka ni mo", the she makes a pause and says "......Yuasa Hiromi". That was a fantastic scene, there was 感動 there, a very bittersweet moment of realization and acceptance. But considering the title of this series, the recurring motif of tears being mentioned all throughout the series, I really expected a tearjerker but in the end that was not what I received.
Also it is really strange that wikipedia says there is a VN with the same that is both "related" and completely unrelated to the series. Related in the sense it claims the anime was inspired but unrelated in the sense that the anime has nothing, apparently absolutely nothing in commom with the VN.
Also, Isurugi Noe best girl.
>> No. 36116 [Edit]
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It doesn't look like it's for me.

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35971 No. 35971 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone here watching this?
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35987 [Edit]
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4ep now and the quality is getting worse. I can't remember the last time I ever noticed audio issues in an anime. I'm no audiophile so things generally sound fine to me, but this anime... It's like they give 0 fucks about making the sounds match what's on the screen. In ep4 there's a lot of moments where you see characters firing off their guns... but you hear nothing. Then you hear gunfire, but they're not shooting. It's not just that the sound is off, the sound clips they use don't even match the animations, let alone weapon types.
And no, I'm not talking about the phenomenon where a round shot from a far away can reach you before the sound of the gunshot does because of the round traveling faster than the speed of sound. I'm talking about close quarters combat. There's no way in hell the people behind this anime would do that much research, these are people who seem to think a modern rifle would lose all effectiveness if it's more than 10 yards away from the target.
>> No. 36038 [Edit]
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Look how they massacred my girl...
>> No. 36051 [Edit]
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This is getting harder to watch with each passing ep.
>> No. 36100 [Edit]
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In the end, this felt like a disappointing clusterfuck of low quality garbage. 0 fucks seemed to be given in animation, art, sound, and even writing. They also don't seem to have even the most basic understanding of guns. That's supposed to be the main focus of the series, but they couldn't even get that right. Out of everything wrong with this adaptation, I think the thing that still bugged me the most was changing "questionable" character designs so they wouldn't offend anyone. I'm not sure if maybe because /pol/ latched onto the character, but Negave got butchered. Then there's Kat who got her breast removed, which just makes no damn sense to me.
I found it amazing the game devs would go with a studio like that, but others I've spoken to seem to seem to think it was WB that approached them, just wanting to quickly and cheaply shit out another tittle to throw on their pile of IP.
I hope it gets a remake someday, as unlikely as that is to happen.

They would have been 100x better off letting this guy adapt the game story.

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35990 No. 35990 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

How many decade old anime can you name with just a screenshot?
>> No. 35991 [Edit]
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Kept messing up the spelling...

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35856 No. 35856 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The latest (last?) Rebuild movie is finally out. What are your thoughts on it? Were the 9 year wait worth it?
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35868 [Edit]
I don't think I could watch this without killing myself, regardless of whether it's good.
>> No. 35873 [Edit]
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They started off with one of the most thought provoking films of all time, did a half-remaster, half-sequel and the culmination of almost 20 years of waiting is... A fucking _anime_.
It's not creative but awful, it's not great but bland. It's pure, concentrated _passable_. They wrote an ending to a franchise as important as Evangelion in the most pedestrian of ways. They might as well have released it straight to video, because it got an OVA treatment in the writing department and no amount of render-farm bullshit can save the two and a half-hour run-time from the clearance bin.
>> No. 35874 [Edit]
Everything about this movie is just Anno giving the middle finger and laughing at the fans who eat this shit up, at least he knows these movies are a joke.

Now that he has properly funded his studio, I am very much looking forward to his new works.
>> No. 35875 [Edit]
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Just as planned.

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34782 No. 34782 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Anyone check this out yet?
50 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35241 [Edit]
File 160792982038.jpg - (66.08KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Majo no Tabitabi - 10 (720p) [334F9F0.jpg )
I'm surprised stardust didn't just go looking for another teacher.
>> No. 35263 [Edit]
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That was pretty disappointing ending, almost frustrating in fact.
I mean like, the character seems to have a lot of issues, narcissism being a big one. It might have been nice to see her acknowledge these parts of herself and address them in an attempt to better herself and grow as a person. Some self reflection might have been nice, which is almost frustrating because during that body swap scene the girl in her body was basically trying to fuck her own reflection. It felt like a weird sort of irony considering how in love with herself Elaina seems to be. Characters looking at their reflection in anime typically represents a moment of self reflection, makes me wonder if this wasn't an intentional dismissal of that trope.

Then she goes and confronts other versions of herself along the places she visited, but everything about it felt wrong.
They don't address any of her issues and instead reinforce the idea that she's really truly perfect, the ep is more of a freak show to say "thank god she didn't get up like those other versions!" They aren't really parts of herself but instead her from alternate realities? The whole thing seemed like a real missed opportunity.
It's really weird too because during the 12 ep run there were times when she flip flopped in personality so hard she seemed like a different person all together.
The last ep could have been a great way to explain that, but nope. If nothing else they could have explained that we saw another version of her at those times when she seemed to be a different person. One episode she doesn't lift a finger to help someone who's dying, later she's crying and screaming about not being able to help someone. One ep she doesn't want to get involved with the princess and her battle, latter she's storming a castle and fighting off guards while attacking the king.
In the end I think this just wasn't particularly well written and it seems like it just gets by on having a pretty girl for a main character.
>> No. 35264 [Edit]
They mentioned that "a protagonist doesn't need any special characteristics" but that only works if you're making some sort of harem show. Not in a slice of life where the personality is one of the core defining features. I also sort of see what they were trying to convey where a series of "choices" could have each led to a different Elaina, but the presentation left a lot to be desired.

It's also not a good sign when the side-stories: Saya and Stardust were more memorable and interesting than Elaina's own.
>> No. 35779 [Edit]
To me this anime was pretty good. I thought Elaina being narcissistic was funny, it gave her a unique personality that you don't see often in sol anime. I liked how the story was a lot more darker than I anticipated, like Nino who Emil had a crush on and probably made her kill herself.

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34798 No. 34798 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
(By the Grace of the Gods)
Slime Rancher: The Animation. It's about a wagie who gets isekai'd into a little kid who takes care of a bunch of slimes and has stupidly high brute strength. There isn't much to say since the first episode just sets everything up but it's a nice little spin on isekai even if it can be called "just a gimmick" like most isekai.
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>> No. 34811 [Edit]
You can always do worse than loli. There's like gay shoujo isekai, it has gotten really ridiculous. Especially in print.
The design looks really cute at least.
>> No. 34812 [Edit]
>I'm not entirely sure but isn't isekai actually a relatively new term/genre?
In English, maybe, which is why nobody seems to understand its usage in English despite being an incredibly straightforward term. Rayearth constantly uses the term 「異世界の少女たち」to refer to the heroines. There's some narrative convenience in having a protagonist that's as unfamiliar with the world as the viewer is, so there's always at least that reason if nothing else.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2020, 2:54pm
>> No. 35762 [Edit]
This one got me to start getting creeped out by isekai escapism.
It now feels like religious propaganda for downtrodden people. It's too obvious and as a result, depressing.
>> No. 35768 [Edit]
>isn't isekai actually a relatively new term/genree
As in stories about people from the real world finding themselves in a fantastical one? I'd say that's literally ancient.

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35740 No. 35740 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There's a Tomato Convenience Store in season 2 of Yurucamp, like in Shenmue.
>> No. 35741 [Edit]
What do they sell?
>> No. 35767 [Edit]

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