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File 129989592936.jpg - (53.83KB , 704x476 , [SpoonSubs]_Hidamari_Sketch_x365_-_02_(DVD)[DB9270.jpg )
2446 No. 2446 [Edit]
Let's have a thread for "old" stuff (i.e. not from the newest season) that you're catching up on.

Pic related: I'm watching Hidamari Sketch x 365 (AKA the second season). I've been thinking for awhile lately that I wanted to watch something with a "weird" character like Osaka/Rin, and Miyako kinda fits the bill, so this was just what I'm looking for.

What are you watching?
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>> No. 37011 [Edit]
I'm re-watching season 1 of Chaika.
I watched most of it when it was airing, but I fell off around episode 8 or 9, I don't recall.

It's fun! Chaika is cute.
>> No. 37014 [Edit]
Just finished Season 1, but it turns out I had in fact seen all of it before and it was just memory-holed. I guess it is a fairly mediocre series that aired 9 years ago.
I still like it, though. For all of its mediocrity and complete lack of attempt at worldbuilding and aesthetic, it's a fun show with some cool things like gun magic.
>> No. 38224 [Edit]
So I was just struck by random nostalgia into Steins;Gate, because Okarin's laughter was legendary. I think it's the reason I quit anime. You watch Steins;Gate, and they you're kind of told that now it's time to waste the rest of your anime life watching harems, isekais and shoujos. Heck no. Best animes ever have been filmed a decade ago and earlier, after that maybe one or two worthwhile made their ways into being. That's it. That's how anime died for me.
>> No. 38226 [Edit]
Have you even heard of visual novels
>> No. 38227 [Edit]
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>> No. 38228 [Edit]
That way I can just play some action oriented games instead.
Insightful. Does it mean anime has been turned into a golden cow?
>> No. 38229 [Edit]
Your reply to me makes no sense. Do you read VNs or not?
>> No. 38230 [Edit]
He's an ESL with a casual, normalfag perspective. Don't bother.
>> No. 38231 [Edit]
No I don't read VNs. Read one ages ago, was OK I guess. Do they offer such an interesting plot that I would prefer them over a book? In anime you have animation and voice action and they played important role in Steins;Gate.
>> No. 38232 [Edit]
No I don't read VNs. Read one ages ago, was OK I guess. Do they offer such an interesting plot that I would prefer them over a book? In anime you have animation and voice action and they played important role in Steins;Gate. In every good anime, really.
>> No. 38233 [Edit]
>Incorrect password.
I guess I should just hang
>> No. 38235 [Edit]
No I didn't play the VN. I heard it's good, but clicking around to see routes... They say 100% completion is around 50 hours that's a lot. Maybe I'll play it sometime later though.
>> No. 38236 [Edit]
i feel like typing like this should be grounds for an automatic ban. kind of like the "no 3d" rule.
>> No. 38237 [Edit]
It's not like he's greentexting; it's fine.
>> No. 38239 [Edit]
oh no, i wasn't referring to the greentexting, i meant the guy he was quoting. stuff like "animes", i mean.
>> No. 38240 [Edit]
Technically, there are NVLs and ADVs
>> No. 38242 [Edit]
Are you saying nothing can top Steins;Gate and watching anything else would be a step down?
Even if like you say nothing else worth watching was made in the last 20 years, I doubt you've seen everything made 21+ years ago, right?
>> No. 38245 [Edit]
I really do not wish to disrespect you, but the way you type makes it sound to me like you don't read shit period. Like you probably hang out on /v/ or something. I think we have enough people in the world that are illiterate.
>> No. 38246 [Edit]
Books leave the imagination job to me. A VN is not even point & click, it's just click. It's not very interesting (for me) to watch a slideshow of pictures with text. Not without exceptions, of course, but I need to be really impressed by plot description to play a VN, so far nothing like that has happened.
>> No. 38247 [Edit]
I think reading a vn would also leave a lot up to your imagination as well, they just fill in some of the gaps for key characters and scenes.
>> No. 38249 [Edit]
I actually learned English for the sole purpose of reading books, so you're correct here.
>you could appreciate
Yes I could appreciate it just need to be in the mood and the last few years (especially since lockdown) were quite depressing for me.

