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File 156847793815.jpg - (749.59KB , 827x1169 , __kurata_tome_mob_psycho_100_drawn_by_shugoi__4da7.jpg )
33406 No. 33406 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
What are some themes from anime which you disagree with? A lot of times when I'm watching anime, I feel as if the characters are being as mouth pieces for the creators. This is a problem in itself, since I think it's better to let your audience think for themselves, but it's especially annoying when the message is something I think is bullshit or just doesn't make sense. Kokoro Connect is one of the worst examples I can think of. I don't even remember what they were trying to say, but I couldn't stomach how they did it. The teacher arch in the World Only God Knows was just confusing. Are overbearing teachers a good or bad thing? Did Keima just say what the teacher wanted to hear? I didn't get it.

Mob Psycho 100 is a show I really like, but when I take a step back, its message doesn't make all that much sense. On top of that, Mob is a favorite show of "politically conscious" "anime fans" who like to criticize actual otaku. Basically, the shows says average relationships with average people are the most valuable thing a person can have, nobody is better than anybody else because of natural aptitudes, and having ambitions that could affect others or wanting to change how the world works is juvenile and foolish, so growing up means being content with the status quo.

We never learned how Claw planed on ruling the world. For all we know, they would have done a better job than the governments that currently exist. There's no reason given to think otherwise, except that Claw is just made up of "average people". It's like the show is implying the current governments have a divine right to power and officials have magic governing powers which separate them from "average people". Why? Governments came to exist through brute force to begin with, so how is replacing them through brute force unjustified? Somehow, Mob is never rewarded for preserving the status quo or punished for having his powers(experimented on).

The idea that all people can change and become better no matter how much of and for how long they've been a cunt is also bullshit. There's no real basis for that(there's a lot of evidence to contrary actually like people getting sued for performing cpr). I also don't buy the Claw boss having a wife and kid. What
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>> No. 34465 [Edit]
>For example, a 'righteous' MC fighting for what he believes is right ends up either succumbing to his sinful imperfect nature or realizing that his objective-what he is fighting for, isn't exactly the most altruist, moralistic cause. Also, a lot of media may make the villain more human (sob-story of a past), but I would love to see a villain that turns out to actually be right, or, at least, very legitimate in his argument/ defense for his actions
Subversion of good vs evil is almost as played out as straightfoward good vs evil. Often there's some racial component where there's an evil race of supernatural beings who actually turn out to not be so bad. Or maybe the villain is actually trying to save the world and maybe the hero has also been tricked. Or maybe the protagonist's idealism ends up being harmful. That's all been done already. Stories where the viewer can choose who to see as the antagonist would actually be different.
>> No. 34466 [Edit]
Moral relativism is about as common as black and white morality. It's all good as long as it makes sense in-universe. Also using Yamaxanadu for a post like that seems ironic.

Post edited on 18th Jul 2020, 9:02pm
>> No. 34467 [Edit]
File 159513943990.jpg - (98.97KB , 572x800 , c51b5e31610dd0b36d397c3efa8d9c21.jpg )
There's lots of media that don't fall for those topics. LOGH doesn't have a villain, except some fucks that are the ISIS of their universe, there's two sides with all kinds of people in them. I think you need to be aware about what is the public a product is made for, stuff made for kids and teenagers is going to have more of those kind of things, without taking into consideration it's quality. Also sometimes good vs evil can be perfectly fine too, see The Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars, etc.
>> No. 34483 [Edit]
the whole otoko janai meme

File 158579021773.png - (900.99KB , 1280x720 , soudesuka.png )
34256 No. 34256 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A Kirara adaptation from a brand new studio.
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34298 [Edit]
Excuse me but what the fuck kind of aspect ratio is that, oh god it's the worst thing since 9/11
>> No. 34299 [Edit]
Both of them look kind of shit, just in different ways.
>> No. 34303 [Edit]
File 158780433167.png - (693.11KB , 1283x359 , gfdgfdgfdgfd.png )
The 'proper' version still doesn't look too good to me.
>> No. 34305 [Edit]
There were some scenes that looked better in the drawn version compared to the CG. Of course the interesting part is that they bothered to fully-flesh and color a drawn version in the first place (unless they only decided to switch to CG very late).

