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File 151829273370.png - (1.38MB , 960x540 , group photo.png )
30778 No. 30778 [Edit]
Expand all images
>> No. 30779 [Edit]
File 151829636222.jpg - (102.18KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 01_mkv_snapshot_03_47_[20.jpg )
First ep of Hugtto Precure is out. I'm getting the feeling they're going in a Shugo Chara direction this time around.
>> No. 30787 [Edit]
File 151834290070.jpg - (180.83KB , 1280x720 , [anon] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 49 [1280x720].jpg )
So I guess baton passing is gonna be a thing now huh?
>> No. 30788 [Edit]
File 151834304855.jpg - (68.31KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 01_mkv_snapshot_00_41_[20.jpg )
Pro tip: don't cut your own hair unless you want it to look like shit.
Another tip: If you insist on cutting your own hair, don't use shitty scissors like that.

Such results were to be expected.
>> No. 30789 [Edit]
File 151834321919.jpg - (192.77KB , 1280x720 , [anon] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 41 [1280x720].jpg )
Saint Seiya called, they're missing a set of armor.
>> No. 30797 [Edit]
What do you recommended for someone who has never seen anything related to precure?
>> No. 30802 [Edit]
I'd suggest starting with the original. It is one of the best and might give you a feel of what everything else stems from if you decide to continue with any of the latter series. That's just me though.
>> No. 30805 [Edit]
HeartCatch or GoPre.
Futari wa would be a pretty good start, like >>30802 said, but I think it's kind of dated; depending on how you feel about older anime, it may be hard to get into.
>> No. 30808 [Edit]
Another series.
>> No. 30881 [Edit]
File 15194125614.jpg - (90.24KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 03_mkv_snapshot_11_20_[20.jpg )
They really like to push the baby raising thing in precure don't they?
>> No. 30882 [Edit]
Abe at it again?
>> No. 30893 [Edit]
>> No. 30894 [Edit]
Yeah, you know... The running joke that Shinzo Abe (Prime Minister of Japan) constantly pushes for pro-family elements in anime to spike birth rates in Japan.
>> No. 30895 [Edit]
I wouldn't be surprised.
The baby this time around is particularly annoying and needy. It's crying can apparently pause time and be heard from miles away. They spent most of one ep just hunting down a mother to shut the baby up.
It feels a bit shoehorned, but does make some sense. Little girls play with dolls after all and in many cases it might be those baby style ones. If they like seeing this sort of thing in precure however, who knows.
>> No. 30902 [Edit]
File 151970357444.jpg - (109.34KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 03_mkv_snapshot_09_30_[20.jpg )
I'm surprised this didn't bother her at all. I guess they want to spike birth rates at any cost.
>> No. 31111 [Edit]
File 152318271948.jpg - (97.87KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 09_mkv_snapshot_20_04_[20.jpg )
Oh my GAWD! She's so adorable!!
>> No. 31290 [Edit]
File 152692822583.jpg - (107.67KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 13_mkv_snapshot_11_40_[20.jpg )
I know that feeling all too well.
>> No. 31445 [Edit]
File 153125364196.jpg - (126.80KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 15_mkv_snapshot_07_23_[20.jpg )
ep15 is amazing.
>> No. 31473 [Edit]
File 153190249749.jpg - (58.46KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
God fucking damn it, I almost cried.
>> No. 31488 [Edit]
File 153237685950.jpg - (133.27KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 18_mkv_snapshot_22_11_[20.jpg )
God damn I love these two!
>> No. 31514 [Edit]
File 153331848197.jpg - (171.70KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 19_mkv_snapshot_16_45_[20.jpg )
I'm not sure if I like the direction precure is heading...
>> No. 31680 [Edit]
File 153662361431.jpg - (120.69KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Holy shi-
>> No. 31681 [Edit]
File 153665986728.jpg - (102.67KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Well that was disappointing. Aside from some last ep baton passing in the past two seasons, we've never seen precure from previous seasons meet up like this outside of the movies which always felt like they existed in their own sort of canon.
It was cool seeing the strongest precure show up to completely own this enemy, but it was disappointing and kind of jarring how they were swept into the background almost as soon as they showed up. There's very little interest shown into how they got there or why, what their own experiences as precure were like, who or what they fought, what they can learn from each other, how many others are out there and so on. Instead they're treated like cousins visiting from out of town there to just hang out and not get in the way as the main characters deal with main character issues. "Who gives a shit if precure from an alternate dimension or something just fell out of the sky, our friends are having a mild disagreement of some sort." But to be fair, one of their friends is an android so I guess at this point nothing would surprise the main cast. Still, even if it is just a cheap gimmick in a show made for kids, I would have loved to see them do more with the cross over, like explore the connection between all the different precure groups and do some world building or something. The cross over movies never really touch on this and basically toss all the characters together like they're just part of a big club hanging out untill a bad guy starts trouble. Maybe I was expecting too much, but I was hoping for something here, anything, and got nothing. It does make me wonder if we'll see more of this in the future.

