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File 161411602316.jpg - (4.32MB , 6992x1181 , __original_drawn_by_you_shimizu__64eaed554a806522d.jpg )
35476 No. 35476 [Edit]
A thread for anime you have something to say about but don't want to make a thread for. Thought that this might be a good alternative to the seasonal anime thread and encourage people to post more.

Post edited on 23rd Feb 2021, 11:02pm
Expand all images
>> No. 35477 [Edit]
Considering how hesitant people seem to be to make threads, this seems like a nice idea.
>> No. 35478 [Edit]
File 161414099911.jpg - (192.45KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no S.jpg )
I like it.
>> No. 35479 [Edit]
Vlad Love is more interesting than I expected. To me there's a fine line between comedy and "random for the sake of being random" and Vlad Love handles that well.
>> No. 35480 [Edit]
File 161423269884.jpg - (783.63KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Urasekai Picnic - 08 (1080p) [2246D7C.jpg )
With Urasekai I thought they rushed the pacing a little too much and that they should have retained an element of horror but at least Kozakura is cute.

I like the old school feel it has about it.
>> No. 35481 [Edit]
File 161423563994.jpg - (706.16KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonder Egg Priority - 07 (1080p) [B41.jpg )
This episode struck a chord somehow.
>> No. 35482 [Edit]
File 161424658789.jpg - (112.44KB , 850x667 , sample_53dbbcb0e11e873e1764df93360a2168.jpg )
Re:Zero has the most bizarre presentation. Every single thing that happens is depicted in this massively grandiose fashion. Every single episode. Everything that happens is the most important fucking thing that has ever happened and all sorts of dramatic pop music starts blaring whenever someone says something vaguely emotional during a conversation. Can't they tone it down a little? It's hard to care about dramatic scenes when every other scene is dramatic.
>> No. 35498 [Edit]
File 16144902249.jpg - (107.74KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no S.jpg )
This is a PSA to all shota: Please, be circumspect in matters of hygiene as there have been sightings of lolibaba preying upon the male youth. Thank you for your consideration.
>> No. 35503 [Edit]
File 161466309839.jpg - (209.90KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no S.jpg )
Not surprised she has at least fujo-tendencies.
>> No. 35509 [Edit]
File 161510160065.jpg - (1.03MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san - 01 (10.jpg )
>> No. 35510 [Edit]
Between the last 3 episodes of Hataraku Saibou S2 they must have repeated the fact that there are good, bad, & opportunistic bacteria in the intestine at least a dozen times. Is there supposed to be some sort of joke behind that (e.g. that it's an over-taught fact in the Japanese school system, á la the role of the mitochondria in US school systems?)
>> No. 35511 [Edit]
File 161530926873.jpg - (657.38KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonder Egg Priority - 09 (1080p) [245.jpg )
Wasn't expecting such an old school expression. This week's episode was rather pensive as well, suppose the next two episode will delve into the remaining two characters' complexes and then the finale. On a side note, I was pleasantly surprised to hear Otsuka Hochu and Nakata Joji's voices in the series.
>> No. 35513 [Edit]
File 161535129148.jpg - (118.50KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no S.jpg )
>> No. 35555 [Edit]
File 161655567840.jpg - (153.47KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no S.jpg )
>> No. 35556 [Edit]

Looking forward to anything next season? It's not like there were a lot of great animes airing this season but next season feels lackluster in comparison. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Shadows House and Super Cub but not much aside from that. Maybe the two SoLs about women's soccer and pottery, there's also what looks like a Lady Snowbloods's spiritual successor and Gokushufudo of which I've read a bit of the manga before. Also perhaps it's worth a mention but Nagatoro and Blue Reflection are also getting anime adaptations.
>> No. 35557 [Edit]
In April 3 starts the third season of the best not-anime anime of the last years, Thunderbolt Fantasy, so I'm eager for that.
Besides that maybe Cestvs and not too much else.
>> No. 35564 [Edit]
>not like there were a lot of great animes airing this season
I thought there were tons of good stuff this (winter 2021) season, especially if you're a fan of sol/cgdct: off my head we had yuru camp, azur lane shorts, hataraku saibou s2 (& black), non non biyori, urasekai, and uma musume s2. And two "wildcard" shows (wonder egg & vlad love); depending on where your tastes lie that's probably 4-5 watchable shows at least, which I think is not too shabby.
>> No. 35565 [Edit]
I've been enjoying redo of healer myself....
>> No. 35566 [Edit]
You are right, I'm actually watching at least 5-6 airing animes this season including most of what you've listed. A lot of those ended up being rather lukewarm however with the exception of NNB and Yurucamp. I suppose I was feeling a little let down when I made my post earlier, some of the animes I was watching sort of tapered off towards the end including the two wildcards you've mentioned.
>> No. 35569 [Edit]
Vlad Love was awesome. It's strange and will easily go off on tangents that are hard to keep up with if you don't know what they're talking about, but that's the fun of it.
>> No. 35573 [Edit]
File 161696731688.jpg - (1.06MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Vlad Love - 09 (1080p) [D4CAD467]_mkv.jpg )
It's enjoyable as long as you don't take it too seriously, the creators basically just did whatever they liked and that makes it great. There's a lot references and homages. My only gripe is that the first halves and the second halves were a little too contrasting and that might mislead some people.
>> No. 35579 [Edit]
That episode felt like a fever dream. In fact everything from ~7+ is a vague blur except for the musical score and artwork which nonetheless take center-stage and are memorable. Maybe this is something like Finnegan's Wake where unless you're intimately familiar with all the references and tangents all you can do is sit back and watch the pretty pictures and laugh at the occasional joke.
>> No. 35583 [Edit]
Hey op, do you have the artists name that draw those images?
>> No. 35584 [Edit]
Saucenao is your friend.
>> No. 35585 [Edit]
>> No. 35586 [Edit]
File 161782077340.jpg - (722.35KB , 1920x1080 , 1617813277196.jpg )
This was a joy to watch. Nice artstyle, beautiful music, extremely slow and calm, a melancholic vibe, really atmospheric. Even the few humour moments were good. Only the CG felt off, as usual.
It almost makes me feel sorry because I doubt next episodes could improve it too much and most of the depressing but sweet mood will probably be lost.
>> No. 35587 [Edit]
File 161782368695.jpg - (789.05KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Super Cub - 01 (1080p) [5A27D649]_mkv.jpg )
Beat me to it, funny how you almost took the words right out of my mouth word for word. It's very quaint and pensive although the CG can be a bit jarring, pretty much what you've said. I do wonder what direction it will take from here on out. There were some odd moments and recycled frames but it's still a nice watch. I don't know if it's normal but I find it odd how easily she gets it considering she didn't have prior experience or license. 10,000 yen is certainly cheap for a bike but I wonder if they will explain her backstory further.
>> No. 35588 [Edit]
File 161795555615.jpg - (845.01KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S2 S.jpg )
>> No. 35594 [Edit]
That was easily my favorite episode, as you've mentioned it's very aesthetically pleasing and it referenced one of the most iconic underground manga in its history. "Fever dream" is certainly a very fitting way to put it, I like animation sequences that exhibits a stream of consciousness quality. The regrettable aspect for me is that the humor was rather mild and failed to really engage me.
>> No. 35597 [Edit]
File 161824147641.png - (1.91MB , 1280x720 , mikkusu.png )
Mewkledreamy has finished airing, now it's time for Mewkledreamy Mix.
Wonder if this'll be like Precure and there'll just be a new anime every year. I wouldn't mind.
>> No. 35600 [Edit]
I think Mewkledreamy is the de facto successor to Jewelpet so it might actually stick around for a few years.
>> No. 35609 [Edit]
File 161867906557.jpg - (832.82KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Super Cub - 02 (1080p) [1360712B]_mkv.jpg )
>> No. 35615 [Edit]
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These parts where they ask the audience to start cheering are slightly embarassing.
>> No. 35618 [Edit]
File 161904058756.png - (2.00MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Super Cub - 03 (1080p) [3EA9788D]_mkv.png )
I'm quite envious, a quiet and peaceful solitary life is something I longed for. I like how succinctly they depict Koguma's awkwardness when greeting Reiko and how she subsequently begins to get accustomed to it. The occasional bits that feel like an advert still bugs me however and I'm still curious as to how she is able to afford her living expenses.
>> No. 35627 [Edit]
File 161924891378.jpg - (908.76KB , 1420x2000 , myanimelist-1365381367928922119-0.jpg )
This isn't the usual anime that's talked here but I think it deserves to be mentioned. It's a contemporary noir story and in just 3 episodes it has showed incredibly good writing and dialogues contrasting with the simple but cute animal characters. It came from nowhere, a manga is being published at the same time so we don't know where the story is going on and the creator seems to be an absolute stranger with no previous experience in the industry.
Could disappoint at the end but after watching the first episodes I can at least say I haven't seen anything like it in really long time.
>> No. 35645 [Edit]
File 16196606265.jpg - (78.79KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Super Cub - 01 (720p) [842817C7]_mkv_.jpg )
Got around to checking out Super Cub. First ep makes me wonder if they're not dropping subtle hints that this girl is depressed and suicidal. Her world seems pretty bleak the way she describes it, and it's hard not to notice the color use reflecting this as well.
>> No. 35680 [Edit]
File 162019263285.jpg - (74.24KB , 476x549 , ~.jpg )
>> No. 35681 [Edit]
File 16202066197.jpg - (115.69KB , 1920x1080 , hagu.jpg )
don't know what it is about WEP, but it really resonated with me (at least the episodes released so far). the OST is also one of my favourites i've ever heard
>> No. 35685 [Edit]
File 162023340348.png - (2.35MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S2 S.png )
>> No. 35699 [Edit]
Can't seem to post screenshots from Dragon, Ie wo Kau but it's quite enjoyable.
>> No. 35903 [Edit]
File 163184205877.png - (2.13MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Heike Monogatari - 01 (1080p) [516659.png )
Interesting interpretation of the Tales of the Heike directed by Yamada Naoko in collaboration with screenwriter Yoshida Reiko. The art direction is engaging and novel, it retains faithfulness to aesthetics of the Heian era while simultaneously displaying Science Saru's distinctive style.
>> No. 35945 [Edit]
File 163735476141.jpg - (373.18KB , 930x970 , __unown_unown_k_unown_unown_bojji_and_1_more_pokem.jpg )
I haven't been in the mood to watch anime lately and have stopped keeping up with what's airing this season despite having the likes of Isekai Shokudou airing. The only one I'm actively watching is Ousama Ranking which I feel like I should give a shout-out to. I came across the manga probably about a year ago but there weren't too many chapters translated yet although it caught my attention as it was highly rated. This is one of those cases where the anime will likely surpass the source material, the manga itself is a web series iirc and the art isn't the greatest which is reminiscent of the likes of One-punch man and Kobayashi's MaidDragon. The anime has been really engaging thus far both in terms of execution and plot/world-building. I've been only reading/watching SoLs in recent years and it's the first time in a while that I'm immersed in an anime like this.

Post edited on 19th Nov 2021, 12:49pm
>> No. 35946 [Edit]
>Ousama Ranking
Looks like it might be fun. Thanks for the suggestion.
>> No. 35947 [Edit]
Mieruko chan is a fun series
>> No. 35963 [Edit]
File 164159092690.png - (2.56MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Slow Loop - 01 (1080p) [43ED2108]_mkv.png )
A fishing cgdct/SoL to fill Doga Kobo's recent void in the genre. It's more cgdct compared to Houkago Teibou Nishi's emphasis on SoL/iyashikei. The quality of the anime adaptation is very good so far, I would've thought it was a Doga Kobo anime if I hadn't known better.
>> No. 35966 [Edit]
File 164168574838.png - (1.96MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku - 01 (1080p.png )
There was a bit of discussion about it on the anime news thread but it's finally here. I was curious as to how the anime would approach the quaintness exemplified in the manga but they ended up taking a different direction from it albeit in a good way. Overall the anime's visual is decently stunning although in a different way from the manga, they also seemed to do away with the subtle ecchi-ness that was previously mentioned and opted for a more iyashikei approach which is a welcome move in my personal opinion. I also like how the art style of the manga translated into making the anime feel like it's from an older era and not something more recent. In conclusion, I would say that this is a series to watch and it has every bit the potential to be the anime of the season. CloverWorks have so far shown that they are exceptional when it comes to aesthetics and even though they have a tendency to take artistic liberties that deviate from the source material; in this instance, the direction they took have paid off.
>> No. 35995 [Edit]
File 164532457193.png - (1.64MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
>> No. 35998 [Edit]
I haven't watched a Digimon anime since either Tamers or Frontier. Ghost Game is just fucking bizarre in its everything, and the fights are straight garbage. Nothing makes much sense, and the only reason to watch it is for Jellymon-sama.
Poor man's Gegege no Kitarou.
>> No. 36008 [Edit]
I don't agree at all. I think it's cool.
>> No. 36009 [Edit]
File 164566899072.png - (649.79KB , 721x912 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
>> No. 36011 [Edit]
File 164576680481.png - (1.71MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jut.png )
>> No. 36017 [Edit]
Getting started on this now, I already like the character design: it's got that kirara charm. Hopefully I'll like it better than teibou nishi.

Also I did a quick subs comparison between the Funi/LoopSubs/9volt.

From what I can tell LoopSubs is basically just Funi + honorifics and minor word changes "e.g. sister to oneesan." 9volt has a "localized" track that for some reason ruins a joke that even Funi TL'd decently. The 9volt "unlocalized" has some minor grammatical corrections on top of funi + honorifics.

Overall just skimming the transcripts I'd assume that all are fine, and this seems to be one of the more decent funi subs. That said I have not actually watched an episode yet so I'll update this if I feel the subs are flagrantly off like they were for gochiusa s3.

(Also honestly my personal preference is for subs without honorifics but translated as literally as possible attempting to match the JP word order, even if it means strictly non-grammatical English. It makes it easiest to follow along with the dialogue. Alas I think the only people to do this (perhaps by happy accident) are the Muse subs.)
>> No. 36020 [Edit]
Yup, two episodes in and I love it. It's overflowing with warm, friendship, and affection, and has everything I'd expect from a Kirara.

Also turns out there actually is indo-subs from this (not from Muse though, from Billibi or however it's spelled). Here's a side-by-side sample of lines. I'll exclude loopsubs whenever it's the exact same as Funi modulo honorifics.

>Well, we're sisters, so I figured\Nwe'd be in different classes.
>How are you so calm?
>We're literally being torn apart!
>Wow, you're a handful, aren't you?

>Well, we're siblings.
>I did think that they'd put us in different classes.
>How can you be so calm?
>We're going to be separated, you know!
>What a troublesome person...


>Well, we're sisters, so I figured\Nwe'd be in different classes.
>How are you so calm?
>We're literally being torn apart!
>You really are a handful, aren't you?


>Nande sonna reisei de irareru no?
>Watashitachi mo hanarebanare ni nacchau n'da yo
>Mendokusai hito da na...


>Uh, dude...
>From what I heard,
>apparently my father finally showed up to\Nthe hospital five hours after I was born.
>He happened to catch\Na giant koi fish then,
>so he tried to name me after the fish.
>But my mom tried to stop him\Nand at least changed the kanji.
>She really was named after the fish...
>The worst part about all of this...
>Is the fact that he's actually\Nproud of his perversion!


>No, um...
>In the end,
>he came to the hospital five hours after I was born.
>The fish that he caught that time was a big koi fish,
>so he wanted to name me "Koi",
>but Mom did her best and managed\Nto at least change the way it's written.
>So her name did come from the fish!
>But the most annoying thing is
>how proud he is being a weirdo like that!

>Uh, dude...
>From what I heard,
>apparently my father finally showed up\Nto the hospital five hours after I was born.
>He happened to catch a giant koi fish then,
>so he tried to name me after the fish.
>But my mom tried to stop him\Nand managed to change the kanji to "love."
>She really was named after the fish...
>The worst part about all of this...
>Is the fact that he's actually proud of his perversion!


>Hey, is this "Yamahi" person\Nyou keep talking about Hiyori?
>Yup. That's the nickname I gave her.
>When we were in grade school,\Nthere were two Yamakawas in our class.
>So I decided to shorten Hiyori Yamakawa\Nand started calling her Yamahi.

>Hey, you keep saying "Yamahi".\NIs that a nickname for Hiyori-chan?
>Yeah. I was the one who gave her that nickname.
>There were two Yamakawas
>in our elementary school class,
>so I abbreviated "Hiyori Yamakawa"
>to "Yamahi".
>In the end, it didn't catch on,

>Ne.. saki kara itteru "Yamahi"-tte, Hiyori-chan no koto?
>Sou sou.. watashi no tsuketa adana
>Shougakkou no toki "Yamakawa" no myoji futari ita kara
>"Yamakawa hiyori" wo ryaku-shite "Yamahi"-tte meimei shita no


All seem fine without any egregious things, although I don't like the occasional american colloquial-isms like "Uh dude" and "you're a handful" that find their way in the into the Funi & Funi-derived subs.
>> No. 36021 [Edit]
File 164663121132.png - (1.51MB , 1280x1440 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
>> No. 36032 [Edit]
File 164723452313.png - (1.54MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
>> No. 36033 [Edit]
File 164723982593.png - (1.22MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
I'm ready.
>> No. 36040 [Edit]
Also koi-chan's eyes are beautiful. That deep violet is very captivating.
>> No. 36041 [Edit]
File 164774829355.png - (849.94KB , 797x1004 , ur waifu a shit.png )
>> No. 36045 [Edit]
>> No. 36046 [Edit]
File 164789859264.png - (1.15MB , 1044x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
>> No. 36047 [Edit]
File 164801329218.png - (875.93KB , 839x1014 , [SubsPlease] Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jut.png )
The cutest vassal!
>> No. 36048 [Edit]
File 16480333489.jpg - (90.71KB , 900x506 , twintail_rules.jpg )
The more I look at her, the more I like her.
>> No. 36049 [Edit]
File 164808602184.png - (940.10KB , 1114x1080 , [SubsPlease] Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jut.png )
She's captivating.
>> No. 36052 [Edit]
File 164852721250.png - (1.45MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
This is a happy Wolf-kun.
He was later molested by a superior.
Thank you.
>> No. 36053 [Edit]
File 164870066899.png - (1.55MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jut.png )
And it's finished! I'll be seeing best girl in the LNs.
>> No. 36054 [Edit]
I take it back, the funi subs for this seem to be utter garbage, and the derivative loopsubs aren't honestly all that better. Do yourself and a favor and go with the billibi subs on this.

> yūyake ni somatta sono kirei na machijikan wa totemo tanoshikute totemo anshin dekiru ibasho datta
>That time we spent together waiting colored in the sunset was so much fun, and we felt so safe.

>It was a very pleasant and very relieving place to be during that lovely time in the sunset.

>Bathed in beautiful sunset colors, that time we spent waiting together was both delightful and comfortable

This is the climax of the episode and the funi translation utterly butchers it. Forget any poetic sense, they don't even get the translation right. Loopsubs is better, but feels a bit plain and lacking emotion. Billbilili subs are the clear winner here, and they even have a bit of poetic flair which is surprising considering it's probably done by people who don't even speak english as their first language.
>> No. 36055 [Edit]
>done by people who don't even speak english as their first language
Somewhat related, some of the best and poetic lyrics I've heard sung were (supposedly) originally written in German and then translated in English by the German writers. I wonder if being an ESL can be advantageous for this application.
>> No. 36056 [Edit]
For _professional_ (read: not fly-by-night anime subs) translations I think being a native English speaker would confer an advantage since a native English speaker would have a better understanding of nuances, which combined with a good background in writing/literature/poetry would allow them to craft accurate-yet faithful translations.

But when it comes to mediocre minimum wage anime subs, I agree that the ESL people ironically end up putting out better translations. Perhaps they might be more likely to preserve elements of the original (JP) sentence such as word order that a native English speaker might find unnatural. Or to put it another way, most native English speakers (unless they specifically studied poetry or writing which the minimum wage translator surely has not) will have a standard mould for style/tone that they will edit sentences to fit into.

Taking the example in >>36054, if you do a word-for-word translation of the JP

> yūyake ni somatta sono kirei na machijikan wa totemo tanoshikute totemo anshin dekiru ibasho datta
> [[Dyed by sunset] [that beautiful time we spent idling]] was a [delightful and relaxing] haven(*)

(*) I think ibasho here has the nuance of not just place but "home" in the sense of belonging? Couldn't think of an equivalent English word but it seems proximal to haven/sanctuary which is what I could think of.

The Billibi translation follows that word order almost exactly. A native English speaker doing the translation might be tempted to reshuffle the "dyed by the sunset" clause to the end though because those constructions are more common, and you end up with something close to the Funi sub (modulo the word choice).

I also suspect a native English speaker doing the translation might feel a bit too overconfident in further editing once translated to English, or unintentionally slipping in colloquiol phrasing (e.g. "so much" as opposed to "quite").
>> No. 36057 [Edit]
File 164904586649.png - (1.34MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
>> No. 36061 [Edit]
File 16493709092.png - (4.24MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] RPG Fudousan - 01 (1080p) [2BFAE0A4]_.png )
>> No. 36069 [Edit]
File 164955948194.png - (957.28KB , 900x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi - 01.png )
So then she says, "I use emacs." What a loser, right?
>> No. 36070 [Edit]
She's joking.
>> No. 36080 [Edit]
One would hope so, but you can never know ...
>> No. 36084 [Edit]
File 164988696164.jpg - (92.05KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tomodachi Game - 01 (720p) [B11CB763].jpg )
I'm two ep into the currently airing Tomodachi Game.
I thought the concept sounded interesting. Everyone in a class saves up money for a school trip. It goes missing. Five friends get kidnapped and made to play children's games that test their trust in each other. One of them signed themselves up and the other four for the game, and most likely stole that class money as the entry fee. The game rewards/punishes the players by increasing or decreasing their share of a large debt owed by the person who signed them up.

It looks and sounds a lot like a shameless cash-in on the popularity of squid game, that much is obvious. I bet when that blew up, some suits searched high and low for any similar manga they could adapt.
'So far' it's not as edgy as I thought it might be. There hasn't been any violence yet but I half expect this won't end without a few deaths at least.
The setup which took up the first half of the first ep felt very cheesy and ham fisted. The writing came across so badly it felt like a parody. Things at least got a bit more interesting once the games started, even if the writing didn't improve much.
They kill some of the mystery by giving the people behind the scenes a ton screen time right in the first ep, who turn out to be cliche high school age girls that seem to get off on watching groups of friends play these games. I'd almost prefer rich old white guys in gold animal masks speaking bad English while placing bets...

What also ruins a lot of the mystery is how obvious it is from the first ep who the traitor of the group is. The second ep only seemed to reinforce who I thought it was. I mean I could be wrong but...
Cute moe innocent girls in dark edgy anime are generally only there for one of two reasons. To get killed/abused for shock value and easy audience gut punches OR that they aren't really as cute and inoccent as they seem~
In the first ep they make a very clear point of establishing that she gets bullied by her classmates, and that she's not very close to most of the friends in that group. She only seems to like the protag of the anime.
We then learn she 'really' likes the protag and in the second ep, she shows envy/resentment for the other girl in the group, this blue haired class rep like girl, who suddenly gets targeted in the second game and put at a huge disadvantage even though the three guys in the group wanna tap her ass. At this point it should have been obvious to them all what's going on, but they were too busy fighting over her to think about it I guess?
I think it fits too. moe girl has motivation in way of getting revenge on class that treated her like crap. Only real question is how she racked up so much debt. I'm guessing maybe it's her parent's debt passed onto her, but because they mention she likes anime, I'd die laughing if she racked up the debt buying anime figures.

I'll keep watching for a bit, mostly out of curiosity. I suppose if nothing else I think stories about people trapped in unusual situations and being forced to figure their way out while being tested, can be interesting. I'm also hoping I'm wrong about who the group traitor is. It'd be funny to see how they explain it being anyone else.
>> No. 36093 [Edit]
Nice show. It wasn't RPG-esque at all like I initially worried (e.g. it's closer to Endro than it is to Bofuri, and it's even more of a pure SoL with less RPG elements than Endro was).

Also a quick subs comparison (I do these for myself on any show I watch as a sanity check, but may as well share the results). Seems like the 2 sources this time are FuniCR, and Billibii. Right off the very first line:

>Hey, lady, your singing is great!
>You're a great singer!

