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File 151589807474.jpg - (111.05KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi S2 - 01 [720p]_mkv_sn.jpg )
30357 No. 30357 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
She's back!
29 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31103 [Edit]
File 152309659884.jpg - (277.89KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi S2 - 12 [1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
This season was bordering on false advertizing!
>> No. 31104 [Edit]
Should I skip then?
>> No. 31105 [Edit]
File 152314344086.jpg - (130.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 02 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
If you liked the first season it's worth giving a try, but it's not nearly as good this time around. They don't go into detail about candy like before, the art is way different and less detailed than before, and the fan favorite Hotaru is absent for half the season. If nothing else we see coconuts grow a bit and begrudgingly learn to accept his role as the shop owner, sort of.
>> No. 31479 [Edit]
Too much sugar is bad for you though... please eat in moderation

File 152676692691.jpg - (133.50KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory.jpg )
31277 No. 31277 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone remember full metal panic? Of course you do! Well here's more of it!
10 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31413 [Edit]
File 15298138623.jpg - (68.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory.jpg )
I wasn't expecting much from this season, but I gotta say it's been pretty intense.
>> No. 31415 [Edit]
French fighting in a nutshell; be an asshole
>> No. 31416 [Edit]
*Frenchmen in a nutshell.
>> No. 31471 [Edit]
File 153187899364.jpg - (149.45KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory.jpg )
This never gets old.

File 151625072236.jpg - (118.63KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 01 [720p]_m.jpg )
30430 No. 30430 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Are you Triggered yet?
75 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31368 [Edit]
They really don't, I just think it's funny.
>> No. 31465 [Edit]
File 153171078427.jpg - (180.45KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 23 [720p]_m.jpg )
This show ended up taking an, interesting, direction..
>> No. 31466 [Edit]
Are you sure that what it has taken is a direction?
>> No. 31467 [Edit]
If you're saying the anime felt like it was lacking in direction, you're not exactly wrong.

No. 22360 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i need help

as a teenager i watched a large amount of anime, but lost interest as i got older, however my appetite for anime never depreciated. i lost interest because i could not find anime that was aimed towards my demographic. i've decided to get back into anime having discovered seinen anime and manga.

where should i start? i'm both struggling to find the right material and finding too much material. i love the medium of anime, but really can't endure any teenage angst, high school drama... i just can't. sorry this is such an elementary request, but of the various image boards i have poked through, this seemed the best place to start my search.
26 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 27166 [Edit]
Ashita no Joe features a teenager, but its not in a school setting. It's amazing and you should give it a try.
>> No. 31256 [Edit]
File 152621456722.jpg - (125.13KB , 1841x1200 , 20180513.jpg )
watch comedies
>> No. 31417 [Edit]
File 153009903920.jpg - (137.10KB , 850x944 , 20180618.jpg )
Do you like fighting anime?
>> No. 31461 [Edit]
File 153165793632.png - (36.45KB , 200x183 , asdf.png )

i've been off this site for more than two years now and came back out of idle curiosity and found this old thread i made when i first came here.

i like the insight that a lot of the anime fans here have into shows and found many users have taste parallel to my own, but found the community to be somewhat toxic (if you don't follow wizard-chan rules here everyone loses their shit) so i decided to stop coming to this site and started looking for friendlier communities. i return here out of idle curiosity today for the first time in more than two years to find my thread reawakened from the dead. the level of coincidence is almost shocking.

i was laughing when i read this thread thinking how similar this situation was to my own, thinking someone else on the site was having the same problems as me when i first came here and realized, to my shock, this was my thread!

why did you drag this thread from its coffin?

having watched 60 or so animes in the last two years i don't think there is any anime devoid of myopic teenage angst that i haven't either watched or know of and chose not to watch.

i like action anime. i like all genres, so if by some odd chance you have something to recommend that i haven't seen i will be truly delighted

File 147590546365.jpg - (127.77KB , 1280x720 , [Primrose] ViVid Strike - 01v2 (1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
27089 No. 27089 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How the hell do you go from being a mahou shoujo anime to being an anime about lolis training in martial arts?
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>> No. 31380 [Edit]
Training. Haha.
>> No. 31414 [Edit]
File 152983339149.jpg - (66.22KB , 500x283 , mm128_card01a.jpg )
Where's Subaru Nakajima?
>> No. 31420 [Edit]
File 15302389778.png - (304.47KB , 673x589 , 1392171276279.png )

Well, they do have a strong ninja background.


leaking oil in the scrapyard.
>> No. 31460 [Edit]
How the hell do you go from a side-character to a spin-off anime that's more popular than the game?