File 157080309968.jpg - (149.07KB , 1024x768 , rei_2.jpg )
33555 No. 33555 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I found why the theatrical version of Evangelion isn't so popular in the West.
It's format is based on traditional Japanese arts.

Eva 1: 'the first act as "Love"; the play opens auspiciously, using gentle themes and pleasant music to draw in the attention of the audience'.
Eva 2: 'The second act is described as "Warriors and Battles" (shura). Though it need not contain actual battle, it is generally typified by heightened tempo and intensity of plot'.
Eva 3 Q (kyu): 'The third act, the climax of the entire play, is typified by pathos and tragedy. The plot achieves its dramatic climax'.
Eva 4: 'the fourth act as a michiyuki (journey), which eases out of the intense drama of the climactic act, and often consists primarily of song and dance rather than dialogue and plot'.
Eva 5: 'The fifth act, then, is a rapid conclusion. All loose ends are tied up, and the play returns to an auspicious setting'.
48 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34173 [Edit]
File 158316771823.png - (1.83MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Kyokou Suiri - 04 [1080p]_mkv (00_0.png )
Stop posting, for everyone's sake.
>> No. 34174 [Edit]
>Pretentious, is that supposed to be deregitory?

Well yes, if you knew what the word even meant which you evidently don't.
>> No. 34177 [Edit]
I know what it means; I, however, have no reason to believe you. Do you believe your word is better than mine? Oh my, then, it's almost like you're me, being pretentious, acting superior.
I mean, if we're equal, and I claim I am not pretentious but you claim I am, who is right? Neither of us, right? Because we're equal. Unless somebody is better than the other, unless you are superior to me or I am to you, then neither of us can claim to be correct.
>> No. 34264 [Edit]
File 158665750827.jpg - (92.39KB , 1024x768 , 145623425897.jpg )

File 157865108379.jpg - (155.59KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 01 [1080p].jpg )
33903 No. 33903 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone else want to go to school with a bunch of animals?
25 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34219 [Edit]
File 158461099522.jpg - (258.67KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 10 [1080p].jpg )
I wonder how often this actually happens in nature, if at all.
>> No. 34235 [Edit]
File 158485389340.jpg - (270.12KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 11 [1080p].jpg )
wow, I never really noticed how tiny she is.
>> No. 34237 [Edit]
File 158494837615.jpg - (298.38KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 11 [1080p].jpg )
Would you milk these cows?
>> No. 34263 [Edit]
File 158659905916.jpg - (197.78KB , 1000x636 , 20200327.jpg )
Fun anime. Concept sounded trite but the execution saves the show. A good newbie anime but still has something for those who has seen a lot.

File 157888317820.jpg - (228.38KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Nekopara - 01 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
33909 No. 33909 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
27 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34243 [Edit]
File 158521489216.jpg - (272.13KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Nekopara - 10 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
I can't believe they did it.
>> No. 34253 [Edit]
File 158572094166.jpg - (352.67KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Nekopara - 10 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Can't say I'm a big fan of blatantly traced or edited photos for backgrounds.
>> No. 34254 [Edit]
They look so surreal – like those "2D girl in the real world" edits.
>> No. 34258 [Edit]
File 158605362676.jpg - (404.27KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Nekopara - 12 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
ep12 started so similar to the second half of ep4 I had to check at least four times to see if I was on the right ep.