Despite the evidence that the monkeys at CRFuni are native English speakers (I can't imagine any other explanation for their preference for idioms), I don't think I've ever seen "Hey lady" used in a non-accusatory tone. BB has wisely chosen to elide the Onēchan in this case since it's implied by context and any other replacement would have been strictly worse.

>oshiuri wa kekkō desu kara ne
>P-Pretty?! Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying!
>We do not condone aggressive haggling!

CR focused on the selling part of "oshiuri" while BB focused on the pressure part. I think the latter makes more sense here in context?

Also this is trivial but I found it interesting in how it might reveal the nationalities of the translators. CR translated the メラメラ of the tiny fuzzy things into "Mela mela" while BB chose "Mera mera." I guess neither is technically wrong since the alveolar tap(*) doesn't map exactly onto the canonical English "r" or "l" (**) but at the same time as a stylistic choice unless there's an otherwise clear translation (e.g. サリー -> Sally instead of "Sari") leaving it as the romanized form looks cleaner.

(*) At least that's what I think it is? But maybe I'm wrong and there's some controversy on the talk page for the inclusion of Japanese, but at the same time indicates that it is.

(**) Then again it doesn't seem like there's a "canonical" R sound in English since the sound changes based on the context anyway. Which is why it's weird that people make such a big deal about the pronunciation since unless you're _trying_ to sound like a stereotypical American you can probably get close enough that it's not going to be the bottleneck, and the sound also isn't unique to Japanese either.

Post edited on 17th Apr 2022, 5:47pm
>> No. 36094 [Edit]
Also one more translation shootout for Machikado S2. There are a few sources this time: HiDive, BB, "MAd le Zisel", and LoopSubs. Observations

* Mad le Zisel and LoopSubs are HiDive edits.
- No real difference in content between LoopSubs & HiDiff
- Ditto between Mad le Zisel & LoopSubs (Zisel probably has better typesetting though, if you care about that)
* LoopSubs & Zisel fixed the name order, but I don't give much credit to that given that you could probably do this with a sed one-liner
* HiDive is a bit liberal with the colloquialism , e.g."'Kay" instead of "Okay".

Cherrypicked diffs between HiDive/BB (Haven't watched the first episode yet so I can't include the original line in the comparison)

>What the heck is up with your outfit?! I thought I told you to wear something easy to move in!
>What the hell are you wearing? I thought I wrote that you should wear something easy to move around in.

>What's with the gratitude?! Quit it, you're scaring me! Anyways, I've been so pumped up for this that I even did warm ups to get ready.
>Why thank me? Please stop that. I'm afraid. Oh well. I have done my preparation exercises on anticipation of this moment.

So far not too bad except of HiDive's over-use of heck (it was used a few other times as well, and I'm assuming they can't say "hell" without offending some censors). Of course, then go ahead and use this line:

>I'm just ashamed at myself for being such a... peachy keen jelly bean. What was even the point of this pigtail? Oh crap! Momo's descending into
>uh? Momo, why did you look a little down? No, I'm just... I'm just kind of ashamed of myself for being frivolous.

Now maybe I'm being overpresumptuous since I haven't watched it yet but I'd still bet $10 that the actual dialogue doesn't have "peachy keen jelly bean". I'm surprised that neither of the HiDive edits corrected this either. In fact I'm a native speaker and I'm still not sure what "peachy keen jelly bean" or "pigtail" are supposed to mean in this context (I can infer that "pigtail" here means something proximal to dilemma/conflict given a pigtail's twisty nature, but I've never seen the word used like that, and seems like the dictionary backs me up on that. Interestingly LoopSubs used "cat's tail" instead of pigtail and that just makes me ever more confused). Similarly I'm not sure how "peachy keen jelly bean" fits in here since I've only seen that used as a non-serious childish reply.
>> No. 36096 [Edit]
File 165042745031.png - (418.24KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Yuusha_ Yamemasu - 03 (720p) [9F2C3F4.png )
The heart aches for perfection.
>> No. 36108 [Edit]
File 165059986495.png - (1.14MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Mahoutsukai Reimeiki - 03 (720p) [1E0.png )
>> No. 36117 [Edit]
File 16507646134.jpg - (139.13KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasa.jpg )
Saw the first ep of "Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai"
It's about an office worker who gets haunted by a little girl "baby" ghost (these subs suck). It looked and sounded fun and cute from the PV. It's certainly cute at least but it feels a bit lacking in just about every other way. I hate to say it but it's a bit dull, especially in the second half. The ep repeats the instigating events from multiple perspectives but that feels redundant and makes things a bit boring. It's like when a person who just told you a joke goes into detail explaining the joke and how they came up with it. The anime can be best summed up by ghost loli being cute and salaryworker-chan calling her cute, over and over and over...

Post edited on 24th Apr 2022, 8:26am
>> No. 36136 [Edit]
File 165111933312.png - (365.86KB , 665x720 , [SubsPlease] Yuusha_ Yamemasu - 04 (720p) [028B07B.png )
Fluffy ears~
>> No. 36137 [Edit]
File 165112246550.jpg - (91.80KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasa.jpg )
ep2 was a considerable step up. It's still nothing all that special, but at least it wasn't the sloppy mess that was ep1. I don't know but maybe the characters are growing on me a tad.
>> No. 36138 [Edit]
i made a game out of watching this show: before each episode i would try to guess how many times the MC would spend a conversation shouting/screaming, how many times he would cry, and whether or not he would have an emotional break down which would end in him resting his head on some whore's lap.

i mean, i went into this show knowing it was trashy, but still, its gotten so absurd its hard to watch.
>> No. 36142 [Edit]
File 165145435310.png - (396.40KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 24 (720p) [793CB.png )
Genuinely horrific.

The only thing worthwhile are the girls' designs. Crusch-chan is too cute.
>> No. 36151 [Edit]
something about the writing in this anime feels borderline condescending. I'm not sure if it's made for kids, or retards. still, it's relaxing enough. I'll keep following it.
>> No. 36166 [Edit]
File 165287808428.png - (100.19KB , 439x405 , Dora.png )
Do you have a show you go back to when you're feeling depressed?
I'm watching Doraemon again. It's a weird thing, I feel like watching it only when I'm feeling strong melancholy. I've been feeling I would end up going back to it again ever since I had a dream about it >>/so/27144. I've watched the first 400 eps or so of the new version, it's very good. I'll probably start with the newest one 704 and go backwards, let's see how far I get.

It feels good to know Doraemon is always airing, gives me an odd sense of relief.
>> No. 36167 [Edit]
File 165289256582.jpg - (355.50KB , 950x750 , __sawatari_fuu_tamayura__b26159378f0865e11c90f1ab0.jpg )
It's nice to have one like that. For me a series that makes me feel that way is Tamayura. I always watch an episode of it when I'm feeling down and it really lifts my spirits.
>> No. 36207 [Edit]
File 165319050987.png - (348.99KB , 465x720 , [SubsPlease] Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi - 07.png )
>> No. 36284 [Edit]
File 165514136615.jpg - (185.95KB , 1920x1080 , mpv-shot0001.jpg )
It's trashy and it has a bad rep but it's probably my favorite anime of the season.
>> No. 36287 [Edit]
File 16555830731.png - (1.77MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasa.png )
>> No. 36313 [Edit]
File 165690348269.png - (633.57KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 01 (720p) [2847C3E1].png )
Machine guns and cute girls go so well together.
>> No. 36314 [Edit]
What genre is Lycoris Recoil? Is it more like upotte, GuP, rifle is beatiful, or sabagebu (i.e. is it closer to SoL/comedy or is it more action driven with "real gun action™". Or would knowing the genre itself be a spoiler (e.g. like Gakkougurashi).

Post edited on 3rd Jul 2022, 8:25pm
>> No. 36338 [Edit]
File 165811238872.jpg - (100.83KB , 600x410 , chimimo4.jpg )
It's a shame that this show is flying so far under the radar so far because it has such a pleasant vibe to it. Adorable character designs, some good humor - Hell-san's horrified initial reactions to human food in last week's episode were quite clever - and an overall feeling of iyashikei. It's the only new show this season that's gotten my attention.

I've been enjoying it a lot. GG is the first series I haven't either hated or barely tolerated since Savers. Jellymon and Kiyo have the best partner/tamer dynamic probably in the whole franchise, and it overshadows everything else to an extent, but Gammamon is adorable and the rest of the cast has their moments.
If the episodic pace isn't clicking with you, Toei just announced that the new slogan for the rest of the series is "The Mystery Accelerates," so I'd recommend hanging in there since it seems like the plot is going to start heating up soon.
>> No. 36344 [Edit]
>Jellymon and Kiyo have the best partner/tamer dynamic probably in the whole franchise, and it overshadows everything else to an extent, but Gammamon is adorable and the rest of the cast has their moments.
Funnily enough, I don't disagree with you all that much. I'm still watching it, so it's not like it's terrible or anything. It's just that Ghost Game doesn't feel like a Digimon entry to me, and the initial complaints I made are still valid in my opinion, though I've lightened up a bit.

>If the episodic pace isn't clicking with you [...]
Monster of the week is fine by me, but thanks for mentioning there'll be a shakeup of sorts.
>> No. 36345 [Edit]
File 165844228827.png - (582.14KB , 564x720 , [SubsPlease] Engage Kiss - 03 (720p) [5E24C483]_mk.png )
I hope this will have a tragic ending--certainly feels like it already.
>> No. 36346 [Edit]
File 165845286416.png - (1.72MB , 1920x1080 , [GST] Isekai Ojisan - 03 [1080p][Multi-Subs]_mkv-[.png )
I share ojisan's reaction to this travesty.
>> No. 36347 [Edit]
File 16584597713.jpg - (131.33KB , 1050x900 , gulus.jpg )
>It's just that Ghost Game doesn't feel like a Digimon entry to me
When the recent entries have been dumpster fires like Hunters, Tri and Colon, that might not be such a bad thing!
To each their own, though, and I respect that some fans aren't enjoying the change of pace. Even as someone who's been on board with the episodic approach, I'm glad they're going to move it along with the plot now, since it seems like they're running out of ghost stories to tell. Last week's episode, while not offensively bad, was just a rehash of the Splashmon episode with a different status effect.
I can't wait for Gulus to start showing up again. It's been too long.
>> No. 36348 [Edit]
>When the recent entries have been dumpster fires like Hunters, Tri and Colon, that might not be such a bad thing!
I never watched those, but yeah, I heard they were terrible. So perhaps you're right.
Thought of this just now, but I think part of what's lost in Ghost Game (and the previous entries?) is the coloring and style found in, say, Tamers that gives an air of mystique--something perfect for a concept centered around monsters from another world. The transition to digital and the concurrent use of a muted pallet certainly aided this goal. Whereas Ghost Game is just too clean.

>I can't wait for Gulus to start showing up again. It's been too long.
Edge is always welcome.
>> No. 36350 [Edit]
File 16585174227.jpg - (96.12KB , 480x360 , One_star_05.jpg )
>I never watched those, but yeah, I heard they were terrible. So perhaps you're right.
Believe me, you didn't miss much. It speaks volumes that Appmon was the cream of the crop by default from 2007-2021 just because it was mediocre instead of an atrocity. I used to hope and pray for Bandai to take the IP away from Toei and give it to Sunrise because I was losing all hope of ever seeing a good Digimon anime again.
>the coloring and style found in, say, Tamers that gives an air of mystique--something perfect for a concept centered around monsters from another world.
I've always liked Savers' artstyle the best out of all the anime. It captured that same kind of cheap-and-cheery wistful mystique as the previous seasons, but with better-designed characters.
It seems as though, like a lot of anime, that old aesthetic was a product of a pre-HD environment where animators were still getting used to digital animation. I'm doubtful it can ever come back now that refinement culture has kicked in, HDTV is the standard, animators now have decades of experience working digitally, etc. It is what it is.
>> No. 36351 [Edit]
>Believe me, you didn't miss much.
What was so bad about them? I never really paid that much attention to Digimon.
>> No. 36352 [Edit]
Brace yourself, because this will be a long rant.

Hunters was a mindless ripoff of Pokemon with no plot at all beyond beating and "catching" the MOTW, which was cobbled together at the last minute because Toei needed to hold the timeslot until Saint Seiya Omega was ready. It doesn't help matters that it was tacked on to the already-shitty Xros Wars, which had just dragged on for 54 dreadful episodes and was only propped up by toy sales. The only noteworthy part of Hunters was the ending, a three-part crossover event that brought back the main casts of every previous series. It was neat at the time, but we had no idea it was setting the stage for Toei to spend the next decade doing nothing but pandering to nostalgiafags whose sole connection to Digimon was watching Adventure and 02 on Fox Kids growing up - i.e. the particularly loathsome "fans" who dropped Tamers right away when they didn't see Tai and Agumon and never came back.

Tri and Colon were cash grabs made for that audience. Tri was a new Adventure sequel set between 02's ending and epilogue. It was written by people who had never actually watched Digimon before taking the job and had to binge-watch Adventure as fast as they could, and it shows. They did a half-assed attempt to retcon the 02 cast by having them go missing and somehow nobody thinks to look for them until the last movie. Gennai is somehow evil and creepy now. Most of the Adventure cast is even sidelined in favor of a new Mary Sue love interest for Tai and her DeviantArt OC partner. At one point, the whole Digital World gets rebooted with no consequences. Despite making a movie series instead of a traditional TV series, the bumbling writers didn't bother to use all that extra time to explain anything or write a compelling story that makes sense, so the whole thing moves at a glacial pace. The animation is also dogshit. The human characters all have extreme sameface, the Digimon look gross and wrinkly, and the CGI is PS2-level, complete with at least one glaring clipping error that nobody cared enough to fix.

Colon is an Evangelion-style "rebuild" of Adventure that completely misses the maturity and soul of the original. Everything is so much dumber and lazier. Tai hogs all the spotlight, all the time. Half the opposing Digimon don't even talk, just grunt. Omegamon shows up in the third fucking episode to do a rehash of Our War Game (I wish I was kidding). Most of the series is spent in bland, formulaic shonen battles. It got so repetitive that people complained, which is why Ghost Game has de-emphasized the fighting so much and relied more on talk no jutsu. About the only good thing that can be said is that there were some hardcore Digimon fanatics involved in the series who plucked a lot of obscure Digimon out of the reference book to make their anime debut. Supposedly Toei was trying to attract a younger audience to the Adventureverse with this series, but it didn't work out.

There's also a follow-up movie to Tri called Kizuna that I refuse to watch because I have Adventure fatigue at this point, but I heard it was terrible (shocker!) And 02 is getting its own sequel movie soon. The first footage of it premieres at DigiFes a week from tomorrow.
>> No. 36353 [Edit]
File 165852264743.png - (364.69KB , 640x480 , jesus christ.png )
>pandering to nostalgiafags whose sole connection to Digimon was watching Adventure and 02 on Fox Kids growing up
>Most of the Adventure cast is even sidelined in favor of a new Mary Sue love interest for Tai and her DeviantArt OC partner.
>Tai hogs all the spotlight, all the time. Half the opposing Digimon don't even talk, just grunt.
>Omegamon shows up in the third fucking episode to do a rehash of Our War Game
I'm at a loss.
>> No. 36354 [Edit]
My bad! To put it as simply as possible, Digimon fell into a pattern of rehashing its first anime series (Digimon Adventure) over and over again instead of making new stuff. The results were terrible, shallow and devoid of the qualities that made the first series appealing, and relied purely on childhood nostalgia for the original IP to retain viewers.
>> No. 36355 [Edit]
I should be apologizing: I understood the context, I meant to say that I'm at a loss for words due to the apparent retardation of the people managing the franchise. (I'm also not the guy for which that post was meant.)
>> No. 36356 [Edit]
Sad but true. Digimon has always been successful in spite of Bandai and Toei, not because of them.
>> No. 36357 [Edit]
File 165880145830.png - (495.99KB , 838x720 , Yofukashi no Uta - S01E03_mkv-[00_11_43_745].png )
What a cutie!
>> No. 36363 [Edit]
File 165906744381.png - (1.08MB , 1280x720 , Yofukashi no Uta - S01E04_mkv-[00_12_07_936].png )
What an underwhelming title for this visual novel! Sure, it's probably just another bishoujo visual novel concerning a young man who yearns to sew, and the maidens whose destinies his needle passes through. However, that doesn't change the fact these characters are still very much alive in a story, looking for resolution.
「Maiden Quilt -Patchwork of Reveries-」
>> No. 36370 [Edit]
Watched the first season of Kemono Friends finally. I remember it being popular when it came out, but I think I refused to watch anything that wasn't "serious and mature" at the time.
I really liked it. It was really cute and all the friends were likable. I want to go to a zoo now. The animation at the very start was a bit jarring, but I think it improved a lot and I also got used to it. I hear it's mostly downhill from the first season...
>> No. 36371 [Edit]
>I hear it's mostly downhill from the first season...
Anon, only one season ever existed.
>> No. 36372 [Edit]
T-that so...
>> No. 36375 [Edit]
File 165939637979.jpg - (49.45KB , 1024x779 , august1.jpg )
Happy Odaiba Day!
>> No. 36381 [Edit]
File 165962902144.jpg - (82.62KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasa.jpg )
This ep cut a lot deeper than it should have for this kind of show. When she started telling the story of her previous master, I was expecting some kid who grew up and couldn't keep her around, or a typical family that moved. I wondered to myself what it might be like if someone like me managed to take them in, and how unlikely that is because of the intimidating and off putting persona I project. and wouldn't you know it? she gets taken in by a yakuza member.
This ep hurt to watch, like a rusty blade to the heart.

Post edited on 4th Aug 2022, 8:54pm
>> No. 36384 [Edit]
I almost finished watching this as well, what a coincidence. I think this show is even better than Senko-san since the dynamic feels a bit less pandering and one-sided; the ghosts have their own personalities. But you're right it's hinted that even the yuurei has had a rocky past, and I suppose all these contrasts are why the show never fails to elicit emotion. You have the contrast between the bleak black company and the innocent cheery ghosts who don't really understand what she's going through but want to help her in any way they can, the ghost's cheery personality versus the past "trauma" they're hinted to have.
>> No. 36393 [Edit]
Answering myself on this one. After two episodes, I'll place it somewhere close to PriPri, Release the Spyce, and Black Fox. There's some spies, some hacking, possibly some yuri. There isn't a clear cut plot yet, but it's not episodic – I guess it's one of those shows where you piece together what's going on over the course of the season. If you liked any/all of the above, there's a decent chance you should give this a shot.
>> No. 36397 [Edit]
Thanks for that. I've been curious about it myself after seeing a lot of buzz around it, but wasn't sure if it was something I actually wanted to check out.
>> No. 36425 [Edit]
File 166051888613.jpg - (518.26KB , 3840x2160 , [NC-Raws] Lycoris Recoil - 07 (B-Global 3840x2160 .jpg )
The bad guys have got pretty decent hackers (in both senses of the word) considering they seem to have ported Cocoa+AppKit to linux.

Addendum: Actually from what I can tell NtSpeed isn't a system library in either osx or ios. Seems to be a third party tweak for jailbroken iphones ( And the line in the stacktrace corresponds to

This brings up so many questions: why was a stack trace from this obscure ios tweak selected for the screenshot? Why would it crash on objc_retain, because ARC should have taken care of ensuring that the object reference is valid (i.e. hasn't been already released & destroyed)? Does the author of this tweak know that he's forever immortalized in a throwaway frame of this anime (I'd post a github issue telling him so, but I don't want to create a throwaway for this purpose).

Post edited on 14th Aug 2022, 4:31pm
>> No. 36426 [Edit]
File 166052709285.jpg - (311.86KB , 1920x1080 , [NC-Raws] 顶点!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 01 (B-Global 192.jpg )
Any thoughts on Teppen (and its dozen exclamation marks)? I tried the first episode but couldn't really make heads or tails of it. I was expecting SoL interspersed with manzai like Maesetsu, but the SoL parts felt nonexistent or jumbled (like I was missing some context as to who these characters are or why I should even care about them), there's too many people introduced off the bat, and none of the jokes landed. Plus the art style feels weird, I don't know why but something about the proportions/eyes seems off.

I don't mind unorthodox shows like Vlad Love, but it either needs to culminate to something or have enough humor to make it worth watching – if anyone has given this a shot for more than 2 episodes, do you believe it picks up in the middle?
>> No. 36431 [Edit]
Answering myself, the second and third episodes (technically 3rd and 4th since they skipped e2) were better. Despite being about characters who want to do Manzai, it's not really a manzai-focused show like Maesetsu was, nor is it SoL. It's closer to a sketch show where we get absurd situations, sort of like Kitakubu (or perhaps a better analogy is Joshiraku, which is only loosely about rakugo). Even though I still think there's too many characters to keep track off and not enough chemistry between the groups, we do start to learn more about particular characters in each group and how they became friends. E3 (E4) in particular did this nicely, and assuming the rest of the episodes are as good/better I think it'll turn out to be solid.

It's also only those 3 characters that are drawn weirdly, the design for the rest seem within acceptable tolerance.

Post edited on 14th Aug 2022, 10:11pm
>> No. 36436 [Edit]
File 166061613125.png - (204.79KB , 607x619 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 38 (720p) [9ACDA.png )
>> No. 36440 [Edit]
File 16606681862.jpg - (61.92KB , 1469x827 , espimon.jpg )
It just dawned on me how much this shikigami looks like Muriel from Courage the Cowardly Dog.
I wasn't expecting to like Espimon all that much, but he turned out to be surprisingly savvy rather than the annoying comic relief sidekick I was expecting at first glance. He had a cute dynamic with Gammamon too. Espimon knowing about but not recognizing Hiro sets up some potentially intriguing plot points down the road. IMO, he's either from the future and has only previously met an adult Hiro, or he was sent by Hokuto and had only seen pictures of a much younger Hiro.
>> No. 36446 [Edit]
File 166090789639.png - (3.31MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Mac.png )
Just me watching DanMachi in here?

I think it's the first time I happily watch four seasons of an anime without ever getting bored. It's just good fun.
>> No. 36466 [Edit]
File 166174574560.png - (525.55KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 40 (720p) [B38DE.png )
"Gam-chan" and Rin-chan were cute today, and Hiro proves to be one of the more likable MCs.
The motivation for Calamarimon is too fucking goofy, but squid titties are appreciated.
Looking forward to more plot next week.
I'd like a SoL episode.

>this shikigami looks like Muriel from Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Kind of does!

I still don't like his appearance despite his character not being bad. It's just too stupid for me, and that's saying something considering the panoply of Digimon designs.

>he was sent by Hokuto and had only seen pictures of a much younger
Given the two, this one is more plausible given what Jellymon-sama said during this episode.
>> No. 36467 [Edit]
A few seasons late on this, but Akebi-chan's Sailor Fuku is a very relaxing show to watch. It reminds me of non-non biyori with the artstyle of super cub, everything about it is just gentle and calming.
>> No. 36469 [Edit]
>Hiro proves to be one of the more likable MCs.
I really like Hiro too. I don't think he's the best MC (that will probably always be Masaru) but he's the most relatable one, at least in my opinion. A surprising number of fans complain about how he always wants to use talk no jutsu and shies away from killing the MOTW, but I would be exactly the same way if I was a Digimon protagonist. I love Digimon so much, I would want to befriend every single one I meet. So I can understand his kinder, gentler approach as opposed to the mindless shonen carnage on display in Colon.
I also like how clever he, Kiyo and Ruli are compared to the usual 2 IQ dullards who take the lead roles. They've all demonstrated quick strategic thinking over the course of the series to help their partners out.
>> No. 36471 [Edit]
File 166200444743.jpg - (183.19KB , 1200x1200 , gwitch.jpg )
Just watched the prologue of G-Witch, which is available for free on YouTube:

I was already excited for the series, but wow, I was blown away watching this.
I can already tell Delling is going to be one of those villains who makes a damn good point even though you're not supposed to sympathize with him. You can understand why he and others would be scared of the GUND format when it takes such a physical toll on the pilots.
I can't wait to see where Suletta goes from here - they wasted no time throwing her into the line of fire, after all, piloting a Gundam at 4 years old. The look of horror on her mother's face knowing what's going to await her daughter in the future says it all.
You will probably never hear a more haunting rendition of the Happy Birthday song than the one at the end of this prologue.
>> No. 36487 [Edit]
File 166242905446.png - (472.38KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 41 (720p) [52B78.png )
At the beginning, I was worried this episode was going to be too similar to the "disappearing attraction" that aired before, but thankfully, that wasn't the case. However, I don't think it was that good outside of this magnificent bastard's showmanship.

