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File 129989592936.jpg - (53.83KB , 704x476 , [SpoonSubs]_Hidamari_Sketch_x365_-_02_(DVD)[DB9270.jpg )
2446 No. 2446 [Edit]
Let's have a thread for "old" stuff (i.e. not from the newest season) that you're catching up on.

Pic related: I'm watching Hidamari Sketch x 365 (AKA the second season). I've been thinking for awhile lately that I wanted to watch something with a "weird" character like Osaka/Rin, and Miyako kinda fits the bill, so this was just what I'm looking for.

What are you watching?
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>> No. 2447 [Edit]
Kaiji, going to finish it before the second season starts. Such an intense show and Kaiji is an amazing character.
>> No. 2448 [Edit]
I'm technically watching Hokuto no Ken and Galaxy Express 999, though not at an alarming rate.
>> No. 2449 [Edit]
What a coincidence, I'm watching HSx365 too.

I'm on a quest to watch every Shaft show there is right now.
>> No. 2450 [Edit]
I plan to rewatch Hidamari at least 9 more times in my life.
>> No. 2451 [Edit]
Are we all on a Hidamari Sketch spree? I just finished watching all 3 seasons.

I'm a big SHAFT fan, trying to watch Maria†Holic right now since there's a sequal next season. I'm on episode 3.
>> No. 2453 [Edit]
I plan to watch Kaiji at least 4 more times in my life, too.
>> No. 2455 [Edit]
I pretty much only watch old shows. I don't have time to watch things as they come out, so I'm always WAY behind. Hell, I've had After Story on hold for almost two years.
>> No. 2456 [Edit]
>After Story

It's the worth to see half.
>> No. 2457 [Edit]
was that a sentence
>> No. 2458 [Edit]
He was saying; it (after story) is the worth-to-see half [of clannad].
>> No. 2459 [Edit]
yes, that's it. thanks. sorry.
>> No. 2460 [Edit]
oh ok
>> No. 2470 [Edit]
Currently watching Tweeny Witches
FUKKEN AWESOME. Why haven't I watch this before?
>> No. 2471 [Edit]
Just finished shukufaku no campanella today, finishing seitokai yakuindomo now.
Then i can actually pick up on some older stuff.
>> No. 2476 [Edit]
Finally finished Macross 7 after months of watching one or two episodes a week. Still have the movie and OVAs, then I'm going to start on Macross Frontier.
>> No. 2477 [Edit]
I'm taking the time to watch all the old studio ghibli films for the first time.
>> No. 2478 [Edit]
I'm watching the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVA now. I'm looking for older, manly anime because I'm kind of jaded about current anime. I also watched the Wild 7 OVA recently.
>> No. 2479 [Edit]
Patlabo, Maison Ikkoku, and Crest/Banner of the stars.
>> No. 2480 [Edit]
>Maison Ikkoku
Hell yeah. The only Rumiko Takahashi series that I really enjoy.

The only "old" series I've been watching is Evangelion (again)...

Oh, and High School of the Dead, but that was from summer last year. I thought that they handled it surprisingly well (whoever 'they' are). I had the prejudice it would be completely diverging from the manga storyline, and there would be loads of QUALITY. Glad I was wrong. Even the soundtrack is awesome - Although I think that's why I'm so hyped about it in the first place.

I've been wanting to watch Infinite Ryvius for a while, but, alas, can't find a working torrent. I might actually have to buy the box-set somewhere.
>> No. 2481 [Edit]
Well, what do you know? I'm watching Hidamari Sketch Hoshimitsu. Just 3 episodes left so I'm going at a VERY slow pace to make last longer.

I'm also watching Sora no Otoshimono, the Gundam Trylogy, and downloading Fate/Stay Night to watch it along the next few weeks.

I'm having a tendency to drop shows this season to make time to watch old ones. Apart from Madoka and Fractale no show really made me expect the next episode.
>> No. 2482 [Edit]
did you know that the guy who writes it was killed in the tsunami before you started watching it?
>> No. 2483 [Edit]
>>2451 here

Finished Maria†Holic now, it had some pretty funny parts. Not the best show i've ever watched, but it wasn't terrible either.

To the folks in this thread that have seen Kaiji, would you recommend it to someone with no experience or real interest in gambling or gambling anime?
>> No. 2485 [Edit]
Yes. I'd never seen a gambling anime before Kaiji and I loved it. Kaiji isn't so much about gambling as it is about the power of the human spirit anyway.
>> No. 2488 [Edit]
As a fan of classical music I'm making an effort to watch all of Nodame Cantabile. There are 3 seasons (I think?) and a bunch of OVAs.
>> No. 2490 [Edit]
No, I didn't know that. That sucks if it's true. I heard that Ritz Kobayashi hasn't reported in yet either. Now is a pretty bad time for mangaka in Japan.
>> No. 2491 [Edit]

It's not true as far as I know. What was true the last time I checked was that there hadn't been any reports on his whereabouts since the quake, but there are no indications of his death
>> No. 2501 [Edit]
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I just finished watching Rec.
It was really good for such a short series.
>> No. 2515 [Edit]
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>> No. 2516 [Edit]
I watched Ivu no Jikan a couple of months ago and quite enjoyed it and also enjoyed Rec, another short series.
Therefore this thread is now also about short series (less than 10 episodes or less than 4 hours total running time) that are good.
>> No. 2519 [Edit]
I'm finishing Now and Then, Here and There and just started on Record of Lodoss War. I'm enjoying Record of Lodoss War, and while I can't say Now and Then, Here and There is "entertaining" I can certainly say that I'm interested in it. I almost exclusively watch older shows, and as of now I am attempting to watch all "classics" of old /a/.
>> No. 2522 [Edit]

Are you enjoying it?

I dropped it years ago due to boredom, and never went back.
>> No. 2534 [Edit]
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Kuchuu Buranko
>> No. 2557 [Edit]
Watching Tatami Galaxy, and pausing on every line so that I can actually read the protagonist's subs. Totally rapid fire dialogue.
>> No. 2558 [Edit]
The first episodes are a pain in the ass to get used to, it gets better later on though.
>> No. 2559 [Edit]

I just got this show too, and I'm looking forward to it.
>> No. 2560 [Edit]

its kind of reminds me of read or die, it seems like its spending a lot of time developing a complicated story and characters. i'm 13 eps in and still not sure if i should drop it.
>> No. 2561 [Edit]
File 130074158190.jpg - (188.83KB , 1280x720 , [AF-F&Y-F]_Kemonozume_-_10_(1280x720)_(h264)_[.jpg )
I'm watching Kemonozume which continues to stun me with its art direction. It's worth watching for the scenery porn alone. Next on my list is >>2470
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
File 130074260110.jpg - (73.20KB , 762x960 , 1300302067028.jpg )
Last two I watched were Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na and Kaliedo Star. Was going to start watching UFO no Natsu, Bokura ga Ita, or Le Chevalier D'Eon until I turned retarded.
>> No. 2563 [Edit]
>Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na
What made you want to watch the cabbage anime?
>> No. 2564 [Edit]
As cliched as it as, I really enjoy romantic comedies. Especially when you actually care about the main couple. Feena is such a lovely girl too. It was short and sweet.
>> No. 2567 [Edit]
UFO no Natsu is pretty similar to Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora if you've seen that, but I actually like it better. Bokura ga Ita was cute, but made me rage at times too. Been meaning to watch Le Chevalier D'Eon myself.
>> No. 2602 [Edit]
File 130113553881.jpg - (2.65MB , 1730x2460 , 1278728198869.jpg )
Just finished TTGL for the 6th time. God damn I love this show so much.
>> No. 2610 [Edit]
Watching Ichigo Mashimaro and Hayate s1 lately (well, finishing Mashimaro then starting on Hayate.)
mashimaro is friggen adorable, though Miu is pretty annoying at times.
>> No. 2611 [Edit]
Started watching Ashita no Nadja per the recommendation of a friend, haven't seen much yet, but it's a rather nice and cute shoujo anime so far
>> No. 2612 [Edit]
File 130117872144.jpg - (157.99KB , 1079x810 , Moe chick with toast.jpg )
Right now, I'm watching Kaiji and Evangelion. Just finished the original series of Eva, and gonna be starting the movies soon. Afterwards, I have Fate/Stay Night and Planetes to watch.

Also, I just had to pause and take this screencap on the last episode.
>> No. 2613 [Edit]
Slowly getting through Baccano and El Cazador de Bruja. I'm not really into the whole pre-50s and mafia/mobster aesthetics so Baccano isn't really gripping me. . .and while Cazador is more intriguing, it has less action and fewer giant mutated wasps than I expected. I'll still be sticking with both of them for now though.
>> No. 2614 [Edit]
watching kino's journey, and then the second rebuild movie. nothing else until next month as im at 379gb out of my 110gb cap.
>> No. 2615 [Edit]
Do yourself a favor and don't watch F/SN. It is atrociously bad. Read the VN instead.
>> No. 2616 [Edit]
I started watching Berserk but I wasnt really feeling it

I find it hard to believe that someone could watch those 2 shows and find El Cazador to be more intriguing. it has some snappy dialogue but thats about it.
>> No. 2618 [Edit]
I strictly meant the aesthetic/setting. Bounty hunters in Mexico tickles my fancy more than old-timey mobsters.
>> No. 2620 [Edit]
File 130118845428.jpg - (67.25KB , 1280x720 , Samurai Champloo Ep 08 'Date with Panties!�.jpg )
Hidamari Sketch, Outlaw Star and Samurai Champloo.

I feel pretty behind with the times.
>> No. 2643 [Edit]
>>2614 here

The last episode of Kino's Journey sure caught me by surprise. Overall I enjoyed the series.
>> No. 2681 [Edit]
Recently finished Ika Musume and Strike Witches. Currently watching Strike Witches 2 and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.
>> No. 2734 [Edit]
just started kanon. not really that old, but it seems to be old by the standards of /an/…
>> No. 2735 [Edit]
File 130178219378.png - (72.66KB , 250x172 , Kanon5.png )
Who wouldn't consider a nine year old anime "old"?
>> No. 2736 [Edit]
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no one watches the 2002 version.

The 2006 version was a real visual treat that still holds up well today. The VN on the other hand came out in what 99? So it is old but still excellent.

The latest thing I played catchup on was the Slayers. Yeah, 90's stuff totally qualifies as old now ;_; Why it took me so long to see it is beyond me. The Slayers Next was just great.
>> No. 2737 [Edit]
I watched Kaiji again for the next season. Apart from that, i'm taking a break so that I can prepare myself for vast disappointment for most of the shows airing.
>> No. 2762 [Edit]
Finished Battle Programmer Shirase. It was thoroughly enjoyable.
>> No. 2797 [Edit]
I just watched it too. It was pretty good.
>> No. 2804 [Edit]
File 130194348791.jpg - (189.25KB , 706x792 , ka.jpg )
god fucking dammit kyoani.
kanon was a great series, i really enjoyed it. one night i sat down to watch one ep before bed and ended up marathoning five cause it was just that sugoi, but then i see kyoani doing cheap repetitive shit like this - makes me feel like i was raped and enjoyed it. oh and i loved endless eight too, watched every episode with relish and then i watched them all again. its like being the victim in an abusive relationship.
>> No. 2811 [Edit]
I knew I wasn't the only one that thought they looked like they were separated at birth!
>> No. 2814 [Edit]
They have the same seiyuu and everything
>> No. 2815 [Edit]
File 130195093522.jpg - (88.37KB , 1280x720 , [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_color'S_13_[720p].jpg )
Just finished Sketchbook Full Color's it was great, but why most the best characters have the least screentime?

Also watching LoGH and Heartcatch Precure.
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
I wish there was another season. I felt sad during the last episode when they finally revealed why it's called full colors. I also teared up a little.
>> No. 2826 [Edit]

Oh wow, I didn't notice that about the "colors", pretty nice. And yeah, a second season would've been nice, with such a nice cast.

But there's always the manga, right?
>> No. 2842 [Edit]
File 130202807987.jpg - (51.57KB , 406x390 , 1258724619223.jpg )
>I also teared up a little.

I cried full force.

The manga is more comedy 4koma than laid back slice of life.
>> No. 3081 [Edit]
Kurozuka, which is incredibly awesome for something I've never heard anyone talk about.

Blassreiter, which I'm not sure what to think of. Based on the first few episodes it looks like Nitro+ trying to do a superhero story and Gonzo throwing in a ton of bad CG.
>> No. 3273 [Edit]
Kiminozo/Rumbling Hearts. Very melodramatic and soap opera-y in a mostly good way, and it takes place mostly after high school which is a nice change of pace. The whole "you can't tell her she was in a coma for three years" thing seemed kinda contrived but it worked out alright.
>> No. 3822 [Edit]
File 130508084242.jpg - (167.54KB , 1920x1080 , hidamari sketch - shower glasses OP.jpg )
Watched Fractale. I liked the ending but overall the show was kinda boring, and the "derp your ecchi Clain" jokes were repetitive and unfunny.

Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆ (season 3) now. Just like previous seasons, it seems to take a dip in quality midway through when they feature Miyako less, but the new characters are a nice addition. But it makes me sad that I will never have a rainbow-colored morning shower. ;_;

Post edited on 10th May 2011, 7:28pm
>> No. 3858 [Edit]
I watched Asura Cryin 2. The first season was so terrible that I didn't watch the second when it aired, but seeing mentions of it being much better than the first agitated my completionism and got me to watch it. Luckily they were right, season two is way better. Maybe even good enough to make the time wasted on season one worth it.
>> No. 3859 [Edit]
I've been watching Monster, 4th season of Gintama, Black Jack, Legend of Galactic Heroes, and the Getter Robo series.
>> No. 4018 [Edit]
File 130628648445.jpg - (46.57KB , 640x480 , nanoha-tree_vagina.jpg )
Now watching Nanoha. A bit more fanservicey than I expected.
>> No. 4019 [Edit]
i just finished watching the first season of nanoha. im watching elfen lied for a break, and then im going onto the second season.
>> No. 4061 [Edit]
File 130655528892.jpg - (396.77KB , 850x637 , sample_e8e79f506c07b6200aa76466612cabb31be70fd5.jpg )
Finally got around to watching Galaxy angel, bout darn time to, had first season on dvd for more then a year now.
First epiode kind of threw me off, mostly the voice acting that bugged me, becuase they went really what I expected the characters to sound like, but once I got used to it I found myself really loving this show, all the characters are each just grate, and the episodes aren't dragged out being 15 minutes, good for a quick pick me up I think.
and can't forget that op.. I mean literally, it got stuck in my head..
>> No. 4063 [Edit]
it seems a bit late now, but you may be interested to know, that The Nanoha movie is a much better done version of the first season.
>> No. 4064 [Edit]
Currently watching Cardcaptor Sakura with my sister. Finally hit the second half of the show and it looks like things are about to pick up.
>> No. 4068 [Edit]
File 130659777496.png - (578.92KB , 1000x805 , b3b1dd47b6f05ce1f060f0bcaa34de9a3ce15741.png )
Finished watching Big O a few nights ago. Decent series, unsatisfying ending.
>> No. 4072 [Edit]
I've never really been into the cutesy and moe stuff so I haven't actually watched any. A friend of mine really enjoys them and I decided to check out Lucky Star and K-On out because of that. I'm still torrenting them but I'm finally going to watch them.
>> No. 4074 [Edit]

Just don't expect a plot. Slice-of-life moe kinda shows are just about the characters doing nothing.
>> No. 4079 [Edit]
As long as the characters are good, there is character growth and a skeletal plot I'll be fine (mainly the first two). Do K-On and Lucky Star have good character growth and development as the shows go along?
>> No. 4082 [Edit]
Just don't judge LS on the first 4 episodes, even the biggest of fans agree that they suck.

pretty decent amount actually.
>> No. 4085 [Edit]
That's funny, I dropped Lucky Star after the fourth episode. I'd go pick it up again, but I'm not sure I care anymore. My plotless slice of life tolerance is pretty low anyway.
>> No. 4088 [Edit]
K-ON!: the absolute minimal amount
Lucky Star: none at all
>> No. 4143 [Edit]

I just can't understand how you feel like this. My tolerance for plot-filled serious series is pretty low; I can (and do) digest one at a time, but I can watch multiple SoLs. I suppose the confusion/bemusement is mutual though.
>> No. 4144 [Edit]
It is. I'm not counting actual comedies in that quota, though, just stuff like K-On! or A-channel, or Lucky Star, from what I could tell. Cute girls doing cute things is great, but I also like to have character and plot development or humor, otherwise I get bored. And if those can be combined all the better.
>> No. 4156 [Edit]

I like to alternate between episodes of story driven action series and plotless moe shows. Keeps me from burning out on one thing.
>> No. 4161 [Edit]
Lucky Star is totally a comedy. unlike K-On it has actual jokes.
>> No. 4164 [Edit]
>Lucky Star

wwwww. At least the girls in K-on were pretty cute. Lucky Star didn't even have that going for it.
>> No. 4165 [Edit]
File 130698186990.jpg - (231.34KB , 850x797 , luckystar-tsukasa-THIRD_FORM.jpg )
Do you really want to see what happens to people who imply that Tsukasa isn't cute?
>> No. 4167 [Edit]
Go ahead. I don't want no trouble, but I honestly thought she was the ugliest lucky star, and I absolutely loathe meganekko characters, so that's saying something. I am sorry for going against the grain.
>> No. 4180 [Edit]
File 130704647824.png - (106.23KB , 500x281 , misao.png )
Lucky Star season 2 fucking when.
>> No. 4181 [Edit]
fucking never
>> No. 4183 [Edit]
File 130705496515.jpg - (244.79KB , 850x1144 , luckystar-tsukasa-FIRST_FORM.jpg )
That's fine, I just saw an opportunity to make a threat paired with that Tsukasa pic.
>> No. 4192 [Edit]
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>At least the girls in K-on were pretty cute. Lucky Star didn't even have that going for it.
>> No. 4193 [Edit]
I just finished kurenai and had no idea what the fuck was going on for the entire show

am going to watch 2 episodes of blood+ every day starting tomorrow so that i can watch the new one airing next season. ive never tried marathoning a show over 26 episodes, but i have a feeling that it will wear me out
>> No. 4220 [Edit]
You're probably wasting your time.

The new one looks stand alone.
>> No. 4337 [Edit]
Just finished Eve no Jikan. It was fantastic, but ending left me kind of unsatisfied. We didn't learn what Takisaka Incident was, and I really would have liked to see how the relationship between Masaki and his father ended up. Wiki article says there's a possibility for a second season. Well, I can hope. And, even though I'll watch it, can anyone confirm if the movie adds much without spoiling anything? Just a simple yes/no would be enough.
>> No. 4340 [Edit]
I haven't seen either yet, but according to MAL:
>It includes all the OVAs and completely new scenes giving details on the background story of some characters.
>> No. 4342 [Edit]
I hadn't checked it throughly in case of spoiler, so thank you, good sir.
>> No. 4345 [Edit]
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Strike witches
All this fanservice I don't even
>> No. 4346 [Edit]
you watch it long enough the pantsu no longer registers to your mind anymore
>> No. 4352 [Edit]
Am I the only one who found the WWII style and character stories more interesting than the fan service? This is what I say to myself so I don't feel bad about enjoying SW
>> No. 4353 [Edit]
How could you feel bad about enjoying Strike Witches, it's a great show! Also I read up a bit on the references Strike Witches has and it made my head spin.

The sheer amount of lewd tendencies in my mind will never let me ignore the pantsu. And I like it that way~

Post edited on 16th Jun 2011, 7:10pm
>> No. 4354 [Edit]
Although I found the fan service amusing, I liked everything the show had to offer, I'm no WWII buff, but found the setting/style pretty cool, I also thought each of the characters were very interesting and nice in their own ways, including story's.
>> No. 4355 [Edit]
I like all the parts equally.
>> No. 4516 [Edit]
Audio - (1.08MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 1:11

Just finished Slam Dunk. The show itself was so-so but that's not what I wanted to talk about.

This bass line. Goddamn. Whenever I watch shows from 80s/early 90s I'm amazed by the sheer quality of bass lines. They beat the strings like they owe them money.
>> No. 4538 [Edit]
Got around to watching Kowarekake no Orgel after putting it off due to not feeling like a sad ending.

Did she die though? My impression was that
her memory would reset every so often and that's why she had no memory of the sea. But I remember reading some thread back when it came out about her dying. Damn this needs a sequel.
Edit:Added spoilers, thanks for the heads up.

Post edited on 23rd Jun 2011, 9:56pm
>> No. 4539 [Edit]
Spoiler tags.
>> No. 5997 [Edit]
File 131485312210.jpg - (234.22KB , 850x1360 , sample-8a902868df19bedccadd6a23d6ae4a82.jpg )
I just started watching Chobits and I'm wondering why it took me almost a decade to start watching it, especially considering my love of Clamp. This is one of the cutest and funniest shows I've seen in a long time, despite its age.
>> No. 5998 [Edit]
Thanks, now I need to download it so I can rewatch it.
>> No. 5999 [Edit]

You're in luck, the BDs were just recently released, so now you can download and watch it in glorious 1080p or 720p if your computer is shitty like mine.
>> No. 6000 [Edit]
>> No. 6001 [Edit]
>Chobits[Virus123][Bluray][1080p][Dual Audio]
You mean this?
Fuck, I'm getting a huge list of things to download in a couple weeks now.
>> No. 6002 [Edit]
File 131485860797.jpg - (115.16KB , 1280x720 , Zero-Raws-Chobits-26-BD-1280x720-x264-AAC_mkv_snap.jpg )
Don't bother with the 1080p. The show was mastered at standard def, even the 720p will be a heavy upscale. Check the pic, it looks like arse.

Virus are also quite bad with their use of filtering, their Lucky Star BD had a lot of the detail destroyed when upscaling.
>> No. 6596 [Edit]
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Just finished Twin Spica, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Somehow it managed give me a Halibane Renmei vibe…
>> No. 6597 [Edit]
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I watched Shiki, which I don't really recommend. It has some good moments, but is overall not that enjoyable. The character designs are also atrocious.

I am now watching Haruhi (finally). I enjoy Kyon's snarky narration, it makes this show.
>> No. 6603 [Edit]
File 131848726635.jpg - (57.09KB , 400x400 , george iwakura.jpg )
>still hasn't seen haruhi

i'm actually really jealous of you, i enjoyed the show so much the first time i saw it and would love to have that experience again. i guess its like losing your virginity - if any of us here know what thats like - something that you can't do twice

as far as shiki goes, i pretty much agree with you except that i managed to keep myself utterly blind to the nature of what the show was about before viewing it so there was a bit more surprise element for me. absolutely loved to festival scene and as far as character design went, i don't think that too many of the characters were meant to be likable. ending was lame

don't read this spoiler if you're still watching haruhi or haven't seen it yet should a noob see it the first time in original broadcast order or in chronological order?
>> No. 6605 [Edit]
Broadcast order, since watching it in chronological order means the season climaxes in the middle and the "real" last episode is much less fulfilling.
>> No. 6606 [Edit]
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Although it's technically "still airing," I'll still post here since I'm talking about the first season.

Recently watched a few episodes of the anime adaptation of Mainichi Kaa-san (redundant english title: Kaasan Mom's Life), which is a comedic autobiographical adaptation of Saibara Rieko's life, a working mom trying to balance her family and her career as a mangaka. The humour is mostly centered around all the shit she has to deal with trying to take care of her 2 kids, alcoholic husband, and drawing manga. Though for the most part, the humour and art transitions well into the adaptation, the anime lacks the distinctive SCRIBBLED DIALOGUE EVERYWHERE that really complements nicely with Saibara chaotic life. Personally, I feel that the director kind of took the lazy way out by not trying to come up with something suitable that might replace the original manga’s typesetting, but oh well.

It’s too bad the anime/manga community here in the West has largely ignored her when she’s probably the most unique mangaka out there personality/life-wise. She’s even buds with Fukumoto (they used to play a lot of mahjong together)! I’ve thought about personally taking on some of her works but oh jesus-fucking-christ, typesetting it would be an absolute nightmare.

But back to talking about Mainichi Kaa-san. Overall, it's a pretty good lighthearted funny anime with unique character designs. Try it out if you're in the mood for that genre, though you are forewarned that the only subs can be found on the dreaded crunchyroll (at least the translations are pretty good).
>> No. 6607 [Edit]
File 131848922575.jpg - (95.73KB , 625x340 , fukumoto and saibara.jpg )
Oh, and in case anybody is wondering about how Saibara actually looks like, here's a pic of her with Fukumoto as they joke about each other's lack of artistic skills.
>> No. 6608 [Edit]
I just finished Mushishi and I am watching LoGh, very slowly, like episode per day.

Also I am watching Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha which seems to be the best magical girl anime(what I've heard).

Mostly I am just watching BD releases of shows which have aired during 2008-2011. But sometimes it is entertaining to watch older shows too.
>> No. 6611 [Edit]

>The character designs are also atrocious.

Best chara designs since Berubara. I would watch any show if the designs were that good, no matter how bad the show itself would be.


>Also I am watching Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha which seems to be the best magical girl anime(what I've heard).

Tohno will be pissed when he'll read this~
>> No. 6976 [Edit]
File binbou-shimai-monogatari-melody.torrent - (18.20KB )

Watched Binbou Shimai Monogatari today. It's about two poor orphaned sisters, and it only weighs in at 10 episodes. Short and sweet, but I quite liked it.
>> No. 6977 [Edit]
Started watching Hayate no Gotoku today.
Holly heck that dude's parents suck.
>> No. 6981 [Edit]
I'm finally getting round to watching the EVA Rebuilds.

Finished the first one today, it was alright.

Heard the second one is really good.
>> No. 6988 [Edit]

>Heard the second one is really good.

Opinions vary but I thought it was terribad. I'd rather watch Death & Rebirth.
>> No. 6992 [Edit]

I've watched it now. Are you the Asuka guy?

I didn't really like where they went with this. Mari seemed forced in for no good reason and the ending was cliche. The action and animation were impressive, but the characters were pretty much the sole reason I liked Evangelion and they kind of felt flat here.
>> No. 6998 [Edit]
Yeah: are you me?... Anyway:

As far as I can tell from 2.22, the main difference with the Rebuild is that it seems to be more Rei-oriented this time, for good or bad; we still gotta know who the fuck is Mari thought, apart from some shitty moetron -foreign, catholic school uniform, black tights, meganeko, tits, more TITS...

I don't really expect Rebuild to be better or even as good as the original NGE. I'd just like it to be really interesting: different enough and yet worth to be told, after all this years, when the original has such a perfect (movie) ending already. I still have high expectations for it, thought (i.e. I still believe in almighty Hideaki motherfucker Anno's ability to troll us from behind).

BTW: under the influence of TVtropes, I just recently watched Bokurano. Quite interesting development, lame ending; by all means, not nearly as good as Eva: even Madoka or Fafner (genres and blunt copycats apart) were closer, and still none of them gets any real close to THE uber classic... someday I might wrote an entry about what makes something to become a "classic" of some discipline; I wrotte a propper essay about it for ballet (as classical dance) a while ago, as something that ocurs in basically 3 stages: synthesis, characterization and scholarization; it's kind'a tricky, really, so I still have to think if it's worth to struggle finding those cathegories in anime (and if there's actually anyone who'd want to read that crap, anyway).
>> No. 7000 [Edit]

>Are you the Asuka guy?

Nope, although I do happen to like Asuka and that's part of my disdain towards Rebuild (but even if I hated her I would still claim the Rebuild movies are shit).

>but the characters were pretty much the sole reason I liked Evangelion and they kind of felt flat here

At this point I could say you've got it but I would never miss a legitimate chance to complain just how bad the Rubild movies are.

First of all I must make two things clear. 1. Back in the day I used to be a massive Eva fan. 2. But I'm not anymore although I do still consider it to be good.
The plot and the way it is presented are in all honesty everything but good, though. The show is formulatic to no end (slice of life bit at the beginning, Angel shows up, they defeat it, SoL ending), cliched (kids save the world from alien invaders and sure enough, they use giant robots to do it), full of filler (I haven't rewatched the series for 3 or so years but I still vaguely recall stuff like Jet Alone etc.), it has quite a bit of fan service/innuendo, spends lots of time on comic relief/plot irrelevant characters, spends lots of time on comic relief period (two words - Pen Pen) and the list goes on and on. In all honesty I consider the plot to be pretty bad, too, but that's a matter of opinion I guess.
So, why do I still like the series despite all these flaws? I don't think we ever had and I don't think we will ever get another series with such realistic characters. Relationships between Ritsuko and her mother, Ritsuko and Gendo, Misato and Kaji and each character's ambivalent feelings (Asuka is particularly well done, although Shinji and Ritsuko - despite her having just a little screentime - are great, too)... It's also not just thrown at you, the reasons for such behavior are always made rather obvious - Ritsuko hated her mother for neglecting her and yet she became a scientist (and Gendo's lover) herself, everything in Asuka's life is also motivated by the fear of getting nelgected and abandoned, much like Misato's fear of comitment for the same reasons. Etc. etc. You could write an essay about each character.

What does Rebuild offer us in return? Lots of action ('WOW THAT SCENE WAS COOL!'), flat characters ('Mari is moe~'), focus on love triangle ('gee I'm super excited to find out how it's gonna end!'), even more stupid fanservice ('DAT ASS'), Shikinami ('i-it's not like I like your or anything, don't get the wrong idea stupid Shinji!') etc. etc. Anno probably expected his audience to think exactly what I've written in parentheses. That's why Reubild reminds me of Redline quite a bit - it really looks great and is a visual treat but it's pretty damn close to being intelectually insulting.

>has such a perfect (movie) ending

I didn't really like the movie all that much. It felt kinda pointless.

>I just recently watched Bokurano

Now that I think about it Bokurano kinda tried to do do the same thing as Eva did. I'd say it failed. The characters felt quite flat in all honesty (or completely unrealistic in various cases). x happened to them and that's why they decided to do y. That's it. Since I heard the anime was even worse than the manga I can't say I'm surprised you didn't like it.
>> No. 7001 [Edit]
>Bokurano kinda tried to do do the same thing as Eva did

No. Eva was, at its core, about human relationships. Bokurano on the other hand, was about death. The game itself is just a metaphor for death, which is why it can't be stopped nor need any specific details, and each character's stories are there to depict how we all deal with it. It's also the reason why the author didn't go with a single central character like Eva and instead had a multiple characters that would get killed off after a few chapters.

>Redline quite a bit - it really looks great and is a visual treat but it's pretty damn close to being intelectually insulting

I personally wouldn't go that far because Redline never attempted to be an intellectually stimulating story. I can't see anything insulting to my intelligence because it never tried to appeal to it in the first place. The Rebuild movies, on the other hand, have a certain expectation to fulfill because of the original tv series and, as you've pointed out, it has yet to meet them so far.

Speaking of eva, I always thought that Eva had a lot of great concepts at its core, but rather poor execution with all its convolutedness for the sake of convolutedness and other flaws which you've outlined already. I would think that if Anno now had the money and freedom to remake Eva the way he truly wanted to, he could perhaps divert from the original work itself in order to correct these flaws but so far he seems to be going the opposite way.
>> No. 7005 [Edit]
File 132034086615.jpg - (74.15KB , 823x600 , eoe_12.jpg )

>The show is formulatic to no end
Maybe I really should make that entry about the classics... There's a diference between offering a coherenet syntehsis of a wide tradition (and becoming thus an unavoidable reference for all), that offering "formulaic" blinks of genres that the very series is just about gonna help defining and differentiating in the future.

>I didn't really like the movie all that much. It felt kinda pointless.
Well, it just finally gave a narratively coherent, worthy and frontal conclusion, to what had been an incredibly subtle, secretive (and finally tragic) plot. It's just until the movie that anything really meets a clear (enough*) end, finally autonomous from its references (majors: Kabbalah, Psicoanalisis and Mecha premise), and every character -but specially Shinji- gets to face the full consequences of his own acts... i.e. it finally shows the world those characters have built.

Otherwise, with the TV (very) ending, saving the world in the couch of a shrink (as we learned to have selfsteem "OMEDETOU!~"), Evangelion would have rested as the most disappointing crap I had ever watched; I wouldn't have become an otaku, wouldn't be here, and probably this would be a much better place...

TL;DR End of Eva is my favourite work of art eva and what is wrong with you?? DERP!~

* = We still have to know a bit about the other possible endings, to get a propper picture of WTF we're seeing on the last scene (One more final...) thought.

Post edited on 3rd Nov 2011, 10:35pm
>> No. 7012 [Edit]
Is it bad that I liked eva for the large scale combat/action, and not so much the deeper hidden meanings of life stuff behind it all?
>> No. 7017 [Edit]

I find Mecha action in general rather unsatisfying to be honest. The scene where the EVA goes berserk is always cool though.
>> No. 7024 [Edit]
File 132039427234.jpg - (205.75KB , 409x712 , bokurano.jpg )
>Bokurano... was about death... to depict how we all deal with it.

Gilles Deleuze said once:

"C'est [pas les hommes mais] les bêtes [qui savent mourir]. Et les hommes, quand ils meurent, ils meurent comme des bêtes."
"It's not men but animals who know how to die. And men, when they die, they die like animals."

He stressed out that even pets chose a place to be by themselves when they're about to die: that they somehow know there must be a proper place and setting to die... Deleuze, already an old and very sick man, killed himself by jumping from the window of his apartment, where he had to be confined.

Anyway: Bokurano had really great moments; but the ending and general conclusions weren't really satisfactory, at all (for me).

Post edited on 4th Nov 2011, 1:18am
>> No. 7026 [Edit]

>No. Eva was, at its core, about human relationships. Bokurano on the other hand, was about death. The game itself is just a metaphor for death, which is why it can't be stopped nor need any specific details, and each character's stories are there to depict how we all deal with it. It's also the reason why the author didn't go with a single central character like Eva and instead had a multiple characters that would get killed off after a few chapters.

Hence the 'kinda'. What I meant is in Bokurano the author tried (and in my opinion failed) to create realistic characters and 'dismantle them' as the series progressed, showing what motivated them, what made them who they are today etc. The actual story was completely irrelevant and just wasn't the focus of the series. In an industry where 99% of characters are flat it is somewhat rare so I still claim it's 'kinda like Eva'.

>I personally wouldn't go that far because Redline never attempted to be an intellectually stimulating story. I can't see anything insulting to my intelligence because it never tried to appeal to it in the first place.

I knew that before I watched Redline so obviously I expected nothing but a visual treat, too (and needless to say I was rather pleased with what I got). I just pointed out that Rebuild is on similar intellectual level.


>There's a diference between offering a coherenet syntehsis of a wide tradition (and becoming thus an unavoidable reference for all), that offering "formulaic" blinks of genres that the very series is just about gonna help defining and differentiating in the future.

I don't see how it changes the fact that pretty much every episode follows the same (crappy) formula and thus wastes a lot of time on pointless slice of life/comic relief moments. Also, I'm pretty sure I could find an ep or two that follows the 'SoL-Angel-SoL' formula and doesn't really serve any significant purpose.

>Well, it just finally gave a narratively coherent, worthy and frontal conclusion, to what had been an incredibly subtle, secretive (and finally tragic) plot.

That's probably why I don't think much of EoE - I didn't really care about the plot that much either way.

>every character -but specially Shinji- gets to face the full consequences of his own acts... i.e. it finally shows the world those characters have built.

It barely touches upon this aspect and it sure wasn't worth spending two or so hours in front of TV/PC to finally get those two minutes of self-reflection (while the ending of TV series is nothing but this for some 50 minutes).

>End of Eva is my favourite work of art eva and what is wrong with you??

EoE focused on plot an action while the TV series focused on characters and relationships (well, it did at times, in all honesty it focused on quasi-romcom-esque bits almost as much). For that matter EoE reminds me of Rebuils movies quite a bit (although it's not was watered down of course).

>We still have to know a bit about the other possible endings, to get a propper picture of WTF we're seeing on the last scene

The thing about symbolism is that there will always be hundreds of possible interpretations of just about everything you see, so yeah, I could say the same for most scenes in the whole series and virtually every episode of Utena.


The bad thing about it is that Eva wasn't supposed to be about that in the first place. That's why I hated Rebuild 2.0 - every time Evas showed up I couldn't stop feeling they kinda went down the TTGL route and wanted to show just how awesome the Evas were... and that's all. Nobody was supposed to care about anything but that. Thing is that's not what made Eva popular in the first place. I mean fuck, Eva is not even a mecha show.

To make it easy enough to understand for you: saying you liked Eva for the mecha bits is like somebody saying they like Madoka for the mahou shoujo bits.
>> No. 7028 [Edit]
File 132041750044.jpg - (53.42KB , 446x618 , 01-1.jpg )
I guess you just really watched another NGE, yourself... a quite impoverished one if you ask me, but oh well.
>> No. 7029 [Edit]
>it sure wasn't worth spending two or so hours in front of TV/PC to finally get those two minutes of self-reflection (while the ending of TV series is nothing but this for some 50 minutes).

I have to say that despite liking EoE primarily for Iso's jawdropping scene (it's a shame he hasn't really been involved at all for the rebuilds), I find it odd and disappointing that the execution of Shinji's ultimate realization was still done in the same awkward way consisting of boring monologues as in the tv series, only a lot shorter. Of course, I myself don't have any better idea of how to depict the change but Anno really should've come up with something more creative and engaging for a movie that was, at the time, supposed to be the definitive ending for the series.

Also, this discussion has reminded me that I'll never find another piece of fiction that I consider so flawed yet can't help but like so much.
>> No. 7030 [Edit]

>Also, this discussion has reminded me that I'll never find another piece of fiction that I consider so flawed yet can't help but like so much.

I thought so myself until I watched Utena.
>> No. 7032 [Edit]
Just watched Paprika. Since I liked it, I've already downloaded Mind Game and Paranoia Agent. I hope Satoshi Kon doesn't disappoint me. Next on my wishlist are Mushishi and Tatami Galaxy. On a side note, does anyone know of a good place to get good subs of Serial Experiments Lain?
>> No. 7033 [Edit]
Mind Game isn't by Satoshi Kon.
>> No. 7034 [Edit]

Nyaa should have the bloatgirls releases of Lain.
>> No. 7038 [Edit]
Oh, true. Someone recommended all three of them at once, so I assumed they were all by him. Studio 4C never disappointed me though.
Eh, I don't really have bytes to waste (HDD squeeze and such), but I guess the quality is worth it.
>> No. 7039 [Edit]
It isn't bloated at all (apart from the FLAC, i'll agree there). Lain is extremely grainy. Either they remove it all (which not only makes it vastly different from the original BD, but it can also remove detail in general) or they watch the file sizes go up as grain is hard to compress. Basically, you can't get good quality on the show without those file sizes.

There should still be some DVDrips floating about on Nyaa, although the BDs are restored much better as you can see in the comparison shots here -
>> No. 7044 [Edit]
File 132056381649.jpg - (104.90KB , 1280x720 , [Koharubi]_Aoi_Hana_-_10_[21B89941]_mkv_snapshot_1.jpg )
Just finished Aoi Hana.
It really was similar to Sasameki Koto as people say.
Certainly didn't expected it to go in the direction in did, with the whole love triangle thing.
Lot more dealings with hetero stuff then I thought there'd be, funny that a yuri anime would show two heterosexual marriages, three differnt heterosexual confessions, and two lesbians shown getting dumped by the same girl, who's confused about her sexuality.
To bad there isin't more of it, the whole thing felt like it was going to build up to the relationship between the two main characters, but ended with the same old implied interest and friendship most romantic anime end with.

Also, Something I found very distracting and bugged me a fair bit for the first half of the show, was the uniforms, probably just nitpicking or being dumb, but I didn't think they fit at all, it was like each was wearing the opposite uniform.
Fumi is attending a lower class school where as Akira is attending a much higher class school, yet Akira's school uniform is the generic kind of cheap looking (in this context) sailor uniform, where as Fumi's uniform is rather modest has a long skirt a tie and blazer without any of the flashy colors.
They suit the characters, but not the schools I think, and I believe they made a point of them not really fitting in, in the type of school they ended up in, Fumi at one point clearly expressed her desire to attend this more prestigious school, which is all the more reason why their uniforms shouldn't suit the characters.
at least that's what I thought.
But then they stopped focusing so much on the different schools latter on, so it wasn't such a problem anymore.

Very enjoyable never the less.
>> No. 7045 [Edit]
isn't Lain the type of show that should be grainy?
>> No. 7047 [Edit]
Exactly, which is why they kept it.
>> No. 7048 [Edit]
Not sure if you're aware of it, but they only went with that generic ending because they ran out of source materia. As is the case with most anime adaptations with no hope of getting a 2nd season, it was more or less just an advertisement for the original manga.
>> No. 7050 [Edit]
File 132061167829.png - (262.64KB , 970x1400 , Hourou_Musuko_V02_015.png )
You already watched Hourou Musuko, I presume?
I personally didnt like Aoi Hana. It seemed too slow and too melodramatic for my liking. Characters were throwing fits for no reason at all and were behaving, imo, too unrealistically. Maybe I just dont "get" those teenage girls anime, but seriously, getting THAT MUCH distressed because you couldnt go with a friend on a train as you had other business to do?
So I had to put it on hold after couple episodes. Maybe I'll return to it someday.
But if you havent seen Hourou Musuko (I doubt it, but what if), I would recomend it over Aoi Hana any day of a week. It has better drama, better characters, better conflict, and better directing.
>> No. 7058 [Edit]
Yeah it certainly did seem that way, like a demo.
The whole thing felt like a prelude to the real show, which of course never comes.
strange they never released an ova thought.

