No. 29865
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At the end, I only watched Vaticanime, Owari², Chorogon Special, and Made in Abyss. Shoukoku no Altair's second cour had a great OP song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahp7htMFqvQ), but otherwise it seems to have passed under the radar; haven't seen it discussed anywhere so no clue if it's decent or not. Tsurezure seems to be a little 2DPD but I'll watch anyway, as well as Yami, 18if and Jigoku IV. Apocrypha ended up being garbage, so I'll skip it. Since these three didn't get a thread made about them:
>Owarimonogatari Part II
It was great and a proper ending for this anime series. The animation was perfect, the puns and smut as funny as ever, all plot lines got resolved even for the less important characters (except Sodachi Oikura) and the story and resolution was perfectly written and delivered. I think basically everyone who was expecting this release was satisfied.
>Princess Principal
This anime had fantastic art (backgrounds), music and animation. It was a delight to watch it despite not being that much of a fan of all-girl ensemble cast. Along with Made in Abyss, I'd say it seems it was the anime with highest production values in that season. The plot is a little contrived though, so you might need suspension of disbelief.
>Vatican Kiseki Chousakan
Pic related. This is hands down my biggest anime guilty pleasure. It wasn't a particularly good series; I'd call it decent and above average, but only because of the amazing art and backgrounds. It's about two priests who work as miracle examiners, so they get a case, travel to a location and see if it's real deal or a scam. Unfortunately for them, all the cases they engage in are preposterously complicated, with an obnoxious plot line behind them, to the point it takes itself so seriously that it becomes hilarious to watch, in a good way. I saw it being compared often with Samurai Flamenco in its execution, but I didn't watch it so can't compare. This has no cute girls n
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