(and yeah I realize at the time of posting this I'm really far behind, so sue me.)
>> No. 31682 [Edit]
File 153669629038.jpg - (167.06KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Precure New Stage 3 Movie (1280x720 Hi10P B.jpg )

But the bad guys ended up doing the same thing, getting lumped into the other precure worlds, and having an overall grand 'ol time.

While I agree that more cross-series character bonding would be amazing, there's so god damned many of them that a single movie wouldn't give enough time to really do it justice -- which is made all that much worse when they add in a new girl and waste the entire movie on her.

What we really need is a more expanded version of all the cures split into teams by color and playing juumangi-like board games against each other.

Also, world building goes out the window in many ways just to make the crossover: it generally messes up the timelines of the series itself in order to bring back dead enemies, while at the same time using the 'old' precure attacks from the beginning/middle of their respective series inspite of the newer mid-season cure already being there.
>> No. 31725 [Edit]
File 153842531867.jpg - (99.01KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 25_mkv_snapshot_21_42_[20.jpg )
...uhh, Did the cross dresser turn that douchebag gay or something?
>> No. 31768 [Edit]
File 154026552454.jpg - (106.38KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 28_mkv_snapshot_21_30_[20.jpg )
Some of what I'm seeing this season (while innocent enough) is making me raise an eyebrow.
>> No. 31769 [Edit]
File 154026598048.jpg - (749.48KB , 720x1620 , just friends.jpg )
They're making it very hard to call these characters "just friends".
>> No. 32867 [Edit]
File 155656535573.jpg - (92.02KB , 1280x720 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 01 [951BBD71].jpg )
Is no one else watching Twinkle?
>> No. 32868 [Edit]
File 15565657088.jpg - (151.97KB , 1920x1080 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 01 [951BBD71].jpg )
This season has a pretty cool theme to it.
>> No. 32907 [Edit]
File 155764178852.jpg - (193.52KB , 1920x1080 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 02 [7393FF37].jpg )
Her computer is shit, she should return it and get a new one.
>> No. 32914 [Edit]
File 155802542711.jpg - (134.01KB , 1280x720 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 04 [4E5797DC].jpg )
This "AI" sounds like google.
>> No. 32916 [Edit]
File 155811315279.jpg - (113.01KB , 1280x720 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 04 [4E5797DC].jpg )
She's got time to ditch her family and check out an explosion across the river (instead of calling the cops), but no time to listen to a quick explanation. okay...
>> No. 32956 [Edit]
File 155958372134.jpg - (76.59KB , 1280x720 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 10 [FD5B970A].jpg )
>> No. 32963 [Edit]
File 156010263284.jpg - (117.62KB , 1920x1080 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 10 [FD5B970A].jpg )
Hey that's not fair! You gotta wait till they finish announcing their attack!
>> No. 33152 [Edit]
File 156408739540.jpg - (607.29KB , 2560x1440 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 21 [46F7826D].jpg )
I can't believe they went with a Synthwave theme for the new Precure end. That's awesome!
>> No. 33164 [Edit]
File 156416881415.jpg - (161.92KB , 1474x910 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 22 [0ADB8654].jpg )
Interesting depiction of the Jersey devil.
>> No. 33333 [Edit]
File 15671270432.jpg - (368.38KB , 2560x1440 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 27 [EC84CD4A].jpg )
Banana fish!
>> No. 33345 [Edit]
File 156729061223.jpg - (112.14KB , 1337x973 , [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 28 [85B2AAE2].jpg )
What a crappy moral lesson. You can't and shouldn't compare emotional strength to physical strength. That fire creature deciding to live on a water planet is NOT the same thing as these girls using their physical strength to pump up that fire and working themselves to the point of collapsing. These girls did their best and have nothing to be ashamed of, especially as no one helped.
>> No. 33389 [Edit]
File 156794013151.png - (527.09KB , 1366x768 , tsubomi_mugyu.png )
Tsubomi a cute.
>> No. 34020 [Edit]
File 15804321825.jpg - (103.93KB , 1280x720 , [AnonimOT] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 49 [720p][8AF9.jpg )
Why is it that aliens in scifi from around the world almost always have humanoid bodies with only the head being weird?
>> No. 34022 [Edit]
It's actually highly likely they would look quite similar to us. We see in Madagascar this occurrence where animals will evolve to look similar to an animal elsewhere even though they are not actually related. It's likely advanced life would be similar with animals evolving for certain roles and then some of those evolving into human like life. They would not be exactly the same but they would be quite similar.
>> No. 34023 [Edit]
Assuming they're carbon-based, which is quite the assumption.
>> No. 34024 [Edit]
I'd argue that convergent evolution occurs because of a common ancestor and biosphere as well as >>34023.
>> No. 34025 [Edit]
well that's the thing, they don't have such a common ancestor that would explain it, they are unrelated. It would not be convergent evolution if they had such a common ancestor, the definition of convergent evolution is that they share a trait or form that was not present in their nearest shared ancestor.