File 15276466236.jpg - (327.39KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Last Period - Owarinaki Rasen no Mo.jpg )
31318 No. 31318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Fantasy anime with a fair bit of meta themes and humor. It's from J.C. Staff
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>> No. 31407 [Edit]
File 152952443213.jpg - (172.58KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Last Period - Owarinaki Rasen no Mo.jpg )
What a mind fuck this must be.
>> No. 31411 [Edit]
File 152966505663.jpg - (347.46KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Last Period - Owarinaki Rasen no Mo.jpg )
What if we're all trapped in a shitty mobile game too?
>> No. 31427 [Edit]
File 153047494713.jpg - (165.57KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Last Period - Owarinaki Rasen no Mo.jpg )
Fuck you, I wanted to see how they were going to resolve this. The following ep goes on like none of that happened?! lame!
>> No. 31428 [Edit]
It would have been a fantastic way to end the series if the characters had an existential crisis while realizing they've been living inside of a game their whole life and at the same time trying to escape these other mobage they're now trapped in. Instead these cock teasing mother fuckers pull a reset and make the last two ep the same generic crap you'd expect from your typical anime. Talk about disappointing.

File 152426907862.jpg - (53.02KB , 960x720 , 15242540461.jpg )
31166 No. 31166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The reboot just landed, so why not share some thoughts on it and the original?
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>> No. 31396 [Edit]
I sure as hell hope not.
>> No. 31399 [Edit]
From what I've heard the JP version broadcast is delayed.
>> No. 31401 [Edit]
The Japanese broadcast is scheduled to happen a few months after the American one, and Adult Swim agreed not to release the Japanese audio track unti then.
>> No. 31402 [Edit]
That is disgusting on so many levels.

File 152314574990.jpg - (127.12KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
31106 No. 31106 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Highschool girls who work in various parts of the manga industry.
16 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31284 [Edit]
File 152679059440.jpg - (85.67KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 06 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
So I hear a master is out?
>> No. 31288 [Edit]
For me, it's getting told "good job today" by a beautiful teacher.
>> No. 31308 [Edit]
File 152738419690.png - (501.42KB , 1280x800 , O-O.png )
kaos chan is really very cute
>> No. 31393 [Edit]
File 152927086057.png - (618.29KB , 1280x720 , Screenshot from [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 11 [7.png )
I was so happy with the outcome of this latest episode I smiled very wide in real life.
Also this picture.

File 14362117129.png - (1.28MB , 960x720 , [Coalgirls]_Cardcaptor_Sakura_01_(960x720_Blu-ray_.png )
23439 No. 23439 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why is Sakura-chan so cute?
Which is your favorite card?
If you could have one card and use it however you wanted, which would it be?
29 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31143 [Edit]
File 152376329758.png - (616.55KB , 692x500 , 14.png )
Ep.14 sucked. Unnecessarily dark and overly dramatic. If the Mirage card gives you illusions based in your desires, then what? Sakura wanted to kill all her friends in a fire? What the hell? The intimacy moment between Sakura and Syaoran felt sudden and out of place. We also have a red herring where we're left to assume Akiho's book had something to do with the transformations just to have that dropped and a card appearing instead. This episode is just a rushed motive for Sakura wanting to "get stronger" whatever that means.
And what happened with the angle shots? Panning around every couple minutes, going in circles like it's about to faint? It looks like someone else entirely directed this ep. I don't get.

I can't get over how bad the new intro is. I understand Alice in Wonderland is referenced enough in this arc that they wanted to make a intro central to it but this just feels like a shitty emo music video from the early 2000s with the whole red and black palette. Not comfy at all I say.

Thank you kindly. Sometimes I regret not telling people what my thoughts were at the time but once I really think about it, it was for the best. Imagine if you ask some guy why he takes 10 seconds too long to close a door and he responds by saying he's trying to be a better person? Hilarious.

You're right. That was just part of it. Basically I wanted people to feel completely safe around me. Not just purity of conduct but also of intent. I don't know. I still try to be a good person but now that I'm more or less isolated from the world what I end up doing is becoming really tidy and silent. When I heard about Marie Kondo and the stuff she talks about like thanking her clothing by the end of the day or handling your objects with "
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>> No. 31225 [Edit]
I've been liking clear card so far but there are still a few things that bother me.

I still can't tell if the second movie happened or not. If the movie happened then Eriol's house really shouldn't be there, but episode 15 is all about the play from that movie. The amusement park doesn't seem to be there anymore either. Does that mean the Nothing never got unsealed? Did Sakura never get the Hope? It feels like they keep skirting around this without ever addressing it directly.

Setting it in modern times is off-putting. Normally I wouldn't mind but Sakura made a reference to Tomoyo's old camera and I think there was a reference to her old game console as well. Ignoring the fact that the old series happened in the 90s would be ok but putting references like that in there just makes it confusing.

The biggest issue I have with clear card is that Sakura seems to not care about the Sakura cards anymore. There has been almost no mention of them outside the first few episodes. When Sakura learned that the Clow cards would turn into normal cards she transformed as many as she could at once out of desperation. She clearly cares about them, but when all the cards turn clear and lose their power she doesn't seem too broken up about it. Kero and Eriol don't know what's happening and for all Sakura knows, the cards could've lost their power for good. It just seems strange that she's so unconcerned about this.

