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File 133377930988.jpg - (160.51KB , 640x480 , [3wA] Gokujou Seitokai - 20 [CC562B6E]_avi_0001336.jpg )
9259 No. 9259 [Edit]
In this thread, we discuss and point out regular cliches and common occurrences found in anime.
a example would be the well known protag seat, but there are many out there, some more obvious than others.

Just to start things off, this is one I've been seeing a lot of.
Characters who fail to notice obvious things directly in front of them, often times needing someone to point it out for them.
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>> No. 38280 [Edit]
oh, i totally understand this, i hate self-aware humor as well. though, interestingly, i feel like this is far less common in (specifically non-parody/comedy) anime, generally speaking, at least compared to american media. the examples you listed are relatively old, even. i also usually find it funnier in japanese media, though this could absolutely be me just being a japanophile, something about parody humor in anime (and manga/jrpgs) strike me as more genuine, if that makes sense; like they feel like jokes you'd make with other anime fans.
>> No. 38290 [Edit]
It can be done properly with good comedic timing if the show isn't explicitly a romance show and the characters clearly are already meant for each other. Hoshikuzu Telepath had a lovely scene of Umika & Yuu's odeko-pathy being interrupted.
>> No. 38295 [Edit]
File 172066193325.png - (21.35KB , 178x107 , glasses.png )
I think those reflecting glasses have to be an anime cliche. They're everywhere. Also cliche bonus points if the reflection is shown in a moment of smugness.
>> No. 38296 [Edit]
To this day the only time I've seen that in western media unironically was in Sin City.
>> No. 38319 [Edit]
File 172148792380.png - (127.07KB , 340x386 , ms kuroi forever alone.png )
some more anime cliches that come to my mind are
- female character is very friendly and almost perfect on first glance, however she is obsessed with weight loss
- female teacher in her 20s/30s, who is a single/virgin, thinks a lot about that and/or is jealous of the high school students for having relationships already
>> No. 38326 [Edit]
File 172188322246.png - (355.24KB , 917x432 , snot bubble.png )
One anime cliche are those snot bubbles, that appear sometimes, while sleeping. Even more so, when they're supposed to be moe and cute, as opposed to snot bubbles in western media, where it's rather disgusting. Animes that come to my mind, that do this, are Hidamari Sketch and Nichijou.
>> No. 38364 [Edit]
File 172349083853.png - (138.53KB , 596x390 , misaka.png )
Yet another anime cliche is how some characters, that are portrayed as weirdos, sometimes speak in the third person about themselves. For example the Misaka clones in a certain magical Index.
>> No. 38365 [Edit]
>sometimes speak in the third person about themselves
Third person as in using their own name in place of "watashi", or third person as in referring to themselves as "kare/kanojo/etc."? I think the former isn't uncommon for characters portrayed as childish/absent-minded, e.g. Konoha in 16-bit sensation refers to herself as "Konoha". I've read that it's not uncommon for children in Japan to refer to themselves in this fashion, and isn't comparable to using a true 3rd-person pronoun (which would be just as weird in Japanese as it is in English).
>> No. 38366 [Edit]
File 172353466713.png - (631.09KB , 1298x760 , hina third person.png )
>I think the former isn't uncommon for characters portrayed as childish
Now that I come to think of it, Hina from Rozen Maiden makes more sense this way, considering she is supposed to be childish. Crazy what you miss out on, when you lack context for the translation.
>> No. 38367 [Edit]
Nevermind my presence but Hina is the best doll.
>> No. 38368 [Edit]
Hating bell peppers seems to be a huge cliche for some reason. I've lost count of how many times I've seen a character express disgust for them. I suppose it's the Japanese equivalent of kids hating broccoli in western media.
>> No. 38369 [Edit]
I can relate to that. Sweet vegetables are gross to me in general.
>> No. 38370 [Edit]
I get the impression that hating carrots is more common.
>> No. 38371 [Edit]
Oh this is a good one. They also seem to think of okra as sticky. I don't know how the japs are preparing their vegetables for them to get these impressions.