>I would want to befriend every single one I meet.

>I also like how clever he, Kiyo and Ruli are compared to the usual 2 IQ dullards who take the lead roles.
At the very least, it makes the episodes more interesting and allows for the occasional subversion. Though, as a consequence, it feels that digimon evolutions (especially higher-tier ones) are presented as merely utilitarian than special, but man, considering it's been well over a decade since I last watched a digimon series (Tamers), I can't say if this is completely accurate.
>> No. 36488 [Edit]
File 166248376072.png - (355.03KB , 800x686 , basedmasaru.png )
>Though, as a consequence, it feels that digimon evolutions (especially higher-tier ones) are presented as merely utilitarian than special
I don't know if "utilitarian" is the right word. One of the basic plot points in Ghost Game is that the process of going through the gate to the human world causes some (not all) Digimon to fixate on a certain obsession to the point where they end up unwittingly harming people. For Piemon, his obsession with card games and magic tricks made him turn kids into cards; for Calamaramon, her fixation with spirals made her twist and contort everything around her, etc. This means most of the Digimon can ultimately be reasoned with, and so the occasional Sealsdramon or Arachnemon who's too far gone becomes a lot more threatening by comparison.
I'm fairly certain this is a deliberate stylistic choice for Ghost Game because people complained that the previous series (the Adventure reboot) had way too much mindless shonen battling and not enough of anything else.

>considering it's been well over a decade since I last watched a digimon series (Tamers)
You should check out Savers when you get the chance, it's every bit as good as Tamers and GG.
>> No. 36505 [Edit]
File 166294901941.png - (346.39KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 42 (720p) [EDCF2.png )
Officially spooked. Very well done, and I love the special evolution sequence.
Team Lirurun Mystery Machine when?

>I don't know if "utilitarian" is the right word.
Probably not, but what I meant is that, in previous series that I watched, I recalled being hyped for Digivolving. Now it feels rather plain and a matter of course, but this is most likely due to the difference between being a child and an adult.

>You should check out Savers when you get the chance, it's every bit as good as Tamers and GG.
Thanks, I'll put it into my backlog database. (And isn't Savers the one where the guy punches digimon?)
>> No. 36506 [Edit]
File 166295270350.jpg - (54.35KB , 1280x720 , gulus7.jpg )
I was so pumped when I saw Gulus again, finally! It feels like the Gulus issue is starting to arrive at its conclusion - Hiro isn't afraid of him, and Gulus truly cares about and respects his "aniki," so it's only a matter of time before they are fully in sync. This latest episode solidifies my belief that Gammamon/Gulus is the best partner since Impmon/Beelzemon.

>And isn't Savers the one where the guy punches digimon?
Yes it is. It's a ton of fun to watch Domon Kasshu Jr. actually step in and help his partner beat up on the bad guys instead of cheering from the sidelines.
>> No. 36507 [Edit]
File 166300314579.png - (2.24MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 42 (1080p) [1896.png )
It was a great episode. Oboromon is my favourite new addition so far, his design is so cool and I love how threatening he feels.
>> No. 36508 [Edit]
File 166302280724.jpg - (43.21KB , 1280x720 , gyukimon.jpg )
I really liked Gyukimon, especially since the animators removed the strange skin blotches he has in the DRB art.
Oboromon reminds me a lot of MetalPhantomon, who's also appeared in GG.
>> No. 36526 [Edit]
File 166347176636.jpg - (259.29KB , 1920x1080 , jellylum.jpg )
Ghost Game is a better Urusei Yatsura remake than the actual Urusei Yatsura remake will be.
>> No. 36527 [Edit]
I love it when "darling" is employed. Here, by Jellymon-sama, and elsewhere.
>> No. 36528 [Edit]
File 166355593158.png - (492.14KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 43 (720p) [5F7C0.png )
Would have been funny to have one of the victims be a guy who crawls under the sidewalk to get focused glimpses of pantsu.
Anyway, nice to see a jealous Jellymon.

>Urusei Yatsura remake
>> No. 36543 [Edit]
File 166415900252.png - (338.81KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 44 (720p) [B7588.png )
Don't fret Jellymon-sama, being an entrepreneur is all about failure and learning. (And don't use shit software, too.)
>> No. 36544 [Edit]
File 166416318858.jpg - (140.25KB , 853x480 , jellymad.jpg )
Jellymon was cute this episode. Cancel! Cancel! CANCEL!
Also nice to get a hint of what's going on in the Digital World with Hokuto.
>> No. 36545 [Edit]
I'm wondering whether they'll spend any appreciable time in the Digital World. Though if they do, it'll probably be to rescue a certain father figure.
>> No. 36560 [Edit]
File 166476012194.png - (604.04KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 45 (720p) [B0F74.png )
This episode was worth it just for this scene and Gammamon being cool. Nice to see the ED changing again, fits well with a change in seasons.
Onward to more plot!
>> No. 36561 [Edit]
File 166477119859.jpg - (168.58KB , 1199x847 , ghostgame45.jpg )
This episode was the anime industry debut for a new animation studio called Tinkhouse, so if you're wondering why the entire episode was full of cute moments and really expressive animations (and a weirdly detailed crowd shot), it's because it was a showcase for people trying to get hired.
>> No. 36562 [Edit]
Feel kind of guilty for focusing more on the piece of cake I was eating than the episode now. Still, that's neat.
>> No. 36563 [Edit]
This scene was so cute. I love Jellymon so much.
>> No. 36566 [Edit]
File 16650218819.png - (767.46KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 01 (720p) [A5FCAE7.png )
I wouldn't trust this girl with safety scissors.
>> No. 36567 [Edit]
How is the show? Is it like the mug cup show from a few seasons back?
>> No. 36570 [Edit]
>>36569 describes it better than I would.
>> No. 36576 [Edit]
File 166510443051.png - (800.83KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Akiba Maid Sensou - 01 (720p) [EB6895.png )
I hope the comedy stays strong.
>> No. 36586 [Edit]
File 166519997581.jpg - (290.77KB , 1920x1080 , reiwa.jpg )
I'm surprised nobody on here has mentioned the return of Di Gi Charat. It's kind of trippy to watch this show in HD, but the charm and humor is still intact.
Nobody picked this series up for official subs, but there are multiple fansubbers working on it.
>> No. 36600 [Edit]
OP for this is great:
>> No. 36603 [Edit]
Anyone following bocchi redux (bocchi the rock, not to be confused with hitoribocchi which aired a few seasons back). I have high hopes for this since kirara shows are usually excellent (although girl bands are a bit overdone at this point, but I hope they'll focus more on the SoL parts).

Also worth noting that the bilibili subs for this seem good (skimming through the diff at least) (*). Here's some quick diff:

>Sometimes I think
>I should really change the way I am...
>But I always stammer when I try to speak,
>and I'm really bad at keeping eye contact...
>A life as the archetypal introvert just seems to fit me best.

>Sometimes I wonder
>if this is the life I want to lead.
>But like, I freeze at
>the first syllable when I speak.
>I can't look people in the eye.
>This introverted life suits me just fine.


>I'm already a total rocker chick!
>I look like a real somebody!
>The people can't look away!
>Someone's just gotta talk to me now!

>I'm rocking that band girl look.
>Major "This girl means business" aura going on.
>I'm sure someone will want to strike a conversation.


>Right, like I've got the courage to visit a fashion town for trendy people...
>We're almost to the club.
>Nijika-chan's fashionable, too.
>She's got the real rocker-chick vibe.
>Meanwhile, I'm in a potato-quality tracksuit
>with a real bear of a set of bags under my eyes, and a back as arched as a cat...
>Wait, do I also smell like mold?
>I spend so much time in the closet...

>I could never step foot in this / chic and trendy part of town.
>We're almost at the live house.
>She sure looks like she / belongs here, like a real band girl.
>I on the other hand, am in a drab tracksuit, bags under eyes and slouched over.
>I probably also reek of a weird closet smell since I'm always in there.

Even the funi seems mostly alright (they even bothered to preserve honorifics) but it felt a bit too verbose and sentence order made it harder to follow along with dialogue. Interestingly the OP translation for both are exactly the same so I assume that was provided to them as-is.

(*) I have no idea why some shows on bb have competent translators that put funishit to shame, while others are barely intelligible. For comparison, b-global subs for akiba maid war are garbage.
>> No. 36604 [Edit]
File 166537124119.png - (924.16KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 46 (720p) [82FA2.png )
Wasn't too pleased with the means by which they were able to escape.

Her VA does an excellent job.
>> No. 36610 [Edit]
Rebased b-global subs onto funi .ass (to get the signs from funi typesetting with superior flow of b-global): Use at your own peril

Also worth noting that has original transcript in JP.

Post edited on 13th Oct 2022, 11:09pm
>> No. 36611 [Edit]
I'm not watching this anime, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
>> No. 36613 [Edit]
Apparently doesn't allow account sign ups any more, and despite seeming to allow anonymous uploads they don't allow anonymous comments. Figured I'd try to post a comment there so people could find the sub and use it if they wanted to, but I guess they're starting to behave like private trackers now. Oh well it's their loss, if I continue to make these edits (depends on whether BB-subs remain competent) I guess it's something only my anonymous TC friends will know about.
>> No. 36615 [Edit]
File 166578029672.png - (862.20KB , 1280x720 , Akiba Maid Sensou - S01E02_mkv-[00_14_36_710].png )
Goodness, she's adorable.
>> No. 36629 [Edit]
Fyi that mad le zissel seems to have picked up this show. I haven't diffed between them to see the extent of edits, but given their past track record it probably includes typesetting and script corrections. Worth using that if you're following this show.
>> No. 36630 [Edit]
Thanks for the heads up, friend. I'm currently using anime_chap's release, who does something similar. Will check out this other guy's work, however.
>> No. 36631 [Edit]
Oh you got me curious, didn't know there was another guy who did same thing. Time to diff. Only including diffed transcript for ep1 since I don't want to spoil myself:


>I'm the new maid starting here today, Nagomi Wahira.
>Chief! Person for you.
>My hobby is chatting with \N my good friend Mr. Sparrow, snooort!

Mad le Zissel:

>I'm the new maid starting here today, Wahira Nagomi.
>Manager! Person for you.
>My hobby is chatting with my \N good friend Sparrow-san, snooort!

Note that Anime-chap is **same** as original CR script in terms of dialogue lines and timing (where by timing I mean if a single multiline is broken up into two or not, I have not checked the actual timecodes to see if anything changed there). Very very misleading that his nyaa torrent page mentions typesetting and "Spelling & Grammar Corrections & some Minor Fixes" when nothing of the sort went in. I even looked at episode 2 as well, again no diffs between dialogue lines between CR/AnimeChap. Extremely misleading. And as far as I can see, there are no differences in sign typesetting either between CR and AnimeChap (for both ep1 and ep2), so the only difference is AnimeChap has stylized OP/ED.

Mad le Zissel doesn't have major differences in terms of dialogue, but there are changes: retiming things a bit by breaking a multiline into two different lines, adding honorifics and swapping name order, and actually adding typesetting for signs.

Summary: from what I can tell Anime-Chap's claim that "Edited Official Crunchyroll Subs (Completely Re-Styled, Re-Timed, OP & ED Lyrics, Spelling & Grammar Corrections & some Minor Fixes)" is completely overselling it, at most there seems to be typset OP/Ed.

Mad le Zissel does seem to have done minimum needed to claim a sub as ones own:
actual script edits and sign additions, although the extent of the edits aren't too radical so you aren't missing much if you stick with stock script since both very much stick 1:1 with CR script. (I haven't watched the mad le zissel one yet so I don't know how crucial or fancy the signs are).
>> No. 36632 [Edit]
I have mixed feelings about keeping honorifics. For some there is no one-to-one translation, but "san" is pretty much the same as "Mr." and "Ms.".
>> No. 36633 [Edit]
They both look far too Americanised.
>> No. 36635 [Edit]
The one place where using mr/ms doesn't work is jokes that rely on the existence of honorifics. But those are rare enough. It's also easy-ish to create a script to do the mr/ms -> san replacements so it's not a strong point either way.

Can you elaborate? Not sure what you're seeing in those 3 lines specifically.
>> No. 36637 [Edit]
Answering myself, there were a few lines in ep2 that indeed had unnecessary localization. Also there weren't really many signs (only 1) that needed to be typeset in the first place.

Also as to the show, I'm a bit less enthusiastic than I first was. It seems like it's pretty well established as a "what if yakuza were maids" plot, complete with the cast of moe tropes (clutzy one, serious one, etc.). Unless there's more to it that they haven't revealed, it's a light watch with some fun comedy of juxtaposition, but nothing necessarily too groundbreaking.
>> No. 36641 [Edit]
File 16659699147.png - (550.17KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 47 (720p) [D32ED.png )
Two highlights from this otherwise underwhelming episode: Espimon--despite his really stupid appearance--brings some decent humor, and I like that a super-evolution wasn't just used for combat reasons.
And again, the latest ED is good.
>> No. 36642 [Edit]

>But like, I freeze at
>I'm already a total rocker chick!
>I look like a real somebody!
>The people can't look away!
>Someone's just gotta talk to me now!
>I'm rocking that band girl look.
>Major "This girl means business" aura going on.
>She's got the real rocker-chick vibe.
>Meanwhile, I'm in a potato-quality tracksuit
>with a real bear of a set of bags under my eyes, and a back as arched as a cat...

All of this.
>> No. 36643 [Edit]
Those have been edited those to the following in the rebased version:

>But I always freeze up when I try to speak,
>I'm rocking that band girl look.
>I look like a real somebody
>My presence is amazing!
>Someone's just gotta talk to me now!
>Meanwhile, I'm in a drab tracksuit
>bags under eyes and slouched over like a cat...

The original JP dialogue

>demo watashi hanasu mae ni a'~tte icchau shi
>Ikki ni bando joshi da
>Tadamono janai kan ga hanpa nai
>Sonzai-kan sugoi!
>Zettai dare ka hanashikakete kureru hazu
>Sore ni kurabete watashi wa imo jersey da shi kuma sugoi-shi nekoze-dashi

The "bear of a set of bags" and "back as arched as a cat" probably came from trying to shoehorn the original JP dialogue into English, and I assume it was done because there are actual bear/cat artwork on screen for that frame so just eliding the animal metaphor would leave the viewer confused.

I agree "I'm rocking that band girl look." line is overlocalized, I'll probably change it in my rebased version to: "All of a sudden I've got the band-girl look". The sunsequent line I'm split on, The effectively double-negated "I'm definitely no longer an ordinary person" seems semantically equivalent to "I look like a real somebody" to me and the latter doesn't seem particularly of place (e.g. compared to "rocking" or "rocker chick" which definitely raise an eyebrow).
>> No. 36650 [Edit]
Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga Nai. It's very cute and pleasant artwork, reminds me of konahana kitan, I think it'll tend more towards iyashikei. It's about rakugo, but it's not entirely clear yet if the rakugo is just for background context (like Joshiraku, which was technically about rakugo but was effectively a sketch comedy show) or if it'll be more serious in that regard.

A decent chunk of the first episode was indeed devoted to a rakugo tale, and while it's probably my fault for not being able to follow along with the precise wordplay going on, I didn't find the general setup that funny. There was a post-credits scene where the Tanuki had to explain the joke, so maybe it's not completely my fault though.

If you're watching I think the b-global subs are superior for this since they break up longer lines making it easier to follow along. They also try to preserve the original jokes better.

Edit: Might also be interesting to note that in addition to sentai/b-global source there's also apparently an amzn video webrip. The subs are identical to sentai modulo position of newlines (e.g. "a\Nb c" versus "a b\Nc"

Post edited on 21st Oct 2022, 7:26pm
>> No. 36651 [Edit]
4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku. May be worth following for a few more episodes to see how it turns out. This feels a bit similar to asobi asobase or jk no mudazukai in that it's slapstick comedy about an odd group. It remains to be seen if each episode will bring fresh situations or if they'll repeat the same tropes though.

Also do yourselves a favor and stick with CR subs on this, clearly b-global left this one to their d team.
>> No. 36652 [Edit]
File 166641118728.png - (621.10KB , 1280x720 , [Mad le Zisell] Akiba Maid Sensou - 03 [720p]_mkv-.png )
She's so pathetic, it's endearing in a way.

Thanks for the comparison! It's a shame that anime_chap is being rather insincere.
One thing to take into account is that Mad's video is also worse, but one could just extract his subs and use another encode with them. Though I personally don't care too much about video unless it's a DVD|BD release.

Post edited on 21st Oct 2022, 9:00pm
>> No. 36653 [Edit]
Actually I'm really not sure if I'm missing some level of wordplay for the rakugo joke. The core of the joke seems to revolve around "nagereru": the original girl wearing the anchor-pattern laden yukata says something like "kaze ga fuite mo nagaren' you ni" which I assumed is pretty much what it says on the tin, a joke about how the the dress wouldn't blow away due to the anchor pattern. But in the ending explanation segment the tanuki instead says it's so the _boat_ (not the dress) wouldn't go adrift. Is the ambiguity/double-meaning supposed to be part of the joke?

Then the second-part is about how the wife says "shichi ni oitemo nagaren' you ni" where shichi is the obscure (to me) reading for 質 meaning "pawned goods", also in 質流れ. So at first I assumed the joke was that not even a pawn shop would take it. But looking at the sentence again, and also the tanuki's explanation, it seems it's instead more like "Even if I sold it to a pawn shop, I'd never forfeit the item because no one would buy it". Which doesn't really make sense to me, why would a pawn shop take an item they can't sell?

Am I missing something obvious? Am I just too dekinai to understand the way of the rakugo?

(I'd look up more info on this specific rakugo tale, but my JP reading skills are not good enough to sort through walls of text and find targeted information. Here's the original rakugo tale though:

[Also in case any future readers come across this, I cleaned up the b-global subs a bit in >>/sub/155].

Post edited on 21st Oct 2022, 11:51pm
>> No. 36658 [Edit]
File 166649645622.jpg - (104.42KB , 848x480 , ghostgame48.jpg )
How the fuck did they get away with this?
>> No. 36660 [Edit]
File 166657498921.png - (541.52KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 48 (720p) [F7FDC.png )
One of the best episodes as it was truly disturbing, and the ending was amusing and pretty cool. Every time a mushroom was harvested, I physically cringed. Bravo.

Can't wait for some witches!

Boy, am I glad they did. Kind of my fetish, too.
>> No. 36661 [Edit]
File 166657507046.png - (835.33KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 48 (720p) [F7FDC.png )
And the cherry on top is cute girls in wedding dresses. God bless.
>> No. 36667 [Edit]
File 166658484580.png - (1.07MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku - 01 (.png )
I question this gentleman's taste.
>> No. 36668 [Edit]
>Too immature
They should have stuck with "too loli" like BB did. Also I'd beg to differ on the no sex appeal for the tsukkomi girl, but she's probably a fujo
>> No. 36669 [Edit]
>They should have stuck with "too loli" like BB did

>but she's probably a fujo
Stereotyping? On my tohno-chan?
>> No. 36672 [Edit]
Answering myself, I think "shichi ni oku" might mean "to put up for collateral" without the implication that it's been accepted by another party. Or in English "attempt to pawn" rather than "pawned". Then the joke makes sense, because no one would accept the old clothes as collateral. Feel free to correct if this is wrong though.
>> No. 36675 [Edit]
File 166666494413.png - (833.06KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku - 02 (.png )
Behold: A girl with no sex appeal.
>> No. 36676 [Edit]
I'd appeal her cloths off.
>> No. 36680 [Edit]
File 166666830762.png - (852.42KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku - 01 (.png )
>> No. 36694 [Edit]
File 166691647553.png - (541.27KB , 1280x720 , [Mad le Zisell] Akiba Maid Sensou - 04 [720p]_mkv-.png )
Wife material, gentlemen.
>> No. 36699 [Edit]
File 166700936465.png - (649.63KB , 799x720 , Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! - S01E04_mkv-.png )
Drills = Best
>> No. 36700 [Edit]
Ep2 of "Uchi no Shishou.." was much better than the first, tending more towards SoL. The cuteness of the tanuki and sexiness of the tanuki make up for the boring-ish rakugo parts (since I don't feel invested in the set up, and the payoff of the pun is a bit minimal. This could be because I can't follow it fully without translation, but I found the joshiraku audio drama rakugos quite funny so it's probably more the stories rather than the medium).
>> No. 36711 [Edit]
File 166709504296.png - (686.36KB , 1280x720 , [NC-Raws] 四人各有小秘密 - 03 (B-Global 192.png )
She deserves everything that happens to her. 醜女。
>> No. 36720 [Edit]
File 166718106527.png - (534.06KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 49 (720p) [6F1B4.png )
Hope we'll see her again when the Dark Conqueror makes his move.
>> No. 36721 [Edit]
File 166718113576.png - (261.13KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 49 (720p) [6F1B4.png )
Very true.
>> No. 36723 [Edit]
File 166724161035.jpg - (62.42KB , 848x480 , turkeyortreatment.jpg )
Turkey or treatment, Tohno-chan!
>> No. 36744 [Edit]
File 166770532775.jpg - (76.92KB , 853x480 , ghostgame50.jpg )
Fetish Game strikes again.
>> No. 36745 [Edit]
File 166770805439.png - (550.04KB , 1920x1080 , [NC-Raws] 四人各有小秘密 - 04 (B-Global 192.png )
>> No. 36748 [Edit]
File 166778929346.png - (826.53KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 50 (720p) [5F86A.png )
The furfags must have loved this one.

Truly the mascot we deserved.
>> No. 36765 [Edit]
File 166830309798.png - (849.93KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku - 05 (.png )
>> No. 36770 [Edit]
File 166841114725.jpg - (275.35KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku - 05 (x2.jpg )
Unless you're a central bank, of course
>> No. 36771 [Edit]
File 166844297593.jpg - (1.17MB , 4080x3072 , PXL_20221114_055927519.jpg )
Kill la Kill looking more moe
>> No. 36772 [Edit]
File 16684504729.png - (586.26KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 51 (720p) [63D81.png )
He backed down from genocide pretty quickly. What a shame.
>> No. 36773 [Edit]
File 16684548902.jpg - (167.97KB , 1920x1080 , dkhelmet.jpg )
I love DarkKnightmon, so when I saw pic related, I was grinning from ear to ear. This was by far the best version of him too. No asspull at the last minute to ruin his character arc like Xros Wars. No... whatever the fuck Colon was trying to do with him. I hope this isn't the last we see of him. His voice was also really sexy like Doumon's.
>> No. 36782 [Edit]
File 166899792095.png - (215.61KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 52 (720p) [5196D.png )
He's quite a puffball, that Angoramon. I love that his Mega evolution or whatever is the opposite of his usual composed form.
>> No. 36783 [Edit]
File 166900305495.jpg - (97.21KB , 853x480 , jelly.jpg )
Jellymon was just straight-up giving Kiyo dome in front of everybody this episode. The animators aren't even hiding the pretense anymore.
>> No. 36784 [Edit]
It's amazing, innit?

>The animators aren't even hiding the pretense anymore.
And that's a good thing.
>> No. 36794 [Edit]
File 166948476316.jpg - (78.77KB , 1200x1200 , Gammamon_4.jpg )
The reference book profiles for the rest of Gammamon's evolution line were datamined yesterday, and they're a goldmine for power-level obsessives and anyone worried about Ghost Game's plot.
Gammamon isn't just the most OP anime partnermon by a landslide, there's a strong argument that he's the most busted Digimon in the entire franchise. I think only Zeed and maybe a couple others could put up a fair fight against his final evo. And with all the references to the "GRB Factor" and simulations, Ghost Game is going to get buck wild once they make it to the Digital World.
>> No. 36795 [Edit]
Both a & b parts for ep 7 were pretty nice. I always like over the top mind-games for card-playing, I think kitakubu had something like that.
>> No. 36796 [Edit]
>Ghost Game is going to get buck wild once they make it to the Digital World.
Fug yes. I'm glad I didn't drop this in the beginning, even though I still think some of my complaints hold up.
>> No. 36799 [Edit]
File 166952111988.webm - (2.80MB , kiyoshiroandthetis.webm )
Honestly, even just the weekly Jelly/Darling shipping moments are enough to still make Ghost Game a must-watch. I never used to care about shipping, but now I'm invested all of a sudden.
>> No. 36805 [Edit]
File 166959796671.png - (558.68KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 53 (720p) [AA4E0.png )
Interesting episode.
>> No. 36810 [Edit]
File 166992290416.png - (297.87KB , 402x398 , Spoiler Picture.png )
The official art is out for Angoramon and Jellymon's ultimates - Dilbitmon and Amphimon - thanks to Saikyo Jump. Very low-res, though.
>> No. 36812 [Edit]
File 166999765725.png - (225.73KB , 660x461 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Here's an even better look.
>> No. 36817 [Edit]
File 16702067554.png - (707.98KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 54 (720p) [5CE6C.png )
Cute JCs! Quite enjoyed this week's episode: wholesome stuff. The first half gave me Stephen King vibes.

