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File 132010033174.jpg - (650.36KB , 1200x1531 , 18f6bbb82d9aeb721db77cdf643ede78.jpg )
11220 No. 11220 [Edit]
They say you learn something new every day. Let's see if that statement is true!

ITT post something new you learned today. Trivia knowledge is more than welcome.
Expand all images
>> No. 11221 [Edit]
File 132010074924.jpg - (116.64KB , 500x334 , 2881524219_0d458c57cb.jpg )
I'll allow myself to break the 'today' rule just this one time, as this is more or less what made me create this thread in the first place.

Red spider lilies are technically not lilies. They are part of Amaryllidaceae family, whereas real lilies are part of Liliaceae family.
>> No. 11224 [Edit]
I learned that bestiaries weren't just compilations of beasts. Each animal symbolized something to show that the world was itself the word of Haruhi, i.e. pelicans symbolized Jesus.
Obviously this only applies to Middle Ages bestiaries, but still interesting.

Also, shouldn't this go on /mt/?
>> No. 11225 [Edit]
I guess I learned even postcards in airmail take a long time to get delivered.
>> No. 11226 [Edit]
I saw an amazing short film years ago, but I couldn't remember the name. All I had to do was ask my animation teacher, derp.
>> No. 11236 [Edit]

>Also, shouldn't this go on /mt/?

Maybe but not necessarily. In all honesty I didn't even consider /mt/ in the first place but I want silly stuff ITT, too. I posted something pretty scientific yesterday, coincidence has it that I'm gonna post something similar today but I want really stupid things here, too. Like, you know, H doujin knowledge and the like.

Don't think I learned anything funny/interesting today. The most important thing I realized is just how little I know about Pol Pot. I'll have to read a book about that.
But I digress. Piece of info for today: I realized string theory is quite old. I thought it's something recent as it gets debated all the time lately but it actually goes all the way back to 1960s (or even further than that).
>> No. 11237 [Edit]
I learned how annoyingly counter-intuitive After Effects can be.
>> No. 11244 [Edit]
S&W has a lot of potential for a stand. I don't know to what extent it's ability can go, but I don't think that Araki Hirohiko will disappoint me.
>> No. 11245 [Edit]
There are Steins;Gate character songs.
>> No. 11248 [Edit]
No one will give a shit about the photos you take of your figures, unless you also included flowers or some junk in the shot.
>> No. 11256 [Edit]
I learned how to correctly use the flash sync modes on my camera.
>> No. 11262 [Edit]
I learned that the Pole Star/North Star isn't actually any specific star and that in changes every once in a while.
>> No. 11264 [Edit]
I learned that "jazz hands" are supposed to be done with your elbows down near your waist and your forearms held out perpendicular to your body.
>> No. 11267 [Edit]
My friend in high school would always complain about that when people tried to do jazz hands.
>> No. 11270 [Edit]
Today I learned that 4chan's /int/ is the only board that's actually moderated, for the sole purpose of hiding the truth about the of the Freemason/Illuminati New World Order.

Fuckin' illuminati, man....

am I funny yet

Post edited on 3rd Nov 2011, 7:17am
>> No. 11272 [Edit]
File 132033587720.jpg - (12.44KB , 360x270 , 1121087094_icturesaaw.jpg )
You crack me up.
>> No. 11273 [Edit]
File 132034144855.png - (138.93KB , 410x404 , 1315273788645.png )
I'm just waking up at 11:30 AM...
give me a minute...
>> No. 11276 [Edit]
I learned that I should really keep figma parts in the bags they come with, and that keeping them all together ruins the matte finish as they run together over time.
>> No. 11278 [Edit]
Nothing comes to mind today. Oh, wait. I realized 'gofer' isn't an actual word in my language (I thought it means the same thing as in English but when I said it I got some weird looks and sure enough, there's no such word).
>> No. 11287 [Edit]

I totally forgot! The most important lesson yesterday was which is the front and which is the back of an envelope!

Today was another boring day. I learned to never trust any postal services ever again.
>> No. 11299 [Edit]
I don't think I learned a thing today. If anything I could tell you that florist's shop being closed is a surprisingly good thing sometimes but it's not much of a lesson. You could form some kind aphorism based on that, though, something like 'sometimes bad things lead to good results' or something.
>> No. 11300 [Edit]
Bobbing, slipping and weaving is slow and will always be slower than punching no matter how much you train these things to be fast. Therefore you shouldn't expect to be able to continuously dodge punches. Not unless you're Floyd Mayweather Jr or something.

