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26478 No. 26478 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone check this out here?
22 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36499 [Edit]
Dropped it after a few episodes. Seemed like generic garbage, and the CG animation was quite bad as I recall.
>> No. 36500 [Edit]
I don't blame you, it's a fairly forgettable series.
>> No. 36501 [Edit]
I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. In principle I don't like CG mecha but as far as that goes I felt it's on the better end of it.
>> No. 36510 [Edit]
to terrible cliches

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33668 No. 33668 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think about video game adaptations(not visual novels)? Rpgs usually already have fleshed out stories with more room for diaologue and side characters, but there's benefits to an animated medium too. Which ones have you seen?
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>> No. 33671 [Edit]
If you like E&L you're probably going to like its animated series.
>> No. 33672 [Edit]
I did enjoy the game. The Dusk series had a really great image of living a decent life in what amounts to a dying world.
>> No. 33673 [Edit]
It's a very melancholic and yet cheerful world.
>> No. 36496 [Edit]
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>23 minute advertisement for the game with no plans to put forth an actual series.
That's Sakura Taisen for you....

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34360 No. 34360 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There's a neat annual report from the Association of Japanese animators that summarizes marketshare and revenues of the anime industry

The report itself is in English so it's worth skimming. There's lots of neat information there such as the geographic distribution of animation studios, geographic breakdown of overseas markets, and top sources of music royalty. What's interesting is that – unless I'm misinterpreting – overseas markets are actually substantial chunk of the entire revenue stream, which runs contrary to what I'd assumed. Although it's possible that this is due to how the categories are defined; I think if you limit yourself to TV and then compare foreign vs domestic the latter would dominate revenue-wise.
13 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34374 [Edit]
Overseas is defined as "overseas Japanese animation revenues (movies, TV, videogram, MD, etc.). So yes I think the "in a broad sense" chart includes merchandise as well as revenue from character-branded gacha-games. There's also a second chart for trends in a "limited sense" which focuses more strictly on revenue to animation studios (e.g. the "merchandising" category for the "broad sense" is defined as "domestic animation-related merchandise revenue" whereas the "limited sense" is defined as "a total of distributions (read: royalties?) receivable by studios in connection with rights licensed for merchandising, promotions, and events").

But even here overseas revenue is still a substantial chunk. It can't just be streaming because even in 2002 overseas revenue is on the same order magnitude as domestic TV revenue. Maybe it's just the fact that "overseas" has everything rolled into one. If you were to separate that category further by TV revenue vs merchandise vs others I think it'd probably show that overseas streaming revenue was dwarfed by others.

Breakdown by overseas markets shows US, Canada, and China largest in terms of number contracts for licensing. I don't know how this translates revenue-wise.

Post edited on 22nd May 2020, 8:25pm
>> No. 34375 [Edit]
>Is this sarcasm?
Indeed I am.
>> No. 34378 [Edit]
Makes sense. So does that mean things like gacha and merchandise are still more profitable than streaming by a large margin?
>> No. 36479 [Edit]
2021 report was released recently:

Some interesting snippets and discussion, regarding how the covid-19 stuff affected the markets:

>In 2020, the international market finally overtook the domestic market

>The COVID-19 Pandemic Rapidly Shifted the Windows so Streaming Overtook TV Anime

>Anime about idols had taken the top ranks of video package sales in 2019, but due to the lack of events, the number of titles in the top in 2020 decreased . Hit titles that reached large audiences like Demon Slayer and Weathering With You as well as titles connected to smartphone games instead filled the top ranks.

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36248 No. 36248 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Doraemon is a robot from the future sent back in time by Nobita's great-great-grandson to help Nobita have a decent, happy, productive life and also to help him avoid making too many mistakes that can cause the life of his descendents too difficult in the future. Doraemon arrives during Nobi's childhood and that's where most of the stories take place.

