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File 171220616743.jpg - (158.24KB , 425x600 , BA.jpg )
37988 No. 37988 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Tohno-chan's favorite mobile game Blue Archive, finally has it's long anticipated anime adaptation!!
Mobile game adaptations might not have the best track record, but surely this will be different this time? ...right?
32 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38204 [Edit]
I question the placement of that bow. It makes me imagine her head as being very oddly shaped, almost like a pear.
>> No. 38209 [Edit]
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So we finally got to "That scene"
I don't think it's a hyperbole to say not only is this scene a crucial turning point in the series, this scene also has immense significance to the franchise itself and may very well be what turned Blue archive from a largely over looked mobile game, to one with a player count going to the moon. Up until this point, The game's story while odd, stays fairly tame and dare I say boring. It's cute and charming don't get me wrong, and I love the themes of friendship at play.

The bank heist is crazy, It's fun watching high school girls rob a bank, but that alone wouldn't be enough of a spark to set off these fireworks. They needed to go one step further, they needed to do what fans always joke about and saying they'd do, the sort of stuff we rarely actually see.
I think from this point, our protagonist went from being a boring generic no personality moralfag type, to someone that's fun and relatable. Now the protag on top of those usual qualities, has this weird perverted side that he won't act on unless given the opportunity.
They then went on from there to give him more man-child like characteristics, such as suggesting he's a fan of sentai and robot toys. I think this along with along with leaning the dynamic (at least for side stories) into a more silly and over the top dynamic that became legitimately fun and exciting to read. This I would say helped a lot in giving the franchise a bit more of an identity, which let it stand out from the pack of generic looking PNG collecting mobile garbage. Assuming of course you give it a chance there's a lot to love here, and thanks to word of mouth this has now become a comiket dominating juggernaut. It's a bizarre but fun world full of mystery and likable characters. You do have to get past a decent amount of dull content, but I think if you can make your way to "That scene", you might start to see what makes this special.
>> No. 38211 [Edit]
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>> No. 38223 [Edit]
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Whelp, it's over now. Like >>37989 said, this really did end up being a very middle of the road adaptation, not amazing, but not terrible. It was a very safe and by the numbers adaptation.
I'm glad they didn't mess it up, but it also doesn't feel like they tried to do anything special which I think doomed this to being an unimpressive forgettable anime.
I will say though, The action scenes felt poorly directed while only having adequate enough animation to avoid "QUALITY" labels.

The world and characters came across as poorly flushed out. It might have been nice to better establish the bonds between these characters and why they're choosing to endure the situation they choose to be in father than devote so much time to mediocre action scenes. The game might not offer much more in terms of details, but that strong sense of friendship was the most endearing part of the material they adapted for this season. As >>37990 said, a lighter feel might have been nice. While the series does have it's share of fighting and action, I don't think that's supposed to be the focus. For me at least, it's about meeting all these interesting characters and seeing how they live and work together in this unique and bizarre world that makes absolutely no sense but somehow works.
Hopefully season 2 will be a bit better.

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32020 No. 32020 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
trippiest anime ever:

great AMVs:
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>> No. 32036 [Edit]
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Thanks, man.
>> No. 38194 [Edit]
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Imaginative animation

File 151520420363.jpg - (179.68KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
30190 No. 30190 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
If you liked Yama no Susume, you're sure to love this one!
101 posts and 64 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38140 [Edit]
File 171678289598.jpg - (203.45KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S3 - 05 (720p) [6165F585]_m.jpg )
I kinda want to throw a paper airplane into it...
>> No. 38151 [Edit]
File 171729687731.jpg - (88.91KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S3 - 05 (720p) [6165F585]_m.jpg )
She's as cute as a bug.
>> No. 38188 [Edit]
File 171824975367.jpg - (161.45KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S3 - 06 (720p) [40064D85]_m.jpg )
What happens when people drop bits of food or drinks in there? There's no way that doesn't happen.
>> No. 38190 [Edit]
Forget that, I want to drink the yurus' foot water!

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33818 No. 33818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Turning 30 soon and feeling kind of morose about the whole thing. What are some animes with 30-year-old protagonists? Found Recovery of an MMO Junkie, not sure if it's good though
14 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38172 [Edit]
That's the damn point I don't remember myself.
>> No. 38173 [Edit]
Ah, lets say it was too hard to google
>> No. 38174 [Edit]
>> No. 38175 [Edit]
Just in case you're skeptical this anime is just a depiction of kind attitude. IIRC it has a few silly moments but in general it's mostly about kindness.

