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File 161411602316.jpg - (4.32MB , 6992x1181 , __original_drawn_by_you_shimizu__64eaed554a806522d.jpg )
35476 No. 35476 [Edit]
A thread for anime you have something to say about but don't want to make a thread for. Thought that this might be a good alternative to the seasonal anime thread and encourage people to post more.

Post edited on 23rd Feb 2021, 11:02pm
476 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 38544 [Edit]
File 173076019042.jpg - (366.18KB , 1920x1080 , [Anime Time] Dandadan - 02 [Dual Audio][1080p][HEV.jpg )
Ah and the most important, I'm not watching another second of this cancer.
>> No. 38545 [Edit]
Panty and Stocking.
>> No. 38546 [Edit]
And Gurren Lagann, FLCL, and a bunch of other anime I didn't feel like watching but I felt would be the same. I don't think it's that new a thing.
>> No. 38547 [Edit]
>1. American dub, characters sound like they're straight outta some American cartoon. Loud, very loud, very very fucking loud. And they sound like Americans.
Not that I'm interested in this show myself but I'm confused on why you watched it dubbed and complained it sounded like Americans.
>> No. 38548 [Edit]
Because the Japanese voice acting sounds like it was made in America.
Gurren Laggan was pretty fun. It has some of that mecha spirit. I watched it long ago but it didn't feel bad or out of place. Back then, at least.
>> No. 38549 [Edit]
>I am so dispirited by this, it doesn't feel like anime at all. Is this where the industry is going?
there's a theory i've seen floating around that there's a specific subset of japanese media that seems to be made specifically to satiate the american audience; just enough "japanese-ness" to satiate the demand and catch on, but not so much to where it's "too anime"--you see it with some games releasing now, too.
anime/japanese media that was noticeably more western in influence and appeal has always existed, and interestingly, they even usually tend to do far better in america than in japan; stuff like cowboy bebop, FLCL, and panty and stocking are all good examples, you had westerners several years after the latter two aired asking for sequel series (until, in the case of FLCL, they literally got that, but because american audiences seem to not know what they want, none of the sequel series were recieved well, probably because most american fans of FLCL can't even identify what they actually like about FLCL beyond surface level)
i went on a bit of a tangent, but it seems that anime made specifically for an american audience seems to attract those types to only those anime, keeping them away from things that would bother them, which usually tends to be what's more favored in japan and has all the things an anime fan would actually like in their anime.
all this to say, having your opinion on the show is fine, but i don't think it's cause to worry about the state of the entire industry, i feel like foreign gacha is probably a worse thing to worry about. it might end up being a blessing in disguise; general audiences get their "safe" anime and they'll stay far away from the things we enjoy.
i'm not particularly fond of panty and stocking either, outside of the soundtrack and a few characters, though i'd still take it over most western animation, but i'd argue FLCL [spoiler}all of it[/spoiler] is pretty good...
>> No. 38550 [Edit]
File 173081887451.jpg - (332.62KB , 1920x1080 , [Sav1or] Gunslinger Girl - S02E06 - Retirement of .jpg )
Thanks for your consolation pill I really needed it.
>> No. 38551 [Edit]
> pill
Trash that language here.
>> No. 38552 [Edit]
File 173082231091.jpg - (261.62KB , 1280x714 , [Sav1or] Gunslinger Girl - S01E10 - Amare [BD][714.jpg )
Sorry I don't know a better word to describe the way you relieved my anxiety.
>> No. 38553 [Edit]
You're fine, to me the other anon is overreacting, presumably due to the semantic similarity in language between "consolation pill" and terms like "white pill" that are more closely associated with people who spend too much time on /pol/ and view everything through the lens of dichotomous ideology.

To me "consolation pill" (more usually I've heard it as "comfort pill") doesn't have any such connotation, and is more closely associated with related terms such as "magic pill." In that it is a direct metaphor to an actual, pharmaceutical "pill", not some ideological one.
>> No. 38554 [Edit]
File 173083822042.jpg - (271.52KB , 1280x714 , [Sav1or] Gunslinger Girl - S01E03 - Ragazzo [BD][7.jpg )
I don't use /pol/. I never discuss politics, especially on imageboards.
>comfort pill
Thank you I will (try to) remember it as a more conventional way to say that.
>> No. 38555 [Edit]
I am not the one who showed you a different perspective.

Perhaps I did overreact, but I adhere to lurk and learn. No one uses that word here like that, it screams 'Hey, I am new.'

You could just say that it is reassuring to hear.
>> No. 38556 [Edit]
>No one uses that word here like that, it screams 'Hey, I am new.'
A bit off topic so maybe we can continue in /tat/. But with regard to "lurk and learn" I don't see how it applies here. I do agree that the phrase "consolation pill" is an odd construction, both in the sense that its semantic meaning is not quite what the poster meant to say (reassurance; c.f. with comforting), and that it's not a frequently used construction in English (although its meaning is easily understood through similar constructions).