Nice, thank you for posting these.
>> No. 36825 [Edit]
File 167025979458.webm - (364.30KB , kiyoshiropose.webm )
Fujitsumon was definitely one of the most inventive MOTWs I can ever remember on Digimon. I was impressed by how they made it work.
>> No. 36828 [Edit]
I really love how Jellymon used her lightning to create that dramatic effect there.
>> No. 36834 [Edit]
File 167081213953.png - (665.22KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 55 (720p) [1D42E.png )
>> No. 36836 [Edit]
The multiple bellydancing scenes with sitar music were a nice touch.
>> No. 36864 [Edit]
Ep10 of 4-nin wa sorezore... was unexpectedly heartwarming/bittersweet. And I just realized that makes two shows this season that in a sense play with the idea of deceiving/being deceived.

Post edited on 17th Dec 2022, 8:33pm
>> No. 36865 [Edit]
File 167133754692.png - (711.31KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku - 10 (.png )
>> No. 36866 [Edit]
File 167138871112.jpg - (171.07KB , 1050x940 , siriusmon.jpg )
Last night's Ghost Game is one of the greatest anime episodes I've ever seen in my life. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not being ironic. The writing was on point and I'm still blown away by the movie-like animation quality.
>> No. 36867 [Edit]
Yeah I expected it to be really good already since the last few episodes have been amazing but this one really stood out as something special.
>> No. 36870 [Edit]
File 167141680239.png - (712.50KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 56 (1080p) [8F4F.png )
Given that I read your post before having the opportunity to watch the episode, I was worried that I'd be disappointed, but nope: it was pretty good. My only issue would be that it would have worked better if the pace were slower; thusly the plot would be divided into two episodes. It really did have the quality similar to those short Digimon movies.
Glad to be alive to experience this.

Addendum: Blades, cannons, and armor are always an effective combination.

Post edited on 18th Dec 2022, 6:28pm
>> No. 36872 [Edit]
I think the pacing was fine. By throwing us into the deep end of this week's craziness right from the start, they achieved the creepy, disorienting atmosphere they were going for. Once Kuzuhamon was revealed as the culprit, they got straight to the point in showing what she was doing to everyone, how strong she was as an opponent, and then the Siriusmon evolution with no wasted time. I'm not sure what they could have added to justify rolling the story over into two parts that wouldn't have come across as redundant and/or stalling for time.
I know many fans are disappointed by the lack of two-parters this series, but in general, I think one episode has been sufficient for the stories they're telling. They've settled on the perfect balance of horror, investigating, and fighting, with the occasional talk no jutsu.
>> No. 36873 [Edit]
Rather, I think it's best to say you don't quite appreciate slow-burners. There's too many jarring transitions that would have benefited from more time, and the "disorienting" aspect was also harmed.
It's understandable that most episodes aren't like this since that wouldn't fit the format nor resource constraints, but stories like this one really need it to fully realize the atmosphere and the payoff of the new evolution, and as much as I enjoyed the episode, it's a bit painful. One has to wonder whether the writers feel the same, but couldn't do it because of production scarcity.
>> No. 36874 [Edit]
Addendum: I don't mean to be rude, by the way. People enjoy different things, and I guess I'm just a bit let down since the episode was close to perfection for me.
>> No. 36875 [Edit]
No offense taken. However, I'd counter by saying that if I didn't appreciate slow burners, I would have dropped Ghost Game long ago. The entire series could aptly be described as a slow burner because of its piecemeal approach to the main plot combined with its high episode count, after all.
>but stories like this one really need it to fully realize the atmosphere and the payoff of the new evolution
To each their own, but again, I think the atmosphere for this episode in particular was realized right away with the cold open. I believe they were trying to make the viewer feel as confused and disoriented as Hiro was at the beginning. Slowly building up to Kuzuhamon's brainwashing wouldn't have been anywhere near as effective at making us feel that way as jumping right into the action did. Sure, we'd have more immediate context for what's happening, but sometimes you just get more mileage out of showing than telling. Plus, if you're going to spend a king's ransom on the animation budget that week, you kind of have to do a lot of showing to justify it, haha.
Plus, "this... is our... answer!" leading into that evolution scene and that insert song was already an incredible payoff as-is. That was one of those sequences that come along every so often and remind us why we love anime.
>> No. 36876 [Edit]
I wrote up quite a few paragraphs, but I realize that you and I have different wants, expectations, definitions that there's no point. And really, it doesn't matter as we're both enjoying the ride anyway.
>> No. 36877 [Edit]
And again, I realize that my original post seems condescending, so please don't take it that way.
I'm such a jackass. I need to read my posts before submitting them.
>> No. 36878 [Edit]
Nah, it's fine. I don't begrudge you or anyone else for wanting two-parters anyway, I just don't personally think they're necessary.
At very least, it's nice to see an actual well-thought-out criticism of Ghost Game (even though I still disagree with it) after putting up with the same old "where's the plot?" song and dance from its detractors every week for over a year.
>> No. 36881 [Edit]
Appreciate your graciousness.
I don't think they're necessary either, but it would be nice to have. The investigatory aspect is typically my favorite, though the concluding battle this time around was pretty awesome. However, I understand there are budgetary and temporal limitations.
With regards to the plot, I'm surprised people care that much. Monster-of-the-week works well for anime like Ghost Game and Digimon in general. Not only that, but it's nostalgic to enjoy such a show on the weekends, sipping on some coffee or whatever. Of the things to criticize the anime for, it's a rather odd one.
>> No. 36882 [Edit]
Digimon Adventure has kind of shaped what a lot of fans expect from this franchise and they can't let go of it, despite how Toei has run out of anything novel to do within that framework. Colon was all fighting and no substance, the new movies are all Hurricane Touchdown clones, the whole Xros Wars era was a bore underneath the TTGL-inspired coat of paint. Appmon and Ghost Game have gotten a lot of misguided hate for trying different things, even though that's exactly what Digimon needs to do to avoid stagnating in mediocrity (or worse).
Personally, I wouldn't mind if they ditched the fighting and plots altogether. To me, the true strength of Digimon is in the friendship between humans and mons and how both sides find common ground despite coming from totally different worlds built on totally different logic. A series that just focused on that part without having to get bogged down in power levels and selling toys could be something special. Ghost Game already comes close because of how much it's downplayed the fighting.
>> No. 36887 [Edit]
File 167193641869.png - (710.99KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku - 11 (.png )
>> No. 36888 [Edit]
I didn't like this week's Ghost Game episode very much. They took what could have been a neat premise (and maybe a chance to finally see Gulus again?) and turned it into a retread of last week's episode with worse animation.
>> No. 36890 [Edit]
Overall a much better show than I would have expected at first glance. I don't particularly like that time ended up being rewound, which seems like it removes any progress that was made in terms of the 4 opening up about their secrets, but since I guess megane-girl experienced dejavu they'd eventually break out of it or something
>> No. 36945 [Edit]
File 167281115341.png - (789.08KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Ningen Fushin - 01 (720p) [2445D8DD]_.png )
>> No. 36953 [Edit]
Oniichan wa Oshimai seems intriguing. Someone finally daring to shake up the CGDCT genre. Hopefully the cgdct parts actually live up, and it's not just gags all the way through.

Also for whatever reason seems like there's censored and uncensored versions of the video (and or subs), so be sure to wait until the latter. (And then in addition to that there's the usual b-global sub. I'm not sure how the genealogy works out here, I guess I'll diff them before I watch).
>> No. 36956 [Edit]
Video notes: Seems like crunchyroll has censored audio and fog censored video. B-global has censored video. Be sure to look for videos that explicitly say uncensored, or use a JP broadcast rip.

Sub notes:

I will exclude the "Quickie" subs for this since I doubt those will continue to be made going forward. From what I could find, these are the possible subs you can use:

* Stock CR
* B-Global
* "Okay-Subs" (derived from CR, has typesetting and minor script corrections)

Aside from typesetting, the script diffs between stock CR and okay-subs seem minor. "Okay-Subs" has removed explicit linebreaks, allowing .ass rendering algorithm to reflow as it sees fit. (I think explicit linebreaks are always better, since you usually want to break on a comma or natural pause.)
One "Ew..." got changed to "Seriously?",
>Ugh, Mihari must have left her own \N clothes here instead of mine.
changed to
>Oh, that silly Mihari. She must've left her own clothes here instead of mine.

But other than that, the main value add of this sub would be for typesetting rather than script modifications it seems.

* Anon Subs found on 4chan, not posted to nyaa. According to him

>Like 1/5th of the lines got some kind of touchup or alteration to match the original dialogue better and remove le funny gamer shit. Stuff like the episode title has been fixed to better match the Japanese double entendre. Not much point in posting a tiny .ass file in torrent form when the raws are going to be seeded far better in their original format, plus I'd like to keep things open for revisions in case I fuck something up since I'm not exactly amazing at this and am open to feedback. I will try to keep the old links around on future posts if I continue doing this. Or maybe I could make a mega folder or something, I've never really done that before.

See for the download of that

From analysis, anon-subs are derived from CR.


TL shootout:(Note that I haven't watched the episode yet, so I can only comment on what's presented)

>an avid eroge gamer and self-sufficient \N home security officer.
>Just a little drop in your drink.
>An unemployed, good-for-nothing shut-in.
>Not to mention, you're addicted \N to those gross video games.
>Wow, so you went with the sports bra?
>It really suits you.

>My little sister is a talented person.
>You might even say too talented.

>What's wrong?
>It hurts.
>What does?
>My nipples.
>Why aren't you wearing it?!
>Didn't I give you one?!
>Well, uh...
>It was too much. I had to \N draw the line somewhere.
>You know?
>Say no more.
>You and I are going bra shopping.
>Right now.

>I'm Mahiro Oyama, \N a proud shut-in and porn games lover.
>I slipped a little bit into your drink.
>A worthless NEET.
>and play dirty games all day.
>Which one do you want?
>The sports bra looks great.

>Mihari is very talented.
>Maybe even too talented.

>What is it?
>My nipples hurt.
>Why aren't you wearing \N anything under your shirt?
>I gave it to you, didn't I?
>I guess I didn't wear it because \N I wanted to draw the line somewhere...
>Fine. Let's go shopping now...
>For bra.

>eroge lover and self-sufficient \N home security officer.
>Just a pinch in your drink.
>A no-good, shut-in NEET.
>Not to mention, you're addicted \N to those indecent games.
>Wow, so you went with that?
>Isn't it nice, that sports bra?

>Mihari's a little sister who's very capable.
>Honestly, a bit TOO capable.

>Well, uh...
>that kinda feels like the \N final line to cross...
>You know?
>Perfect time to cross it then.
>Let's go buy one right now.
>A bra.


A general observation from spending a lot of time with the b-global subs is that (when their A team is on it) they they uncannily nail the fine-stuff (e.g. japanese archaisms, yojijukugo, or weird buddhist terms that even general Japanese dictionaries don't usually have) which CR translators fail to pick up on, but they sometimes miss the broad strokes: have sentence constructions that aren't very clean in English, or lead to the wrong interpretation. I think this might be a result of the fact that the translators are not English speakers. They also tend to mirror Japanese sentence structure when possible (although sometimes it doesn't work, or they miss out on an opportunity to do so with some clever wordsmitthing)

Sometimes b-global has gems (of either fame or infamy)
Like this one
>This indefinite life of celibacy \N has become a burden I can't bear.
What a line! Not really what you'd use in context, but it has gravitas!

Out of the ones shown here, probably best to go with the anon-sub one. It fixes most of the issues with the CR sub I saw, and having someone who's passionate about the series doing the TL is always a good thing.
>> No. 36957 [Edit]
Trying to follow that 4chan thread reminds me of why I stopped visiting /a/. Over a dozen posts debating the translation of "イケない", and they're not even disagreeing about anything. Seems like that's a pun on all of {no-good, unable to orgasm, naughty/tantalizing} simultaneously right? (Etymologically all stemming from loosely interpreting "[this] won't do/can't go" I guess). Not really sure what they're debating. (If it were me I'd probably have done "forbidden body" as it hits 2/3, and has a better connotation than "impotent body"), but I'm still trying to catch up with last season.

But keep your ears peeled for puns in this series, apparently they're a'plenty: in the name of the series (oshimai), episode titles, lyrics

>相殿 【あいでん】
>enshrinement of two or more deities in one building of a shrine
>shrine building dedicated to two or more deities
>firm adherence to one's principles
>chastity (of a woman)
>テーテー is also modern feminine slang for 貴い
>Also, it spells in English
>"Aidenteitei merutodaun"
>"Identity meltdown"
>> No. 36961 [Edit]
The latest episode of Digimon further cements my confusion concerning the Digital World. It was my understanding that mankind inadvertently created it during the transition from analog to digital, and that's also why so many digimon's designs are influenced by man's cultures and history, e.g. ancient Egypt.

Aside from that, this episode was a mixed bag. I can forgive predictability if it's well executed, but it wasn't.
>> No. 36962 [Edit]
The lore has always been a little different depending on the product and whoever's in charge of it. This particular episode was directed by Kakudo, who's always viewed Digimon and the Digital World as more of a spiritual thing that always existed behind the scenes (think yokai or gods), and technology is just the means by which humans and Digimon are able to interact with each other. He also helped out with Survive, which is the reason for all the "kemonogami" stuff in that game's plot.
With Kakudo's approach, an Ancient Digital World is entirely plausible. Not so much with other people like Konaka or Yoichi Kato, whose approach is far more grounded in the technological and digital side.
>> No. 36979 [Edit]
File 167380849758.jpg - (50.73KB , 1200x675 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Welcome back, Gulus!
>> No. 36997 [Edit]
File 167454112178.png - (686.52KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 60 (720p) [8158E.png )
I too had this face when confronted with her newfound engrish.

Belated "thank you" for the explanation! I must confess I prefer the direction of people like Konaka or Yoichi. That said, the idea of a digital medium that's the bridge between the spiritual and corporeal is a step above, if not odd.

>He also helped out with Survive, which is the reason for all the "kemonogami" stuff in that game's plot.
I still need to play that. The backlog is brutal.
>> No. 36998 [Edit]
File 16745411728.png - (554.49KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 60 (720p) [8158E.png )
>> No. 36999 [Edit]
>That said, the idea of a digital medium that's the bridge between the spiritual and corporeal is a step above, if not odd.
I do think there's some merit to the idea of another realm that was always there but humans just couldn't see it until technology improved enough to unlock it. It's just controversial because it clashes with the original virtual pet lore of Digimon being computer programs/viruses that gained sentience, but it also can't be thrown out entirely because Adventure was so popular, so instead there's a sliding scale from fantasy to cyberpunk depending on who's writing and what kind of story they're telling.
I will say the spiritual approach makes more sense for Ghost Game than a more technological focus because myths, legends and the paranormal are the backbone of the series. As a counterexample, Appmon stayed away from that side of Digimon's themes because it was trying to make a statement on artificial intelligence and humans' reliance on technology.
Both Amphimon and Cthyllamon were adorable and I loved how much fun they had with the animations. Especially Kiyo's chuuni poses in the evolution scene.
>> No. 37002 [Edit]
I like the premise of the show, but i found the setup of the characters was extremely rushed and too quick to really emotionally connect with them, rushing through the tragic back stories of 3 characters in one episode.
Also they just narrate to much of their feeling instead of showing them and their behaviour kind of disconnects with what they tell.
I still enjoy it though, and episode 4 actually did it a lot better with displaying their emotions.
Hope they keep it up, waiting for ep. 5.
Also Curran is cute.
>> No. 37003 [Edit]
File 167486661261.png - (822.30KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Ningen Fushin - 03 (720p) [F26FFCC0]_.png )
Yeah, and it's a shame too since the characters aren't half-bad at all.

>Also Curran is cute.
She really is.
>> No. 37004 [Edit]
File 167513164382.png - (227.78KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 61 (720p) [94833.png )
Heavy. This episode was a more traditional horror tale, which is a nice change-up. It's also another one that I'd love to see be turned into a special with a higher budget.

>I will say the spiritual approach makes more sense for Ghost Game than a more technological focus because myths, legends and the paranormal are the backbone of the series.
Its Digimon's take on GeGeGe no Kitarou, which is both good and bad. I like some degree of logical consistency, and the spirituality-technology combination contrasting with the franchise's original approach hurts my tiny brain.

>Especially Kiyo's chuuni poses in the evolution scene.
Yeah, his stunts are amusing, and even kind of cool.
>> No. 37005 [Edit]
File 167513463080.jpg - (110.80KB , 1920x1080 , gg61.jpg )
This episode was wild, and it already seemed like one of the higher-budget ones. Ghost Game at its best has a distinct cinematic feel, and I think that was evident this episode in both the visuals and the way it used the soundtrack to set the tone.
I'm excited to see what happens with MoonMillenniummon now on Hiro's watch. I think at least he'll be the key to get them to the Digital World. I would actually love to see Millie become an ally to the group.
>> No. 37006 [Edit]
File 167523595287.png - (0.97MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Ningen Fushin - 05 (720p) [ABEF0DD2]_.png )
Don't be an idolfag.
>> No. 37017 [Edit]
Espimon's evolution is too goofy. But at least I enjoyed the monster of the week; the enforcer of contracts is pretty cool.
By the way, I think the translator messed up in the beginning of this episode by interpreting 貴方 as merely "you." I don't know Japanese, but it's my understanding that in that context of speaking to one's husband, it means something like "dear."
>> No. 37018 [Edit]
File 167582521782.png - (820.73KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Ningen Fushin - 06 (720p) [D70167AD]_.png )
Watching her anime every week brings me the utmost joy.
>> No. 37026 [Edit]
File 167622031716.jpg - (91.97KB , 1920x1080 , quartz.jpg )
Ghost Game is ending next month and I'm really upset about it. It's ending too quickly, too soon, and with no new Digimon anime to look forward to for the foreseeable future (except for the 02 movie, which I don't care about).
>> No. 37027 [Edit]
I'm definitely going to miss it. It had a great run.
>> No. 37028 [Edit]
Certainly feels like it hasn't been that long since its debut. It's nice to have a multi-seasonal anime to watch.
>> No. 37029 [Edit]
Digimon had such a good thing going in general with this, the Dreamers manga (which is at least still chugging along for now), and Survive finally coming out. I can't say I'm optimistic for the next few years when they're reduced to hoping an online novel can carry the franchise.
That's probably half the reason why I'm so sad that Ghost Game is over. Saying goodbye to these wonderful characters with an ending that's probably going to be rushed stings even more when they've got nothing else lined up for at least the rest of 2023.
>> No. 37031 [Edit]
File 167625560398.png - (738.43KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 63 (720p) [78DAB.png )
What a dick move.
>> No. 37040 [Edit]
File 167679350851.jpg - (199.71KB , 1920x1080 , SubsPlease_Oniichan_wa_Oshimai_-_07_1080p_6FF18E4A.jpg )
>> No. 37041 [Edit]
File 167686155228.png - (347.87KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 64 (720p) [3DEA5.png )
I was already pretty hyped for Cthulhu, but now I'm really amped up.
>> No. 37042 [Edit]
Never mind that, next week is going to be nuts since Kiyo is getting infected with the GRB Factor. And since they actually showed that in the teaser, imagine how crazy the shit they're hiding must be.
>> No. 37043 [Edit]
Of course, but I find it amusing that notCthulhu isn't the endgame. They must deliver now.
>> No. 37047 [Edit]
File 167700129361.jpg - (358.74KB , 1419x1236 , vjumpghostgame_february21_2023.jpg )
Dagomon is just a perfect level. He was never going to be the end game even with GRB steroids flowing through his veins.
Speaking of the end game, there's three episodes left and they revealed the titles of the last two in V-Jump. Sadly, there's two straight weeks off after next episode.
>> No. 37048 [Edit]
Just saw this myself. Disappointing, but expected.
>> No. 37049 [Edit]
That last episode's title is pretty peculiar. Still holding out a shred of hope that they're going to surprise us with a cliffhanger and a season 2 announcement. It's not likely, though.
>> No. 37061 [Edit]
File 167919746467.jpg - (181.20KB , 1204x956 , regulus.jpg )
Regulusmon finally made his debut!
>> No. 37062 [Edit]
File 167933758011.png - (383.50KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 66 (720p) [E9318.png )
What a beast.
This episode was worth the wait, and I quite liked the sound in it too.
>> No. 37063 [Edit]
It was an entertaining episode, but I just wish they didn't cop out by making Gulus the most stereotypical moustache-twirling villain. It's like they forgot that he debuted by interrogating and stopping a serial killer, then spent the rest of the series taking out other evil Digimon who were murdering for sport. Now he's acting like a Digimon he would have killed 20 episodes ago, without much explanation for how/why he got from there to here.
I always thought they were building towards an episode where Hiro and Gulus would finally talk to each other and learn to understand each other's point of view, not a bunch of "rubber nen" asspulls to justify why Gulus is the final boss now. It's been a great series, but there's always going to be that cloud of missed opportunities hanging over it now.
>> No. 37064 [Edit]
You have higher expectations than I. What we got is what I thought it was going to be: RULES OF NATURE. Nonetheless, I like your version better.
>> No. 37065 [Edit]
It just doesn't make sense in hindsight for Mr. Rules of Nature to have gotten so livid at Sealsdramon for murdering innocent Digimon to increase his kill count, or that group of Oboromon for playing games with humans' lives. The Gulus from last episode would have written off their victims as weaklings who couldn't survive in an "eat or be eaten" world.
The one excuse I keep seeing for this change in direction is, "he only saved the group all those times to manipulate Hiro into syncing with him." But... it never worked? And he never tried something new? If anything, Hiro was the one playing him like a fiddle the whole time. How is this not awful writing either way?
The more I think about it, the more annoying it is. It was a great episode, but it was also like a completely different series than the one we've been watching.
>> No. 37066 [Edit]
No, you're right: the writing is awful. It almost makes me feel that there were some behind-the-scenes issues that resulted in this. In any case, I wouldn't dwell on it too much as there's nothing you can do except laugh at edgelordmon's laughable motivation.
>> No. 37067 [Edit]
The lead writer, Masashi Sogo, wrote a blog post last September (right after the Oboromon episode) about how his work on Ghost Game was reaching the climax, how hard it is to write an ending, and the nightmares he was having about people not liking it. Man, does that explain a lot in hindsight. It appears his solution was to ignore all previous episodes and write the most generic ending he possibly could, ruining a great character in the process.
>> No. 37072 [Edit]
File 167980545940.jpg - (92.02KB , 848x480 , camefromspace.jpg )
Well, that was certainly one of the finales of all time.
>> No. 37073 [Edit]
File 167985844593.png - (1.08MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot from 2023-03-26 20-58-13.png )
Loved this show through and through.

Anyone know of shows with a similar main character in the sense that he goes through challenges and stays true to his conscience? And preferably what he does is actually right. I have listed the ones that I know of below
Tsuki Ga Kirei
Bokutachi no Remake
Seishun Buta Yarou
Girly Air Force
Goblin Slayer
Area 88
Konpeki No kantai
If you are curious about why I included any of the shows feel free to ask

Post edited on 26th Mar 2023, 2:52pm
>> No. 37074 [Edit]
Do you think Death Note would fit the description? Or does Light deviate too much from his original ideals?
>> No. 37075 [Edit]
Streaming is very poor form.
>> No. 37076 [Edit]
I have never fully watched it, but AFAIK at some point he becomes more aware that what he is doing is wrong but still continues, so no. And of course, killing people is wrong.

