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8903 No. 8903 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Figured it would be better to keep it in one thread, rather than make a ton of small ones every so often...
1137 posts and 527 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38380 [Edit]
Atsuko Tanaka passed away today after a year of fighting an illness. She was most known for voicing Motoko in GitS, Caster in F/SN, and Harumi in Railgun.
>> No. 38415 [Edit]
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【葬送のフリーレン 】花畑を出す魔法
Atsuko Tanaka also voiced Flamme from Sousou no Frieren.
>> No. 38439 [Edit]
魔王様、リトライ!R Airs
>> No. 38564 [Edit]
Hiroya Oku to Work on New Manga

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33396 No. 33396 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How far into a series do you go before deciding to drop it? What are your thoughts on the "3 episode rule" that has become colloquial knowledge and a de-facto threshold?

This may vary between genres, but for the SoL genre I find character interactions are the most important aspect that define the show and it usually only takes one or two episodes to ascertain the pacing, mood, and style. Similarly for comedy, where usually one episode is sufficient to determine the style of humor.

The issue with this is that I often have the lurking fear that I may have missed out on a show that gets better at a later episode. While these are usually an exception, some shows like Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san or Animegataris improve midway through with the addition of a character or mild subversion of expectations. It seems absurd to watch an entire series that one has no interest in solely based on this fear of missing out though, so where do you draw the line in deciding to stop watching.
24 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38104 [Edit]
Over the past year I've been trying to never drop anything. Even the most dogshit show I'll still finish. Sometimes I really have to force myself and for some shit I'm watching 5 minutes a day for weeks to months until I finish it. But at least I never feel the fear of missing out, because I never miss out anymore.

Now, this is actually pretty healthy in my opinion for anime because they're short and it trains you to finish what you start no matter what even if you have to force yourself, which can be helpful in other scenarios. But I also do it for VNs and I have now been reading White Album 2 for two years and I hate myself because it's just not my thing. Almost finished though I'm on coda.
>> No. 38113 [Edit]
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Use a player (eg. vlc) that can play at 1.5x speed without increasing the potch of the audio. Hehe.
>> No. 38512 [Edit]
After decades of anime experience I don't even start things that I won't like. But for those that I give a chance there is no real rule. In many cases I look into it and only need minutes till I can tell that it isn't for me and drop. Depends on the dialogues it has and how good or stupid/artificial they are, the designs, surroundings, the narrative etc.

Three episode rule happens when an anime is objectively fine and well-produced but failing to catch my attention. Current example: Dandadan. Looks fine, feMC isn't bad for once and everybody praises it. But the first two episodes bored me. I will give it three because of that since a few things seem to change with ep. 3. Might change my opinion. If not I drop it.

>fear that I may have missed out
I had this in the 00s. Watched so fucking much even if it was bad because I always thought "what if I miss a mind-blowing reveal or ending?" Here is the thing though, I eventually got a burnout and realised that the ending will never be good if the characters and writing isn't.
If scenes don't hit now they won't hit later. A bad series with bad characters and bad writing can incorporate a great twist or idea, but it won't work because the rest is bad. It's at best like good lyrics for a song and genre you hate.
>> No. 38513 [Edit]
This happened outside of anime, but I used to not drop anything, until I forced myself to watch the whole of the original Kamen Rider series, all 98 episodes and two short movies. That made me reevaluate my life. Now I am much less lenient, I've dropped series that were eight episodes long after watching only two, and halfway through I already knew I wouldn't go on. The only thing I can't really manage is to just stop halfway through an episode.

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34746 No. 34746 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Seems like for every sport out there you can find an anime about it, typically involving a school club full of cute girls. Can you name any sports that haven't gotten this treatment that you'd like to see animated someday?
19 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35460 [Edit]
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Not exactly a sport and it will probably be an extension of anime like Yuru Camp or Yama no Susume but I'd like an SoL anime dedicated to walking or お散歩. There are already manga in these forms but I thought a cgdct SoL would probably be nice. I enjoy walking and used to take really long walks exploring new terrains and places but haven't done so in years since I've moved.
>> No. 35461 [Edit]
If only "Yuri on Ice" wasn't already taken as a title.
>> No. 37893 [Edit]
How about "Yuri skating"?
>> No. 38500 [Edit]
Ski jumping. I thought it wasn't unpopular in Japan?

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33988 No. 33988 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Anyone pick up anything special yet?
72 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38480 [Edit]
For some reason even though the show wasn't particularly relatable to me, this evening I randomly felt really sad for the two characters in the show that had this "Yips" condition. It must really mentally agonizing to have worked most of your life for a pursuit, only to suddenly simply not be able to do it. And to further know that there's nothing physically wrong with you, it's just a mental block. You'd beat yourself up over it trying so hard to "get over it", and those efforts would only make it worse...