As for Carbon based life, it's possible. It's been proven that non-carbon based life is possible to create. However, the ability for that life to developed into advanced life and how common that kind of life would be are completely different things.
>> No. 34026 [Edit]
What I meant to say is that ultimately all life form on earth can possibly be traced back to a single common ancestor, there is a possibility of carbon-based life form evolving elsewhere that are completely independent of life on earth and their evolutionary pathway and selection could be divergent to the ones we know. Perhaps there are certain traits that might be similar and necessary for intellectual life to form such as the use of language and a method to use tools (i.e. opposable thumb) but other than that they could have evolved very differently. I've read that dolphins could have potentially evolved to become human-like but are held back by the fact that they lack opposable thumbs.

Post edited on 30th Jan 2020, 9:24pm
>> No. 34027 [Edit]
>held back by the fact that they lack opposable thumbs
Being underwater also has to do with it. You can't start fires there and being able to cook was a component of humans getting so smart.
>> No. 34042 [Edit]
File 158081518751.jpg - (317.88KB , 1920x1080 , [anon] Healin' Good Precure - 01_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Healin' Good Precure Had a really strong start.
The production design and direction felt top notch. It seemed very polished.

Felt to me like they were doing tons of callbacks to older seasons too.
The monsters seem like the Oshimaida from HUGtto! Pretty Cure. The outfit designs look like the ones from Princess precure while having a flower theme and mascots like the ones from Heart Catch.. There's a pastry van featured a few times that seems like a possible callback to the Tako Café in the original. The ocean side setting looks a lot like the one from Splash Star. The background art is styled in a way like yes precure 5. This is also the first time since the original series we've had a black haired main character, not counting dark blue/purple here. People also kept pointing out early on that the group shared the same color theme as heart catch, and princess, but I don't think that's too weird. There's probably more I'm missing.
>> No. 34048 [Edit]
File 158128411333.jpg - (224.30KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Healin' Good Precure - 02_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I like how they say this right to the camera and not the person they're talking to. It's almost like they're advertising a product.
>> No. 34080 [Edit]
File 158191389029.jpg - (146.34KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Healin' Good Precure - 03_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I know they're doing the subs like this to avoid having them in the middle of the screen, but it still bugs me.
>> No. 34127 [Edit]
File 158249652599.jpg - (140.88KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Healin' Good Precure - 03_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Okami much?
>> No. 34196 [Edit]
File 158369803968.jpg - (104.64KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Healin' Good Precure - 05_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Inhuman anime girl sounds are the best.
>> No. 34218 [Edit]
File 158461090367.jpg - (158.80KB , 1280x720 , [anon] Healin' Good Precure - 06_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I wonder if they still would have gone with this theme had they known what was going to happen this year.
>> No. 34255 [Edit]
File 158572412479.jpg - (319.56KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] [Ohys-Raws] Healin` Good Precure - 08 (E.jpg )
I'm really loving the art style they went with this time around.
>> No. 34345 [Edit]
File 158978931333.jpg - (159.18KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] [CommieRaws] Healin' Good♥Precure.jpg )
It's crazy to think the Precure series was beaten by the very thing the current precure were trying to defeat.
>> No. 34414 [Edit]
File 159183288565.jpg - (121.77KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] [CommieRaws] Healin' Good♥Precure.jpg )
For anyone who might be curious. Rather than having dead air during the usual time precure would air, They've been filling the time slots by reairing the season again from the start. Question is at the moment if they're going to pick back up once they get to ep 12, or if they'll delay this again due to the second outbreak in japan, and if so if they'd repeat this season a third time.
>> No. 34442 [Edit]
Seems Crunchy Roll Finally picked up Precure, starting with the currently airing season for now.
>> No. 34494 [Edit]
File 159639545187.jpg - (95.97KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Healin Good Precure - 13 [720p]_mkv.jpg )
Big sis is weirdly chill for someone trapped in her van.
>> No. 34517 [Edit]
File 159742406674.jpg - (217.04KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Healin Good Precure - 16 [1080p]_mk.jpg )
Such subtle advertising.
>> No. 34581 [Edit]
Yeah the movies are kind of a mess. I only got around to watching them all not that long ago. Some are fun and nice, but the majority are horrible. The world building is the least of their problems. I feel like they're an increasingly hard to pull off project each year as more and more characters get added in every time. managing 40+ characters in a single movie while ensuring they make time for all of the characters attacks and transformations and other expected elements, setting up a new story and villain, this on top of still having to work on the main series and another movie in the same year dedicated to the current season... It's amazing they can pull off what they do, even if it is a mess. borrowing just a single character from each series seems like the only logical way to go on.
>> No. 34584 [Edit]
File 159883692315.jpg - (213.88KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Healin Good Precure - 20 [1080p]_mk.jpg )
I wonder if cure earth was rushed out slightly ahead of scheduled in light of the issues with the merch spoiling her appearance. I'd have thought it'd be a good 5 ep more or so till they make an appearance.
>> No. 34639 [Edit]
File 160068745742.png - (1.15MB , 1424x527 , bucchakearienai.png )
I love the way they have the same face!

