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File 155494908368.png - (3.63MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 01 [1080p]_mkv_sna.png )
32773 No. 32773 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A 4-way chibi crossover with characters from 4 different isekais. Has the isekai genre gone too far?

I thought the first episode was pretty charming and it was nice seeing the characters again.
>> No. 32937 [Edit]
File 155846443468.png - (3.46MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 07 [1080p]_mkv_sna.png )
So, I suppose this means he stills has the power to revive in this world. I was wondering that for awhile.
Maybe he's already died and reset from one of Ainz's floor guardians
>> No. 33827 [Edit]
File 157784883868.jpg - (327.84KB , 640x906 , 20191227.jpg )
Isekai Quartet 2
Now with more shields.
>> No. 33828 [Edit]
I don't think this addition is going to add anything really.

File 156207488791.jpg - (191.36KB , 850x604 , __suzumiya_haruhi_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu_drawn.jpg )
33037 No. 33037 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Very unpopular opinion, but I've wanted to get it off my chest for a while: I don't like Haruhi. At least, I don't anymore. When I first watched it, it was fine. My tastes weren't really developed and I just watched whatever. Looking back on it though, it was a disappointing experience, and I don't just mean season 2. I watched it in chronological order. The first few episodes got me really excited. I loved the premise and thought a lot of crazy, mind fuckey things were going to happen. The possibilities were endless. I was excited to see all sorts of people ask the SOS Brigade for help with supernatural problems. I was excited to see more of the "radical alien faction" or something. I thought Kyon was going to go through a lot of traumatic shit. Haruhi's kind of a cunt, but if she gets better or if there's some repercussions for it, it's fine. Then the baseball episode happened, and most of the show ended up being like that. I get this is a consequence of the source material. I get this is why they aired the episodes out-of-order. I still don't like it.

It's not that I don't like slice of life. I liked Azumanga Daioh. I liked Lucky Star. Konata wasn't a magical girl though, and she wasn't possessed by a demon. If the show is going to be high schoolers doing high school things, why can't they just be normal high schoolers? Why waste an interesting premise? It's not even a comedy. There's jokes and gags and references, but it's not funny funny like Danshi Koukousei No Nichijou. Same thing with Hyouka. After the first arc, I thought he was going to solve a murder case or something. Nope. With his genius level mystery solving powers he just hangs around school. There was a cultural festival, last-minute romance sub-plot, and that's it. I just checked, and other "stuff" did happen, but all of it was wiped from my memory. Both of these were adapted from light novels and I think that's a big part of it.

Post edited on 2nd Jul 2019, 7:02am
18 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33058 [Edit]
You have to admit that the vast majority of discussion and interest about isn’t because there’s a lot of brass connoisseurs in the anime fandom.
>> No. 33059 [Edit]
Sure, but I also don't think most people who like Girls und Panzer build tank models. There's lots of other reasons one might like one of those series.
>The old business model has collapsed, and the route to make independent planning as a commercial work has disappeared.
Makes sense.
>> No. 33826 [Edit]
‏Thank you for everything you've done for us last year.
Best wishes for the New Year.
All the staff of Kyoto Animation
>> No. 33829 [Edit]
Hopefully they'll install a proper sprinkler system...

File 132152131780.jpg - (54.84KB , 600x400 , akira0119.jpg )
7288 No. 7288 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
This thread is to serve the purpose of announcing recent OVA releases that we may not all be aware of. Particularly I would like to mention that the raws of latest Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA are now available which is particularly important because WE ARE SYD, but I am also planning to use this thread in a few weeks to tell everykyon about the new Kiss✕sis OVA.
175 posts and 100 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 32106 [Edit]
File 154745949699.gif - (379.50KB , 400x399 , Lazer Cat.gif )
Very good post, very good news
>> No. 32486 [Edit]
File [Erai-raws]_Ore_ga_Suki_nano_wa_Imouto_dakedo_Imou.torrent - (3.68KB , [Erai-raws] Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imou.torrent )

>> No. 32533 [Edit]
File 155308803251.jpg - (298.70KB , 900x1200 , 20190318.jpg )
Alita OVAs were very 90s
>> No. 33814 [Edit]
File 157753471358.jpg - (166.23KB , 1920x1200 , 20191222.jpg )
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection Movie Trailer

File 157054287974.png - (2.29MB , 1500x1785 , GuP Anchovy 096.png )
33537 No. 33537 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There were five Isekai anime airing last season and there are seven airing this season. It's getting worse.
27 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33758 [Edit]
Only 4 this coming season, it looks like it's getting better. Although they all look awful this time apart from Isekai Quartet which is alright but not that good.
>> No. 33802 [Edit]
File 157731345451.jpg - (10.88KB , 180x488 , 20191222.jpg )
I predict Shinchou Yuusha chibis will join the Isekai Quartet.
Bonus: (may contain spoilers)
>> No. 33813 [Edit]
Ep 12 preview
>> No. 33817 [Edit]
Probably because it spends more than half of its time making fun of isekai/romcom tropes. The characters just happen to be interesting and written well enough to make it work in the long term.

