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29188 No. 29188 [Edit]
What are some of the worst anime you've ever seen, and why?
It could be objectively bad or just something you hated for personal reasons.
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>> No. 29192 [Edit]
File 150067858074.jpg - (83.02KB , 551x511 , 1446586470270.jpg )
objectively bad? Green Green. If you don't believe me, just try to watch it. It was bad at the time, and it aged worse than Love Hina.

something I absolutely despised? Rosario † Vampire adaptation. For the first chunk, the manga was a dopey romcom with fanservice, and it was fairly generic and rather underwhelming. Then it did a 90 degree genre shift and became more of a battle shonen thing that was done quite well. The anime crew wanted to continue the with the dopey romcom shit and do so while bringing in the newer characters introduced in the manga after the genre shift. The only problem was that the anime crew had no idea how to write or direct something new and without the manga providing them a storyboard for the plot, and all of the new characters had their personalities altered in an attempt to better fit in with the dopey, stereotypical highschool fanservice part. It was a bad, and the writers and director should be shot.
>> No. 29206 [Edit]
the worst part is that I'm actually a fan of the 3 green green games but it at least had some stuff that was funny, stuff like girls bravo and boys be fits in there as well as crappy fanservice comedies that are just way too crude and often fail at just about every attempt at humor.
And on the note of stuff that didn't age well, sister princess really did not hold up even though I still enjoyed some of the dumb jokes.

The worst thing I've ever seen though was probably nekogami yaoyorozu (it only aired some years back, but it's just awful, in the art, sound, writing, voice acting) or infinite ryvius (the writing is just terrible).
Most the bad anime I've seen that's more than 20 years old was clearly made for kids so I'm able to forgive their issues on some level, but I'm sure of all the 90s and 80s OVAs out there, there are some really awful ones on par with musashi gundoh, md geist, and mars of destruction.
>> No. 29210 [Edit]
>nekogami yaoyorozu
I really wanted to like that anime when it aired, but they sure didn't make it easy. Personally I liked the art and thought it was cute, I think it even had a decent first ep. That's about all the nice things I can say for that Touhou wannabe. Because then the author self inserted hard and dragged the whole series down with them. It was mind blowing how far the creator had their head up their own ass. Their insert character couldn't have been more out of place, yet a large amount of the second half was dedicated to themselves with other characters helping her create manga as if that'd be cute or funny. Maybe if it was a 4th wall breaking gag comedy that crap might fly, but for Nekogami is was just weird and distracting. It'd be like getting halfway into a touhou game before being stopped by a 2D version of Zun who puts the story on hold and makes you to help him program the rest of the game. Like what the fuck? Go make a webcomic for that shit, don't ruin your story with it.
>> No. 38134 [Edit]
Any Crunchyroll Original Anime. Ewwwww. Enough said.
>> No. 38142 [Edit]
What exactly is a crunchyroll original anime? I recall they've been part of the production committee for some shows that were good. But it seems that "original anime" refers to some specific subset within these. What's "original" about them? Crunchyroll exclusivity? Unlike Netflix I don't think they have their own animation studio?
>> No. 38143 [Edit]
Here's some that I particularly hated:
* KF S2 - The anime forged out of pure spite, enough said.
* Oregairu - Ssomething about this explicitly being a romance show featuring a supposed "loner" who keeps spouting superficial philosophy all the while being surrounded by (and interacting just fine) with people irked me the wrong way. It makes a mockery of actual social outcasts.
>> No. 38241 [Edit]
-Shikimor's not just a cutie. Forced myself to watch this one. Dialogue is cringy, plot is boring.

-Demon Slayer. I get a lot of hate for this one, but for me it's just plain boring. I guess it's just to predictable
>> No. 38590 [Edit]
so many.. I don't want to name them and I will use other time to drop them but Witch Elaine, I think this anime was created by lesbian woman. it might be first lgbq anime ive ever seen after the Witch Academy by Gene- I mean Studio trioggergay
>> No. 38595 [Edit]
What's up with Love Hina and all the hate it seems to get? I don't see anything that warrants it.

>The anime forged out of pure spite
Isn't that The End of Evangelion?
>> No. 38596 [Edit]
It's a harem comedy in which the "comedy" is almost entirely around a woman with anger management problems as she repeatedly assaults and beats the protagonist. I think the real question is, why do some people believe abusive relationships are comedy gold?
>> No. 38597 [Edit]
It's not uncommon for comedy to be derived from misfortune. The situation itself might be tragic, but it's presented in a comic way, it's the exaggeration and break of expectations that are enticing to people.
>> No. 38598 [Edit]
>why do some people believe abusive relationships are comedy gold?
I feel this way about the disappearing akarin gag in yuru yuri. I could not watch s1 and s2 because of it, ignoring a friend is not very yuru.
>> No. 38599 [Edit]
So it was CR adapting Korean shit into anime? Fuck, I hate them even more now.
>> No. 38625 [Edit]
Psycho-Pass 2nd season. The story was so nonsensical and disrespectful towards the lore of the first season that it actually made me stop watching anime for a while. Only good aspect was the OP song.
I also didn't like Girlish Number, and at this point I can't really remember why. Something about the humor being unfunny or the characters being cunty or meandering plot. Probably all 3. Designs were at least cute.
>> No. 38626 [Edit]
It is funny. I think it's a bit ridiculous to take cartoon antics like that too seriously.
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