But the phrase is also not strictly indicative of someone "importing" language/culture of a different imageboard or ignoring customs of this imageboard, which is the primary intent of "lurk and learn". And just to quantitatively prove my point, the phrase "comfort pill" has exactly 27 hits across all of 4chan archives for all time. Now compare that to the ubiquitious "magic pill" construction in English. If you are going to attribute someone using the phrase "comfort pill" to spending too much time on "other" imageboards, are you also going to fault the English speakers who use the "magic pill" idiom?

Perhaps the anon is not a native english speaker, perhaps he just mixed up or misremembered terms, who knows. But being that nitpicky about phrasing without also reading the intent doesn't do anyone any good. Why not simply assume good faith and consider it analogous to a typo?
>> No. 38557 [Edit]
> But with regard to "lurk and learn" I don't see how it applies here.
Maybe I am overly sensitive, but to me you have failed lurk and learn if somebody can tell you are new.

> But the phrase is also not strictly indicative of someone "importing" language/culture of a different imageboard or ignoring customs of this imageboard, which is the primary intent of "lurk and learn".
I do agree with that.

> are you also going to fault the English speakers who use the "magic pill" idiom?
No, of course not, as it is a common word in everyday life.

> But being that nitpicky about phrasing without also reading the intent doesn't do anyone any good. Why not simply assume good faith and consider it analogous to a typo?
I am too paranoid for that, but you are right.
>> No. 38600 [Edit]
>because american audiences seem to not know what they want, none of the sequel series were recieved well
Nobody really does. Japan just did its own thing, and eventually it just exploded elsewhere. Cowboy Bepop in the US, City Hunter in France, Saint Seiya in Latin America, Lupin in Italy. Doing this targeted type of production is a recipe for failure, it will at most get a few temporary successes (with a ton of effort on publicity), but not the long-lasting effect and cultural impact that was achieved in the past. Part of this may also be because there is no "local" pop culture anymore, so any success is just "last week's top watch on netflix worldwide".
>> No. 38611 [Edit]
File 173469505825.png - (622.44KB , 689x951 , 230ee980dd96f1091a98edbe2ac8dd280f46dcc1902023f390.png )
Autumn season has been dismal and I spend watching old shows, but Winter delivers whole 5 (five!) anime I want to but will likely never watch.

Sorted in order of appearance in the MAL list, not in order of preference.

1. Ubel Blatt. This might be some juvenile joy for me, I am highly doubtful about this one, but I still feel positive about trying.
2. Grisaia: Phantom Trigger. Didn't bother with the movie, but it's girls with guns, so the temptation is too great.
3. Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte. This one has interested me by far the most. I have high hopes for it. I really really wish they don't mess up. It seems to be on the lighter side of things, but still I think the idea has great potential. If they manage to make it atmospheric with a nice story... Though I don't think they'll be able to make it as good as back in the day, after all. But I hope.
4. Momentary Lily. Don't know. It visually reminds me of Black Rock Shooter, which I liked. Maybe it will turn out fine. I'm not enthusiastic about this one, but if I have time I think it's worth giving a shot.
5. Tasokare Hotel. Ugh. If it's like Death Parade, then no thanks. But maybe they'll actually manage to pull off something. PV was meh. Maybe...

Five anime is a lot, I don't know if I'll be able to go along all these at the same time. I wish I'll at least have time to give a chance to Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte. The rest may me damned for all I care. All of them are more like, okayish I guess? But that's all.

Most of the time I end up watching nothing anyway.
>> No. 38612 [Edit]
PS I wish visuals were not like this. The end of 00's and the beginning of 10's had the best visuals ever. This modern art style is all but disgusting.

Part of the reason I never managed to finish Aquatop is because of its visuals. The story was very boring to my taste, but if it had good old visuals I'd still watch just for the atmosphere. But it had terrible art style unfortunately

Post edited on 20th Dec 2024, 3:55am
>> No. 38613 [Edit]
>The end of 00's and the beginning of 10's had the best visuals ever.
I have a sneaking suspicion that's when you started watching anime.
>> No. 38615 [Edit]
Correct. I was lucky. It was the golden age. Few older anime have comparable quality of visuals.

Basically, they took the aesthetics of the 90's and the beginning of 00's and drew them right. They used what was already good to push it to the absolute peak using more modern technology. Now most of the stuff just looks like slop. There is something deeply wrong with it, on the conceptual level. I can't quite put my hand on it, unfortunately.
>> No. 38616 [Edit]
It doesn't matter how trends in art style would change over time, you'd judge it negatively just for being different from when anime was new and the most exciting to you. You can't point out anything objectively worse about the new trends.