>Pro tip: don't cut your own hair unless you want it to look like shit.
My brother and I cut each others' hair. Results are passable, especially if you have low expectations.
>> No. 34640 [Edit]
Guys have much lower standards for hair.
>> No. 34954 [Edit]
File 16031235299.jpg - (78.72KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Healin Good Precure - 26 [720p]_mkv.jpg )
For all the complaints about ep26, I thought it was pretty nice for a change to see an ep that didn't have an obligatory fight.
>> No. 35022 [Edit]
File 160385434823.jpg - (430.37KB , 1280x720 , [TCsubs] Healin Good Precure - 28 (720p) [625F812C.jpg )
Well this got kinda dark.
>> No. 35113 [Edit]
File 160494523444.jpg - (122.52KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 30 (720p) [8891.jpg )
>> No. 35202 [Edit]
File 160696315748.png - (860.68KB , 460x652 , Capture.png )

I have no flipping clue why, but the next movie sees the current precures crossing over with the cures from Yes precure 5.
...Why them?!?
>> No. 35253 [Edit]
File 160813410899.jpg - (1.90MB , 1887x3094 , five de chance-95.jpg )
Don't shit on the Yes5 cast, GoGo was great.
>> No. 35254 [Edit]
Great at almost getting precure taken off the air.
>> No. 35262 [Edit]
File 16084882162.jpg - (125.79KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 35 (720p) [F677.jpg )
Meito Anizawa?
>> No. 35414 [Edit]
File 161215600273.jpg - (82.76KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 42 (720p) [638E.jpg )
It's pretty amazing how they took on this topic. Bad people love to take advantage of good people and make them feel like they themselves are bad people if they aren't letting themselves be taken advantage of. I could have sworn they were going to let the main character get used because it's the "right thing to do", after all last weeks ep portrayed her as cowardly and selfish for not giving in when she had all the reason in the world not to. It made this really hard to watch for a bit there, to see Grace get manipulated like that. It's awesome to see her stand up for herself in the end and not just take it. It's a very unexpectedly nice message to send kids, especially from something Japanese, to not just let people walk all over you. Anime tends to encourage the opposite after all.
>> No. 35431 [Edit]
File 161258653979.jpg - (107.22KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 42 (720p) [638E.jpg )
Can I just say, it's absolutely mind blowing that precure of all things would take on the subject of rape and sexual assault. I mean holy shit, how are the parents taking this I wonder?
>> No. 35435 [Edit]
Shit, really? I better get caught up.
>> No. 35438 [Edit]
File 161276487555.jpg - (101.44KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 42 (720p) [638E.jpg )
They don't say it outright (for obvious reasons), but are about as clear as they can be without being blunt about it.

I'll explain. Pretty big spoilers here:

Nodoka, the pink precure of the season, aka Cure Grace was introduced as someone who recently recovered from being very sick before moving into town.
During the series, the villains corrupt random objects and people, which can make them corrupt other things, like a disease. The villains find they can harvest gem like objects from things they corrupted, and when used in later corrupted objects, it makes them even more powerful.
One of the villains named Daruzien decides to say what the hell and j-j-jams one of these into cure grace while fighting her.
This causes Grace/Nodoka to get sick and hospitalized just like when she was younger. After working her way though it, the evil force in her gets expelled, into the form of another villain who looks a lot like Daruzien, the one who assaulted her, just not all there. Like an unwanted pregnancy, she aborts this new creature.
It's at this point we learn that Daruzien was born from Grace/Nodoka when she was hospitalized before.
Needless to say, these two have an odd relationship at this point. Daruzien is still an evil little bastard without a shred of compassion however, and almost seems to enjoy tormenting Grace/Nodoka even more now that he learned she's essentially his mother.
(I still didn't connect the dots myself at this point, maybe because I wasn't looking for them.)
Later, Daruzien gets into some trouble with his boss, the big baddy of the series. He's in rough shape and drops in on Nodoka unexpectedly. He tells her that the only way he can heal, is if she lets him in her again. She doesn't want to and runs away while him and the framing of the show make her feel like a bad selfish person for not giving in. But after some depression and talking it over, she realizes she shouldn't feel bad for not letting that horrible person use and abuse her. She stands up for herself, and kicks his ass while telling him that her body is hers alone and no one else's.

So in short. This girl is hospitalized, gives birth. Is later assaulted, hospitalized again, gives another unwanted birth, gets an abortion, and is then guilt tripped and manipulated into letting an abusive douchebag have his way with her body, again.
Daruzien is basically an abusive stalker boyfriend and rape baby in one.

