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File 160236775353.jpg - (122.97KB , 1280x720 , [Erai-raws] Strike Witches - Road to Berlin - 01 [.jpg )
34858 No. 34858 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Time for the 501st to reassemble!
51 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35292 [Edit]
It's no wonder they would be, considering only girls can be witches, and only a select few from that, and even among those they can only practically serve as a witch for -10 years before they lose their power.
>> No. 36448 [Edit]
File 166104595713.jpg - (160.99KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Luminous Witches - 01 (720p) [6C5A385.jpg )
I'm just going to highjack this thread as a Witches general for Luminous Witches rather than make a new thread. On that note, what's this about familiars? How is this the first time it's been mentioned across three seasons, a movie, and a spinoff?
>> No. 36451 [Edit]
File 166109964781.jpg - (96.28KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Luminous Witches - 01 (720p) [6C5A385.jpg )
The VA for this character is trying to do a deep voice, and it sounds really forced and unnatural. It also doesn't seem to match the character at all.
>> No. 36889 [Edit]
File 167195741836.jpg - (363.20KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Luminous Witches - 12 (1080p) [1BB3F6.jpg )
Just finished Luminous Witches, and oh boy that final ep was a complete mess. I can't remember the last time I saw something that poorly slapped together. From the editing to the directing to the writing, just wow. It felt like watching a long music video with the spastic clips from previous eps edited in, performance that didn't skip a beat in spite of what was going on, and how rushed and disjointed things felt.
Maybe it was just me, but the way they illustrated people from around the world watching the performance just looks terrible. It took a good long while to even understand what I was looking at. The wavy lines on all the people watching combined with the bright red/yellow simply made it look like the audience was really hot. From a distance when you first see them, it just looked like a weird pattern. It went on for some time before anyone said what was going on. Maybe if they were more transparent or something it might have made more sense.

As for the rest of the series, I think it's decent enough. Nothing fantastic, it's about what you'd expect from an idol spin off of strike witches. The music is a bit forgettable and the performances are just okay. You'd think they'd be a lot more interesting than they are with flight being added into them but they're just kind of meh, at least to me. Characters are cute and likable enough, and it does help in providing some world building. It's nice to know there's a place for girls with powers in this universe who can't use said powers in any practical way. If nothing else, I preferred this over brave witches.

On a slightly unrelated note. I've spoken with a few people about strike witches recently and noticed a bit of a pattern. A couple of them said they only saw the "first episode" and didn't feel inclined to keep watching after that. One of them, maybe both, seemed to be referring to the OVA. I think it's a bit sad people would judge the franchise based off that terrible OVA. Seems a lot of people don't realize that the OVA is an entirely different take on the material, and is best skipped and ignored. At best it's just something to visit out of morbid curiosity. You could almost go as far as to say the first season is a remake. Hopefully if more latecomers decide to give the f
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35158 No. 35158 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is anyone here keeping up with this?
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36886 [Edit]
Seems like the VA for Rei was recast due to the original VA suffering from vocal cord edema:

It's a shame, Rei's soothing voice was in the original was a nice contrast to Rinku's (c.f. [1, 2])


Also [2] above, Kokoro Odoru, is a great song. It's only a cover, not an original, but it fits Happy Around really well, and after their experimentation with rap lyrics in the last 2 episodes they probably might have come up with something like that anyway.

Post edited on 24th Dec 2022, 7:05pm
>> No. 37044 [Edit]
Second season (All Mix) is out. I'm a bit disappointed the focus is on the other groups this time. Rinku made 1st season so endearing. And song or character-image wise I'm not a particular fan of Lyrical Lilly group. Also I've never played the game so I don't have any exposure to the other groups outside the albums, which means seeing the other groups is a bit confusing without knowing who is who. But I guess that's my fault, I won't fault the anime for assuming that you've played the game.

Post edited on 21st Feb 2023, 12:05am
>> No. 37045 [Edit]
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Precious shot of Shinobu.
>> No. 37059 [Edit]
Ep6 of all mix (s2) is really interesting, one of the most creative uses of English fluidly intermixed with Japanese dialogue I've seen. And it's particularly unique in that it takes advantage of the fact that Maho's VA does indeed speak English with pretty good fluency (there's a bit of an accent so it's not perfect [unlike like that one other VA/youtuber I don't remember the who genuinely is indistinguishable from a english native], but I think that gets a pass).

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36786 No. 36786 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Bun is kill, so I hope it's cool to post this here. Delete it if not.
The internet's favourite poll is here to finish off another year!

The rules if you are unfamiliar with them:
- One girl per show max
- No repeat entries from previous years
- Cutest girl wins

Vote here:
>> No. 36789 [Edit]
Doesn't this just end up being a proxy for a popularity poll? Also the form doesn't seem to do IP deduping (did not try submitting twice to verify though).
>> No. 36790 [Edit]
Having three votes means people are more encouraged to choose a lesser known flat girl that they liked that year, even if they do just pick the fotm.
>> No. 36791 [Edit]
>Also the form doesn't seem to do IP deduping (did not try submitting twice to verify though).
It should now, there was a problem with eating votes that seems to be fixed now(?)