This is a character with a fundamental importance to manga and anime in many ways. I don't think anyone here at Tohno cares about Dora (yet!) but hopefully I can make it sound interesting enough to make you feel like checking it out once in a while. The show has such a long history that it can be used to understand the change in sensibility and taste in the industry, both in terms of plot content as well as the aesthetic sense, so even if you don't really care about the character, it can be interesting in a historical manner.

The current show began airing in 2005 and it has 700+ episodes at this time. I'll keep the thread active (because it's a forever airing show) by talking about aspects of the characters and the world they live in along with nice pics like I've been doing in the screencap thread. I don't take the making of a new thread lightly but I believe this is important enough it deserves one.
7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36262 [Edit]
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Doraemon does have a favorite dish, it's a confection called dorayaki. It's basically sweetened azuki beans paste sandwiched between two round pieces of cake. Dorayaki is a major element in the manga and the anime since it's one of things you can actually bribe Doraemon with or something he can get furious about if it's stolen from him for any reason. I don't remember any story where he displays any sentiments towards any particular day of the week, though it's easy to infer his weekdays are actually less busy because Nobita will be at school then. I don't remember any episode or chapter where lasagna is involved.
>> No. 36438 [Edit]
Check out his pouch
>> No. 36450 [Edit]
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Maybe you know about this.
"In A Thrilling, Solar Car" is a movie short from 1992 that's considered lost media. Only some screenshots survive. It would be a mere anechdote if the little material that survived didn't look so cool. It seems like an almost psychedelic, dreamy, Doraemon movie. Just love the naïve style.
>> No. 36475 [Edit]
I know him as "Little Ding Dang"

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36386 No. 36386 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What did you wish for 16 years ago?
>> No. 36388 [Edit]
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I wished for a global pandemic
>> No. 36389 [Edit]
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Wish granted
>> No. 36390 [Edit]
I wished I could end college soon and find a decent job, have some money to spend, play many videogames and have a comfortable boring life. I'm quite convinced that if my young self could see how these 16 years have been couldn't resist it, mentally. But like boiling a frog, if the changes are gradual you survive things you actually shouldn't.
>> No. 36392 [Edit]
I wished I could spend the rest of my life playing videogames and watching anime everyday.

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34300 No. 34300 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Same isekai setup you've heard a million times before, but this time the MC has brain damage. Seriously.
14 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35976 [Edit]
It's epic.
>> No. 35988 [Edit]
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See the turtle of enormous girth. On his shell he holds the earth.
>> No. 36010 [Edit]
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I don't know why this would bother her so much, it's not like her everyday outfit isn't extravagant.
>> No. 36383 [Edit]
Got around to finishing season 2 of this. Wasn't really expecting them to finish the story and wrap everything up by the end of this season. I really liked the first season but this second one, I dunno... it felt a little hamfisted and messy. Rushing to tie up the story probably didn't help. I feel like this season relied a little too much on viewers having experience with the game. The first season had some of that too, but somehow it didn't feel as bad. I guess with a first season you kinda just expect them to throw a bunch of characters out, which would get flushed out in more detail as things progress. They don't however really expand on the huge amount of characters they throw into the mix and instead just add more. What you're left with is too many characters in a poorly fleshed out world that ends before explaining half of what's going on, let alone properly establishing the motivation behind the villain or their goals. It's a lot of "who's that, what's that, what are they doing?" It ended on what felt like a "oh, that's it?" finality that should have been much more grand. There's still good stuff here, the interpersonal dynamics are good, but too much feels lacking, in a sort of "go play the mobile game" kind of way, and lets be honest, that's probably intentional.

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33121 No. 33121 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Story is about a girl who discovers she's part of a cursed blood line and has to find and defeat a mahoshojo to lift the curse on her family.
51 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36275 [Edit]
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>> No. 36276 [Edit]
Ep6 was amazing, and was good enough to be a finale episode. Such heartwarming display of pure friendship and affection from both Momo and Shamiko.
>> No. 36318 [Edit]
Ep 7: These avant-garde episode side-segments are getting interesting, especially because you wouldn't expect them in a show like this (as opposed to say something like Kitakubu or Animegataris where you become acclimated to the unexpected).