I'm happy there's more Sakura at all though, and even more happy that Meiling is back. I hope she sticks around for more than a couple episodes this time.
Really excited for what looks like the Fight/Power coming back next episode too.
>> No. 31273 [Edit]
File 152672499589.jpg - (32.86KB , 640x480 , CCS_17_[O-A][5de18c24]_Sakura's_Scary_Test_of.jpg )
How come this dude can lie his ass off and no one cares, but in other anime (most notably Natsume) people treat kids who lie like hell spawn bastards deserving of bullying and abuse?
>> No. 31276 [Edit]
You mean sloths can't run fast?

File 152565844962.jpg - (905.06KB , 1920x1080 , [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080.jpg )
31227 No. 31227 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's nowhere near as good as First or Second, but it isn't terrible enough to not bother with.

The Movie series covers the Gears of Destiny storyline whose characters end up being reconned into other Nanoha works.

I firmly believe the director should be shot, lots of shitty decisions in what gets cut and where to make everything fit into a movie format, as well as an absolutely shit structure for the movie in general. I would honestly recommend waiting for Reflection Movie 2, and then watching them both.

It's a 2-part movie in the same sense that a show separated by a commercial break is 2 separate episodes. It was a likely 3 hour movie that was cut in the middle and called two movies. Introducing 4 new characters in the final 10 minutes was retarded.

The transformation scenes meet expectations, everything else is rushed to some extent. Where First and Second had a small number of very well executed fights that last several minutes, this movie had a large number of rushed fights that last a minute or less, and the story was rushed to such an extent that all that remains is a series of references for those who know the story to catch for the .5-2 seconds they are on screen. I doubt the part 2 of Refelctions will change much with the story part, but hopefully the fights will come close to the standards Movie First and Second set.
>> No. 31228 [Edit]
That's disappointing to hear. I was interested in seeing more of the nanoha before she got old and had that adopted lesbian love child. I didin't much care that much for the last movie because I thought there was nothing wrong with As, and it didn't need a slightly more condensed and bigger budget retelling. This on the otherhand not being based on a tv series gave the impression we could expect something fresh and free of the restraints from a made for tv story. fuck. Guess it's back to more loli fighting tournaments and revenge fueled gang rape.

File 151573147737.jpg - (59.60KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Ky.jpg )
30311 No. 30311 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Story is about a guy working in a anti-'New Game!' game dev, falls asleep, and dreams about being in the RPG he's been working on.
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>> No. 31038 [Edit]
File 152185306739.jpg - (126.10KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Ky.jpg )
How many slaves/servants does this guy need?!
His harem is turning into a small army!
>> No. 31063 [Edit]
Well this is about a guy dreaming about being in the game he's working on. Dream big they say. On that note, seems to me he's just lying to himself about the MILF thing if he's dreaming about all these lolis chasing after him.
>> No. 31178 [Edit]
File 152443801434.jpg - (146.19KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Ky.jpg )
This anime was an amazing pile of garbage but like a car crash it made for an interesting watch. I've never liked harem anime much, they're stupid and cringy with boring generic male leads that make one wonder what could any woman possibly see in him. I've often times found myself feeling sorry for these girls who endlessly chase after some guy who has little or no interest in her when her time would be better spent with a guy that would return her feelings. This anime cranks all that up to 11. In some ways this reminds me of School Days, in other ways it reminds me of The Room. As horrible and retarded as I thought school days was, it did a good job of illustrating what would happen if a horny teenage boy actually did find himself with a typical huge harem and what can happen if you fuck with the wrong chicks, all be it exaggerated. Death Match doesn't go much in that direction most part, but they take the fantasy harem concept and portray it in it's most literally form as depicted throughout the ages. Here the main character literally takes and buys slaves. In most other anime there might be a good reason for this, usually something like buying them to give them freedom. But nope, this guy has zero issues with slavery. Ironically enough however, he's a massive Mary sue who's a "nice guy" to a creepy extent. This is the part that reminded me of The Room. I can't stress how creepy this guy is. He wears this fake plastic smile all the time, including inappropriate times that make him seem like a robot, or someone who has no concept of emotions.
They push this nice guy act really hard and it comes across as phony or possibly trying too hard. All his "nice guy" acts also conflict with the fact this guy owns a harem of slaves after all. By the end I couldn't help but wonder if he's not actually some sort of psychopath. In the very last ep he's shown tossing money around generously and paying for everyone's drinks at a bar (because he's SUCH A NICE GUY) Then gets lead up to the upstairs room where he finds this place acts as a "love hotel", saying so with the same creepy smile as always. It's implied he got busy while there (men have needs, so whatever), Then after leaving one his slaves accuses him of cheating on them. He claims he's not cheating on t
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>> No. 31184 [Edit]
>I can't recommend this to anyone. There's nothing appealing about it. It's just bad
Thanks for the review. Your sacrifice will save at least one another person's time.

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