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36727 No. 36727 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The most obscure anime you've ever watched.
Let's play a game. Go to desu/a/rchive and search for the most obscure anime you've watched and see how many results pop up. Let's see how many zeroes we can get. Remember to type all possible names.
I got one result only, for Genma Taisen Shinwa Zen'ya no shou.
>> No. 36728 [Edit]
anything produced past 2007 or so will likely have hits
>> No. 36729 [Edit]
Also if you search for "Genma Taisen" or "Genma Wars" you get plenty of hits on the archive
>> No. 36731 [Edit]
Most stuff I searched came up with a ton of results, the only ones I got under 100 with were magical nyan nyan taruto 90, and Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale 32.
>> No. 36732 [Edit]
These are about Genma Taisen Harmaggedon, a feature length film made in the early 80's. I'm talking about Genma Taisen Shinwa Zen'ya no shou which is an anime series released in the early 00's. These are 20 years apart and don't share almost anything plotwise.

File 134965815014.jpg - (159.01KB , 1280x720 , [Nutbladder] JoJo's Bizarre Adventures - 01 [.jpg )
11689 No. 11689 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
137 posts and 50 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 32981 [Edit]
It's sort of implied that some stands users can choose who their passive abilities affect. The rules aren't set in stone, so pretty much anything works.
>> No. 36091 [Edit]
no news about part 9?
>> No. 36092 [Edit]
I honestly forgot all about it until you mentioned it.
>> No. 36689 [Edit]
File 166683037742.jpg - (252.87KB , 1920x1080 , JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 08 - Bloody Battle! .jpg )
I've been thinking recently about the nature of evil. All the events of this show are instigated or inspired by the ambitions of one man who is inspired...who is not satisfied with the common path in life. When Dio is offered the opportunity to gain powers beyond the ordinary man's wildest dreams, he takes it with both hands. He recognises the limits of the form that he inhabits and he glady transcends them.

Meanwhile, Jonathon spends his time on youthful fancies and is quite a boring and ignorant character until he is forced to surpass himself by Dio. And this improvement is the weight that Dio takes upon himself! His passion overflows to the entirety of the human race and forces them to either die or improve themselves! And in the end he is destroyed by his passion but not before performing his great work.

Good requires a certain inheritence from evil in order to truly be good. At the end of part 1 Jonathan mentions to Erina that he did it all to protect her world but the truth is that he did not protect it at all! The world had to be altered, to be improved before Jonathon could truly protect it. Dio dragged Jonathon to a higher level of conciousness and that conciousness also emanates down to Erina. The old world has been annihilated! That is the nature of evil! I, too, can feel this passion running through my veins!!!

I also have been feeling an urge recently to take bizzare postures and hand movements when I talk. Does anyone know what that's about?

File 166052889697.jpg - (282.63KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 01 (1080p) [E9D36F13.jpg )
36427 No. 36427 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Seems this one's leading the seasonal popularity contest so far. Anyone here on board with it so far?
18 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36558 [Edit]
I can't deny that the character design and visuals are great, but at least to me the massive hype seems a bit unwarranted considering the story ultimately doesn't feel very novel, it reminded me a lot of Release the Spyce. Then again I suppose that it's "familiarity" (in the sense of not being too unorthodox) is a major component of its popularity, since truly unorthodox shows are often polarizing and fall by the wayside
>> No. 36559 [Edit]
>the character design and visuals are great,
Yeah that's pretty much it. It mostly just looks nice. Has a nice concept behind it too, but has a lot of wasted potential and bad writing on top of that. There's stuff to like, such as close quarters gun fights that feel straight out of john wick, but then they have the same problem a lot anime does where they sprinkle on a heavy coat of stupid crap that ignores physics, doesn't make sense, or doesn't work that way because "it looks cool". Like a guy getting into a car as it violently explodes, and instead of being killed he simply gets flung to the side.
>> No. 36598 [Edit]
John Wick did this and manage to get four movies out of it...
>> No. 36683 [Edit]
Got around to finishing this. While the art and animation is nice, the writing could have used a lot of work. It's packed full of really dumb things that don't make sense, or don't work like that. Decent overall but nothing ground breaking.

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29983 No. 29983 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i usually have a hard time finding anime that isnt all about tits and ass and that is full of moe crap and panty shots. like good plot and three dimensional characters n shit

DURARARA is up there, same with Cowboy Bebop and aldnoah zero and some others. recommendations from the peanut gallery /a/?
12 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36617 [Edit]
Have you tried YURI ON ICE?
>> No. 36620 [Edit]
>there's probably some fancy way to compute embeddings from ratings
At this point I'm sure you could probably just use transformer models as an arbitrary tool to compute these clusterings. It's a strict superset of word2vec type similarity things, and it clearly have leaned some embedding. Although I just tried on one and without prompting it recommended Higurashi as something similar to NNB (first two were k-on and yuru camp though), after more prompt examples it managed to do decently. It manages to do general clustering (anime like X anime) but doesn't manage to get semantic relations right (anime like X but without Y theme).
>> No. 36636 [Edit]
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Yeah, I'm tired of all this SOL moelove on this website. I feel a hunger arising in my veins...I have a desire throbbing away deep inside. I need more chuuni media in order to regain the strength to contain this demon that I have sealed in this right hand of mine...The very fate of the world depends on it!
>> No. 36638 [Edit]
File 166596039685.jpg - (155.29KB , 1024x768 , demonbane_1.jpg )
Fool! If you think a simple wordfilter will thwart my plans then you are gravely mistaken. When the prophecy is fulfilled evil will return to earth and all of your precious SOL shows will be destroyed...and I will be there laughing.