Therefore, for the most of us low-tier martial artists, dodging is a one-time affair. It is slower than a punch, so you need to react to the signs or rhythm of the opponent to predict his next blow in order to dodge it. Not getting that feedback from the fists confuses the opponent and messes up his momentum. You exploit this and the gaps in his guard caused by overextension by hitting him back in his unguarded vulnerable spot. I believe this is called counterpunching.

Well anyway, thats my theory I developed after trying to improve the speed of my bobbing and weaving, if anything is wrong or you have someting to add feel free to tell me.
>> No. 11333 [Edit]
I learned that the Little Prince is not as well known as I thought it was.
>> No. 11341 [Edit]
I learned how to improve my terrible posture.
>> No. 11375 [Edit]
Dishwasher detergent tabs, when dissolved into a sink full of hot water, help to loosen thick brown tea stains on a sink. But not all that well.
>> No. 11435 [Edit]
Those people were right about the things I had to do to be a competent user of my weapon.
>> No. 11436 [Edit]
The french revolution led to an attempt to implement a special calendar and time system that divided the year as follows:
10 months (+5 miscellaneous days, 6 on a leap year)
30 days per month
10 days per week
10 hours per day
100 minutes per hour
100 seconds per minute

This made the length of the second equal to about .864 of our current seconds.
>> No. 11443 [Edit]
In a 2006 (women's) hanball game Faroe Islands defeated Albania 81:1.
>> No. 11565 [Edit]
Itinerant means: "Habitually travelling from place to place."
>> No. 11601 [Edit]
The evidence we have says that the first confirmable case of humans cooking food occurred 1.8 million years ago, but the first instance of humans building shelter was only 500,000 years ago.

Somehow I feel like they must have created structures way before then, just nothing durable enough to be recovered by archaeologists.
>> No. 11602 [Edit]

>> No. 11603 [Edit]
Oh Haruhi, that is really awesome!

I can't help but imagine that there are things living in that "ocean".

A giant space Ceadeus would be awesome!
>> No. 11604 [Edit]
I don't think any kind of intelligent life would choose to settle in, or arise from, the vincinity of a quasar...
>> No. 11605 [Edit]
That's why I'm imagining it.

I don't know enough about any of this to assume that it's possible for anything to live there, but I like thinking about it. I apologize if I wasn't too clear with it.
>> No. 11606 [Edit]
Just learned how disk fragmentation is not much of an issue in modern NTFS systems(even those without SSDs) and how it should be dealt with.
>> No. 11622 [Edit]
Today I learned one of the few people I vaguely care about hates me.
>> No. 11623 [Edit]
Ah, I know what that's like.
>> No. 11631 [Edit]
If you touch a fluorescent lamp while you're electrically charged, it briefly flashes up. Try it, it's fun!
>> No. 11656 [Edit]
that african slaves were fed well on average on slave ships and given time to exercise when they were away from the shore and whatnot. It was in a book in a bookstore I skimmed over called '100 bad things that happened in history' or something; it was a new book
>> No. 11658 [Edit]
Another thing is that the first black slave in British North America (or perhaps ex-british NA)was owned by a black man. Then a few years later white people decided to be racist, and black people could own land and etc.
>> No. 11660 [Edit]
An acute overdose of ginger is usually in excess of about 2 grams of ginger per kilogram of body mass, dependent on level of ginger tolerance, and can result in a state of central nervous system over-stimulation called ginger intoxication or colloquially the "ginger gitters".
>> No. 11666 [Edit]
Sexaulity is serious business in North Korea (then again over there everything else is serious business, too). Men can't get married until they turn 30, women until they turn 28 (and even then you need approval of your local community and governemnt officials). Sex before marriage is plain not allowed. Porn makers were sentenced to death back in the day. It's not a law (from what I gather) but forget kissing, even holding hands in public is not allowed. Skirts have to be at least knee length, short sleeves are not allowed. To get a room in a hotel you have to be married. Etc.
>> No. 11668 [Edit]
Alexander the Great was 32 when he died.

Can you imagine that? He conquered most of the known world at the age where most people might be looking for work just out of college.
>> No. 11677 [Edit]
Mercury, when in contact with your skin, can cause horrible damage.
>> No. 11684 [Edit]

>He was known as one of the biggest mass murderers in the history of mankind (and possibly the biggest in his own time) at the age where most people might be looking for work just out of college.

