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File 15617057626.png - (583.75KB , 731x674 , sdfsdf.png )
33019 No. 33019 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How would you describe your favourite character 'type' in anime?
40 posts and 27 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 37248 [Edit]
File 168618022687.jpg - (64.00KB , 640x480 , Aria The Animation - Episode 02-0001.jpg )
>> No. 37249 [Edit]
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NOT allowed
>> No. 37355 [Edit]
File 169269775094.jpg - (46.60KB , 511x768 , 20230828.jpg )
Absolutely haram
>> No. 37381 [Edit]
File 169553048775.jpg - (184.83KB , 850x1133 , 20230924.jpg )
Feisty and baka.

File 147644060965.png - (787.04KB , 1280x738 , anime butt.png )
27148 No. 27148 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
flip fappers is good
the colors
holy fuck
43 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35804 [Edit]
>her dependence on her mother
Who she never even knew. What dependence could you have for a person you never even met? A deep-seeded longing for her mother isn't very well-established either.
>it wasn't actually "hypnosis"
She acted hypnotized and not aware of her surroundings, so for all intents and purposes, she was hypnotized.
>the symbolic interpretation of this should be obvious
Yeah, it's the power of love and friendship. This theme conflicts with "becoming your own person" a bit. Sure "she must go out of the tree herself", but she doesn't think to do it on her own. She might as well be swapping her mother for her friends and gay lover.
>But that's what every episode basically was?
The in universe explanation is that Pure Illusion is another dimension that actually exists. This is a misdirection. All of the magical girl, collecting rocks just because stuff was also a needless distraction. A straight forward "here's a neural meguffin, lets use it and see what happens" set-up, would have served better.
>everything that happens in pure illusion must be interpreted through that lens
Unless I'm back in english class and getting a grade, I want to enjoy my stories first, then look at them with an uber-deep, symbolic lens.

Post edited on 7th Jul 2021, 10:10pm
>> No. 35888 [Edit]
I was reminded of Pure Illusion when I came across the works of Neville Goddard. He was in the camp of those who believe that reality can be influenced by thoughts. (This idea is also found in certain magick communities, and is presumably the basis for things like manifestation/law of attraction). The idea that reality is a sort of canvas we all influence (whether we consciously realize it or not), that things change fluidly and regularly without our noticing, and that the gaps are filled in by our collective logic feels like a very direct, literal representation of the idea of pure illusion.

Of course a natural question is to what extent is this true. Putting aside the question of free will for a moment, we have control over our own thoughts and feelings (and this can be strengthened through things like meditation) so it's true in that limited sense. And we can of course influence the world through our actions, and deeply desiring a situation will make you more observant/likely to act so as to establish that situation so it's true in that limited sense. And things like the placebo effect show that mere (unconscious) intention itself is sufficient to effect some change within the realm of your body. I think anything stronger than that is wishful thinking at best, delusional fantasy at worst; but ironically fully committing to that on both a conscious and unconscious level might make it more likely for you to act on things you wouldn't have acted on before.
>> No. 37376 [Edit]
Why do you think the show was titled "flip flappers." As a reminder, the organization in the show is also called FlipFlap. I've thought about a lot of aspects of the show, but never considered the title, and I'm drawing blanks here.

Just laying out the dictionary definition
>with repeated strokes and noise
>the repeated sound and motion of something loose that is moved by recurrent impulses
I feel the second definition makes some sense here. There's a sense of repetition, periodicity, also a sense of freedom (the imagery of wings is associated). But at the same time that periodic motion is comprised of two parts, the "flip" and the "flap" (akin to the "tick" + "tock" clock imagery we see in the show a few times). And the fact that these two are dual to each other is probably analogous to Papika/Cocona's relationship.
>> No. 37377 [Edit]
For fun I asked chatgpt to pontificate on possible reasons. Here's what it spat out:

>Wordplay and Fun: The title "Flip Flappers" has a playful and catchy quality to it, which could reflect the whimsical and imaginative nature of the series. It might be intended to draw viewers in with its memorable and unique name.

>Transformation and Change: Throughout the series, the two main characters, Cocona and Papika, often undergo transformations and change appearances when entering different worlds within "Pure Illusion." The term "flip" can imply a sudden change or transformation, and "flap" can suggest movement or travel. This could symbolize the central theme of personal growth, self-discovery, and the ever-changing nature of the girls' adventures.