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25650 No. 25650 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I think it's been years since we last had a favorite OP/ED thread.

whelp, You guys know what to do!
57 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38114 [Edit]
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YUNGBLUD - Abyss (from Kaiju No. 8)
>> No. 38135 [Edit]
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Solo Leveling - Opening | LEveL
>> No. 38145 [Edit]
Masaaki Endoh can make anything sound incredible
>> No. 38157 [Edit]
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Cutie Honey Flash

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38124 No. 38124 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I know I will regret creating this thread by all means. But I don't remember doing anything I would not regret in quite a while, so I guess it doesn't matter anyway.

I just stumbled upon that brief Homura & Madoka discussion in /so/. Side note that I liked Madoka anime, but don't care too much about it (no hard feelings here!). But I was touched by that talk about empathy.

That said, Hei is the best anime character ever. He is strong. He is dangerous. He is ruthless. He stoically pursues his own objective. He doesn't fall for social life. He isn't evil in his core, but his life made him cruel.

He is a perfect self-insert character for an insecure toddler like me, even though I never self-inserted as Hei. I think it is because I hold him in such reverence that I don't dare to put the filth of myself on his character.

I have never met any anime character that would rival Hei in my eyes. I have only found one character in Western fantasy that appeals to me even more than Hei, but I will not talk about it.

Unleash your moe unto me, for I know you here weaboos don't take kindly to violent characters.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38130 [Edit]
>I know you here weaboos don't take kindly to violent characters.
I personally don't, but that anon from the homura thread might disagree -- in the ends justify the means sense.

At least to me, there is a distinction between characters that appeal to me, and those I resonate with. Both may be categorized under empathy, but with latter it's that their background overlaps with my own and I can "relate to" them in that sense. Whereas with the former they may be a character dual, possessing attributes and strengths that I lack. Or another perspective is that with latter the empathy arises from a shared experience, whereas with the former it's a touching sort of reflected emotional warmth.

Hoshikuzu Telepath provides both examples - as I mentioned in that subthread, I can directly relate with Raimon: her social withdrawal, hyper-fixation on topics, her avoidant personality, and maybe even parts of the self-sabotage. Her dual, Umika, is thus someone that really appeals to me. She might me the kindest, strongest Kirara character I've seen yet: christlike in her ability to overlook Mataki's former sins, undaunted by emotional or mental setbacks, and actively seeking to extend her hand to support others. She has her own issues of social anxiety I can relate to as well, and she of course is blessed with the genki Yuu-chan who helps her overcome those; but as Yuu said, like a lighthouse Umika can and does bring together everyone and show them a path forward out of their past troubles/worries, and that is a beautiful thing.
>> No. 38131 [Edit]
File 171658660196.jpg - (234.20KB , 850x1028 , size.jpg )
I don't empathize with personality traits so much as circumstances. Being an alienated shut-in with little to no social life is relatable to me, e.g Welcome to the NHK, Watamote, Bocchi.
Like >>38130 said, this is different from the types of characters I like the most. I actually dislike Watamote's mc.

Post edited on 24th May 2024, 2:37pm
>> No. 38136 [Edit]
>Hei, also known as Li Shenshun, is the protagonist of the 2007 anime Darker than Black by Bones.

He's electrifying.
>> No. 38137 [Edit]
He's one of the best characters out there. He doesn't impact in the same way as mc of nhk does, though. I see nhk mc as a fellow loser, that makes me really feel it, but at the end of the day, there's not much use for losers. Hei, on the other hand, is the strong character that holds reins in his hands. And he's charismatic. He reminds me of Spike from bebop. In a way, they are equally likeable for that trait of theirs. But Spike falls for a woman, which is highly unrelatabe for me and he also doesn't reek of death the same way Hei does.

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27288 No. 27288 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Okusama ga is really pushing the envelope this season. I'm pretty sure we'll get to see the two leading charters have sex before the season is over.
7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 27357 [Edit]
Yosuga no Sora, e.f., and valvrave, Also aku no hana (I think, never saw it myself)

I agree the way anime represents romance is generally juvenile by typical standards. That said I personally like the innocent and pure nature of it. Romance in western live action media sickens me the way people use and abuse each other, play mind games, and treat each other like disposable sex toys. It does bother me how relationships often don't go anywhere in anime, often ending on ambiguous notes. That and how people tend to beat around the bush endlessly, but it's also cute and kind of nice.