Damn, I'm so jealous.
>> No. 11695 [Edit]
Learned a bunch of x86 assembly instructions, how to make good use of a disassembler and some tricks to reverse engineer very simple programs.
Very productive day!
>> No. 13049 [Edit]
You can configure Internet Explorer as to ignore color instructions of websites. I set it up so that everything is displayed blue-on-black. And I like.
>> No. 13050 [Edit]
Could I see it?
>> No. 13052 [Edit]
File 132864370745.png - (93.22KB , 1920x1080 , Clipboard01.png )
Is what you meant? Btw, it can be set in Tools/ Internet Settings/ Accessibility.
>> No. 13053 [Edit]
sounds nice
>> No. 13187 [Edit]
Appeal to hypocrisy is fallacious reasoning.
>> No. 13389 [Edit]
Hunter S. Thompson died seven years ago to the day. Very quite sad.
>> No. 13416 [Edit]
"Anamnesis" means "remembrance" or "recollection".
>> No. 13428 [Edit]
File 132993892775.gif - (71.04KB , 610x255 , Fairywasp1.gif )
Today I learned there are wasps as small as amoebas. Now I'm freaked about these things potentially being inside me or living in my room, though I think they only live in Hawaii or something.
>> No. 13434 [Edit]
Mortgage is french for death contract.
>> No. 13458 [Edit]
There cannot possibly be a Haruhi because there was literally no time for Haruhi to exist in before the big bang.

Stephen motherfuckin Hawking
>> No. 13464 [Edit]
I'm sure if I told this to someone that belives in Haruhi, they'd simply say there was no such thing as the bigbang, and that haruhi made everything.
>> No. 13465 [Edit]
Have them watch this video. It's well explained.
>> No. 13466 [Edit]
>There cannot possibly be a Haruhi because there was literally no time for Haruhi to exist in before the big bang.

That's a tremendously poor explanation. You could just say the big bang created a Haruhi, who then engineered this planet.
>> No. 13468 [Edit]
But Haruhi is thought to exist outside spacetime.
>> No. 13469 [Edit]
No, because the bang and everything that came after the big bang is explained by the laws of nature and evolved according to them.

There is no "vacancy" that could be filled by a Haruhi-like being.
>> No. 13470 [Edit]
>explained by the laws of nature

luckily the people who believe in a Haruhi or Haruhis care about such things
>> No. 13471 [Edit]
That is funny because the big bang theory itself has its roots in Christian theology and the person to propose the big bang for the first time was a priest. I am also pretty sure that many, if not most, people who believe in Haruhi and are from a civilized country do consider the big bang a valid theory.

But the argument in >>13458 is just silly because it tries to apply physical laws to metaphysical being(s). I guess scientists, despite being brilliant in their own field, are still humans.
>> No. 13472 [Edit]
Don't talk like you think you've outwitted Stephen Hawking

He has a perfect Int value
>> No. 13474 [Edit]
Yeah, let's totally talk about this fucking subject.
>> No. 13475 [Edit]
Should I... make a thread, for it?
>> No. 13476 [Edit]
Depends on what direction you take it. I don't know if "existence of Haruhi" threads are allowed, because they are always, always shit and worthless. An astrophysics thread would be great though.
>> No. 13477 [Edit]
No. People have been discussing this for centuries and it never amounts to anything. You can't prove or disprove Haruhi. Nowadays those discussions quickly devolve into shitstorms anyway.
>> No. 13479 [Edit]
People haven't known for centuries what we know right now.

Stephen Hawking slam dunked Haruhi's ass in that video above.

Post edited on 24th Feb 2012, 10:24pm
>> No. 13480 [Edit]
Yes, and it seems as time goes on, more and more people abandon religion.
so I wouldn't say these conversations are completely pointless.
It's always possible for a person to change their mind, one way or the other.

Thank you for linking to this video, I never was able to understand before the part of something coming from nothing, or what might have set off the big bang in the first place, that was a very enlightening video.
>> No. 13481 [Edit]
Using rational arguments and logic when trying to argue with religious people is arguably the most retarded idea I heard about this month.


>Yes, and it seems as time goes on, more and more people abandon religion.
>so I wouldn't say these conversations are completely pointless.
>It's always possible for a person to change their mind, one way or the other.

I'm glad you corrected yourself in the end - it's possible that they will change their mind, not that you'll be able to convince them using any arguments. Talking about this is absoutely pointless and from what I've seen the effect is the exact opposite to what you'd hope to accomplish - religious people feel threatened and thus they cling onto their beliefs that much stronger.
>> No. 13482 [Edit]
Yeah, people only believe in Haruhi because they were told to, or because they're afraid of what's obviously the truth. Those are completely the only reasons.