In the west it's usually brussel sprouts I think. Which I agree with, most times it's not prepared well so it's just mushy and sad. And even when prepared nicely, it's still not really that delicious: a lot of mouth feel but little actual flavor.
>> No. 38372 [Edit]
Bell peppers are fine!
>> No. 38373 [Edit]
I dislike it when someone refers to the Japanese as "japs".
>> No. 38382 [Edit]
File 172454188782.jpg - (192.86KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 11 (720p) [39A.jpg )
Every Valentine's Day episode and even some Christmas episodes involve "making chocolate." In other words, buying chocolate that was already premade from the store, melting it into a different shape, and pretending you handmade the chocolate yourself. It drives me nuts.
I was impressed with Henjin no Salad Bowl's episode last season where Brenda and Haruka actually did make the chocolate themselves from cacao beans.
>> No. 38383 [Edit]
It's still not trivial even to remake it since you have to retemper it.
>> No. 38384 [Edit]
Indeed. Plus, any bit of effort beyond just buying and giving store-bought chocolate is commendable and thoughtful.
>> No. 38385 [Edit]
Giri choco tends to usually be storebought I think. It's really sweet when characters give "handmade" chocolates to secondary characters as well though.
>> No. 38386 [Edit]
These are good points, but still, surely they can come up with a more precise phrase than "making chocolate" for what they're actually doing.
>> No. 38387 [Edit]
"recasting/remolding" or "retempering" chocolate would be the terms I guess. You can go plenty far with just buying 100% chocolate, adjusting the ratio of cocoa butter & sugar, reconching and retempering though. If you wanted to go one step further you could start from cocoa liquor.
>> No. 38390 [Edit]
Right before an idol group/band's important performance (often their debut) the power goes out at the venue, putting the event in danger - only for the group to decide to perform as best they can anyway and the power to conveniently come back on at the most dramatic moment during their performance.
>> No. 38391 [Edit]
Pinky promise are often shown. For some reason I always consider them cute.
>> No. 38392 [Edit]
File 172516366830.png - (280.72KB , 718x582 , tomo rubber face.png )
I think I've never seen this outside of Animu and it's quite often a trope, maybe even a cliche to a point. It's this face stretching, done as a short of punishment, usually among friends.
>> No. 38393 [Edit]
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>> No. 38398 [Edit]
File 172538623141.jpg - (159.30KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekita.jpg )
Today's MahoAku episode reminded me of this post. I swear I've seen the MC have to settle for the participation tissues more often than actually winning.
>> No. 38404 [Edit]
Animu cliche: Boys in love with a girl are completely unable to read any social cues, to a degree where it less feels like he just inept, but more just literally retarded. The girl can outright say, she hates him, but somehow he still won't get it and think she likes him.
>> No. 38405 [Edit]
This is pretty realistic.
>> No. 38406 [Edit]
> The girl can outright say, she hates him
She's just being tsundere
>> No. 38517 [Edit]
File 172995847493.gif - (499.23KB , 240x180 , 1729935271877.gif )
I don't know if this just my impression or if it's really that common, but I'd say those cheerleading sticks falling exactly on the character's head, once thrown into the air, is a common trope, maybe even a cliche.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2024, 9:03am
>> No. 38518 [Edit]
File 172995911863.jpg - (176.20KB , 1024x576 , [MiniMTBB] The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - 06 .jpg )
This is cute. BTW who is this? I've got a strong dejavu as if it's Mikuru-chan goddess.
>> No. 38519 [Edit]
...That is her.
>> No. 38520 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure it's from that Haruhi bonus episode. I can't find it to check it though, but that should be it.
>> No. 38521 [Edit]
Unfortunately finding good old anime isn't easy these days, usually no more than one or two decent torrents are left alive, so you are often left to chew at scrapes. Too bad I'm a poorfag otherwise I'd archive more gems just because people damn deserve to watch them.
>> No. 38522 [Edit]
File 172996276720.png - (284.49KB , 1879x863 , Untitled5.png )
>Unfortunately finding good old anime isn't easy these days, usually no more than one or two decent torrents are left alive
...Haruhi has hundreds of seeders on Nyaa alone.
>> No. 38523 [Edit]
Seemingly. But I wanted to watch Eve No Jikan and could not for the life of me find English subs. Found some russian torrent that shipped videos and separately subtitles (in damn russian), don't remember where. Had to watch it like that. Wasn't fun. Maybe I'm just lame though.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2024, 12:08pm
>> No. 38524 [Edit]
I've always thought that sub tracks should be available separately. Given that most shows are soft-subbed anyway, it doesn't make any sense to have separate seeds for a raw show then a subbed one: just provide the sub track separately and let end-users mux it themselves.
>> No. 38526 [Edit]
The problem wasn't muxing, I use mpv, the problem was that I had to translate russian into english on the fly. But it was a while ago and I honestly don't remember why I did it like that. Probably I got pissed waiting for somebody to seed, heh
>> No. 38530 [Edit]
File 173015551381.jpg - (347.74KB , 1920x1080 , [bonkai77]_Phantom_Requiem_for_the_Phantom_Episode.jpg )
This is one hell of a cliche and don't even remember what it's called.
>> No. 38531 [Edit]
That or the forehead flick.
>> No. 38532 [Edit]
I don't know, the forehead flick seems to be, to me atleast, just general human behaviour, not inherently anime or even japanese.
While quite possibly most depictions of it are in anime, even enough to be a cliche, it doesn't not seem fitting for it to be a considered an action confined to anime.
>> No. 38533 [Edit]
File 173015894729.jpg - (309.36KB , 1920x1080 , [bonkai77]_Phantom_Requiem_for_the_Phantom_Episode.jpg )
I've never seen it anywhere outside anime, so don't go hard on me. Maybe because I'm not leaving my house eh?
>> No. 38560 [Edit]
This is also an Anime cliche, in my opinion:
Two friends hoping to get in the same class, saying things like "Ohh, hopefully we get into the same class, now that we're in highschool/the next year" and coincidentally actually being in the same class as her friend then. Rule of thumb is, if thee are two characters, who do this, then they are almost certainly in the same class and if it's a group of friends, then the majority of the group will be in the same class.
>> No. 38561 [Edit]
It's certainly happier that way, when that doesn't happen you get Kagami in Lucky Star.
>> No. 38562 [Edit]
I hate school theatre episodes in general. There is never anything funny or new.
>> No. 38586 [Edit]
There is breast envy as a common trope, in particular in more Slice-of-Life-ish shows. I think it's fair to say that this counts as an anime cliche. I don't know if it's as common these days as it used to be, but for a bit this was very common.
>> No. 38587 [Edit]
I like that it's never too mean spirited, it's sort of in good faith.
>> No. 38649 [Edit]
File 173610298440.jpg - (212.82KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 25 (1080p) [2909.jpg )
Even in the peak of summer, beaches are always devoid of people.
>> No. 38660 [Edit]
I think that's Okinawa specifically? Which can only be reached by aeroplane from Japan proper, so maybe it would make sense for its density not to be too high even in the summer?

Never been there, just guessing
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