"Mature" adult romance means throwing yourself at countless random people till one agrees to let you buy them food, watch a shitty movie together, then stick your dick in them after hanging out for a day or two. All while lying your ass off to them to make yourself seem more interesting than you really are, just so you got someone(anyone) to stick your dick in for another night. Then you keep doing that until you find a more appealing sex toy willing to let you fuck them too, at which point you may or may not tell your current fuck toy you're not gonna fuck it anymore, and upgrade to the slightly better fuck toy.
Anime romance is good honest strong slow building real love. It involves people who like and care for each other being close, enjoying their time with eacother in an innocent platonic way, and not rushing anything. Sex in relationships like that has actual meaning, it's making love with someone you love, not ramming your junk in a random person. That's something I find far more mature than mindlessly fucking like animals.
>> No. 27359 [Edit]
aku no hana does have actual sex and sexual relations, at least in the manga. i think the anime covers up till the point at which two characters have sex, but i havent watched it myself.
>> No. 27360 [Edit]
if your pic had featured a similar argument with pics of Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka or Non Non Biyori you would have had me by the throat. but K-on? ha! i can blow you off.

thanks, i'll check those out.

agree on some points, disagree on others.

to address your second to last paragraph:

your perception of romance and sexuality in the
west is pretty spot on. unfortunately, the west does treat sex too casually, as a throw away commodity. like sex, romance has devolved as well, and past what you have said, i would argue that the fall out is the subversion of the nuclear family (very much to our determent).

to address your final paragraph:
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>> No. 38133 [Edit]
Interspecies Reviewers was the closest without going to hentai. Haha.

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31099 No. 31099 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Horse girls.
91 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 37710 [Edit]
File 170398364427.jpg - (142.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 11 (72.jpg )
Gold Ship DOES NOT work as a mature knowledgeable mentoring senpai type character, not AT ALL. She's an a oh so random and crazy comic relief character. She's meant to be silly dumb and fun. This feels so forced. It's because her VA runs the youtube channel, isn't it?

Why in the hell would you have Nice Nature Gold Ship compete for the same role here?
While it makes sense to seek out someone on your same team for support, there was actually a little bit of chemistry with Nice, but with Gold Ship there's nothing there. Goldship seems like the worst person on the team to turn to anyway. Now if only there was someone on her team who was one of the best horse girls around... someone we saw prove herself last season... someone that Kitasan already admires and looks up to... Someone who inspired Kitasan in the first place... hmmmm.... HHHMMMMMMMM.... IF ONLY THERE WAS SOMEONE LIKE THAT ON HER OWN FUCKING TEAM.

Seriously, is this studio meddling or just incompetence?
>> No. 37773 [Edit]
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Finally got around to finishing season3. Last two episodes were a bit of an improvement but it didn't really make up for what a mess the whole season was. This anime feels like lighting off some fireworks, which turn out to be a dud, only to then let off a little poof at the end. It's disappointing, Season 2 was a big improvement over the first, the game was well made, and the ova was great. I was expecting something better. I went into this wanting to love it but walked away disappointed. I had a feeling early on something was off when Rice shower had that awkward cameo like appearance. Which in hindsight feels like a character that was shoved into a script they weren't meant to be in at the last moment because they're popular. Or how they kept randomly playing what sounded like Mortal Kombat theme at inappropriate times.

There was an over reliance on familiarity with the game for one thing, projects like this should be able to stand on their own. you should feel like you might get more out of it by playing the game, but not like you're missing a lot of important details if you missed some of the content in the game, and for a lot of mobile games keeping up with everything can be like a full time job.
We have new characters that just pop up out of nowhere without so much as a greeting, some who don't get introduced till the second to last ep after awkwardly hanging around all season. In spite of adding a handful of new characters, it still felt very empty due to it's focus on mostly just two characters, and even then more so one of them.
If you have really strong complex characters this can work, but that didn't really feel like the case here. This while all the other characters had so little to say and do they might as well have not been there at all. They're all sadly wasted here. Cheval Grand had a nice role to play near the end (Who's great idea was it to spoil the results of the race in the OP?) but she felt so poorly established over the course of the season, it didn't have the same impact. I hate it when a character gets their life story dumped on you all in one go. You had a full season here full of a lot of nothing. Hell, they could have made Cheval Grand be Kitasan Black's rival instead of Duramente, but that might have made too much sense..