No I actually haven't.
I never watched it because I'm not really into traps or reverse traps, cross dressing, tyrannys ect.

I believe the train rides were a big deal to them because it was the only time Fumi and Akira really got to spend together, since they're going to different schools, and those train rides can take some time I'm sure.
But yeah, I don't think there's a single ep in which Fumi didn't cry, even if that was kind of her thing.
Yasuko bursting into tears at the end of the performance on the other hand, that was certainly over dramatic I think.
Specking of, I don't get why Fumi was so hung up on Yasuko, she practically forced herself onto Fumi, and it didn't seem like they had ever once met before, or saw each other that often when they were dating, I think in the show they went on 1-2 dates, this is right after she dumped Kyouko none the less.
Seemed like Yasuko was really confused about her sexuality, not really a lesbian, and just selfishly playing with Fumi and Kyouko's feelings.
>> No. 7063 [Edit]
File 132065405592.jpg - (168.67KB , 494x600 , 1236729802818.jpg )
>I never watched it because I'm not really into traps or reverse traps, cross dressing, tyrannys ect.
Then I would really suggest trying it, at least 1 episode. Its not really about "traps", at least not in normal anime meaning. Its about growing up, sexuality and character interaction. I might be biased, but IMO, it was one of the best anime of the year.

Of course if you only watch yuri/shoujo-ai anime, then you most likely wont like Hourou Musuko.

>Yasuko bursting into tears at the end of the performance on the other hand, that was certainly over dramatic I think.
To me, the whole show was forceful and over-dramatic, so I, unfortunately, cant comment on the separate part. But I believe, that at the time, for some reason, I found her crying to be justified, as a catharsis-like moment for a character.
Maybe I should try watching it again.
>> No. 7086 [Edit]
I'm watching Angel Beats, and man are they really trying to cram the character development in. Only the second episode and we've already got someone spending several minutes discussing their dark and mysterious past.
>> No. 7111 [Edit]
I'll admit that Angel Beats is easily in my top 10 anime of all time, but I totally understand how crappy it is. I'd totally rewatch it any day, though. The finale -still- makes me tear up like a bitch. I still feel that sentimentality/attachment towards the characters. But god damn, you are all right. It's bad.

I mean, part of me wants to blame it on the fact that it was intended for a full season but got cut in half, but nah, that's just fanboyism. It's just plain...bad in some parts. But it's charming, and I like that. Every time I watch an episode from it, I understand both the good and the bad a little more. It's interesting in that sense, I suppose...

It gets worse if you take offense to the second episode.'ll end up rage quitting by the sixth. The second to last episode is pisses me off to think about it, and I love the series.
>> No. 7132 [Edit]
File 132100295085.jpg - (117.72KB , 958x544 , kuragehime.jpg )
Watched this over the last four days and had a very enjoyable time doing so.
>> No. 7133 [Edit]
I guess it might not really be old enough for this thread, though…I'd sage if I wasn't making this post two minutes after the previous one, but I have a pretty good idea of what the rate of discourse is on /an/ and the likelihood of saging here being necessary to maintain my courtesy with respect to not disturbing the appropriate thread order seems pretty unlikely.
>> No. 7135 [Edit]
>(i.e. not from the newest season)
>> No. 7137 [Edit]
File 132104127923.jpg - (212.26KB , 1280x720 , [umee]_Princess_Jellyfish_-_02_[D96153E6]_mkv_snap.jpg )
Yeah, Kurara was a fun watch, though it never really went anywhere since the manga was still ongoing and all. RoTK girl was my favourite.
>> No. 7138 [Edit]
File 132104347315.jpg - (40.60KB , 1024x576 , kaiji_ramen.jpg )
Kaiji (at last)...

I marathoned 1st season the day before yesterday: brilliant; hit straight home -somehow- and left me all troubled (yet here I am, still watching anime and posting on /tc/). I'm just starting 2nd season now; we'll see.
>> No. 7141 [Edit]
I think it may have still been airing when OP was posted
>> No. 7809 [Edit]
File 132434241159.gif - (106.18KB , 432x432 , rose.gif )
Following some of you -and other- guys high opinion about it, I just started watching Utena...

I really hope this develop good enough soon, because I got weird Candy-Candy alike flashbacks through the entire thing (wip hand regular displaying included); too many spinning roses, awful 70's movie alike soundtrack and creepy hyper-shoujo cock-blocker old yuri stuff... nonstop.
>> No. 7823 [Edit]

>awful 70's movie alike soundtrack

Whoa. Utena's OST is actually my favorite anime OST of all time.


Also I'd place the show among my Top 10 favorite anime (well I did in the Top 9 thread we had a while back) but like I said, I can't deny how flawed it really is. I'd call it a rough diamond (whereas Tutu was very, very close to perfection).
>> No. 7851 [Edit]
I decided to watch this on whim. I really liked it. Thanks
>> No. 7915 [Edit]
File 132489708167.jpg - (770.45KB , 1920x1080 , [BD] Mushishi 07 - Raindrops and Rainbows (1920x10.jpg )
Been watching Mushishi.
really good show, but there's one thing that's been bugging me a bit..
I'm no expert on Japanese history, but it seems to me his outfit looks a lot more modern than it should for the time period this show seems to take place in.
is it just my imagination?
>> No. 7916 [Edit]

The author drew it that way purposedly, just don't ask me what her purpose actually was.
>> No. 7923 [Edit]

They look modern in the anime, but they're not intended to be. The live action film does his clothes a bit better. They're kind of just cheap cotton shirts and simple slacks, that do fit with the time.
>> No. 7928 [Edit]
I thought it was drawn that way because Mushishi was originally going to have a more modern setting. Apparently they ended up changing the setting but keeping the costume.
>> No. 7996 [Edit]
I just downloaded the 1st two eps of Maison Ikkoku because someone said it was good. Am I about to get hooked into it and have to watch all 96 eps? Something like this happened to me with Yakitate Japan. I was only planning to watch it a little bit, but a month later, ep 69.
I'm kind of frightened.
>> No. 8008 [Edit]
I watched the first ep of Najica Blitz Tactics last night. It seems to be somewhat similar to Noir, but 40% of the frames have pantsu.
>> No. 8182 [Edit]
Just finished watching Steins;Gate, it was excellent.
Is this the first post in this thread about a show that post dates the starting of the thread, but still qualifies as ""old" stuff"?
>> No. 8187 [Edit]
if you scroll up, you'll find people brought this up with the second season of kaiji.
>> No. 8191 [Edit]
I've been watching Shiki and Star Driver. Both are good series.
>> No. 8218 [Edit]

Depending on how many eps you've seen so far mind taking some screenshots of Megumi from Shiki? Her boobs get slightly bigger with every single ep (one theory says that's where all the blood goes) and it's pretty humorous, howeover I don't think I've ever seen a comparission chart.

As for Star Driver I've seen it myself ~2 motnhs ago. I heard nothing but complaints about the series but it was okay. Kinda Utena: Mecha Edition. ... Well, except not even half as good. Still, not even close to being as bad as most people claimed it was.
>> No. 8380 [Edit]
File 132830917035.jpg - (596.21KB , 666x2666 , onii.jpg )
I watched this, pretty much because the title, which is alphabetically adjacent to oremio, caught my eye (while i was watching oremio) and its really quite good, i liked it a lot better than oremio (although that art is at a lower tier).
>> No. 8485 [Edit]
File 132903318572.jpg - (53.89KB , 348x319 , haruhi h doujin i found on desuchan.jpg )
Earlier today I made the decision to drop Chocotto Sister. I found it boring and without much in the way of redeeming qualities.
>> No. 8486 [Edit]
File 132905340120.jpg - (122.65KB , 416x542 , serial_killer_osaka.jpg )
Azumanga Daioh, 2002 that's some old stuff for sure
Osaka is so...WAT?
>> No. 8489 [Edit]
File 13290731494.jpg - (119.22KB , 700x700 , 1136.jpg )
I've been trying to watch this, but every episode is so goddamn depressing. It's like they asked "Hey, what don't you guys like about people?" and then made an anime out of it.
>> No. 8502 [Edit]
Big O is pretty cool. I'm a sucker for that noir style.
>> No. 8513 [Edit]

I loved this series. The explanation for the events given at the end felt pretty lackluster but just like Eva, the series is not really about the plot.

I heard it's like Lain 2.0 so I never had much interest in it but after years of having it on my backlog I watched it sometime last year and loved it. I guess it is kinda like Lain, except 10 times better.

I'd spoiler it but I guess it's more of a warning than spoiler - ep 12 sucks. It doesn't fit the mood of the series whatsoever and is just plain bad. If memory serves Lain also has a pretty weird, unLain last ep.
>> No. 8783 [Edit]
I recently watched the first few eps of Maburaho and Kimagure Orange Road and then dropped them.
>> No. 8786 [Edit]
Marathoned Fractale the other day.
I thought it was average...

I would see a lot of people defending it, saying it's not as bad as people say and that it doesn't deserve the hate it gets.
Even the submitter's comment for the TT torrent I downloaded read "Screw you, this show's good."

...but who the fuck is hating on it?
I've never once seen anyone call it shit.
None of the reviews I've come across give it less than a 6 out of 10.
I can only guess /a/, but even so, who gives a shit what those idiots think? they think everything sucks.
>> No. 8787 [Edit]

By most people's standards anything < 7/10 is bad.
>> No. 8789 [Edit]
No one is hating on it, it's too much effort. Not like many even watched it anyways.
>> No. 8792 [Edit]
If no one is hating on it, why are so many people defending it as if it were?
>> No. 8801 [Edit]
I'm rewatching Nichijou BD rip, of course it's BloatGirls because no one is doing it. I also consider watching the first season of Aquarion, maybe later when I finish my thesis or if there's some spare time.
>> No. 8805 [Edit]

Japan hated it and that's what people reffer to. Or rather, Japan didn't give a damn about it. The ratings were poor and the sales even worse.

Well, it was sort of criticized in Japan but the only thing I heard about is the general dissatisfacion with how the designs were changed (and I couldn't agree more, the designs used in show couldn't hold a candle to those which were supposed to be used).


>By most people's standards anything < 7/10 is bad.

I blame 'game journalists'.


>If no one is hating on it, why are so many people defending it as if it were?

Because Yamakan Defence Force.
>> No. 8926 [Edit]
File 133177254021.jpg - (27.14KB , 669x380 , 214.jpg )
Manabi Straight is moi as all fuck, how come nobody ever told me about this show before?
>> No. 8927 [Edit]
I found it kind of bleak and boring.
But some people like that about the show I guess.
>> No. 8928 [Edit]
>I also consider watching the first season of Aquarion
It's kind of shit, and has doesn't have very much at all to do with with the season currently airing, since there's a 12,000 year gap between each season.
but there are those few little references here and there.
If you do watch it, make sure no one is around or can hear, they have freaking flying naked orgasms every time they form the robots, in both seasons.
>> No. 8930 [Edit]
>I heard about is the general dissatisfacion with how the designs were changed
Yeah the alternative designs I've seen are much better than the stuff that was used for the show.
>> No. 8931 [Edit]
Got around to watching Kuragehime, was pretty good till the end, when it sort of just.. crapped out.
leaving most of what they built up to out in the air, like so many anime do...

Really pissed me off that after the second half, they lead the wizard over to the manipulative whore that drugged and blackmailed the poor guy by lying to him about taking his virginity, he deserve a hell of a lot better than that nasty bitch.

What's the deal with them calling everyone "hipsters"? is that even a accurate translation or would that be bad subs?
>> No. 8932 [Edit]
Bad subs. I believe the word was something closer to "trendy/fashionable person" that does not share the same connotation as hipster does in common usage.
>> No. 8933 [Edit]
I think it's one of the top shows out there for slice of life. The cast is excellent, particularly Mei and Mikan, and the animation is great.
>> No. 8934 [Edit]
File 13318129224.jpg - (389.01KB , 931x1381 , b4bc161b58567dcd869eefd1d650ae82.jpg )
I just finished Read or Die and I really loved it. It's definitely one of my favorites now.
>> No. 8935 [Edit]

Yup, it was 'oshare ningen' in the original. Typical gg subs. They fucked it up much more in some parts. They got a sentence completely wrong at least once (but not because of their translator, it's because they are retarded and tried to localize it which completely changed the meaning of the question).
>> No. 8936 [Edit]
gg only subbed the first episode before dropping it due to Funimation's licensing. I'll assume you were watching ANE or tlacatlc6's BD versions, in which case both of them used Umee's subs. Umee used Funi's scripts for the dialogue and translated the OP, the ED, and some signs themselves.

Blame Funimation.
>> No. 8938 [Edit]
I've been watching through the UC Gundam shows lately. Just finished Zeta Gundam. Depressing ending to a seemingly endless stream of character deaths. Kept me interested enough though.

Also, Brightslap overkill.
>> No. 8940 [Edit]

>>8931 here

The version I watched was " [REVO]Princess_Jellyfish "
>> No. 8942 [Edit]

When I said something about the fucked up line it was actually from gg's release so this point stands. However, who came up with hipster as a translation for oshare ningen is a different matter. I guess you're right, Funi's to blame here.

Not that a) gg could've done anything better had they tried b) anybody forced them to use it, too.
>> No. 8945 [Edit]
File 133193605733.jpg - (335.80KB , 1280x720 , [SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku! - 43 (1280x720 h264.jpg )
Been watching Hayate no Gotoku

This sums up my sentiments of the series perfectly.
>> No. 8948 [Edit]
Dropped Manabi Straight. I really like the fact that high school girls were drawn like the younger girls in IM, but the show was just too boring and the bold and intelligent art decision couldn't compensate for that. I gave it 4 eps to hook me, but it didn't so I've moved on. Currently watching Lotte no Omocha, which is awesome and Katanagtari which I also quite like.
>> No. 8949 [Edit]

Speaking of HnG I have seen the movie last week and God, dear God, it was absolutely horrible. It was even worse than S2. In all sorts of ways. If not for Maria with twintails I'd actually regret watching it even though I spend most of my time doing fucking nothing.

It was animated by manglobe if memory serves and... Jesus, manglobe, pull your shit together. You should know better. Something this poor looking shouldn't make it to TV, much less a goddamn cinema.
>> No. 8953 [Edit]
Yet it still managed to sell decently.
>> No. 8960 [Edit]

I think the author said S3 depends on sales of the movie so yeah.
>> No. 8977 [Edit]

Brightslap is simply a legend. The funniest part of it is that it actually works. Amuro got slapped and pulled his shit together. Uh... Mirai(?) got slapped and pulled her shit together. And uh... ...
Well I planned to list all the characters who got Brightslapped but it's been so long since I've seen the series I already forgot all of them. Oh well. Point is Brightslap is awesome.
>> No. 9330 [Edit]
Been watching Ground Defense force Mao-chan. lately.
It's a seriously adorable show, about a group of cute little girls learning to work and play together as they join different branches of the military, mostly for show, so they can fight (by not really doing much) to defend japan from cute alien invaders who don't really fight back for the most part with the assistance of their high tech toy battle vehicles, that have no real working weapons but can give them a ride if need be

It's truly awesome, and nuts that no one ever says anything about it.

Post edited on 11th Apr 2012, 3:14am
>> No. 9333 [Edit]

>nuts that no one ever says anything about it

Really? I think it's relatively popular when you take all the facts into account (niche series that's over a decade old). Granted, it wouldn't be half as known if Akamatsu Ken weren't involved but that's only an 'if'. Either way, I see the name dropped on fairly regular basis when niche shows/hidden gems are discussed.
>> No. 9337 [Edit]
I've honestly never once seen anyone so much as bring up the name online.
I only heard about it from someone in a pm who said they saw it at a library, but didn't watch it themselves.
But yeah, shouldn't be surprised I guess, it's like you said, it's a old show that doesn't appeal to a large audience.
>> No. 9340 [Edit]
Doki Doki School Hours.
>> No. 9553 [Edit]
File 13359771086.png - (354.79KB , 800x608 , PrincessTutu-06.png )
Right now I'm about to start watching Princess Tutu...
As an old balletomaniac (and with a taste for tragedy, as well), I have great expectations about this.
>> No. 9556 [Edit]
It's my favourite anime, so I do hope you enjoy anon.
>> No. 9659 [Edit]
Been forcing my way through macross 7.
what a awful turd of a anime. It's unbelievably repetitive using the same animations over and over with a long intro every ep that's just the same recaps, and although the music isn't bad, they overuse it way to much, sometimes playing the same ending song three times in the same ep, I guess that's to be expected with the focus on music, but jesus christ, do they really need to hammer it in like that?
It's also stupid, not funny stupid in a silly way, like the first season, it's more annoying and frustrating in its stupidity. like how the main character somehow smuggled onto this space colony, a large military grade high tech transforming robot jet, that he rides into combat with just to sing and make things difficult for the military trying to protect everyone. This main character is a insufferable self centered retarded douchebag, and everyone else is just sort of bland. I also thought the art style was odd, almost like they gave everyone baby faces, I couldn't even recognize the few characters they brought along from the first season, but I guess I got used to that much.
>> No. 9670 [Edit]
I'm finishing up Strawberry Panic.
>> No. 9674 [Edit]
Finished watching all three seasons of hell girl. 20% of each one of the episodes were the same. 60+ episodes of it has sort of made me quite annoyed at the director's choice.
>> No. 9675 [Edit]
That was a large part of why I dropped it half way into the first season. I'd rather marathon the second season of Haruhi ten times over than watch all three seasons of hell girl, my hat goes off to you bro.
>> No. 9677 [Edit]
File 13371502611.jpg - (50.10KB , 388x558 , Enma_ai_by_Ichiimoku.jpg )
But it was perfect for losing (read: wasting) time (read: life) elegantly...

If you think about it, in a way, it was almost like a looooong slice of life / mahou shoujo crossover (with transformation sequences, catchphrases and all).
>> No. 9680 [Edit]
I found Enma's art style creepy and disturbing.
The show was repetitive as all hell.
and I hated the subject matter, ie bad shit happening to good people, with those good people getting sentenced to an eternity(that's a very very long time) in hell for some twisted sense of justice, rinse and repeat.
It was when that one little girl was sentenced to hell upon death just to get revenge on a veterinarian that let her sick dog die, that's the point when I lost interest and just couldn't keep watching that crap.
>> No. 9681 [Edit]
File 133716658371.jpg - (146.28KB , 670x533 , chara2_1.jpg )
I just watched Ore No Kuroneko Ga Konna Ni Kawaii Wake Ga Nai, and now I can hardly wait for the second season.
The game also pushed me over the edge to buy a PSP (been playing with the thought for quite some time)
>> No. 9683 [Edit]
File 133717693480.png - (470.14KB , 827x454 , traditional.png )
>I found Enma's art style creepy and disturbing
I think that was the point...
>The show was repetitive as all hell [...] and I hated the subject matter
...for a series in the japanese fashion of a collection of suspense/horror/ghost stories.
>> No. 9684 [Edit]
Mainly it's the eyes.
People find the character attractive, I just can't.
>> No. 9685 [Edit]
Finally managed to watch Serial Experiments Lain and holy crap did it blow my mind. I wish I'd seen it sooner.
>> No. 9698 [Edit]

>> No. 9700 [Edit]
What's so funny anyway?
>> No. 9703 [Edit]
>I don't get it
Look at that baka, just look at it.
>> No. 9706 [Edit]

You don't seem to understand.
>> No. 9708 [Edit]
File 133729768499.png - (230.86KB , 1200x1200 , ヤドン玲音.png )
I don't get it either.
>> No. 9709 [Edit]

A shame, you seemed an honest man.
>> No. 9710 [Edit]
It's a preface to the episode, the show is set in the "present day, present time" and the dude is laughing at how that is obviously untrue in terms of technology, while the themes are pretty much consistent with today.

Or I'm crazy and speculating.
>> No. 9711 [Edit]
He could just be crazy.
>> No. 9765 [Edit]
File 133791209812.jpg - (1.57MB , 1000x1500 , 21122734.jpg )
Watched all of the available Hidamari Sketch over the last week and a half.

Have to say, I'm really glad I picked it back up after stopping five episodes into the first season, it was pretty damn rewarding and a nice watch before bed. Not usually a fan of implied yuri, but this is another show that pulls it off well enough.

Oh Miyako, you are so lovely. Sae, too. Those two really made it for me. Didn't really care for the two introduced in S3, but they did grow on me. Even the teacher grew on me towards the end.

Overall a very pleasant experience. Can't wait for S4 of this and Minami.
>> No. 9767 [Edit]

>Even the teacher grew on me towards the end.

What the hell are you smoking, Yoshi is the best part of the show.
>> No. 9770 [Edit]
Hey man, if you really like her, more power to you. I actually skipped most of her parts up until S3 where she was almost always in the intro. It was then that I grew to like her.

I mean, I know she means well, but I usually just don't like characters like her. Surprised it changed at all.
>> No. 9773 [Edit]

I wish I could erase my memories of this show and watch the first 3 seasons over again. Fall can't come soon enough.
>> No. 9787 [Edit]

>I wish I could erase my memories of this show and watch the first 3 seasons over again. Fall can't come soon enough.

I wonder if erasing your memories is really necessary. I remember rewatching S1 when shuwa shuwa aired and I enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time around. On top of that I was able to pick up some stuff I didn't notice the first time around because of the chronology.
>> No. 9988 [Edit]
File 133986306415.jpg - (52.38KB , 640x480 , yamato screenshot.jpg )
Lately I've had interest in older stuff. I've marathoned Slayers, Saber Marionette J and Irresponsible Captain Tylor. I just finished Yamato season 1 and I plan to finish other seasons soon.
>> No. 9989 [Edit]
>Irresponsible Captain Tylor

Ah I loved that show. It wasn't the best, but I have fond memories of watching that years ago.
>> No. 10000 [Edit]
Tried watching Outlaw Star but just can't GET into it for some reason. Does it pick up?
>> No. 10001 [Edit]

It picks up after about...I'd say episode 3-4 and the main story arch begins.

I had the same impression at first, and it took me a while until I sat down and finally watched it. It's not as interesting as other shows that share a similar premise, but...I'd still say it's worth watching one day. The story was a bit bland but the characters grow on you after a while. Melfina is awesome.
>> No. 10017 [Edit]

Yes and no. The quality of individual eps does get a little better after... 6th ep maybe? But the show itself doesn't have much of a plot and is all about the 90s style (in all meanings of the phrase). If you expect anything beyond that you just won't find it there.
>> No. 10034 [Edit]
candy boy
>> No. 10035 [Edit]
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I decided to watch Towards the Terra (the series). It's not as old as the film from 1980, but I haven't got around to watching it.

So far it's not as good as the film but I'm still enjoying it.
>> No. 10077 [Edit]
File 134062474144.jpg - (64.86KB , 640x480 , [PM]Pocket_Monsters_-_003_-_Get_Pokemon![H264_AC3_.jpg )
I'm currently watching the original version of Pocket Monsters.
>> No. 10082 [Edit]
By the later half of the series I was enjoying it a lot more than the film.
>> No. 10084 [Edit]

Yeah, so far I'm enjoying this series more. The film had some real nice animation though, but this series is still nice.
>> No. 10085 [Edit]
Ah, the birth of my shorts fetish
>> No. 10086 [Edit]
Started watching Dog Days and Texhnolyze
>> No. 10087 [Edit]
Junk Boy was fantastic beyond description.
>> No. 10088 [Edit]
File 134067964333.jpg - (119.32KB , 768x432 , [Froth-Bite]Nitaboh[F2C64F3C]_mp4_004372159.jpg )
Saw Nitaboh today.
Damn good movie.

ending was grate.

Post edited on 25th Jun 2012, 8:22pm
>> No. 10089 [Edit]

I loved that movie. Kind of reminded me of Gauche, though that's way older.
>> No. 10133 [Edit]
File 134111086721.jpg - (96.65KB , 399x500 , Cover_GenmaTaisen.jpg )
Genma Taisen. God damn some of the stuff from the 1980s is just terrible in every regard. At least the backgrounds were decent.
>> No. 10149 [Edit]
File 134118895940.png - (440.65KB , 640x480 , Macross_Plus_04_DVD(H264_AAC)[KAA][ADAB81E5]_mkv_s.png )
Just finished Macross Plus. Holy shit, I got used to set the bar really low when watching Macross and this caught me really by surprise.
The only things I can say I disliked right now is that the characters all look like trannies to some extent and that the missile count hasn't even reached anywhere near the usual tens of millions.
>> No. 10153 [Edit]
yeah it was pretty rad.
>> No. 10664 [Edit]
File 134384446193.png - (165.10KB , 439x307 , 19.png )
I'm kind'a slowly but steadily going through it. I just reached this episode; it got to make me cry... I've never met my father.
>> No. 10785 [Edit]
File 134448350153.png - (220.19KB , 540x395 , 25 (the roof game).png )
Uhm... I just saw this episode...

Actually, I did met a guy when we were in middle school. He was blond, pale blue eyed, very handsome and smart (though rather agressive, in speech); heck: he was even half german and, believe it or not, he used to play a similar game as well. When we were 15, I think, he was kicked out of his house; we wandered late-night around his neighborhood, looking for booze and crack/cocaine, to later go and take them at an abandoned appartment he was staying at; one night, he said he wanted to go to the roof; there, we had to climb and jump over a fence to land into a little cornice, eight stories high at the void; I just sat there in covert terror, but he kept talking, very relaxed, as he walked away and back at the very border. I admired him, a lot; I thought he was quite something (maybe like Rimbaud) and followed him into more "adventures". In the end, however, he wasn't a diabolic genius or anything. He's now just a poorly educated NORP, who performs now and then in low rate theater and writes mediocre music, as he spends his days with his 3DPD when he's not at some petty activist stuff about ludicrous pamphlete level leftist dogmas he still allegedly stands for; and yes: for all I know, he still plays such idiotic game in the roof. I can't find anything about him now any less than ridiculous; I rather fail to death in my mousehole than being anything remotely similar to him...

So no Johan in sight, just yet. Just wanted to get this out of my chest. In truth, I'm just bitter myself, I guess.
>> No. 10788 [Edit]
File 134449228658.png - (471.72KB , 800x500 , 905137Chii.png )
Tsubasa reservoir chronicle
Seeing Chii and Sumomo one more time has made my day!
>> No. 10789 [Edit]
Where do you guys download old eps? Every torrent I find is dead and all the DDLs are dead too and I'm worried there's some mystic place I don't know aobut.
>> No. 10790 [Edit]
>> No. 10791 [Edit]
I've checked it...either there are no torrents for what I'm looking for or they just don't download. I have an account.
>> No. 10792 [Edit]
piratebay or isohunt.
if that don't work I google the anime + torrent
>> No. 10793 [Edit]
You don't need an account for BakaBT unless you want to show off your ratio or something. What show is it you're looking for? It's pretty rare to find something unseeded on BakaBT.
>> No. 10794 [Edit]
At the moment I want to watch Eden of the east but all I can find are a music video and the soundtrack.
>> No. 10797 [Edit]

BakaBT removes/doesn't host series that are licensed by certain companies for obvious reasons.

Eden of the East is really easy to find, though. There were tons of groups which subbed it as it aired and tons of groups which subbed the BDs. Use this:

It's sorted by size. Can't really say anything about the quality of the subs since I don't even remember which group I used for Eden of the East, it's been a long ass while.
>> No. 10898 [Edit]
Finally started watching Macross Frontier after getting in everything else in the franchise so far.

not bad, but seems kinda overrated.
>> No. 10939 [Edit]
File 134537272362.png - (975.48KB , 768x432 , shot0037.png )
Been watching Wangan Midnight.
somehow all the character interactions feel really awkward.
I guess I should be used to it, but just seems kinda weird how everyone keeps bugging him about having a girlfriend, while he has a almost creepy obsession with his car.
Thought the art style of the characters was kinda funny at first, till I got used to it. they're like, super generic stereotypical anime eyed, If that's even possible.
main character also seems like kind of a dumbass.
whole thing with the car being cursed gets old fast, I mean, I get it, yet they just keep hammering it in.

liked the early morning highway racing aspect of it, as I can at least somewhat relate, as I used to do that a bit with my own car. seems a bit odd though that they'd bust out what seems to be the main rival in the very first ep and have them racing each other side by side. makes me wonder what, if anything, there is to build up and look forward to.
the guy even had a whole dark and mysterious secret identity thing going, but they quickly tossed that out the window in ep2, really casually too, just seemed odd.
>> No. 10940 [Edit]
File 134537471720.jpg - (528.67KB , 1600x1200 , fb1b2773cc544cd85c3d682d928be70e.jpg )
Finished Kaleido Star. It was a pretty • SUGOI • show (not as SUGOI as Canaan but still).

When I pondered what I should write about it I wanted to say something like 'it was really fun despite all its flaws' and I got reminded of Utena. I don't think the show is very Utena like (although there are some similarities I guess) but it is indeed a rough diamond. And while it might not be the masterpiece Utena is it's one of those rare cases when after finishing a show I can say 'wow, I'm glad I watched this' with a clear conscience. Highly recommended if you haven't seen it yet.
>> No. 10944 [Edit]
File 134542059099.jpg - (398.70KB , 390x1500 , 1344659373503.jpg )
Currently on episode 65 of LoGH. I've been going through it really slowly (almost a year since I started it). After this I might watch Space Runaway Ideon or rewatch Captain Harlock.
>> No. 10945 [Edit]
The first few episodes of Wangan Midnight are definitely strange. But the plot builds more and more, it becomes a much better show later. The later story reminds me somewhat of Tokyo Xtreme Racer, but with that being said Tokyo Xtreme racer was influenced by the Wangan Midnight manga.
>> No. 10986 [Edit]
File 134562809417.png - (837.39KB , 712x400 , shot0001.png )
For people so obsessed with their cars, they sure take shitty care of them.
They can't even drive for crap for that matter.
so far there's been at least one crash per ep!

and man, they love to use dramatic spooky music for some really mundane situations.
friends talking at school really shouldn't have the BGM from a horror movie.

Post edited on 22nd Aug 2012, 2:36am
>> No. 10991 [Edit]
File 134569887328.jpg - (78.05KB , 640x480 , snapshot20120820164625.jpg )
Been steadily chugging through Fushigi Boshi no Futago Hime over the last month or so. Show is too adorable.
>> No. 10996 [Edit]
Finally watching Claymore.
>> No. 10997 [Edit]

Not exactly the best idea. I'm not gonna argue whether the manga is good or not because that's beside the point but the anime was way worse, even if you disregard the bullshit ending.
>> No. 11000 [Edit]
>>10997 far I'm not really enjoying it that much. I'll keep watching for now but we'll see - I may drop it for something else.
>> No. 11051 [Edit]
File 134603492133.jpg - (33.24KB , 640x480 , [Ureshii]_Gosenzosama_03_[1BF0ABA2]_avi_snapshot_1.jpg )
Watching Gosenzosama Banbanzai right now. I'm loving it, especially the character designs.
I think I might check out Kujira no Peek next, since Satoru Utsunomiya designed the characters for both of them.
>> No. 11054 [Edit]
Watched "Venus Wars" a while ago. Made me realize how bad some 80s sci-fi was. I wonder how some of it even gets made? Had decent animation at times but it was just so empty of anything else.
>> No. 11141 [Edit]
Finally watching the last season/episodes of Maria-sama ga Miteru. I really wish there were more shows like this.
>> No. 11214 [Edit]
File 134709692111.jpg - (30.38KB , 600x418 , perfectblue007.jpg )
Watched Perfect Blue yesterday, damn good movie. Shame it's an anime, my mom would love it.

Can't shake the feeling that Mima and Haruka look alike.

And now that I looked into it it's funny how Aronofsky keeps ripping off Perfect Blue but never really gives the credit where it's due. What a faggot.

RIP Satoshi Kon
>> No. 11215 [Edit]
File 134710092068.jpg - (81.26KB , 504x269 , beingbowieissuffering.jpg )
Catching up on Gintama, along with OG2 the Inspectors, G Gundam and Brygar/Bryger. Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden got me interested in the latter, and it's a really fun show.
>> No. 11216 [Edit]

Anime or not, Perfect Blue is quite accessible to people not into it.
>> No. 11238 [Edit]
Going through Madoka right now.

Really good! Dunno why I put it off.
>> No. 11569 [Edit]
Just finished the first Sailor Moon series. The arcs of the last two commanders were really crappy, hoping R has more good bits overall.
>> No. 11794 [Edit]
File 135003128577.png - (903.31KB , 640x480 , shot0031.png )
started (re)watching Konjiki no Gash Bell

First saw it years ago on cartoon network, didn't finish it but got most of the way in, at least 100 ep in I think.
It's a lot more random and off the wall than I remember. cool stuff.
It's been so long I barely remember anything.
also, it's kinda hard not to point out the naked shorta stuff, it's a bit strange since I think this is supposed to be a kid's show, I kinda thought it wasn't supposed to stick out or something, but it's hard not to notice when they focus on him sticking his dick in the the MC's face.

Post edited on 12th Oct 2012, 1:42am
>> No. 11801 [Edit]

I always thought the first season of Sailor Moon was the best one of the bunch.
>> No. 11829 [Edit]
I started watching the first season of Hidamari Sketch.
>> No. 11949 [Edit]
File 135038615793.jpg - (291.51KB , 1080x764 , c13250df61da9674ddf0fa977007c8d5.jpg )
Took me a while but I finally started watching CCS. It's pretty enjoyable so far but hearing Hisakawa Aya in such a role gives me completely ambivalent feelings. Usually it makes me want to both cringe and laugh at the same time. Feels pretty weird.

I used to commute to school using inline skates, too. We had like 200 people who came to school by bike but for a long ass while I was the only one who used skates. After a year or two I saw some other people who statrted doing it occasionally, though.
>> No. 11956 [Edit]
I decided to start watching that about a week ago, only on ep9.
>> No. 11977 [Edit]
File 135044916221.jpg - (352.08KB , 1024x768 , 193483.jpg )
shojo bat
>> No. 11982 [Edit]
File 135047821179.jpg - (93.02KB , 835x687 , 05.jpg )
was acchi kocchi any good?
i did a half assed job of looking for an old thread about it, but it probably wasn't on page 9 or 10.
i've seen the first ep and it was OK, wondering if i should get the rest of it.
>> No. 11983 [Edit]
Check the catalog.
Bottom right of this page.
>> No. 11984 [Edit]
File 135048547293.jpg - (98.10KB , 1024x768 , 1265420743284.jpg )
Just remembered I had this pic too.
>> No. 12145 [Edit]
File 13512365212.jpg - (883.56KB , 1280x1024 , code-geass-r1-02.jpg )
So I've been watching Code Geass lately.
I originally held off on watching it because of how obnoxious everyone was being about it while it aired. but now that the fad has passed and I've forgotten most of the spoilers it seemed like a good time to give it a shot.
So far I'm enjoying it a lot more than I expected, fans had left the impression that it was homoerotic and retarded as hell.
Sometimes it seems like the guy uses his power in really smart and elaborate ways, but like... why not order solders to kill all their commanding officers or defect and swear allegiance to him?
anyways, pretty good anime so far, each ep keeps me on the edge of my seat and looking forward to the next.
>> No. 12147 [Edit]
I think I f5 too often to ever see the bottom of the page.
How old is that feature?
>> No. 12150 [Edit]
File 135124504813.jpg - (107.49KB , 1280x720 , 1251414640618.jpg )

>So far I'm enjoying it a lot more than I expected, fans had left the impression that it was homoerotic and retarded as hell.

Uh, I'm pretty damn sure it is. If it weren't for all the 'wow, what a tweeeeest' moments and FABULOUS characters it would be boring and I doubt anyone would care about it (at very least it wouldn't be as popular as it was).
I think people who took the show seriously were the (vast) minority and, well, they were missing out. In all honesty I have a hard time imaging someone who took it seriously and thought it was any good. It IS retarded and that's why it's so ridiculously entertaining. Code Geass, a show about terrorism.
>> No. 12163 [Edit]
>I have a hard time imaging someone who took it seriously and thought it was any good.
I could have sworn I just finished saying I did...
See, this is why it's nice to watch something at your own pace that isn't currently in the spotlight, it allows you to make up your own mind about it without having your opinion influenced by others. Sure it had some over the top moments, and a few silly ones, and some elements of the story don't make that much sense once you really think about them, but I wouldn't call it retarded.
>> No. 12166 [Edit]
according to the news tab on the front page, it was put into effect on the 11th of Aug 2012
>> No. 12226 [Edit]
I just finished Serial Experiments Lain. I'm tired, don't really know what to think of it. I mightneed to rewatch this some time or another
>> No. 12227 [Edit]
I watched it twice because and didn't love it the first time.

It's one of my favorite shows now.

Did THAT scene scare you or make you uneasy?
>> No. 12235 [Edit]
File 135166086524.jpg - (141.25KB , 802x1300 , 1329847419343.jpg )
Which scene are you talking about?
>> No. 12239 [Edit]
File 135166471938.jpg - (138.21KB , 1520x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
You know the one.
>> No. 12240 [Edit]
Actually, no, I don't. Lain has a ton of scenes like that, and I know nothing about your personal experience with the show.
>> No. 12246 [Edit]
File 135166986927.jpg - (91.30KB , 1520x1080 , [Coalgirls]_Serial_Experiments_Lain_09_(1520x1080_.jpg )
But I'm you

and you're me.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2012, 12:52am
>> No. 12249 [Edit]
I have no idea what you are talking about, but some scenes made me feel uneasy, yeah.
>> No. 12250 [Edit]
File 135170182744.jpg - (35.94KB , 640x480 , [Henshin]_Oira_Uchuu_no_Tankoufu_02_(x264_640x480_.jpg )
10/10 scifi would watch agen
>> No. 12256 [Edit]
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>> No. 12478 [Edit]
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Pani Poni; penguin of doom, the anime
>> No. 12493 [Edit]
File 135314224466.png - (16.76KB , 309x72 , ffff.png )
three dimensional human vaginas
>> No. 12495 [Edit]
I wish to be the Santa
>> No. 12636 [Edit]
File 135396249620.jpg - (206.45KB , 500x1500 , NnA.jpg )
Natsu no Arashi is pretty excellent so far
>> No. 12639 [Edit]
I loved Natsu no Arashi a whole lot and you better, too! How far into it are you?
>> No. 12643 [Edit]

Natsu no Arashi has a great OP, funky as hell.
>> No. 12725 [Edit]
File 135501286281.jpg - (28.71KB , 300x420 , tenshi no tamago.jpg )
Just watched this. Maybe I'm dumb, maybe this movie just sucks, but I didn't get this at all. Really forgettable. I liked the art though
>> No. 12726 [Edit]
Great sleep aid
>> No. 12941 [Edit]
File 135669483339.jpg - (101.06KB , 720x480 , (G_P) Flag 13.jpg )
Finished Flag and Yumepati SP.

While Flag wasn't exactly the masterpiece I heard it is it wasn't bad. There's nothing like it when it comes to anime so I'm glad I watched it even if just for the novelty factor.

Yumepati SP... Sigh, it was terrible. It's amazing how bad it was compared to 'S1'. It was so bad and yet I was pretty depressed after watching the last ep either way. After those 63 eps the characters really grew on me and it was time to say goodbye... And they even had the guts to use 'see you later!' for the ending. Yeah, rub it in more, why not. This is why I hate watching series that are longer than 26 eps. I'll do my best to avoid them from now on.
>> No. 12942 [Edit]
Yeah, it's shit.
>> No. 12992 [Edit]
I love the art, I'm a huge fan of Amano, but yeah its not a great movie. Surreal as hell though which I like.
>> No. 13017 [Edit]
I'm halfway through the first Kaiji. Holy fuck this is intense, I'm loving it.
>> No. 13020 [Edit]
File 135717101230.png - (903.31KB , 640x480 , shot0001.png )
A couple years ago I watched Ichigo 100%.
This was back when I was confirming the premise in , but I didn't realized back then that there were a bunch of OVA eps.
I Just watched them recently and added further credence to that hypothesis.
>> No. 13027 [Edit]
In the middle of Gankutsuou, and it has completely exceeded expectations.
Great dub, too.
>> No. 13038 [Edit]
File 13572083115.jpg - (404.67KB , 852x991 , maid pansu.jpg )
Penguin Musume♥Heart
It's alright I guess. little to much Shounen for a comedy I think. and not really that funny... at all... bleh...
>> No. 13053 [Edit]
I won't hold it against you if you want to drop it, tohno
>> No. 13079 [Edit]
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>> No. 13107 [Edit]
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Touka Gettan.