What shows did they reference in there? The obvious one I think was Gakkou-Gurashi since there was the classroom scene and a few other elements (e.g. dog, radio dj [which wasn't in the anime but appears to be an element in the manga, at least going by Wikipedia], etc.). But there are probably other references in that montage which I'm not familiar with?
>> No. 36368 [Edit]
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To contrast the OP?
Tokimeki Rendezvous - Opening Machikado Mazoku S2


No. 27427 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
cutest ED OTS?
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>> No. 27553 [Edit]
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What did you think of the ending?
>> No. 27570 [Edit]
The first time I heard it I pretty much spent the rest of the day replaying it over and over again, then that night it was stuck in my head so deeply that I couldn't really sleep. I drifted in and out until morning, then I started to listen to it agian. I thought I'd gone crazy.

Fun times.
>> No. 27574 [Edit]
flip flappers is a just a rework of raspberry heaven, the azumanga ed.
>> No. 36366 [Edit]
o really?

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32068 No. 32068 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This season's moe comedy anime. I thought there wasn't going to be one, so this was a pleasant surprise. First episode was really lively and fun.
43 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 32645 [Edit]
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That was a rather unexpected finale ep, and a cute satisfying conclusion. At least we still have the OVA to look forward to for more myaa-nee!
>> No. 32660 [Edit]
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I'm going to miss this series. Every episode felt great to watch, and that last episode was especially great.
>> No. 32718 [Edit]
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She shouldn't say that while wearing something so ugly.
>> No. 36349 [Edit]
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What a nice and cute Anime! It was pretty funny too. I love theatre scenes in Anime so much, especially when it suddenly switches to the world that it's playing in. I liked all girls in it a lot and couldn't really decide for a favourite one. Nice to see that there is a movie coming in octobre 2022. Looking forward to it and a second season which will hopefully come too. cgdct forever!

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36304 No. 36304 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm just about finished Terror in Resonance. Really great series and it's a shame there's only 12 episodes. Can you imagine if autistic people actually existed?
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>> No. 36334 [Edit]
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Do you know of another series with autistic protagonists? Canonically I mean; not just autistic coded.

Tbf noir is one of the genres I like more than others, but I also appreciated the series working in Greek mythology into the plot. It reminded me of Witch Hunter Robin doing the same thing with the witch cult hypothesis
>> No. 36335 [Edit]
Technically, the guys in this one aren't autists either. They invented some phony terms for autism if I remember right, I forgot what they called it. And well, the average autist is far from being the mastermind Nine and Twelve or Five were.

Canonically? No, I don't think so. But being a weird/outsider/etc guy is a common theme in anime. 90% of anime MCs could be classified as spergs or autists of some kind.

>greek myth
Yeah, that was another thing I disliked. There appears a criminal mastermind who uses allegories to X mythology, that is just overused if you ask me. Not talking about anime only, but overall as far as entertainment goes.

I liked the music and the animation. I also liked how the ending wasn't some generic happy ending. But that's pretty much all I liked.
>> No. 36336 [Edit]
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They used the term savant syndrome, which you are technically correct in that it isn't synonymous with autism, but it's obviously associated with it. The same could be said for hyperlexia to give another example, but it's also obviously associated with autism. The protagonists were very clearly autistic in this series, and it even included metaphors for traumatic experiences in school.
>> No. 36339 [Edit]
Oh yeah, that's what they called it.

About the protagonists, I don't know, 12 in particular struck me as someone with good social skills. 9 was semi-autistic and 5 took the cake.
Another thing that I thought now is that I probably would have liked this series better if the protags weren't high school kids, maybe if they made them 30 something (and weirder and more autistic) then I could have enjoyed this more.

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36296 No. 36296 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
JanTama PONG or Mahjong Soul Pon is an anime made by mahjong soul's yostar. It is a comedy about mahjong and the characters from the game.
I thought the first 2 episodes were very disappointing, but from episode 3 onwards it started to get funny. I liked the rest of the episodes.
>> No. 36297 [Edit]
Saw a few ep, it was pretty cute.

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