It was only a month ago when I put together my new PC, up until then I used a laptop with little space so I had to stream, now it is more of a habit that I see no real reason to correct. I put all of the anime's I love on an external HDD though.
>> No. 37077 [Edit]
I think streaming is unfairly demonized, it's probably ok for shows where the only releases were CR rips. (Video quality might suffer a bit, but so long as you either don't mind or are nearsighted enough that you can't tell the difference, it doesn't matter). To me the main downside is that they usually do burned-in subs, so if there were fansub releases you can't use those.
>> No. 37078 [Edit]
File 167987803060.png - (280.84KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Digimon Ghost Game - 67 (720p) [C8BCD.png )
I forgot I was watching Digimon a couple of times throughout. Still a heart-warming concluding episode with cool moments, but the ending was too ridiculous for me.
>> No. 37080 [Edit]
File 167993379115.jpg - (521.57KB , 1810x2558 , FsIbr1gagAAXZj-.jpg )
Sogo wasn't kidding about the toll this show took on his mental health, I guess. Turning Gulus' backstory into a bizarre hybrid of the Universe 7 Saiyans and the Otsutsuki clan at the last minute, with no foreshadowing anywhere else in the series, was certainly a choice. Unless we were supposed to guess that from Gammamon's inner world being space-themed? Either way, it strikes me as overcomplicating a character who was never complicated.
I'm also still scratching my head at Quantumon just getting away with her stupid plan that got innocent humans and Digimon killed (even blaming the victims for it), and everyone brushing off Hiro's valid criticism like it was nothing... but then the Digimon start freaking out at a supposed world-ending threat that's 2000 years away? Where's their sympathy for the characters who suffered now?
The worst part is that they dropped all this prequel/sequel bait at the end and we'll be lucky if we ever get a CD drama, let alone a movie or season 2. And we never even got to see Arcturus or Proxima.
I am happy that Gulus survived, the humans and Digimon weren't separated, and Naoto Takenaka got to do one last narration. Despite the weird choices down the stretch, the finale did have a lot of heart. And Ghost Game overall will always be one of my favorites.
>> No. 37095 [Edit]
File 168091037057.jpg - (609.96KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Edomae Elf - 01 (1080p) [30667386]_mk.jpg )
The first episode was fun. I'm glad that the c.v for Serval finally lands herself a lead role in a while, the other voice casts were very good as well.
>> No. 37138 [Edit]
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Not really a Gundam fan but dem feels (SPOILER)
>> No. 37154 [Edit]
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Which one do I watch first?
Oshi No Ko (must watch)
Yuri Is My Job!
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World
My Love Story with Yamada-Kun at LV999
Otaku Elf
The Dangers in My Heart
My Home Hero
Magical Girl Destroyer
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Dead Mount Death Play
Kizuna No Allele
Heavenly Delusion
Skip and Loafer
Insomniacs After School
Hell's Paradise
My One-Hit Kill Sister
The Legendary Hero is Dead!
>> No. 37157 [Edit]
You've just dumped half of the shows airing this season, with shows from completely different genres and audiences; and without knowing your tastes it's impossible for anyone to say.
>> No. 37158 [Edit]
Like the other anon said, it's hard to say. But at the very least I'd priorities plot heavy stuff that can be spoiled easily.
>> No. 37161 [Edit]
>Otaku Elf
>Magical Girl Destroyer
These are the only ones specifically from your list (not in general) that I'm watching, and I can say they're both worth it - although I think Elf focuses a little too much on food vs. other topics, but it's so cute that I can overlook it. Magical Destroyers is stylish high-octane fun.
>> No. 37169 [Edit]
Seconding these and Tengoku Daimakyo (listed as Heavenly Delusion). They're quite good.
>> No. 37176 [Edit]
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I want a fairy!
>> No. 37239 [Edit]
File 168592740369.jpg - (123.51KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! - 0.jpg )
I've been watching Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu!
It was a little offputting at first because every character seems to be two faced, hiding a more nasty personality. That along with the way the main character basically gets conned into a job they don't want.
It has this cute yuri façade to it, themed around Maria Sama, when in reality the main characters hate each other's guts while they're forced to pretend to like/love each other. I think it creates an interesting dynamic, and as we learn why they hate each other it adds a bit of depth to the characters, even if the reason for it is a bit of a cliché anime trope.
>> No. 37240 [Edit]
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Yay finally someone else on TC picks up a show I've been wanting to discuss (seems like there's a dearth of SoL viewers on TC compared to a few years back, or maybe there's just usually not much to discuss [I would have really liked to have in-depth discussions of Shippo Na though...]).

My thoughts in >>37202 were based on the initial 4 or so episodes, but as the season has progressed I've grown to like it more, it has more depth than I'd have guessed at first glance.

> when in reality the main characters hate each other's guts... as we learn why they hate each other
Yup the root cause of the Yano/Hime conflict was a bit of a cliché, but I think it kind of makes sense given the personality of Yano, she's not the kind of person who intuitively understands people (probably a bit autistic as well), so she likely didn't realize what Hime was trying to do. Once the main conflict is resolved, the conflict in the second arc (episodes (7-9) is also turning out to be something interesting, again we learn more about the background of one of the characters (this time Kanoko), and again while it's a bit clichéd it does make sense in context and fit with her personality.

What I like about the show so far is that it uses the motif of facades to probe a bit at the nature of human relations. When you think about it, Hime's facade is actually 2-fold. She pretends to be a cute friendly girl, but her true self is also quite goodhearted, just in a slightly more nuanced way. We see for instance that she was the only one who cared about reaching out to Yano, and similarly with Kanoko.. Really, what Hime is doing isn't that different from what all so-called normalfags do: all interpersonal relationships are ultimately built upon facades (grounded in societal norms), and anyone who chooses not to play this game gets excluded. We can see a bit of this with Kanoko, in ep9. See >>/mai/21730

>If you think about it, this is true even in the real world. When you interact with a 3D person, you don't actually "know" them at all. Your perception of them is ultimately all you have to work with, until they carry out some actions that then allow you to update your perception in a bayesian sense. But people delude themselves into thinking that what they are attracted to is some material thing rather than the facade of their own idealization, which is the source of a lot of grief. All waifuism does is drop that pretense.

So we have Hime, someone who seamslessly slips in and out of this facade, while genuinely being a kind person at heart. And we have Yano and Kanoko, two examples of characters that break out of the societal mold. From what we see in ep9 they're similar in many ways, what I'm interested in how they differ. Yano does seem less possessive, although given that she was never really close to Hime for very long (I think their friendhsip lasted less than half a school year?) that may be only natural.. And we also have Tachibana, whom I find probably the most intruiging character of all. She clearly understands the nature and dynaimcs of social realtions at an intuitive level, is highly emotionally perceptive and able to pick up on things. Which is why I find her strategy of confronting Kanoko to break up her relation with Hime quite puzzling, since she should surely have realized such a direct confrontation wouldn't go well against Kanoko's personality type. Maybe she's a bit blindsided by that previous incident she alluded to though...
>> No. 37241 [Edit]
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yeah, it's a rough first couple ep but really makes up for it as it goes along.
The autism thing does seem pretty fitting. While one could argue Hime should have talked to Yano first before doing what she did, Yano very clearly over reacted, and far as I've seen really doesn't seem to care that she screwed over Hime hard and made her life hell for a few years over something kind of trivial. It's also not like Yano told Hime she was leaving. While part of me feels for her, Yano just seems like a kind of a shitty person. She doesn't even seem self aware enough to realize she's basically doing the same thing at work. I feel like Hime has every reason to hate Yano, while Yano comes across as unreasonable.

Also, I feel like characters are very quick to forget that Hime was practically forced into this job. They expect her to take the job seriously, and scold her when she isn't doing what they want, but she doesn't even want to be there anyway right? Not like they even explained things properly to her from the start (if we're being real though, chewing people out for getting things wrong on job after receiving poor training seems to be common place in reality )Then you have her worrying about people finding out she's acting, when that's literally what they all do.

>seems like there's a dearth of SoL viewers on TC
It's still my go to, but I guess I haven't been posting as much as I used to.
>> No. 37242 [Edit]
>really doesn't seem to care that she screwed over Hime hard and made her life hell for a few years over something kind of trivial
Hm yeah, from her perspective (when she was younger) I guess she assumed that she had been betrayed, and while Yano's past isn't really mentioned, the fact that she had no friends and was an outcast probably meant she was either picked on before, and possibly has issues trusting people. I thought the show did address the fact that when older-Yano saw Hime again as the latter joined the cafe, Yano did realize that her behavior was a bit shitty so she tried to be friendly again with Hime. That is until she realized that Hime might be just putting on a facade again, etc. At the end of everything I think she did finally realize that she was the one who was in the wrong, because ever since the two patched up you can see that Yano tries to be extra kind to Hime. And I suspect the fact that she threw away possible years of friendship because she didn't trust her friend enough probably does weigh on her, although I would have liked the show to spend a bit more time resolving those threads instead of moving onto the next arc.

>Hime was practically forced into this job
I guess that's sort of a running gag at this point (along with the manager's arm that's perpetually in a cast). Aside from the very first episode though, I think Hime does actually like doing the job, for several reasons 1) initially she's taken by Yano (both before she realizes who she is, and certainly afterwards). 2) After Kanoko joins it just becomes something they all do together, as friends. 3) It gives her an ability to use her "facade" without any moral qualms.

>Then you have her worrying about people finding out she's acting, when that's literally what they all do.
Ah right in my previous analysis I completely forgot to talk about the 3rd level of facade going on, which is the acting they do for their job. I don't really have anything novel to say here, since this is the "surface-level" facade that's the most obvious one, and the fact that their in-job-character relations mirror their real-life ones is pretty clear.
>> No. 37243 [Edit]
>Hime's facade is actually 2-fold. She pretends to be a cute friendly girl, but her true self is also quite goodhearted, just in a slightly more nuanced way

Just to clarify here, what I mean is that I think Hime's facade is also partly to protect herself. We see that she's very selective about who she chooses to get close with, and I suspect the incident with Yano probably further led her to further encapsulate her "true" self within the facade she projects. We see her true-self is actually quite soft and caring, so without her facade it's quite likely she'd be a pushover much as Kanoko initially was. This then bridges into the point about how when interacting with others we _all_ use facades (and often times contextually dependent ones). I'm also reminded of the topic of code-switching in psycholinguistics, which while not quite as strong as "facade" highlights how interactions with others are mediated by "appearances"

Post edited on 4th Jun 2023, 8:25pm
>> No. 37277 [Edit]
I'm a bit disappointed WataYuri seems to be going with the standard yuri trope of letting misunderstandings/miscommunications pile up. I guess that's par for the course, but it does change the trajectory of the series from one that's grounded on an exploration of the nature of facades in mediating communication, to one that's more of a standard yuri (melo)drama. I guess the good thing is that this arc is only kicking in with ~2 episodes left, so while the manga series might be considered wasted potential, I think the self-contained anime cour still makes an ok seasonal show.
>> No. 37278 [Edit]
I was surprised they essentially resolved the issue, thought for sure they'd drag this out into a second season.
>> No. 37279 [Edit]
I just finished, and you're right: it was cleaned up surprisingly quickly, and the resolution doesn't detract from Tachibana's character. Although it feels like it still leaves a tenuous situation, as Ayanakouji's feelings are only going to get stronger over time, much to the chagrin of Kanoko. I guess ending it on this semi-cliffhanger is a strong advertisement for the manga. It's probably not going to get a second season, and even if it did it would only contain more drama, so ending it at this high point seems like a good choice.

Also I think the translation of the last line of the episode could be improved, "suki na wake nai ja nai" is seen translated as "I don't love you at all..." and while I think there was an attempt to use ellipsis to indicate uncertainty, I don't feel the tone comes across right. Related to >>/ot/40386 if you parse the "ja nai" as an actual negation then it's a double-negative "[not] don't love you". If you parse it as a fully rhetorical assertion, then it's "I don't love you. (fullstop)" which is clearly not the intended meaning. Semi-rhetorical, indicating uncertainty similar to "ne..." seems to be the most fitting parsing. I think omitting the "at all" and "I don't" to make the translation "don't love you..." would have been more fitting, with the omission hinting at an implied "[It's not that] I don't love you" or "don't love you... [do I?]".
>> No. 37280 [Edit]
>"don't love you..."
At least out of context, this sounds pretty choppy.
>> No. 37281 [Edit]
I think it works better in context, because the line right before this was "I don't love you one bit.", so the parallel repetition is sufficiently strong.

Post edited on 23rd Jun 2023, 7:37pm
>> No. 37300 [Edit]
Atelier Ryza: I know it's just a service for the game fans, but it really feels like "[Youtube] Atelier Ryza (All Cutscenes) pt1/12"
However the thighs have resurrected Touka (from "The hero is dead" from last season).
Note it has a 45min first ep.
>> No. 37369 [Edit]
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Dark Gathering has been a pleasant surprise so far.

First of all it has that fun 00's anime vibe. It's a monster-of-the-week shonen where they hunt (or are hunted by) spirits and catch them, but something that surprised me is how brutal it can get. Normally in these kinds of anime the author tries to humanize spirits and give them some kind of sob story and the characters try to give them eternal rest, that doesn't apply here. Yayoi (the loli exorcist) treats them like insects, making the ones she captured fight each other to become stronger, like in kodoko She doesn't hesitate to torture and straight "killing" them to reach her objective. I know it sounds edgy as fuck but considering the things spirits are capable of and Yayoi's backstory I think it's justified.

As for the characters Eiko and Yayoi are lovely and just fun to watch. But yeah the spineless MC is mandatory in this kind of shows for self inserting reasons but he isn't that bad fortunately. Also the OP is really good.

I'm just at episode 6 but I've been having a blast, it is not revolutionary or anything and honestly I wouldn't call it a masterpiece but it is so fun to watch, it makes me feel nostalgic of my early days watching anime. I will pick up the manga definitely, the art is good and it's a shame the anime doesn't make it justice because it's so low budget
>> No. 37370 [Edit]
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>I know it sounds edgy as fuck but considering the things spirits are capable of and Yayoi's backstory I think it's justified.
Indeed. These ghosts are Mieruko-tier, so anything less would be insufficient. The monster that Yayoi hopes to ultimately slay is horrific.

>But yeah the spineless MC is mandatory in this kind of shows for self inserting reasons but he isn't that bad fortunately.
The MC turned out to be better than I thought. He does love to scream in terror, but he trained his body to help Eiko; he resolved to fight against nightmarish apparitions to help those whom he loves. It's as enjoyable to me as a brutal ghostbusting loli. Not to mention his character might have a bit more depth to it if the ending to the first episode is any indication.

>it makes me feel nostalgic of my early days watching anime.
>> No. 37371 [Edit]
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As if you could ever decline an invitation to genocide the incorporeal with these two.
>> No. 37372 [Edit]
Tried watching that and couldn't get through more than an episode. Felt like a tonal catastrophe.
>> No. 37373 [Edit]
I don't even remember much from it besides the fanservice. Could try the manga if you need your spook fix.
>> No. 37393 [Edit]
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Remember to treat your PC(-98) well, anon! She works very hard for you!
>> No. 37485 [Edit]
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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Season 2 hit hard..
>> No. 37494 [Edit]
Perusing the list for this season, seems Stardust Telepath & 8-bit sensation are what's in stock for CGDCT/SoL lovers.
>> No. 37495 [Edit]
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Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari and Hikkikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon are also good choices.
>> No. 37506 [Edit]
>Hikkikomari Kyuuketsuki
This isn't turning out to be a CGDCT/SoL (don't expect it to be like tonari kyuuketsuki, maojo de oyasumi, or jahy). In fact it's the exact opposite. Hopefully it doesn't get any more sadistic.
>> No. 37509 [Edit]
And I also wouldn't put tearmoon as a CGDCT. Maybe it's a bit SoL-ish, but it's a far cry from something like kuma kuma. The backstory is really sad, but thankfully(?) the majority of the episodes aren't like that, there's enough pain in hikki kyuuketsi. The plot itself is fine, but not really spectacular and a bit of a deus ex machina.
>> No. 37518 [Edit]
I guess if you're willing to consider tearmoon as CGDCT-ish, then you might also consider "Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou". It's isekai, but I'd argue that in terms of core elements of cgdct shows (friendships, light comedy, nothing too harrowing, slight yuritease) it's probably closer to the mark.
>> No. 37534 [Edit]
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You like plain girls, right /an/?
>> No. 37535 [Edit]
>> No. 37537 [Edit]
I do.
>> No. 37538 [Edit]
Is that Mako? She looks a lot cuter than she did in the manga.
>> No. 37539 [Edit]
That's another girl. Mako-chan is still ugly, though cute in her own way.
>> No. 37542 [Edit]
File 169907801054.png - (1.21MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlus+] Dark Gathering - S01E17 (WEB 1080p AMZ.png )
Posting to tohno-chan from the womb!
>> No. 37545 [Edit]
File 169924122015.png - (0.98MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlus+] Dark Gathering - S01E18 (WEB 1080p AMZ.png )
You're watching Pretty Cure? Don't you know it's for kids?
>> No. 37546 [Edit]
That joke would work a lot better if there wasn't a season airing at the moment aimed at adults who grew up with precure, in which the girls are 20somethings now.
>> No. 37547 [Edit]
That's not Pretty Cure, but a perversion.
>> No. 37598 [Edit]
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This loli just insulted your waifu, and you're going to take it like the pathetic bitch you are.
>> No. 37639 [Edit]
Plugging startdust telepath again, it's everything I hoped for in a Kirara show. In fact I'll stir the pot by saying it's what bocchi the rock should have been: Umika has friends that actually understand and support her instead of laughing at her datamoshing. Yuu is the perfect foil for Umika just as Tama(te) was for Hana in Slow Start, both highly perceptive and recognize when the MC is feeling anxious, gently calming and supporting her.
>> No. 37640 [Edit]
I keep telling myself to watch it, it looks and sounds fantastic. I don't know why I haven't picked it up yet, too much on my plate maybe.
>> No. 37642 [Edit]
Take your time, it'll be there.

I'll also add that not only is Yuu a perfect foil for Umika, but Raimon parallels/pairs against Umika well. My initial impression was that Raimon was a bit too harsh for this sweet show, but they do a good job at showing that she does actually care, she's just very tsuntsun. Whereas Yuu helps Umika progress by using her warmth and hugs to melt Umika's anxieties, Raimon helps Umika in her own way by pushing her outside the bounds of comfort. But it's a very measured, deliberate push. Unlike bocchi the rock I think this show excels at walking that (not so) fine line between growth by pushing the boundaries of discomfort, and throwing someone into the deepend and laughing as they flail around.

Also as a parallel character to Umika, Raimon also benefits from her time with Yuu and the others. In a quintessentially Kirara way, there is a clear group dynamic at play here where the whole is more than the some of its parts. This isn't just a show about Umika overcoming her anxieties, it's also a show about Raimon opening up to her newfound friends, and about Yuu overcoming her existential loneliness. (I probably need to think more about the last one. Yuu is an interesting character, putting aside whether she actually is an alien, I think she represents the core of the human condition: not knowing why you are here, what purpose any of this has, frequently pining for and wanting some grander purpose. But interestingly whereas Umika knows she does not fit in on Earth and wishes for a place amongst the stars where she will be welcomed – the mythical "ibasho" – Yuu is purportedly from there yet has no recollection of it, instead forging her home on Earth; and yet she too still pines for the stars. )

Maybe the only character I haven't figured out yet is Haruno. I don't yet have a feel for how she contributes to the group dynamic. Maybe she's the only sane one.
>> No. 37649 [Edit]
I only just discovered that there is a group doing sub-edits for Stardust Telepath (RRA - Rocket Research Association. Cute name).

I like that they don't claim credit for TL'ing when it's a CR base, and especially like that they link a diff for the script.

The script elides honorifics (personally don't care either way) but also uses "Ms." in place of sensei (which peeves me). In terms of script content, samples of diffs are shown below, accompanied by the original dialogue. (Thanks to the anon of anicobin [1, 2] for publishing de-facto transcripts). Obvious spoilers below:

EP 05

Yu seems happier than usual today!
I bet it's because you're here, Matataki-chan.
I shouldn't have come to school
I can't stand all this yapping.

Yuu seems happier than usual today!
I bet it's because you're here, Matataki.
Well, I won't make that mistake again.
I can't stand all this yapping.

Yū-chan kyō wa tokuni ureshi-sō!
Kitto Matataki-chan ga iru kara desu ne
Yappa kuru n' janakatta wa. Urusakute kanawan.


When she was launching rockets with Haruno and the bun-haired nutjob, I thought she showed some guts...
But the moment she's thrown into a school setting, she turns into this.
Well, guess I'm not one to talk, considering I wasn't attending at all.

She showed some real guts launching rockets with Haruno and the bun-haired nutjob.
But toss her into school, and she melts into a puddle.
Well, I don't exactly have a leg to stand on, considering I just didn't show up at all

Koitsu... Haruno ya "denpa dango" to roketto tobashi teru toki wa tashō dōdō toshite mieta ga...
kōsha no naka ni hōri-komareta totan kore da mon na
ma.. somosomo kitenakatta watashi ga ieta koto ja nai ka


Without any means of funding, you won't even be able to make rockets for fun

You can't launch a rocket on hopes and dreams alone—You need funding!

『hā!? saiteigen no shikin mo nashi ja kono saki o asobi ni sura na nē zo!』


I took her to be one of my more reserved students, but Konohoshi as president?
And Raimon's in the club, at that!

Umika's always seemed so shy... And now she wants to be a club president?
Not to mention, they've got Matataki involved

Hitoichibai hikkomijian na seito da to omotteta noni masaka Konoohoshi ga buchō nante.
shikamo Raimon made sanka shiteru shi


We'll need to first discuss what our club will do.
Just come up with something that sounds good during class.

We should start by identifying some club activities.
We'll have plenty of time in class to think of something good

『ē. mazuwa katsudō naiyō no kentō desu ne 』
『n'na no jugyō–chū ni tekitō ni kangaerya ī daro 』


EP 06

It was our first time, after all.
Well, I'll take some time to split it up and explain it thoroughly later.
I might have, um, skipped a bit too much today. My bad.

We had an awful lot to learn today, after all.
Well, I'll take some time to break everything down and explain it in more detail later.
I had to... condense a few things today. My bad.

Hajimete no taiken deshita mono ne
mā… mata nan–kai ka jikan totte kuwashiku oshieru yo.
kyō wa sono… sukoshi tobashi-sugita… warui

I'm mildly negative on the RRA versions of the translations. The original CR script sticks fairly close to the literal translation without unnecessary embellishment, whereas the RRA versions try to "fill in" some of the context that's implicit. In some cases this may be needed, but I think in almost all the instances RRA did so, it was fairly clear from the scene and the added context obscures the original dialogue's intent.

Example: RRA's line "Well, I won't make that mistake again" makes Raimon seem a bit harsher than the original's line of "I shouldn't have come after all". Similarly for "toss her into school, and she melts into a puddle", and pretty much all the other translation choices: the meaning is essentially the same, but RRA's versions are more blunt (and dare I say, Americanized), which changes the nuance of the lines.

>> No. 37686 [Edit]
Tearmoon was really weak in my opinion. I did not care one bit about Mia or any of the other characters. I kind of got lost on the plot in the last three episodes.

The most interesting character was Anne, I'd have rather preferred a show about her.
>> No. 37687 [Edit]
By contrast watashi oshi wa reijou... (WataOshi) was actually much better than I expected. I thought it'd just be a run of the mill isekai or something, but there was sufficient characterization that by the end it shaped up as a pretty decent as a yuri. It's actually a type of yuri I've seen only done once before. Usually you have the unnecessary-drama of "serious yuri" like yagaKimi, or warm, fluffy yuri like you'd see in a Kirara show. AdaShima was unique in blurring the line between a CGDCT and a yuri show, with character conflicts that felt natural instead of forced.

I think WataOshi is actually somewhere proximal to that hybrid. To be clear it's nowhere near as well done in emotional depth (and you'd be disappointed if you went in with that expectation), but unlike the "serious yuri" the show is mostly lighthearted (almost to the point where for the first few episodes it's not clear if it's a gag or a genuine romance); yet at the same time below the surface there is character conflict that makes sense in context, and is resolved in a "reasonable" time frame (if this were a traditional yuri show, the conflict arc of the last episode would surely have been blown up into half a season's worth of escalating misunderstandings).

