No. 37398
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I put off watching it because I wasn't keen on the violence and watching cute girls get killed, but I think for anyone who might feel that way the first ep deals with that about as perfectly as they can. They blow things so far over the top in the initial fight that it's impossible to take serious, and it's a clear indicator that you shouldn't think too hard about it. Besides, it seems like everyone that gets killed has it coming anyway.
The whole thing would fall apart if you thought too much about any of it anyway. It's an interesting concept for sure, it's basically a Yakuza story with maid cafes instead of families. The cafes themselves are like fronts, sending a cut of the profits to the families that these cafes belong to, and getting into it with rival families.
I think the "war" part of the tittle is a bit misleading, you could say there's some small turf war stuff and issues with a rival faction, but it's mostly about a small cafe that gets into trouble with it's new recruits, and how things spiral out of control from there.
Some possible spoilers here:
Early on I found it a bit weird how ep1 ends with our protagonist wanting to run away after learning the true nature of maid cafes and surviving what by all accounts should be a traumatic and terrifying experience, by ep2 she's mostly okay with it and all it takes is a very short pep talk from a stranger to make her want to stick it out. It felt like a bit of a jarring transition. In retrospect I'd wonder how she wouldn't know what maids are really like in this universe, since it's apparently a known thing to a degree in the public, at least by the end of the series anyway.
I guess that's just one of many ".....whatever!" type moments in this, which there's a lot of. I wouldn't really call it lazy writing so much as you just need to suspend your disbelief, since it's a fairly silly concept to start with. That said, it does feel a bit sloppy here and there, and could certainly have been better in a lot of places, but it does seem to get better as things go along. It's like everything ramps up by the end.
One thing I felt could have been done a lot better was the introduction of Zoya in ep3. They dump her entire backstory into the same ep she shows u
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