What st
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>> No. 38075 [Edit]
>> No. 38132 [Edit]
Season 3 must have got rid of the writers that made the first two seasons so good...

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32666 No. 32666 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
According to Anime Japan 2019, these are the most recognisable anime characters here.
How many do you recognise?
39 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34613 [Edit]
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>> No. 35032 [Edit]
Lupin III doesn't look like that anymore...
>> No. 35035 [Edit]
>> No. 38115 [Edit]
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Time for an update

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37954 No. 37954 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
higurashi sotsu ep13

it was really about friendship all along... just as i thought.........

what an ending to the reboot. and the song playing at the end....... I cried.

It makes one think about various things.
>> No. 37955 [Edit]
For me, it's the 2006 one or nothing. Didn't enjoy all the alien and magic stuff that comes later. Back when the reboot started, it took 1 episode to know it wasn't for me.
>> No. 37956 [Edit]
Had never really got myself updated to this series in a decade already...only remember watching 4 seasons of it, original run, -kai, -rei, and -kira. after checking the few images of that last released season(sotsu), it really made me miss that original run artwork.
>> No. 37986 [Edit]
Nothing to Niipah about.
>> No. 38060 [Edit]
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I finally caught up on the new trigun anime from a while ago. It was quite good, it had the spirit of the original even though it was very different.

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34319 No. 34319 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How much do you care about encode quality of the anime you watch?

For newer shows there's not really much choice since you're essentially limited to downloading stream rips from HS/Erai (or re-encodes thereof) or waiting until a blu-ray release. But even then, do you go back and re-watch/re-download shows for archival purposes, and if so how much care do you put into select the "best" encode (bitrate, compression format, etc.). Do you use a local upscaler (e.g. Anime4K as discussed in a previous thread on here)?

For older shows you can usually find a plethora of different releases from different groups – especially during the infamous push for 10-bit – and amusingly I used to find myself spending more time sorting through them trying to pick out the "best" than it took to watch several episodes.
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>> No. 34333 [Edit]
For older anime I don't mind if it's a DVD rip (it just has to be a good one). I find most of my stuff in high-quality anyway. But for recent anime I try to get the best release available since I've a lot of space with my 2x3TB HDD.
>> No. 34444 [Edit]
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I like a decent quality ~ 360/480 for older releases.720 minimum for new releases.
>> No. 36645 [Edit]
I was curious enough to look up exactly what those encoders do, obviously one part is the tweaking the actual hyperparameters for the encoder (e.g. compression level, crf, etc.) but that part is boring and I'm skeptical that you really get that much extra compression beyond a certain point, especially when disk space is relatively cheap so an extra 50MB is nothing.

Then the other part is the pre-processing of the input source (probably either transport cap, webrip, BD source, or someone else's encode) before you encode it with filters. This part is theoretically easy to understand, basically just applying standard image-processing filters (or if you want to be fancy temporal filters as well), but wow is the actual software they use a mess. You'd think that there's be some nice standard library of image-processing filters, and then community packages or something, complete with documentation as to what exactly the filter is doing from a signal processing perspective. But no, instead it seems to be a mess of poorly documented transforms you just pipeline together.

Like say you want to do some antialiasing on an image. In a sane world you'd assume there's some central repository of filter people have contributed, and it would provide an overview of what exactly it does in terms of image processing, with some example before/after shots. This is what you'd expect in the programming world whenever you have 3rd party libraries, and even domain-specific languages like R and LaTeX have high-quality documentation for packages. But that's not the case at all here apparently, the standard for VaporSynth (or AviSynth) functions is to just chuck them onto a forum. If you're lucky, they might even explain in pseudo-code how they work, but almost none of them will bother to even include a visual before/after comparison. The only examples I could find are for outdated AviSynth [1, 2, 3].

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>> No. 38053 [Edit]
I actually set the video size to 3/4 scale, instead of having it cover the entire field of view on my monitor. I think I originally started doing this because I was "used" to how things felt on a smaller monitor, but I think there's also good reason to force most of the frame within your visual center. True it's less "immersive", but I think for anime this tradeoff is worth it. It also makes it easier to scan subs, if you use them.

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