>> No. 35500 [Edit]
File 161452961822.jpg - (129.08KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 44 (720p) [181A.jpg )
I love the idea of everyone knowing who the precure are but just pretending not to know.
>> No. 35501 [Edit]
File 161454252087.jpg - (94.42KB , 1280x720 , stare.jpg )
Wow. Holy shit, that sounds like really serious stuff. I'm surprised the edgy villain kid didn't do all that though.
>> No. 35505 [Edit]
File 161475456937.jpg - (177.04KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 45 (720p) [50D7.jpg )
The last ep of healin' good feels like the most lazily done baton pass ep since they started doing them. Cure Summer literally falls out of the sky, gets knocked out, and flies back into the sky a few minutes later as soon as she wakes up. Made me think "...what the fudge was the point of that?"
>> No. 35514 [Edit]
File 161540914798.png - (2.73MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 01 (1080p) .png )
Tropical-Rouge is off to a pretty good start. Seems like this is gonna be a fun one.
>> No. 35519 [Edit]
File 161550695816.jpg - (237.01KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 01 (1080p) .jpg )
She's gonna be the midpoint fifth cure, isn't she?
>> No. 35528 [Edit]
Appearance vs personality.
>> No. 35567 [Edit]
File 161694954545.jpg - (191.63KB , 1280x720 , Tropical-Rouge_Precure_-_03.jpg )
sango is adorable.
>> No. 35574 [Edit]
File 161703678990.png - (3.81MB , 1920x1080 , powers combined.png )
So where's captain planet?
>> No. 35593 [Edit]
File 161816533831.jpg - (96.14KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 06 (720p) [.jpg )
>> No. 35599 [Edit]
File 161828546692.jpg - (60.84KB , 916x515 , touch it.jpg )
She really wants people to touch her tail. I Wonder if she's secretly a pervert.
>> No. 35616 [Edit]
File 161879636310.jpg - (0.97MB , 1024x1152 , every sunday.jpg )
How appropriate!
>> No. 35629 [Edit]
File 161937250020.jpg - (110.76KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 09 (720p) [.jpg )
I wonder if Sango has 34 older brothers and sisters and her parents just suck at naming their kids?

Post edited on 25th Apr 2021, 3:33pm
>> No. 35703 [Edit]
File 162144936568.jpg - (233.25KB , 1280x720 , PrettyCureAllStarsIII31.jpg )
>world building goes out the window in many ways just to make the crossover: it generally messes up the timelines of the series itself in order to bring back dead enemies, while at the same time using the 'old' precure attacks from the beginning/middle of their respective series inspite of the newer mid-season cure already being there.

I've got a theory about this.
What if, all precure series take place at roughly the same time?
If you look at not only the crossover movies, but the rare cameo appearances from one series to another, the characters don't look any older at all, characters from a 10+ year old series showing up in a modern one should look at least a little older right? The characters -do- in fact age after all, we've seen as much at the end of series like hugtto and maho and star twinkle.
So if these characters age normally, which they do, but show up together looking the same as they did in their original series, that alone should say something about their timeline placement.
Precure Miracle Leap, one of the most recent crossover movies, makes a reference to Kasugano, Urara while showing her looking the way she did in her series. Being a well known actress, a lot of people would notice if she never aged a day over the past ten years, not that there's any reason why she wouldn't anyway, she's just a normal human, Most precure are.

We the viewer assume it all takes place in real time, one event after another year after year, precure in one region fix a problem, then another one pops up somewhere else. But who's to say that's the case? Maybe all of japan is being attacked at roughly the same time? Why would these villain organizations take turns attacking japan anyway? If anything it would make more sense to attack during an attack somewhere else and take advantage of the distraction.
If they really did take turns, as one might assume they are, then why don't old precure help with new villains outside of crossover movies? Well, if they all take place at the same time then they can't, they're busy fighting their own bad guys.
Another thing to take note of here is that it's very hard to date these series. They don't make many real world references, there aren't cars or electronics or what have you to go off of. Unless I'm mistaken, you don't even see characters use smart phones. For all we know the current season could take place 10-20 years ago. We have no idea what year it is for any precure series.

I don't think they all start at the same time mind you. There's just a large and ever increasing overlap. One could say a few weeks go by after the first series before splash star starts, then another couple weeks and Precure 5 starts. Some time goes by, maybe a month or two and these three groups have their first meeting in "Precure All Stars GoGo Dream Live!", then go back to their own fights in their own regions. Maybe a week or two go by and so starts Fresh Precure, and soon after the events of "Precure All Stars Movie DX: Minna Tomodachi☆Kiseki no Zenin Daishuugou!" then yet again, the four groups go their separate ways and continue doing what they do with their own separate problems. And so it continues on, every couple weeks a new organization attacks a new part of japan, and it also becomes a routine tradition at some point shortly after each new group pops up they all get together to welcome them and kick some arse together.

I think this can help explain why there's no military or law enforcement involvement. These attacks are happening so often while being so wide spread, it can be hard to even keep track of. You might have Fresh and Maho fighting off monsters on monday in their individual areas, then Tropical, Splash, Heartcatch and Princess fighting monsters on Tuesday. And in Charge it was mentioned various times that there are precure all around the world fighting their own battles, all at the same time charge takes place.