>Symbolism: The title may also be symbolic of the girls' journey to discover their true selves. "Flip" could symbolize turning one's life around or making important decisions, while "flap" could represent the wings of change and the freedom to explore new possibilities. The series features themes of self-discovery, emotional turbulence, and the transition from childhood to adulthood so the title might symbolize the ups and downs, twists and turns, and constant changes that young people experience during this period of their lives.

>Mystery and Intrigue: The title might be intentionally cryptic, sparking curiosity in potential viewers. It doesn't immediately reveal the premise of the show, encouraging people to explore it to find out more.

>Duality and Contrast: The title "Flip Flappers" could suggest a sense of duality or contrast, which is a recurring theme in the series. Cocona and Papika have contrasting personalities and backgrounds, and they often find themselves in contrasting and surreal worlds within "Pure Illusion." The title may reflect the idea of opposites coming together and complementing each other.

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36511 No. 36511 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
anime like noir,please?
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36519 [Edit]
Have you tried Madlax?
>> No. 36523 [Edit]
File 166343577488.jpg - (653.72KB , 1556x2197 , MV5BZDdiMDM3ZjUtYTFhNS00NDY3LWEzZTMtNzQxOGIyMWU3Nj.jpg )
Jormungand is pretty good too although I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet
>> No. 36536 [Edit]
Have you tried Black Lagoon?
>> No. 37368 [Edit]
Wanna try Jormungand (ヨルムンガンド, Yorumungando) ?

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28663 No. 28663 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those who haven't already noticed, Nyaa is down and they say it's for good this time. Apparently it has something to do with recently changes to EU laws.
44 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 37363 [Edit]
Most people streaming are doing so for free on sketchy websites. Lower quality is enough of a reason to prefer download over streaming. Not to mention sub groups already offer 480p or HEVC encodes to save time. With that said most people aren't picky about quality because the bar has been lowered over the years which is ironic considering in the past you were forced to watch videos in semi shit quality due to obsolete ISP plans not yet ready to accommodate video buffering
>> No. 37364 [Edit]
I guess reasons for watching anime differ a lot considering I myself care about quality only if the video is actually unwatchable, though I have yet to encounter one even though I go through random seasonal shows, movies and OVAs often. The worst I remember was some old OVA where the subs occasionally stuck in place and new ones appeared above them but I found even that watchable, that was on 9anime
>> No. 37365 [Edit]
Yes the re-encodes often use lower bitrate, but unless you're a videophile or something it's still perfectly enjoyable. The slightly more major issue is quality of subs (if the show actually had fansubs made), but I've found that the usually the stremaing sites will mirror the "most popular" release of the show (which may not necessarily be the one with best subs, but is usually good enough).
>Not to mention sub groups
Nit: CR re-encode groups, there aren't any actual sub groups left
>> No. 37366 [Edit]
Also the size of encodes has been creeping up in recent years, I guess as tools have become more accessible and disk space more plentiful, people don't see the need to put in as much effort on reducing the net size.

File 169280312774.png - (1.47MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot at 2023-08-23 15-03-56.png )
37359 No. 37359 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why do the titans look so goofy? It's kind of funny compared to how serious AOT is more generally
>> No. 37360 [Edit]
I don't think it was ever explained. There are definitely a few celebrity titans IIRC, but the one that really stands out to me is the "Aoi Oni" Titan. That was both a hilarious reference, a hilarious inclusion in and of itself, and, I think, clear evidence that the faces of the titans is meant to be a meaningless joke.

But yeah, you are right that this meta-joke ruins the tone of the series. It is odd, to make such jokes, in the midst of such seriousness, but yeah, I somehow like it just the way it is.

File 151546865175.jpg - (77.76KB , 1920x1080 , fate.jpg )
30267 No. 30267 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Movies, OVA, and TV series are being pumped out like there's no tomorrow so it might be a good idea to have single dedicated thread to keep it all together.
Also, multiple threads across different boards for the different types of media (games/LN) would be a little silly so if you want to post it here too knock yourself out.
62 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31080 [Edit]
Last time I checked Shaft didn't make Fate/go.
>> No. 37291 [Edit]
File 168837808169.jpg - (960.57KB , 1920x1080 , Erai-raws_Fate_Strange_Fake_-_Whispers_of_Dawn_-_S.jpg )
First ep of Fate/Strange Fake just landed.
>> No. 37294 [Edit]
A word of warning to people who haven't downloaded this yet. [SubsPlease] uploaded the English dub version, and made no mention of doing so. And no, it's not multi audio track. of course if you take a look at, you'll see a bunch of morons acting like you're not even allowed to complain about this.