Actually I guess that part of the show did resonate with me, as it's sort of similar to anxiety and falling into negative thought patterns. One of the later episodes in particular which highlights the struggles of the second character, in a sort of unorthodox way, where the character didn't even have anyone to support her like Kanata did.
>> No. 38493 [Edit]
Fall 2024: what are you watching anons?

The only thing CGDCT-y I found was "Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi" and "Kabushikigaisha Magi-Lumière".
(I suppose I'm a bit relieved since due to various circumstances I haven't been able to finish some shows from earlier this year).
>> No. 38494 [Edit]
I'm catching up on Shana and don't care for this season. I want to drown myself in memories of old days for a while. A shame I never finished Shana before. I guess back then I was more into some shounens or whatever.
>> No. 38495 [Edit]
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Puniru wa Kawaii Slime is quite funny.

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7145 No. 7145 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's see how many of these we can find by pooling our resources.

Just post a cap of it in this thread when you see it.
97 posts and 59 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 37032 [Edit]
This one was almost surely intentional, I think they even explicitly said "your seat is in the back" or something.
>> No. 37085 [Edit]
Now I know why I never amounted to anything. If only I had picked the right seat...
>> No. 37171 [Edit]
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>> No. 38492 [Edit]
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Best girl gets the best seat.

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38274 No. 38274 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The deerest show of the season.
20 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38320 [Edit]
I had a chance to watch the first episode. I like it, but like the quoted anon I don't think it's particularly "unexpected". Overall (which I don't mean to use in the dismissive but rather in the aggregate sense) it feels similar to Kitakubu or Sabagebu in its style of meta-comedy. (Maybe even a little bit of Teppen!!!!1 thrown in there).

I really liked Kitakubu because behind all the humor and antics you got a good sense of their friendship, hopefully this show can build on Tora & Shika's friendship. (And well Sabagebu leaned the other direction, dialing up the craziness every episode).

Also I have no idea why subtitles are apparently such an issue with this show. I am not remotely qualified to have an opinion, but the jokes did not seem to rely too heavily on knowledge of Japanese culture (unlike Joshiraku). I used the "DeerGod" subs because I liked their no-nonsense attitude in the description, and they were fine.
>> No. 38322 [Edit]
>Also I have no idea why subtitles are apparently such an issue with this show.

Because the subtitles available on the first episode's release day were either [le meme]'s MTL subs or Remow's official, typo-ridden, unedited subs. Either track was not really a good showing. This led to everyone, including Remow itself, hastily trying to deliver better subtitles, so we ended up with like ten subtitle tracks total over the next few days, and episode 2 had a few anons seeing if they can do a better job, taking advantage of the early Wednesday raws. The situation will probably stabilize within the next few episodes.
>> No. 38378 [Edit]
Why does this character understand me on a spiritual level?
>> No. 38414 [Edit]
Because it's Fauna Ceres' chaotic imouto?

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28038 No. 28038 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How quick people are to forget. It's funny to think some things can be such massively popular hits one day, only to quickly fall into obscurity the next. I truly can not remember the last time I saw anyone so much as mention evangelion, where as it used to be all anyone could talk about for the longest time. Likewise it's hard to look back and believe something like k-on or lucky star was once a massive hit. I guess without new material to hold people's interest, this is doomed to hit everything sooner or latter. Just seems a bit sad to think about.
19 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38271 [Edit]
That may be the case for Frieren, but just shows the difference of perception on both markets. Frieren got better weekly TV ratings than One Piece in Japan, which is a big deal. I think it has the potential to get at least a normalfag/entry-level continued popularity like a Boku no Hero Academia type of production in the West, it may become somewhat of a bane in more niche communities like imageboards, as a lot of other popular anime have been in the past.
>> No. 38272 [Edit]
"Time flop" sounds like a stupid way of saying "forgettable".
>> No. 38273 [Edit]
"Forgettable" is not the same though, since that doesn't have a connotation that it was initially hyped. Flash in pan, FOTM, and overhyped all have that connotation.
>> No. 38375 [Edit]
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According to, the top 5 are:

1Sousou no Frieren
TV (28 eps)
Sep 2023 - Mar 2024

2Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
TV (64 eps)
Apr 2009 - Jul 2010

TV (24 eps)
Apr 2011 - Sep 2011

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29372 No. 29372 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
It's been 10 years and there is STILL no anime as real or brutally honest as Welcome to the NHK. How did this anime change your life?.
71 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38344 [Edit]
there is nothing good about being a neet
>> No. 38345 [Edit]
That's not necessarily the case. There are positive aspects in not having responsibilities and dedicating the entirety of your time to the things you like. Naturally this comes with drawbacks like the lack of personal freedom, independence and in some cases respect for yourself if you compare your life with others
>> No. 38350 [Edit]
In my experience it's good if your body and mind doesn't decay.