This might not explain the old attacks, but this is how you can have dead enemies make appearances in later crossover movies, they aren't dead (yet).
>> No. 35706 [Edit]
>Great at almost getting precure taken off the air.
Is that actually true? Yes 5 and Yes 5 Go Go are fantastic.
>> No. 35707 [Edit]
>> No. 35725 [Edit]
File 16218832041.png - (874.67KB , 2887x2023 , ratings.png )
It's unfortunately true. GoGo had some of the worst ratings of any season, yet the kids absolutely loved the slog that was Max Heart. My only explanation is that Japanese children have shit taste.
>> No. 35730 [Edit]
You liked gogo while thinking heart catch is bad, and you think they're the ones with shit taste??
>> No. 35732 [Edit]
Max Heart as in the sequel to Futari Wa, not Heartcatch. And Max Heart was a bit of a slog.
>> No. 35735 [Edit]
Right sorry, don't know how I misread that. Yeah max heart really was a bit much. The inclusion of the most useless precure to date did not help out that season one bit.
>> No. 35749 [Edit]
File 162310210167.jpg - (129.97KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 14 (720p) [.jpg )
Walking(hopping) around on her fins like that is probably going to leave them looking like Muromi-san's.
>> No. 35951 [Edit]
File 163968249426.jpg - (165.18KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 31 (720p) [.jpg )
The glass dome on this train makes no sense!
>> No. 36039 [Edit]
File 164773734635.jpg - (209.04KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 43 (720p) [.jpg )
What a whale of a problem...
>> No. 36081 [Edit]
File 164969137519.jpg - (131.58KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Delicious Party Precure - 04 (720p) [.jpg )
The new season is delicious!
>> No. 36082 [Edit]
File 164973693844.jpg - (85.53KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Delicious Party Precure - 04 (720p) [.jpg )
>> No. 36099 [Edit]
File 165047072696.jpg - (94.79KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Delicious Party Precure - 06 (720p) [.jpg )
This doesn't seem very appealing.
>> No. 36102 [Edit]
It's very common in Spain and maybe Italy.
It somehow works well. Also a typical lazy supper since it requires not effort.
>> No. 36103 [Edit]
File 165048106881.jpg - (122.06KB , 602x600 , vomit.jpg )
Melon by itself makes me nauseous.
>> No. 36104 [Edit]
>Melon by itself makes me nauseous.
Even watermelon? I don't particularly like cantaloupe/honeydew because it has a weird aftertaste, but watermelon doesn't taste like other things in the melon family
>> No. 36105 [Edit]
>Even watermelon?
edit: I also hate cucumbers. Maybe it has something to do with them being related
I hate pretty much all of these

Post edited on 20th Apr 2022, 12:10pm
>> No. 36106 [Edit]
But it is a special kind of ham or something isn't it? Smoked or something.
Problem with cucumbers is the smell.
>> No. 36152 [Edit]
File 165219059015.png - (176.63KB , 640x480 , Bitter melon.png )
>> No. 36398 [Edit]
File 165997307413.jpg - (103.57KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Delicious Party Precure - 17 (720p) [.jpg )
This baddy sure likes to give the others a hard time for how they do their job, for someone who hasn't done a thing.
>> No. 36400 [Edit]
File 166010895632.jpg - (117.42KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Delicious Party Precure - 18 (720p) [.jpg )
Setting all the action segments in Monument Valle seems like a really weird design decision. They do this kind of thing for a bunch of practical reasons in super sentai. It's cheaper, and easier to film in those locations and they can use pyrotechnics without bothering anyone, ect Not to mention they can film a bunch of stuff back to back and edit it in later.
I can't understand why they would do it for something 2D. Past precure series have had boring enough fights without this. Now you just have the same exact bland and uninspired location every ep. It also feels like it really lowers the stakes if the fights take place in a safe little bubble.
If they're trying to save time/money by recycling background art, I haven't noticed. I've been zoning out more than ever when the fights start.
>> No. 36415 [Edit]
File 166037088460.jpg - (79.86KB , 1280x720 , SubsPlease_Delicious_Party_Precure_-_18_720p_EB52C.jpg )
>> No. 36416 [Edit]
File 166037152744.jpg - (98.24KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Delicious Party Precure - 20 (720p) [.jpg )
At first I was like "These two seem like they'd be good friends."