I'm on episode 4 and I don't know what the fuck is going on. I'm truly confused.
>> No. 13208 [Edit]
I love this series
>> No. 13225 [Edit]
File 135774413928.jpg - (20.70KB , 420x480 , jinroh.jpg )
Pretty good
>> No. 13240 [Edit]
File 135777161960.jpg - (14.83KB , 300x220 , Ebichu1.jpg )
So I've been watching Ebichu the last few nights and I've noticed recently that it seems to have been broadcast as part of a larger piece of airtime known as "The Gainax Love Hour" or some such.
The other two shows that were part of this broadcast seem to have been

Koume-chan ga Iku!
Ai no Wakakusayama Monogatari

I'm wondering if anyone has seen these and if they're worth hunting down (which seems like it might end up being somewhat of a challenge)
>> No. 13241 [Edit]
What good does a cactus on a string do for a little hamster?
>> No. 13249 [Edit]

In the right hands it can be the deadliest weapon of all
>> No. 13286 [Edit]
Sailor Moon. I haven't watched the entire series but holy hell is it good. Being a giant fan of Heartcatch Precure, I can draw MANY similarities and that just makes me love it even more. Some people may hate Usagi's voice, but goddamn is it a relief. I'm not sure but the voice just sound so authentic. It's the only word I can use to describe it, but it's positive.
>> No. 13323 [Edit]
File 135796876761.jpg - (226.97KB , 1599x1060 , awhite.jpg )
Sailor Mars is best.
>> No. 13332 [Edit]

Never really liked Rei, she was too mean towards Usagi. Makoto was my favorite (I bet she's universally hated by /tc/, I liked her for the comedic effect she added to the series) from the 'original 5', Hotaru was my favorite overall.


>Some people may hate Usagi's voice

To be honest this is the first time I heard about this. I mean, normal people who never watch anime and complain about high-pitched duckling voices would hate it for sure but someone who is used to it... While it wasn't my favorite Mitsuishi Kotono role I still loved it, made Usagi that much more likeable.

//Speaking of voices, it's endlessly amusing how Hisakawa Aya's voice didn't change even a little, not the tiniest bit since then. And it's been over 20 years.
You wouldn't really expect this from mahou shoujo series from the 90s but the cast is really good.//

And me liking Usagi (despite the fact that many people disliked her) is what surprised me the most about this series. I usually end up hating the protagonists and wish they would just die in a fire. But Usagi is okay with me. My biggest complain would be the fact that in the end she's just a half-assed Minako clone which becomes pretty obvious the second Minako joins the cast.
>> No. 13450 [Edit]
File 13582868238.jpg - (149.12KB , 640x960 , ebichan.jpg )
this is topic tier low brow comedy

i managed to find one ep of Koume-chan ga Iku! but I haven't watched it yet
>> No. 13451 [Edit]
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I started watching code gayass.

>> No. 13455 [Edit]
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>> No. 13477 [Edit]
I read the manga after watching the TV show.

It upset me quite a bit.
>> No. 13529 [Edit]
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>> No. 13530 [Edit]
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Lately I've been watching older anime where Megumi Hayashibara is voice acting. I finished Video Girl Ai OVA which was great, everyone should watch it. Now I am watching Blue Seed, which has been bit boring so far but Megumi's great voice acting is reason enough to watch it.
>> No. 13777 [Edit]
Just finished Aoi Bungaku. I had only previously read an adaptation of Hashire, Merosu! for schoolchildren, so I can't really speak for fidelity, but the experience itself was quite pleasant.
Only the second work, the one by Sakaguchi Ango, wasn't really good. It was still entertaining, but I don't get what's all about the cherry trees and sometimes it felt they went overboard with the silly jokes and the musical parts.
>> No. 14011 [Edit]
File 136109215919.png - (903.31KB , 640x480 , slayers.png )
Started watching slayers.
not half bad so far.
It's something I had been wanting to check out for a long time, but just never got around to. I guess all the different series and movies and ovas made it seem like a bit jarring. but shouldn't be a problem having got em all in a batch torrent.

Post edited on 17th Feb 2013, 2:56am
>> No. 14037 [Edit]
File 136134025680.jpg - (132.44KB , 1280x720 , Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 05 - Large 29.jpg )
Also started watching mayoi neko overrun the other day. To no surprise I've found the tsundere to be really obnoxious, which is why I didn't watch the show as it aired. over all the show isn't anything spectacular, but I've seen worse. If nothing else, it can be kind of cute when not pushing the laughable drama.
>> No. 14039 [Edit]
>mayoi neko overrun

yeah, i dropped that one as well
it wasn't terrible or anything like that, just not good enough to watch the whole thing. i think i saw about 4 eps of it.
>> No. 14040 [Edit]
File 136134832725.jpg - (84.09KB , 1280x720 , [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 12 [720p][AAE88EC.jpg )
>over all the show isn't anything spectacular, but I've seen worse.
sounds about right.

There's a lot of beautiful keyframes for the show as well.

If I remember right, each episode had a different story/art director, and that part really showed; there are quite a few episodes that can best be described as very unique, not necessarily in a good way mind you, but it was an interesting result given what was attempted and the generic harem episodic constraints.

after all was said and done, I ended up enjoying the series very much more than I really should have.
>> No. 14045 [Edit]
File 136139460410.jpg - (55.46KB , 640x480 , (B-A)Slayers_The_Book_of_Spells_-_01_(3F5395F9)_mk.jpg )
Avoid the movies like a terminal disease
>> No. 14058 [Edit]

The movies are hit and miss, I liked some of them, didn't like others.

As far as TV series go I wouldn't recommend anything past S2, S3 was trying too hard to be grimdark and edgy and the new ones didn't manage to capture the spirit of the 90s' Slayers.
>> No. 14061 [Edit]
But S3 had Filia.
>> No. 14067 [Edit]

A somewhat valid point - S3 had the best 'party' by a large margin. But introducing one likeable character didn't make up for everything else they got wrong.
>> No. 14473 [Edit]
I've been catching up on everything baseball lately. After Cross Game and both seasons of Ookiku Furikabutte, I'm on season 1 of Major. After that it'll be Touch.

Although Mihashi of Ookiku could get a little annoying, there wasn't any deceased mothers - which is good. Still, Major is looking promising.
>> No. 14482 [Edit]
File [Final8]Moshidora_01-10_(BD_10-bit_1280x720_x264_A.torrent - (17.31KB , [Final8]Moshidora 01-10 (BD 10-bit 1280x720 x264 A.torrent )

Thats good news cause the Moshidora I'm downloading right now could use some more peers.
All I got at the moment is one fucker in Budapest who is generous enough to supply about 10 kilobits per second.
>> No. 14487 [Edit]
Wouldn't it be better to get it from bakabt?

I may catch this after Touch, or maybe before if I'm not in the mood for an oldie.
>> No. 14488 [Edit]

Moshidora is forced drama that has little to do with baseball.
>> No. 14489 [Edit]
File 136346068689.png - (404.43KB , 720x540 , shot0021.png )
I started watching Utena.
>> No. 14490 [Edit]
I'll take what I can get. I'm not expecting much of it.
>> No. 14491 [Edit]
Top/God tier show. Best of luck
>> No. 14497 [Edit]
File 136348870697.jpg - (59.46KB , 725x418 , 27033_full.jpg )
Remember to see the Utena movie too after the TV series.
>> No. 14517 [Edit]
I love this series. It's ambitious, the soundtrack is great and the symbolism accrues over time into something very very strange and unsettling. The series only gets more strange on the second viewing.

Despite all of this, it's still a very warm anime worth anyone's time. The animation might be cheap looking and the transformation sequences can drag on a bit long, but the positives far outweigh the negatives.
>> No. 14536 [Edit]
File 136377238014.png - (593.08KB , 853x480 , chibi vampire with a nice rack.png )
anyone else think karin stores her extra blood in her tits?
>> No. 14538 [Edit]

Haven't seen/read Karin but as far as vampires go it's confirmed in Shiki, Megumi's boobs grow gradually bigger with each single episodes, there are multiple comparison pics that confirm it beyond the shadow of doubt.
>> No. 14545 [Edit]
Finally watched Evangelion like 20 years late, fairly blind. I can see why it's popular. Also I'm glad they remade the ending because while I didn't consider the original bad, it certainly wasn't an ending, either.

Yeah, I know. I'm kind of embarrassed that I put it off for so long, too.
>> No. 14547 [Edit]

>Also I'm glad they remade the ending because while I didn't consider the original bad, it certainly wasn't an ending, either.

Saying they 'remade' it feels a bit off since the ending of the TV series is the same thing as the movie albeit shown from a different perspective.
>> No. 14550 [Edit]
Yeah, I guess "remade" isn't a great choice of words. What I meant to say is that I'm glad that things were explained more thoroughly; originally I thought the ending was much less literal than it seemed and I appreciated the clarification.
>> No. 14551 [Edit]
>the ending of the TV series is the same thing as the movie
I don't remember Asuka fighting off a army of white eva clone things, or everyone turning into tang at the end of the series.
You eva fans are so full of shit it's hilarious.
>> No. 14555 [Edit]
File 136390738738.jpg - (10.67KB , 285x199 , Asuka's grave.jpg )
Part, fools! put up your swords; you know not what you do.
>> No. 14556 [Edit]

>I don't remember Asuka fighting off a army of white eva clone things

Added for bonus action appeal.

>or everyone turning into tang at the end of the series.

That actually did happen, though. Not realizing as much makes me question if you even watched the TV series.

>You eva fans are so full of shit it's hilarious.

Not really a fan, to be honest Eva is amazingly overrated. I won't call it garbage but it's a repetetive and pretentious show.
>> No. 14557 [Edit]
Which was a good show, in your opinion?
>> No. 14559 [Edit]
File 136391022353.jpg - (98.95KB , 1920x1080 , cock.jpg )
I started watching Tonari no Kaibutsu-ku yesterday and it seems to have come to a pretty good stopping point after the 2nd episode.
I'm wondering if /an/ thinks I should watch the next 11 episodes or not.
>> No. 14560 [Edit]

What's up with you guys lately? It's the second time I've been asked that on /tc/ this year (I'm the guy who doesn't like KyoAni) and I never ever saw people question anybody's tastes on /tc/ before that.

Just for the record, I might've sounded a bit harsh there. I do think Eva is good. Just not great and certainly nowhere near as good as people make it out to be.

As for my favorites I'd name Mushishi, Cryiji, Nodame Cantabile, Baccano!, Kino no Tabi. No particular order.

If you care what some random strangers thinks about Eva I'm >7000 and >>7026 (I usually engage in Eva discussion whenever I see any so I posted in lost of other threads on /tc/, too). I think I explained what I liked about it and what I didn't pretty clearly.

25+26 is in my opinion infinitely superior to EoE because it focuses on stuff that actually matters. EoE is mostly action eyecandy.
>> No. 14561 [Edit]
>That actually did happen
screen caps or it didn't happen.
>> No. 14564 [Edit]
I was also asked that a while ago on this board.
>> No. 14565 [Edit]

... Or maybe you could, you know, watch it yourself?

Not like I could screencap that because we didn't get a graphic depiction of that part either way, if you had watched the ending you'd know that it was a 50 minute monologue.
>> No. 14567 [Edit]
If you liked the first two episodes I recommend watching the rest.

The cycle of random conflict appearing followed by a confession is repeated several times in shoujo tradition. It's still pretty enjoyable, though EP1 is probably the best of the bunch.
>> No. 14568 [Edit]
I've seen the series 4 times you pretentious little faggot. That's why I asked you to cap it, becuase I knew you couldn't. face it, end of eva was a remake of the last two shitty ep of the series.
>> No. 14569 [Edit]

If I didn't know it's you Tohno I'd tell you to fuck off back to 4chan right this instant.

It's also pretty amusing how >>14550 pretty much agreed with me without any further discussion yet you felt the need to butt in and start namecalling right away.

Discussing stuff with you is always a pleasure.
>> No. 14570 [Edit]
File 136391669618.jpg - (69.03KB , 320x594 , The full arc.jpg )
>>14560 (et al.)

25 and 26 are actually separate endings: they're more or less related/intersected but finally antipode possibilities for Shinji's post-instrumentality world (hiki VS Ford). EoE is still another possibility, and the only one that tied up the entire series together (e.g. nowhere before was revealed that Yui's staying inside the Eva wasn't an accident but her own choice, and that Fuyutsuki knew it all the way but never said it to Gendo so he would go on with his plan to bring her back; a plan which first steps gave birth to Rei...). EoE is not only the canon ending but likely the most demanding for the viewer to grasp; in any case, by no means is it merely ornamental; if you remain seeing mostly nothing but action eyecandy there, sorry but you sure missed a hell of a lot about that pretentious and overrated show.
>> No. 14571 [Edit]
Maybe to know where are you coming from, when you start some polemic argument.
>> No. 14572 [Edit]
Trying to dodge the point by changing the topic, then claiming I can't take part in a public discussion to top it off, real nice. If you don't want people to butt in to your 'privet' conversations, try emails.
and don't act so high and mighty about 'name calling' when you just admitted you were about to tell me to "fuck off back to 4chan"
>> No. 14581 [Edit]
EoE isn't remade. EoE and episodes 25 & 26 are side by side stories. Their purpose is to fullfill each others.
>> No. 14585 [Edit]

Since you're >>7005 and I'm >>7026 there's not much point in discussing all of this again. We'll just repeat the same arguments and in the end I'll still claim the movie was more or less 'pointless' and you'll tell me that I saw 'another NGE, (...) a quite impoverished one if you ask me, but oh well'.
We can save ourselves some time and simply agree to disagree.


I fail to see how that argument is polemic but let's just assume it really is. Now tell me, what do you prefer, a polemic argument or a de facto ad hominem? One of them is on topic, the other one not so much.

Because how else can you interpret something like >>14557? 'Oh look, this guy gave a higher score to Ashita no Nadja than Eva, good thing we found out about that, he's just some random retard, we're wasting our time here'. Maybe I should start using a trip and posting with my MAL profile in my e-mail field so that you guys can ignore me when I say something you don't agree with? I thought the whole idea behind anonymous imageboards was the fact that you can ignore stuff like that. You could agree with somebody in one thread than disagree completely in another. If you plan to actually dig deep enough to ask somebody about other shows he liked to confirm whether he's worth your time then in my opinion you completely missed the point of anonymity and should just find yourself some forum.

Just for the record, >>14557-san, if you had no intention of saying anything after finding out about what kind of shows I like and were merely curious I apologize, I just don't see much of a point to such question and my paranoid nature kicks in.


You misunderstood me completely, let me start from beggining. I didn't plan to 'almost' tell you to fuck off back to 4chan, I had every intention to tell you to do so either way, I just phrased it poorly. It's just that there's not much point to it since you own the site. But just so we avoid any further confusion:

If you feel like calling other users 'pretentious little faggots' I suggest you fuck off to 4chan right this instant, you'll fit right in.

As for 'changing the topic' and telling you you can't participate in our discussion you kinda misunderstood me again. Everybody is free to join in, that's how fora/imageboards work. I didn't plan to dodge the topic, it's just that the second you said 'so full of shit it's hilarious' I had absolutely no intention whatsoever to discuss anything with you. If it wasn't you I'd be surprised by the fact that there's someone on /tc/ can lacks some realy basic manners when it comes to discussion. As it is I can't say I'm surprised.


My point exactly. In the end it's the same continuity. EoE focuses on stuff that didn't interest me (plot, action), 25/26 focused on something I cared about (characters/Shinji). As such it's not really surprising I claim I liked the TV series perspective more.
>> No. 14595 [Edit]
File 136400531755.jpg - (81.80KB , 379x651 , Yui's weddigng card.jpg )
It's an interesting point. However: does a set of tastes really builds (or reveals) a persistent identity? Many guys may and most likely do share yours, mines or anyone's tastes. In any case, you can answer to the posed question anonymously (while, yes, maybe getting shit from it or being left alone cause your tastes suck or whatever) and, still, that won't chase you on any other anonymous post you shall make. I mean, it is not really you who's been tracked down and addressed or attacked, but some set of references you're coming from, so it neither constitutes a strict ad hominem or a misuse of anonymous posting at all; if anything, you're the one who de facto tracked down someone elses's post to go like "don't start this again, I'm done with you", instead of giving new posts a new chance as a healthy anonymous poster would.

Now, insofar as your on topic opinion goes: the problem is that you actually never gave any arguments for the alleged uselessness of EoE but, indeed, just stated that you in particular didn't care about the plot (as if, without it, anything on a story could ever happen). On the other hand, you were remarked, with references and examples, about how such attitude very much narrows your reading of the series: that many of those displays of action you systematically reject aren't hollow at all and you might be missing some vital information, therefore compromising the credibility of your opinions about the show... and, moreover, how that goes even for the characters' interpersonal relationships, which you consider the most appealing component of the series (e.g. only EoE finally allowed us to see that Gendo wasn't a monster who manipulated and sacrificed Yui: it was the other way around. Yui did everything to become immortal. Gendo did everything to bring her back when she abandoned him to do so).

>In the end it's the same continuity.
I've provided you with more than enough arguments to see that is not: they're different and separate possibilities, under a multiverse scheme (the Quantum Rei nickname that fans gave to Rei III is not just a joke), for things to end up depending on Shinji's decisions during instrumentality.

Post edited on 22nd Mar 2013, 7:58pm
>> No. 14598 [Edit]
File 136403592144.jpg - (974.90KB , 1065x1600 , 1360873833302.jpg )
>I've provided you with more than enough arguments to see that is not
Then could you please tell me what those arguments are? Because I won't start guessing which posts are yours. For your information, I am the >>14581
>> No. 14600 [Edit]

>if anything, you're the one who de facto tracked down someone elses's post to go like "don't start this again, I'm done with you", instead of giving new posts a new chance as a healthy anonymous poster would

If you're talking about Tohno then please note that I replied normally despite the fact that he told me 'I'm so full of shit it's hilarious' right away (>>14556). I only told him to fuck off after he called me a 'pretentious little faggot'.
In 9/10 cases I manage to hold back and ignore him because the 'discussions' always turn into namecalling within 2 posts time but every once in a blue moon I respond for whatever reason. Shame on me, I should know better than that.

If you're talking about yourself then it's not like I didn't want to give you a chance, it's just that we reached a stalemate previously and I forsee the same result this time around.

>the problem is that you actually never gave any arguments for the alleged uselessness of EoE

I actually kinda did but let me try to do that in a concise manner so that it'll be 100% clear: I think the plot of Evangelion is a boring story burried beneath heaps of pretentious (faux) symbolism. I have next to no interest in it. As such EoE holds no appeal for me.

>as if, without it, anything on a story could ever happen

The background of the characters could work about as well if Nerv was a company that produces cardboard.

>therefore compromising the credibility of your opinions about the show

I never said a thing about Eva's writing or anything. What I said is that it doesn't interest me. It's hard to 'compromise' the 'credibility' of such claim. While one could attempt to judge writing in an objective matter based on some criteria whether something interests you or not is entirely subjective. As such I don't think I need to further elaborate on why I think something is boring in the same matter I don't feel the need to tell you why I think blue is pretty while beige is not.

>moreover, how that goes even for the characters' interpersonal relationships, which you consider the most appealing component of the series

This is actually a valid point and I admit you're right, that part was actually somewhat important. But if I were to choose what was important, an in-depth view on Shinji's perspective on Instrumentality or that detail (that completely flips the dynamics of their relationship, I admit as much) I'd rather take 50 minutes worth of monologue.
I mean come on, the whole anime is about that goddamn project and they spend like 2 minutes on that in the movie.


He means that 25/26 are two different scenarios depending on Shinji's decisions etc. Which ultimately doesn't change much because they're just different sides of the same coin.

... I'm tired of Eva discussions. Ever the course of literally over a decade by now I've participated in so many that just thinking about it makes my head hurt.
>>14595, I understand that for you Eva is monumental and 'the best anime has to offer' and as such this discussion and 'defending' (sorry, I'm too lazy to come up with a better term, you know what I mean either way) Eva is something you're willing to spend some time on but I'm just tired of it. We can either agree to disagree or I could admit you're right and I was wrong, as long as we reach some conclusion, whatever the conclusion is, heh.
>> No. 14601 [Edit]
File 136404584639.jpg - (75.68KB , 485x748 , instrumentality and the multiverse.jpg )
OK, then. See you.

It was >>14570 but you most likely saw it already and it wasn't enough; so here it is explained in 530 words (less than one sheet):
>> No. 14652 [Edit]
File 13644537779.png - (1.17MB , 852x480 , Cossette.png )
So I got around to checking out Cossette no Shouzou. was surprised it wasn't produced by Shaft, had to triple check to make sure. It's filled with quick edits, hard shadows everywhere, skewed camera angles and unusual framing. stuff like shooting a shot with the camera pointing at a person's chin then a quick close up on someone's eye then back to someone standing in the distance, then something with the camera on it's side ect. all it was missing was power point style animation (ie text floating around on solid color backgrounds), some lazy set designs passed off as intentionally minimalistic, and a bit of fetishistic smut pandering to top it off ...well I guess I shouldn't really complain about that last one this time around. I learned latter that it did actually have the same director of a lot of Shaft's more popular works, seems it was made before he decided to stick with shaft. Honestly wouldn't have checked out the show had I known that going in.

Didn't care much for the first half of ep 1, seemed really all over the place and had a hard time following along. A lot of the characters are annoying to the point of aggravation, but past the really obnoxious directing (which again is pretty much the same in most of Shaft's more popular stuff) I thought there was a decent story beneath it all. Reminded me a lot of having a waifu, which kept me somewhat interested. I think it's very comparable, the escapism from reality, how it effects your real world relationships with the people around you who will try to stop it and so on. but even with that I can't stand the style it was done in. It's kind of a shame, I could have seen myself enjoying it if it wasn't a visually incoherent hard to watch mess like so many other works by the same director.

That said, I'd recommend it becuase I know a lot of people here love that animation style which Shaft is famous for, even if this wasn't actually produced by them.

Post edited on 28th Mar 2013, 3:02am
>> No. 14654 [Edit]
And the music is divine.
Vive Kajiura Yuki!!
>> No. 14655 [Edit]

i love how you describe it like it is filmed in a studio, its like you're a 2d person describing the 2d film making process. next you'll tell us about how the 2d lead actress went ballistic because there were camellias instead of roses in her dressing room.
>> No. 14656 [Edit]

I like to imagine that sometimes, that instead of being a story about characters [x] and [y] series [z] is actually a TV drama played by 2D actresses [a] and [b], filmed by 2D cameramen [c] and [d], directed by 2D director [e] etc.
>> No. 14659 [Edit]
Me too.
>> No. 15341 [Edit]
File 136779488680.gif - (1.18MB , 352x198 , hnnnnnnggg.gif )
Few ep into Potemayo; not bad.

also been watching Azazel-san; it's amusing at times.
>> No. 15412 [Edit]
File 136813081163.jpg - (232.45KB , 1906x1075 , [Flan]_Potemayo_01_DVD[720x480_H264_MP3][Vietsub+E.jpg )
Kyou is pure love solidified into human form.
>> No. 15440 [Edit]
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Catching up on Baka to Test, how the fuck is this shounen? It's a really fun show so far, I hope they handle the romance at least decently.
>> No. 15451 [Edit]
File 136817469164.jpg - (102.42KB , 720x405 , Episode-1-screens-fate-zero-25652139-720-405.jpg )
For Urobushi fans (if not please don't bother, it's no use):

Say, I utterly loved Saya and Madoka but didn't really like Psycho-Pass; I think that, structurally and conceptually, the plot was interesting but the actual execution threw it out. So: would you say I'd enjoy Fate/Zero? I ask because I'd like to administrate my time better; I saw the prologue episode and (once again) the magical battle royale premise didn't sound catching at all; I'd like to know if, in the end, Urobuchi's influence is sound enough to take over the plot.

Post edited on 10th May 2013, 2:13am
>> No. 15460 [Edit]
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I don't think it is his best work. He was kind of stuck writing a story that someone else (Nasu) had wrote, so he didn't have much free reign and the whole thing kind of falls apart because of it.

Some characters have development that is complete nonsense (Saber and Kerry are the outstanding ones) because they have to attempt to be consistent with the sequel, so they come off as weaker characters as a result. I'll give him props for Kotomine and Gilgamesh's development and story, but they end up turning Kotomine into a super human so his story can be believable so then his backstory makes no sense in hindsight.

The characters that do have good development and are interesting (Waver+Rider, Kariya+Berserker, Sola+Kayneth+Lancer) are all too minor for Urobuchi to explore them as much as I imagined he wanted to, which is why you get the stupid memes about Kayneth being a fucking idiot because his plans make no sense because time wasn't devoted to making his character realistic.

It's kind of "dark" in the same way his other stuff is, but it's nothing you haven't really seen him do before which makes it feel much "safer" than all his other work. I have a feeling he wanted to explore the ideas of making Kiritsugu's ideals seem evil to him, but as a result it just makes Kerry seem like an indecisive idiot which is at complete odds with his description in earlier works and makes him much less intimidating that he is supposed to be.

The animation and music are top notch, but the story just really falls apart and makes the whole thing suffer. I've tried to avoid spoilers so I guess it will make what I typed make no sense, but that's probably a fitting metaphor for Fate Zero...

Also I don't like Urobuchi at all, I think he is a total hack, but I was trying very hard to be impartial here as Fate is a franchise I'm a big fan of.
>> No. 15472 [Edit]

>I don't like Urobuchi at all, I think he is a total hack

Yup, I've got to agree with that, have to yet see him work on a decent project. F/Z, Madoka and Psycho Pass all had something good going but ultimately fell apart mostly because of the poor script.
I liked Saya but that's it, looks like he should stick to VNs (although the medium really shouldn't be much of an issue).
>> No. 15486 [Edit]

If you enjoyed reading F/SN, you'll enjoy watching F/Z.

If you enjoyed Saya, you'll enjoy several other nitro+ works, possibly shaggoth and forest as well.

>He was kind of stuck writing a story that someone else (Nasu) had wrote, so he didn't have much free reign and the whole thing kind of falls apart because of it.
It's because urobutcher did NOT have free reign over the story that it ended up so well. His influence on an aspect of a story is quite obvious, and while the premise from his input is great (and I'm a bit of a sucker for the darker themes he usually tries to go for), the execution ends up significantly lacking. He really needs a short leash around his neck and the rest of the staff need to know when to duct tape his mouth shut and toss him in the closet after he's had his 3 mins. of conference speaking time to really be more of a benefit than a hindrance on the story, something which F/Z did quite well with for the most part.
F/Z being a novel might have something to do with that.
>> No. 15544 [Edit]
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Honi honiiiii
>> No. 15554 [Edit]
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I finally decided that it's time I got over the art style change in Moyashimon and watch the second season. I just finished marathoning it and it was OK I guess. Misato and Kawahama contributed most to not let the second season get sunk.

Most disappointing were the heavy Sawaki/Yuuki yaoi implications. Especially when the characters at the same time were outright denying the possibility of a relationship between Sawaki and Oikawa.

Strangely enough, I didn't really mind the yaoi kiss last season. I could take that as a joke. While watching this season however I felt like throwing up at times because of that stuff.
>> No. 15555 [Edit]
>I felt like throwing up at times because of that stuff.
>> No. 15582 [Edit]
Were we watching the same show? I don't recall seeing any signs of rampant homosexuality.

Kei is the best girl, though.
>> No. 15583 [Edit]
Oikawa mentions Kei as Sawaki's "girlfriend". They meet Marie and Sawaki immediately sees her as the French Kei. Upon hearing that Sawaki saw Marie naked, Kei immediately punches Sawaki and then gets confused about his own sudden violence. Homosexuality. In the last episode characters are wondering will Sawaki go for Marie or Kei. Well, that's all I remember right now.

I have always thought of Kei as the biggest flaw in Moyashimon and I can't handle gays or traps, but I was exaggerating when I said it was the most disappointing part of the second season. Rather the whole France arc was just really bad. I never cared about the whole Haruka/Ryuuta storyline and I didn't care about Marie or her family. If Misato and Kawahama hadn't been there the latter half of Moyashimon would've been completely unwatchable.
>> No. 15584 [Edit]
latter half of the second season*
>> No. 15623 [Edit]
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About to watch Mahoro-matic 2nd Season. What can I expect?
>> No. 15627 [Edit]
i thought that was /kig/ in the thumbnail, but upon opening the full image was disappointed.
>> No. 15628 [Edit]
you weren't the only one.
>> No. 15629 [Edit]
>What can I expect?
For it to lose all of the first season's charm in favor of cheap sexualization
>> No. 15630 [Edit]
Yeah, and don't forget one of the worst endings in anime history.
>> No. 15631 [Edit]
File 136874697418.jpg - (76.13KB , 1280x720 , [Asenshi] Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - 05v2 [C0EA.jpg )
Just finished catching up on Jinrui. It's impressively good.
Hopefully it gets another season once there's enough source material, though at slightly faster than 1 novel per year, that may take a while.

and here I thought mahoromatic was a classic gainax style 1-cour show that will only ever be one cour.
whelp, it looks like I'm watching this sometime soon as well, and as long as the ending doesn't make me feel like I just finished Texhnolyze, i'll live.
>> No. 15632 [Edit]

You stopped watching jinrui for almost a year then just picked it back up?

How are you enjoying your LN advertisement by the way? Is it tanoshi?
>> No. 15633 [Edit]
File 13687666663.jpg - (74.80KB , 1280x720 , [Asenshi] Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - 07v2 [54B4.jpg )
Perhaps I misphrased that a bit.
I downloaded the first two thirds of the show as it was airing and never watched any of them, and then half a year later deleted those and downloaded a batch and watched all of it over the course of a few days.
>> No. 15642 [Edit]

>How are you enjoying your LN advertisement by the way? Is it tanoshi?

Yup, had quite a bit of fun with it. Hope you'll enjoy your anime originals.
>> No. 15653 [Edit]

So, you did exactly what I said?


You're talking to someone that really liked Jinrui. I just have always felt the need to bash them for their "This was only a preview, if you want to know anything about anything, buy the light novels" ending.
>> No. 15656 [Edit]

Nevermind I just re-read your post.
>> No. 15658 [Edit]
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I just watched Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo. Far too much Miyazaki esque for my taste and not at all Makoto's best work, but it was OK. The girl was appealing.
>> No. 15681 [Edit]

>I just have always felt the need to bash them for their "This was only a preview, if you want to know anything about anything, buy the light novels" ending.

Welcome to anime.
>> No. 15682 [Edit]
>if you want to know anything about anything, buy the light novels
I think that's more to do with the episodes being aired in seemingly random order. The first ep takes place after the last ep.
>> No. 15683 [Edit]
A bit misplaced in your discussion, but I fail to see the episodes ordering being as bad or random as people claim it was.
If anything, I think the order chosen is what ultimately brought a sense of closure to the season, as IIRC only in the last 2 or 3 episodes the MC was shown as she was "pre-mediator job" and "pre-fairy interaction", raising some questions but partially clarifying her general stance towards humans and interactions with other characters.
I concede that it was confusing and remained so even after watching everything(haven't taken the time to rewatch in chronological order and examine everything though), and perhaps I'm only so acceptive towards it because I knew beforehand it was going to be confusing at some points. But at the end of the day I don't really think it was considerably more "buy the LNs" or "now pray we ever get around doing a S2" than any other LN adaptation out there.
>> No. 15718 [Edit]
File 136901995491.jpg - (30.55KB , 1280x720 , [Asenshi] Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - 12v2 [EEDF.jpg )
> But at the end of the day I don't really think it was considerably more "buy the LNs" or "now pray we ever get around doing a S2" than any other LN adaptation out there.

Sure, it wasn't a chrome shelled regios FUCK YOU ANIME-ONLY CROWD, and nearly every LN adaptation of an on-going series ends that way, but that doesn't mean it's something that shouldn't be pointed out.
>> No. 15748 [Edit]
File 136917709744.jpg - (93.48KB , 500x375 , tumblr_lzno6fd6gl1qequos.jpg )
/kig/? I don't get what you mean...
>> No. 15751 [Edit]
It's a form of cosplay.
>> No. 15757 [Edit]
It's a form of ban.
>> No. 15762 [Edit]
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I have never loved and hated a show as much as this. There are many things I love, for example polar bear is such a likable character, the SOL relaxation moments are great, and the show can be very charming and amusing at times. But there are also so many things I hate. It is obviously a Ford Driver anime, and it shows extremely strongly too. Just the way of speech and talking between characters manage to get on my nerves pretty often, for example the whole girlfriend dilemma with handa, panda being a general asshole at times (he is still a likeable and relatable character a lot of times) and characters being generally uncaring towards each other but still trying to act like they are nice guys anyways (Polar bear is normally an exception in the sense that he is actually a nice guy which is one thing I love about him) but most of this stuff was ignorable up to now, and I just had to accept this came from a Josei manga so it's not going to be pandering to me.

Episode 31 managed to rub me the wrong way pretty good though. One thing that annoys the shit out of me in western comedies is when they create a character just to be hated on for the sake of laughs. Meg from Family Guy or Butters from South Park are good examples of this. It's just such a fucking waste of imagination and character that panders to every inner bullies sense of humor (unfortunately most of us have a inner bully) well Polar Bear Cafe has done this with a lot of characters (Full time panda, Rin Rin, Llama) but most noticeably now penguin. I truly despise these kinds of jokes especially when I am trying to watch something to escape from this kind of depressing way of thinking from people. Does the show get better in this sense or should I just drop it? Because stuff like Polar bear, panda being a general lazy bum, and SOL moments at the cafe make this show great. But the things I listed among other things really rub me the wrong way and it is not worth it if it just keeps up this way. I know I am being somewhat oversensitive, but it is hard when I am watching anime for escapism and come across the kind of shit I despise about reality.

Post edited on 22nd May 2013, 2:58pm
>> No. 15783 [Edit]
I started rewatching Shugo Chara yesterday.
There is no sense to what that show does to me, I don't particularly care for the story, I don't like that kind of comedy, the animation is nothing special, I mean I love Amus character (and her hair) and the music is pretty decent but that is not enough to explain how much I love the show, even the most pointless filler episodes moves me to tears.
It reminds me of that scene in The Animatrix where the machines have a bunch of humans stringed up and manipulates their emotions from one state to another like with the push of a button.

Other than that Im also watching Vampire Knight, enjoying it more than I expected, if the main character had better animated hair I would love it to death but you dont get very far in my world without good hair.
>> No. 15876 [Edit]
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Azu no yoi
>> No. 16048 [Edit]
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Going to watch Chobits the anime. How closely does it stick to manga? I'm going to find out soon.
>> No. 16131 [Edit]
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Director of Petite Cossette eventually joined SHAFT with his signature style;
>> No. 16142 [Edit]
I'm going through an artsy&obscuse recommendation chart, a lot of nice shows I didn't know.
>> No. 16268 [Edit]
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Watching GunGrave now. I'm told to look past episode one.
>> No. 16273 [Edit]
Yep, good idea.
>> No. 16292 [Edit]
Once you finish the show and go back you'll understand why. It's essentially the same ep from much latter in the series and is completely out of place.
>> No. 16332 [Edit]
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How is Seirei no Moribitou?
>> No. 16337 [Edit]
File 137278854624.jpg - (64.87KB , 1280x720 , 11 - Flower Wine for Tanda_mkv_snapshot_14_44_[201.jpg )

absolutely beautiful.
Don't let the first ep. fool you though, it's not an action/fight series.
>> No. 16343 [Edit]
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Finally gotten around to watching Genshiken. Initially put it off until I learned more about anime and whatnot, then just sort of forgot about it. Really good show, although I can't stand Saki.

and I'm not sure, but I think they have a parody version of my waifu up on their wall.
>> No. 16344 [Edit]
> I can't stand Saki.

why not?
she has wonderful nose hair
>> No. 16347 [Edit]
Keep in mind I've only seen a few ep so far.

She has no interest in any otaku interests and is just there to be with her boyfriend, and if she had it her way she'd probably force him to give up his interests. She's violent rude and judgmental. She reminds me of a typical 3DPD.
>> No. 16348 [Edit]
Well you know thats the difference between your fantasy world and the Genshiken crew living their real lives.
The real world has imperfections in it and you have to be flexible and creative and work around them.
Kousaka is a good society member and he likes him some poon so the rest of the fellows have to stomach Saki because they like having Kousaka around.
Anyway, you 'll be pleased to know that in episode 9this is a spoiler so don't read it Madrame rapes Saki to death and then tries to conceal his misdeed be eating her corpse, but the meat spoils before he is done with the limbs and so he dumps the remaining rotten torso in the burnable trash out from of his apartment, but someone discovers the remains before the garbage truck picks up the bin and Madrame ends up doing a life sentence and there is an article about him on sankakucomplex. Its actually based on an IRL event.
>> No. 16349 [Edit]
she ends up being a more sympathetic character later on.

her scenes with Madarame are my favourite parts of the anime and manga.
>> No. 16350 [Edit]
you're really kind of shit about spoilers
>> No. 16362 [Edit]
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Just finished watching episode 8 of Record of the Lodoss War. I saw Ghim's death coming a mile away, but it was still a bummer. However, I couldn't have predicted that Wood would have ended becoming possessed by Karla in Leylia's steed. So much has happened in the last two episodes that it makes the slow start to the series worth it.
>> No. 16363 [Edit]
you cant spoil an anime that doesnt have a plot
>> No. 16364 [Edit]
yes you can
>> No. 16439 [Edit]
File 137318151122.jpg - (48.87KB , 889x481 , yes yes you are you stupid whore.jpg )
I understand that, but that doesn't mean I've got to like it.
It's like being forced to put up with a normal-fag who hangs out on a otaku website and gives everyone a hard time about their otaku interests but who wont go away because she's friends with the one of the mods or something.
She's a fucking kill joy. All she does is sit there smoking, reading tabloids or whatever and verbally/physically abusing the other members for enjoying their interests too much in a club that is for those interests.
I get how she can be useful at times, especially when it comes to dealing with other 3dpd cunts, or just giving the show some conflict to keep things interesting... but I have a hard time seeing how I'm supposed to feel sympathetic for a character when her problems include stuff like her boyfriend watching anime while fucking her in the ass.
I mean Jesus ep8 with the model making, when she broke ohno's first completed figure and made her cry... man, what a bitch...
>> No. 16448 [Edit]
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I watched Sorcerer Hunters. It was very good in the beginning and in the end, but everything in the middle was really boring. Seiyuu cast and characters were positive surprise and ost got me pumped up during some parts. The end left very positive feeling, but I still remember how I was yawning during some parts. For me this was one of the shows which are actually worth of watching till the end even if it might seem bad during some points.

Lodoss is actually one of the few serious high fantasy anime shows. I can't think anything else except Lodoss and Berserk. Most of fantasy anime tend to be parody or comedy, like Sorcerer Hunters.

Post edited on 7th Jul 2013, 1:44am
>> No. 16454 [Edit]
Women ain't nothin but hoes and tricks nigga. In all seriousness putting women in a realistic anime is always a bad idea, because making the anime realistic means making the women realistic therefore turning them into half 2D half 3D atrocities. Not only that but Genshiken appears to be centered around the girls in a big way.
>> No. 16474 [Edit]
Just finished watching Strawberry Panic. Despite the fact that it turned out rather more serious than I was expecting (especially the whole thing with the "other" étoile), I found it to be absolutely beautiful throughout; instantly one of my favourites.
>> No. 16476 [Edit]
>> No. 16609 [Edit]
File 137374533840.jpg - (30.53KB , 600x525 , akseleraattori pohtii ketä äänestäisi eduskunt.jpg )
I picked up Gintama after a few years break at episode 120 and it has surpassed my expectations. As far as I remember, Gintama was really stale for quite a while before I dropped it back then. Did it become good just after I dropped it or was the problem in me?

>> No. 16621 [Edit]
File 137377632140.jpg - (113.42KB , 600x735 , Fire.jpg )
Gintama is just an advertising vehicle to get you to buy oppai mouse pads. HAHA
>> No. 16770 [Edit]
I want
>> No. 16786 [Edit]
Watching ouran host club.
Should have watched it before, it's great, really the best shoujo I've ever seen.
>> No. 16788 [Edit]
Watching the original Gundam. It's really, really good, I have no idea why it's taken me so long to watch it. Outside of the terrible reuse of footage and QUALITY it is just a great anime.
>> No. 16795 [Edit]

I certainly wouldn't call it the best shoujo but it's definitely my favorite reverse harem. Great show overall.


Not a fan of UC Gundam. The only thing I really like about it are OVAs (0080, 0083, 8th MS, Unicorn). As far as the TV series go I think I enjoyed Zeta the most (Isn't that a girl's name?).
>> No. 16796 [Edit]
>I certainly wouldn't call it the best shoujo
True, I exaggerated.
>> No. 16797 [Edit]
What don't you like about UC if you don't mind me asking? I haven't seen anything in this timeline, just G Gundam and SEED which was terrible, so but UC seems to be more like what I wanted SEED to be, at least so far.
>> No. 16809 [Edit]

>What don't you like about UC if you don't mind me asking?

It feels halfbaked. It sets out to do a lot of things and as a result it loses sight of it's goals and just floats through the limbo for 130-something eps of 0079/Zeta/ZZ. It doesn't just lack clear direction, it lacks any direction whatsoever. They say a jack of all trades is master of none but in UC Gundam's case it's even worse - the results felt miserable in all departments.
Also all protags are insufferable whiny bitches who had to get Brightslapped into oblivion before they turned halfway-reliable (well, Judau was a bit better in that regard I guess).

Regrettably Zeta is probably the closest thing to my ideal Gundam in many instances. It's the only Gundam series that actually tries to portray a role of Gundams and it's pilots as a small force in a large scale conflict.
0079 is pretty retarded in this aspect when they just have a ship full of civilian kids who wreak havoc through battlefields everywhere.

>I haven't seen anything in this timeline, just G Gundam and SEED which was terrible, so but UC seems to be more like what I wanted SEED to be, at least so far.