It's nice to see how Claire slowly warm up to Rae over the course of the season. The show does end on cliffhanger that things may take a darker turn soon afterwards, but I don't think it was popular enough that it'll get a second season.
>> No. 37689 [Edit]
I guess I may as well finish off the season reviews with this one (Hikikomari). It's a fun watch with great op/ed, and Komarin has such a kind heart, but plot-wise it kind of gets stale once you realize that komari has the overpowered "core implosion" ability of basically obliterating everything in her path. I also kind of lost the plot on the last two episodes (what exactly is this war between the two countries or whatever?); I'm not sure if that's my fault since my eyes kind of gloss over at all this battle stuff. I would have preferred fewer plot-heavy and instead more SoL-type episodes, with Komari, Vill, Sakuna, and Nelia playing around. The contrast between their pacifist world views and the violence of the rest of their world would have made some good fodder for material.
>> No. 37704 [Edit]
Ep10 is absolutely heart-rending to watch, and it really highlights how this is a show not only about Umika but also Raimon as well.

Both Umika and Raimon are "loners," but they embody different types of resulting personalities. Umika never found any group to fit in with; perhaps compounded by her social anxiety and lack of skill in anything particular, she has little confidence and a weak image of herself. It's no wonder she spends her time in class dreaming of the stars. Raimon on the other hand, went the other direction: hardening her heart and embracing a role as a misanthrope. With her mechanical skill, she was able to isolate herself in her projects, adopting the mindset that she not only didn't need others but that they were a nuisance. I think most TC members would probably be somewhere between these two. Both have little experience with really _being_ in a group (socialization, in the sense of interpersonal interaction) and it's this issue we see put to the test in ep10. Though to the viewer the setback they face is clearly immaterial, to Umika and Raimon who have yet to form solid bonds, it is a threat to the status-quo of their relations, and their reactions follow from their personalities.

One might think that by this point Umika has formed solid bonds with Yuu and the others. But that's not the case; interaction is a two-way street, and while Umika has been on the receiving end of Yuu's warmth and affection, from Umika's point of view she hasn't been able to contribute anything. In fact in the previous episode we see Umika express her doubts point-blank, that she feels like "dead weight" in the group. While Yuu tries to console her, those words don't reach. Umika has never been _part_ of a group before, so the notion that she would be valued merely for her presence (the "light" that Akeuchi refers to) does not sink in. Yet she knows deep down that the group she has found is something to be treasured and worth preserving, so when faced with hardship she responds the only way she has known – not by relying on others, but by doubling down on herself to try to and prove her worth. (We see in ep9 that she spurns Akeuchi's help entirely, trying to convince others – but really herself – that she is fit to be in their group). To Umika, the events of ep10 are a devastating blow that only further confirm her doubts, and with that her whole conception of their dynamic crumbles.

Whereas Umika responds by withdrawing from the group however, Raimon responds by actively pushing them away. In a way Raimon is similar to Umika: she can't conceive of the group accepting her purely for her own sake. But Raimon fabricates and projects a role as their mentor – perhaps stuck in the mold of her misanthropic mindset, she can only see her place in the group as "the one who can help bring their fanciful dreams to reality". Not only does their failure signify the negation of this role she has envisioned for herself, but I also suspect she preemptively breaks from the group out of the belief that it signifies a negation of her role in the others' eyes as well. As Raimon says in the episode, building rockets with the group was the only place she felt she belonged, and if they don't need to build rockets for the short future, what role is left for her?

I'm reminded of the description of "avoidant personality disorder" when reflecting on Raimon's actions:
>They typically avoid becoming involved with others unless they are certain they will not be rejected, and may also pre-emptively abandon relationships due to a real or imagined fear that they are at risk of being rejected by the other party

Post edited on 27th Dec 2023, 9:26pm
>> No. 37709 [Edit]
Just so it doesn't go unnoticed, there is a beautiful "trailer" ahead of ep11 that the studio released [1]. (It doesn't have any spoilers for ep11).

While ep10 gave us insight into Haruno's inner world (with that context, her seeming lack of role in the show until now makes sense), ep11 concludes Raimon's arc. I'm glad to see that not only did my thoughts in >>37704 – about Raimon's brusque personality being a way to insulate away her vulnerable core – pan out, but that the show actually goes further in explicitly stating her avoidant-personality-esque fear of abandonment. Unlike Haruno we still don't quite know the events that took place in Mataki's past that caused her to develop this way. But presumably something early in her childhood happened that caused her to become wary of others, retreat, and develop that hard shell. That probably set off a spiral where no one would stick around long enough to truly know Raimon; all she had known until now was empty words and false promises.

The lyrics from Hanayamata's insert song "Kodoku Signal" [2] really spring to mind. I've always loved that song, but thought it felt a bit out-of-place for Hanayamata: none of the characters there quite match up against the lyrics (Yaya is the closest, but beyond being a tsundere she doesn't really have a "hardened personality"). Raimon really fits though.

There's beautiful symbolism in this show: from Mataki's goggles, to the lighthouse, and the seashells.

>> No. 37794 [Edit]
File 170538509689.jpg - (734.04KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kusuriya no Hitorigoto - 13.jpg )
>> No. 37807 [Edit]
Is that some Apothecary Diaries ?
>> No. 37810 [Edit]
Yes, it's been a decent adaptation so far.
>> No. 37811 [Edit]
File 17055637743.jpg - (811.45KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Hime-sama Goumon no Jikan desu - 02.jpg )
>> No. 37945 [Edit]
I loved this show so far, but I thought that Tortua's attempt to obtain a secret in exchange for use of anesthetic before administering the needle crossed the metaphorical line. (If you haven't watched the show, this sentence probably makes no sense thematically). Princess was genuinely scared in that moment, and surely not even the diabolical demon king would stoop so low as to use that opportunity to extract information!

Post edited on 8th Mar 2024, 5:02pm
>> No. 37957 [Edit]
And again in ep10, having Tortua knowingly cheat and break the rules she set out for their game seems really out of character. I mean it's a minor nitpick and ultimately immaterial to the episode, but the whole charm of the show is the reversal of expectations, and Tortua has always been honest in following the "rules of torture"; e.g. we see in a previous episode that she's willing to disobey orders to avoid torturing the princess twice in one day. So having her break those rules feels wrong. I would have much preferred if the princess did win, she instead wished for something heartwarming like wanting to spend more time with her newfound friends, and then the punchline of the A-part was Ex mentioning "wait, couldn't you have used that wish to be set free"

Post edited on 15th Mar 2024, 9:47pm
>> No. 37996 [Edit]
I had already chalked Metallic Rouge as my seasonal canon fodder (for when I want to pass the time but don't feel mindful enough to watch something I have interest in), but this show would make a textbook case for how to _not_ write a show.
>> No. 37997 [Edit]
File 171245461015.png - (1.03MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 01 (720p) [C1C.png )
I hope you guys are watching the only other worthwhile isekai anime airing this season. Nothing better than an otherworldly loli and a PI working together!
>> No. 37998 [Edit]
For SoL/CGDCT folks, here's what I'm seeing:

* Yuru Camp S3 (it surprisingly was not my cup of tea [one of the only two kirara which regretfully failed to have any impact], but I'm aware lots of people seem to enjoy it)

* Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote - Description is really ambiguous, but it has the yuri tag and seems like it might be intertwined a bit with otaku culture (like sore ga seiyuu?) so should be interesting to follow.

* Henjin no Salad Bowl: I'll give it a shot because >>37997 called it out, and TC suggestions for shows I normally wouldn't consider trying have had pretty good yield

* Oomuro-ke: Dear Friends - It's a movie not a show, but I've always liked the himawari/sakurako dynamic in YrYr so this should be fun. Although it worries me a bit that Himawari is listed only as a supporting and not a main character.

* Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau - Seems like it's straight yuri (oxymoronic pun intended), which unfortunately means there's a high likelihood it will devolve into melodrama.

Anything else that might have gone under the radar?
>> No. 37999 [Edit]
File 171252111532.jpg - (951.20KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 01 [1080p.jpg )
It's not exactly listed as sol or cgdct but this is the first Doga Kobo anime I've watched since Koisuru Asteroid and Houkago Teibou Nishi in 2020. I was a fan of their works but they have diverged somewhat in recent years. It's produced specifically for their 50th anniversary and it's evident they put a lot of effort into it.
>> No. 38000 [Edit]
Thank you so much for mentioning this! Serves me right for just filtering by tags. Being a doga koba show it should be good stuff.
>> No. 38001 [Edit]
Going through the currently untagged shows, I spotted "Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?" which seems interesting at least. Probably something post-apocolyptic, maybe like SSR or urasekai picnic.

Also two other grab-bag shows which seem like they would be rather formulaic sports/band shows: Highspeed Etoile & Girls Band Cry. But maybe if you're really starved for cute girls doing X, one of those might be ok cannon fodder.
>> No. 38002 [Edit]
I've watched the first episode, it's a bit rough quality wise and the setting is rather bizarre. The girls, specifically the dynamics between Shinonome and Kuga, are decent enough so I'll probably stick by it a little longer. Trains are also a plus and the director is Tsutomu Mizushima who has worked on the likes of Ika-musume, Garupan and Joshiraku among others. I'll also probably give Rinkai a watch.
>> No. 38003 [Edit]
Forgot to mention there's also the third season of Euphonium.
>> No. 38004 [Edit]
File 171253030831.png - (872.94KB , 960x1080 , [SubsPlease] Astro Note - 01 (720p) [BBBD22AD]_mkv.png )
I am the only one on TC who doesn't typically watch CGDCT. The loneliness is crushing.
>> No. 38006 [Edit]
> also probably give Rinkai a watch.
Please do let me know if that turns out to be unexpectedly good.

Also since this ended up being the de facto thread for last season's Goumon no Jikan Desu, worth pointing out that season 2 was confirmed.
>> No. 38009 [Edit]
No, I'm in the same boat. Been watching Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san
>> No. 38010 [Edit]
Shame the manga was never fully translated.
>> No. 38012 [Edit]
It's nice to be wrong.

Given that it's "old" and has many volumes, it's not too surprising. Sad nonetheless.
>> No. 38017 [Edit]
> setting is rather bizarre
Well that was quite an understatement. I never thought a show would cold-open with people pitching 7G networks with all the same hype and fervor as the Amercican telcos pitched 5G. And that was the least strange part of the entire setting. It definitely seems to have potential, although this feels like one of those shows that will either hit a brilliant stride by the middle of its arc, or end up biting off more than it could chew and falling flat. Also Reimi will not eat ze bugs.

Girls Band Cry wasn't anything too special; it seems to be cut from the same cloth as other shows like BanG dream, focusing mostly on character-driven light-drama as a backdrop for their music. I suppose the strength of these shows is in how well you can relate with the characters, and while Nina (MC) seems like a sweet girl unfortunately I find most band/music shows like don't do a good enough job at characterization, and this feels like it might pan out the same way. (The exception I note is d4dj, which took the inverse approach of eschewing any drama and making it a show about girls geeking out about music, really letting their passion take center stage).
>> No. 38021 [Edit]
The second episode is better than the first, seems like it might be going the direction of the likes of Kino no Tabi and Majou no Tabitabi by stopping at stations in the Seibu Ikebukuro Line and with each station having its own episodic 'quirks'.
>> No. 38022 [Edit]
>The second episode is better than the first
Funny, I actually felt the inverse. The setting of being stuck together in a place with hardships (or danger lurking) everywhere is a great one to forge closer bonds and highlight friendships (c.f. Gakkou Gurashi, Haufuri, Flip Flappers). I'd be a bit disappointed if this ended up taking the "passive observer" approach.
>> No. 38023 [Edit]
File 171280293883.png - (910.37KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
Please remember that loli is for molestation, not intoxication. Thank you!
>> No. 38028 [Edit]
File 171290051220.webm - (755.37KB , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (720p) [03D.webm )
You will watch the detective, loli, and dork show.
>> No. 38034 [Edit]
>Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
It ended up being worse than I imagined. At least those serious yuris end up with some characterization between all of the drama. This show makes a mockery out of yuri, with a literal love at first sight amongst characters we know nothing about.
>> No. 38039 [Edit]
File 17132450462.png - (966.93KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Astro Note - 02 (720p) [DDCED22C]_mkv.png )
A shitty idol deciding who is trash is funny.
>> No. 38041 [Edit]
Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku, episode 3: Shimeji Simulation.
>> No. 38058 [Edit]
>Girls Band Cry wasn't anything too special
(same anon) - it does seem to get better in the second and 3rd episodes. But I think the core issue is that the characterization is still a bit lacking. I want to feel for and empathize with the girls, but I just don't know enough about them so everything feels a bit rushed. There are places where the absurd nature and sheer tedium of life pokes through though, and those make for good scenes.

(I sort of hoped bocchi the rock would have been the show to combine the characterization of kiraras with some pessimism and emotional undercurrent of metal/rock, but to me it failed on both fronts. It's definitely not easy to pull off since the two are in a sense contrasting ideals: kiraras usually highlight the best in [2D] life, and are filled with idealistic optimism, while alt metal/rock has grittier and darker themes. But it's precisely that intersection which makes it a very appealing canvas.)
>> No. 38083 [Edit]
File 171480806728.jpg - (75.62KB , 496x768 , 20240429.jpg )
Kaiju 08 hits all the right notes; like it.
>> No. 38086 [Edit]
Seiyuu no Ura-omote is interesting: there's some strong parallels to WataYuri with the theme of facades.

Having Yuuhi be a lone introvert in her class is an unexpected choice. The bread and butter of a seiyuu is the ability to put on a facade, so if anything you'd expect something like Hime who appears to get along well with her classmates on the surface but likely despises them all. Although perhaps Yuuhi decided that putting on such a facade isn't worth the effort if it only leads to false connections.

If you're not completely sold on the premise of the show you should probably watch until ep4, since (in a marked turn from the 3ep rule) that's the moment where their friendship really crystallizes. I don't know if this show is actually considered a yuri though: the OP visuals definitely try to play it up (in their wedding dresses or something similar), and there's standard fanservice, but probably the bulk of the show will be spent developing their friendship. Then again with all-girl casts the boundary between close friendships, class s, and yuri are all a bit blurry. Especially so with a case like Yuuhi who has no other friends at all, putting her in a situation similar to Adachi.

Post edited on 4th May 2024, 5:50pm
>> No. 38087 [Edit]
File 171493401446.gif - (104.89KB , 500x507 , yg.gif )
I like to think of it as yuri.
>> No. 38089 [Edit]
Probably... at the risk of overanalyzing things, I feel like you can make a rough ontology of yuri with three major categories. People may disagree on the labels I'll assign, but most would likely agree with the groupings:

* "Yuri-tease/implicit yuri"

With this kind of show, the focus is on the girls' emotional closeness, and any romance is more an accidental byproduct rather than an explicit end goal. Most likely things are not framed in the context of romance at all, but rather purely in terms of the closeness and warmth of their bonds. (On the other hand, the lack of framing in the first place also doesn't deny any possibility of future possible romance). There's usually plenty of skinship, but again from the perspective that the girls are so close that they're comfortable enough to expose themselves to the other - and reciprocally each girl is also aware of the other girl's comfort, so there is this mutual trust in their interactions.

The quintessential example is Kirara shows. The more closely a single pair of girls is focused on, the closer that bond is portrayed, and the stronger those implications become. E.g. in Hoshikuzu Telepath while we track the bonds between all of the four main girls, it's clear that Umika and Yuu have something even tighter.

* "Serious yuri/explicit yuri"

The name I'll give for shows that are point-blank about romance between two girls. In fact often to their detrminent I've found they focus too much on the romance aspects rather than the characters themselves. Examples might be Bloom into You, or this season's SasaKoi. There's usually "will they/won't they" (melo)drama, and from the perspective of all characters a proper non-platonic relation is the explicit goal they're working towards.

* Self-discovery Yuri

A slightly murkier category, but I felt this third category was needed to partially encompass things like WataOshi, Flip Flappers(?), or AdaShima. This could be viewed as a variant of (1) where there is the additional framing of the bonds being formed in terms of the girls' own sexuality, and there is some interplay between the two. Alternatively it could be viewed as a variant of (2) with a much slower boil, with the intentional end-goal of romance only emerging after this period of self-discovery. E.g. either one [WataOshi/AdaShima] or both [Flip Flappers] are not yet comfortable making the leap, and the bulk of the show explores this interim period. Unlike (2) there is usually not any aggressive pursuit or "romantic conflict" with others; thematically/structurally it is styled closer to (1).

Of course the common point is that all three types will necessarily focus on two girls out of the main cast (well, Yuyushiki is the rare exception with a genuine threesome.) Which goes back to the question of Uraomote. I have not read the source material to see how far along things progress, but I guess practically I don't know of any all-girl shows with a primary duo focus that _don't_ fall into one of the above categories (I certainly can't think of any). So assuming they keep with this level of focus on their growing bond, probably it will end up as (1), maybe leaving open the option of (3).
>> No. 38090 [Edit]
Also i love this show's ED. (The opening few seconds actually seem really familiar for some reason, but I skimmed through my song collection and couldn't find any close match)
>> No. 38095 [Edit]
File 171548708597.png - (895.13KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Astro Note - 06 (720p) [AF7E5247]_mkv.png )
In one season, two separate anime feature cute girls eating ze bugz. Well guess what, Klaus, I still haven't joined the light music club, played baseball with junior high school girls, bought a Honda Suppa Cubbu, or helped a squid dominate the Earth, so I will certainly not be eating fugging bugs!
>> No. 38096 [Edit]
Including your pic, three actually: others being Shuumatsu Train (>>38017 - Reimi will not eat the bugs either) & Henjin no Salad Mushi bowl.
>> No. 38097 [Edit]
>others being Shuumatsu Train
Didn't know about this one. What a crazy season this is.
>> No. 38100 [Edit]
Yuri is yuri! I vaguely remember reading how some people in the industry also think the definition of yuri varies from person to person. That's why I prefer to analyze the relationships between characters instead of trying to figure out is an anime is yuri or not.

I like to think of (3) as yuri, and entertain the delusion of it with (1) if there are fun pairings in it, unless (or until) they clearly express attraction towards the opposite sex or one of them puts up clear boundaries. That's when I can no longer entertain it as something plausible in my headcanon.
>> No. 38101 [Edit]
>That's why I prefer to analyze the relationships between characters
Right, that's why I tried to frame the analysis in 38089 in terms of the characters' bonds (which is what I also ultimately gauge things on at the end of the day). Of course it doesn't do much good to go around classifying things for its own sake, but identifying common threads amongst shows is useful in a meta-analysis sort of sense to see why some shows execute better than others.
>> No. 38102 [Edit]
Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - it's certainly a title with gravitas, and one that almost exhorts examination of a deeper meaning, hinting at some underlying metaphor. Luckily the anime lives up to the shadow that names casts. Visually the anime is a treat to watch: in a break from the usual 4-koma adaption style, from the first episode it felt almost as if it was directed as a movie, with clever transitions, steady pacing, and snappy dialogue.

Thematically it shares a lot of overlap with another show airing this season, Girls Band Cry. Both essentially target the same niche, with a cast of girls that for one reason or another have slipped through the cracks of life, giving up on their dreams as they're relegated to the reject bin of society. Yet when they come together they find shared solace in each other's company and find their lives imbued with new meaning as they work towards some common creative goal.

I mentioned in one of the above posts that I was a bit lukewarm on the execution of Girls Band Cry, but from the above it should be obvious I'm much more enthusiastic about YoruKura. I suppose if I had to pin down something precise comparing the development of the two, it'd be that YoruKura has a more narrowed scope on the character's background of how they ended up this way, it spends more time highlighting that state so the viewer can empathize with their situation, and it spends more time on inter-character interaction (GBC really seems to want to be an idol-esque show with focus on the musical band, but YoruKura feels more organic). But probably others may disagree, if you liked Girls Band Cry feel free to critique my ramblings.
>> No. 38110 [Edit]
File 171602444560.png - (768.76KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha S2 - 18 (.png )
Congratulations, anon! This goddesses selected YOU as candidate to become a god! You will do your best and fight with her support, as you battle it out against the other participants and murder them, right? You wouldn't make such a cute goddess cry, right!? I certainly hope not! Why, such an egregious error on your part could only be remediated by a curse that tortures you with endless nightmares, not to mention having your limbs cut off by the Jesus Christ of demons!
>> No. 38111 [Edit]
>Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
There must be some unofficial written rule of yuri that the blonde hair girl will always suffer as a Yayaka.
>> No. 38112 [Edit]
Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night
Best description of a jellyfish since Jellyfish Princess. Haha.
>> No. 38116 [Edit]
File 171626652029.png - (783.51KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Astro Note - 07 (720p) [3657230B]_mkv.png )
You vill eat ze vasp pupa.
You vill eat ze vasp pupa.
You vill eat ze vasp pupa.
>> No. 38117 [Edit]
And the crickets [henjin no mushi bowl, ep 8].
>> No. 38141 [Edit]
YoruKura: Surprise yuri is the sweetest yuri!
>> No. 38152 [Edit]
SasaKoi - Ah there's the drama that was suspiciously missing until now. Almost got thrown off by the implication of a yayaka route, but Aki is (surprisingly) a really sweet friend. Losing her koibito after losing her best friend must have really hurt. And yet she still doesn't harbor any grudge against Himari, which I think is a bit bittersweet.
>> No. 38155 [Edit]
YoruKura - Hm, I guess now that it's apparently a yuri show, we have the obligatory drama. It's well presented, but it doesn't feel "natural" to me:

It doesn't make much sense that Mahiru would accept the offer without a properly discussing it with Kano to understand what she's getting herself into. Although I guess the ensnaring smooth-talk of Kano's mother and glorious nippon spirit of not breaking verbal contracts might be offered as a counterpoint.

I suppose what bothers me is that the gravitas of "betraying" Kano needs to be offset by some sufficiently strong motivator, and/or the perspective that such a break was in fact inevitable; or else it feels less like naturally unfolding character development and more like a contrived plot arc to pad episodes. We _are_ shown that Yoru bottles up her feelings and is insecure about her art, but after that is resolved there is no further indication that something is amiss.

>> No. 38168 [Edit]
File 171791159544.png - (876.70KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Astro Note - 09 (720p) [49CC1FFE]_mkv.png )
She quickly rebounded, which is nice. I don't like it when the love sacrifices are left to waste away. However I do question going for the dude who is also aiming for another girl. She didn't learn much!
>> No. 38169 [Edit]
Fyi ep9 of SasaKoi is delayed and will only air on 23rd.
>> No. 38176 [Edit]
File 17179815484.png - (1.34MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru - 10 (720p) [.png )
An anime about an old couple magically regaining their youth could have just been about gags, but it's not. Instead it encompasses modernity, the old ways, Japanese society, family, and of course, love; and between amusing escapades are endearing and lovely moments that touch the heart, if not straining it with bittersweetness.
>> No. 38177 [Edit]
File 171798160353.png - (1.02MB , 994x720 , [SubsPlease] Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru - 10 (720p) [.png )
So get it in here and watch it, now!
>> No. 38178 [Edit]
Thanks for suggesting, I'll give it a shot (I really loved the Shiro Seijo anime, and this at least seems it might be similar-ish).
>> No. 38181 [Edit]
I gave it a shot, I probably went into it with wrong expectations. It's structured more like vignettes with the focus on how others react around them. Some of those vignettes may offer a peek into the modern/traditional dichotomy, but it feels more of a byproduct rather than an intentional (pervading) theme.
>> No. 38182 [Edit]
Pontaro is a member of Asclepius and 7G is just the latest scheme to unleash pure illusion.
>> No. 38183 [Edit]
No, I just gave the wrong impression of it. Sorry.
>> No. 38184 [Edit]
File 171815748148.png - (825.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 02 (72.png )
What's spooky is that this hag's back hasn't gone out yet.
>> No. 38185 [Edit]
Nah your description was fine, I wouldn't have tried it otherwise. The vignette style is good (a slice of life in the truer sense), I just had to readjust my expectations.
>> No. 38186 [Edit]
oh man, i've been loving this anime! it's nice to see someone else watching it!
>> No. 38187 [Edit]
File 171816987432.png - (765.03KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 02 (72.png )
Visually appealing, good characters (especially this guy), loli and hag fanservice, intrigue and literary references: a masterpiece.
>> No. 38192 [Edit]
Actually the vignette/flashback style seems to end up working well. From the 5th or so episode onwards it has a nice stride, and with these flashbacks there is indeed a bittersweet sense; it reminded me a bit of "Akebi-chan's Sailor Fuku" in showing the changing of the times and reminiscing about the end of the idyllic countryside (c.f. >>36486). The sweet gentleness of their love also does indeed remind me of Shiro Seijo, very pure and heartwarming. So overall thank you for pitching it!