Then I was like "...They're gonna lez out, aren't they?"
>> No. 36517 [Edit]
File 166343194389.jpg - (89.50KB , 848x480 , [SubsPlease] Delicious Party Precure - 24 (480p) [.jpg )
I wonder who's decision it was to make this 30 year old man just chill out with a group of 14 and under girls? And why they thought it wouldn't be weird or awkward?
>> No. 36539 [Edit]
File 16640950282.jpg - (1.24MB , 1736x2456 , 8e2f3312da5225967a350a3861b8428767263e5174719daba1.jpg )
There's potential for a fantastic doujin otome game about Kokone breaking out of her shell and romancing the cast. Not just the other PreCure but Gentlu if you snatch her up early, or Takumi stolen out from under stupid oblivious Yui, or Kome-kome if you like oneeloli, or of course Narcistoru because he's the bad boy.
>> No. 36958 [Edit]
File 167317197887.jpg - (145.83KB , 605x858 , Flwono5aMAEL7r2.jpg )

The next precure is actually going to have blue be the main focus?!
>> No. 36964 [Edit]
I think it's meant to be okay because he takes it up the butt, so that makes him non-threatening to the girls while simultaneously protecting him from criticism by people who would be labeled as <derogatory noun> for complaining about him being there. Why they felt precure needed such a character? Hell if I know. It could be someone at Toei pushing a political agenda, but it's such a weird place to do it. Maybe their goal is to indoctrinate children from an early age? If anyone honestly thinks it's a creative decision, I have a bridge to sell them. He simply doesn't belong. Even if you put the sexuality aside, they're simply too old to be hanging out with kids like that. A middle aged woman hanging out with the group would be just as awkward. He's a tacked on third wheel in an already problematic season. It's like this season is a poorly made burnt cake, and he's the raw fish they slapped on top of it.
>> No. 36980 [Edit]
File 167383564075.jpg - (141.42KB , 991x886 , FmRPicbagAEgpNf.jpg )
>> No. 37020 [Edit]
File 167601121544.png - (1.48MB , 1920x1080 , cytutOv.png )
New precure just humming along.
>> No. 37103 [Edit]
File 168145524675.jpg - (249.15KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 03 (720p) [03.jpg )
Has anyone here been keeping up with the latest precure? The current season is actually pretty good for a change. I think they realized the quality was really falling and things were getting very stagnate on top of that. Feels like a real return to form this time around, while also trying to make things fresh. This is the first time they've ever had a non-pink for a lead, they also included a 18 year old cure and a male cure. Things overall feel better written, with better character dynamics and fights that actually have half way decent choreography.
I don't think I'd call it the best season ever, but they're at least 'trying' this time around, and it shows.
>> No. 37113 [Edit]
PreCure got old to me when they picked the most boring outcome to the Nodoka/Daruizen storyline. The changes for the series brought me back. Wing's introduction episode is probably my favorite one for any Cure ever, and I also really like Ageha, so I'm excited for Butterfly's debut.
>> No. 37114 [Edit]
I don't think you were missing much in the seasons between.
>> No. 37116 [Edit]
I've heard good things about TR, so I might watch that someday. Everything I've seen of DP has seemed like cheap phoned-in crap, from the recycled premise that they had just done in Kirakira to the Delicious Field. I'm not even going to bother with it.
>> No. 37117 [Edit]
TR did have some fun elements to it. If you liked Smile precure you might enjoy it, but a lot of people disliked the direction they took with the mermaid.

DP was indeed about as lazy as you can get. The theme was flimsy and better done in à la Mode. The animation was bad, writing was weak, characters forgettable. stakes were low (until the very end). The subplot with the middle aged guy and his former friend and teacher wasn't very interesting to me. They even teleported the characters to the same exact location for the second half of every ep, adding to how repetitive it all felt. It had decent character designs but that was all.
>> No. 37141 [Edit]
File 168214602715.jpg - (128.45KB , 1061x1500 , AI.jpg )
PreCure Calendar 2023 is nice and colorful
>> No. 37172 [Edit]
File 168333523431.jpg - (558.20KB , 1106x1500 , 20230505.jpg )
Pre-Cure Mayday
>> No. 37175 [Edit]
File 168349119478.jpg - (128.52KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 12 (720p) [D8.jpg )
I never understood the waterfall training thing. What does it accomplish?
>> No. 37250 [Edit]
File 168620756759.jpg - (109.07KB , 951x826 , FxwWm5oakAEPyxv.jpg )
>> No. 37318 [Edit]
File 168909104236.jpg - (153.70KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 18 (720p) [DD.jpg )
Did it take 18 ep for cure butterfly to make her appearance, because she's 18?
>> No. 37343 [Edit]
Ellee-chan being the cutest baby for 3 minutes straight
>> No. 37344 [Edit]
Marriage material right here, boys.
>> No. 37433 [Edit]
File 169679481488.jpg - (81.25KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 29 (720p) [20.jpg )
Would you take it with you?
>> No. 37450 [Edit]
File 169732643382.jpg - (143.49KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 30 (720p) [C3.jpg )
Let go anon, let go...
>> No. 37498 [Edit]
File 169801737775.jpg - (197.66KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
seeing cures from different seasons aged up together only reinforces my theory that all the normal precure series we've seen take place at the same time, just in different parts of the country.
>> No. 37500 [Edit]
Those seasons were only a year apart from each other. Those characters would be around the same age anyway.
>> No. 37502 [Edit]
File 169801979387.jpg - (100.28KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
There's that infamous Japanese work culture.
>> No. 37503 [Edit]
File 169802082351.jpg - (145.39KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
The animation really goes from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat.
>> No. 37507 [Edit]
File 169821925895.jpg - (142.65KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
>> No. 37508 [Edit]
File 169822055069.jpg - (163.31KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
Drunk precures... there's a first...
>> No. 37511 [Edit]
File 169829274188.jpg - (77.19KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
This has some oddly depressing undertones so far, with how upbeat and optimistic precure usually is. It opens with messages about global warming and pollution, and we find the old gang mostly succeeded in following their dreams but doesn't seem like it's really working out as well as they'd have hoped. From a teacher failing to help her students to an artist that can't get a job. They're all Christmas cakes too.