Also no need to passively attack me here of all places, it just doesn't make sense. If you don't want me posting around you just say that directly.
>> No. 38264 [Edit]
File 171985269428.jpg - (2.84MB , 4209x2961 , 1707786743831815.jpg )
I am rewatching K-on! since i have not seen the movie yet.
>> No. 38341 [Edit]
File 172254484219.jpg - (519.81KB , 1920x1080 , NieA Under 7 - S01E03-0019.jpg )
half funny anime about immigrants or whatever. i wish the humor was a bit better, dunno if i will get myself to finish it.
>> No. 38496 [Edit]
I'm not ready to post any comprehensive review and may never be, actually, but yet. A few days ago I remembered Shana and thought I didn't finish it. The thought grew on me for some reason, even though I didn't remember anything at all about Shana, and I decided to watch it. It's like watching it from zero. I was sometimes very amazed that I remember moments and characters seemingly erased from memory. Also many things I didn't even remember were from Shana. This reminds me, I used to spend unholy amount of time binge watching everything that fell in my hands. How many titles did I forget? How many things did I actually watch? I've never kept a list. Sends creeps up my spine.

Anyway, Shakugan no Shana feels so cozy and warm. I miss that old atmosphere so much. Probably I'm just being childish, grasping at why I can never return, but Shana is the kind of anime that I got to watch first in my life probably, it shaped my tastes a lot. Those memories, erased, left a very deep imprinting. Modern stuff doesn't touch as deep. It seems to glance off surface.

Dunno if any of you can relate, but I thought I'd share. It feels so pleasant to immerse in nostalgia for a while, to remember how it felt back in the beginning.



Post edited on 21st Oct 2024, 4:52pm
>> No. 38497 [Edit]
Yeah, your memories of a show are intrinsically linked with your emotions and experience of the time, similar to songs.
>> No. 38498 [Edit]
File 172957024990.jpg - (239.94KB , 500x375 , cd8c2a62c25b242260254829fbae1015.jpg )
I watched Shana back in middle school, somewhere around 10 years ago. It was right after I finished Familiar of Zero. Back then I'd watch pretty much anything since my tastes hadn't formed.

Remember feeling mixed about the final season because the protagonist, who I recall being kind of useless, out of nowhere becomes a badass and the main antagonist, which was odd. At least that's how I remember it. Maybe the ending didn't satisfy me either.

I think the best part of Shana was the prequel part of the OVA, which had a darker tone and played the premise straight, rather than being not-so-subtle wish-fulfillment like the main series.