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33591 No. 33591 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is your rifle beautiful too?
24 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33738 [Edit]
I think it's because that's all they can do. There just aren't enough people capable of non-3D animation left. That's just a guess pulled out of my ass, though.
>> No. 33740 [Edit]
Why isn't all of the show in 3D then?
>> No. 33741 [Edit]
What a dumb question. "Not enough people capable of non-3D animation" is not the same as "no people capable of non-3D animation", and I really can't see how you were capable of reading it that way.
>> No. 33742 [Edit]
More and more anime are becoming all 3D

File 151264378924.png - (81.80KB , 1100x500 , YExKnLt.png )
29908 No. 29908 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How about it? Anyone want to give this a shot?
132 posts and 107 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31293 [Edit]
File 152706081372.png - (361.75KB , 1009x387 , watamotemanga.png )
>> No. 31779 [Edit]
Some of these are amusing. Thanks, people.
>> No. 31789 [Edit]
File 154105070497.jpg - (441.26KB , 1100x500 , I got the office.jpg )
Pretty much.
>> No. 33664 [Edit]
File 157255852325.png - (767.63KB , 972x441 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Lain Spoilers

File 157200183889.jpg - (96.89KB , 408x592 , Moetan-cover.jpg )
33643 No. 33643 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is the last character design that made an impression on you?
>> No. 33644 [Edit]
File 157202075169.jpg - (377.08KB , 1135x1600 , __merry_nightmare_yumekui_merry_drawn_by_ushiki_yo.jpg )
I've been watching Yumekui Merry. Merry's design is really cute, and I think somewhat reflects the author's previous work on Touhou doujin manga.

File 157081856054.png - (3.32MB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Granbelm - 13 END [1080p][Multiple Sub.png )
33559 No. 33559 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I just finished it up, since I almost forgot that I had meant to watch it. I thought it was amazing. The combat scenes were amazingly choreographed and animated and I loved the intensity of the characters. Some of the staff talked about how they were heavily influenced by Tomino and I think it really showed.
>> No. 33564 [Edit]
I will watch this next. Are you the same anon who made the Magical Sempai thread?
>> No. 33572 [Edit]
I hope you like it. And no, that wasn't me.
>> No. 33578 [Edit]
>> No. 33638 [Edit]
This looks cute. Is it fun to watch?

File 157092570880.png - (2.35MB , 1295x930 , 1568566199257.png )
33579 No. 33579 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
this chan is nice

They should see

File 154616619573.png - (1.29MB , 1280x738 , anime flipflap2016-10-14-02h01m55s627.png )
32045 No. 32045 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
interseason doldrums
14 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33506 [Edit]
>> No. 33524 [Edit]
Oh if you're looking for a short (5 min) to fill the slice of life void, there's Null Peta.

Also in addition to Rifle is Beautiful there's the Black Fox movie animated by Studio 3Hz releasing today.
>> No. 33526 [Edit]
File 15702696473.jpg - (160.10KB , 1600x1200 , faaat.jpg )
>> No. 33534 [Edit]
File 157041565412.jpg - (35.13KB , 511x263 , 20191006.jpg )

File 156991770447.jpg - (302.01KB , 1562x1742 , Kochou Shinobu.jpg )
33495 No. 33495 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello from Poland
>> No. 33496 [Edit]
File 156992216776.jpg - (451.80KB , 1226x641 , Toho Youmu and Yuyuko 039.jpg )
>> No. 33517 [Edit]
File 15701988313.jpg - (109.85KB , 850x956 , 20182222eng-pcx-electric_01.jpg )
Harro from Pacifica
>> No. 33527 [Edit]
File 157030759640.png - (656.83KB , 1366x768 , concerned_tsubomi_in_pajamas.png )
Is there Anime in Poland?
>> No. 33528 [Edit]
Not much

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