It's probably safe to assume adults who watched the original as children are struggling now that they're adults, so I guess it's probably the theme they're working towards, to not give up hope.
>> No. 37533 [Edit]
File 169897909954.jpg - (79.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
Were they unable to find a better quality source for the flash backs?
>> No. 37568 [Edit]
File 170062574011.jpg - (129.01KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
I know that feeling...
>> No. 37574 [Edit]
File 170081462280.jpg - (164.72KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
It's nice to see things are going well for at least one of them.
>> No. 37935 [Edit]
Has anyone here seen Wonderful yet?
>> No. 37937 [Edit]
I really like it so far but some people are complaining about "chase action" instead of fights. I think it's cute.
>> No. 38198 [Edit]
File 171855521863.jpg - (258.69KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 01 (1080p) [8004.jpg )
Is anyone here watching Wonderful Precure?
>> No. 38199 [Edit]
File 171855616013.png - (633.88KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Wonderful Precure! - 20 (720p)_mkv_snaps.png )
I'm watching it. The show is pretty much carried by Mayu and Yuki. The characters and their relationship is something you should be looking forward to. Additionally, the voice acting is brilliant.

On a side note, Komugi is annoying but I'm not usually a fan of idiots.
>> No. 38243 [Edit]
File 171936851965.jpg - (249.05KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 03 (1080p) [B6F9.jpg )
I love how in this season they defeat the monsters with hugs and kindness.
>> No. 38282 [Edit]
File 172036940111.jpg - (249.58KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 07 (1080p) [8D22.jpg )
That sounds an awful lot like an abusive relationship.
>> No. 38588 [Edit]
File 173316613326.png - (952.06KB , 1680x1052 , p_logo_pc.png )
New Precure announced. Now with idols!
>> No. 38594 [Edit]
File 173332834581.jpg - (142.21KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 17 (1080p) [FF2D.jpg )
I fell behind but I'm trying to get caught up. I forgot how cute this season can be.
>> No. 38601 [Edit]
File 173398654965.jpg - (676.58KB , 1536x2048 , 1733930728955460.jpg )
Thought this was pretty interesting. It's like a real world measurement of character popularity.
>> No. 38602 [Edit]
File 173398657417.jpg - (584.75KB , 1536x2048 , 1733930799308231.jpg )
And the mascots.
>> No. 38603 [Edit]
IIRC I once saw some anime where a girl saw such stickers sold and the one with her printed wasn't selling and she got upset. Or maybe I'm imagining. By the way there was an anime where anime and manga characters would become alive to fight against something. There was a huge robot and a girl with a sword of fire. I don't remember the name, don't you know it!? Please somebody...
>> No. 38604 [Edit]
I have fond memories of it
>> No. 38605 [Edit]
File 173429505933.jpg - (405.29KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 21 (1080p) [E39F.jpg )
>> No. 38635 [Edit]
File 173542707573.jpg - (1.25MB , 1080x2161 , 1735396157883082.jpg )
Are you ready for idols?
>> No. 38636 [Edit]
Is that a threat?
>> No. 38647 [Edit]
File 173606726217.jpg - (954.61KB , 1280x1811 , kimitoidolprecure_key.jpg )

Is this the next coming of Aikatsu?
>> No. 38648 [Edit]
File 173606820999.jpg - (356.12KB , 1448x2048 , Ggfg4EPa8AMNjuQ.jpg )
>> No. 38685 [Edit]
File 17378768705.png - (974.79KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Wonderful Precure! - 50 (720p)_mkv_snaps.png )
>> No. 38694 [Edit]
File 173848720561.png - (761.31KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Kimi to Idol Precure♪ - 01 (720p)_mkv_.png )
It has begun.
>> No. 38695 [Edit]
File 173848756682.png - (710.75KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Kimi to Idol Precure♪ - 01 (720p)_mkv_.png )
This manga does sure look appealing. Shame that it's fictional.
>> No. 38696 [Edit]
File 173848760732.png - (850.32KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Kimi to Idol Precure♪ - 01 (720p)_mkv_.png )
>> No. 38719 [Edit]
File 173985530182.jpg - (86.55KB , 848x480 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 32 (480p) [BE4B5.jpg )
Not one but two former precure groups just happen to be at the zoo the same day as the main cast, where a monster attack happens and they don't help? really?
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