On top of that, the best of anything is what's remembered. If you compare the classics of the past to the average of today, or course your perception will be skewed.
>> No. 38617 [Edit]
>You can't point out anything objectively worse about the new trends
This is about the most nauseating argument I ever get to hear. For that matter, if we are at it, you can't point out anything objectively bad in western media. Yet for some reason it's not favored all too well on tohno.
>> No. 38618 [Edit]
>you can't point out anything objectively bad in western media
Yes, I can. A limited emotional pallet, incompetent artists, pushing values that are detrimental to society and the individual, eschewing beauty and idealism. These are objectively bad traits.
>> No. 38619 [Edit]
These are objectively subjective.
>> No. 38620 [Edit]
Not him but I agree with the points, and if those aren't objectively bad traits, what is?
>> No. 38621 [Edit]
Art being subjective is a narrative propagated by western art academia so they can peddle their crap. There's contemporary art, which is made by people more interested in being living works of art than creating it, "modern art", which is pretty much a money-laundering scheme, and low-quality/primitive art made by their preferred minorities. They need the shield of subjectivity so people will keep taking them seriously and not compare their stuff to what's good.
>> No. 38622 [Edit]
File 173473103793.png - (2.17MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Shiroi Suna no Aquatope - 01 (1080p) .png )
I think Aquatope looked nice. I don't think there's anything wrong with the 'aesthetics' of modern anime but a lot of shows suffer from bad productions that make them end up looking bland or ugly, but that's always an issue.
>> No. 38623 [Edit]
Maybe this should be forked to /tat/ but yeah I agree it's mostly just cost cutting. Also for the genres I like visuals are sort of the least important factor, character development is by far the most important and I'd even argue that shows from 2010+ are orders of magnitude better in this regard (again with respect to the particular genres I'm interested in).
>> No. 38624 [Edit]
Yeah, I think there's lots of anime being made now that have better art than beetrain's for example.
>> No. 38627 [Edit]
>1. Ubel Blatt. This might be some juvenile joy for me, I am highly doubtful about this one, but I still feel positive about trying.
You're in for a treat if you like dark fantasy and REVENGE, although I never did finish the manga after THAT part.
>> No. 38628 [Edit]
Premise itself isn't as important as quality of implementation. If they fail to make it "action enough" I won't bother watching another boring fantasy with bots hurling fireballs at each other.
>> No. 38629 [Edit]
Understandable. The manga has some good, gritty action from what I can recall. Whether that's translated well by the studio is another matter entirely.
Pretty sure there was a rape horse in the prologue too.
>> No. 38642 [Edit]
File 173593507517.webm - (584.68KB , ding_ding_ding.webm )
Aired two episodes together at the first day to give a resolution to the case. Understandable.

I feel nothing watching this. The detective formula is followed to the letter.
1. Force a mystery.
2. Introduce the cool detective.
3. Make sure readers don't understand a thing.
4. Give a cool resolution.
I thought they would do a bit of the supernatural thing, introducing some weird and maybe somewhat unsettling mysteries to set the atmosphere. I think too much.
>> No. 38643 [Edit]
File 173593535794.webm - (6.50MB , karate_takao.webm )
Look, karate dude. Wooow.
>> No. 38644 [Edit]
File 173593551616.jpg - (326.10KB , 1920x1080 , [DKB] Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - S01E02 [1080p][.jpg )
This screenshot explains how to beg for money without begging for money.
>> No. 38645 [Edit]
Seems like a very high brow method.
>> No. 38646 [Edit]
File 173594512236.jpg - (379.80KB , 1920x1080 , [DKB] Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - S01E01 [1080p][.jpg )
They could have rendered it in mikumikudance with as much luck.
>> No. 38651 [Edit]
File 173610646537.jpg - (1.11MB , 3840x3240 , Grisaia Phantom Trigger.jpg )
Art style is strongly reminiscent of gatari movies and probably some tvs as well iirc. With this level of production it looks amazing. No, mind blowing! No, not even mind blowing, it is god damn nearly perfect in every aspect. I loved every second of it even though nothing at all was happening for entire episode.

I took a careful look at prequels and turns out it was airing since 2014 starting as Grisaia no Kajitsu. I have not watched any installments of this series. It seems I know what I'm going to watch this season.
>> No. 38652 [Edit]
File 173611019947.jpg - (2.89MB , 3840x4320 , Momentary Lily.jpg )
While Grisaia is downloading watched one episode of Momentary Lily. Is it CG? I honestly can't tell, but the movement of hair is so smooth and some objects are so detailed I wonder. How do you figure it out anyway? I know bad CG on sight, but this?