[Valenciano] version on the other hand is multi audio track but didn't seem to want to work on MPC, and in MPV it turned into a complete slide show at some points, with a fight near the end causing audio and video to get a good half minute out of sync.

[NanakoRaws] works decent and isn't dubbed, but they left in PVs and extra 3dpd stuff. Also no subs as you can guess.

[erai-raws] Seems like the one to go with.

Post edited on 3rd Jul 2023, 6:13pm
>> No. 37295 [Edit]
I don't follow this show, but thank you for the heads up. I'm guessing Valenciano is really badly muxed for it to fail on both media players (mpc doesn't rely on libav at all as far as I remember, so it fails on two completely independent decoders).

It should be fairly simple to extract out the audio+subs track from Valenciano and use that in the other releases if you wanted though.

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32037 No. 32037 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The last half of this anime made me very upset. It didn't help that they made Kayo and Satoru's relationship so beautiful.
>> No. 32054 [Edit]
Me too, dude.
>> No. 37292 [Edit]
the end was shit

File 165073419476.jpg - (111.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 01 (720p) [8FA646CF]_m.jpg )
36114 No. 36114 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you're not already watching this, you should really fix that.
20 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 37051 [Edit]
It has been a long time since I've heard someone even mention tumblr...
>> No. 37052 [Edit]
Is 4chan lingo really any better? Autistic (and adhd) must be among the most overused words.
>> No. 37053 [Edit]
Yes, because it's irreverent of current social norms, while tumblr lingo is like current social norms on steroids.
>> No. 37287 [Edit]
File 16882827956.jpg - (604.72KB , 1448x2048 , 20230701.jpg )
When's the movie coming out?

File 147622012250.jpg - (69.50KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Drifters - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_0.jpg )
27116 No. 27116 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you wanna see some blood, this show's got you covered.
11 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 27409 [Edit]
File 14795824395.jpg - (133.03KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Drifters - 06 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_1.jpg )
Looks like someone took a wrong turn and missed the jojo universe.
>> No. 27493 [Edit]
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oh lord...
>> No. 27576 [Edit]
It's over for now I guess?
so... what happened to that Vietnam solider from the first ep?
>> No. 37286 [Edit]
what happened to "show; don't tell"?

File 147635059257.jpg - (105.46KB , 600x338 , keijo_cap_0001.jpg )
27141 No. 27141 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
have you watched the all butts anime yet?
20 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 27552 [Edit]
The Youmu-esque girl is DFC. There's something for everyone in Keijo! It utilizes moe elements with some skill. It's not all ass jokes. It's just mostly ass jokes. I personally like Keijo a lot. It's a solid series. It always gets a sensible chuckle out of me.

I've not been keeping up with the anime, though. I prefer the manga.

Regardless of your feelings in any extreme, posting images of human beings in /an/ is not cool.
>> No. 27560 [Edit]
File 148254625140.jpg - (75.96KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Keijo!!!!!!!! - 12 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
This show both started and ended a lot better than I was expecting. Nozomi was a fun MC and the side cast was pretty entertaining as well. I honestly wouldn't mind a second season.
>> No. 27563 [Edit]
nozomi is a beautiful character
>> No. 37285 [Edit]
This anime made me an ass-man

File 168145440281.jpg - (349.68KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 01 (1080p) [D75BF135]_mk.jpg )
37102 No. 37102 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This sure had one heck of a first ep. Prologue is practically a movie of it's own, and a pretty decent one at that. People kept talking about this like it was some must watch thing before it came out, and I can see why. I'd recommend you guys check it out too.
23 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 37259 [Edit]
No kidding. Maybe her character will have more to do later, but for now they come across as just eye candy for incest fans.
>> No. 37265 [Edit]
"Oshi no Ko" can mean:
"My Favourite Girl" (oshi = favourite idol)
"My Favourite's Child/ren"
"Favourite Child/ren"
"Supportive Child/ren" (oshi = support) (Aqua and Ruby supporting their Mother)
"Child/ren of the Star" (oshi = hoshi)
"Star Child/ren"
and possibly more.

"My Star" was going to be the official English title, but that changed for some reason.
>> No. 37266 [Edit]
Cool, I didn't realize the oshi->hoshi wordplay.
>> No. 37267 [Edit]
I keep reading it as delicious kids.

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