In any case, it's definitely a product of its time and I can see why it would be nostalgic.
>> No. 38499 [Edit]
True enough. Maybe the phenomenon of older people relentlessly claiming how things were better in the past is rooted in how we become duller with age, so experiences received when we were young are deep and colorful and we cling to them badly, because we are unable to be affected by newer stuff anymore. Holy shit I'm not old at all why does it have to be like that already
>> No. 38514 [Edit]
>not-so-subtle wish-fulfillment
Why'd you care? Basically nearly every anime has that. Psychopass first season is one of the very few where ending is actually solemn/feels darkish. Lelouch probably also, but I watched it eons ago. Vast majory of others still end up being daijobu with a more or less happy ending. It isn't something I care about. Do you find it important?
>> No. 38515 [Edit]
I'm not into the whole "brown-haired average guy starts living with a beautiful girl(or multiple)" thing. It breaks my immersion when I feel like the writer is pandering too much, to the point of it being a crutch. I know this is highly subjective though.
>> No. 38516 [Edit]
I understand your point, but Shana is much less of a pandering than many, many of what I've seen. And it actually doesn't feel out line with reality. It's not like mc just randomly becomes over powered by harnessing powah of feelings/friendship. He's just lucky + uses help of a God. I totally get you, but it didn't irk me with Shana. For some reason.
>> No. 38525 [Edit]
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It's been a long time since I've seen it, so my perception is probably skewed. I just remember liking the prequel part of the OVA, where Shana is on her own, doing her job like normal, more than the main series.
>> No. 38527 [Edit]
File 172997370161.png - (115.78KB , 279x392 , 0150e0c86ab55d7fd6d7640e3b72ce8e6bb02adf9b386c8b60.png )
My man you've posted a superb Shana...
>> No. 38606 [Edit]
I started Mushishi last week. I'm watching an episode every day or so before bed.
I'm enjoying it. The self-contained stories are interesting, and the show does a good job of bringing you to a strange, yet beautiful world.
It's a very nice change of pace for me.
>> No. 38607 [Edit]
Mushishi is top tier. Rare example of popular anime actually being good. I liked it too.
>> No. 38608 [Edit]
I'm re-watching Kanon after about 12 years because I never finished it at the time.
The Makoto arc was sad. I really like Mai.
>> No. 38609 [Edit]
>The Makoto arc was sad.
All these years later, and I still don't know whether the ending was hopeful.
>> No. 38653 [Edit]
File 173611352821.jpg - (1.05MB , 3840x1632 , Grisaia no Kajitsu ep01.jpg )
Oh lord is this perfect
>> No. 38654 [Edit]
I've been watching Detective Conan, one episode a day, every day. The world will be different when I catch up.
>> No. 38655 [Edit]
File 173611636991.webm - (1.82MB , Spoiler Picture.webm )
This made me laugh real hard for some reason

Yes! This is perfect. This vibe of a harem from 2014 with a weird mix of ordinary life and not-so-ordinary adventure is the very definition of anime for me. And this art style is simply amazing. I love it so far.
>> No. 38656 [Edit]
>a weird mix of ordinary life and not-so-ordinary adventure is the very definition of anime for me
I meant this. Harem/ecchi aren't essential, but the quoted text is.
>> No. 38674 [Edit]
File 173695594241.jpg - (223.12KB , 1920x816 , [DB]Grisaia no Rakuen_-_02_(10bit_BD1080p_x265)-00.jpg )
It ranges between grimdark and absolutely hilarious so fast I can barely handle it.
>> No. 38679 [Edit]
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I desperately need to post it or I will burst
>> No. 38691 [Edit]
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Got around to watching Weathering with You. Compared to Your Name., it's by far the lesser movie of the two as the male and female leads are worse and the climax and ending arc pale in comparison. I hate to say this as it sounds rather shallow, but Weathering with You's script really did feel like it was just "going through the motions," teasing us with cool stuff but never committing, and as such, my heart wasn't swayed. That said, the visuals and OST still made it worthwhile; the rain really was beautiful to see animated.

And yes, flooding Tokyo to save your girl is the correct choice and a highlight of the film.

Post edited on 28th Jan 2025, 7:09pm
>> No. 38692 [Edit]
That ending is what I remembered the most. Genuinely a pretty bold choice.
>> No. 38693 [Edit]
Bold and cool. And so was having the kid pull a gun on the cops.
>> No. 38721 [Edit]
File 174005487885.jpg - (77.00KB , 1257x944 , tumblr_mqtjoyepQr1rk835go3_1280-3679974482.jpg )
I rewatched FLCL for the millionth time. Still as amazing as always, if not even better.
>> No. 38722 [Edit]
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I like this shameless part of Grisaia. There is little of it in anime. There is probably more of it in VNs but I am not knowledgeable enough. AFAIK it usually goes along with hentai but I don't like going that far most of the time.
>> No. 38723 [Edit]
I've been meaning to read the trilogy ever since it was completely localized. Fanservice galore!
>> No. 38724 [Edit]
File 174034190639.jpg - (439.34KB , 1920x1080 , [DB]Grisaia no Meikyuu Caprice no Mayu 0 - Takizon.jpg )
Lots of service but only one fan as far as I can see!
>> No. 38725 [Edit]
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