I used to be an /m/ regular and /m/ - full of enthusiasts who can be labeled as many things but 'casuals' isn't one of them (at least it wasn't half a decade ago) - agree that SEED is the worst Gundam out there (AGE doesn't even count and the new gunpla fest won't either). G Gundam is actually somewhat fun as a super robot show but it's totally un-Gundam-like.

/m/ used to have a hard time agreeing on this but despite it's fujoshi pandering 00 is pretty much the best (TV) Gundam out there. Which still doesn't necessarily mean 'good' but it's watchable I'd say.
IF not 00 then it's Turn-A but I don't like Turn-A (just my biased perspective though and my complaints aren't really related to the quality of the show itself).

But hey, if you have fun with UC good for you. I recommend checking out VOTOMs if you don't mind old stuff.
>> No. 16813 [Edit]
Alright, thanks. I've been trying to increase my /m/ power level so that's kind of why I started. I've heard VOTOMs is something I'd like, so I'll check it out. Older anime from the 70's tends to be what I mostly enjoy these days anyway.
>> No. 16838 [Edit]
File 137500736221.jpg - (2.81MB , 2500x2800 , Chart.jpg )

Use this. Entry level chart but that's what you seem to be looking for.
>> No. 16925 [Edit]
Thinking of watching Fist of the North Star.
You wa SHOCK!
>> No. 16930 [Edit]
i found that houkoto no Ken didn't age very well.

It just gets really repetitive and boring to watch Kenishiro, for the nteenth time brutally slaughter all who even think of opposing him as if they were lambs. Not much a fan of the jackass kid in the main supporting cast, either.
>> No. 16931 [Edit]
Why would you watch it? It's one of the worst anime adapations of all time.

Read the manga then watch Legends of the Dark Kings: A Fist of the North Star Story and the Toki OVA.

After that read the spin-offs manga.
>> No. 16945 [Edit]
I thought Fist of the North Star was pretty awesome for the first 3-5 ep in a way that made me feel like a 8 year old kid again who just discovered mortal kombat. But it got old quick and I lost interest. took me like two years to eventually finish the series off, and by the end I was watching episodes on a second screen while barely paying any attention to it. the paper thin plot isn't exactly hard to follow but even so there's tons of recap eps anyway. the show would have been a lot better were it half the length, they dragged out everything to the point where the show itself felt like a drag to watch.
>> No. 16946 [Edit]
Yeah totally. It takes 26 episodes to cover the first volume of the manga, it's fucking silly. That said I still have a soft spot for it.
>> No. 17006 [Edit]
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Best part of Fist of the North Star is 1st OP "Ai wo Torimodose (You wa Shock)"
>> No. 17010 [Edit]
Working on LoGH. About 40 or so episodes in.
>> No. 17027 [Edit]
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Been watching The World God Only Knows and doing so on my psp. It feels very appropriate.
>> No. 17110 [Edit]
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Just saw The Sky Crawlers.
The contrast between the damn nice background art and the horrible character designs was really jarring at times. When I see anime like that it gives off the impression it was made with the right hand not knowing what the left is doing.
So much of it was strange and confusing and hard to follow.for most of the movie I was confused as hell.

they didn't go into much detail, but there are these kids(who don't look or act anything at all like kids, more like people in their early 20s) who can't die unless killed in battle. I guess they get reborn or something which is what happened to the main character who was killed outside of combat, but then there's this silver haired pilot who did get killed in battle and was also reborn, so wtf?
I was also confused why 'the teacher' being an adult male was such a big deal, the movie had plenty of adult male, but thinking about it now I'm guessing maybe it's becuase all the pilots are these (non)kids but they still emphasize the male part a lot for some reason. That along with robot chick having a daughter and the big deal the other squad's ace made about it I couldn't get. There were a bunch of other things but I can't remember them too well.

Stuff like the backwards facing fighters was really hard to get used to even though I know shinden planes really existed I'm just so used to seeing forward facing propellers...
I spent most of the movie trying to figure out when/where the movie even takes place, along with what the war was about and who was fighting and why I should even care but I got the impression it wasn't about the war so much as the characters cough up in this war. that said though I didn't find the characters all that interesting. The main characters were like a stoner and a robot, an especially creepy robot I should add.
In the end this movie really left me not knowing what to think of it.
>> No. 17191 [Edit]
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Marathoned Zettai Bouei Leviathan over the last few days.

This isn't exactly an old anime but it's finished airing and I don't think there's a thread for it and no one gave a crap about this anime anyway so whatever.

This anime felt like the epitome of average. there was nothing about it that I can say was really note worthy at all. at best I'd say guys who are into monster girls might take some vain interest in it
While the anime felt very low budget it didn't really look it, the art was consistent as far as I could tell and they didn't abuse the CGI too much, although all the monsters and dragons were in 3d I didn't mind that much. I think I can only remember maybe two times near the end when the main characters went cgi.

the plot seems really straight forward and simple for the most part, but some of the the back story/lour seemed a bit convoluted. For one I kept wondering who exactly this fairy is and where does she come from, you just get a name no one can remember and her goal of forming this group to defend the world or something, but I kept wondering who sent her on this mission why her why we never see more of her kind and so on. specking of, I also kept wondering why they establish that men evolved to be big and strong and unable to use magic, while women grew wings and the ability to use magic... but one of the main girls seems pretty strong, has no wings and doesn't use magic while that one girl's father is able to use magic. Stuff like that kinda gave me the impression this isn't an you're meant to think to much about so I tried to just say 'whatever fuck it' and just roll with it. I had heard it was a prequel to a cellphone game but had forgot about that fact while watching it, being reminded of that really made a lot of stuff in the anime make a lot more sense. like one scene in particular where a character levels up out of nowhere. that leveling up also felt a bit half asses. it might have been better if the character got stronger on their own from their own self confidence built up from her experiences, rather than being handed a box with a level upper and being told they're stronger now. I also gotta say, the blond hair and red eyes is not a very good look on her.

This wasn't a 'bad' anime, but it also wasn't a good anime. it's very middle of the road I thought. there's nothing in the anime that hasn't been done a million times before. but again that doesn't mean it's bad. In a way it feels like a side story to something I've already seen long ago.
If nothing else I thought it worked pretty well as something to marathon, been a while since I've seen an adventure type anime with a moderately continuous story line, as opposed to being episodic. even if there wasn't much of a story to it.
>> No. 17498 [Edit]
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Watching Slayers Evolution-R
It's like the 1990s again.. with slightly more CG effects.
>> No. 17502 [Edit]

S4 and S5 suck. Not even nostalgia goggles, I watched the whole franchise for the first time ~3 years ago. It gets progressively worse with each season actually but the biggest quality drop happens between S3 and S4.
>> No. 17511 [Edit]
I'm currently working on getting through season two of Birdy and season 2 of K-ON. There's a ton of stuff I need to finish since I have a habit of getting behind on things, but it's too much to list.
>> No. 17539 [Edit]
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Finished Noein. Damn good show, kinda surprising it's not more popular.
>> No. 17561 [Edit]
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I've been watching this recently, its pretty excellent.
Anyone else seen it?
Eyecatch is super cute. Anyone have an all-time favorite eyecatch? I use the music from the Azumaga one for my ringtone so i don't hear it very often, but i like it anyway.
>> No. 17562 [Edit]
That takes me back, I watched it about a decade ago. Very funny if I recall.

Never heard the term "eyecatch" before, had to look it up.
>> No. 17563 [Edit]
i learned it when i asked wakachan/azu to give me the azumanga eyecatch
>> No. 17565 [Edit]
posted it in the wrong place
>incorrect password for deletion
>> No. 17573 [Edit]

>Anyone have an all-time favorite eyecatch?

I was very impressed with how useful eyecatches were in GaoGaiGar. Great idea. Some show probably did the same before GGG but I haven't seen anything like it before.

Aside from that... I don't know, nothing comes to mind. I kinda liked Suite Precure's I guess?
>> No. 17581 [Edit]
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>> No. 17753 [Edit]
Catching up on Angel Beats.
>> No. 17760 [Edit]
Watching Kuroko no Basuke and Ixion Saga DT.
The former has a great protagonist and the latter is genuinely hilarious. I haven't laughed or smiled this much in a long time.
>> No. 17853 [Edit]
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so cute
>> No. 17854 [Edit]
sorry, what series is it?
is it romantic?
>> No. 17906 [Edit]
strawberry eggs
>> No. 17920 [Edit]
should i watch koikoi7?
>> No. 17961 [Edit]
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>> No. 18007 [Edit]
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i'm about 4 minutes into the 1st ep of tokyo mew mew.
should i keep on watching or does it suck?
>> No. 18008 [Edit]
I'd say keep watching and find out, but if you're unable to watch more than four minutes of an anime before asking if you should keep watching means you've probably already made up your mind that you don't like it. At least not enough to sit still and watch the rest of the ep.
>> No. 18009 [Edit]
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I wish I could get fiber optic internet where I lived.

And remembering how many years ago this aired really turns that knife.
>> No. 18012 [Edit]
Galaxy Express 999 ep 78, Jesus. I'll just keep everything in one big spoiler because I'm too lazy to use the tags 129382 times.

So let me get this straight... Some guy throws another man into water to steal his money and said man drowns because he cannot swim. Then a grandpa also drowns after hitting his head and falling into water. The guy who stole the money unknowingly drinks his girlfriend's flame of life (thus killing her) and after realizing it he simply jumps out of the window. The queen doesn't realize her servant made a mistake and ends up thinking she wanted to poison her and she proceeds to strangle her. Then she dies after being crushed by falling rubble. And then the whole fucking planet explodes.

Fucking hell, I got used to 999 unhappy endings but this is really pushing the grimdarkness. I thought the series reached an all time high in the ep where they launch a rebellion and it fails, everybody dies and they amount to fucking nothing but this tops it easily. The body count isn't that high maybe but the way people die...
>> No. 18044 [Edit]
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Just finished the first two Kite OVAs. That ending sure came out of left field. It's probably not to the tastes of everyone here, but I thought it was a fun watch.
>> No. 18294 [Edit]
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I just finished rewatching Paranoia Agent. It's been a while and I understand it a lot better than I did the first time.

What a shame that even though I saw what it was trying to say, I can't fight what it prophesied. Although I suppose that was the point, too. I love the sinking sense of doom at the end when you realize everything is cyclical - in the anime, and in the world it is imitating. Happy new year.

Also Happy Family Planning is a really well-constructed, self-contained story on its own right; it might be one of my favorite anime episodes ever, despite the (comparatively) lackluster animation.
>> No. 18298 [Edit]
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ああっ女神さまっ ~それぞれの翼~
>> No. 18379 [Edit]
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I really should rewatch this too, I remember loving it when it aired, but I don't remember much at all about the series itself. I'm still kind of mourning Satoshi Kon's passing, I really believe he had a lot of great works left in him.

One of my resolutions for this year is to not watch anything I haven't seen before. Which I'm excited to finally be forcing myself to do, as out of all the series I've watched over the years I've rewatched maybe ten or so. This week I rewatched Kino no Tabi, which I always considered one of my absolute favorites. And I still like it, but the show's insights that once struck me as profound now seemed kind of quaint. This series had a pretty big impact on my life, in part inspiring me to sell all my possessions, travel my country, and have a totally self-indulgent quarter-life crisis, so it's pretty weird to just watch it now and shrug. I also really don't like the character designs and art, and am still wondering how they never bothered me before. The last episode is great, though, and does a good job of culminating the feeling of ultimate transience that runs through the series.

Post edited on 8th Jan 2014, 10:30pm
>> No. 18428 [Edit]
Watching ROD (Paper Sisters Detective Agency)
>> No. 18429 [Edit]
The TV anime or the OVA?
>> No. 18430 [Edit]
Paper Sisters weren't in the OVA, so obviously the series.
>> No. 18453 [Edit]
Watching the Daughter of Twenty Faces.
>> No. 18458 [Edit]
Watched the Saint Onii-san movie last week. Some parts make it more than worth, but it still feels too damn long to watch in one sitting(like iesu-sama wanted movies to be watched).
Made me interesting in picking up the manga. Also wonder how many blasphemous yaoi was made after that series.
>> No. 18477 [Edit]
Yes, I want to see it after reading the manga.
>> No. 18563 [Edit]
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Just got done with Eve no Jikan. Absolutely beautiful, even if it doesn't get anywhere near resolving anything, or exploring all of what the setting provides, at all. Feels a lot like a series of 15-minute trailers for something that isn't finished yet.
Going to hit up on the movie tomorrow.

On other news I also finished rewatching Serial Experiments Lain. It's the first time I rewatch it(completely) in 7 years.
After reading Pierre Lévy's Collective Intelligence and Cyberculture I was pretty skeptical of whoever told me his work was "Lain in a nutshell", turns out I remembered Lain all wrong. It really resonates with his ideas on the former, specially collective intelligence(in a weaker sense), the nature of anthropological spaces and the knowledge space, and I feel there's something going on between his atheology and conceptions of God in Lain, but that chapter really vanished from my memory. Not much going on for Cyberculture though, I began scribbling something equating Lain to a piece of cyberart as defined by him but it all turned out to be pure bullshit.
Now I can read all the stuff that's been written about the series out there.
>> No. 18571 [Edit]
>Going to hit up on the movie tomorrow
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the movie basically the six ONAs put together?
>> No. 18573 [Edit]
more or less, but I believe the movie has some extra content.
>> No. 18575 [Edit]
I remember that show. Nothing much happens, but it's a great show to just lean back and feel all warm and fuzzy.
>> No. 19275 [Edit]
So I finished...

• Natsu no Arashi S2

I watched S1 years ago (aroud the time S2 was airing so Autumn 2009 I guess) but somehow I didn't feel like watching S2 until now. I miss the old SHAFT. I like some of their newer shows (Mekaku is really enjoyable so far) but it's a damn shame they stopped producing those signature comedies of theirs (which is why I ended up longing for one in the first place). It used to be pretty much the only thing they made but after Maria Holic S2 they stopped making them altogether.

Had some fun with S2, not like they could really surprise me with anything since it was a 'more of the same' sequel. The biggest difference was my attitude towards Shiraishi Ryouko. I remember arguing about her being poor at voicing girls (some 3 years ago; couldn't find the thread on /arc/, though). Since then I have heard her voice a number of girls and overall I still don't think she's suited for such roles but time around I really, really liked her as Arashi. It just felt right for some reason. Maybe because Arashi is a tomboy at heart?

I've got to say they managed to pull off a satisfying ending which is commendable, especially since the manga was still ongoing when S2 aired.

With this it seems I have seen every show with and OP/ED sung by Yakushimaru Etsuko. Most of them were pretty good, too.
>> No. 19276 [Edit]
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• Mokke

A pretty nice show. I feel like mentioning it largely because I didn't even know it existed just a couple of weeks ago. It's a Natsume clone and while it's (obviously) not as good as Natsume it's an enjoyable watch. I liked it more than Hanada Shounen-shi as far as other similar shows are concerned (although Hanada Shounen-sh had dem Backstreet Boys songs). Not much to say about this one I guess. Interesting last ep.
>> No. 19277 [Edit]
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• Scrapped Princess

This one has been on my backlog for ages, took me years to finally watch it. The reason I kept putting it off for this long should be obvious - it's an adaption of an LN series which was still on-going at the time the anime aired. The show ended up being exactly what I expected - a really good anime with a botched, rushed ending. And despite the fact that the ending was really lackluster I totally recommend this one, the goal may seem like it wasn't worth getting there but the ride is a lot of fun. The production values were pretty good I thought but then again early 00s had much better production values than anything that airs nowadays period so maybe it's not that surpirising.

The guy who wrote the LNs is probably pretty well known. He also wrote Macademy Wasshoi, Outbreak Company and that Chaika thing from this season.
>> No. 19315 [Edit]
> Going to hit up on the (Eve no Jikan)movie tomorrow.
Doesn't the movie consist of the EnJ episodes stitched together?
>> No. 19317 [Edit]
>> No. 19322 [Edit]
For some reason I never watched Akira, until ca a week ago. It was really cool. It's just that it had been building up in my mind this preconception that Akira was the staple of Anime, period. It just manifested over the years, I guess, subconsciously. Of course I can't say it lived up to such a ludicrous expectation; then again, what can? I enjoyed it very much and was at the edge of my seat, so to say. Can't really ask for more than that... Also, now I can slowpoke up on all the references I've noticed but not connected. Alright.

As far as I know there's no point watching the episodes over the movie. The original poster mentioned a lack of closure; from memory I wouldn't say that the movie has this problem. That is, I was satisfied with it - start to finish.
>> No. 19325 [Edit]
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Recently finished watching To Heart 2. It... really wasn't very good. Since each character gets one episode (except at the end), everything felt rushed and not executed very well. Another thing that bothered me was how the MC apparently had "trouble with girls" or something, which is brought up a few times throughout the show. This bothered me because I mean, how can you have trouble with girls when you befriend one every day and have them all over you? Otherwise, the MC was as generic as generic MCs get. The character designs were pretty bland and cheap feeling as well. Overall bad and disappointed after the first to heart, which I enjoyed.
>> No. 19326 [Edit]
yeah it really was pretty shitty, especially compared to the first. No idea why 2 was so much more popular. guess the vns better, but even then most of the characters were fucking annoying.
>> No. 19465 [Edit]
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Been watching Tesagure Bukatsumono after someone bugged me to do so. Whole show is done in mmd, which is something that would put most people off. The show seems about as low budget as you can get. Even when trying to keep an open mind it can be hard to not notice the poor animation at times almost looking robotic really.The show is very similar to gdgd fairys, in how episodes are structured, use of mmd, and has a few returning staff members. That stuff aside I felt it was still worth checking out. As people have said it's a very meta show. The first segment of each ep seems to be devoted to pointing out cliches in anime, but they don't really do much past that. The OP also seems to be meta, and is kind of poking fun at the sort of things you see in all anime OPs. Rather interesting segment near the end of each ep is when they let the VAs improv. The improv bits are neat becuase it's kind of interesting to hear the typical group of school girls have more natural conversations. another thing thats interesting is the subtle changing of the end dance. I didn't even notice it at first till I paid more attention to one becuase of how amusingly bad it was, then noticed during the ep after that it slightly improved. Can't say I can really recommend it to most people, as stated the mmd animation can be heavily off putting and the humor can be hit or miss.
>> No. 19473 [Edit]
>At times the characters may act seriously, but I see this as a facade, because the show never takes itself seriously.
I wish I could have seen it that way. When you've got a little girl who has to constantly hide her wrists becuase she used to slice them up while being physically and emotionally abused by a sister who tried to get a homeless guy to rape and kill her sister in the woods, it's a little hard to say the show is never serious.
>> No. 19476 [Edit]
My problem with that show was how the tone was all over the place. It comes off as wacky crazy fun but then incorporates some fucked up themes with characters that forget they're in a show with a magic jellyfish alien and talking lion like you said. They've also got a homo who's supposed to be funny becuase he's gay I guess? That'd I'd over look if they didn't have a women violently forcing herself on him, That shit sure as hell wouldn't fly if the genders were reversed. All the characters have emotional baggage that they should have left at the airport before signing onto that show. I've seen enough anime to know that many out there take themselves way to seriously for their own good and this happens to be one of them.
>> No. 19510 [Edit]
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Time of Eve
>> No. 19525 [Edit]
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>> No. 19612 [Edit]
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Just started watching heartcatch precure. It became apparent right away why people like it so much. Unlike with some of the other seasons the characters don't start off perfect and have room to grow. Helps that the characters aren't automatically friends. It also became clear happiness charge is copying a lot of stuff from it, and not doing a very good job with it.
>> No. 19667 [Edit]
Watching Robotic Notes.
>> No. 19673 [Edit]
I've been watching Monogatari, Nise through Second Season, and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. I cannot wait for the summer season.

Also, I have have been watching PaniPoni Dash and Cardcaptor Sakura, but to a much lesser extent.
>> No. 19749 [Edit]
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4ep into Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku.
Wanted to see it as it aired but was put off by the lack of subs, with some horrible subs being all that's available. Ended up caving and just going with them since that's not something that's ever gonna change.
Not too surprising that this show didn't seem to be very popular. Doesn't take long to notice the subpar voice acting. Almost all the VAs are noobs that haven't voiced any other anime before or since with the exception of the main protagonist. The main character easily being the least interesting and forgettable character. The show tends to be very meta and tries to be self aware. breaking the forth wall is a common occurrence. As with any other sol it's got it's charm, after all there's always something nice about watching friends have fun together as someone who doesn't get to experience that. OP is isn't bad, kinda catchy. Production values aren't great but they're not as bad as you'd expect from something that skimped on the VAs, although it could be they didn't have the budget for better VAs. Humor can be hit or miss but whats new about that. kinda odd that the insanely strong athletic training obsessed combat master type is also a hardcore gamer. I can kinda see the connection they're going for, but it just hard to picture it really working. I guess it's nice there's more than one side to that coin all the same, although other characters in the show don't even have the one side to Begin with. rich girl is rich, cute girl is cute, mc is.. nothing and Sakura is just Sakura. Not something I'd quickly recommend unless you've already seen every anime about cute girls doing cute things and are starved for more. It's 'okay'
>> No. 19752 [Edit]
I found the girls to be obnoxious. Don't know how you put up with them. I can't really deal with a retarded and unfunny cast in general.
>> No. 19755 [Edit]

The only thing I still remember about Kamichu is that it was by far the worst MAKO role. She was so bad there it was almost physically painful for me. The thing is I actually really like MAKO and I was looking forward to listening to her. For shame.
>> No. 19756 [Edit]
Fourth episode is when it starts to get good.
>> No. 19767 [Edit]
I rather liked Kamichu, I don't get why people hate it so much. It's easy to call it boring but then the same can be said for a lot of sol shows. Not sure how you can think of them as obnoxious when they're not much different than the average girls in any given anime.
>> No. 19786 [Edit]
a lot of sol shows don't have whole episodes that are literately nothing but a girl sitting at a kotatsu.
>> No. 19787 [Edit]
Obnoxious as in obnoxiously dumb, whimsical and insignificant. It's a line, you know. It's a line between being that and being cute. It's subjectively conceived where this line goes. It's not like I hate SoL, but for me this show crossed that line with flying colors.

Sorry, I don't mean to make a big deal out of this. I just expected more from this show at the time.

Post edited on 20th Jun 2014, 7:40pm
>> No. 19788 [Edit]
I for one went into it knowing everyone hates it so I didn't really expect much. I thought it was at least tolerable.
>> No. 19814 [Edit]
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I finished Gen'ei o Kakeru Taiyo today. For something that initially felt like it was trying too hard to sell itself as a dark magical girl show, it had a surprising upbeat ending. Akari finally got to be at peace with the death of her cousin. While the major threat caused by the circumstances of her birth was successfully contained, the Daemonia thread wasn't completely eliminated either. It felt like a more moderate answer to the ONE PERSON'S SACRIFICE FIXES EVERYTHING shtick that has been done to hell and back. It was a story about coping with loss, the fact that they were magical girls who occasionally went out to kill the demon possessed was entirely incidental. There were still some plot hooks that were left unexplored, so I can't help but wonder if they had initially expected to have a longer run time. Regardless, I enjoyed the it. Ginka is the best girl for reasons entirely unrelated to the fact that she is also the cutest.

I also marathoned the entirety of Neo Getter Robo Vs. Shin Getter Robo. It wasn't as good as Getter Robo: Armageddon or New Getter Robo, but it a fun little watch; and it contained one of the greatest American stereotypes I have ever seen.
>> No. 19902 [Edit]
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Catching up on the World Cup matches that I recorded..
(大馬場十三) World Cup-tan Image set!
>> No. 20367 [Edit]
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I've been watching Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan. So far it's been pretty great. Right now I have watched 9 episodes. I also just found out it is only 12 episodes, for some reason I was under the impression it was 24 to 26 long. So depressing, I really like this show...
>> No. 20370 [Edit]
That's one of my favorite shows. The fact that it never got another season is a crime against humanity
>> No. 20622 [Edit]
Gin no Saji
>> No. 20623 [Edit]
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It's a story about the first woman in the armed forces. The only thing even remotely resembling realistic about it is that the woman is a tomboy.

The premise is retarded, 3/4 of the events don't make sense from either a sociological or a physics standpoint (especially when they involve guns in any way, shape, or form), and still the author goes forth to make a 3-kingdoms-esque subplot with the Libraries, the military, and the police.

That said, the tomboy is very, very pure and incredibly cute.
The art is very well done, especially the lips on this girl. Her VA is delightful as well, though I'm too used to her other roles and this girl's personality only half matches what I end up projecting onto her.
>> No. 20626 [Edit]
Yeah, Magipoka is my favorite anime. I'm still waiting for a season 2. There is still some new content being made for it. Seismic's Liru game is coming in October and someone just released a brand new Liru dakimakura you may still be able to pre-order.

Just a word of warning... The last episode may leave you in tears. Also don't forget to watch the 3 ova's.
>> No. 20679 [Edit]
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Why nobody told me this was serialized??
It's Hideaki Anno - The anime, literally.
Marathoning it now.

Post edited on 20th Sep 2014, 9:20pm
>> No. 20682 [Edit]
Not very old but I just watched the first episode of Mushishi's S2.
I shouldn't have read the manga, the animation and soundtrack are a great part of what made me love the first season.
>> No. 20683 [Edit]

I tried reading the manga back in the day but it just didn't work for me, Mushishi's OST is superb and it really 'makes' the show.
>> No. 20685 [Edit]
Just finished both GDGD Fairies seasons and Straight Title Robot Anime. I really hope we get more shows like those or at least more MMD anime.
>> No. 20687 [Edit]
we are getting more, there was a new project by the same guy announced a week or 2 ago
>> No. 20705 [Edit]
I tried watching Straight Title but I wasn't very impressed at all. I think the format doesn't work nearly as well as it did in gdgd. especially during the adlib scenes. The whole thing felt too much like a (-very-)cheap copy of fireball, and I wasn't even crazy about fireball in the first place.

I noticed you didn't mention Tesagure. you may want to check that out if you haven't already.
>> No. 20723 [Edit]
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I started watching Mushishi yesterday. So far I've seen only three episodes but I'm not very impressed. My favorite part is the audio design.
>> No. 20744 [Edit]
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Here's a hint: disregard Japanese media.
>> No. 20746 [Edit]
Thanks, I hadn't heard of Tesagure. I'll give it a try.
>> No. 20775 [Edit]
Made it up to Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai(season III)
Stopped after the first ep becuase it seemed like I missed something. Forgot about it for a while but then got in some more recently. They'd reference events that never happened and characters who were never introduced. Think I might just drop it and forget about this series. I've heard the MC turns into a 3dpd lover in the end anyways so whatever.

I really hate the way the anime industry just assumes everyone's already read the manga so it's okay if they skip over large chunks of the story. People will often tell you most anime is made to advertize the manga it's based on, but then at times like this when it's made with the idea that people have already read the manga anyway... what the fuck is the point? Are they trying to sell manga to people who they think already bought it or what? It's no wonder so many people barely watch anything with shitty practices like this.
>> No. 20776 [Edit]
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I've never read the manga but I thought things were pretty well explained in the anime, what events or characters are you talking about? Some characters were skipped from the manga, but they're not really important for the overall plot. I'd recommend finishing S3, it's one of the best shows in my opinion and ties together the plot for a good conclusion. At least watch the Shiori episode if nothing else.
>> No. 20777 [Edit]
Well it did dump a lot of exposition in the first ep, which is piss poor screenwriting if you ask me. Some of the characters do seem unimportant, but they keep making a lot of references to some doll girl and some tyranny. I'd say skipping over an event in which the main character apparently switches bodies with another character who turns the tables and makes him fall in love with her is kind of a big thing to skip and quickly recap.
>> No. 20778 [Edit]
The first episode is the "dump the skipped parts" episode, like Rozen Maiden 2013's terrible first episode. The rest of the adaptation is considerably more coherent and I think it's good.

There was an OVA that adapted some of the events between S2 and S3:

It introduces one of the skipped heroines, though the moon girl and the bodyswap girl remain unknown in the anime.
>> No. 20801 [Edit]
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I just finished cruising through Himegoto yesterday. Never before have I wanted to drop something in the last thirty seconds. I didn't waste a half hour of my life for this.
>> No. 20809 [Edit]
Might be because no one made a thread for that turd yet.
>> No. 20860 [Edit]
I looked into these a bit and found that the guy behind Straight Tittle gdgd and Tesagure also did two other shows 'Backstage Idol Story' and 'Minarai Diva'
>> No. 20912 [Edit]
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Finished .hack//SIGN. Average series and I wouldn't really say it's worth watching. It's best part is definitely the deliciously, deliciously brown Mimiru.
>> No. 20915 [Edit]
I finished that recently too, it sounds like I enjoyed it quite a bit more than you did. Yeah, it obviously only exists to promote the game, but I really enjoyed the focus on character interactions and atmosphere instead of the 'game' elements. There were some pretty good character arcs like Subaru's and it's obvious a lot of work went into the set design. Also the soundtrack was absolutely killer.
>> No. 20916 [Edit]
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Dark and mysterious guy kills this girl's whole village, makes her bury everyone, spouts some edgy pretentious bullshit while pointing his revolver at her and after 2 episodes she's fine being around him, talking to him and even starts following him.
I already want to drop it.
>> No. 20917 [Edit]
You have a stronger will than me, I couldn't even get through the first episode. I think that was the fastest show I've ever dropped.
>> No. 20918 [Edit]

Ugh, I typed a really long reply but it got eaten because of wrong embed. Fuck everything.

Overall I'll cut it extra short and I'll just say I liked what they did with the characters and how they focus on why they are playing the game (because focusing on the whys is always good) but I felt the anime spread itself thin and the plot was felt downright silly.
Oh yeah, the embed. I was actually disappointed by the OST considering it's Kajiura Yuki. Reminded me why you should never use vocals in songs you plan to reuse. There were some good things (embed related) but overall I didn't like it.
Overall it reminded me a lot of Noir, it's like they are twins really. Both made by Bee Train, both directed by Mashimo Kouichi, both OST by Kajiura Yuki. Same artstyle, same amtposhere, similar soundtrack. I didn't like either, heh.

Did I mention Mimiru was deliciously brown?
>> No. 20920 [Edit]
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I'll agree on that, the overall plot was pretty dumb and Mimiru was indeed quite deliciously brown. Anime needs more characters like her.
>> No. 21105 [Edit]
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Finished Otome Youkai Zakuro. I was specficially told to stay way from it ever since it aired (sounded like it could be neat based on Autumn chart). It was nowhere near as bad as people made it out to be. Not like it's a masterpiece either but it's decent enough.

Part of what I liked about it is how it panders to my tastes with it's Meiji-esque setting and general shinto stuff so I'm hardly objective here. But I've got to say that I dig the setting and found the characters to be very likeable. The production values are pretty good and it has a great cast.
Unfortunately I didn't care for the plot. At all. I wonder how much of it is just anime writer's fanwank seeing as the manga is still ongoing and the series isn't exactly new. The show was very casual about some really grimdark stuff, felt kinda weird.

Good series overall, though, can't say I regret spending my time on it.
>> No. 21106 [Edit]
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Finished Ristorante Paradiso, too. This one was on my backlog for a longer while. I was pretty sure it's a noitaminA series, turns out in aired on Fuji TV's short-lived Noise block, though (the only other two series which aired in that block were Michiko to Hatchin and Aoi Hana).

Great show. Liked it a lot. A perfect example that a good OST can make a show by itself. Especially if it's coupled with an OP which sets the perfect mood before the ep even starts. The show seemed to lose focus for ~two eps midway through the series but it's nothing major. It's a tad naive and the characters aren't very complex but that's for the best in this case - trying to force some serious drama would ruin it.
I don't have much to say about this one other than the fact that I recommend it. I'll probably pick up Antique Bakery next.
>> No. 21127 [Edit]
I watched the first 5 episodes of Haruhi in broadcast order. I was not impressed, though I don't think I've ever seen a comedy anime that I like. Also, why are most anime comedies called slice-of-life? Is the idea that less stuff happens in a slice-of-life?
>> No. 21159 [Edit]

>Also, why are most anime comedies called slice-of-life?

Because they aren't the least bit funny so why call them 'comedy'?
>> No. 21323 [Edit]
Slice-of-life is called "healing". In a food analogy, it's the lazy sunday breakfast of anime; ends up happy at the end.
>> No. 21325 [Edit]
The difference between comedies and slice-of-life is that comedies focus on comedy while slice-of-life mostly focuses on the average day to day lives of the characters. However these are not mutually exclusive. It's common place for slice-of-life to include comedic elements. slice-of-life in general would be too dull for most people without at least some humor.
>> No. 21326 [Edit]
It's often some sort of sub-genre, a mix of both in one way or another.
>> No. 21327 [Edit]
I watched Nadesico recently, and I definitely got to burning.
>> No. 21354 [Edit]
I see, thanks for explaining for me.
>> No. 21654 [Edit]
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I 'tried' watching Mamotte! Lollipop.
After making it trough the second ep I was fed up, but I tried giving it 3 eps and that pretty much settled things so I dropped it like a brick.

The plot is stupid, gist of the story is some dumb girl swallows a mcguffin marble and these two guys gotta protect her from other people trying to get the mcguffin marble till they can cook up some medicine to get it out of her (becuase no one in this show ever heard of laxatives I guess?)

Art is lazy and makes characters look unintentionally creepy or ugly at times. Not to mention everything is flat and lacking in detail. That might work for some shows but here it just gives off the impression of being rushed and that they couldn't be bothered.

Animation flat out sucks. If they have battles with minute long looping animations in the first 2 ep, I don't even dare imagine what the rest of the show is like.

voice acting is half assed. I've heard much worse, but still it's like they barely put in any effort. During action scenes and scenes that are meant to be a tad more emotional it becomes painfully obvious they're just reading lines. This is mostly just the main character though.

The characters are cliche and uninteresting. some are kinda cute sure, but that's not enough to save this show.
>> No. 21655 [Edit]
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Also, I can't tell if this character was meant to be a parody or a complete ripoff of Ranpha from Galaxy angel. I thought they looked similar but didn't think much of it till their name came up. It's too close to be a coincidence.
>> No. 21656 [Edit]
I watched like half of Azumanga like 10 years ago. I am now going to finish it.
>> No. 21657 [Edit]
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Currently catching up on Hanasaku Iroha and Letter Bee. Also, rewatching Mai Otome.
>> No. 21858 [Edit]
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I finished all three seasons of this show the other day, and I can confidently say that it is the best thing ever.
>> No. 21859 [Edit]
Hell fucking yes it is.
>> No. 21926 [Edit]
I've been watching shirokuma cafe for more than a year and I'm still on episode 30. I like it though, it's pretty cute but I guess it's not the kind of anime I'd enjoy watching every day.
Also I just noticed someone recently uploaded a subbed BD release on animebytes.
I was almost giving up on that, I thought we were stuck with the shitty HS rip.
Maybe this will give me a push to finally finish it.
>> No. 21934 [Edit]
I've been watching it since it first came out and am still on like episode 4. Not giving up though.
>> No. 22216 [Edit]
I finally finished the Eve no Jikan movie version. Didn't understand much because I gave up on translating every single line.
I'm slightly disappointed that despite the additional scenes shedding some light on some stuff that was left unclear in the series they introduced some more too, not to mention it didn't really advance Rikuo and Sami's relationship at all.
Fuck that shit, really. I've got more feels than I know what to do with, I still have no idea what all the shady organizations are all about and there are no sequels, prequels, edgy reboots or licensed f2p mobile phone games to this stupid piece of crap so I can get even more feels.
>> No. 22217 [Edit]
They add some very important stuff.
Most notably, the ending, during the credits. The picture montage story.
>> No. 22220 [Edit]
I think my wording came up a mess because I rewrote that post a lot of times. What I meant is that while they do add scenes that add to the "lore" and/or answer questions left untouched in the series most of those also introduce new questions and/or don't go as deep as I'd like into their subject.
Maybe they are not as bad and I'll be less disappointed once I rewatch translating everything, but I'm not feeling too hopeful going from what I did understand.
>> No. 22262 [Edit]
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Catching up on Nanoha
>> No. 22279 [Edit]
HOLY BONKERS, I didn't realize I hadn't watched Hidamari Sketch x SP yet. This is a fucking great. YES. A lot of people would give their right arm for extra episodes, and I've got two of them!
>> No. 22328 [Edit]
Just finished Fushigi yuugi, the first 52 episodes. Very very good and close to a masterpiece but the ending the guys who were killed came back because yes, Tamahome was reincarnated with no real explanation (even if I assume him following her to her world was foreshadowing of his love through time and worlds) felt like a deus ex machina to me.

Post edited on 7th Mar 2015, 3:06pm
>> No. 22429 [Edit]
Alright I'm picking up the pace, going strong at 39 episodes right now.
>> No. 22430 [Edit]
Mahōjin Guru Guru might be in the top 10 of anime let downs for me, I used to love it as kid but now I find it so boring.
>> No. 22715 [Edit]
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Alright I finally finished it a few days ago, after a year and half.
Even if it took me that much time to watch 50 episodes I enjoyed it. Really nice and cute cartoon, near the end there are also a few slightly more serious stories. One of them even made me tear up.
>> No. 22858 [Edit]
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Started watching Tsuyokiss off and on not too long ago. Right off the bat I gotta say this show has some really bizarre use of eyecatches. They'd inject eyecatchs randomly for scene transitions, and some of them can be really bizarre given the situation it might be interrupting. Like for example with a scene involving a character who's struggling with their father's death and replacement which cuts to a girl dressed as a cowboy ridding a mechanical bull for a few seconds.
On that note, it seemed like there were some really bizarre and completely out of context scenes at times, like with two characters signing about peanutbutter out of nowhere for some reason in a forth wall breaking style. Took me a few ep to realize it but it seems the show tries to employ some fake/joke advertizement. I didn't notice at first because the eyecatchs get used constantly so without keeping an eye on the time track you could easily mistake the placement of the CM break.

Anyways, show itself is decent in a kinda old school way. Really feels like a mid 2000's anime and has that charm that comes with stuff from that time period. At first I couldn't stand the antagonist and really couldn't understand how someone like that could retain their position as student council president while acting the way they do. I mean, she completely refuses to allow a drama club and torments the character trying to get it approved, but had no problem having a stage and set made just for a trail performance which means budget isn't the issue. Then it hit me that she's trying to get the club approved without having anyone else interested in being a member, which kinda makes the student council president in the right... even if they are a massive cunt. That aside the show is very much 'fine'. The animation is 'fine' the voice acting is 'fine' the art is 'fine' etc. The show isin't horrible, but it's not great either, it's just.. fine.
>> No. 22901 [Edit]
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I've been watching Princess Tutu; partway through the second half and I'm loving it so far.
This is actually the first magical girl series I've watched, and if the rest of the genre is anything like this I'm kicking myself for not having dipped into it sooner. Interestingly, since I'm not really knowledgeble with the genre, I often find myself thinking "Wait, this is a 'kid's' show, right?", and then completely forgetting that the next scene.
I really love the OP, both the animation and music; it's gorgeous.
>> No. 22914 [Edit]
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>This is actually the first magical girl series I've watched, and if the rest of the genre is anything like this I'm kicking myself for not having dipped into it sooner.

I'll just crush your dreams right now, it'll hurt less than finding out the hard way yourself: Tutu is the very best the genre has to offer.
A typical mahou shoujo follows a sentai-esque 'monster of the week' formula. Tutu tried to implement something similar at the beginning of the first half - she even had some special attack, didn't she? You know, like 'Rose Petal Storm!' or whatever (sorry, it's been over half a decade since I last saw Tutu). That's more mahou shoujo but even then the couple eps where Tutu was collecting pieces of Mytho's are better than any 'normal' mahou shoujo out there.

What makes Tutu even more amazing is how deep the ballet theme really goes. A person who knows nothing about ballet won't notice any of that but even a 'ballet casual' like me can spot a couple of references (like Meowzinksy); halfway through I noticed they actually use the Swan Lake (and Nutcracker possibly, I don't remember) choreography.

The ending is very interesting as well but I'll let you find out yourself I guess.
>> No. 22916 [Edit]
>>22430 here
I'm finally close to finishing it. Holy fuck what a let down, everything happens so quickly and 90% of it is filler without real consequences that I'm not even paying attention anymore. If I wasn't watching it dubbed I would have dropped it.
>> No. 22917 [Edit]
>If I wasn't watching it dubbed I would have dropped it.
Do you seriously watch dub?
>> No. 22923 [Edit]
watching dubbed anime is an entirely legitimate trolling technique, theres nothing wrong with it. in some few cases it can even be a legitimate anime watching technique (i.e. ep1 of tatami qalaxy when the subs go by far too fast to read them all).
>> No. 22929 [Edit]
For old stuff I watched as a kid, yes. And well, obviously when I can't choose, like for Princess Knight.
>> No. 22931 [Edit]
I appreciate the reply, and now I'm curious to know if you'd recommend at least one or two other mahou shoujo titles to try after finishing Tutu.

I am, unfortunately, completely clueless when it comes to ballet. This series is kindling an interest, though. I'm reminded of when I watched Nodame Cantabile back in '07 and spent the better part of a year steeping myself in classical music. I doubt the interest will reach that level, but...

