No. 36889
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, [SubsPlease] Luminous Witches - 12 (1080p) [1BB3F6.jpg
Just finished Luminous Witches, and oh boy that final ep was a complete mess. I can't remember the last time I saw something that poorly slapped together. From the editing to the directing to the writing, just wow. It felt like watching a long music video with the spastic clips from previous eps edited in, performance that didn't skip a beat in spite of what was going on, and how rushed and disjointed things felt.
Maybe it was just me, but the way they illustrated people from around the world watching the performance just looks terrible. It took a good long while to even understand what I was looking at. The wavy lines on all the people watching combined with the bright red/yellow simply made it look like the audience was really hot. From a distance when you first see them, it just looked like a weird pattern. It went on for some time before anyone said what was going on. Maybe if they were more transparent or something it might have made more sense.
As for the rest of the series, I think it's decent enough. Nothing fantastic, it's about what you'd expect from an idol spin off of strike witches. The music is a bit forgettable and the performances are just okay. You'd think they'd be a lot more interesting than they are with flight being added into them but they're just kind of meh, at least to me. Characters are cute and likable enough, and it does help in providing some world building. It's nice to know there's a place for girls with powers in this universe who can't use said powers in any practical way. If nothing else, I preferred this over brave witches.
On a slightly unrelated note. I've spoken with a few people about strike witches recently and noticed a bit of a pattern. A couple of them said they only saw the "first episode" and didn't feel inclined to keep watching after that. One of them, maybe both, seemed to be referring to the OVA. I think it's a bit sad people would judge the franchise based off that terrible OVA. Seems a lot of people don't realize that the OVA is an entirely different take on the material, and is best skipped and ignored. At best it's just something to visit out of morbid curiosity. You could almost go as far as to say the first season is a remake. Hopefully if more latecomers decide to give the f
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