Body is easy, some sport and you are done. It doesn't matter which, as long as you do something, unless when something specific hurts then you should probably train it. There is a lot of stuff for at home too. A stationary bike for example is great. Else some dumbbells are also doing the job. Many things can be done without any equipment and devices, in case of a money shortage. If you postpone it again and again then a gym membership helps. With several hundreds spent the pressure is higher to get something out of it and you can't really get distracted there. As a neet it's possible to go anytime you want, so going when nobody is there is a blessing.

Keeping your brain in shape is harder, but here are many options as well. Learning a language, coding, making music, drawing, reading, writing and so on. Important is that you need to think and that you are challenged. It's hard to say what is the right thing for you, so just try something. Once is not enough though, do it a few times and if you get nothing out of it go to the next. Some fresh air and greenery can also do wonders to prevent your mind getting cluttered. If you can't try cooking or meditating.

Your diet is also important. Take care to have the needed nutrition. Don' eat too much and often, but don't forget to eat.

Heaven and hell is incredbily close when it comes to neeting, especially as a hikineet. Living in that hell would make death be a sweet release and mercy.
>> No. 38360 [Edit]
YOu make a lot of sense...

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35636 No. 35636 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Here's how the game works.
You have just died, and you will be isekaied to the world of an anime to start your new life. The catch is, it's a completely random anime!

Go to
Get a random number between 1 and 15800 and attach the number you get to the end of the following URL.
Example; getting "2002" would land you in the world of Air.

Alternatively, can use Mal If you like ( ) and set the number to 45000, but you'll likely get a lot of 404s and will have to try again each time you do.
If you land 849 for example, you end up with Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu.

Once you know where you're heading, you can take one item you own with you. All your memories will be intact, but sorry to say no god like OP powers (unless it's normal to have them in your series), you'll just be an ordinary person. Then you'll be dumped off in the path of the main characters of the series.

Where are you going? Are you familiar with it? What will you do when you get there? Do you even want to go there?

Post edited on 27th Apr 2021, 11:23pm
15 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38250 [Edit]
I got 40, Fushigi no Umi no Nadia. Could be worse
>> No. 38251 [Edit]
Sounds to me like you hit the jackpot anon.
>> No. 38252 [Edit]
This game is an interesting way to observe how exactly RNG driven life gets you fucked up.

I'll make three rolls only. Imagine killing yourself three times to get a decent roll :D

Dream life basically. A town of happy weirdos. This could be tohno! I'm very glad to get this as my first roll!
Looks snug. No idea what I'm going to do. Maybe I should start dancing as well?
Jokes aside, seems like I'm going to have a pretty boring life while main characters do their shounen thing and win tennis tournaments.

First roll was the best. See you in happiness town! Now where are my bags?
>> No. 38277 [Edit]
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>>35636 (Betterman)
I think I would just go and hide myself somewhere far far away from all things Algernon. Maybe trying to live as farmer somewhere in the mountains. Obviously I wouldn't like to live in that world, considering the constant fear of something bad happening. (Boku no Hero Academia)
Unlike all the others, this isn't super-obscure or anything, but I haven't watched it. I think if I were to live in this world, I try to get as remote from all the magic fights and conflicts as possible and try to work something normal (NEETing is not an option I suppose). Maybe being a janitor at the Hero Academy or something like this. Whatever it is, nothing that's too involved in all the happenings of that world. I'd stand up in the morning, get myself a coffee and read in the newspaper what Midoriya Izuku and everyone else is up to, go to work, do my boring janitor job there, maybe do a lunch break and go home to sleep. I don't want to live like this, but this would be the most bearable in that world. It's better than being some super-hero, with the responsibility to save the world on his shoulders, for sure. (Business Fish)
As with the others, I haven't watched this either. It's about anthropomorphic fish working in an IT company apparently. I think the fish lady in the red suit is cute and the idea of a world full of humanoid fish is cool, albeit I wouldn't necessarily want to go to that world. Wagecucking in an IT company probably is as boring as in this world, as the fish gimmick would likely get boring rather quickly.

Phantom is the nickname of the McDonnell F-4 fighter-jet, that's the plane in Anon's picture.

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25311 No. 25311 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
i would fuck that
53 posts and 33 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38213 [Edit]
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And due keep in mind that obsessing over a woman for most of your adult life is not worth sacrificing your anal virginity and life to demons, even if she and her daughter are high spec.
>> No. 38220 [Edit]
Why only 11 episodes this season? Is ep 12 going to be a blue-ray disc only episode? Weird episode count...
>> No. 38222 [Edit]
The first two seasons both had ten episodes each, but they also got OVAs.
>> No. 38256 [Edit]
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I expect more OVAs and maybe a movie.

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38031 No. 38031 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Your reaction when you see that thing...
27 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38191 [Edit]
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Supreme Leader (Ret.)
>> No. 38215 [Edit]
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And that's a wrap!
>> No. 38255 [Edit]
Is that a giant gingerbread man?
>> No. 38260 [Edit]
Pretty sure it's some kind of reptile.

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