>Tutu tried to implement something similar at the beginning of the first half - she even had some special attack, didn't she? You know, like 'Rose Petal Storm!' or whatever

Tutu did her "Flower Waltz!" once in the first episode; I'd even already forgotten what it was called, and had to go back and check.

>even then the couple eps where Tutu was collecting pieces of Mytho's are better than any 'normal' mahou shoujo out there.

That's what I love so much about this series; even at moments when the plot itself is pretty shallow, the use of symbolism and allegory is, to me at least, compelling and dare I say a bit sophisticated. It's an interesting blend of innocence and depth.

Post edited on 27th Apr 2015, 4:59pm
>> No. 22935 [Edit]
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>now I'm curious to know if you'd recommend at least one or two other mahou shoujo titles to try after finishing Tutu

Sure, I can try at least.
Utena is not a mahou shoujo anime in the strictest sense but neither is Tutu. Since you liked 'the use of symbolism and allegory' in Tutu I think Utena could be right up your alley. It's a somewhat polarizing series, though. Most people either love it or hate it. I'm in the former camp.
Truth to be told calling Utena mahou shoujo is a bit of a stretch. I don't know how I feel about trying to fit Utena into the mahou shoujo narrative but, well, it's not me who came up with that idea. It does use some typical mahou shoujo elements but it doesn't really focus on them.
One way or another it's a good series and it's worth watching, regardless of it being mahou shoujo or not. You watched Tutu first but I think you'll realize that Utena must've been on of the inspirations for Tutu if you'll give Utena a shot.

That's probably the only other mahou shoujo-esque series I can recommend with clear conscience. The third best non-monster-of-the-week series the genre has to offer is probably Madoka. It's a pastiche of several older series but the individual pieces don't fit together very well. It's not a bad show nonetheless but neither is it a great one. Madoka sticks to a mahou-shoujo-esque formula much closer than Tutu and Utena. You should stay away from it if ~suffering~ and ~despair~ are not your thing, though.

'Classic' mahou shoujo are made for kids and they're basically sentai shows for little girls. Every ep starts with some SoL stuff, then a monster appears, they defeat it with their finishing move and you get some more SoL at the end. If you'd like to check out one 'classic' mahou shoujo series just to get a hang of how the formula works your best bets are Shugo Chara, (original) Sailor Moon or PreCure. PreCure is probably the most 'accessible' of the bunch for a number of reasons. Most PreCure series are unrelated to each other and they take place in a completely new universe (aside from two direct sequels, Max Heart and Gogo). You could pick any of those but for newcomers starting with either Futari or Hearcatch is usually recommended. Personally I'd recommend Suite instead - it has a fun theme, the artstyle will be a bit easier to digest and it has likeable characters I like.

>I am, unfortunately, completely clueless when it comes to ballet. This series is kindling an interest, though.

Well, I can't say I know any sites/articles that explain all the ballet things in Tutu but they should exist somewhere. Good luck.
Here's a freebie I'll throw your way right off the bat: the most common Nutcracker theme you hear in Tutu is called... Waltz of the Flowers. Pretty similar to a certain finishing move, wouldn't you say? (I wonder if I realized this when I first watched the show; I no longer remember. Would be odd if I hadn't but at the same time I couldn't recall what the finishing move was called so...)
>> No. 22938 [Edit]

IF you're going to bring in semi-magical girl shows like Madoka, at least include the Nanoha franchise (just Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha and A's; then stop there, it then deviates to pure fantasy setting/story with everything that came after) and fate/prisma illya.

Also, I recommend Heartcatch Precure if you want a great traditional mahou shoujo.

Lastly, it's good to note that there are two subgenres for magical girl shows. The first, and one we are all discussing, are the mahou shoujo fighters, which should be self evident as to what that means, and the other is the mahou shoujo idol, where the main girls are ~8-10 years old and transform into ~14-16 year olds and sing and dance. The classic example is Magical Angel Creamy Mami, though there are newer series such as jewelpet (each series is unreleated to the next, similar to how Pretty Cure works). I'd recommend Jewelpet Twinkle if you want to give it a go.
>> No. 22939 [Edit]
>just Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha and A's; then stop there
I don't disagree with this but would like to say that the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha movie is a much better version of the first season and I'd recomend that over the tv version. A's TV version was fine though.
>> No. 22942 [Edit]
I actually started watching Utena a couple months ago, having learned it was directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara; I was enjoying Yuri Kuma at the time, and loved Mawaru Penguindrum. I found it exciting at first, but started to lose interest around episode 8. Committing to finishing it wouldn't be that big a deal if it weren't 39 episodes, and if I didn't have such a huge backlog of things to watch. I'll give it another go when I'm finished with Tutu.

I didn't want to be the guy to bring it up, but I have seen Madoka, and loved it. ~Suffering~ and ~despair~ are definitely my thing, for better or worse. And, watching Tutu now, I can really understand why a lot of mahou shoujo fans were a bit hostile towards Madoka when it was airing and getting all sorts of attention.

I'm going to go ahead and bet that I probably won't care much for the classic series, but it might be fun to try one, especially going in with low expectations.

>> No. 22943 [Edit]
>the other is the mahou shoujo idol, where the main girls are ~8-10 years old and transform into ~14-16 year olds and sing and dance.

I was not even aware such things existed! That sounds so absurd and girly that I'm going to have to check out at least the title you recommended.
>> No. 22945 [Edit]
There's a lot of them out there. Mermaid melody, aikatsu, pretty rythem, Lilpri, just to name a few.
>> No. 22956 [Edit]
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>IF you're going to bring in semi-magical girl shows like Madoka, at least include the Nanoha franchise (just Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha and A's; then stop there, it then deviates to pure fantasy setting/story with everything that came after) and fate/prisma illya.

Tutu is less mahou shoujo than Madoka in my opinion so I don't see why I wouldn't include it.
I did say 'that's probably the only mahou shoujo-esque series I can recommend with clear conscience'. I could list heaps of them, sure, but most of them are only relevant for fans of genre. I'd never recommend Nanoha or Illya to a layman.


>Jewelpet Twinkle

It's Jewelpet Tinkle, uguu.


>I'm going to go ahead and bet that I probably won't care much for the classic series, but it might be fun to try one, especially going in with low expectations.

I know, which is why I said 'personally I'd recommend Suite instead' - I never expected you to be able to finish it. Hearcatch is a better starting point but I believe Suite to be the better series overall. Can't go wrong with either, though, so maybe you should follow the popular opinion here and give Heartcatch a try.


Aikatsu is a rather straight-forward idol show, the 'mahou' part is missing entirely. Pretty Rhythm as well kinda, we could argue whether the 'techniques' they use are meant to be magical - I don't believe so.
Pichi Pichi Pitch is probably the most straightforward 'mahou idol' example - it's basically mahou shoujo with singing instead of punching things.
>> No. 22959 [Edit]
What do you mean by semi-magical show? Madoka is a mahou shoujo anime. Period.

And it's a pretty good one, a show doesn't have to be all about it's genre to be good, in fact those that have nothing original to offer are the repetitive, average, full of cliche ones that end up selling poorly because they're too plain.
>> No. 22960 [Edit]
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Last anime I watched was Kiniro S1 and Claymore prior to that, liked them both a lot.
>> No. 22961 [Edit]

How well a show sells has nothing to do with neither how original it is nor how good it is.
>> No. 22962 [Edit]
Says who? not every anime is otaku pandering.
>> No. 22963 [Edit]

>Says who?

I just did.

>not every anime is otaku pandering.

Perfect timing - IM@S Cinderella, Kancolle and SAO II all placed in last week's Top 5 best selling anime with over 10k units sold each.
And while I can't comment on the quality of Gundam Origin it's the epitome of pandering - a prequel featuing Char. Almost 50k sold.

I won't really complain about how Yuri Kuma Arashi failed to sell 1k again because I do realize it's very niche. But it does break my heart and I'm sure >>22942 will share that sentiment. Then again I'm used to it. Silver Link should've made a random 'cute girls doing cute things' show instead, that would've made good money.
>> No. 22965 [Edit]
Not really. It clearly tries to ridicule many elements of the genre rather than simply openly participating in it. Because of this it's more in the field of satire. I believe this is why the other person called it 'semi-magical' and I'd agree with them.
>> No. 22967 [Edit]
>IM@S Cinderella, Kancolle and SAO II all placed in last week's Top 5 best selling anime
Japanese dvd buyer's great taste in anime never fails to disappoint.
>> No. 22975 [Edit]
We were talking about a show that was released years ago, seasonal stuff has nothing to do with it.

And even if some stuff that is obvious otaku pandering sells well in Japan, there are many good shows that did well in the past without pandering to anyone.

Satire is going way too far, I would say it's not cliche, but anyhow what's ''classical'' mahou shoujo to you ? Sakura?
>> No. 22981 [Edit]

>We were talking about a show that was released years ago, seasonal stuff has nothing to do with it.

We were talking about sales so I'd say sales have a whole lot to do with it.

>there are many good shows that did well in the past without pandering to anyone

Sure. But I'm claiming the exact opposite to what you said - carefully planned, well-executed pandering is very likely to boost your sales substantially. Trying to deviate too much from the norm rarely pays off.
>> No. 23134 [Edit]
File 143161903973.jpg - (16.75KB , 512x384 , Ep26.jpg )
I finished Tutu the other day; beautiful, beautiful series. Couldn't have asked for a better ending! What still strikes me as unique about this series is Fakir and Tutu's displays of naive heroism mixed with surprisingly mature awareness of their personal limitations. I'm probably reading into it too deeply, but it's almost like the story's target audience could be both preternaturally wise children and adults who haven't repressed their inner child.

Back to the Mahou Shoujo subject, I'm four episodes into Shugo Chara and while the premise and protagonist appeal to me, I'm just not feeling it overall. Might give PreCure a try next before moving on.
>> No. 23137 [Edit]

>Couldn't have asked for a better ending!

The ending is probably my favorite part about Tutu. Ahiru doesn't turn into a human and doesn't wish to turn into a human. She's back to her true duckling form. And that's okay - it's a happy ending. She didn't have to turn into a 'beatiful swan'. Being herself was more than good enough. That's a very nice message.

>I'm four episodes into Shugo Chara and while the premise and protagonist appeal to me, I'm just not feeling it overall.

Yeah, Amu is a cool protagonist and probably the best part of the show period.
>> No. 23151 [Edit]
>The ending is probably my favorite part about Tutu. Ahiru doesn't turn into a human and doesn't wish to turn into a human. She's back to her true duckling form. And that's okay - it's a happy ending. She didn't have to turn into a 'beatiful swan'. Being herself was more than good enough. That's a very nice message.
Absolutely; that, along with Fakir readily trading his sword in for a pen and asking Autor for guidance, is what made the series come across as surprisingly mature to me.
>> No. 23165 [Edit]
I just finished Demonbane. I liked it a lot, I'm a sucker for Lovecraft stuff, but for some reason I found it very forgetful, lot of things entering from one ear and leaving from the other. Must be because of all the characters being presented and killed without being much more than a monster of the week.
>> No. 23178 [Edit]
Sad news. If you liked Princess Tutu OP/ED music, the musician for that is dead.
>> No. 23180 [Edit]
It's what I was planning to do, as soon as I finish Senran Kagura I'll play it.
>> No. 23200 [Edit]
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Finished Re: Cutie Honey. I watched the original TV series and Shin before. Re: was Cutey Honey's best iteration yet, although it's not much of an accomplishment I guess.

It was decent enough I guess. The production values aren't mind-blowing but they are pretty good nonetheless. Okay animation, I really dig the artstyle (pic related, although the aspect ratio looks borked for some reason), good voice acting, very nice soundtrack. Also once again I caught myself thinking that the OP is damn catchy.

Hocchan does a pretty good job as Honey. I thought she fit the role better than Neya Michiko (from Shin). Being Hocchan she lacks the range to get the angsty parts right but she fits the 'Cutie' part to a tee.

Unfortunately it gets worse witch each ep - ep 1 is the best of the bunch.
I caught myself thinking 'hey, this feels kinda like Kill la Kill' very early on and sure enough, after looking it up I found that Imaishi Hiroyuki was the director of ep 1 and he directed Kill la Kill as well. I noticed the Dead Leaves-que vibe right away, too, and he directed that as well. I never thought of Dead Leaves while watching KlK, though. I guess Re:CH is somewhere in the middle between KlK and Dead Leaves.

Thinking about this made me realize that KlK and Cutey Honey have the same premise basically - a daughter is out there to avenge her father's death. Both use, uh, 'white weaponary' - Honey has her Silver Fleuret and Ryuuko had that what-was-it-called scissors. They both transform, too. There are many other minor similarities. Considering part of the KlK staff worked on R:CH the insipiration is pretty obvious (and yet it didn't occur to me while I was watching KlK, even though I watch Cutey Honey before that).

Overall I was a tad disappointed by it, mostly because ep 1 was pretty fun and it kept getting worse afterwards. I had no expectations when I picked it up and I got my hopes up a little after a good start. Too bad.
>> No. 23201 [Edit]
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I watched Mazinkaiser SKL at roughly the same time, too. When I downloaded them somehow the thought that they are both Go Nagai OVAs didn't occur to me, I only made that connection when I was about to watch first ep of SKL.

I heard the rumors but goddamn this sure was edgy, starting with the OP (Immortal God machine sets the world free!) and ending with the ED. Good thing I wasn't wearing my shoulder pads while watching it because I'm sure they would've grown spikes otherwise.

I enjoyed it quite a bit, heh. One of the edgiest things I've ever watched. Even the damn Pilder is a freaking skull, they sure don't fuck around. It's basically Mazinkaiser destroying 10 billions of enemies for 25 straight minutes. ... Or at least that's what I hoped for but it suffered from the R:CH syndrome - the first ep was nice, fast paced and action packed but it slowed down later on. It didn't plummet as hard as R:CH though so it was still moderately enjoyable for those ~75 minutes. The ending was pretty crap, though.

It's worth mentioning that the production values are really top notch. Pretty smooth animation, super edgy heavy metal OST and Hiyama. Fuck yeah Hiyama. Unfortunately I picked a screenshot that looks crap but trust me, this is one of the really rare QUALITY moments.

I can kinda recommend this if you like Go Nagai and feel like slitting your wrists.
>> No. 23202 [Edit]
I finished L'Animation indépendante japonaise volume 1 and 2. Some were amazing, some where meh, with how short most of them were it was worth it anyway.
>> No. 23215 [Edit]
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This anime is some serious fucking bullshit jesus christ
Is there anything with an at least semi-realistic approach to firearm combat? Anime, manga or whatever doesn't matter

Post edited on 27th May 2015, 4:46pm
>> No. 23219 [Edit]
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I started reading Gunslinger Girl, I watched the first season a few years ago but didn't continue with the 2nd because people kept saying everything after S1 was bad and that it would ruin the image of the whole series. I don't remember anyone saying any valid reasons though.
But as expected the manga has much less effect than the anime, I noticed this especially with chapter 2.
So exactly why is S2 considered bad? Should I really continue with the manga?
>> No. 23220 [Edit]
Give it a go. Discover for yourself how much of the "effect" it carries over from the 1st season. Maybe you'll also discover why no one has ever bothered to give you any reasons not to.
>> No. 23221 [Edit]
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Amagi Brillant Park
It's fun fluff.
>> No. 23224 [Edit]
Oh the cute girls,
What would be anime without you, cute girls.
Without all the cute girls
I'd rather not watch any anime at all.
>> No. 23227 [Edit]
the 2nd season of Gunslinger Girl is hated because the action scenes were done by an animator shaking a still image in front of the camera.
>> No. 23271 [Edit]
I'm watching the first episode and they definitely fucked up the old perfect style and I'm already seeing a lot of still images being shaken up. I don't know if I'll be able to keep watching this after having seen the first season.
If the firefights are also still images being shaken then I'll probably drop it
>> No. 23276 [Edit]
I finished Boogiepop phantom. I'm not sure I know exactly what happened, I mean I can make sense of things but every name and face is confused and mixed in my head. I should rewatch, or read the LN.
>> No. 23279 [Edit]
File 143406479772.png - (831.12KB , 1280x720 , Gunslinger Girl ~IL TEATRINO~ Ep 01 'Distance.png )
Well there seems to be a good attention to detail and enough gun porn
But the shaking images, new voice actors and new completely different art style are still weird as hell
>> No. 23281 [Edit]
I can't take discontinuous bullshit like this seriously.
>> No. 23282 [Edit]
What do you mean
>> No. 23284 [Edit]
I mean the 2nd season is discontinuous to the 1st season, and not in a good way. In fact it's the worst. Shitty, pointless, soulless sequels are the worst.
>> No. 23291 [Edit]
I'm watching Sasameki Koto, and it's making me want to be a cute 2d lesbian with a lot of friends.
>> No. 23336 [Edit]
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I love this girl god fucking damn
>> No. 23337 [Edit]
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>> No. 23486 [Edit]
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I want to watch Jormungand, which release should I download? I'm not really familiar with any of these groups and the filesizes are all so huge for 12 episodes.
This anime is also banned on bakabt so I can't just go there and download whatever the site chose, I don't know what to do. Ratio is precious

I tried asking on 8/a/ before hoping for faster replies but those pretentious fucking fags just deleted my thread, I didn't even like them anyway.
>> No. 23496 [Edit]
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Looking at the names of the groups alone Asenshi sounds like the safest choice. If not - Dmonhiro.
>> No. 23523 [Edit]
why are u paying 1yen an hour to download torrents?
>> No. 23526 [Edit]
He's using AnimeBytes. Yen on that site is basically just an incentive to seed torrents. You can use it to buy stuff like upload credit and custom titles/badges. The ¥/h thing is just showing how much he will get for seeding each torrent.
>> No. 23539 [Edit]
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This OP made me nostalgic about all those 00s punk-rock music.
>> No. 23892 [Edit]
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Damn it, I haven't posted about this yet. Now this show I'd say I really enjoyed in a "so bad its good" way sort of.. I should have posted while it was fresh in my mind but I watched it months ago. This scene though, where there is an arcade tournament on the water tower shit, just was so damn retarded that I thought it was hilarious. As with many other things. Watch it if you can.
>> No. 23896 [Edit]
I love Fubuki, so this was on my list of things to watch. I've just got to find a seeded torrent or something to get this since the one on Nyaa isn't being seeded at all.
>> No. 23996 [Edit]
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I just saw Kannazuki no Miko. I put it off for many years in spite of being lead to believe this was a really great anime and having been recommended it a few times. Guess you could say I've been saving it and worried it might not live up to the hype. ...and holy shit that was something. It really had me choking up by the end I'm not gonna lie. If I still had a heart it would be wrenched to the extreme.

I like how this took some pretty surprising turns and twists. Lot of things I expected to see happen didn't and vice versa. Like one little thing was with the school bullies. I fully expected them to harass and seriously bully Himeko, and maybe rough her up a bit to cause some drama with Chikane having to save her or comfort her. Instead they were just a minor nuisance that didn't really come up more than a couple times. I was mainly very surprised by the direction the plot/romance took considering what I've heard about how japan feels in regards to yuri. I didn't want to believe it at first and kept telling myself she must have been under some mind controll or something but it was really getting to look like Chikane lost her mind and turned to the dark side, and Himeko was gonna end up with what's his face. For that matter I'm surprised what's his face's brother got taken out like he was, I figured he'd have been part of the final show down, rather than getting his ass mostly handed to him half way into the show.

It was strange though, while I have no real idea what went on in the making of the anime it felt almost like the creators were trying hard to make something great, but were being pressured and forced to shove in stupid garbage tropes from generic mecha anime. Main things being the overly colorfully main mecha design (which I was okay with), male hero character that acts like yelling will make him more powerful, and most of all the really out of place and bizarre villains that didn't match the tone of the show at all. An idol, a catgirl nurse, and a freaking manga artist. Part of me wanted to believe they were there as an ironic joke, but I really don't think that was the case. Especially not when they tried explaining what lead those characters to become full of hatred and seeking to destroy the world with the idol having been raped, the cargirl a product of genetic manipulation, and the manga artist... having lots of work? yeah I still don't know about that last one.
honestly I would have given this anime a perfect 10/10 if not for weird out of place villains, instead of a 9.
>> No. 24028 [Edit]
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Does RIFFA appear in any other IM@S production (manga, spin-offs, games, etc.)? As much as I'm sure IM@S fans would like to forget Xenoglossia, she's cute enough that not doing anything else with her would be kind of a waste.

Episodes 18 and 19 got really fucking brutal. As obscure as their goals are, Turiavita is both competent and fanatical enough to be a convincing terrorist organization. And the counterattack by the MSA forces admist the Idols punching the shit out of each other in the background was very well put together. They were the most memorable two episodes in an otherwise unmemorable series. The robots are pretty cute as well.
>> No. 24030 [Edit]
>It was strange though, while I have no real idea what went on in the making of the anime it felt almost like the creators were trying hard to make something great, but were being pressured and forced to shove in stupid garbage tropes from generic mecha anime.

Kaishaku are infamous for being appalling writers. The anime staff were probably trying to change as much as they could.
>> No. 24096 [Edit]
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I'm currently 8 ep into samurai-flamenco
I was told it started off with an interesting concept but got retarded and shitty after a few ep where they more or less abandon that concept, and man they weren't kidding..
The way ep7 ended made me feel like dropping it but checked out ep8 just out of curiosity, during which I kept saying to myself "what the hell where they thinking?!"
Honestly the only thing that makes me wanna go back and see more is flamenco girl. Even if she is a complete phycopath she's a pretty interesting character.

The show seemed pretty interesting at first. Doing the whole real world down to earth take on hero characters. Reminded me a lot movies like Super, Kickass, Defendor etc. I liked how the character went from correcting minor law breaking like j-walking and littering to stopping purse snatchers. was also kinda neat how one of the main characters was a cop. Sometimes I forget cops even exist in the world of anime. It helped a bit in grounding the show more in reality and giving a semi decent reason why this guy hasn't been arrested yet.
Things got a bit silly around ep 5-6 when he got his utility kit full of ridicules gadgets and things got a tad more silly/over the top, and I was thinking maybe that was the point where the show was supposed to turn to crap but it really wasn't 'that bad' I thought. Then ep 7 came along and it started to look like things were winding down with crime being taken care of and that hero earning some real respect, so obviously they needed to introduce something new to justify the 22ep length of the show. I was thinking they'd probably introduce some much bigger time criminals like drug lords and mob bosses for the guy to tackle next... but holllly shit.
So he goes with some cops on a druglab raid and one of the junkies goes for the first real gun we see in the series so far and also takes some drugs. I figure a drugged up junky with a gun would give the MC a taste of real world crime fighting or something in that vain. but then the junky transforms into a 15 foot tall gorilla with a guillotine for a chest and starts brutally slaughtering all the cops before blowing up. (keep in mind there's been no death or serious injuries before this) Then a holograb of a generic looking villain in the sky calling himself 'Torture' challenges the MC. so I'm like "what the FUCK, they're going THERE with this? really?!". At first I thought it was a dream sequence as they've done that a few times, but nope! Then in ep 8 we see them fighting random monsters like it's nothing and no one really questions it or seems to find it strange that Saturday morning style monsters with henchmen in tow are attacking people around town. At this point it felt like watching one of those generic hero shows made for kids, which I guess was is the point? Why even set up a down to earth realistic super hero story if you're just gonna go completely off the walls with it anyway? Like I said the characters don't seem surprised by this change, they just carry on like nothing has really changed much and it's business as usual. How do you go from beating up purse snatchers to fighting super powered mutant monsters without being taken back by it at all? It'd be one thing if there was some sort of set up or indication things were gonna eventually escalate to that, but it's right out of left field. Even then, these are normal people we're talking about with very little combat training and pretty shitty tools. These are people who have gotten their asses kicked by street thugs multiple times. There's no way they should be able to take these things on. Hell two of them are just idols tagging along for the hell of it. None of them have any powers or anything like that. Really, this shit went full retarded real quick.

Reminds me how that movie kickass dropped the realism in the second half and before you know it MC has a jetpack with machine guns on it. Would have been nicer if the tone stayed consistent like in Super.

Gotta say though, being an idol/model is easily the worse possible career for a vigilante hero. For one I don't care how skilled someone is they're gonna take a few hits and good luck getting work as a model while covered in cuts and bruises. Secondly, That makes it mindnumlingly easy to figure out their identity (that actually was a bit of bit plot point). Heck, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be hard to track down a big pink Hummer2. I digress...
>> No. 24099 [Edit]
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Well I finished it off today.
I still thing the shift from down to earth realistic hero stuff to over the top alien mecha robot stuff was pretty jarring, but I suppose it's okay once you settle into it and bit.

I found it a bit hard to tell at times what it was exactly they were going for with this show. Sometimes it would be silly nonsensical hero parody stuff, while at other times it'd be really dark and gritty. Like how the first monster that shows up slaughterers some cops, but the ones after that do silly stuff like handing out toxic tissues while civilians just ignore them. Maybe it's just me but it doesn't sit well with me when shows jump around like that. I think I'd much rather have consistency. I get they were trying to explore every aspect of hero shows from realistic origin stories, monster of the week shows (with and without mecha), magical girl anime, government conspiracies, alien invasions, to villeins created by the hero themselves. The thing is by cramming all that stuff into one show it just feels really all over the place and like it jumps around too much. maybe that was the point as the god character at the end was trying to put it but I dunno. You have to be extremely forgiving with this show for much of the plot and all it's twists (and holes) to make any sense. it's really kinda mind boggling to imagine a guy who gets beaten up by a pack of kids early into the show going on to become a giant and beat up an alien on the moon.

I think I read somewhere going into this something about it having some BL undertones, which I did notice a bit earlier on and never thought much of... till one guy strips naked and asks another guy to marry him while offering to do everything his girlfriend would. Speaking of, that cop's girlfriend story was really tugging on my strings a bit. Guess I could kinda relate too, I had a phase where I tried doing that same sort of thing too but I wasn't delusional enough to keep it going long...
>> No. 24147 [Edit]
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I've been watching The Rose of Versailles, so far I'm into the first 21 episode and I've to say it's as good as I remembered from my youth, almost a masterpiece. The only thing missing is a bit of comic relief here and there, it being constantly serious gets a bit draining.
I've also read the first volume of the manga (I'm buying it physical so I'll wait for each volume to come out) and it has the same problem but in the other direction, too many silly faces make the thing not serious enough. This is probably because I already know where it will go, for a new reader the "current" silliness will make the suffering much worse.
>> No. 24163 [Edit]
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>almost a masterpiece


I think Beribara actually manages got provide accidental comic relief regularly - the drama is so cheeky and over the top that it gets silly at times. But I don't think that's a bad thing - in fact it just adds to Beribara's charm, just like the clunky animation and 70s shoujo artstyle. All of this together makes it the masterpiece it is.
>> No. 24213 [Edit]
I finished the Papa no Iukoto ovas, all 3. I'm quite bitter at how they ended, and apparently lolsorawins wasn't handled much better in the ln.
>> No. 24484 [Edit]
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Watched Hidan no Aria because I heard the new spinoff has some yuri undertones.
Unsurprisingly garbage show but the girls were pretty good - aside from the usual awful Riedere protag.

Shirayuki is the miracle of the universe, though. I thought I grew out of Takahashi Mikako but apparently I was wrong.
>> No. 25140 [Edit]
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Eden of the East
>> No. 25144 [Edit]
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I have been watching Princess's Erection and while sit is pretty good, I have no other backlog and no new eps until Jan 6. I am so fucking hosed, why aren't there subs for the Kamisama Hameshimashta OVA yet this between season gap is too fukken long
>> No. 25365 [Edit]
I got around to watching Zone of the Enders: Idoro the other day. It was surprisingly well put together in both production quality and story. It made me actually feel pity for Viola even though I largely despised her in the first game.
>> No. 25370 [Edit]
I've decided to watch old shows, but I decided to not do what I sometimes used to do, which is just marathoning them in a few days. I did it with Azumanga Daioh, and while it was fun, it still felt kind of like I rushed through it too much. So what I decided to do is to is watch one episode per week, on a specific day and time, just to take it slower. I'm currently doing that with Card Captor Sakura.
>> No. 25373 [Edit]
Well, that will sure take a while. The right dosage is the key to enjoying all the hobbies however so I hope you'll have fun with that.
>> No. 25388 [Edit]
That's more or less what I do. Takes a lot longer to finish shows off but it feels more earned and like more of a journey when spaced out as originally intended.
>> No. 25415 [Edit]
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So I'm watching Kodomo no Jikan since I managed to find a complete torrent. It's actually pretty good and I actually care about the characters. It's pretty sad and I want the characters to be happy. I mean that for all of them.
>> No. 25418 [Edit]
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I just finished Iczer-1; it was a pretty decent OVA, if incredibly violent. Fight scenes were steller, though the ending was kind of dumb though.
>> No. 25449 [Edit]
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I started watching Maria Holic on a whim. I wasn't expecting it to have such a Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei vibe, but I rather like it. This has nothing to do with the fact that I want to ravage Mariya like there's no tomorrow.
>> No. 25487 [Edit]
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Well, it is by SHAFT...
>> No. 25494 [Edit]
i am old stuff god dammit
>> No. 25498 [Edit]
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most of us are.

I liked the absurdity of the series, though the writing left a lot to be desired. season 2 gets off to a wonderfully great start, and then the OP ends and it goes to shit super fast.
>> No. 25505 [Edit]
Finished Mahoromatic and am getting started on Something More Beautiful. This year will be the year that I finish my backlog. Surely.
>> No. 25506 [Edit]
Don't forget to put your seatbelt on when you get near the end, it's gonna be a bumpy ride...
>> No. 25534 [Edit]
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>> No. 25535 [Edit]
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So after knowing about Kino no Tabi for a long while, I decided to see what it was about exactly. I've only watched four episodes, but it's been quite a ride already.

I'm amazed and surprised with how stronng Kino is. I didn't think that she'd be able to get through some of the moments that I've seen her in, but she managed due to her cunning and being prepared. I don't want to see anything bad happen to her, but her world is so sad and painful because of all the people being shits. Just like real life despite being quite a bit different.

I had meant to post this yesterday, so I ended up forgetting if I had anything else to say.
>> No. 25786 [Edit]
File 14587629689.jpg - (296.66KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Kantai Collection - 06 [1080p]_mkv_.jpg )
Not really old, but I just finished watching the Kantai Collection anime.

Despite it's bad rep, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I was expecting cute ships doing cute things and it delivered, for the most part. I will admit that being a fan of the girls and being familiar with the game probably helps to appreciate it though.
>> No. 25981 [Edit]
File 146092844253.png - (233.94KB , 512x384 , [a_f_k_]_Full_Moon_wo_Sagashite_-_19_avi_snapshot_.png )
Finally finished Full Moon wo Sagashite. I have to say, despite the first half being almost all filler, the last ten episodes are so damn good it more than makes up for it. The part where she finds Eichi was the first thing to make me cry in literally years.
>> No. 25987 [Edit]
I think we discussed it earlier in this thread, but shows that aired after this thread was started don't qualify as "old stuff. Sorry about being meta and annoying.

Post edited on 17th Apr 2016, 7:04pm
>> No. 25988 [Edit]
As I think was also pointed out, the op states
>(i.e. not from the newest season)
which is the case since it was a year ago, which is why I thought it was ok, however I definitely could be wrong. I'm really sorry if I posted it in the wrong place, I didn't mean to disrupt the thread. I just didn't know where else to.
Unless I'm completely blind and missed it while searching the board many times for one, there isn't a thread about it.
>> No. 25991 [Edit]
the discussion is here >>7135
it was never successfully completed as the question of what exactly OP meant by "(i.e. not from the newest season)". Is it just not currently airing shows or did she mean nothing from Winter 2011 or after?
>> No. 25994 [Edit]
Personally I think you're fine and there's no problem with posting about anime from last year ITT. Kantai Collection thread is still alive but posting here instead of necroing that makes sense.
>> No. 25998 [Edit]
>Kantai Collection thread is still alive
Well shit, I really am blind. I clearly remember searching for one and not finding it back when I made the post. I do agree that necroing it wouldn't have made sense though.
>> No. 26393 [Edit]
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I decided I want to watch something light, and after surveying my huge backlog I chose Ika Musume. I'm halfway through and it's really fun. I also like the beach setting.

I'm disappointed in the lack of fanart for Nagisa though.
>> No. 26463 [Edit]
File 146722577064.png - (295.04KB , 848x480 , Sketchbook ~full color'S~ - 12 [DVDrip 848x48.png )
Finished Sketchbook Full Color's. It was a truly lovely, cathartic, relaxing experience from beginning to end, and I'd recommend it to any fans of puffy cheeks, cats and/or ventriloquism.
>> No. 26466 [Edit]
Saw the IDOLM@STER movie, nearly fucking fell asleep.
>> No. 26475 [Edit]
File 146767286775.jpg - (65.79KB , 1280x720 , Lupin III (2015) - 19 (1280x720 HEVC AAC)_mkv_snap.jpg )
Just finished the recent Lupin series.

Overall, better than the series from a couple years ago. Rebecca is love, and the OP and ED are wonderful.
>> No. 26524 [Edit]
File 14682011423.jpg - (109.34KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yusha de Aru - 01 [720.jpg )
I'm not sure how a show like this managed to sneak by under my radar, but I'm glad to have found it.

So far, it's like Madoka without the urobutcher's influence, only with shitty 3-D instead of SHAFT for the fighting.
>> No. 26842 [Edit]
File 147167182456.jpg - (231.88KB , 1288x1415 , g20160919.jpg )
>I decided I want to watch something light
I was in that mood and choose Bottle fairies (Binzume Yousei)
>> No. 26844 [Edit]
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>> No. 26846 [Edit]
I'm almost done with Gankutsuou. I hate the animation and CG, but I couldn't stop watching because of the story. However, I may have been better off just reading the Count of Monte Cristo (what it's based off of).
>> No. 26956 [Edit]
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I finished rewatching Air after reading the VN. There was a lot of love for the source material in there. It's a shame they tried to squeeze it all into 12 episodes though. I'm glad they prioritized the more dramatic scenes, but because the pacing had to be as fast as it was, those scenes had much less impact than they should have. I love Kanna and the Summer arc, but it might have been better if it was cut out and left to the In Summer special. Two episodes was not enough to tell that story, and the other arcs could have used at least that much more. I loved seeing the story in an animated form right down to matching specific CGs, and as a complement to the VN it's amazing. It's just unfortunate that the anime can't stand on its own without the VN.
>> No. 26957 [Edit]
I agree the single cour time frame felt a little short and rushed at times but because the series had so few main characters the produces probably figured two cour might come across as being too slowly paced and hard to justify. It would most likely allow them to flush out the characters much more, and give viewers better connections and more reason to care during those dramatic parts, but it wouldn't be easy to make it work.
>> No. 27111 [Edit]
File 147613038775.jpg - (158.95KB , 1280x720 , [Critter-Subs] Jewelpet Tinkle - 01 [F6DF05FF]_mkv.jpg )
Started watching Jewelpet Tinkle after just finishing the original Jewelpet. Had I know Tinkle was essentially a remake of the original I probably wouldn't have bothered with the original since it wasn't all that good. I thought it would be connected in some way since it looked like they had many of the same characters.
so far the new characters are cuter than the old ones but the show itself doesn't seem much better as of yet.
>> No. 27117 [Edit]
File 147622253487.jpg - (47.78KB , 1280x720 , [Arienai]Yes_Pretty_Cure_5_-_14[1280x720][9f73e4bb.jpg )

Jewelpet seasons work like Pretty Cure, new cast, new characters, similar premise.
>> No. 27118 [Edit]
precure never reuses the same characters though.
>> No. 27119 [Edit]
File 147622898631.jpg - (116.65KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Precure New Stage 3 Movie (1280x720 Hi10P B.jpg )

Oh come now, there's been a yellow cure in ever season except the very first.
>> No. 27120 [Edit]
Having the same theme color doesn't make them the character. The closest thing precure comes to reusing the same characters are with the splash stars vs the original black and white, but as simulator as they were they're still different characters after all is said and done.
>> No. 27140 [Edit]
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Recently saw hoshi o ou kodomo.
It was a nice little adventure fairy tail sort of thing. It had really good animation and art. It's just a little weird that the girl goes in and out of having a manface, especially on the cover. I honestly thought it was a photoshoped edit when I first saw it. Said girl's motivations were also a little unclear to me, I might have missed something but I just kept wondering why she was even there in the latter parts of the film. Anyways I enjoyed it.
>> No. 27163 [Edit]
File 147656762182.jpg - (81.85KB , 1280x720 , [WhyNot] Denpa Teki na Kanojo - 01 [BD 720p AAC][5.jpg )
Just saw Denpa Teki na Kanojo. Kind of a nasty reminder of how fucked up the world can be, and why I don't usually watch these types of anime. That said it wasn't 'too' bad I guess. Although one of things I took issue with was the pseudo detective work. It didn't feel like they did any real investigating and as such the conclusions didn't feel earned. In both eps Ame draws some really wild conclusions without much to go on. That combined with always knowing when what's his face is in danger leads me to wonder if they're not simply psychic or have some precognition powers.
>> No. 27171 [Edit]
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I have finally gotten around to watching Kino's Journey and I have been really enjoying it so far. Most episodic series don't really grab me, but this anime's an exception.
>> No. 27212 [Edit]
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Catching up on POKEMON
>> No. 27443 [Edit]
File 148013140653.jpg - (109.02KB , 960x720 , [FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_013_[720p][Blu-Ray][C01D7CC.jpg )
Started watching Yawara! some time this week and it's great, really has me in the mood to watch Ranma next.
>> No. 27454 [Edit]
I watched it awhile ago but I remember believing supernatural elements wasn't out of the question.
>> No. 27529 [Edit]
Gatchaman Crowds
Mawaru Penguin Drum
>> No. 27566 [Edit]
higepiyo ep 31
>> No. 27567 [Edit]
Noein, heard it's pretty good but the first episodes are a bit slow.
Also, should I pick up Denou coil again?
>> No. 27606 [Edit]
It's Pokemon Go the anime... before Pokemon Go appeared.
>> No. 27618 [Edit]
File 148339559681.jpg - (195.13KB , 850x1275 , __alastor_and_shana_shakugan_no_shana_drawn_by_dar.jpg )
i've been watching shakugan no shana.

i'm 4 episodes in, it's pretty enjoyable. i intend to watch all of it, but i'm wondering if it falls of in quality at some point?

shana is moe as heck.
>> No. 27620 [Edit]
Season one was nice, season two was almost endless 8 levels of audience trolling for the most part, and season three was pretty shit in general thanks to a plot that revolved around a war on a group that only wanted to be left alone.

Also, Shana is hot.
>> No. 27652 [Edit]
File 148383385724.jpg - (71.76KB , 1280x720 , Robotics;Notes - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_04_26_[201.jpg )
Currently watching Robotics;Notes. It's okay but not really what I was expecting. I'm not sure what it was I was expecting exactly, but it certainly wasn't a school club anime with toy fighting and an undertone of mystery. I'm not complaining though.
>> No. 27665 [Edit]
I watched all of Boku Dake ga Inai Machi last night. I sat through the entirety of it. Man that's a beautiful show. It was really nostalgic, I was filled with emotion sometimes. It had me actually weeping like a baby throughout the entire night. I'm a faggot I know.

The ending was a bit awful and it started to fall off during the last two or three episodes but I'm not going to hold that against the show, endings are hard.
>> No. 27700 [Edit]
Season 2 is one of the worst things I've ever watched, so brace yourself. Season 3 has mixed reviews, but ultimately it's considered worse than the 1st season.
>> No. 27703 [Edit]
File 148443318343.png - (1.19MB , 1280x720 , Aoi Bungaku Series 04 [497DCBD9]_mkv_snapshot_18_.png )
I started watching Aoi Bungaku, because I've read a few bits of old Japanese literature and was curious to see how they'd adapt it into anime. It has flaws, but it's actually pretty well done. I'd recommend the first four episodes (based on No Longer Human) if you want to know what your average /tc/er's life in early Shōwa era Japan would've been like.
>> No. 27705 [Edit]
Aoi Bungaku has a very, very loose adaptation of No Longer Human. I was disappointed by that.

On top of that, Oba Yozo gets laid on the reg, is attractive and kind as well as being socially competent, the complete opposite of a /tc/ user. His flaws (which is where the /so/ stuff starts to come in) came from not recognizing his innate goodness and having some kind of anxiety disorder and a predilection for suicide. It's literally the fulcrum of the story. I've read it at least 5 times, it might be my favorite book of all time. (Real spoilers ahead don't look until you've finished/don't care.)

Osamu Dazai actually ended up throwing himself into a canal with a woman, similar to Oba Yozo, he romanticized the idea of a lovers suicide. No Longer Human is the result of some genuinely dark urges. It starts to seem like a seriously fucked up book when you read it with that factoid in mind.
>> No. 27712 [Edit]
Fair enough, if you were looking for a faithful adaptation then this certainly isn't it.

I wouldn't be so sure about Yozo being the complete opposite of a /tc/ user, though. Appearance and social competence are fairly superficial compared to one's beliefs and way of thinking, and his beliefs and way of thinking are a lot closer to ours than to those of your average Ford driver.
>> No. 27782 [Edit]
Started watching the 2016 adaptation of Berserk.