File 157810163311.jpg - (114.01KB , 1280x720 , koisuru.jpg )
33854 No. 33854 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This season's Kirara adaption. Gather around while we watch cute girls forge friendships as they seek to discover an asteroid. If you liked Slow Start, give this a shot!
46 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34239 [Edit]
File 158509963023.jpg - (61.05KB , 1280x720 , grumpy.jpg )
I'm not a particular fan of the second new kouhai club member. Even with her tragic "backstory" the needless cynicism and pessimism seems quite out of place with the rest of the show.
>> No. 34240 [Edit]
File 158511529789.png - (2.00MB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Koisuru Asteroid - 11 [1080p][Multiple.png )
I think it's really cute to see her warm up and start to loosen up. Like in the newest episode when she suggested making the TeruTeru-Bozu and got really into it.
>> No. 34248 [Edit]
File 15854136931.png - (2.95MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Koisuru Asteroid - 12 [1080p]_mkv_s.png )
I'm going to miss them..
>> No. 37842 [Edit]
For some reason it's only a few weeks after Hoshikuzu Telepath finished that this other Kirara show focused on space popped into my mind. While to my recollection this was a show where characters formed friendships over a common interest which just happened to be space, Hoshikuzu Telepath on the other hand played with the emotional concept of "space" much more strongly: in the very opening we saw each character reaching up: searching for something, _someone_ out there to connect with. (I can't be the only one who has reenacted the same, lying in bed with arms outstretched).

Though I don't want to compare kirara shows as each has its own charm, I am glad that this theme was revisited again.

File 156352788984.jpg - (155.12KB , 850x789 , 9E7DB614-A1E1-46E7-B454-99E611DB0294-39734-000032C.jpg )
33103 No. 33103 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Cromartie High School was one of the first anime I watched and dubbed happened to be the thing most readily available at the time. I enjoyed it a lot. Soon after that I started avoiding dubs altogether for pretty much the same reasons as everybody else, but over the years I always rewatched Cromartie dubbed. I'm not here to debate or anything, and I apologize if this is inappropriate, but is it possible that there's something special about Chromartie's dub?

When it comes to comedy, I'm tempted to say dubs are least bad, but I wouldn't really know for sure and I imagine they have a lot of the same problems as others like added vulgarity to emulate American "adult cartoons". Crayon Shin Chan is another show I watched dubbed and I know they changed cultural references so as to not confuse American audiences, so if I ever rewatch that, i'd like to see it subbed. Then there's the case of Ghost Stories, which was too vulgar for my taste and pretty much the same as "abridged" shit. What do you think about these outliers?

Post edited on 19th Jul 2019, 2:20am
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34231 [Edit]
The one i downloaded back when i saw it included the original jap track and legit english subs.
It wasnt good.Its true though that they couldnt market easily shows other than school adventures/space operas/action-adventures and most of us had to find the good series later on when internet came along.
But i dont see why they would care about being able to market it.
In europe there were numerous channels that bought the cheapest and lowest budget series from Japan, gave them horrible localizations and broadcasted them en mass.Its a matter of economics really.The fact that they ignored other more serious series has to do with the fact that they were targeted only at kids as "jap cartoons" thats why the adult ovas never made it here.And to a great degree this is still the case.Hence the self-censor of most series that are being imported in the west.Not to mention general censorship in all jap media intended for the wes hey are still considered to be targeted at younger audiences and only them.
>> No. 34232 [Edit]
Yeah I saw the original version without a single clue the dub was famous, and I actually kinda liked it.
>> No. 34233 [Edit]
I saw a lot of old OVAs that I thoroughly enjoyed only to find western anime journalists or dubbing companies made everyone hate it.
>> No. 34234 [Edit]
I, too, enjoyed it to some extent. The OP is now nostalgic.

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34085 No. 34085 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Seems everyone's making a fuss over how controversial this is. What are TC's thoughts on it?
19 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34112 [Edit]
Like most adaptations of ecchi/porn, it mostly sucks. Animation too budget to be hot or adapt the manga style. Also censored to hell so there's basically no point to watching the tv version. Only good part was the spats shot of the futa loli angel.

As a side note, it's strange anyone's even picked this series up at all. En press did the translation of the manga too, which struck me as odd. Like who looked at this series and said "yeah this looks like a solid investment"? I need to learn moonrunes already, people who pick what gets translated be crazy.
>> No. 34115 [Edit]
I couldn't get into it, far too lewd. Maybe I'm just too old-fashioned, as a lot of people seem to be enjoying it.
>> No. 34116 [Edit]
Why is it so important whether I call it pornography or not? It's equivalent to porn for me, whether or not it is technically porn is irrelevant.
>> No. 34117 [Edit]
By definition it is pornography, if you want to be technical.