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27013 No. 27013 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Looks like they're making a shitty remake of working!
This after turning a good show into vomit the last season.
Greedy Japs can't make good anime anymore, they only do formulaic crap and remakes.
29 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 27572 [Edit]
i was just searching ovas on nyaa and and saw some genshiken stuff. that reminded me of how greed and lack of creative abilities amongst the anime industry neurotypcals can take hold of a good series and ruin it real hard.
if you're not familiar with genshiken it started out as an all male anime club with one member having a gf and the series being somewhat unique and particularly amusing & interesting to real otaku. after a few seasons it was an all female costume club anime with a focus on relationship drama and fanservice.
working! was similar, it was uniquely good slapstick comedy in it's opening seasons and turned into just another soap opera by s3. makes me kind of happy for all the great animes which never got the 2nd or 3nd seasons they deserved. most of them would have been ultrashit. you thought endless 8 was crap? what if next season is a chunimoe crossover? suddenly endless eight is an all-time classic.
what do you estimate the odds are that the moneymen at kyoani or any of the other big time anime conglomerates & subsidiaries could produce a worthy sequel to any of the unfinished works of art which pepper anime history?
>> No. 34030 [Edit]
I really liked Working OP1
>> No. 36537 [Edit]
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>they only do formulaic crap and remakes.
It sure seems that way...

『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-』
>> No. 36599 [Edit]
Hope they do the ENISHI arc justice and change the chinese blade to a proper one.

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36573 No. 36573 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Guess, I'll have to do the thread and tell you: go watch this show right now!

When you're done come back here and post your feelings.
>> No. 36574 [Edit]
Okay, fine. I'll watch the Trigger, westaboo, video game advert..
>> No. 36575 [Edit]
Just a heads-up, the Netflix dubtitles are a bit of a mess and don't match exactly what's being said in Japanese.

This is what you want, updated subs:
Personally I watched this version and I liked it compared to the newer ones:
>> No. 36578 [Edit]
I liked it. Not mind-blowing, but it was nice to see an anime actually put a lot of effort in for a change.

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36320 No. 36320 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Episode 1 has come out.
14 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36480 [Edit]
She played Irumyuui too. Nice range.
>> No. 36552 [Edit]
File 166458396656.jpg - (435.15KB , 2048x1850 , 77794147f35206aaf5a4ea6233d7a35b.jpg )
And so it ends. It'll be looooong time till season 3, if that happens.
>> No. 36564 [Edit]
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All in all, I found this season weaker than S1 and the movie. They spent too much time at the village compared to the real adventure and all the layers they went through in S1. I know what's coming after this is more interesting and they had to go through this part of the manga but still kinda on the weak side compared to the other masterpieces.

Faputa's VA totally stole the show and the ending was bittersweet. Now the wait begins for the next season (or movie?).
>> No. 36565 [Edit]
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It is very different. Season 1 went through a few of the layers too quickly, like layer 3(the great fault).

So while season 1 was more about adventure, this season was kind of like a drama. I agree that the former is more interesting than the latter. I enjoyed it nonetheless.

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27314 No. 27314 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think are some of the greatest harem animes of all time? In my opinion Haruhi, Lotte no Omocha, Sora no Otoshimono & Love Hina are all near the top of the list.
14 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 27362 [Edit]
That comparison really doesn't make sense at all.
There aren't too many harems which would make a legit substitute for the pornography you prefer. Harem shows have the characters interacting socially, while H-amine is mainly just uses low quality artwork to depict cold mechanical sex with the same "OMG I'm cuming in a echo chamber" sound effect repeated every 20 seconds.
>> No. 27373 [Edit]
You know where else they also hate harem anime? Practically every other anime forum.
>> No. 36538 [Edit]
Matantei Loki Ragnarok has the best harem...
>> No. 36541 [Edit]
I don't think Haruhi is considered a harem anime? Oreimo probably, although at least the first season isn't that strong in this.

As one of the other anons here said, harem anime is in a weird place because in order for something to be a harem anime there necessarily needs to be non-trivial interaction with lots of different people (otherwise it's just a romance or side-gag), but doing so doesn't really lend itself to depth of interaction. So it's a bit of an odd island, even most shows that may start off as harem anime usually temper it down as things progress.

I'll also throw in what I perceive to be popular shows I'd class as harem anime after watching several episodes, although I'm sure others would disagree:

* kanojo okarishimasu
* oregairu

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