The animation style is kind of sketchy but I understand why they chose to do it that way - It makes the action scenes way more dynamic and interesting, but the subtle movements of characters during the slower scenes just seem off and are ugly. I really hate copious amounts of cg in anime, I couldn't even stand the moderate amount that Re0 had, but this seems to be a fine adaptation despite that. I like it a lot. The OP is cool, I love 9mm Parabellum Bullet. I really wish it was animated in the trigger/klk style that they chose for the netherworld scenes during the OP.

I read very little of the manga but I'll definitely pick it up after I finish it.
>> No. 27800 [Edit]
Just finished watching Grave of the Fireflies. I'm still crying as I post this.
>> No. 27990 [Edit]
File 148750064214.jpg - (64.46KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_05_[h264-720p][0F358C5F]_mkv_sna.jpg )
So I'm re-watching fate/zero and a thought occurred to me. Why doesn't this guy just kill his dad? He clearly doesn't like him much and he's willing to do whatever it takes to help Sakura, including killing himself and other people. He should be able to easily command his servant to go murder that old fart, instead of letting that girl be tortured for years.
>> No. 27992 [Edit]
File 148753208633.jpg - (73.15KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade W.jpg )

Well, there's Sakura, a character that appears in the sequel, and zoken, another character that appears in the sequel, and then there is a character that didn't exist or was ever mentioned sequel at all. It's not hard to guess what the conclusion of the story was going to have to be.

To make things worse, the writers first thought up the ideas for fights and then half-assed the rest of the story to set the stage for those fights.
>> No. 27993 [Edit]
Yeah I get the "because prequel" aspect, just seems like they could have written that a bit better. Like you said it seems half-assed. I haven't read the original work but Kariya seems really poorly established in the anime for such a tragic character, and even for someone who's Japanese they seem a little too eager to kill themselves. I'd like to think just about anyone else would have tried to find an alternate solution before selling their soul to the devil.
>> No. 28020 [Edit]
Having seen it for the first time myself last month I can't say I get what it's all about. It felt like a long version of 'The Ant and the Grasshopper', focused on the Grasshopper. If the boy had any brains he would've stayed at his aunt's place while helping out a bit. Instead he chose to ignore reality and fool around all day while the country was in a terrible state and he knew he has noone to rely on but himself (by his own choice). Too bad he got his sister caught up in that shit.

It's not like it was a story of some country hit by a massive famine, where everybody just dies out of hunger. Sure, times were really tough, but with the resources they had at hand they could've survived without even being malnuornished. One of the final scenes, where the rich girls move into the villa across of their riverside hideout and listen to some music shows that the resources weren't that scarce. It's not even the difference between the bourgeois and the poor that you see there. It's the difference between ants and grasshoppers.

As such everything that happened in the movie was just desserts and it didn't make me feel much. There are many depressing movies and TV anime where bad things happen to good people for little reason and it's just hard to watch. This wasn't a 'bad things happen to good people' movie. It was a 'dumb people reap what they sow' one.
>> No. 28052 [Edit]
File 148818172419.jpg - (46.75KB , 640x480 , Aishiteruze Baby - 23 [AonE]_avi_snapshot_18_04_[2.jpg )
I'm still struggling to finish Aishiteruze Baby and can barely stand the show, but I gotta say this scene right here was hella sweet and really hit home.
>> No. 28088 [Edit]
The second Patlabor movie.

I really wanted to like this but it fell flat on me. The characters mature but outside of Ghoto it feels like they almost mature out of who they are. And the whole theme of the movie doesn't feel like Patlabor. Enjoyable but it feels like Oshii wanted to make something else. So he took an existing label, bent it, and put it on a new box to help it sell a bit more.

More than anything I'm annoyed by how vague it was. I don't know what point they were going for. Supposedly it was heavily influenced in reaction to certain real-world political controversies. Maybe I'd enjoy it more if I was familiar with them.

At least the first movie was really good. Hopefully I have better luck with movie three, I'll probably check it out tomorrow.
>> No. 28177 [Edit]
I finished nanoha strikers yesterday and I am still depressed about it being the end. Especially Subaru and Tia, I will miss them so much, and I wanted them to be together
>> No. 28178 [Edit]
File 148987783852.jpg - (77.60KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_stay_night_Unlimited_Blade_Works_-_06_[.jpg )
Finally got around to watching unlimited blade works. I'm about half way in so far, and I was wondering...
If Caster searched every inch of that church looking for the grail, did she not find the basement filled with dozens of mutilated teenagers? Wouldn't that be something worth addressing or maybe mentioning to her master? After all she seemed pretty bothered by her original master doing similar things with kids. (note that I only played the Saber/fate root of the VN)
>> No. 28181 [Edit]
File 148990159478.jpg - (56.93KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - First Order - 01.jpg )

That Caster backstory is anime original bullcrap. It was added to appease the 90 degree turn fannon has put on her personality. It's sad to say, but her F/GO personality is closer than the adaptation of the source material.

Sights like that really don't concern her; after all, she did similar stuff, and then reanimated what was left as her minions.

The rationale for killing her previous master is fairly limited. You get about 20 words from the VN in total about it. She killed her previous master because he was a shitty, low-talent mage that had less interest in the grail and more interest in raping her -- with only 3 command seals, the 4th attempt didn't go well for him.
>> No. 28182 [Edit]
>That Caster backstory is anime original bullcrap.
I was kind of guessing it must have been because I never saw or heard anything about that character or those events before hand. (I've had a lot of fate spoiled for me)
>> No. 28296 [Edit]
Finally got around to watching Wolf Children. It was really, really good. I like Hosuda's other films but this one was his best work by far. It's one of those movies that really hits you on a deep, almost spiritual level.

It certainly helps that I'm a fake country boy with an innawoods fetish.

Third movie was better but still suffered from too much of two. Just didn't feel like patlabor and the TV characters were pretty much absent until the end. Enjoyable, but nothing special.
>> No. 28302 [Edit]
I'm rewatching Dougram. It's always a good experience due to how it is just solid the whole way through. It's so odd for a mecha show of the period to not get weird by the end. It's also surprisingly comfy despite being a war story. On that note, it's also one of the best depictions of a rebellion in anime as a whole.
>> No. 28583 [Edit]
File 149330566652.png - (1.05MB , 1920x1090 , Lolicard.png )
After messing around on Nyaa, I ended up finding the entirety of Hellsing Ultimate, which I was watching during it was airing, but never finished due to that being around the time when I began my journey to being NEET, and the OVAs taking a really long time to come out.

I liked it. I just didn't really like Seras's shoehorned romance, of which I don't think there was any of in the original show, even if that isn't canon.

Also, the grinning. Everybody grinned so much.
>> No. 28584 [Edit]
alexander anderson is the coolest
>> No. 28585 [Edit]
I saw the first few of those ova as they came out but never finished it for the same reason.
>> No. 28588 [Edit]
>hellsing ultimate

lame compared to the TV anime, its was like a superfriends comic or something. just my opinion, which a lot of people seem to disagree with
>> No. 28637 [Edit]
Festa's death in Dougram might just be the weirdest death I've seen in an anime period, and I've seen my share. That was just... what.


Personally though I don't think all that high of Dougram though. Then again the same goes for just about every 80s mecha series I've seen - makes me wonder why I bother with so many, heh. Vifam is probably my favorite among the bunch.
>> No. 28684 [Edit]
A distant relative, who is a child, has become obsessed with Naruto, and has begged me to watch it. I would probably like it if the entire show was about Rock Lee.
>> No. 28685 [Edit]
Oh, wow. Good luck with that.

You should show the kid some of the stuff that aired on the old Toonami/Adult Swim. Then you should ease him into the better stuff like Gurren Lagaan.
>> No. 28687 [Edit]
There's an interest in other anime. Naruto is just the main thing.
>> No. 29379 [Edit]
I'll talk about Naruto. I've seen a good chunk of it, probably only a little more than you.

The world itself is really interesting but the plot has really bad pacing issues and relies on deus ex machina far too much.

I find the setting to be interesting and engaging in it's own way. Most of the characters are just obnoxious and certain aspects of it really bother me. The themes are pretty typical of a shonen but there's this weird generational aspect to the plot that kind of simultaneously kills it in some cases and makes it more interesting in others.

Certain aspects of the world are neat though, I like how it's designed. You see stuff like powerlines and other modern technology but it's so subtle. It has this kind of timeless feeling to it, I think Kishimoto did really well there.

I got pretty far into the series but stopped when I realized they're not going to retrieve Sasuke from the "bad guys" anytime soon and the fights were just going to continue to be incredibly drawn out. There are also no cute/moe girls in the show, which is a crime. Haku is a cuter girl than most of the girls.

I'd watch it until you get tired of it, honestly. It's not an explicitly bad series, but it definitely has problems. I think it's better than shit like Attack of Titan (the titan killer squad cloak = the new leaf village headband) or Tokyo Ghoul though. The anime is full of QUALITY, and you should skip the filler if you plan to continue on..

I actually think Itachi is pretty cool. He's one of the edgiest characters in the entire show but some of his wizard powers are like really cool finisher moves from a fighting game. I'm fond of Kakashi, too, I like how he steps up to be a father/big brother figure to the group of fuck-ups he was saddled with. I guess I like the older male characters in Naruto.

My biggest gripe with Naruto, though, is that it stops being about ninjas after a certain point and more about wizards who also just happen to be able to flash step.

People like to rag on the fanbase for wearing Akatsuki cloaks in public and shit but the thing is, that was all like 12 year old kids who don't actually consume much anime, back in 2010. Times have changed.
>> No. 29392 [Edit]
File 15051667675.png - (300.76KB , 716x480 , Area 88 - OVA 2_mkv_snapshot_01_33_44_[2017_09_11_.png )
I just finished Area 88 OVA, liked it but I didn't enjoy the 2nd half as much and I felt like the ending was incomplete, I wonder if the TV show will fix that.
>> No. 29394 [Edit]
The Naruto anime is garbage. Just stick to the manga.
>> No. 29405 [Edit]
Watching Nana.
Real men watch shojo.
>> No. 29409 [Edit]
I've read and been told in several occasions that is "Bitch's first Shoujo", since basically it's ridden with 3DPD-normal attitudes and glorifies degeneracy (actual meaning, not the jest).
>> No. 29431 [Edit]
File 150576352968.jpg - (86.03KB , 1280x720 , [FFF] Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata - 00 [1A9AA2F5].jpg )
>I've read and been told in several occasions

how about you watch it yourself and form your own opinion instead of parroting what others tell you.
>> No. 29433 [Edit]
Its charming in a different way than most other stuff. I'm only about ten episodes in but I love it
>3DPD-normal attitudes and glorifies degeneracy
Not everything you watch needs to fit your narrow worldview and not every character needs to be a pure maiden. I watch almost exclusively cgdgt but when I want to watch something from a different genre I want something different. If you are incapable of enjoying any piece of fiction the characters are sexually active you are pretty limited in what you can watch.
>> No. 29436 [Edit]
I'm not >>29409, but I very much rather read about pure maidens than disgusting degenerates that act like the shitty 3D bitch pigs I try my damnedest to avoid.
>> No. 29440 [Edit]
I agree, I've heard nothing but nasty things about Nana and life is too short to waste on bad anime.
>> No. 29441 [Edit]
Not everyone needs to like what you like.
>> No. 29442 [Edit]
>If you are incapable of enjoying any piece of fiction the characters are sexually active you are pretty limited in what you can watch.
>I watch almost exclusively cgdgt
What is this I don't even. Last time I checked most anime shy away from that, especially cgdct anime.
>> No. 29447 [Edit]
My point was it is the opposite of what I typically watch.
>> No. 29448 [Edit]
Why would I waste at least 18 hours total just to make sure whether or not a considerable amount of people properly reached the same opinion (and why), specially with a series renowned for being gross? Also, see >>29440
Pretty much, although I'm not into cgdct and related moe-themed anime in general.
>Not everything you watch needs to fit your narrow worldview
How is my world view narrow for not caring for a series depicting and glorifying degenerate attitudes? Unlike you (per your own admission) I don't confine myself to a single genre most of the time.
>not every character needs to be a pure maiden
There is a wide breach between pure maiden and morally bankrupt slut.
>If you are incapable of enjoying any piece of fiction the characters are sexually active you are pretty limited in what you can watch
I'm confused by your unnecessarily defensive approach. You respond as if I had attacked your own world views on a personal level instead of an anime; if so, it's not my fault if you're drawn towards being wretched or similar. Regardless, sex in anime (or series, movies, games, etc.) must have purpose so it doesn't become gratuitous; otherwise it's just for show. And if it's just for show, then it has an intended purpose, which is drawing certain target, of which I deem myself not to belong in. Love stories and drama can very well function without being crass and explicit, as hundreds of examples have shown.

Finally, what the hell have you been watching all along that you'd deem anime that shows or mentions sexually active characters is the overwhelming majority?
>> No. 29449 [Edit]
Its not like my trunk is full of bootleg copies of Nana i'm trying to sell off.
>You respond as if I had attacked your own world views on a personal level instead of an anime; if so, it's not my fault if you're drawn towards being wretched or similar.
I'm watching something far outside my worldview and am enjoying it more than expecting. I wasn't trying to be hostile or defensive.
>> No. 29453 [Edit]
File 150597106385.png - (446.48KB , 720x480 , (G_P) Votoms (Remastered) 04(x264)(86D9421C)_mkv_s.png )
Just watched 3 episodes straight in a row of VOTOMs, this hasn't happened in forever, usually I struggle with finishing just 1 episode of a show.
Fun stuff
>> No. 29454 [Edit]
File 150598985979.gif - (1.00MB , 500x371 , 1474558136218.gif )
Votoms is the show that I've rewatched the most. It's really good stuff. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
>> No. 29463 [Edit]
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I had never actually seen the entirety of Evangelion, so I decided that it was about time that I did just that. I actually really enjoyed it, even the psychological stuff.
>> No. 29505 [Edit]
I've been watching the monogatari series, just finished second season, gonna watch the movies now. I really like it and have no idea why it took me so long to get around to it, I watched bake ages ago and never kept going for some reason, I'm glad I remembered it.
>> No. 29537 [Edit]
Started watching Ranma½. This is the third longest series I have ever attempted to watch after Urusai Yatsura and Dragon Ball/DBZ as it has over 160 episodes plus OVAs and movies. Neither of which I watched to completion. If the quality doesn't drop substantially I will finish this one
>> No. 29584 [Edit]
File 150856887111.jpg - (163.71KB , 1280x720 , [DmonHiro] Fate Kaleid Liner 07 - Victory And Flig.jpg )
Just saw Fate Kaleid Liner. Didn't watch it as it aired because I didn't feel like watching what I assumed at the time might be a somewhat dark and violent anime. Gotta say it wasn't half bad. First ep was a bit off putting, but part of that I think is seeing familiar characters but with the very different art style compared to the style generally used with other fate anime. That said, it seemed like a decent blend of Nanoha and Sakura. The Relationship between Illya and Miyu felt a bit forced and had me wondering at times why they're even friends, but that's just how these things roll so whatever. Anyways, it wasn't bad. Could have used a lot more Luvia though..
>> No. 29715 [Edit]
File 151044992712.jpg - (110.79KB , 1280x720 , [Kametsu]_Kono_Subarashii_Sekai_ni_Shukufuku_wo!_-.jpg )
I watched Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo, recently. It was a fuck ton better than I expected. I was instantly hooked and loved it. I can't remember the last time I saw an anime that was this legitimately entertaining and funny. I suppose you could say that's due in part to a lot of japanese humor getting lost in translation, but the style of humor used in this was such that could overcome cultural divides. My only real complaint about it is that it feels like it may have had some possible time constraints during production near the end and had to cut content while making it shorter than a typical anime. I say this because they do a really sloppy of introducing some characters around 3/4ths of the way in. Two characters get introduced by way of sloppy exposition dumps, which isn't that bad for the two best friend characters, but it does feel weird since they never really show up again after that. More importantly though the character wiz has a reoccurring roll to play in both seasons but her intro is done in the way of a flash back/exposition dump too in what seems like something that could have been it's own ep and had elements to it which had a decent roll to play in the story. It was jarring to say the least how they were handled. Then there's Yuuyuu who's in season 1's op but never shows up. Instead they appear in an ova as already being familiar with the group. Then they get properly introduced in season two only to make one wonder where that ova takes place in.
Anyways, it's a fun anime with great line up of flawed yet likable characters, with a refreshing take on a all too played out setting and premises. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
>> No. 29724 [Edit]
We've pretty much all watched it.
It's got a cute girl who likes to cause nice bakuretsu, I dunno how you passed that up.
>> No. 29733 [Edit]
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I did notice it being talked about here, but yeah I don't really have much of an excuse.
I guess if anything old me might have passed it up due to it looking like either a generic harem anime or yet another guy stuck in yet another rpg world. This without realizing it was a parody of those things of course. I couldn't really say though.
>> No. 29744 [Edit]
This week I was supposed to be watching gits stand alone complex and azumanga daioh, but I got distracted and ended up rewatching the first two seasons of yuru yuri. I still really love it but I'm gonna get back on schedule now. Azumanga I'm half way through s1 and I really like it, it's super comfy. I'm only to episodes into SAC but I'm liking it so far. Oh yeah I also watched girls und panzer, that was surprisingly good, I went in expecting it to be trash for some reason but I actually really enjoyed it, not just because the girls are cute I think the story is pretty well done and the tank battles are enjoyable.
>> No. 29745 [Edit]
I read the first light novel and was surprised how little of the franchise has been animated. It seems each LN got a season and there are 9 LNs with 3 spin offs as well that will never be animated.
It was fun while it lasted
>> No. 29746 [Edit]
While it lasted? What makes you think they wont make more?
>> No. 29747 [Edit]
The original author reported that they weren't adapting any more. Of course they could have been misinformed or lying. I also haven't kept up to date but its definitely very unlikely despite its popularity.
>> No. 29769 [Edit]
Well that sucks. But this isn't all that old yet so we'll see what happens. Fingers crossed!
>> No. 29902 [Edit]
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>> No. 29905 [Edit]
Help please I need another intense, manly anime with a decent amount of episodes i can get hooked to.
I feel too empty without Joe, his anime was the first I got hooked to in years.
>> No. 29906 [Edit]
Galaxy Express 999
>> No. 29907 [Edit]
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For the past couple months, since around July, I've been watching Keroro. How on earth did 300+ eps manage to be made of this show? Not to say I don't like it, but man. Has anyone else bothered to?
>> No. 30184 [Edit]
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I'm watching Konjiki no Gash Bell. Not so far in at the moment, so I'll make a later post when I'm done. There is a lot of humor that seems like it'd be censored if localized anywhere else. Kinda makes me wonder who thought showing things like pic related to kids was a good idea, but I dunno. I like how in this show, they seem to make at least some of the people they fight a bit more interesting and less two dimensional than just "generic evil dude" over and over again. Like with the ep with the kind dude who was going to destroy the elementary school, after Koruru's ep. I've only gotten so far as the teens, so I hope not to be spoiled, but I expect that the "kind ruler" theme will continue. Kindness and righteousness seems to be pretty standard as far as these shows are concerned, but with it being delivered by beating the shit out of each opponent so they even disappear/die/whatever happens. While even if the books are burned in this show, they only return to the demon world as far as they've told. With 150 eps, though, I expect multiple arcs too. I remember one enemy (around ep 8?) saying that it seems Gash has "Only fought 10 enemies", and IIRC Sherry explained in the beginning that there were 100 total, so assuming each up to that point fought more than 10, there wouldn't be so many left. Not enough to fill up a 150 ep show at least. So that's that, I'll be watching for months to come.
>> No. 30188 [Edit]
I loved that anime and agree, it's very melon!
I've seen both the original and the 4kids version and as you guessed a ton of stuff was edited. As you said it's a pretty well rounded anime that does both light hearted themes and some really depressing stuff too. There were more than a characters I hated to see go along the way, but I suppose that's better than everyone having wide spread plot armor. It's just a shame the anime didn't get a proper ending as long as it was, and even then goes off in it's own direction near it's own end. Requires reading the manga to see how the story ends. They even changed out Gash's VA near the end too which try as they might to hide it was still very noticeable.
>> No. 30376 [Edit]
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I finished watching Azumanga Daioh for the first time yesterday. I had avoided it for years thinking it was generic but I was so wrong. It's such a lovely anime: The stories and bits are cute and funny, the voice acting is great, it's well written and super funny, and while I'm not really much of a watcher of slice-of-life nor cute-girls-doing-cute-thing anime, I find it the best in the genre I've seen to date. Maybe I'm biased because I like cats and the Sakaki stories warm my heart, but still. It's been a while since I got ending blues, but this time I mostly regret it not watching years ago.
>> No. 30398 [Edit]
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>I'm not really much of a watcher of slice-of-life nor cute-girls-doing-cute-thing anime
Thou art upon ill province, knave.
>> No. 30437 [Edit]
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I finished watching Binchou-tan a couple of days ago. This anime is beautiful, and so cute and lovely that it hurts, it's truly bittersweet. It's done so well that is heartwarming to the point I ended up tearing up dozens of times for the most innocuous and innocent things. This is now one of my favourites and I believe this should be a must-watch for anyone who is able to watch anime when alone and quiet, with nothing to distract you nor interrupt you from enjoying it to its fullest.

Bichou-tan is so pure, dedicated and hardworking, despite how little she has and how simple her live is, that it made me feel bad about being a NEET. Her ability to entertain herself and find joy in all the little things despite her hardships reminded me of how lucky I am to have the life I do, despite any and all the misery I have experienced. It made me realize how easily I take the positive things for granted and how little effort I've put in pushing myself to reach higher or further. I'm sure this feeling will fade soon, but it's still nice to watch something that will make you realize you have all you need to be happy, even if you have practically nothing.
>> No. 30443 [Edit]
Did it give you the urge to buy firewood?
>> No. 30472 [Edit]
I'm watching Aria the Animation, and I just finished episode 11. The whole series has been good so far, but episode 11 really struck me. The part that really hit me was at the end where Akari tearfully says to Aika and Alice that she'll see them again. Having never been close to anyone, pure displays of friendship like this tend to strike a chord with me. I also liked the way the episode tackled the idea of the passage of time. I'm scared of change and eventually not being able to have fun with the things I like anymore. The episode helped ease that fear.
>> No. 30569 [Edit]
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I finished watching a few days ago the 2008-2010 Cobra sequels (Psycho-Gun > Time Drive > The Animation). They were quite alright, I liked it a lot and I'm sure anyone who enjoyed old Cobra or even Lupin in general will love it too. After Psycho-Gun, the old V.A. was replaced, but I didn't find it as bothersome as I thought I would. After a while I even forgot about the change. For those that never watched Cobra and want to give this is a shot, I recommend you start with Space Cobra, but if you don't want to, then reminder that this was made for Cobra fans, which means the style of writing and overall direction is meant to emulate the old-school cheesy-but-serious action anime.
>> No. 30633 [Edit]
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After the previous, I watched Cyborg 009 VS Devilman, which really felt more like 009 feat. Devilman, since it's much more centred in the cyborg plot line. It consists of 3 OVAs, about the team being notify of demons reappearing in the world, while also the good ol' enemies creating their own cyborgs to challenged the original team (001-009). Antics ensue, 009 meets and fights Devilman, each thinking their opponent belongs to the other faction, eventually team up and that's pretty much it.

I'd say C009 fans get much more out of it than the counterpart, so watch only if you were already acquainted with both anime (instead of just the latter).
>> No. 30690 [Edit]
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Wow, Galaxy Express 999 is being so moving even though I'm only at the start. Started watching it based on this recommendation.
I really love space stuff. It's great to see all these different planets and the struggle people go through them.
This last episode was definitely the best so far. Fossils.
>> No. 30694 [Edit]
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I recently watched the movies. The plot was at times too blunt and disjointed, but overall a classic worthy of its legendary fame.

BTW good Maetel (and Claire) figs are damned hard to find at reasonable resell prices.
>> No. 30964 [Edit]
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I finished watching Habane Renmei almost a week ago. This series likely need no introduction so I'll skip to the opinion. I loved it and while at the beginning I was frustrated because I had so many unanswered questions, I quickly stopped caring for the answers along the way. Since this is spoiler heavy I'll put a couple of line breaks:

[ S P O I L E R S ]

I liked how mystical this anime was and how it plays around with concepts from several religions (mainly Christianity and Buddhism) and even subverts them at several points (like someone putting a dish of food on top of someone's halo, lol). The Haibane are certainly not angels, and that is much more of a metaphor than not. The very likely option is that they're all children or youngsters who committed suicide or died in unfortunate ways that are still theirs to blame, and are given the chance to be purified to either go to Heaven, or be reincarnated (the later slightly nodded to by the tags inside the wall being accompanied by giggling running children, and maybe if taking into account a suit is needed to touch the wall without falling ill and then dying). We see this with Reiki who obviously jumped in front of a train, and with Rakka, whose crow companion is a metaphor for dying pregnant and the baby (the crow) forgiving her for her sin. The crows flying everywhere seem to be allegory for limbo, people that died without sin but without any consecration into the faith. The Haibane are given a limited time span to redeem themselves, or they lose their wings and become the Toga, part of the Renmei, who spent the rest of their lives assisting the Haibane, with the chance of redemption at the end of their lives. I love how clues and tidbits are left all over the place with a great attention to detail that means you have to pause and go back to catch something of importance if you want to build a theory, or even just rewatch the entire series.

[ S P O I L E R S ]

I was still left with questions, but the nice thing about it is that the enjoyment is in the speculation. This is a lovely anime and imho it should be a definitive must-watch for anyone that enjoys the medium as a whole.
>> No. 31020 [Edit]
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I finished watching all of Kyoukai no Kanata some hours ago and I feel divided about it. On one hand, it's beautifully animated, the art is great, it's super fun and there's moe to be spared and shared (, but on the other hand I feel like it was a bit of a wasted opportunity, specially because they couldn't find a way to balance the series didn't taking itself too seriously while simultaneously trying to get serious when needed, specially in the movie (Mirai-hen) which started great and then fell down. I really enjoy watching anime about supernatural creatures and/or occult, yet in this case it always felt like it was secondary to the fun and moe, and the romance plot-line. I was thoroughly entertained though, so in the end I guess that's all that counts.
>> No. 31025 [Edit]
I thought the crow was a metaphor for a person who was with her during her last moments and tried to save her? At least I personally felt that it hinted at her possibly killing herself but perhaps a parent seeing this and her feeling ashamed because of the pain she caused that person.
>> No. 31027 [Edit]
That crossed my mind as well, but then I realized that not only nobody else had something similar about them, but they were generally dismissive of crows, with the exception of Kuu, who saw them in a specific light because of her "enlightment". Additionally, the crow dies in this world as well, you can see its bones being buried by Rakka. I felt it played into the concept that unborn children have no place in the afterlife or are stuck in Limbo forever. But the most important clue is that she needed to bury the crow; the act was her redemption. If she committed suicide while being pregnant, she had committed two capital sins, so atoning with time (period in which a Haibane lasts before either the Day of Flight or the losing of their wings) wasn't enough absolution; this also makes sense once you consider her anguish: She knows she has sinned but doesn't understand how. The crows remind her that there's something missing, and that she needs to follow that clue, i.e. Rakka didn't think that committing suicide with a baby inside was double the sin.
>> No. 31048 [Edit]
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A while back I watched "Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita" or as it's known in English; "Really fucking long tittles are hip and cool in the industry for some stupid reason right now so lets go with that!"

The idea of the story is it takes place in a fantasy world (without real world otaku) but takes place after the deamonlord has been defeated. With peace having been restored to this world heroes and adventures have found themselves forced to integrate themselves into the rest of society. Society as a whole meanwhile has advanced and become similar to our own world's society. It's kind of like that movie Bright without lazy and half assed world building. One of the neat things is you see how the presence of magic changed and effected their technology. Basically in their world, they use magic instead of electricity to power everything. If nothing else, this anime did a good job of world building. It didn't just take the real world and make jews = elves and orcs = blacks or something stupid like that.

The interrogation of heros into this society feels a lot like it parallels with issues solders deal with after returning from war. Throughout the anime you see how they struggle with finding their place, and getting used to a life without having to constantly fight off monsters. This is of course a big part of the over all story and it's the motivation for the antagonists, who are former heroes looking to restore the world to chaos and give themselves their jobs back.
Our main character here also finds himself working along side a former enemy in the form of the daemon lord's daughter, although as it turns out she wasin't a big supporter of her father's quest to take over the world and prefers to bridge the gap between demons and everyone else, to try and bring peace and coexistence to the two sides.

The anime looked like a cute and fun work place anime much like Working! or SxS, and I was surprised by how sleazy and smutty it was. I honestly can't say I expected to see so much nudity, and the female hero (rival to the main character) had a costume design which I could only describe as ugly, stupid, shameless and embarrassing. The intro showing the heros at battle was kind of neat, but the moment she showed up with braless tits flapping around in skin tight spandex, I knew this was going to be a bumpy ride. I'm no stranger to a bit of out of place exploitative nudity in anime, but what makes it really weird is just how much there is of it in an anime that has very heavy product placement from the Lawson's chain of convince stores, along with some very awkward shoe horned appearances by Sphere. One wouldn't think Lawson's would sponcer an anime where a woman gets striped naked and molested by a tentacle monster, but... there it is. It's almost kind of clever how that store is used in this anime and it doesn't even feel out of place. It's just a convince store next to an appliance store in a town of modest size. The staff of each would naturally be friendly with each other and sometimes shop at eachother's store, or in some cases help each other out when problems come up like staff members calling off last minute.

Once you get past some of that smutty stuff, some of the characters are kinda cute, if not dumb as a rock. The deamon lord's daughter is pretty dang cute and brings with her your typical fish out of water humor as someone who knows nothing about the world of man. She also has one of the best laughs out there. I think the director might have noticed that during production and slipped this scene in (screen cap posted) at the last minute. I could be wrong of course.
I have to say though, "All A" the main hero's rival is easily the most obnoxious grade of tsundere I've seen in a long time. They push it so hard she comes across as being less tsun and more flat out insane bitch. She also harasses the main character at his work place a number of times, shaming him for not being a hero/adventure anymore in spite of knowing full well herself that heros are all done and over with. She considers herself above him for working in security now. This turns out to be a lie, and she's instead working as a bunny girl servant at the newly built mega mall in town. Not a huge spoiler mind you since the OP shows this anyway.
There's a scene in which the main hero and the demon lord's daughter are on a pretend date and this girl sees them together. Her reaction is nothing short of insanity the way she bitches him out for dating a coworker as if he's complete scum for doing so. This was one girl who really needs to chill the fuck out. Unfortunately none of the character characters are particularly note worthy or memorable. There is an interesting old man who wears a star trek uniform and drives an Enterprise replica for some odd reason. He shows up randomly to grab one of the girl's asses, but also helps out a bit in the climax of the anime.

Anyways, this isn't really something I think I can recommend. It wasn't terrible overall (though it did feel like it at times). The writing wasn't that great, and the production values were a bit lacking. It's cheesy and dumb and smutty too, but I didn't hate it or feel the urge to drop it at any point. That said if they made another season of working and gave this a second season, and made me pick one to watch I'd go with more of this.
>> No. 31197 [Edit]
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Almost a decade ago I was for a very short time in an Anime Club, tired of people I had nothing in common, hoping I'd get acquainted with others I had a similar interests with; at that time it felt like a huge mistake, and being exposed to the actually "weeaboo" side of otakudom (fujos, cosplayers, attention-whoring, irl weebtalk and acting, etc.) bothered me so much I ended up watching very little to none anime on a monthly basis (would still watch some stuff here and there, but more on a "this looks good" basis rather than watching it because of the medium itself).

The two anime I blamed for these disgusting displays, or at least its proliferation, was Haruhi and Lucky Star. I gave them a chance, but dropped them and hated them for years. Eventually I realized I was an idiot, and stopped being biased to things without giving them a chance, which is why not I never ever drop a series. Last year I finally decided to watch all of Haruhi (in chronological order) and liked it quite a bit, specially the movie. The spin-off / alternate reality was somewhat fun as well, but it wasn't the same with KyoAni's style.

Now last month I gave Lucky Star a chance and had a lot of trouble with the first episode due to bitter (yet unfair) memories, and over several episodes it started to grow on me. By the second season I was thoroughly entertained, but I can't deny it felt (too) heavily inspired by Azumanga Daioh (which I also just saw this year, >>30376). Perhaps what might be weird to others who liked it, I enjoy more Kagari's class group (with long-haired blonde Ayano and feral-looking fanged Misao) and I wish it had more focus than the underclass leaded by not-Chiyo-chan. Anyway, I liked it a lot, but I really don't get how it became the gigantic and influential thing that it came to be. Maybe I had to watch it back then to understand. Maybe I'm not enough of a weeb.

I also watched its spin-off, Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku, which is bleak to say the least. It's about this otaku-shop store clerk who spends their hard-earned money in doujins and other related merchandise disregarding proper nutrition of her younger elementary school sister, both orphans, who are constantly hungry and down about it. She's so wasteful in her expenditure, that the sister can't even go to a school trip. I assume this was supposed to be funnier, but no amount of quippy delivery can make such a sad situation a cheerful one, specially when the butt of the jokes is always the misery. I have no clue who the target audience for this series would be, and the only highland is the brief reappearance of the Legendary Genki Manager (Meito Anizawa / Anime Tenchou). Later it gets a little better, but still I wouldn't recommend this at all unless you're a completionist.
>> No. 31224 [Edit]
Not that old but I've been watching yama no susume s2. I'm half way through but I'm not entirely sure what to think still. On the one hand it's cute and well animated, and the story is pretty original with plenty of chances for dramatic tension. In this case the challenges the characters have to overcome are literally mountains to climb. So I feel like I should like it more than I do. I think it might be the characters, not sure why but I can't really relate to them so well. I'll probably still finish it though, I think it might also be just that I'm kind of burned out on anime right now.
I've also bee watching paniponi dash, which is just complete insanity. Again I'm kind of not sure what to think about this one. On the one hand I'm a big fan of anything taking surreal and risk taking, and also love that 2005 anime aesthetic. On the other hand it's so absurd and the characters are so ridiculous that it's hard to even tell what's going on and relate to the characters (except for that rabbit, I've never related to a character more), and a lot of the jokes kind of fall flat. For sure I'll finish this one just to see where the hell it goes.
>> No. 31259 [Edit]
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I'm not quite catching up on this yet. but attkc put together subs for the first ep of Fisherman Sanpei, which is a 1980s anime about some kid who likes fishing. First ep is great, the art is fantastic, they really put a lot of effort into drawing realistic trout. Hope they do the next hundred+ eps as well
>> No. 31261 [Edit]
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I've been finishing up the Strike Witches side content. I really enjoy it. It's got a perfect balance of exciting action, comedy, drama and cute girls. I especially love Erica.
>> No. 31263 [Edit]
Erica maji tenshi.
>> No. 31340 [Edit]
Kobayashi-sanchi no Dragon Maid
I was waiting for the OVA and now watching it all in one go.
>> No. 31341 [Edit]
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I'm watching Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran, which is an episodic show about a traveling female samurai and her weird companion wearing Chinese clothes who enter a new town every episode which is having a certain problem, be it a clan dispute or a corrupt mayor who has banned alcohol, with Ran saving the day at the end of every episode. The stories are often similar to that of old live-action samurai films and series like the ones with Toshiro Mifune.
I guess you could call this as a comedic version of shows like Kino's Journey and Mushishi. I'm enjoying it a lot so far.
I recently watched the first ~80 episodes due to the constant referencing to the show in Lucky Star and Haruhi but decided to drop it. The first season (first 50 episodes) was actually a lot of fun to watch but after that it seemed that every episode became a rehash of a previous one. The show also constantly has to explain or introduce an already established character because it assumes you're either a first-time viewer or haven't seen the show in a while which can get really annoying if you're trying to binge-watch it. I might try it again at a later date.
>> No. 31342 [Edit]
That sounds awesome. I'm surprised I haven't heard of it before since it seems like something I'd have watched by now. Thanks for the recommendation.
>> No. 31343 [Edit]
>'m surprised I haven't heard of it before since it seems like something I'd have watched by now
I had the same thought when I started watching, it's a criminally underrated show. Maybe it is overlooked because it was airing alongside much more well-known anime like Cardcaptor Sakura and because the promotional/cover art is kind of ugly.
>> No. 31369 [Edit]
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I finished up Sekai Seifuku. It's a fun series, the cast is fun to watch. The author is ex-Liarsoft staff that went over to Type-Moon, apparently.
>> No. 31374 [Edit]
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I'm rewatching Captain Future in between Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran that I picked up on the above recommendation. I highly recommend it. It's quite faithful to the original style of the short stories and it's very different from a lot of science fiction anime because of that. It's worth watching for the uniqueness alone.
>> No. 31375 [Edit]
I finished Now and Then, Here and There yesterday. Probably the most painfully realistic and depressing show I've ever seen, in that regard it is above even Evangelion and Welcome to the NHK. Through most of the show you feel like you're watching a war documentary rather than an anime and I'm grateful to it that it never made use of some shitty trope or comedic relief like a lot of other 'serious' anime normally do after a few heavy episodes.
The only possible flaw I could find in it is the main villain, Hamdo, who is one of those characters that are just evil for the sake of being evil. I think that didn't really fit well with the realism of the show and it would have been interesting if he had actual motives for what he does or at least some sort of backstory but alas.
>> No. 31376 [Edit]
Man I remember watching that a while back. It is one fucked up show. I had to bleach my mind with moe for a few days after finishing it.
>> No. 31378 [Edit]
At least the ending was a happy one for the most part, as happy as the end of a war can be at least.
>> No. 31449 [Edit]
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So I finally finished Konjiki no Gash Bell. Real sad to see this one end really. The strongest part of the series to me, was the first arc. While the main part only did start around ep 45-50 (after the fight with Bari or so) the beginning of the series gave a good lead up to show why it is important to fight, with most of the other demons being cold, unempathetic, often cruel, while focused on becoming king with that same mindset. This was to give reason for Gash and Kiyomaro to have such a strong will, seeing those who acted differently, acted justly or ways that are good get walked on by others. Gave plenty of time to see lots of characters and to meet with allies for the coming arc as well. It really was sad to see some characters part ways. The theme with Sherry and her friend Koko was one of the parts that moved me the most. Being able to believe in a friend is one thing this show did really well, especially with her. That was one of the darker parts of the show for sure. After the first arc, there were a bunch of filler eps from what I remember, which wasn't bad but was sudden after so much action and things happening. There were a few eps among those filler That took place in that intermediary realm, which I'm not sure if I'm right, but could see those relating to the story somehow had the show not been cut short. The second arc was lead in well, and started well, but ended (along with the show) pretty rushed. Course I knew about this, and about the anime original ending and all. The anime switched to its original ending around ep 138/139, which was where the rush started. Two eps later, Gash's VA changed not helping things much. The original VA I thought was great, especially with showing Gash's strong conviction. New one lacked most with that.Really seemed like they were trying to get as many characters into the last few eps as possible so they could tie up a few loose ends. They brought Bari back for the end, and also brought Ted back, jumping from a freaking plane while on a motorcycle into Faudo's mouth to meet everyone. Crazy, lol. Seemed like a good opportunity with Cherish there and all for them to be part of the story there, but how was kind of off to me. Also, noticed during those last few eps the fights got a lot quicker and way less drawn out compared to before. Side note, kinda made no sense how the heart dude from Faudo came up to fight too, didn't he have to beat the heart? Defeated in like 30 secs too. During the last few fights it seemed they used less strategy (Never used zaguruzemu to power up baou zakeruga at all for Riou, Zeon, or Faudo) and rushed a bit of explaining (especially with Zeon's fight). Things there seemed like they should have happened much later, but were brought in just to wrap up. Also, if Sherry and Brago hadn't shown up at that last second, things would have been fugged, and the sealing away of Faudo was damn quick. That being said, the original end wasn't actually that, could have been done better if it weren't rushed, but I suppose they had to wrap up quickly anyway. Could tell a bit the writing was different from that section with how some characters acted (Gash I think acted a bit differently than normal, but could be amplification from the new VA). Great show though, definitely going to check out the manga soon to get the rest of the story.
>> No. 31500 [Edit]
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I watched this recently too, per seeing you post about it here. Certinaly a enjoyable watch. Thanks for posting about it, as I'd never heard of it before. I'm also the same person who was watching Keroro back then that you responded to. I've been watching it very slowly, mostly saving it for when I'm at the laundromat or am stuck out of the house. Due to the repetitive nature it seems like something best watched over the course of years, seems that's what it'll be. I'll post about it again in a few years when I finish. Certainly has been enjoyable so far though.
>> No. 31503 [Edit]
>it seems like something best watched over the course of years
I guess it is, it's really written to be watched on a weekly basis because that's how it was aired. I don't really have the attention span for something like that though, I like to finish anime as quickly as possible and normally don't watch multiple shows at once. I'm looking forward to your post on it in a few years!
>> No. 31548 [Edit]
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So I just saw grave of the fireflies which was being at fairly decent theater in my area.
Even though this seemed like a must see for any anime fan out there and like the sort of thing everyone and their grandmother has seen, this was my first time seeing it. I didn't know a -whole lot- about it, but I had a fairly decent understand of what it's about. I was expecting something that showcased the horrors of war not just to soldiers but to innocent civilians too, as well as the hardships and struggles they have to deal with during war time. I figured it was going to be a very depressing, bleak, emotionally heavy tear jerker filled with depressing themes and anti war messages that would leave most people feeling miserable. While there is some of that there for sure, the war aspect seemed like more of a backdrop and not at all in focus. Likewise it wasn't so much so much "war is bad" as much as it was "whelp, that's just life." The deaths of the main characters weren't even really related to the war (although their parent's death was) Rather it was watching two characters slowly die of malnutrition, largely due to the pride , mistakes, and arrogance of the older brother. To the character's defense he was far from a bad brother and truly seemed to care a great deal for his sister. One might argue this is what got her killed. She really didn't like living with her aunt after all, so it's possible this is why they left to go live in a cave instead, or at least a factor in that. The decision to not live with their aunt seemed really immature and didn't make much sense, as that was what lead to their downfall. Sure, She wasn't exactly doing great while living with the aunt, but even that came down to them not sharing resources or money, or wanting to help with much of anything. She was 100% right when she said he was being a free loader who didn't share his money, his food, or help with work and other responsibilities, he even made excuses for why he couldn't go to school anymore but we see the aunt's daughter still goes to one. I figured the character would learn to swallow his pride, go back, only to find that he couldn't due to an air raid destroying the aunt's home and killing them. I figured that might happen even if he didn't decide to go back as a way of validating his decision to leave the comfort of that home, but nah. You don't even really see if the older brother regrets his actions or learned anything since the movie ends almost as soon as the sister dies. The ending was in fact so abrupt most of the audience seemed to stay until the lights turned on, I guess expecting more.
Anyways, This left me wondering what the moral if anything of this story was, the lesson, or what the take away was (if there even was one). In the end, it wasn't so much about war, but seemed to maybe be a hard and brutal lesson about swallowing one's pride and working with your local community, not being an outcast and working against said community which does aline with Japanese culture. Much like how old stories and fairy tails were very dark and gruesome by today's standards but had fairly clear messages.
Interesting thing I noticed was that it was early quite for such a packed theater, you could hear a pin drop in there. There was just one scene where people laughed, but aside from that it was mostly dead silence with the occasional sound of candy wrappers. Usually when I go to a movie I wait a few weeks and watch it during an off hour in the midweek to get the place to myself. Didn't have that option here as this was only showing for three days (one was dubbed) but I was glad to see people weren't being dicks.
>> No. 31650 [Edit]
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I'm currently watching watching Hyouka which was made by Kyoto Animation. I haven't really been a fan of the kind of series they made after Nichijou (K-On, Tamako Market, Maid Dragon, the one about Chuunis, Hibike! Euphonium) because it was a bit too generic for my tastes so I'm glad I found at least one of their more recent series that better captures the feeling of their work from the 2000s.
The show is about a guy who joins the Classics Club of his highschool on the request of his older sister who used to be a member as well. In typical anime fashion however, the show's main characters don't actually do anything related to what their club is supposed to be about and instead the series is a mix of a slice of life and mystery series. Every episode there is a (normally very small, lighthearted) mystery that the club tries to solve but it is always the lead character who comes up with the solution.
I feel like I may have enjoyed this series more had I been a bit younger as the personaliy and view of life of the main character is very similar to what I used to be like as a teenager (and that would probably go for most male anime viewers). His personality falls under the category of that of a nihilist who doesn't really feel any motivation to do anything out of the ordinary and doesn't seem to have any particular skills or talents aside of having above-average intelligence.
What I like especially about this series is the art and animation and more specifically, the fact that the show often changes art or animation style, this is normally done when attempting to explain something that has happened in the past. Outside of that, the art is as beautiful as that of any other Kyoani series.
>> No. 31651 [Edit]
I'm glad you're liking Hyouka, it's a great series. The direction and framing is outstanding. Though it might be a bit rude of me I feel I must point out that K-On came out before Nichijou.
>> No. 31653 [Edit]
>K-On came out before Nichijou
Oh, you're right. Ah well, I didn't like Nichijou nearly as much as Haruhi, Clannad or Lucky Star either.
Anyway, the point was more about their series seemingly losing their charm somewhere at the turn of the decade, at least to me. Which I personally would blame on them switching from manga/VN adaptions to LN adaptions. The whole point of light novels is that they have very simplistic writing intended for a young audience so that wouldn't seem like a very smart choice to adapt if you want to make a show that's interesting to watch. Besides, light novels are very easy to write and writing them can be done by pretty much everyone (which is not the case for regular literature of course) as opposed to making a manga or visual novel which either you need art skills or programming skills for, thus those products will generally be more professional in its writing as it took much more effort to get off the ground.
>> No. 31671 [Edit]
kyoani is slick, polished and made for profit and not much else. they're the opposite of wabi sabi and terminally unentertaining, at least so far this decade, which is almost over. if anything people should be pleasantly surprised that they ever even made anything good at all rather than being upset that it was so long ago.
>> No. 31675 [Edit]
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I think it's exceptionally rare for the author of a visual novel to also program it. At least, I certainly don't know of any. There's also light novels where the illustrations are also made by the author, so it's not like they necessarily lack talent in other fields. I think people are unfairly harsh on LNs, they're only as bad as any other medium could be. Discussion of the nature LNs aside, Haruhi, Hyouka and Full Metal Panic were also based on a light novel series, so it's not entirely new for them. The biggest change is that they mostly adapt novels that are submitted to their contests, which means they don't work with other publishers as much, though they still also do manga adaptations like Maid Dragon.