Post edited on 20th Feb 2020, 1:55am

File 157901340095.jpg - (2.39MB , 3264x2448 , 20200114_094303.jpg )
33923 No. 33923 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I finished the first season of rozen maiden last night. Cried alot watching the last 2 episodes. I felt really bad for Suiginto and cried. It was so sad. And the part where Nori finds Jun in his dream was really sad. Gonna continue with the next season later today. Rozen Maiden thread.
>> No. 33924 [Edit]
File 157901849526.png - (753.82KB , 853x480 , rozen GUN.png )
Rozen Maiden is such a neat series, although I have yet to actually read the manga. The anime, though, is definitely a memorable one, and probably one of my favorites. Incredibly engaging characters, a very interesting plot, very good character designs, and animation that's sometimes cheesy and kind of awkward (six finger Suigintou) but works most of the time.
There's also a new season that everybody ignored that's supposed to be based on the new manga. The first episode is a really hasty recap though so it's kind of awkward going into after you just watched/rewatched the original series.
>> No. 34068 [Edit]
I started watching it as well. I have finished the first two and Overture and am now watching the 2013 version. It feels A LOT different than the others, it was written by two people so maybe that's why or it may be that it was the anime making it more serious or the anime of the other making it less serious. It's quite subdued and almost boring at times so far.
>> No. 34072 [Edit]
Okay, so I finished watching the 2013 anime, plus I read the manga up to where the new anime starts and then skimmed through until the new anime ends to see if there were many differences.

The 2013 anime was not great, it didn't get better from when I made the above post. Where as the first had more of the dolls together and had them often in an SoL type setting the new version didn't. It was more drama like and I didn't like the protagonist or the antagonist(the true one, I like Sugintou) much and it got quite silly.

The new anime is not actually an alternative version, the old anime ran out of source material and as is often the case it had to make an ending of it's own. The new anime is based on where the manga picks up again(but then again, overtakes the manga). The Manga up until the point that the new anime starts is actually fairly good, it feels much more like the old season(even the parts from when it diverts), there are some other differences and I didn't mind them, Sugintou is portrayed slight differently. Well I think. There is a side story called Rot Schwarz that apparently goes into the back story of Sugintou and Shinku, if it's like the back story in Overture then it would just mean the manga contradicts itself, it's possible. I can't actually find this anywhere to read, I can only find that it exists.
>> No. 34073 [Edit]
>The new anime is based on where the manga picks up again(but then again, overtakes the manga)

Actually overtake might be a bit misleading, it just stops when it runs out of material.

File 156995281232.jpg - (210.13KB , 1200x628 , Houkago Saikoro Club.jpg )
33498 No. 33498 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Cute girls playing board games.
58 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33801 [Edit]
File 157724720946.png - (1.47MB , 1413x2000 , __kiryuu_kazuma_ryuu_ga_gotoku_and_1_more_drawn_by.png )
>> No. 33824 [Edit]
Are you suggesting the owner is part of the yakuza or something?
>> No. 33830 [Edit]
File 157801281218.jpg - (239.77KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Saikoro Club - 12 [1080p]_m.jpg )
I don't care if she does have occasional outbursts, I still like Midori.
>> No. 33873 [Edit]
They share the same VA and he's well-known for his role as Kazuma Kiryu.

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32076 No. 32076 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Who needs friends when you can have bugs?
60 posts and 40 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33225 [Edit]
That sounds quite interesting, do you have a link? I can't find it.
>> No. 33226 [Edit]
The OST or hentatsu?

The album title is "kemurikusa music collection." It's surprisingly not on nyaa, but just google it and you can find rips (lossy only though).

Subbed version of latest hentatsu can be found at!LFcGlIyR!4-VmL7k3bhavo8YxSlpGTg
>> No. 33229 [Edit]
>> No. 33868 [Edit]
Tatsuki announced a new series of Hentatsu, airing every week on TV. Link above has this week's episode.

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