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File 151829273370.png - (1.38MB , 960x540 , group photo.png )
30778 No. 30778 [Edit]
109 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 36958 [Edit]
File 167317197887.jpg - (145.83KB , 605x858 , Flwono5aMAEL7r2.jpg )

The next precure is actually going to have blue be the main focus?!
>> No. 36964 [Edit]
I think it's meant to be okay because he takes it up the butt, so that makes him non-threatening to the girls while simultaneously protecting him from criticism by people who would be labeled as <derogatory noun> for complaining about him being there. Why they felt precure needed such a character? Hell if I know. It could be someone at Toei pushing a political agenda, but it's such a weird place to do it. Maybe their goal is to indoctrinate children from an early age? If anyone honestly thinks it's a creative decision, I have a bridge to sell them. He simply doesn't belong. Even if you put the sexuality aside, they're simply too old to be hanging out with kids like that. A middle aged woman hanging out with the group would be just as awkward. He's a tacked on third wheel in an already problematic season. It's like this season is a poorly made burnt cake, and he's the raw fish they slapped on top of it.
>> No. 36980 [Edit]
File 167383564075.jpg - (141.42KB , 991x886 , FmRPicbagAEgpNf.jpg )
>> No. 37020 [Edit]
File 167601121544.png - (1.48MB , 1920x1080 , cytutOv.png )
New precure just humming along.
>> No. 37103 [Edit]
File 168145524675.jpg - (249.15KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 03 (720p) [03.jpg )
Has anyone here been keeping up with the latest precure? The current season is actually pretty good for a change. I think they realized the quality was really falling and things were getting very stagnate on top of that. Feels like a real return to form this time around, while also trying to make things fresh. This is the first time they've ever had a non-pink for a lead, they also included a 18 year old cure and a male cure. Things overall feel better written, with better character dynamics and fights that actually have half way decent choreography.
I don't think I'd call it the best season ever, but they're at least 'trying' this time around, and it shows.
>> No. 37113 [Edit]
PreCure got old to me when they picked the most boring outcome to the Nodoka/Daruizen storyline. The changes for the series brought me back. Wing's introduction episode is probably my favorite one for any Cure ever, and I also really like Ageha, so I'm excited for Butterfly's debut.
>> No. 37114 [Edit]
I don't think you were missing much in the seasons between.
>> No. 37116 [Edit]
I've heard good things about TR, so I might watch that someday. Everything I've seen of DP has seemed like cheap phoned-in crap, from the recycled premise that they had just done in Kirakira to the Delicious Field. I'm not even going to bother with it.
>> No. 37117 [Edit]
TR did have some fun elements to it. If you liked Smile precure you might enjoy it, but a lot of people disliked the direction they took with the mermaid.

DP was indeed about as lazy as you can get. The theme was flimsy and better done in à la Mode. The animation was bad, writing was weak, characters forgettable. stakes were low (until the very end). The subplot with the middle aged guy and his former friend and teacher wasn't very interesting to me. They even teleported the characters to the same exact location for the second half of every ep, adding to how repetitive it all felt. It had decent character designs but that was all.
>> No. 37141 [Edit]
File 168214602715.jpg - (128.45KB , 1061x1500 , AI.jpg )
PreCure Calendar 2023 is nice and colorful
>> No. 37172 [Edit]
File 168333523431.jpg - (558.20KB , 1106x1500 , 20230505.jpg )
Pre-Cure Mayday
>> No. 37175 [Edit]
File 168349119478.jpg - (128.52KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 12 (720p) [D8.jpg )
I never understood the waterfall training thing. What does it accomplish?
>> No. 37250 [Edit]
File 168620756759.jpg - (109.07KB , 951x826 , FxwWm5oakAEPyxv.jpg )
>> No. 37318 [Edit]
File 168909104236.jpg - (153.70KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 18 (720p) [DD.jpg )
Did it take 18 ep for cure butterfly to make her appearance, because she's 18?
>> No. 37343 [Edit]
Ellee-chan being the cutest baby for 3 minutes straight
>> No. 37344 [Edit]
Marriage material right here, boys.
>> No. 37433 [Edit]
File 169679481488.jpg - (81.25KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 29 (720p) [20.jpg )
Would you take it with you?
>> No. 37450 [Edit]
File 169732643382.jpg - (143.49KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Hirogaru Sky! Precure - 30 (720p) [C3.jpg )
Let go anon, let go...
>> No. 37498 [Edit]
File 169801737775.jpg - (197.66KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
seeing cures from different seasons aged up together only reinforces my theory that all the normal precure series we've seen take place at the same time, just in different parts of the country.
>> No. 37500 [Edit]
Those seasons were only a year apart from each other. Those characters would be around the same age anyway.
>> No. 37502 [Edit]
File 169801979387.jpg - (100.28KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
There's that infamous Japanese work culture.
>> No. 37503 [Edit]
File 169802082351.jpg - (145.39KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
The animation really goes from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat.
>> No. 37507 [Edit]
File 169821925895.jpg - (142.65KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
>> No. 37508 [Edit]
File 169822055069.jpg - (163.31KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
Drunk precures... there's a first...
>> No. 37511 [Edit]
File 169829274188.jpg - (77.19KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
This has some oddly depressing undertones so far, with how upbeat and optimistic precure usually is. It opens with messages about global warming and pollution, and we find the old gang mostly succeeded in following their dreams but doesn't seem like it's really working out as well as they'd have hoped. From a teacher failing to help her students to an artist that can't get a job. They're all Christmas cakes too.