I apologize for the rant, I was intending to keep this shorter but I kept thinking of more things to write.
>> No. 31687 [Edit]
I just tried out the first 1/4th or so of Casshern Sins, I didn't enjoy it very much. I was hoping it'd be similar to Katanagatari where it's a mix of some heavy dialogue scenes while every episode concludes with a well-choreographed fight scene. Sadly, the fight scenes were pretty shallow and tend to last a few seconds because Casshern himself is supposed to be the most powerful person in the world (at least up until where I got with the show) while the dialogue tends to be a variation of "oh boy this world is so depressing and I hate my life but I also don't want to die" which got boring pretty fast.
I liked the background art and the general atmosphere but since I couldn't bring myself to care about any of the characters or the overarching plotline I've dropped it for the time being. I might give it another chance later though because I don't really like dropping shows that I feel did really have effort put into them.
>> No. 31692 [Edit]

it's been a long time since I heard about that anime.
I watched it back when it aired, but I can only really remember the unique art style and a few of the main narrative themes relating to Casshern (also some fansubber drama).

It does drag on a bit, especially in the middle sections, if memory serves. Wasn't the best series, there was a lot of potential for the series to explore many of its themes, but most were dropped or forgotten by the writers (though the few that are explored are done quite well), but I can certainly understand if you burned yourself out on the series by marathon watching it.
>> No. 31700 [Edit]
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I recently finished Air. I enjoyed the atmosphere of it, and the flashback episodes reminded me a lot of Utawarerumono, although that came out later. It got me interested in reading the VN. I also found Misuzu cute and lovable.
>> No. 31701 [Edit]
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I've been working through the original slayers, and I gotta say. it was just a fun show until amelia showed up. now the last three episodes hurt my face from how much I was laughing
>> No. 31702 [Edit]
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Recently I finished the original Pripara, the Spinoff of the pretty rhythm series, and began the following Idol Time series (only 50 eps so why not) among some other things like picking up where I left on the third season of Ojamajo Doremi. This series did pretty well, in my opinion. I liked many of the characters, although there were some odd ones thrown in and some weird decisions made I think. First and once more they had one character which was of course one of the girlier ones in the show that happened to be a boy, course this has been done before plenty but not too often in kids shows from what I've seen. And, since it is a kids show, not sure if it's just me but they seemed to not reference this fact later on nearly as much. Really wouldn't know how parents in Japan take to that sort of thing. Anyway, this lead to an awkward situtation or two in the show itself when you could tell the animators didn't really know what to do. Take this one pool ep, they were in regular male swim trunks but was shown wearing a sweater to cover the chest area because of course it would be odd showing their chest, just due to looks. Now this isn't the end, this character has a twin sister who looks basically identical side from hair color, which they put a sweater on her too (she was wearing a regular female swimsuit of course) to make it not seem as weird, I think. There is some other gender bending going on in the show but nothing that would bother anyone. Lot of great characters though, esp Aroma and Mikan. Seems to be what a lot of these kids idol anime rely on, really. Anyway, from what I remember the show actually is split into three seasons (ep1-50, 51-100, 101-140) each with an overarching story sorta. First was very typical but good. Second was not so typical but good. Third season half turned into yet another baby raising anime as if there aren't enough of those. Did rather like the music as the show went on though, felt like it got better as the show went on. Other than that, it's too early to comment on Idol time as I've seen 5 eps. I'm having a hard time wanting to watch more of Doremi just becuase it's another baby raising anime (half way forgot that fact), which isn't bad, just rather not watch two in a row. Feels like I have to go out of my way to space out idol anime and other various types of shows. Can get hard with so many similar anime out there. Another thing I picked up and finished a while back was Pripri chi-chan. Another kids show but about a girl and some characters she meets including some underground dweller characters and an alien, much like many other similar shows. It was alright, but had some really nice ending sequences.
>> No. 31705 [Edit]
I'm currently watching Irresponsible Captain Tylor. The first half of the show is a lot of fun but in the second half they've decided to focus on a more "serious" overarching plotline which isn't as enjoyable as the appeal of the show (to me at least) was the absurd comedy and it parodying other sci-fi anime from the time. I guess all parody anime are doomde to become what they were trying to make fun off in the end.
Yeah, it had an unique aesthetical style and a lot of the more episodic stories were pretty interesting to watch but the main story was like a chore to sit through. It would have worked better if it had been written like one of those "silent wanderer" shows (Kino's Journey, Mushishi, Mononoke) where it would have been about Casshern just kind of walking around and exploring some aspect the post-apocalyptic world every episode.
>> No. 32185 [Edit]
I'll be watching Re:Zero. I was curious about it but I didn't really care all that much for anime back when it was airing so I never bothered with it. Now, I'll finally see what all the fuss was about.
>> No. 32186 [Edit]
Feels strange to see people refer to 2016 as "back then".
>> No. 32190 [Edit]
Yeah, when Kono Suba's second season began airing, it felt strange even then to think that the first one was already a year ago and yet, here we are.
>> No. 32191 [Edit]
Also, I just thought I'd mention as a side-note: so far, I'm really enjoying Re:Zero. This whole "the world resets when the MC dies" thing is really interesting to me. I want to see where he goes with this.
>> No. 32200 [Edit]
Cardcaptor Sakura. Ever since Clear Card became popular I wanted to finally finish all of the episodes of the original plus the newer one. I'm making slow progress
>> No. 32671 [Edit]
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Recently finished Saint October, picked it up because I came across some pictures online and thought the characters looked cute. Didn't look into it any more than that and just went to download the show and watch it. Because of that I figured it would be a more lighthearted show, ended up a bit off the mark there. While the characters were cute indeed and nailed that aspect right on the head, the show did take on some somewhat heavy themes (relative to what I expected anyway). It also has religious imagery thrown in which in some ways worked well and in some ways put me off. The transformation scenes are good example of that, didn't like them much. The thing mentioned earlier with the story being a bit heavier was mostly to do with the theme of "Judgement" (which the main character posesses) causing those judged to disappear after being judged twice. This causes a lot of grief for the main character in ep 12 and I really did think it was taken too far on her, that was more of a shock to me. Dispite that, watching ep 13 they got past without playing it off like I had feared. In general thought the themes of judgement and forgiveness were played decently into the show, which is the earlier good part of the religious themes. There were also a couple other things that threw me off and weren't explained very well, take the beach ep about 2/3 through the show that was sporadically thrown in and explained poorly and (I think) had a few out of character actions to justify it. The other thing was after Ryouhei left reverse to work for Natsuki, he still felt some little bit for reverse/ash. I suppose he went through a lot and only wanted to be so optimistic due to fear of being let down, but it seemed a little far fetched. Other thing was when Kurtz went on vacation randomly for like 8 eps, that seemed kinda off too. In the end how they handled him felt a bit brushed off but that happens all the time in anime, not that that makes it any good. Felt they brushed it off as immature kid-like behavior when his actions were the most severe of all. Probably forgetting a few things, can always add later. Probably would have never known about the show if not for the moe aspect which drew me in. Oh, and when I realized Esmeralda's VA is the same as Ami from Animal Yokochou that reeeeally threw me off.

Post edited on 29th Mar 2019, 7:25pm
>> No. 32679 [Edit]
I've been watching Jojo. I'm up to the second part of Stardust Crusaders.

The first season was alright, having Two generations over 24 episodes so the story progressed nicely. Stardust Crusaders is 48 episodes for one generation. It's quite dull and pointless. Every episode feels like filler, I could probably watch the first two episodes and the last two episodes and not miss anything. I don't like the stand system and the show can be quite stupid as well.
>> No. 32720 [Edit]
Watching CITY HUNTER from the beginning...
>> No. 32721 [Edit]
Started the Initial D series, and I'm about halfway through the First Stage
>> No. 32730 [Edit]
Watching the first Lupin III. It’s surprisingly well animated for an anime of its era.
>> No. 32757 [Edit]
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I just finished watching Yuyushiki after seeing a screenshot of it an anon posted on /ot/. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Comedy in anime tends to usually be hit or miss for me, since I found shows like Nichijou and Yuru Yuri rather boring and the slapstick comedy style wasn't my taste. But I think that if you liked Non Non Biyori you might like Yuyushiki since it is in the same style: witty verbal banter and strong themes of friendship, just with a bit more yuri undertone.
>> No. 32783 [Edit]
I finished Oreimo a while back and loved the living hell out of it. The people in Kirino's otaku club reminded me of my friends in highschool so it added a huge nostalgia factor.
Also did the ending make anyone else a bit emotional? I don't know why but **that wedding** at the end really tugged at my heartstrings.
>> No. 32784 [Edit]
Fuck I didn't spoiler properly. Sorry about that.
>> No. 32803 [Edit]
Yeah, Yuyushiki is fucking great. On a side note, have you seen Kill Me Baby? I ask because it is one of those meme shows you see posted in almost every anime community, much like Yuyushiki.
>> No. 32804 [Edit]
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No I hadn't, thank you for suggesting it. I watched the first episode and it was pretty enjoyable comedy-wise. Their personalities do remind me a lot of Yui/Yukari/Yuzuko (and the former two even match in terms of hair color). I haven't watched enough to tell how it stacks up against Yuyushiki, but the ED gives me hope that they'll weave in the same friendship elements that I really like.
>> No. 32810 [Edit]
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full metal pantsu
>> No. 32831 [Edit]
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Is that official? Hnggg...
>> No. 32838 [Edit]
Finally got around to watching Kissxsis after avoiding it all of these years. I'm only one episode in and it actually isn't too bad at all.

I'm not sure if it's just nostalgia speaking, but old anime in general is just better in my opinion. There is barely anything new coming out that peaks my interest.
>> No. 32839 [Edit]
I remember enjoying what I saw of it, I should go back and finish the rest. With that said, how is anime from 2010 old? It didn't even end until 2015, really.
>> No. 32842 [Edit]
It's almost been a decade so I believe it's safe to consider it at least somewhat old now.
>> No. 32843 [Edit]
2010 is nearly a decade ago, it doesn’t even feel like it. 2000 felt so distant from 2010 but not 2010 from now, it’s odd.
>> No. 32853 [Edit]
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Sasameki Koto. Pictured character is in love with another girl in her school, but the other girl is totally oblivious (though is interested in some model who's actually a crossdressing boy)
>> No. 32858 [Edit]
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>> No. 32880 [Edit]
yeah, the stagnation feels pretty horrible, i guess this is why i prefer the 2000s, better visuals and feel imo
there are some gems, but damn does it need a revolution, it's also the reason no one cultivates great anime anymore, they just watch it and move on to the next
>> No. 32881 [Edit]
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Every decade the cutoff for the death of anime moves forward.
>> No. 32882 [Edit]
The cutoff's real name is "nostalgia goggles".
>> No. 32883 [Edit]
I wouldn’t say there’s been much stagnation, just that the passage of time doesn’t feel as far for the decades, although anime evolved a lot more in the 2000s than the 2010s although that is true of almost everything because of how fast technology was moving along.
>> No. 32888 [Edit]
No, what was in your image still holds true. Animation became popular in Japan as a more effective alternative to special effects in live action sci-fi films. It was only after sci-fi enthusiasts made the medium popular that anime became a vehicle for coldly abusing sex appeal to make cash. These days high school cuties still make up the vast majority of anime characters as they did 20 years ago, but not 30 years ago when giant robots, space ships and akira ruled the landscape. Anime was a rapidly developing, everchanging and interesting sector of the amusement market in the late 20th century, but not much has changed since the turn of the century. Anime spoofing anime has been common for so long that a mandatory daisy chain of meta meta meta jokes about anime make up a substantial portion of the "creative" content in a lot of shows, even the artists writing it don't like anime.
>Another beach episode? Shit my dick is still raw from beating it to the onszen one. OMG I SAW HER PANTIES
>> No. 32892 [Edit]
I like sci fi a lot but you’re delusional if you think it wasn’t always coldly abused for cash, as science fiction properties are very merchandise-able.
>> No. 32893 [Edit]
>>32679 here.

I finally got around to finishing it, it did not get any better. I lack the motivation to finish the next season. I don't know why people like this so much.
>> No. 32894 [Edit]
I get the impression you don't know much about what anime was popular 30 years ago.
>> No. 32898 [Edit]
nobody had any interest at all in girl animes like that at the comic cons in the 80s & 90s, which is something you'd have already have known were you there as you claim to have been.
>> No. 32899 [Edit]
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Never said I was, and I don't give a shit what westerners like regardless.
>> No. 32900 [Edit]
I don’t know the allusion here, but conventions aren’t a western exclusive thing and anime oriented ones weren’t that common until the 2000s. Only Godzilla was the big jap import until about the mid 90s to most congoers
>> No. 32901 [Edit]
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Conventions weren't even relevant until >>32898
brought them up for no reason at all, probably as a deflection.
>> No. 33166 [Edit]
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I'm watching Ranma right now, it was extremely popular in my country for its moment and I remember watching it on tv so I decided to give it a go.
What I find interesting about this series is that is probably the closest thing to a western sitcom I have seen in anime. Once it kicks in and stops having actual story arcs (around episode 30 or so) this pretty much feels like The Simpsons, which each episode being self-contained stories that are like "the family goes to the park", "the family goes to the beach", "the gang goes to school at night to bust a ghost" etc. Which I surprisingly enjoy since at this point with almost 70 episodes watched I feel some sort of familiarity with the characters, so I have fun watching their antics and the wacky situations they come up with.
Also I have noticed that the animation quality is all over the place for this series, some episodes look gorgeous but others can't even mantain the characters on model for more than 5 seconds, but I guess its something to be expected out of a long running late 80's-early 90's series.
>> No. 33168 [Edit]
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Do you need to watch the old Tenchi Muyo to get the newer ones?
>> No. 33181 [Edit]
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Yes. The TV shows are mostly standalone but you'll need to watch the OVAs in order.

This chart is kind of old but OVA 4 would probably go between GXP and Seikishi Monogatari.
Also, OVA 4 sucks. It's pointless, slow and, worst of all, boring. Don't bother with it unless you really want more Tenchi.
>> No. 33191 [Edit]
Alright, so all of you have full permission to blast me for this but, I have finally gotten around to watching Rozen Maiden (the original, not the remake). I know I'm late, but if it helps any, I am really enjoying the series so far. The story line is simple, the characters are fun, and even the filler episodes entertain me and have me laughing harder than I probably should. Overall, great series Desu.
>> No. 33202 [Edit]
I just finished Fate Extra. Was not impressed.
>> No. 33207 [Edit]
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Picked up a show called Pinky Street, just randomly out of stuff I got saved. Just two ep shorts, and I wouldn't post about it for anything other than the.. interesting looking 3dcg if it weren't for the second ep being about an otaku and his pal, which I thought was kinda nice to see. In the cgi portion thought it was kinda funny how a lot of the scenes were re-used in both eps. Seems like it was just a set of shorts to plug some merch, but I liked that second ep a bit anyway. Not much else to say about a show with two 10 minute episodes with a good chunk being shared between both.
>> No. 33214 [Edit]
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Not terribly old, but I finished Sora no Method. I had high hopes since it was from studio 3hz: the artwork and soundtrack were beautiful as expected and moe was abundant, but if ever there was an archetype of melodrama, this would be it. You have the full-lot: minor misunderstandings get blown up, moody characters that would prefer to yell and storm than talk and resolve conflicts, and overblown reactions to inconsequential events.

And all of this drama in the first six episodes is wholly irrelevant to the main plot, not to mention the last two episodes which are a deus ex machina ruining all emotional buildup of the 11th episode. If they had limited it to episodes 7-11 it might have been decent. Or better yet just remove the drama aspects all together and make it a pure slice of life show centered around the hijinks of Nonoka and Noel with most of the drama removed, like the OVA was.

In the end, the only effects of the saucer were emotional and mental retardation.

Post edited on 19th Aug 2019, 2:15pm
>> No. 33280 [Edit]
anyone else watched the new Heaven's Feel movie? I thought it was pretty good, can't wait for the next one
>> No. 33282 [Edit]
I watched Sora No Method and I don't even remember it. But the MC is my type of girl and I should look on sadpanda to see if she has any doujins.
>> No. 33291 [Edit]
I thought they were quite good. I wish Unlimited Blade Works would get this kind of treatment, but after two attempts it probably isn't happening.
>> No. 33293 [Edit]
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Anne Happy – A very sweet and heartwarming SoL (as almost all Kirara adaptions are). If you enjoyed Slow Start last year, this has a similar feel to it in terms of character dynamics and friendships. It takes until the 4th episode to really pick up, but once it does each episode has a nice overarching arc that will leave you smiling at the end.

Plus the title is one of the best puns ("anne happy" meaning either unhappy or referring to Anne's happiness) since "sounan desu ka" ("are we shipwrecked" / "is that so").

Post edited on 25th Aug 2019, 5:32pm
>> No. 33294 [Edit]
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What other series has given a nod to those with a waifu/husbando?
>> No. 33313 [Edit]
At the time of seeing this anime I thought the waifu character was a tad odd, but went with it anyway. In retrospect I can totally understand after ridding Japanese trains for a while and finding images of Himemiya Nana, on the screens oddly comforting.
>> No. 33378 [Edit]
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Gonna power through more UC gundam this weekend.
>> No. 33431 [Edit]
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Seeing the original Macross. Only seen it before as Robotech.
>> No. 33549 [Edit]
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9 year old show about flowers, toys, friendship and magic giving local man the power to endure work life
>> No. 33560 [Edit]
There's an OVA for it released today. I didn't know it sold well enough to justify one.
>> No. 33561 [Edit]
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Recently finished the first season of Gochuumon. It was kind of nice half of the time but the other half it was just kind of boring. It made me wonder if I truly enjoy slice of life or something.
Tippy was pretty cool. I liked him a lot. Cocoa was a lot of fun, Chiyo was pretty fun too. Blue Mountain was really funny but also pretty chill. It was nice to see a Christmas cake too. I feel like I don't see those much. Her fanart is really hot too. Chino felt really overrated.
I could probably check out the other seasons but I worry it would just ruin what the first season did by throwing in yuri or something.
>> No. 33562 [Edit]
What’s your problem with yuri?
>> No. 33565 [Edit]
> but the other half it was just kind of boring
Indeed, I felt the same way about Gochiusa. The second season is slightly better, but not too significantly. (Also if you were not aware there was an OVA "Gochiusa: sing for you" that released last week). As for yuri, there's not really much beyond what you see in season 1 (the light yuritease between Sharo and Rize).

> if I truly enjoy slice of life or something
I think Gochiusa and K-On (S1 at least) are a bit overhyped within the SoL genre, so I wouldn't necessarily use this as a benchmark. For SoL since there's no real plot the most important element becomes the character's interpersonal interactions so even within the genre some shows might appeal to you more than others. Try a few other kirara adaptations (Machikado Mazoku, Slow Start, Comic Girls) and see if those resonate a bit better.

If you dislike yuri entirely then perhaps CGDCT SoL might not be your cup of tea since they've essentially become intertwined at this point. That being said I think some shows just try to force yuribait in a manner which doesn't work (I felt the Sharo/Rize pairing was unnecessarily forced and overdone. Also the entirety of Yuru Yuri felt like a bunch of repetitive and predictable jokes with yuribait as the punchline), so if your disdain is only limited to that scope then there are better shows in that regard (e.g. the kirara works I listed above).

Post edited on 11th Oct 2019, 3:36pm
>> No. 33571 [Edit]
He hasn't embraced being a little girl yet.
>> No. 33637 [Edit]
Pre-Cure... the first one.
>> No. 33663 [Edit]
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I'm finally going to take Ramen Fighter Miki off my backlog! I started watching and finished episode 3 today. The teacher is really really cute! Like, super duper cute! So moe!
>> No. 33708 [Edit]
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I finished the second episode of pic related. It's pretty funny and relatable since I work in retail. The characters all having odd heads makes me think of Halloween so I like that about it. The animation is non-existent, kind of like an Adult Swim show. The episodes are short but I don't mind it. I'm looking forward to the rest.
>> No. 33709 [Edit]
Keep watching, it was extremely fun. Sadly short series don't get any appreciation, another great recent one was Nobunaga no Shinobi.
>> No. 33710 [Edit]
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>Sadly short series don't get any appreciation
It makes me sad how true this was for Amazing Stranger. I thought it was really funny with a good variety of characters and a nice ending. I wanted it to be popular.
>> No. 33768 [Edit]
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I'm watching Muromi-san right now.
>> No. 33770 [Edit]
what a disappointment captain tylor was..
i dont think i have seen another series take such a turn at the end.I mean it was fantastic up until ep~20 and then suddenly they decided to go all serious.what a let down
>> No. 33775 [Edit]
I don't think Tylor was a disappointment, just not entirely a comedy show. If you go in thinking "this is a comedy; if I'm not laughing, it sucks", then you'll surely be disappointed. But if you don't take this viewpoint, and you enjoy sci-fi anime, then you'll probably enjoy it a lot more. (I know I certainly did). You can especially see this with the OVAs, where the staff was able to make an almost completely serious show, and succeeded in making some, in my opinion, very good episodes. Plus, the animation quality itself of the series is quite pleasing to the eye.
>> No. 33776 [Edit]
yes,but thats the thing.Watching the first ~20 episodes you get the feeling that its a funny,lighthearted show-and a good one at that-i enjoyed it very much.But then suddenly it gets all serious and changes character completely.That was why i was dissapointed,i wanted it to finish as it started,as a funny lighthearted show not as a space drama.
Imagine watching lotgh and suddenly mid show everybody starts being goofy making jokes and there are pantyshots too.Thats how i felt but in reverse
>> No. 34211 [Edit]
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I've been going through the last few episodes of 2202 now that it's all out and I remembered that it is. Last time I watched it was when I was caught up with releases. It's really good stuff. I miss Xebec.

On a related note, I've been thinking about how 2199 had a pretty big impact in that it paved the way for the serialized anime films we see now, like GuP's finale.

Post edited on 17th Mar 2020, 3:23pm
>> No. 34212 [Edit]
>I miss Xebec.
Aren't they still making Fafner?
>> No. 34213 [Edit]
Sort of. The Fafner staff is working under I.G. to finish it. Still, they'll probably be scattered after this finishes, and the other half of Xebec is stuck making Build Fighters shit for Sunrise for the forseeable future.
>> No. 34215 [Edit]
Thanks for the elucidation. This is very unfortunate news. I don't which part of your post makes me sadder.
>> No. 34216 [Edit]
Personally I'm more upset about the Build Fighters shit, because being upset about the state of Gundam and wasted talent is double the sadness.
>> No. 34220 [Edit]
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Watching Sabagebu!. It's humorous and I'm enjoying it.
>> No. 34221 [Edit]
Coincidentally also just started watching it this week. It is indeed quite good, with a style of humor in the vein of Kitakubu: situations that escalate and build off of each other (without veering too heavily into the absurdist realm or becoming predictable in the randomness, which was my gripe with shows like e.g. nichijou) combined with sharp meta-humor and great character interactions.
>> No. 34222 [Edit]
I'm watching that at the moment as well. It's good, I think I will watch more space anime afterwards. I think this season is a bit silly in some ways such as the motivation of the antagonists though, the focus on love as a central driving theme seems very 70's.

I liked it too, it's much better than the other airsoft anime(Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu)
>> No. 34223 [Edit]
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>the focus on love as a central driving theme seems very 70's.
I mean, it should. I really liked that theme, it felt really justified in having it because they really displayed how much they did or would sacrifice for love.
That was a really funny series. The ED is catchy as hell.
>> No. 34236 [Edit]
>Sabagebu! - 12
That was an amazing series finale (and especially apropos to current circumstances)
>> No. 34242 [Edit]
It was really amusing. I watched it back in December/early January just before things started getting out of hand, so that's good timing on that too.
>> No. 34450 [Edit]
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Old stuff is fine but when backlog is gone, you want new stuff.
>> No. 34516 [Edit]
Hanayamata is stunning so far.
I had originally avoided this one because the description didn't seem that interesting (it seemed it would be a love-live-esque idol-ish show) and I had also been previously burned by SoLs (read: kiniro mosaic) with foreign tenkousei MCs that ended up having 0 characterization beyond use in comedic gags.

I couldn't have been more wrong though. The animation and artwork is beautiful & fluid, the characters are well fleshed out, and the interactions and friendships feel genuine.

Post edited on 13th Aug 2020, 11:00pm
>> No. 34670 [Edit]
Episode 17 of xxxholic may be one of the worst episodes out of anything I've ever seen.
>> No. 35156 [Edit]
I just started on Shirokuma Cafe as well. Some episodes are nice and heartwarming, some have well executed jokes, and some are just flat and boring. I suppose it's worth having something light to come back to – it's definitely a show that's meant to be chipped at away over a longer timespan though.

The "puns" (with pun in quotation mark since it doesn't even deserve to be called that) are annoying though. It's not a translation issue since I can understand most of the Japanese in the show fine (it does seem to be aired at kids, since there's lots of furigana in the show). Somehow in a language chock full of homophones they always manage to pick boring word tuples that are not even slightly ambiguous, e.g. "okawari, himawari, suikawari." And the "puns" don't have any setup or payoff: they're just thrown out there seemingly whenever the polar bear feels like it.
>> No. 35205 [Edit]
I am currently watching Blue Seed for the first time, one of the most 90s shows I have ever seen.
>> No. 35235 [Edit]
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Didn't know Studio DEEN animated this...
>> No. 35236 [Edit]
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>> No. 35244 [Edit]
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I did it. I finally finished Sword Mom/Okaasan Online/Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka. I’m surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did and I’m not proud to admit that I might have made my judgments too early and too harshly when I complained in the past about this show. To start with the premise in case someone here doesn’t already know it, it’s about a mother and a son entering an isekai MMO whatever meant to repair the bond of a mother and their child, usually a teenager. The main character, Masato, is given the role of the hero with a fitting sword albeit with a strength that requires somewhat rare situations while his mother, Mamako, gets two swords which usually prove themselves overpowered. The rest of the show is about dealing with mom villains and recruiting their kid as a party member, learning about that soon-to-be party member before their mother is defeated and her ways mended. And of course Masato dealing with the embarrassment from his mom goofing off.

This show is clearly more of a comedy than anything else so anyone going into this expecting good action or world-building will be very disappointed. With that said, I feel like it did the comedy well enough since the show, even outside of it’s jokes, didn’t often prove itself to be predictable like I would dread it to be instead trying to do whatever is least expected. It has it’s moments that I might describe as “cringe” or ones that are just plain stupid but I think I warmed up to them by just going with it and turning my brain off a little which is helped by the show not trying to take itself seriously. But it can definitely feel like a babby’s first anime sometimes. I found myself glad that I don’t have anyone to watch anime with because, regardless of if they like it, I would definitely feel some secondhand embarrassment. Despite it’s usually goofy nature, it does have some moments I personally found very touching but I don’t want to spoil.

The characters are kind of a mixed bag and I’ll start with Masato, the main character. I’ve seen a few people say they don’t like him and they said that others felt the same but I don’t understand much of why. He starts out a little too rude but he calms down relatively quickly reverting to the typical straight-man main character. He’s really just a teenager who wants some independence from his clingy mother, especially when he’s about to set out on the RPG adventure he’s probably always wanted. Girls later join the party so naturally he’s going to be even more upset about the things she does. But he’s a good kid and he does his best in the situations he’s in, even if Mamako is usually the one who fixes the problems by the end but it’s sweet to see them work together. In the end he’s not a bad guy, he’s just a teenager. And considering how those can be once they get rebellious I think he’s more than just fine.

Mamako, the character anyone watching the show probably started it for, is Masato’s mom. Unsurprisingly, she shines the brightest in ways more than one. She’s naïve and clearly out of her element but whatever she seriously thinks would work actually does, much to Masato’s surprise at times, because she ends up having some kind of grossly overpowered skill to make her mundane actions many times more effective and helpful for their current situation. Something that becomes clear very quickly is how much this MMO world is centered around mothers which likely offers some kind of explanation for why the things she does work. I probably shouldn’t bother talking about how overpowered she is considering it’s practically in the title anyway so to describe her character in depth a little more, she’s painfully sweet. She’s caring, soft-spoken, supportive, kind, optimistic, basically a lot of the things a good mother should be. Among mom characters in anime I can’t overstate how much of a diamond in the rough she is but even in the context of her show this proves true since the mothers of the other party members prove to be the typical types of bad mothers you could expect while also being the villains they have to fight. I probably should try and be unbiased when I make a review or even just talk about a show but man… I wish so badly more mom characters were like Mamako and had more screentime.

Porta is something of the group imouto and the inventory manager and item/skill specialist often able to craft needed items or appraise skills or items. She’s also a really sweet girl almost never throwing a bitter word at anyone with a personality that you could probably describe as “the ideal imouto”. But I also feel like there’s little more to say about her beyond that. When Shirase isn’t around it’s Porta’s job to educate the viewers and characters on what moves or skills are being used or what certain items do. I often felt like Porta was underutilized which came as a real surprise to me considering that it’s no secret to anyone that Japan loves imoutos and lolis in general. She gets almost no backstory or explanation on who she is or even how she got into the game, just that she’s a test player but the viewer is shown the criteria to be one but that isn’t elaborated on with Porta, who doesn’t clearly meet those criteria, so it’s kind of like she’s just thrown in. It’s a shame because I would have loved to learn more about her.

Wise is one of the more spicy characters in the cast, being something of a tsundere who constantly nitpicks at things before she finally calms down. She’s the magic user and shows it off often to Masato by casting insta-kill spells at him. I want to go into more detail about her but anyone who knows what a tsundere with a tendency for violence is like probably knows almost all there is to know about Wise though with the dere part toned down a lot. Alternatively, if you remember Lina Inverse then you know Wise since Masato himself makes that comparison. She’s really just a fighter but every once in a while she’ll sometimes give her own advice for a problem outside of battle which does actually help, especially when someone needs to say things directly.

Medhi is something of the deceptive type, being the healer but also a capable fighter. Despite this she doesn’t actually heal people very often and instead occasionally casts buffs or uses attacking spells of her own or just hits something with her staff to do a surprising amount of damage. She’s not unlike a 3dpd, having a pretty body at best but a terrible personality all the same and often making snide remarks or hiding her true and less glamorous intentions with initially admirable actions. She does little for the group in terms of cohesion or patching up the often damaged mother-child relations the MMO world is plagued with.

Shirase is kind of a fun weirdo. She’s responsible for giving the cast their quests and roping Masato into embarrassing or aggravating situations, at times acting as if he’s going to enjoy it despite her being constantly wrong. She plays a lot of roles in the world like running the front desk of a guild, working as a GM, giving them their own guild, and even being a bartender. She wears a suit beautifully too. But with her plans and their outcomes I’m not entirely sure if she has some clever plan to mend Mamako and Masato’s damaged relationship or just cause mischief but a lot of things happen because of her because there are problems even the GMs can’t fix. Don’t ask me how that works, I don’t know either.

That’s more or less all I have to say about Sword Mom as an anime. I’m not sure how I should write a good anime review but all of the usual things other reviews would probably talk about aren’t something I think even have enough of to discuss here because this show is mostly focused around it’s characters rather than any in-depth world-building or epic fight scenes and while I should probably talk about the voice acting or the music I feel like it’s enough to just say that they’re both good and fitting for the emotions or context. Maybe that’s anime sacrilege but it’s a little hard to go into detail about good voice acting.

If I may indulge in a bit of sentimental rambling, I appreciate this show a lot, mostly because of Mamako herself, even if it’s teenage girl characters usually aren’t nice people. I’m sure I can just chalk this up to my lack of experience and I would love to have someone smugly prove me wrong but characters that are good mothers are rare and ones that are fun characters with a significant amount of screen-time are even more scarce. I’m confident it’s possible and I’ve seen a few examples but that’s how I know it can be done. I just want to see it a little more often because it scratches a kind of itch I have, it gives me a certain kind of moe to see a cute mom or a certain kind of admiration to see a mom fight to protect her family and seeing both is something special to me. Mamako is cute, funny, surprisingly tough, naïve, and overall just a gem and a sweetheart. Even if she can be described as something of a flat and uninteresting character she’s a certain type that I can’t help but think is probably the first image of a good mom that most people would or should think of yet is unique where few characters are like her in any way instead being written as a slutty cougar, a tired wagie, a depressed drunkard with a streak of bad luck with guys, a snarky type, or something that I can sometimes find fun but never see as that much of a good mom first and instead for her other personality traits.

I don’t have much of a way to end this but if you’re looking for a goofy character-driven comedy or you just like cute moms then watch this show. If the feeling of “babby’s first anime” is something that would drive you away or you expect more out of an anime that is set in some kind of isekai/MMO fantasy world then this probably isn’t for you. Also I want to headpat Mamako and tell her that she's a good mother and headpat Porta and tell her to never change.
>> No. 35245 [Edit]
I'm not into mom characters with a "mom personality" because the idea of a character's personality changing just because they had kids is depressing to me.
>> No. 35246 [Edit]
I think it's somewhat accurate though. It's very life changing.
>> No. 35248 [Edit]
Can confirm because of my siblings. I miss my brother, he was the only friend I had.
>> No. 35301 [Edit]
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Finally watched the BLAME! movie.

I have yet to read Blame! but I always thought it had a cool look. Cyberpunk dystopias are kind of interesting so yeah, when I saw the BDs available in the Anime-section of the shop I was at, I picked it up.
I thought it was okay barring one part that I found amazing. There's a few action scenes that are pretty enjoyable.
The intro was pretty nice. The power-suits the teenagers were wearing in the intro piqued my interest. I also want to say regarding the film generally that I do feel that Zuzu's attachment to Killy, a guy who, based off of what I saw in this movie, basically doesn't have a personality, was a little bit jarring but IIRC, Blame! fans were okay with the film having things like this added in order to make it more palatable to commoners who aren't into Blame!
So yeah, I don't think this is a regrettable watch.
>> No. 35310 [Edit]
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I was liking Zettai Karen Children until episode 21. Here one of the characters gets fucked over hard. He acts as a spy, but he's found out by one of the main characters. This MC blackmails him into building a robot who looks like one of their coworkers. They found this robot, and the mc throws him under the bus, saying he built the robot because he liked the girl. Even worse, this causes the girls he likes, who liked him, to go out with another doctor. All of this is played for the laughs, while he falls to the dark. I am getting angry just typing this.
>> No. 35311 [Edit]
At least he can always build another robot.
>> No. 35318 [Edit]
Yeah that didn't sit well with me at all. At least the series didn't have anything else that bad from what I remember.
>> No. 35398 [Edit]
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I watched the second season of Cawfee and to my pleasant surprise I actually enjoyed it. It's hard for me to go into more detail about the first season now since it's been so long since I watched it but my general sentiments are mostly the same, that half of the first season was very boring because so little happened and so little of anything interesting was ever discussed. The second season changes all of that. The characters are still themselves but because of the situations they're in they are allowed to get lively at times. I might say it's the same show but with more comedy. I'm very happy with the greater use of the characters since any situation with Chiya is always fun.
The only real downside I can think of is that maybe the show might not focus on coffee and tea as much as the first one did, which is something I can understand someone listing as a flaw since it deviates a bit from the title, which I think should be the focus of any work of fiction. A personal minor complaint is that Mocha is underutilized but hopefully the movie will fix that as well as focusing a little more on Cocoa and Mocha's cute mom. But for the most part I finally saw why the show became so popular.
I still don't get why everyone likes Chino so much though. Her development, once again, doesn't seem to happen very much until near the end of the season but it at least doesn't feel as out of place this time as it did before where they had to throw in a more serious situation for Chino to react in because it just takes that much for her to actually care about Cocoa. The second season takes a bit more time to do that earlier before the final few episodes come along which I appreciate, even if it still felt like Chino needed to be artificially tweaked just to not make her seem completely cold and uncaring. Though I still think Chino is massively overrated.
>> No. 35399 [Edit]
>that half of the first season was very boring because so little happened and so little of anything interesting was ever discussed.
Yeah I felt the same way. In fact I was even a bit lukewarm on the second season, but the third season had me charmed (as I mentioned in >>35207)

>Though I still think Chino is massively overrated.
It's probably because it's easy to fixate on the loli character. I think Cocoa is the real star of the show though; her emotions and expressions are what make the show so enjoyable. And S3 delivers that in spades, while at the same time elevating the other characters as well by switching up the usual dynamics of cocoa/chino + syaro/chiya and instead having new sets of interactions.
>> No. 35603 [Edit]
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I watched Tonari no Kyuuketsuki. It's cute.
It's a good thing they stopped before having to inevitably tackle the obvious issue of an immortal being friends with a mortal.
>> No. 35604 [Edit]
It's a cute series. I've been wanting more of it so I had to import the manga.
>> No. 35605 [Edit]
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It was a nice gem. Bit of a slow start with the comedy but it came together nicely by the third or so episode.
>> No. 35606 [Edit]
The OP and ED were great too if I remember, it started a little slow as other posters said but for me it really picked up with the introduction of Ellie. Personally I find Akari to be one of the weakest SoL MC however, the two vampires really carried the show for me.
>> No. 35608 [Edit]
Akari probably wouldn't have been the most compelling character on her own but her relationship with Sophie is adorable. How they made sacrifices for eachother, how they tried to understand eachother despite the massive differences in their biology and life experiences, how they're able to see eachother as equals in spite of everything.
It's truly heartwarming. Vampires in reality probably wouldn't be able to live any sort of calm life at all.
>> No. 35612 [Edit]
One of the memorable moments in the show was when Sophie finally explains why she doesn't drink Akari's blood. I'd previously thought it it a bit weird that Sophie wouldn't even try out her blood, but her explanation is both heartwarming and makes a lot of sense. Not only does drinking blood from a live party implicitly change the nature of their pure relationship (*), but if regular blood is sustenance then the blood of a close friend must be like dessert – it would be too easy to get carried away.

