No. 36968
Replies: >>36969
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, [SubsPlease] Trigun Stampede - 01 (1080p) [3D27717.jpg
Saw the first ep. I wanted to keep an open mind about this, but man...
Starting with appearances. I don't hate the character redesigns as much as some other people seem to, but I do still think they're not great. They look a bit derpy. I don't know why they felt the need to give Vash a gaudy scifi looking arm. keeping the nature of his arm secret in the original meant he didn't have all his cards on the table, it was just one of the many tricks up his sleeves. It was logical to just have a normal looking arm.
A lot of the animation seems overly exaggerated, but that stuff isn't what really bugs me. In the original you have this desert planet, maybe it's a post apocalyptic earth, maybe it's a stylized version of the old west, maybe it's just a fantasy world. It takes time to peel away the layers and unveil the reality of the situation and why these people are on this planet, as we also slowly learn the backstory of our main character, who and what he is. Instead, the remake's opening scene throws that all out the window and explains everything upfront. By the end of the first ep they unveil Vash's brother is behind the disaster, that he's the big baddy of the series and so on. Can't say I much like the idea of dumping everything right up front. So instead we get this huge and abrupt shift from Eve Online to Boarderlands. I could see it working if the first ep or two was just life on the ship, establishing these character would make rem's loss and knives betrayal have that much more of an impact, instead they rush all that. Our first intro to vash shows him hung upsidedown and left to die, which I think is just their way of showing him with out stretched hair like his old look as a kind of nod to the original character design. That just left me wonder why in the hell the gang that did that wouldn't turn him in for the reward money. I feel like I could keep going on and on with things that seemed dumb or annoying but in the end, it just doesn't feel like it's very well thought out. Feels like they're just intending on going with style over substance, but it doesn't even look that great. I'll probably keep going, but my expectations are pretty low now.