Anyway, it's super cute. I liked the vibe. It seems Tasokare Hotel might end up not even having a chance this season because of Grisaia, and if Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte keeps being a parody of Sherlock Holmes I'll drop it as well.

Not bad at all. I might actually enjoy a thing this winter. I hope, at least.

Post edited on 5th Jan 2025, 12:52pm
>> No. 38671 [Edit]
File 173694904797.jpg - (653.68KB , 1920x1080 , [DKB] Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - S01E03 [1080p][.jpg )
The opening is good though. Listening to it I almost feel enthusiastic about watching it. Hopefully this third episode turns out fine.

Interesting beginning and concept, I wonder what excuse they come up with to resolve it though.

Okay I guess watching it an episode at a time might work. This one wasn't bad. Unfortunately I feel like I'm watching some TV detective slop plus moderately good looking anime girls.

It's not bad really, but it doesn't catch me in the slightest. I guess it's been a miss, huh.
>> No. 38672 [Edit]
File 173694954496.jpg - (477.54KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 02 [1080p HEVC][4FC851E9]-0.jpg )
I can't get rid of a feeling the characters are super familiar. Either I am going really schizo here, or maybe I have been reborn or something of the sort and my previous life was in the future? I side with the second since it's more likely, logically.

This particular scene makes me feel like I'm meeting a bunch of friends I have known for an eternity.
>> No. 38673 [Edit]
File 173695188349.jpg - (400.15KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 02 [1080p HEVC][4FC851E9]-0.jpg )
So nice and colorful, but they absolutely had to spoil it, yes? Give me a break, it's second episode, why? Can't I just watch girls kicking robots around? Guess I can't, at that.

Otherwise I'm liking it very much.
>> No. 38697 [Edit]
File 173851648033.jpg - (172.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Sentai Red Isekai de Boukensha ni Nar.jpg )
Sentai hero gets isekai'd into a fantasy world, and it works!
>> No. 38698 [Edit]
File 173861643136.jpg - (571.24KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 04 [1080p HEVC][6E028041]-0.jpg )

Doesn't blow me off but it's fun enough.
>> No. 38700 [Edit]
File 17386224309.jpg - (463.49KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 05 [1080p HEVC][29575854]-0.jpg )
I love these two, but I don't know who I enjoy more. They're both very cute!

Post edited on 3rd Feb 2025, 2:41pm
>> No. 38703 [Edit]
File 173870971439.jpg - (742.69KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E01_Durch_Bruch_Break_Through_1080p_.jpg )
I know it's a very premature judgement after only 3 minutes in, but this looks like very decent production.

The opening wasn't impressive though, so I wonder just how well it will turn out. I have certain miserable experience with shounens, in terms of animation.
>> No. 38704 [Edit]
File 173871014185.jpg - (676.79KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E01_Durch_Bruch_Break_Through_1080p_.jpg )
Didn't take them long to buy me. Cute lolis are criminal. It's completely unfair!
>> No. 38705 [Edit]
File 173871157367.jpg - (508.39KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E01_Durch_Bruch_Break_Through_1080p_.jpg )
First episode already abundant with fights and they might as well never existed. Maybe they're saving up budget, I can't tell, but if the whole point of the series is to do some epic battles, then it looks a bit bleak.
>> No. 38706 [Edit]
File 173871356547.jpg - (515.89KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E02_Unter_Morgen_Monde_Under_the_Mor.jpg )
Juvenile joy has never been about great detail in battles, though my memory does a great job of deceiving me into thinking the contrary.

Something I haven't thought of before, four episodes have aired already and
>Episodes: Unknown
Might have I accidentally started a long series? Gosh. That hasn't been the plan.
>> No. 38708 [Edit]
File 173876881039.jpg - (447.90KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E03_Langer_Regen_The_Long_Rain_1080p.jpg )
Enough to stop an army, to my reckoning.
>> No. 38709 [Edit]
File 173877419115.jpg - (361.39KB , 1920x1080 , Übel_Blatt_S01E04v2_Köinzell_1080p_AMZN_WEB-DL_J.jpg )
The sprites are great and textures look detailed. Also, it has a very interesting premise, I can't remember right on the spot anything similar.

I think the manga might actually be good, let that anon who read it correct me.

But the anime itself..? I might as well be reading manga for all the action I see. There is a fight after fight, non stop. I can accept that, since fights are the whole point, might as well skip unnecessary formalities. But they are just static images. There is no motion happening at all. It feels like eating sand or whatever. Looks nice and tasty until you put it in your mouth.

I might watch more depending on my mood because it seems by a small margin fun enough, but I think I'll drop it the very moment it stalls.
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