(*) Given that vampires are closely associated with sexuality (of which the show is not ignorant of given Ellie's portrayal), the act of sucking blood has an obvious sexual interpretation (c.f. Dracula, which has among this a number of other sexual motifs). So in addition to the more "objective" interpretation that this would implicitly casts Sophie/Akari's relation as that of victim/host in terms of sustenance, it also changes their dynamic as friends.

>inevitably tackle the obvious issue of an immortal being friends with a mortal.
Couldn't Sophie bite Akari when she's at the end of her life?
>> No. 35613 [Edit]
As much as Akari teased how much she wanted to get bit, it was nice of them to explain why Sophie avoided using her as a source of blood.
Speaking of blood, I'm curious exactly what sort of site sells jars of blood to random people. Guess it's probably a vampire-ran site in-universe, assuming it's ever explained.
>Couldn't Sophie bite Akari when she's at the end of her life?
That'd leave Akari living eternity as an old person who can barely get out of bed, which'd probably be more cruel than just letting her die. There's really no easy way out of the dramatic implications of their relationship as far as I can see.
>> No. 35614 [Edit]
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>what sort of site sells jars of blood to random people
In the show I recall it was some knockoff of Amazon? Or perhaps the Blood Donation Club (Vlad Love) had some spares they wanted to sell.

>That'd leave Akari living eternity as an old person who can barely get out of bed
Good point, I forgot that you remain in the same physical state even after turning into a vampire.
>> No. 35617 [Edit]
It was a very comfy show, I especially liked it when they focused on Sophie's NEET lifestyle.
>> No. 35619 [Edit]
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Re-watched Dennou Coil. Last time I watched it was a few years ago, and I imagine then I must've had some sort of ADHD problem because while I could remember some bits of the show I seemed to have mostly forgotten the main plot. Sometimes I'd do that with shows I'd watch, just sort of blank out and start daydreaming in the middle of watching. I still do that, just not as bad.
Very good show overall, despite being made in 2007 it doesn't feel like it's aged a day and the technology in it is fairly belivable even now. Also don't think I noticed how much Shintoism influenced the show the first time around, maybe because I didn't know much about it at the time. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but there's more than a few odd similarities to Haibane Renmei as well.
Yuuko and Yuuko are cute.

I wonder where Sophie got all her money from. Her and Erie are implied to be extraordinarily wealthy, with the latter casually carrying around three gold bars with her.
>> No. 35620 [Edit]
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It's been some years for me too, so I don't vividly remember the particulars of the plot either, but I do remember the line in the final episode where Yasako says to Isako, 「勇子の勇は勇ましいの勇!」 being pretty powerful, leaving a strong impression on me. Maybe I should give it a rewatch sometime.

The director/writer's next original show, Chikyuugai Shounen Shoujo, is supposed to come out next spring, so I'm looking forward to that.
>> No. 35621 [Edit]
That was one of those parts that reminded me of Haibane Renmei. At first I did misremember what the ending was and thought that Yasako was somehow making a point about how both of their names being Yuuko was effecting the plot which was one of the things I more vividly remembered so quite odd to figure out that wasn't the case at all, although what was actually written was much more interesting than what I had 'remembered'.
Here's to hoping that new show can live up to expectations.
>> No. 35622 [Edit]
Oh my god, just finished watching Tutu too, I've watched a lot of stuff and this is the first one that starts well, gets better and ends excellently. It's so good and I can't find anything like it.
Also I can't believe Mytho's voice actor has so few roles, he is brilliant on the later episodes .

Post edited on 23rd Apr 2021, 7:30pm
>> No. 35630 [Edit]
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Re-watched Kamichu!
It's one of those anime that you might go into not really sure what to expect. I know that's how it was for me the first time, I just saw some random recommendation chart and decided to see it on a whim. As a result I think I got something that I've started unconsciously referencing in my imagination. There's just something about the universe, and the portrayal of Shintoism in the show that I find interesting, the fact that Gods seem to be so similar to people, and so 'close' in the show, as if they lack all sort of divinity. Yurie herself is perhaps the least 'divine' person to become a God, she doesn't even have as much as a backstory to explain why she becomes one, just that she woke up one day and felt that she became one. Gods in this show are so very human I can't help but imagine that if the divine world were real it'd at least somewhat match the portrayal in this show.
Also all the girls are super cute, and it's very neatly animated. I'm surprised I don't see people talk about it more.

I still think episode 4 is incredibly out of place though. It's not a completely terrible episode or anything but I didn't really like how far up it shot the stakes, and involved a lot of ridiculous factors. It took a series about shinto gods and decided to involve the Japanese government, martians with terribly uninteresting designs, political satire, and just a lot of other things that destroyed my suspense of disbelief. I just kept asking myself how that didn't end in a terrible international incident.

But that's just the one odd episode of an otherwise interesting collection of stories. Everything else is much more down to earth and belivable, with respect to the setting.
>> No. 35631 [Edit]
It's a great show, and as you said, very underappreciated (moe alien episode notwithstanding); The beach episode is a God damn masterpiece; Miko-chan is somehow even cuter than the MC; easily epitomizes what's great about 2000s anime.
>> No. 35632 [Edit]
Miko is most assurdely a model miko, and a VERY cute and VERY good girl. I actually cried a bit during the episode where she runs away.
The beach episode was pretty good. It had it all, colorful visuals, atmosphere, and an interesting story. I really do appreciate how much the visuals can 'pop' in this show, and how they used color to visiually differentiate the world of the Gods from the normal world.
>> No. 35633 [Edit]
Yeah, that episode is also great. Really, the displays of familial love; be it Yurie's family or Miko's; are one of the show's greatest assets, and it truly heals the soul. Notably, the interactions between Yurie's parents are humorous and very cute.

>The beach episode was pretty good. It had it all, colorful visuals, atmosphere, and an interesting story.
Much like how you admitted to shedding some tears to the aforementioned episode, this one elicited a little waterworks of my own. It's all so very beautiful.

>I really do appreciate how much the visuals can 'pop' in this show, and how they used color to visiually differentiate the world of the Gods from the normal world.
Agreed. Tangentially related, but I adore the backgrounds as I do with a lot of shows from the era. There's just something so homely about them.
>> No. 35634 [Edit]
>Really, the displays of familial love; be it Yurie's family or Miko's; are one of the show's greatest assets, and it truly heals the soul.
I love cute moms in anime, Yurie's mom is adorable since she has this sort of childlike innocence to her.
>Agreed. Tangentially related, but I adore the backgrounds as I do with a lot of shows from the era. There's just something so homely about them.
I've found well done backgrounds can build up a sense of familiarity. You can really start to feel part of a place if the backgrounds can drill the setting into you, and Kamichu! lets you see many familiar areas over and over again.
Rozen Maiden also comes to mind for something like this, I can clearly picture the backgrounds of Jun's house even though it's been a while since I've watched the series. I remember with Traumend I was actually a little sad how much the backgrounds seemed to change, although I'm led to assume that unlike the previous works Traumend doesn't primarily take place in Jun's house.
>> No. 35648 [Edit]
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Been watching Ojamajo Doremi and saw the Sharp movie. It was a small thing that was fairly well put together. Doremi usually takes on the protagonist role but it seems in this case Poppu seems to take the main role and Doremi actually acts as a sort of antagonist in the movie, being the main source of conflict (as well as its resolution). The wackiest thing that happened wans't very magical, but it made me laugh when Doremi started shittalking Poppu for losing Hana since what she was saying was so incredibly un-Doremi like. I suppose the movie is written for children in similar situations as Pop who may have a spot of sibling rivalry. Poppu feeling inferior to Doremi felt a little new though, given that it's often a joke that Doremi is much less capable than her surprisingly economic sister, but maybe I just might be misremembering something.
Either way, what really amused me was a 'contest' that was left in at the end of the movie rip, which seemed to have been a contest for children to draw Doremi characters. The drawings themselves are rather adorable, but I couldn't help but think that all of those children are grown up now, as it's been around 20-21 years since the movie came out. At the risk of making someone feel old, I'll also say I happened to be born the year the movie came out (assuming I have the year right at 2000). I wonder if people'll look at similar contests 20 years from now in the same way.
I should probably take an idea or two from drawings like this and be less afraid of something I do looking 'bad', since these children were clearly proud in their work if they wanted to submit it to the contest.
>> No. 35679 [Edit]
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A short video that's relevant to both of these posts.
>> No. 35683 [Edit]
>Overall a very pleasant experience. Can't wait for S4 of this and Minami.
At least that anon eventually got one out of two.
>> No. 35701 [Edit]
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It's taken me a decade to properly finish Cowboy Bebop since I first tried to watch it. Not that I disliked it, I just fell off of it inadvertently. I'm getting near the end now and, you know, with my taste in anime becoming much deeper since then I thought I would feel disappointed or find it to be "overrated". After all, it's the anime for normalfags who don't know anything about anime to jack off. But damn, it really is that good, and I'm glad I watched it later because not only do I think the themes about adulthood and just generally being human resonate with me more now than they would have when I was a teenager, but I can also appreciate the series' inspirations like Lupin a lot better too. I'm kind of rambling but I'll leave this post off on the note that the characters in Bebop have a lot of visual personality and I really like that.
>> No. 35704 [Edit]
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Me, in the other hand, can't stomach to rewatch it because all the feelings associated with it. It's something I identify so much with my youth and it could make me feel too melancholic and depressed. But yeah, it is that great.
>> No. 35710 [Edit]
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I've been watching Kamisama Hajimemashita.
[ Before reading on, be aware the thoughts and feelings expressed in this post may be considered offensive to some readers and in no way reflect the opinions of this website. Reader discretion is advised. ]
It's been a while since I saw a shoujo anime. The most interesting thing about anime like this is getting a little insight into unapologetic female demographic pandering and what women want to see in contrast to material that does the same for men, which I've seen more than enough of over the years. Even the OP and ED have some pretty clear messages in them. Messages about being tired of being a good girl, how hard it is, and feeling like they're entitled to be a little bad, which I've seen a lot in things aimed at women.
This anime, and anime like it paint a picture in which women who have little to offer, want to be given a home and security by good looking strong and confidant men to support and protect them, he should be well regarded in his social group, and the kind of guy who is able to hold his own in a fight, but will of course be gentile to her. This man would be a jerk on the surface but can be tamed, and it helps if she's given an easy and convenient way to completely and totally force him into submission. bonus points if she can easily humiliate him and take him down a peg whenever she wants. You know, I'll never understand why women want bad boys that they can convert into good boys, rather than go for one who's good to them from the start. Maybe they like the feeling of having molded someone into their perfect man, and there for feel like it's more earned? Not that these women really do much to earn these men in the first place. Enabling self entitlement is something I've noticed in a lot of media targeting women, in which the media assure women it's okay to be ugly, stupid, lazy, and worthless. These women, all women, are perfect the way they are (because that's what they want to hear). What they don't want is to have to work for anything, that and be endlessly praised and thanked for any if any work they have done. Because a day of scrubbing a toilet totally entitles you to marry a billionaire!
It was hard not to notice that this started out in much the same way as Fruits basket, and continued on to have a lot in common, but I guess that's not really to be unexpected. I even noticed a lot of similarities to Inuyasha.
Watching anime like this also make me feel like I might be better able to understand what women who watch anime aimed at men must be feeling, After all this does go both ways. Your typical harem anime in particular is probably seen as down right offensive and disgusting. That said it seems like the material aimed at women seems more specific in the expectations of men. The ideal man should be this this and that, and there's not a whole lot of wiggle room there. Material aimed at men do indeed often set up a lot of unrealistic expectations as well, but I think there's much more range and flexibility, that's because the tastes of men very much more than those of women who by and large often want the same type of man, an alpha male. Anime pandering to male desires tend to focus on the more popular character types, but you can find plenty of representation for those who don't fit the typical roles. What one guy likes probably won't be what the next guy likes.

sexist loser neck beard rant aside, the anime itself isn't by any means bad, even if it's not the most original thing as I pointed out. It's cliche, predictable, and can be offensive to some male viewers, but it still manages to have a bit of fun charm to it. It's entertaining enough in spite of the stuff I ranted about, so what more can you ask for. All that maters anyway is the main character is cute.
>> No. 35716 [Edit]
Shoujo anime and manga are certainly like that. Mahoutsukai no Yome, the protagonist is auctioned off to a tall scary stranger who wants her for his own purposes, but he's actually a big old softie on the inside, but actually he's scary again when he needs to be. Kirarin Revolution, a plain girl strives to enter the world of idol performing to get with a boy idol, but there's another boy idol, who's more of a bad boy. But the bad boy has a heart of gold just like the good boy. Which boy will she pick at the conclusion of the over one hundred episode TV series? And Flower Crown, a one shot manga that I consider the quintessential example of the thing. It concentrates that whole storyline into no more than forty pages. It's about a priestess who encounters a prince with a horrible temper and a God complex, who orders people executed on a whim and insults the priestess's fancy clothes, but he can also heal people from any illness, but he charges one hundred gold coins for a heal and spares no mercy if you have only ninety nine, but he only charges that much because his healing ability actually represents a huge sacrifice on his part, but he orders people executed if they see him when he's vulnerable after performing the healing, but not the heroine of the story, who he gets together with instead for some reason!
I did enjoy Mahoutsukai no Yome a lot. Cool worldbuilding, a big cast of interesting weirdoes, and hey, the romance is nice too.
>> No. 35717 [Edit]
>After all this does go both ways
You know but the basics are much simpler for the stuff aimed at men: she looks nice and she likes the guy. As you said, you can add a lot to that for variety.
Meanwhile in shoujo land there's generally a lot of behaviors that seem genuinely mean spirited, it creeps me out a bit. Now that I think about it, it's not just the guys, the other characters like classmates and friends are generally meaner in shoujo too. It's strange.
>> No. 35718 [Edit]
It's almost like women don't want to face the reality that bad boys are more often than not just assholes to the core and will never change. Lord knows I've heard more than my share of eye rolling stories about girls who tried and failed miserably to convert a douchebag. Anime is nothing else if not escapism I suppose. I think the equivalent to that for men would be the super girly and feminine type of women, those friendly bubbling cute girls that only wear cute things and are nice to everyone. In reality they're probably sluts/whores and huge cunts putting on an act, but in anime and manga we can pretend they're as sweet as they appear to be.

>the other characters like classmates and friends are generally meaner in shoujo too.
Yeah I've noticed that too. I think that's to make the protag more relatable to female viewers who have issues with insecurity and making friends. As far as I know girls can be down right rotten to each other, especially when maters of romance get involved. I'm not sure if the way boys bully each other can even compare. They're more physical and violent with the bullying, but at least they get it over with quickly enough and move on. With girls it's almost like they're aiming for long lasting mental scaring trauma.

Post edited on 22nd May 2021, 8:58am
>> No. 35719 [Edit]
>I think the equivalent to that for men would be the super girly and feminine type of women, those friendly bubbling cute girls that only wear cute things and are nice to everyone
Speak for yourself. I'm into tomboys and kuuderes. Men tend to have more variable taste like another anon mentioned. There is no equivalent to the contradictory, overly complicated mess that is most women's taste.

Post edited on 22nd May 2021, 1:26pm
>> No. 35720 [Edit]
I thought I was fairly clear that I meant the equivalent to an ideal which turns out to be a facade. In other words, a type of person who is not what they seem. I never suggested that example is one that all men are into, I've already acknowledged different folks are into different folks.
That said, even fake tomboys exist. we've all seen the fake "gamer girls" who "aren't like other girls". They too lie about being into nerdy stuff just to reel in nerds with money. Regardless of what you're into, I don't think there's any getting away from deceitfulness.
>> No. 35721 [Edit]
>I don't think there's any getting away from deceitfulness
I think apathy is the most honest emotion. Very few people fake apathy towards someone(I guess unless they hate them). If everybody acts apathetic about you, virtually all of them are probably being honest.
>> No. 35962 [Edit]
Yuru Yuru S3E8 made me smile for the first time in about a year and a half. The tone and pacing was really unexpectedly sweet.
>> No. 36176 [Edit]
I've started watching Clannad. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'll probably spend tomorrow watching it.
I have to say, I much prefer Kyo-Ani's older art-style compared to their more modern style. The wider faces and larger, less rounded eyes are far cuter.
>> No. 36177 [Edit]
>I'm not sure what to expect
Lots of crying and shoehorned, contrived supernatural elements.

Post edited on 20th May 2022, 10:17pm
>> No. 36179 [Edit]
That's Key's style. They're just adapting it.
>> No. 36183 [Edit]
Sorry. Excuse my ignorance.
>> No. 36200 [Edit]
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That's fine. It's the reason Air, Kanon and Clannad look like that. I like how they adapted the look of those VNs to be more appealing while still keeping the important aspects of them.
>> No. 36201 [Edit]
I prefer the VNs' art from what I've seen. Not to say I think it's objectively better, but it has charm.
I only called it KyoAni's old art style because Haruhi also looks similar. Of course, that's also just adapted from LN illustrations...
It was a poor way to simplify my thoughts. You could just say that I think wide faces are cute.
>> No. 36203 [Edit]
To be exact, it was the lead Key artist's style. Her style changed with time leading up to parting ways with Key. Stands to reason new stuff would look very different.
Fun fact; the other staff at Key thought her early art sucked and gave her a hard time about it.
>> No. 36205 [Edit]
I didn't know that. That's funny. I think it's a cute style though.
>> No. 36206 [Edit]
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I can't really blame them. That backgrounds are competent(assuming she also did them) and the anatomy could be worse, but the face is all messed up(from my outsider perspective).

Post edited on 21st May 2022, 8:18pm
>> No. 36208 [Edit]
I honestly think that's cute. That type of face makes more sense in b&w but the colors really bring out the weird doesn't. I'm saying this because I swear I've seen this type of face in manga before and it looked better there but damn it, I can't quite remember what's the title. I think the mouth is too high up, if you cover it with the mouse cursor you'll see the rest of the face has a very regular anime distribution. My opinion anyways. Maybe it's my protective instinct kicking in just because she has blue hair, who knows.
>> No. 36221 [Edit]
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I thought it wouldn't get any worse from Fuuko's arc...
>> No. 36407 [Edit]
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I just finished the first season of Aria. I wasn't really sure what to expect going in. It always seemed like it would be incredibly boring. Maybe it wasn't the most exciting thing I've ever watched, but it was extremely nice. The characters and their interactions were fun though some could have gotten a bit more time. I suppose there's always the next seasons. The setting and how background information was given was great. I like that it was spread out through the season rather than having a few exposition dump episodes. The first few episodes looked stellar, and after that they still looked pretty great. The scenery was very detailed without it looking excessive.
In the end, Aqua does seem like a wonderful place full of kindness.

p.s. Akari is super cute!
>> No. 36486 [Edit]
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I finished Akebi-chan's Sailor Fuku, and it was a thoroughly relaxing show to watch (previously accidentally posted in >>36467 but didn't realize that thread was only for current seasonal shows).

At its core, the show follows in the footsteps of Non non biyori and Flying Witch in highlighting the warmth of friendships and showcasing the ephemeral beauty (emotional and physical) of everyday (2D) life. However what I instead want highlight in this comment is the show's thematic undercurrent of change and modernization. Akebi almost represents a sort of crystallized version of idyllic rural life, and physically brings that to the school in the city in the form of her Sailor-fuku; everywhere she goes, her sailor uniform is set against the backdrop of "modern" blazers. Nonetheless despite being superficially out-of-place, she doesn't miss a beat in effortlessly bridging gaps, and ends up being the thread that connects all of her classmates together.

The last few episodes play harder on this bittersweet nostalgia of the "good old" rural life coming to an end, but the show seems to have an optimistic tone that much like Akebi ends up sharing the best parts with the rest of her friends, so too will things eventually end up working out. But personally when I think about it, this undercurrent is quite sad.

In this way it's also almost like a counterpart to Non-Non Biyori – NNB captures the height of rural inaka life with Hotaru being the outsider bringing in aspects of the city. Akebi's Sailor Fuku instead paints the picture of an inaka on its last legs, with Akebi being the focal point of the transition.
>> No. 36494 [Edit]
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I watched the Goddamn OVAs. It was a nice way to kill an hour. Not many thoughts on it. It was just cool.
>> No. 36509 [Edit]
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I'm about 35 episodes into Gundam Seed Destiny, having watched Seed a long time ago. I'm having a really hard time trying to understand the behavior of the Archangel crew and Kira. At many points in the show they just start getting upset at Zaft for ?reasons?, which is making the plot pretty hard to follow. From my perspective I just can't understand what their conflict with Zaft is by this point. Or especially what any of the characters in Zaft themselves seem to have a problem with. Just seemingly some general dislike for war that makes scenes really jarring, like a scene of a character gritting their teeth in anger after being given a completely reasonable command and acting like it's troubling them to carry it out. I guess I'm just supposed to read their minds, or probably more likely, sympathize with their dislike of Zaft leadership, because there's just nothing I can make sense of in their bizarre hatred of it. Seems like a pretty strong case of protagonist centered morality because as far as we know the current Zaft leadership has done pretty much nothing wrong, even though it's been hinted that we're supposed to dislike them so they'll probably do something "evil" in the near future.

I honestly just can't fathom for what reason I'm supposed to sympathize with the main characters from the first series at this point, they've done nothing intelligible the entire time. If I had to guess it's just Tomino going off the deep end and expecting the entire audience to share his burning hatred for warfare even when one side is clearly and explicitly shown to have done absolutely nothing wrong, and even seems to be carrying out humanitarian missions all while defending themselves from the opposing side. Just a very hard thematic dissonance to deal with while watching due to the fact that even though were shown characters glaring and grunting about Zaft, they just really have done little to elicit such a response from the audience. Did they really not expect Shinn to try to kill Kira? He's not only an enemy btu has killed many a Zaft pilot, several of whom were friends of the main characters we see on the Zaft side of things.

A bit of a rant, and I didn't exactly expect flawless logic from such an infamous series, but man I just have a hard time watching it at this point. I'd much rather just see an uninterrupted war between Earth and PLANTS, sans the Archangel and crew, at this point.
>> No. 36515 [Edit]
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Also, it just struck me, why is every single goddamn ship in this universe piloted by a high-EQ 18-30 year old female?? Half the decisions they make are because they don't personally like the feeling they get from people they're encountering in or off the battlefield. No wonder things are so fucked up in this universe. The Eternal, Archangel, Minerva, and Dominion are all piloted by emotionally volatile women, three of which are at the worst possible female age of late 20s or early 30s.
>> No. 36516 [Edit]
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These guys are total psychopaths. Letting a genocidal maniac get away and then kill ~2 million people is not as big of a deal to them as... the evil of solving problems through genome editing? Something every Coordinator does? I honestly think they must be insane, the big evil plan of the chairman was this? This was worth letting the alliance/logos/blue cosmos kills millions for by stalling the war efforts of ZAFT? It's like something a kid would do, getting mad over human lives being predetermined, but for that to be the driving cause of a group that is essentially opposed to a very small nation fighting for it's survival is just madness. I think you'd have to be completely screwed in the head to see the PLANTS as anything but justified in the war. The only thing I can think of is that the writers just completely neglected to give us any reason to agree with the supposed heroes of this story. They've done nothing but cause chaos and extra carnage everywhere they go, all in the name of stopping ZAFT from self defense because they just hate fighting that much. Now they've effectively indirectly allowed millions to die just because they had to autistically throw themselves into a battle. If they'd made the chairmans plan a little more evil than this, I guess it would have been possible to suspend disbelief, but they just didn't even bother. Using genome editing to determine peoples roles, for the sake of preventing war, is just about the least evil "evil act" we've seen in the entire series. At this point it's more of a philosophical question than a "big evil plan" which leaves me baffled as to how I'm supposed to be rooting for the side that has actively opposed every military effort to bring the war to a close, and failed, and now wants to keep doing that right at a time when the Coordinators are risking being full on genocided because, uh, they don't agree with the leader of the Coordinators political philosophy? Potentially letting millions die to win a political argument has to be the most ridiculous thing I've seen in fiction so far. It's all made so much worse by how heartfelt and wounded these characters act every time the "evil" ZAFT moves muscle, and painting themselves as messiahs. Just nuts, this is beyond the beyond. Hats of to Morosawa for going completely bat-shit schizophrenic just to give us this.
>> No. 36535 [Edit]
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Watching Kanon today after finishing the VN. I was curious how it would be handled. It's still great so far with some things I really like, but I have some issues with it. I guess an adaptation will always be a mixed bag at best. I'll probably write a review of sorts when I finish.
>> No. 36546 [Edit]
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This was great. I cant believe I never saw it before. One of the most grounded depictions of a relationship in anime that I've seen, all things considered. Feels like I should've seen this years ago. I recommend this to anyone reading this post. Very refreshing and very original in my honest opinion. I mean it.
>> No. 36601 [Edit]
On suggestion from >>/so/27617 I'm halfway through BanG dream, and it's nice; there are clear parallels to d4dj. Overall though I think I'm still more fond of d4dj due to its novel(?) focus on digital music production and some slight flourish of "organicness" that's hard to articulate precisely (there are points such as the rap battle where you can tell everyone there had fun making it, and I think the 3d animation works in favor because there are subtle movements that give you a sense of emotion [1]).

That said even though the "girls in a band" theme is overdone, BanG dream still is OK as traditional CGDCT/SoL, and its perfectly enjoyable to watch, even if it's not necessarily anything too unique.

>> No. 36929 [Edit]
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Started Ashita no Joe today. I'm really enjoying it so far. I like a lot Joe because he's an asshole kid with a chip on his shoulder and despite being really capable, his inability to not be an arrogant motherfucker screws him over again and again. He also has a certain loneliness to him which I really appreciate. He's an all too familiar character.
>> No. 36941 [Edit]
Hey I also started it yesterday. What a coincidence...
>> No. 36942 [Edit]
I was going to ask a bunch of questions, but I'll just make one request. Please share your thoughts when you finish.
>> No. 36943 [Edit]
heh that might take a while. I got to episode 15 yesterday, but I'm pretty irregular with how much I watch daily so it'll probably take me a month or so given that it's over 70 episodes.
I heard a lot about it and it just seemed like the sort of thing I'd like and it really does seem to be like that for now, I like it.
Joe is an all too familiar character, as you say.
>> No. 36944 [Edit]
I don't mind. It's the same for myself. I'm around the same point.
>> No. 36959 [Edit]
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I know I said it'd probably take me around a month, but here I am, a week later, having finished all of it. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a show more than this, it was just amazing.
I'm not that good at longposting and I might spoil some things for you if you haven't finished it, so I won't really say anything else. I'm glad I watched it.
>> No. 36960 [Edit]
I should be done in a day or two.
>> No. 36966 [Edit]
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It was pretty incredible. I wasn't sure at first with how slow things went at the start, but boy am I glad I stuck with it. Some things I appreciated was that Joe faced some very major set backs and that other characters also saw development.
Normally, I'd expect conflicts a protagonist comes across either be solved in an episode or two, or be the main drive for the plot. That isn't the case for Joe. From being unable to punch anyone in the head to killing practically any future in Japanese boxing. These two managed to be huge issues, but as things are in life, the story still progressed and Joe just did what he could in the meantime.
I like that other characters (mostly Nishi) got some good development. Really, Nishi went a huge way all himself. I'd expect a character like him to get an arc where he gets serious about boxing, becoming Mammoth Nishi and then his character just being Joe's sparring partner until he's forgotten.

There's a lot more that could be said, but anyone who hasn't seen it should do themself a favor and give it a try.
>> No. 36967 [Edit]
I've been thinking about rewatching it since it finally got a better quality release. I enjoyed it a lot before.
>> No. 36974 [Edit]
Joe beating up an entire group of Yakuza bare-handed is kinda stretching my suspicion of disbelief.
>> No. 36975 [Edit]
Joe kicks ass. Some punk Yakuza can't stand up to his punch or clever tricks.
>> No. 36976 [Edit]
A few episodes later, he's easily overpowered by a couple prisoners. Is it just me, or is Joe's strength kinda inconsistent? It's like he started out too strong, so the writers nerfed him by a lot.

I guess he was just caught by surprise.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2023, 8:21pm
>> No. 36977 [Edit]
Joe's just really strong. I would imagine the idea is that up to this point he does what he wants until he gets in trouble, and then tries to fight his way out, and has since being a little kid. Naturally he's going to be a lot stronger than someone that rarely has to fight, much less fight against a group like Joe probably regularly did.
>> No. 36982 [Edit]
I'm going to start Macross tomorrow. I've been meaning to watch it for a long time, but I haven't been bothered enough to find the right torrent.
>> No. 36983 [Edit]
Are you starting with the original, or with Zero for chronological order?
>> No. 36984 [Edit]
why would you ever do that?
>> No. 36992 [Edit]
I'm on ep 30 and it's been fun. I think Joe has some kind of personality disorder.
>> No. 36994 [Edit]
>> No. 37007 [Edit]
Didn't expect Xabungle to have anti American undertones since it's so lighthearted. Thought it was just a Gundam western on a desert planet. It's supposedly set on the desert planet Zora where "civilians" live in the harsh wasteland, while the "Innocent" elite live in protected domed cities that are illegal to attack.

Turns out it's actually set in a post apocalypic version of Earth where the Americans, the "Innocent", nuked everything and set up a new system where they have military bases everywhere (the domes) from which they control the "civilians", i.e the Japanese.

The nuke, the B-29 and the Earth world map showed inside the bridge of the new captured Iron Gear all hint to this. Other than that it's a fun show, pretty much a remix of the original Gundam with the White Base arc in a western setting.
>> No. 37011 [Edit]
I'm re-watching season 1 of Chaika.
I watched most of it when it was airing, but I fell off around episode 8 or 9, I don't recall.

It's fun! Chaika is cute.
>> No. 37014 [Edit]
Just finished Season 1, but it turns out I had in fact seen all of it before and it was just memory-holed. I guess it is a fairly mediocre series that aired 9 years ago.
I still like it, though. For all of its mediocrity and complete lack of attempt at worldbuilding and aesthetic, it's a fun show with some cool things like gun magic.
>> No. 38224 [Edit]
So I was just struck by random nostalgia into Steins;Gate, because Okarin's laughter was legendary. I think it's the reason I quit anime. You watch Steins;Gate, and they you're kind of told that now it's time to waste the rest of your anime life watching harems, isekais and shoujos. Heck no. Best animes ever have been filmed a decade ago and earlier, after that maybe one or two worthwhile made their ways into being. That's it. That's how anime died for me.
>> No. 38226 [Edit]
Have you even heard of visual novels
>> No. 38227 [Edit]
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>> No. 38228 [Edit]
That way I can just play some action oriented games instead.
Insightful. Does it mean anime has been turned into a golden cow?
>> No. 38229 [Edit]
Your reply to me makes no sense. Do you read VNs or not?
>> No. 38230 [Edit]
He's an ESL with a casual, normalfag perspective. Don't bother.
>> No. 38231 [Edit]
No I don't read VNs. Read one ages ago, was OK I guess. Do they offer such an interesting plot that I would prefer them over a book? In anime you have animation and voice action and they played important role in Steins;Gate.
>> No. 38232 [Edit]
No I don't read VNs. Read one ages ago, was OK I guess. Do they offer such an interesting plot that I would prefer them over a book? In anime you have animation and voice action and they played important role in Steins;Gate. In every good anime, really.
>> No. 38233 [Edit]
>Incorrect password.
I guess I should just hang
>> No. 38235 [Edit]
No I didn't play the VN. I heard it's good, but clicking around to see routes... They say 100% completion is around 50 hours that's a lot. Maybe I'll play it sometime later though.
>> No. 38236 [Edit]
i feel like typing like this should be grounds for an automatic ban. kind of like the "no 3d" rule.
>> No. 38237 [Edit]
It's not like he's greentexting; it's fine.
>> No. 38239 [Edit]
oh no, i wasn't referring to the greentexting, i meant the guy he was quoting. stuff like "animes", i mean.
>> No. 38240 [Edit]
Technically, there are NVLs and ADVs
>> No. 38242 [Edit]
Are you saying nothing can top Steins;Gate and watching anything else would be a step down?
Even if like you say nothing else worth watching was made in the last 20 years, I doubt you've seen everything made 21+ years ago, right?
>> No. 38245 [Edit]
I really do not wish to disrespect you, but the way you type makes it sound to me like you don't read shit period. Like you probably hang out on /v/ or something. I think we have enough people in the world that are illiterate.
>> No. 38246 [Edit]
Books leave the imagination job to me. A VN is not even point & click, it's just click. It's not very interesting (for me) to watch a slideshow of pictures with text. Not without exceptions, of course, but I need to be really impressed by plot description to play a VN, so far nothing like that has happened.
>> No. 38247 [Edit]
I think reading a vn would also leave a lot up to your imagination as well, they just fill in some of the gaps for key characters and scenes.
>> No. 38249 [Edit]
I actually learned English for the sole purpose of reading books, so you're correct here.
>you could appreciate
Yes I could appreciate it just need to be in the mood and the last few years (especially since lockdown) were quite depressing for me.

Also no need to passively attack me here of all places, it just doesn't make sense. If you don't want me posting around you just say that directly.
>> No. 38264 [Edit]
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I am rewatching K-on! since i have not seen the movie yet.
>> No. 38341 [Edit]
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half funny anime about immigrants or whatever. i wish the humor was a bit better, dunno if i will get myself to finish it.
>> No. 38496 [Edit]
I'm not ready to post any comprehensive review and may never be, actually, but yet. A few days ago I remembered Shana and thought I didn't finish it. The thought grew on me for some reason, even though I didn't remember anything at all about Shana, and I decided to watch it. It's like watching it from zero. I was sometimes very amazed that I remember moments and characters seemingly erased from memory. Also many things I didn't even remember were from Shana. This reminds me, I used to spend unholy amount of time binge watching everything that fell in my hands. How many titles did I forget? How many things did I actually watch? I've never kept a list. Sends creeps up my spine.

Anyway, Shakugan no Shana feels so cozy and warm. I miss that old atmosphere so much. Probably I'm just being childish, grasping at why I can never return, but Shana is the kind of anime that I got to watch first in my life probably, it shaped my tastes a lot. Those memories, erased, left a very deep imprinting. Modern stuff doesn't touch as deep. It seems to glance off surface.

Dunno if any of you can relate, but I thought I'd share. It feels so pleasant to immerse in nostalgia for a while, to remember how it felt back in the beginning.



Post edited on 21st Oct 2024, 4:52pm
>> No. 38497 [Edit]
Yeah, your memories of a show are intrinsically linked with your emotions and experience of the time, similar to songs.
>> No. 38498 [Edit]
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I watched Shana back in middle school, somewhere around 10 years ago. It was right after I finished Familiar of Zero. Back then I'd watch pretty much anything since my tastes hadn't formed.

Remember feeling mixed about the final season because the protagonist, who I recall being kind of useless, out of nowhere becomes a badass and the main antagonist, which was odd. At least that's how I remember it. Maybe the ending didn't satisfy me either.

I think the best part of Shana was the prequel part of the OVA, which had a darker tone and played the premise straight, rather than being not-so-subtle wish-fulfillment like the main series.

In any case, it's definitely a product of its time and I can see why it would be nostalgic.
>> No. 38499 [Edit]
True enough. Maybe the phenomenon of older people relentlessly claiming how things were better in the past is rooted in how we become duller with age, so experiences received when we were young are deep and colorful and we cling to them badly, because we are unable to be affected by newer stuff anymore. Holy shit I'm not old at all why does it have to be like that already
>> No. 38514 [Edit]
>not-so-subtle wish-fulfillment
Why'd you care? Basically nearly every anime has that. Psychopass first season is one of the very few where ending is actually solemn/feels darkish. Lelouch probably also, but I watched it eons ago. Vast majory of others still end up being daijobu with a more or less happy ending. It isn't something I care about. Do you find it important?
>> No. 38515 [Edit]
I'm not into the whole "brown-haired average guy starts living with a beautiful girl(or multiple)" thing. It breaks my immersion when I feel like the writer is pandering too much, to the point of it being a crutch. I know this is highly subjective though.
>> No. 38516 [Edit]
I understand your point, but Shana is much less of a pandering than many, many of what I've seen. And it actually doesn't feel out line with reality. It's not like mc just randomly becomes over powered by harnessing powah of feelings/friendship. He's just lucky + uses help of a God. I totally get you, but it didn't irk me with Shana. For some reason.
>> No. 38525 [Edit]
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It's been a long time since I've seen it, so my perception is probably skewed. I just remember liking the prequel part of the OVA, where Shana is on her own, doing her job like normal, more than the main series.
>> No. 38527 [Edit]
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My man you've posted a superb Shana...
>> No. 38606 [Edit]
I started Mushishi last week. I'm watching an episode every day or so before bed.
I'm enjoying it. The self-contained stories are interesting, and the show does a good job of bringing you to a strange, yet beautiful world.
It's a very nice change of pace for me.
>> No. 38607 [Edit]
Mushishi is top tier. Rare example of popular anime actually being good. I liked it too.
>> No. 38608 [Edit]
I'm re-watching Kanon after about 12 years because I never finished it at the time.
The Makoto arc was sad. I really like Mai.
>> No. 38609 [Edit]
>The Makoto arc was sad.
All these years later, and I still don't know whether the ending was hopeful.
>> No. 38653 [Edit]
File 173611352821.jpg - (1.05MB , 3840x1632 , Grisaia no Kajitsu ep01.jpg )
Oh lord is this perfect
>> No. 38654 [Edit]
I've been watching Detective Conan, one episode a day, every day. The world will be different when I catch up.
>> No. 38655 [Edit]
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This made me laugh real hard for some reason

Yes! This is perfect. This vibe of a harem from 2014 with a weird mix of ordinary life and not-so-ordinary adventure is the very definition of anime for me. And this art style is simply amazing. I love it so far.
>> No. 38656 [Edit]
>a weird mix of ordinary life and not-so-ordinary adventure is the very definition of anime for me
I meant this. Harem/ecchi aren't essential, but the quoted text is.
>> No. 38674 [Edit]
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It ranges between grimdark and absolutely hilarious so fast I can barely handle it.
>> No. 38679 [Edit]
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I desperately need to post it or I will burst
>> No. 38691 [Edit]
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Got around to watching Weathering with You. Compared to Your Name., it's by far the lesser movie of the two as the male and female leads are worse and the climax and ending arc pale in comparison. I hate to say this as it sounds rather shallow, but Weathering with You's script really did feel like it was just "going through the motions," teasing us with cool stuff but never committing, and as such, my heart wasn't swayed. That said, the visuals and OST still made it worthwhile; the rain really was beautiful to see animated.

And yes, flooding Tokyo to save your girl is the correct choice and a highlight of the film.

Post edited on 28th Jan 2025, 7:09pm
>> No. 38692 [Edit]
That ending is what I remembered the most. Genuinely a pretty bold choice.
>> No. 38693 [Edit]
Bold and cool. And so was having the kid pull a gun on the cops.
>> No. 38721 [Edit]
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I rewatched FLCL for the millionth time. Still as amazing as always, if not even better.
>> No. 38722 [Edit]
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I like this shameless part of Grisaia. There is little of it in anime. There is probably more of it in VNs but I am not knowledgeable enough. AFAIK it usually goes along with hentai but I don't like going that far most of the time.
>> No. 38723 [Edit]
I've been meaning to read the trilogy ever since it was completely localized. Fanservice galore!
>> No. 38724 [Edit]
File 174034190639.jpg - (439.34KB , 1920x1080 , [DB]Grisaia no Meikyuu Caprice no Mayu 0 - Takizon.jpg )
Lots of service but only one fan as far as I can see!
>> No. 38725 [Edit]
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