And I also forgot to really thank >>37999 for letting me know about YoruKura since it had many moments which I really enjoyed.
>> No. 38196 [Edit]
File 171848058249.png - (466.14KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha S2 - 15 (.png )
Hearing this is one of the very improvements over the light novel. Anos-sama, you deserve so much better.
>> No. 38200 [Edit]
File 171856507913.png - (593.32KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.png )
It's nice to see they committed to the ending, although I wasn't worried they wouldn't with all that preceded it. 2D is the ideal, and the love showed herein exemplified this. Quite powerful.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to vomit.

>> No. 38201 [Edit]
Hah I never expected the initial d parody.
>> No. 38203 [Edit]
Same, I chuckled a bit. The humor can be pretty decent, which is good to contrast the bittersweetness. Like that glorious ending.
>> No. 38205 [Edit]
I didn't really feel anything at the last episode for some reason. Maybe because it was inevitable so there's nothing to really feel sad about, or maybe to me the vignette style (as opposed to a continuous narrative) shifted the focus from the main characters themselves to the relation with their environment & those around them.
>> No. 38206 [Edit]
>I didn't really feel anything at the last episode for some reason.
Not even happiness? I teared up because I'm very easy, but it is a good ending since those two passed away simultaneously while knowing their lineage is well taken care of. It's understandable that one wouldn't feel sad.
>> No. 38207 [Edit]
Hm I wouldn't say what I felt was happiness. But it's not like I didn't care about it at all. It was more a passing/transient feeling of "Ah... I guess that's it for them then. It's nice that they died content and their grandchildren are set for the future." It's not something I would really call happiness/joy since I associate those stronger lasting feelings (e.g. from other SoL anime) where I am left smiling (sometimes with tears of joy on my face) reciprocating the characters' emotions. Nor is it really sadness/bittersweetness for similar reason. Perhaps it is a bit of "mono no aware" with the sense of "Ah, I guess it's come to an end..." but it's a bit more passive (and more from the perspective of an observer) than I usually feel with SoL/CGDCT shows (and the bittersweet feeling was not as strong).

Sorry for the long-post, maybe I shouldn't have bothered with it – I wasn't sure if I was supposed to feel anything more, or if I just wasn't in the right mood when watching this last episode (which could well be, some days I feel mentally out of it and lack the ability to really enjoy/feel anything so I avoid watching shows I'm fond of those days).
>> No. 38208 [Edit]
Darn, shuumatsu train final ep delayed as well.
>> No. 38210 [Edit]
This was so much better than Shiro Seijo just by virtue of not having the densest protagonist in history.
>> No. 38258 [Edit]
SasaKoi - Wow this anime really turned into something else halfway through. I really don't like the character portrayal of Shiho-chan though.. There's nothing wrong with wayward characters, in fact such a character was even put into a Kirara (Hoshikuzu Telepath) and ended up being one of the most relatable (Raimon). Shiho definitely has a similar appeal, but the difference between the two is that while Raimon did lash out at the others once or twice, the bulk of her sorrow was turned within and she was the kind to self-sabotage. Meanwhile Shiho really takes her anger out on others, dragging them down with her (case in point being the way she wanted to take Himari from Yori out of jealously). Just changing a few lines and altering the framing a bit would have made her a much more relatable character.
>> No. 38305 [Edit]
The last two episodes of this are apparently on hold? I guess they'll probably release it with the bluray or something.
>> No. 38307 [Edit]
File 172102832418.png - (340.57KB , 475x540 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 01 (720p).png )
So long as it keeps up the quality of the first episode, this will be my favorite anime of this season.
>> No. 38327 [Edit]
File 172188432067.png - (404.36KB , 688x540 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 02 (720p).png )
One might imagine a few reasons why her osananajimi chose the blonde girl.
>> No. 38328 [Edit]
File 172191749970.jpg - (204.35KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 02 (720p).jpg )
one good episode isn't enough though. the first was tolerably hilarious, the second already is mostly meta humor. and characters aren't overly impressive. cute faces as always though
>> No. 38329 [Edit]
Only two episodes in, but it's pretty fun, and there's some care put into it, so it's already far ahead of the pack. The only other anime airing this season that I feel could challenge it is notHyouka.
>> No. 38330 [Edit]
File 172193475132.jpg - (240.37KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 01 (720p).jpg )
i personally didn't find the second episode overly fun. the first scene in the storehouse was at the very best a bit dull. i never liked these scenes with girls begging you to please apply the sunscreen or whatever, but i still could get some entertainment the first few times. here it just felt so arbitrary. they absolutely had to conjure up a sexually insane nurse in the role of a mastermind that all of sudden takes interest in people and things that previously went invisible just to have the plot going. the rest of the episode was just setting the scene, so no comment.

the first episode is a contrast to the second, because things happening seem natural. yes i'm not a big fan of this teen romance thing, but it feels natural and proportion of humor and their feelings is adequate. i still felt daunted by the scene on theroof, i just don't understand why they had to make such rush and do it in the first episode. felt really off and too early.

>there's some care put into it, so it's already far ahead of the pack
you're probably right. i monitor some chans for screenshots from ongoings just to get the feel of them, so far this is the only one that catches my attention, mostly because cute girls though.

however i'm a bit upset because Anna seems to be like the only character that actually has a personality. the nurse and the teacher are a complete cliche copy-paste which immediately devalues them. i understand the move with the teacher, but the nurse seems to be significant to the plot, yet she barely feels like a human being, likely she's just gonna be a plot tool to get around tricky parts. supportive character uh oh. Lemon just feels strange, probably my problem. Chika didn't have screen time so i don't know, so far she was neither cute, nor funny, nor anything impressive. the rest don't catch attention at all. and the mc is just the narrator. i hope it stays that way though, unless they give him a personality, because he unironically just doesn't fit in.

may sound rude but unfortunately i don't see this anime going anywhere outside fanservice zone. i hope to be wrong though. it's not my type of anime, but at least it's not
>Days with My Stepsister
>No Longer Allowed in Another World
so i'd very much like to at least see some real characters doing some real things. bots aren't funny anymore.

funny way to call what i perceive to be "Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary" but in Hyouka the accent wasn't on becoming ordinary, just the mc who didn't feel like exerting too much energy for nothing. also i don't like visuals. i don't like what the male mc looks like. Hyouka had very nice visuals and very nice characters, and their appearances were likable and matched their personalities. i don't think i'll give it a try without a push from somebody else.
>> No. 38331 [Edit]
>> No. 38332 [Edit]
I find it quite unfortunate you feel this way, but given tohno-chan's tastes, it doesn't surprise me.

>funny way to call what i perceive to be "Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary"
Only reason I call it that is because it's by the same author with a few similar beats.
>> No. 38333 [Edit]
actually i don't have tastes anymore. the last time i truly enjoyed media was almost three years ago and it was a book. everything else feels dull and boring. occasionally stumble upon some mildly satisfying pieces of media but that's all. i don't know what's wrong. i used to enjoy so many things. now these things make me cringe. was anime back then really so much better? was i just watching the classics? i really don't what changed. it just doesn't feel same. i've been alternating between indifference and seeking for those old cozy feeling for quite some years now. i succeed so often i wonder why i still bother. i remember watching toradora. it was really long ago and i enjoyed it back then. ahh i'm rambling. don't take too seriously. i dislike most of the things i see nowadays.
>> No. 38334 [Edit]
Yeah I could tell, that's why I find it unfortunate. Not being able to have fun with stuff like this anymore would be a massive blow to me, so I hope you'll regain your capacity for enjoyment one day.
>> No. 38335 [Edit]
>mildly satisfying pieces of media
This is a very strange and offputting way to phrase it.
>> No. 38336 [Edit]
Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai - In the latest ep5, why is a catalog talked about as expensive? Isn't it just a bunch of paper?
>> No. 38346 [Edit]
four eps in what do you guys think? i don't understand why they need to humiliate mc so much and in such an offputting manner, but Anna is adorable so i guess she'll keep me going
>> No. 38347 [Edit]
File 172277068641.jpg - (241.22KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 04 (720p).jpg )
what a lass what a lass
>> No. 38348 [Edit]
MayoPan - This episode (4) was unexpectedly touching for a comedy show. That american dude is really kind for giving away the guitar. The dynamic is a bit different from Tonari no Kyuuketsuki, but I like that they're not keeping this as a gag comedy and taking the time to develop more of the characters.
>> No. 38349 [Edit]
Vtuber Nandaga - If there's anyone watching this who doesn't follow vtubers, what do you think of it?

I've never really been a fan of vtubers, and to me the show seems a bit noticeably "different" from other anime, almost like someone decided to just take normal vtuber sessions and serialize that. For one the characters are always "in costume". Despite the premise of the show being Yuki's break from a traditional "vtuber" character, the show ironically maintains the facade of all characters as their vtuber selves (unlike e.g. Seiyuu no Uraomote). Also I feel that a non-pure vtuber probably may not be that novel. The bulk of the show seems to be watching them play games or react to other's streams.
>> No. 38351 [Edit]
The only thing the MC did during this episode that made me throw my head into the desk is the manner in which he tried to help Blue when she was talking with her osananajimi. He went way too hard, especially since it was that guy who couldn't read the room. But other than that, the MC is not too bad at all, just needs to hone his social skills. Surely his imouto will help!

>but Anna is adorable
Her hair needs a good fluffing. Fuwa fuwa~
>> No. 38352 [Edit]
one phrase in and i am already struggling between laughter and coughing (flu)
>> No. 38353 [Edit]
File 172331430997.jpg - (232.67KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
sorry this screenshot didn't want to be posted so i'm spoilering it so it's not so shy
>> No. 38354 [Edit]
Those who can't appreciate naizuri, should be "inai" themselves.
>> No. 38355 [Edit]
File 172331938276.jpg - (169.28KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
don't click on this spoiler if you haven't watched ep05. this scene had me rolling on the floor after it took me a minute to realize what's the meaning
>> No. 38356 [Edit]
Some behind the scenes stuff on making of Mayonaka Punch:

3D warning of course, and the presenter guy is one of those slightly insufferable "japan vloggers", but I found it worth skimming through.
>> No. 38357 [Edit]
File 172335057987.png - (572.06KB , 960x540 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 05 (720p).png )
Great episode. I love that Lemon-chan is fighting back, even though she knows she's destined to lose.
>> No. 38358 [Edit]
(Interestingly, one useful thing I gleaned from that video is that they're using Eizo Coloredge monitors for the color-correction and review). I always wondered exactly what colorspace & gamma anime was "mastered" at, since they're certainly not following ACES color management like hollywood films.

Based on that and some twitter digging, it seems things are usually viewed on "regular" srgb monitors at various points, but the final review happens either on "reference/master monitors" for well-off studios, or most likely just on these Eizo Coloredges which seem to be the standard there. Some people on twitter say that in studios these review monitors are calibrated to "rec709" but that's technically ambiguous since it doesn't fully-specify the gamma being used. It's a bit hard to find info on the presets of these monitors, but based on [1,2,3] unless they specifically override the gamma, the rec709 mode on the monitors actually uses a fixed gamma of 2.4 which they mistakenly label bt1886 (it's technically not correct for a non-infinite contrast monitor though). Given that they're doing the review in a dark room, this seems about correct though to give best results when viewed with most consumer devices which range from 2.2-2.4.

>> No. 38359 [Edit]
File 172337724448.jpg - (308.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Fairy Tail - 100 Years Quest - 01 (72.jpg )
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i've long forgotten what my goddess looks like. it's been so many years since i've watched fairy tail. brings a tear to my eye. the final series was kind of very cheaply made and i really really want this to be some quality fairy tail like it was back in the day
>> No. 38377 [Edit]
File 172401215519.jpg - (175.36KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 06 (720p).jpg )
kinda feel him getting to spend a night far from civilization with 5 feral females around. he doesn't even have a place to run, Lemon and her obachan will just hunt him down in wilderness.
>> No. 38379 [Edit]
File 172412591961.png - (549.78KB , 960x540 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 06 (720p).png )
Poor guy, but some things are best learned the hard way.
>> No. 38381 [Edit]
File 172452738363.jpg - (164.39KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 07 (720p).jpg )
why do they have to torture me like that literally 30 seconds in
>> No. 38388 [Edit]
File 172465645034.webm - (133.47KB , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 07 (720p).webm )
Because it'll make the inevitable loss all the better.
>> No. 38394 [Edit]
File 172531095281.jpg - (210.50KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 08 (720p).jpg )
she might have just killed him. i wouldn't live a few years if i had such a sister ah-ha-ha god forgive me
>> No. 38395 [Edit]
File 172531223422.png - (603.44KB , 929x704 , 1723417ab3f0bb8e5e8ad4a7b9aecf41a0d6ea9f06e5263718.png )
i swear that by this time she just plain creeps me out
>> No. 38396 [Edit]
File 172533134726.png - (619.89KB , 960x540 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 08 (720p).png )
Imouto powa
>> No. 38397 [Edit]
She's scary in a yandere way, her eyes remind of that pink haired girl from mirai nikki
>> No. 38399 [Edit]
File 172538882028.jpg - (416.18KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Fairy Tail - 100 Years Quest - 09 [108.jpg )
>> No. 38400 [Edit]
"2.5 Dimensional Seduction" Ending Theme. I don't know if it's the new seasonal anime (to lazy to search), but I like the ending song.
>> No. 38401 [Edit]
File 172539748536.jpg - (401.33KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Fairy Tail - 100 Years Quest - 08 [108.jpg )
Seems like it's ongoing and judging by the description it's "My Dress-Up Darling" 2.0, literally.
>> No. 38407 [Edit]
File 172574461226.png - (486.99KB , 464x939 , e9ea4c23c4f5942156cf027e2ba9b8f78cb8a08e8333ba3c4f.png )
tfw got reincarnated as level 80 imouto
>> No. 38408 [Edit]
File 172574477757.jpg - (415.11KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 38409 [Edit]
Vtuber Nandaga - Ep 7 & 8 were very sweet. I sort of wish all of the episodes were like this, focusing on the characters' feelings and structured closer to a SoL
>> No. 38410 [Edit]
File 172585029351.png - (270.80KB , 407x595 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 09 (720p).png )
I can't believe Yanami-chan fucking died.

They need to nerf this character. Too OP.
>> No. 38411 [Edit]
Brilliant idea to have the plot of ep9 be a werewolf/murder in the dark/among us-type game, after the events of the last two episodes. It makes the "betrayal" more powerful. Given who the murderer ended up being though, I kind of wish there was an "aftercare" type scene. (Although that's mostly just me not having a stomach for anything that possibly upsets their friendship and wanting everything to go the way of a fluffy kirara °).

° [Although now that's got me wondering how different kirara show casts would handle the game. Yuyushiki trio would have a blast playing it, and they know their bond is unbreakable anyway. Slow Start's Hana-chan would probably end up a bit traumatized. Shamiko would probably fail at being the murderer, maybe she ends up being too soft-hearted or something.]
>> No. 38412 [Edit]
File 172587059178.png - (662.06KB , 739x967 , dff535e933704556dd285a7fd270b0ad4c39fed08b85d57a91.png )
obnoxious blue haired cuties never die!
>> No. 38413 [Edit]
File 172593054336.png - (739.93KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 09 (720p).png )
Then they must be thoroughly taught on how to reflect upon their actions.
>> No. 38416 [Edit]
Na Nare Hana Nare (>>38306)
I think the show finds its footing from ~episode 5 onward. I think the general theme of friends uniting through dance/cheer was better done in Hanayamata, but that's a kirara so it's de facto in a class of its own.

Suzuha is a really cute character, I wish the show spent more time with her.
>> No. 38417 [Edit]
File 172637756712.png - (627.80KB , 936x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 10 (720p).png )
Quite gluttonous for a ghost!
>> No. 38418 [Edit]
File 172643639981.jpg - (393.33KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru - 10 [1080p][.jpg )
my life was good enough without having to listen to yaoi sounds
>> No. 38420 [Edit]
File 172643761555.jpg - (338.67KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
holy shit
>> No. 38422 [Edit]
File 172703248787.jpg - (397.76KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru - 11 [1080p][.jpg )
Well, aren't they cute?
>> No. 38424 [Edit]
File 172715210640.png - (500.85KB , 610x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 11 (720p).png )
Very cool to see the MC become president. Usually the MC is relegated to that of an officer at best. A good opportunity for development!

Sure, but the fatty is in dire need of some remediation.
>> No. 38425 [Edit]
File 172716727227.jpg - (352.69KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru - 11 [1080p][.jpg )
>the fatty is in dire need of some remediation.
What do you mean? She's perfect. I'd fluff the moe out of her if I could. Maybe she needs more screen time, but I just don't see her getting paired with the MC

Post edited on 24th Sep 2024, 1:41am
>> No. 38426 [Edit]
File 172719713510.png - (86.72KB , 198x276 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 02 (720p).png )
Her unwarranted smugness is weapons-grade dangerous. Whether the MC nabs voracity-chan or not is of no consequence, the fate of the world is at stake!
>> No. 38427 [Edit]
File 172720545122.jpg - (421.02KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru - 11 [1080p][.jpg )
Just imagine how it would be! Blue haired world of fluffy existence! With free peanuts!
>> No. 38428 [Edit]
File 172721808267.png - (678.99KB , 917x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 10 (720p).png )
You're overdosing on fuwafuwa, man! Stop before it's too late!
>> No. 38429 [Edit]
And fin~. Ep 12 was interesting, it did highlight a bit the theme of facades which I was what I was hoping the show would have focused on. At the end there was this montage clip of sorts showing various popular real-life vtubers (or at least I assume they're real, I only recognized kizuna ai).

I realize that I've ironically posted quite a bit for a show I said I wasn't a big fan of, but that's precisely because there was a lot of potential that I think wasn't realized. Though it was pitched as an anime about vtubers, it ended up being mostly just watching a vtuber stream.
>> No. 38430 [Edit]
File 172726647984.png - (377.47KB , 528x914 , 8d280d77e2f98d2763bd953335586b983ea154dcc3b5a86b31.png )
>> No. 38431 [Edit]
MayoPan - I really like that (unlike vtuber nandaga) they're continuing to mix in episodes that really highlight their friendship. It's not really a show about "NewTubers", but rather one showing how this activity ends up causing a bunch random misfits to become close friends. In that way it's similar to YoruKura, but the wacky comedic antics end up making the touching moments more unexpected and impactful.
>> No. 38448 [Edit]
File 172763670241.jpg - (359.46KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru - 12 [1080p][.jpg )
And thus, the world ends.
>> No. 38449 [Edit]
All in all heroines were plenty cringe, but Anna is super cute! I would actually date her if I had a chance at being human.
>> No. 38450 [Edit]
File 172767263759.png - (172.05KB , 365x413 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 12 (720p).png )
She deserved witnessing her childhood friend and his girlfriend slobbering all over each other; the images burned into her memory, forever tethering her to her failure as a woman.

The pipsqueak was the only one as having any cringe moments in my mind. Anna's just a disaster, and Lemon's a champ.

>if I had a chance at being human.
Damn, anon.
>> No. 38451 [Edit]
File 172767279489.png - (368.81KB , 441x621 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 12 (720p).png )
Pretty much every girl he's close to has a some screw loose. Kaju might very well cross a line with her onii-san that which should not be.
>> No. 38452 [Edit]
File 172767284350.png - (602.44KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 12 (720p).png )
Very healthy behavior.
>> No. 38454 [Edit]
I found a whole lot of contexts that made me cringe while I watched. But fwiw this isn't the genre I normally watch, so don't use my opinion as a reference.
>pip squeak
I was in denial in the beginning, but in the end, it's the girl I sympathize most with. That said Komari chan deserves more!
>Anna is a disaster
She's a kind of an ultra normie I am sort of familiar with. And that's the problem. Girls like her are nothing but constant pain in the ass as far as I observed from aside, but her beaming unrestrained cuteness still lures you like the goddamn anti mosquito lamp lures the poor insects.
Too little screen time. But yeah she's very decent.

Kaju is the highest level creep in the series. I stick to the opinion she were a very lonely otaku who got himself isekaid as imouto and decided to become the best of 'em all.
>> No. 38455 [Edit]
File 172772121462.png - (683.91KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 12 (720p).png )
>I found a whole lot of contexts that made me cringe while I watched.
By cringe, do you mean secondhand embarrassment? Because if so, I can understand.

>She's a kind of an ultra normie I am sort of familiar with.
Thankfully I don't have any 3DPD references. Anna just needs to be given a bunch of babies (by me) so she can expend her energy on something meaningful and loving instead of filing her internal abyss with food.
>> No. 38456 [Edit]
File 172772135338.png - (847.54KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 12 (720p).png )
Fatties really shouldn't be this fucking smug.
>> No. 38457 [Edit]
You make me feel uncomfortable by calling her a fattie. She's very nice in every way in terms of physical appearance. Only inferior to Lemon, but all that smugness and cuteness make up for more. Not on my toaster right now, so no screenshot unfortunately. Anna legitimately makes my hands itchy!
>> No. 38458 [Edit]
File 172773435111.png - (597.09KB , 655x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 12 (720p).png )
I'm only joking around, anon. Anna is a massive cutie.
>> No. 38460 [Edit]
File 172777469655.jpg - (369.98KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru - 12 [1080p][.jpg )
Think about her feelings!
>> No. 38461 [Edit]
File 172777602519.jpg - (253.16KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 06 (1080p.jpg )
I see what you did there.
>> No. 38465 [Edit]
File 172780580942.png - (540.01KB , 743x720 , [SubsPlease] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! - 12 (720p).png )
I'm trying!

>I see what you did there.
That was an accident, I swear!
>> No. 38468 [Edit]
File 172802658529.jpg - (394.48KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Make Heroine ga Oosugiru - 12 [1080p][.jpg )
Guys what are you gonna watch this season? I don't feel up to it to be really honest, so I suppose I'll go with Uzumaki because it's short and sounds like it might be atmospheric. I'll also give Dandadan a try, though I'm not 100% sure about it. There's fifth season of Rabbit In The Dungeon airing October 5th, but I don't even remember if I watched fourth season and the last I saw of the anime it was turning deadly boring with about 60% of screen time filling with mindless NPCs praising MC who incidentally also acts like a complete NPC. I guess I'm still driven by that deep impression the first season left on me back in the day when I watched it (oh god was it almost 10 years ago!?!?).

That's it. I guess you will be up to some romcom or whatever, if there's anything with cute girls to observe ping me please, okay?
>> No. 38469 [Edit]
File 172804502396.png - (346.07KB , 580x704 , [SubsPlease] Kekkon suru tte Hontou desu ka - 01 (.png )
>Guys what are you gonna watch this season?
Two retards lie about marrying each other to reduce the possibility of being sent to Alaska.
>> No. 38470 [Edit]
Being sent to Siberia is no joke
>> No. 38471 [Edit]
I kind of got tired of following seasonal anime. I guess I'm only watching Hamidashi Creative (5 minute episodes), and I may possibly watch Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi (depending on what people say about it).
>> No. 38472 [Edit]
File 172806852380.png - (628.41KB , 834x668 , mapsexual.png )
It was mentioned that one employee was sent to Tahiti, and he's been there for 10 years with no end in sight. So the stakes aren't exactly small.
>> No. 38474 [Edit]
I've been looking forward to Puniru wa Kawaii Slime and GGO 2. Amagami-san and Hamidashi Creative are ones I may check out but other than that I have a lot of shows from last season to finish.
>> No. 38475 [Edit]
File 172815758944.png - (661.21KB , 703x720 , [SubsPlease] Maou-sama Retry! R - 02 (720p) [4A563.png )
There's only one way to properly deal with brats.
Do you have the resolve, anon?
>> No. 38476 [Edit]
Caught up with Rabbit in the Dungeon. Didn't even care to torrent anything, thus no screenshot. A pity, there were some really cute elven moments in the second part of IV-th season. Now that the pace has become somewhat better it's significantly more watchable. Gosh they completely bought me with Ryu. Just think about it. All it takes is one damn sexy elf. Alright, that's what I'm worth of, apparently. Only I don't understand why it has to spiral into harem so badly. This way it's never going to be finished. May be that they simply milk until there's nothing fan serviceable left and then ditch it.
>> No. 38479 [Edit]
File 172822738979.jpg - (253.67KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Atri - My Dear Moments - 13 [1080p HEVC][574.jpg )
The anime adaptation of the VN Atri: My Dear Moments just finished airing. Overall it was decent enough by virtue of being an adaptation of a decent enough VN, and it looked good enough (some characters and shots looked quite pretty). It changed and added some minor things here and there, but unfortunately what it didn't majorly alter is the ending ("True End"), which without spoiling too much, was quite questionable to say the least.
>> No. 38481 [Edit]
Watch angels egg kids
>> No. 38482 [Edit]
I had it on my hard drive for half a year now, but I think I'm going to watch it some time soon, now that you've mentioned it. Thanks.
>> No. 38483 [Edit]
I did a while ago
>> No. 38484 [Edit]
Tenshi no Tamago is such a classic that pretty sure I watched it about a decade ago at the very least.
>> No. 38486 [Edit]
File 172910641569.png - (579.14KB , 3000x2000 , yaya.png )
>> No. 38487 [Edit]
RIP SasaKoi, episode 11 and 12 never ever.
>> No. 38488 [Edit]
Was there some new news? Last I saw the bluray was still planned 2025
>> No. 38489 [Edit]
File 172911513692.jpg - (233.50KB , 1920x1080 , sasakoi controversy.jpg )
I don't know, but I like to joke that the studio was "cancelled" on Twitter by western "fans" for supposedly inducing "nazi propaganda" into the show.
>> No. 38490 [Edit]
maji manji shut it down
>> No. 38491 [Edit]
File 172936131569.png - (970.26KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Maou-sama Retry! R - 04 (720p) [5CE8B.png )
Gots myself a cat this Saturday!
>> No. 38542 [Edit]
File 173075712850.jpg - (2.34MB , 3840x2160 , dandadan.jpg )
If any of you, by any chance, have not yet made up your mind about Dandadan, I've got you somewhat covered. I won't clutter the review thread with this "thingy".

