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38537 No. 38537 [Edit]
I just finished this show.

It was a roller coaster ride.

How could a show make you cry like a bitch but also horny at the same time?

Also, Kuro Kagami is cute but bitchy loli.
>> No. 38538 [Edit]
>bitchy loli
>not even a subjective impression, just
>bitchy loli
I'm sorry tohno, I tried my best.
>> No. 38539 [Edit]
I was confused at first, whether my memory was fooling me, but it seems you actually just copied the exact same thread from Heyuri...
>> No. 38540 [Edit]
You're correct.
https://img . heyuri . net/a/koko.php?res=2435
Why can't these people just stay at nashikouen . net
>> No. 38563 [Edit]
Too pedo for me. You can't even pretened she's a 1000yo demon in the body of a loli.
>> No. 38566 [Edit]
>How could a show make you cry like a bitch but also horny at the same time?
Wait until you read the manga. The ending is glorious.
>> No. 38584 [Edit]

It is a shame it was banned in the US.
>> No. 38585 [Edit]

You are gay.

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