It's probably safe to assume adults who watched the original as children are struggling now that they're adults, so I guess it's probably the theme they're working towards, to not give up hope.
>> No. 37533 [Edit]
File 169897909954.jpg - (79.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
Were they unable to find a better quality source for the flash backs?
>> No. 37568 [Edit]
File 170062574011.jpg - (129.01KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
I know that feeling...
>> No. 37574 [Edit]
File 170081462280.jpg - (164.72KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kibou no Chikara - Otona Precure _23 .jpg )
It's nice to see things are going well for at least one of them.
>> No. 37935 [Edit]
Has anyone here seen Wonderful yet?
>> No. 37937 [Edit]
I really like it so far but some people are complaining about "chase action" instead of fights. I think it's cute.
>> No. 38198 [Edit]
File 171855521863.jpg - (258.69KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 01 (1080p) [8004.jpg )
Is anyone here watching Wonderful Precure?
>> No. 38199 [Edit]
File 171855616013.png - (633.88KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Wonderful Precure! - 20 (720p)_mkv_snaps.png )
I'm watching it. The show is pretty much carried by Mayu and Yuki. The characters and their relationship is something you should be looking forward to. Additionally, the voice acting is brilliant.

On a side note, Komugi is annoying but I'm not usually a fan of idiots.
>> No. 38243 [Edit]
File 171936851965.jpg - (249.05KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 03 (1080p) [B6F9.jpg )
I love how in this season they defeat the monsters with hugs and kindness.
>> No. 38282 [Edit]
File 172036940111.jpg - (249.58KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 07 (1080p) [8D22.jpg )
That sounds an awful lot like an abusive relationship.
>> No. 38588 [Edit]
File 173316613326.png - (952.06KB , 1680x1052 , p_logo_pc.png )
New Precure announced. Now with idols!
>> No. 38594 [Edit]
File 173332834581.jpg - (142.21KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 17 (1080p) [FF2D.jpg )
I fell behind but I'm trying to get caught up. I forgot how cute this season can be.
>> No. 38601 [Edit]
File 173398654965.jpg - (676.58KB , 1536x2048 , 1733930728955460.jpg )
Thought this was pretty interesting. It's like a real world measurement of character popularity.
>> No. 38602 [Edit]
File 173398657417.jpg - (584.75KB , 1536x2048 , 1733930799308231.jpg )
And the mascots.
>> No. 38603 [Edit]
IIRC I once saw some anime where a girl saw such stickers sold and the one with her printed wasn't selling and she got upset. Or maybe I'm imagining. By the way there was an anime where anime and manga characters would become alive to fight against something. There was a huge robot and a girl with a sword of fire. I don't remember the name, don't you know it!? Please somebody...
>> No. 38604 [Edit]
I have fond memories of it
>> No. 38605 [Edit]
File 173429505933.jpg - (405.29KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 21 (1080p) [E39F.jpg )
>> No. 38635 [Edit]
File 173542707573.jpg - (1.25MB , 1080x2161 , 1735396157883082.jpg )
Are you ready for idols?
>> No. 38636 [Edit]
Is that a threat?
>> No. 38647 [Edit]
File 173606726217.jpg - (954.61KB , 1280x1811 , kimitoidolprecure_key.jpg )

Is this the next coming of Aikatsu?
>> No. 38648 [Edit]
File 173606820999.jpg - (356.12KB , 1448x2048 , Ggfg4EPa8AMNjuQ.jpg )
>> No. 38685 [Edit]
File 17378768705.png - (974.79KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Wonderful Precure! - 50 (720p)_mkv_snaps.png )
>> No. 38694 [Edit]
File 173848720561.png - (761.31KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Kimi to Idol Precure♪ - 01 (720p)_mkv_.png )
It has begun.
>> No. 38695 [Edit]
File 173848756682.png - (710.75KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Kimi to Idol Precure♪ - 01 (720p)_mkv_.png )
This manga does sure look appealing. Shame that it's fictional.
>> No. 38696 [Edit]
File 173848760732.png - (850.32KB , 1280x720 , [Serenae] Kimi to Idol Precure♪ - 01 (720p)_mkv_.png )
>> No. 38719 [Edit]
File 173985530182.jpg - (86.55KB , 848x480 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 32 (480p) [BE4B5.jpg )
Not one but two former precure groups just happen to be at the zoo the same day as the main cast, where a monster attack happens and they don't help? really?
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