It is a glaring example of what happens when you are born Japanese but want to be American at all cost. It's not just cringe, it fucking blew up my mind.

And you know what? The production quality is fucking insane. I think it of the same category as chainsaw whatever and that other anime... demon slayer or what? Didn't watch either, so don't take me literally. Also I watched a few episodes of that... dress up darling or whatever back in the day, also a similar feeling. Had to drop it though because it was turning braindead.

Also, I can imagine them putting enormous funds in this first episode, because every second of it is neatly tuned to catch your attention and keep you addicted while showing absolutely fucking nothing at all. I didn't even notice the whole 20 minutes of watching it.

I will now watch the second episode and report back to you.
>> No. 38543 [Edit]
File 173075998551.jpg - (2.79MB , 3840x3240 , dandadan_2.jpg )
They couldn't even make the moment he sees her half naked funny or indulging, what the fuck.

My rule of thumb is that if something is popular it is shit, unless it has stood the test of time. I can imagine why this now is the most watched ongoing on MAL.

I think some of you might genuinely enjoy this anime, because look what we have here.

1. American dub, characters sound like they're straight outta some American cartoon. Loud, very loud, very very fucking loud. And they sound like Americans.
2. American humor, every joke is straight outta some American cartoon. Unabashed, vulgar, and lots, lots of pathos.
3. American premise, the plot seems to be revolving around the boy literally loosing his penis to a lustful granny and the girl defending herself against aliens that want to take her virginity.
4. American soundtrack. Nuff said.
5. AAA tier production, animation blasts the fuck out of you and actually surpasses by far all American cartoons I know of.

Put in some American jokes, mix with some sentimental cues which, in the context, sound more or less like "mom I want to have fr fr pls" annoyed? I know. Sauce it with expensive and extremely visually good production. Kochira e dozo, so to say.

I am so dispirited by this, it doesn't feel like anime at all. Is this where the industry is going? Guys we're fucking doomed I swear. The era of anime is over, really over.

This kinda hype styled cartoons didn't exist ten years ago. Or if they did, they were not part of anime industry by any means.
>> No. 38544 [Edit]
File 173076019042.jpg - (366.18KB , 1920x1080 , [Anime Time] Dandadan - 02 [Dual Audio][1080p][HEV.jpg )
Ah and the most important, I'm not watching another second of this cancer.
>> No. 38545 [Edit]
Panty and Stocking.
>> No. 38546 [Edit]
And Gurren Lagann, FLCL, and a bunch of other anime I didn't feel like watching but I felt would be the same. I don't think it's that new a thing.
>> No. 38547 [Edit]
>1. American dub, characters sound like they're straight outta some American cartoon. Loud, very loud, very very fucking loud. And they sound like Americans.
Not that I'm interested in this show myself but I'm confused on why you watched it dubbed and complained it sounded like Americans.
>> No. 38548 [Edit]
Because the Japanese voice acting sounds like it was made in America.
Gurren Laggan was pretty fun. It has some of that mecha spirit. I watched it long ago but it didn't feel bad or out of place. Back then, at least.
>> No. 38549 [Edit]
>I am so dispirited by this, it doesn't feel like anime at all. Is this where the industry is going?
there's a theory i've seen floating around that there's a specific subset of japanese media that seems to be made specifically to satiate the american audience; just enough "japanese-ness" to satiate the demand and catch on, but not so much to where it's "too anime"--you see it with some games releasing now, too.
anime/japanese media that was noticeably more western in influence and appeal has always existed, and interestingly, they even usually tend to do far better in america than in japan; stuff like cowboy bebop, FLCL, and panty and stocking are all good examples, you had westerners several years after the latter two aired asking for sequel series (until, in the case of FLCL, they literally got that, but because american audiences seem to not know what they want, none of the sequel series were recieved well, probably because most american fans of FLCL can't even identify what they actually like about FLCL beyond surface level)
i went on a bit of a tangent, but it seems that anime made specifically for an american audience seems to attract those types to only those anime, keeping them away from things that would bother them, which usually tends to be what's more favored in japan and has all the things an anime fan would actually like in their anime.
all this to say, having your opinion on the show is fine, but i don't think it's cause to worry about the state of the entire industry, i feel like foreign gacha is probably a worse thing to worry about. it might end up being a blessing in disguise; general audiences get their "safe" anime and they'll stay far away from the things we enjoy.
i'm not particularly fond of panty and stocking either, outside of the soundtrack and a few characters, though i'd still take it over most western animation, but i'd argue FLCL [spoiler}all of it[/spoiler] is pretty good...
>> No. 38550 [Edit]
File 173081887451.jpg - (332.62KB , 1920x1080 , [Sav1or] Gunslinger Girl - S02E06 - Retirement of .jpg )
Thanks for your consolation pill I really needed it.
>> No. 38551 [Edit]
> pill
Trash that language here.
>> No. 38552 [Edit]
File 173082231091.jpg - (261.62KB , 1280x714 , [Sav1or] Gunslinger Girl - S01E10 - Amare [BD][714.jpg )
Sorry I don't know a better word to describe the way you relieved my anxiety.
>> No. 38553 [Edit]
You're fine, to me the other anon is overreacting, presumably due to the semantic similarity in language between "consolation pill" and terms like "white pill" that are more closely associated with people who spend too much time on /pol/ and view everything through the lens of dichotomous ideology.

To me "consolation pill" (more usually I've heard it as "comfort pill") doesn't have any such connotation, and is more closely associated with related terms such as "magic pill." In that it is a direct metaphor to an actual, pharmaceutical "pill", not some ideological one.
>> No. 38554 [Edit]
File 173083822042.jpg - (271.52KB , 1280x714 , [Sav1or] Gunslinger Girl - S01E03 - Ragazzo [BD][7.jpg )
I don't use /pol/. I never discuss politics, especially on imageboards.
>comfort pill
Thank you I will (try to) remember it as a more conventional way to say that.
>> No. 38555 [Edit]
I am not the one who showed you a different perspective.

Perhaps I did overreact, but I adhere to lurk and learn. No one uses that word here like that, it screams 'Hey, I am new.'

You could just say that it is reassuring to hear.
>> No. 38556 [Edit]
>No one uses that word here like that, it screams 'Hey, I am new.'
A bit off topic so maybe we can continue in /tat/. But with regard to "lurk and learn" I don't see how it applies here. I do agree that the phrase "consolation pill" is an odd construction, both in the sense that its semantic meaning is not quite what the poster meant to say (reassurance; c.f. with comforting), and that it's not a frequently used construction in English (although its meaning is easily understood through similar constructions).

But the phrase is also not strictly indicative of someone "importing" language/culture of a different imageboard or ignoring customs of this imageboard, which is the primary intent of "lurk and learn". And just to quantitatively prove my point, the phrase "comfort pill" has exactly 27 hits across all of 4chan archives for all time. Now compare that to the ubiquitious "magic pill" construction in English. If you are going to attribute someone using the phrase "comfort pill" to spending too much time on "other" imageboards, are you also going to fault the English speakers who use the "magic pill" idiom?

Perhaps the anon is not a native english speaker, perhaps he just mixed up or misremembered terms, who knows. But being that nitpicky about phrasing without also reading the intent doesn't do anyone any good. Why not simply assume good faith and consider it analogous to a typo?
>> No. 38557 [Edit]
> But with regard to "lurk and learn" I don't see how it applies here.
Maybe I am overly sensitive, but to me you have failed lurk and learn if somebody can tell you are new.

> But the phrase is also not strictly indicative of someone "importing" language/culture of a different imageboard or ignoring customs of this imageboard, which is the primary intent of "lurk and learn".
I do agree with that.

> are you also going to fault the English speakers who use the "magic pill" idiom?
No, of course not, as it is a common word in everyday life.

> But being that nitpicky about phrasing without also reading the intent doesn't do anyone any good. Why not simply assume good faith and consider it analogous to a typo?
I am too paranoid for that, but you are right.
>> No. 38600 [Edit]
>because american audiences seem to not know what they want, none of the sequel series were recieved well
Nobody really does. Japan just did its own thing, and eventually it just exploded elsewhere. Cowboy Bepop in the US, City Hunter in France, Saint Seiya in Latin America, Lupin in Italy. Doing this targeted type of production is a recipe for failure, it will at most get a few temporary successes (with a ton of effort on publicity), but not the long-lasting effect and cultural impact that was achieved in the past. Part of this may also be because there is no "local" pop culture anymore, so any success is just "last week's top watch on netflix worldwide".
>> No. 38611 [Edit]
File 173469505825.png - (622.44KB , 689x951 , 230ee980dd96f1091a98edbe2ac8dd280f46dcc1902023f390.png )
Autumn season has been dismal and I spend watching old shows, but Winter delivers whole 5 (five!) anime I want to but will likely never watch.

Sorted in order of appearance in the MAL list, not in order of preference.

1. Ubel Blatt. This might be some juvenile joy for me, I am highly doubtful about this one, but I still feel positive about trying.
2. Grisaia: Phantom Trigger. Didn't bother with the movie, but it's girls with guns, so the temptation is too great.
3. Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte. This one has interested me by far the most. I have high hopes for it. I really really wish they don't mess up. It seems to be on the lighter side of things, but still I think the idea has great potential. If they manage to make it atmospheric with a nice story... Though I don't think they'll be able to make it as good as back in the day, after all. But I hope.
4. Momentary Lily. Don't know. It visually reminds me of Black Rock Shooter, which I liked. Maybe it will turn out fine. I'm not enthusiastic about this one, but if I have time I think it's worth giving a shot.
5. Tasokare Hotel. Ugh. If it's like Death Parade, then no thanks. But maybe they'll actually manage to pull off something. PV was meh. Maybe...

Five anime is a lot, I don't know if I'll be able to go along all these at the same time. I wish I'll at least have time to give a chance to Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte. The rest may me damned for all I care. All of them are more like, okayish I guess? But that's all.

Most of the time I end up watching nothing anyway.
>> No. 38612 [Edit]
PS I wish visuals were not like this. The end of 00's and the beginning of 10's had the best visuals ever. This modern art style is all but disgusting.

Part of the reason I never managed to finish Aquatop is because of its visuals. The story was very boring to my taste, but if it had good old visuals I'd still watch just for the atmosphere. But it had terrible art style unfortunately

Post edited on 20th Dec 2024, 3:55am
>> No. 38613 [Edit]
>The end of 00's and the beginning of 10's had the best visuals ever.
I have a sneaking suspicion that's when you started watching anime.
>> No. 38615 [Edit]
Correct. I was lucky. It was the golden age. Few older anime have comparable quality of visuals.

Basically, they took the aesthetics of the 90's and the beginning of 00's and drew them right. They used what was already good to push it to the absolute peak using more modern technology. Now most of the stuff just looks like slop. There is something deeply wrong with it, on the conceptual level. I can't quite put my hand on it, unfortunately.
>> No. 38616 [Edit]
It doesn't matter how trends in art style would change over time, you'd judge it negatively just for being different from when anime was new and the most exciting to you. You can't point out anything objectively worse about the new trends.

On top of that, the best of anything is what's remembered. If you compare the classics of the past to the average of today, or course your perception will be skewed.
>> No. 38617 [Edit]
>You can't point out anything objectively worse about the new trends
This is about the most nauseating argument I ever get to hear. For that matter, if we are at it, you can't point out anything objectively bad in western media. Yet for some reason it's not favored all too well on tohno.
>> No. 38618 [Edit]
>you can't point out anything objectively bad in western media
Yes, I can. A limited emotional pallet, incompetent artists, pushing values that are detrimental to society and the individual, eschewing beauty and idealism. These are objectively bad traits.
>> No. 38619 [Edit]
These are objectively subjective.
>> No. 38620 [Edit]
Not him but I agree with the points, and if those aren't objectively bad traits, what is?
>> No. 38621 [Edit]
Art being subjective is a narrative propagated by western art academia so they can peddle their crap. There's contemporary art, which is made by people more interested in being living works of art than creating it, "modern art", which is pretty much a money-laundering scheme, and low-quality/primitive art made by their preferred minorities. They need the shield of subjectivity so people will keep taking them seriously and not compare their stuff to what's good.
>> No. 38622 [Edit]
File 173473103793.png - (2.17MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Shiroi Suna no Aquatope - 01 (1080p) .png )
I think Aquatope looked nice. I don't think there's anything wrong with the 'aesthetics' of modern anime but a lot of shows suffer from bad productions that make them end up looking bland or ugly, but that's always an issue.
>> No. 38623 [Edit]
Maybe this should be forked to /tat/ but yeah I agree it's mostly just cost cutting. Also for the genres I like visuals are sort of the least important factor, character development is by far the most important and I'd even argue that shows from 2010+ are orders of magnitude better in this regard (again with respect to the particular genres I'm interested in).
>> No. 38624 [Edit]
Yeah, I think there's lots of anime being made now that have better art than beetrain's for example.
>> No. 38627 [Edit]
>1. Ubel Blatt. This might be some juvenile joy for me, I am highly doubtful about this one, but I still feel positive about trying.
You're in for a treat if you like dark fantasy and REVENGE, although I never did finish the manga after THAT part.
>> No. 38628 [Edit]
Premise itself isn't as important as quality of implementation. If they fail to make it "action enough" I won't bother watching another boring fantasy with bots hurling fireballs at each other.
>> No. 38629 [Edit]
Understandable. The manga has some good, gritty action from what I can recall. Whether that's translated well by the studio is another matter entirely.
Pretty sure there was a rape horse in the prologue too.
>> No. 38642 [Edit]
File 173593507517.webm - (584.68KB , ding_ding_ding.webm )
Aired two episodes together at the first day to give a resolution to the case. Understandable.

I feel nothing watching this. The detective formula is followed to the letter.
1. Force a mystery.
2. Introduce the cool detective.
3. Make sure readers don't understand a thing.
4. Give a cool resolution.
I thought they would do a bit of the supernatural thing, introducing some weird and maybe somewhat unsettling mysteries to set the atmosphere. I think too much.
>> No. 38643 [Edit]
File 173593535794.webm - (6.50MB , karate_takao.webm )
Look, karate dude. Wooow.
>> No. 38644 [Edit]
File 173593551616.jpg - (326.10KB , 1920x1080 , [DKB] Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - S01E02 [1080p][.jpg )
This screenshot explains how to beg for money without begging for money.
>> No. 38645 [Edit]
Seems like a very high brow method.
>> No. 38646 [Edit]
File 173594512236.jpg - (379.80KB , 1920x1080 , [DKB] Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - S01E01 [1080p][.jpg )
They could have rendered it in mikumikudance with as much luck.
>> No. 38651 [Edit]
File 173610646537.jpg - (1.11MB , 3840x3240 , Grisaia Phantom Trigger.jpg )
Art style is strongly reminiscent of gatari movies and probably some tvs as well iirc. With this level of production it looks amazing. No, mind blowing! No, not even mind blowing, it is god damn nearly perfect in every aspect. I loved every second of it even though nothing at all was happening for entire episode.

I took a careful look at prequels and turns out it was airing since 2014 starting as Grisaia no Kajitsu. I have not watched any installments of this series. It seems I know what I'm going to watch this season.
>> No. 38652 [Edit]
File 173611019947.jpg - (2.89MB , 3840x4320 , Momentary Lily.jpg )
While Grisaia is downloading watched one episode of Momentary Lily. Is it CG? I honestly can't tell, but the movement of hair is so smooth and some objects are so detailed I wonder. How do you figure it out anyway? I know bad CG on sight, but this?

Anyway, it's super cute. I liked the vibe. It seems Tasokare Hotel might end up not even having a chance this season because of Grisaia, and if Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte keeps being a parody of Sherlock Holmes I'll drop it as well.

Not bad at all. I might actually enjoy a thing this winter. I hope, at least.

Post edited on 5th Jan 2025, 12:52pm
>> No. 38671 [Edit]
File 173694904797.jpg - (653.68KB , 1920x1080 , [DKB] Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - S01E03 [1080p][.jpg )
The opening is good though. Listening to it I almost feel enthusiastic about watching it. Hopefully this third episode turns out fine.

Interesting beginning and concept, I wonder what excuse they come up with to resolve it though.

Okay I guess watching it an episode at a time might work. This one wasn't bad. Unfortunately I feel like I'm watching some TV detective slop plus moderately good looking anime girls.

It's not bad really, but it doesn't catch me in the slightest. I guess it's been a miss, huh.
>> No. 38672 [Edit]
File 173694954496.jpg - (477.54KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 02 [1080p HEVC][4FC851E9]-0.jpg )
I can't get rid of a feeling the characters are super familiar. Either I am going really schizo here, or maybe I have been reborn or something of the sort and my previous life was in the future? I side with the second since it's more likely, logically.

This particular scene makes me feel like I'm meeting a bunch of friends I have known for an eternity.
>> No. 38673 [Edit]
File 173695188349.jpg - (400.15KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 02 [1080p HEVC][4FC851E9]-0.jpg )
So nice and colorful, but they absolutely had to spoil it, yes? Give me a break, it's second episode, why? Can't I just watch girls kicking robots around? Guess I can't, at that.

Otherwise I'm liking it very much.
>> No. 38697 [Edit]
File 173851648033.jpg - (172.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Sentai Red Isekai de Boukensha ni Nar.jpg )
Sentai hero gets isekai'd into a fantasy world, and it works!
>> No. 38698 [Edit]
File 173861643136.jpg - (571.24KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 04 [1080p HEVC][6E028041]-0.jpg )

Doesn't blow me off but it's fun enough.
>> No. 38700 [Edit]
File 17386224309.jpg - (463.49KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 05 [1080p HEVC][29575854]-0.jpg )
I love these two, but I don't know who I enjoy more. They're both very cute!

Post edited on 3rd Feb 2025, 2:41pm
>> No. 38703 [Edit]
File 173870971439.jpg - (742.69KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E01_Durch_Bruch_Break_Through_1080p_.jpg )
I know it's a very premature judgement after only 3 minutes in, but this looks like very decent production.

The opening wasn't impressive though, so I wonder just how well it will turn out. I have certain miserable experience with shounens, in terms of animation.
>> No. 38704 [Edit]
File 173871014185.jpg - (676.79KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E01_Durch_Bruch_Break_Through_1080p_.jpg )
Didn't take them long to buy me. Cute lolis are criminal. It's completely unfair!
>> No. 38705 [Edit]
File 173871157367.jpg - (508.39KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E01_Durch_Bruch_Break_Through_1080p_.jpg )
First episode already abundant with fights and they might as well never existed. Maybe they're saving up budget, I can't tell, but if the whole point of the series is to do some epic battles, then it looks a bit bleak.
>> No. 38706 [Edit]
File 173871356547.jpg - (515.89KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E02_Unter_Morgen_Monde_Under_the_Mor.jpg )
Juvenile joy has never been about great detail in battles, though my memory does a great job of deceiving me into thinking the contrary.

Something I haven't thought of before, four episodes have aired already and
>Episodes: Unknown
Might have I accidentally started a long series? Gosh. That hasn't been the plan.
>> No. 38708 [Edit]
File 173876881039.jpg - (447.90KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E03_Langer_Regen_The_Long_Rain_1080p.jpg )
Enough to stop an army, to my reckoning.
>> No. 38709 [Edit]
File 173877419115.jpg - (361.39KB , 1920x1080 , Übel_Blatt_S01E04v2_Köinzell_1080p_AMZN_WEB-DL_J.jpg )
The sprites are great and textures look detailed. Also, it has a very interesting premise, I can't remember right on the spot anything similar.

I think the manga might actually be good, let that anon who read it correct me.

But the anime itself..? I might as well be reading manga for all the action I see. There is a fight after fight, non stop. I can accept that, since fights are the whole point, might as well skip unnecessary formalities. But they are just static images. There is no motion happening at all. It feels like eating sand or whatever. Looks nice and tasty until you put it in your mouth.

I might watch more depending on my mood because it seems by a small margin fun enough, but I think I'll drop it the very moment it stalls.
>> No. 38711 [Edit]
File 173973701112.jpg - (1.97MB , 5760x2160 , thats_it.jpg )
>> No. 38712 [Edit]
File 173973753786.jpg - (456.17KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Oh yes just the thing I need.
>> No. 38713 [Edit]
File 173974059059.jpg - (739.53KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Momentary Lily - 07 [1080p HEVC][01362FCF]-0.jpg )
So true
>> No. 38714 [Edit]
File 173974282258.jpg - (471.40KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E05_Die_Burg_vom_Helden_The_Castle_o.jpg )
This shit is outright gay, where's my god forsaken action, hello!?
>> No. 38715 [Edit]
File 17397438659.jpg - (389.45KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
A dude crying with a huge hole in his chest, must be just a scratch
>> No. 38716 [Edit]
File 173974505610.jpg - (435.74KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E06_Schtemwölech_1080p_AMZN_WEB-DL_.jpg )
It got me marginally interested, so maybe I should try the manga, but this is so fucking dull I can't stand it. What the fuck is happening? Let alone the fact that I don't have a slightest clue what the fuck is happening in terms of battle, there are too few frames per second to even give me a chance to figure anything out. This is ridiculously lame. But alright maybe this is an acceptable advertisement for the manga after all.
>> No. 38717 [Edit]
I should probably join you in reading the manga too. It's been much too long that I forgot a lot, and I never did complete it. But from what I can recall, it's good.
>> No. 38720 [Edit]
File 173992608874.jpg - (139.68KB , 1920x1080 , I_May_Be_a_Guild_Receptionist_but_Ill_Solo_Any_Bos.jpg )
Watched the first ep of I May Be a Guild Receptionist but I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time And I Can't Think Of A Good Name For My Manga So I'll Just Use The Premise As the Tittle As well Since Everyone Else Does It Anyway So Who Cares?

I'm not a fan of isekai, let me just get that out there first. I don't mind the fantasy genre, but I hate series that takes place in isekai like worlds with videogame systems and logic. That's one thing that never fails to ruin the immersion.
That's a bit hard to avoid given the premise here, but it does still bug me when they randomly decide to live by rules from our own world. The main character of this anime dreams about what she wants to do when she gets off work, and it's indistinguishable from life in world. I'm not sure if this is due to a lack of creativity on part of the creator, or if they just assume humans naturally all live the way they do.
I'll give this show credit for at least not having a protagonist that died and woke up in this world.

It's a bit disappointing that one of the things the show is centered around is the protag doing dungeons in secret, and they get found out in the very first ep. She made little attempt to hide her face, yet acts surprised someone would recognize her. She works with adventures every day, she didn't think one of them would figure things out? For that mater, she might be cute but she sure turned out to have a hard to like personality.
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