Holy shit, let's not get into this please.
>> No. 13483 [Edit]
>Using rational arguments and logic when trying to argue with religious people is arguably the most retarded idea I heard about this month.

is arguably the most retarded claim I heard about this month. Hopefully you do realize that for example Newton was extremely religious and you understand he used same rationalization and logic in his theological writings as he used in his scientific writings. Right, you do? The problem with most of these "rational" arguments and "logic" against Haruhi is they often attack a straw man, or are fallacious in some other way, and thus are invalid. Note that it does not make the opposing view correct or mean the arguments for Haruhi are not riddled with fallacies.

>it's possible that they will change their mind, not that you'll be able to convince them using any arguments. Talking about this is absoutely pointless and from what I've seen the effect is the exact opposite to what you'd hope to accomplish

Convince them about what? Accomplish what? Make people not to believe in Haruhi? You seriously sound like some missionaries of atheism.

Don't talk like you think Stephen Hawking is perfect. He has said some stupid things earlier e.g. beware, the aliens are coming.
>> No. 13484 [Edit]
dont start a religious argument please its a fucking dumb thing to argue about
>> No. 13485 [Edit]
or missionaries of common sense.

and his idea of aliens is no less silly of an idea than a zombie space Jesus.

Post edited on 25th Feb 2012, 10:37am
>> No. 13489 [Edit]
With all the ridiculously fucking enormity of the universe, alien life is a certainty.

They may not be coming to Earth, but they are out there and there can be no denying of that.
>> No. 13490 [Edit]
I think people that dismiss alien life as crazy talk, have no comprehension of how vast the universe is, how many galaxies there are, and planets like ours there might be.

but I do believe the idea of aliens showing up only to visit and abduct weirdos and crazy people to be silly.
If aliens wanted to invade earth, I think they'd have done so already.
>> No. 13493 [Edit]
People are quickly coming to that realization. Now we're finding new planets every month that have the possibility of supporting life. For example

Of course, now some retard might say he was abducted and anally probed by aliens from Gliese 581 g. You just can't win.
>> No. 13494 [Edit]
>alien life is a certainty
how can you say that? you have no idea how common life is, there is only one data point.

Post edited on 25th Feb 2012, 2:45pm
>> No. 13495 [Edit]
Preconditions for life to exist have been proven to be common throughout the universe(eg. water, carbon, light, etc.), life itself not. Not yet. We might discover some definite traces of microbial life on Mars pretty soon, chances are high.

And the assumption that life's common based on the conditions of Earth, is only taking into consideration life that's similar to us. There's also a chance of, for example, life that uses silicon instead of carbon or maybe chlorine instead of oxygen. The possibilites are endless.

I'd say that it's pretty safe to assume that life is relatively common.
>> No. 13496 [Edit]
Considering the billions of planets and suns out there, it's beyond crazy to think there isn't life in any shape or form out there.
Megalomania doesn't even begin to describe it.
>> No. 13497 [Edit]
File 133021466210.jpg - (4.32MB , 3100x3100 , HubbleUltraDeepFieldwithScaleComparison.jpg )
Which is quite silly.

>They may not be coming to Earth, but they are out there and there can be no denying of that.

True, the problem is that Hawking claimed aliens might come and conquer the Earth if we try to contact them and thus we should stop the attempts to contact them. The argument has numerous problems, for example the mere distance between us and the closest habitable planet is enormous. And even if the planet is habitable it does not mean there is intelligent life or life at all as Earth might be more atypical planet than previously thought. Even if intelligent life exists in the planet, it has to be extremely developed and solved all the problems related to interstellar travel. This includes capability to achieve faster-than-light speeds. And faster-than-light travel seems impossible according to the current information.

If assumed that a such civilization exists they would still need some motivation to conquer or destroy us. Hawking suggested resources which is plausible because scarcity is something every advanced civilization has to deal with. If there is something they really want on Earth which is not found anywhere else more easily (unlikely) they still would have to allocate resources for the operation. The resources needed for the operation might be greater than the gains. Furthermore if a civilization is really so developed it is capable of interstellar travel they can find us even if we don't try to contact them. And if Earth really has something so precious and rare it is likely that some Aliens would have taken it already as >>13490 suggested. Especially considering the age of Earth.

See image, the number of planets is so vast it becomes likely that a number of them contain life no matter what kind of conditions it requires. And as >>13495 pointed out the life can exist in forms that are completely different from Earth. Even the life in Earth can vary as the discovery of GFAJ-1 showed us. And we don't really know what forms of life for instance the hadal zone has.
>> No. 13498 [Edit]
I learned that there's going to be a Pokemon B/W 2.
>> No. 13500 [Edit]
I knew they were gonna run out of colors sooner or latter
>> No. 13504 [Edit]
Come on, they didn't even do Pokémon Indigo & Crimson yet. Indigo and Crimson are awesome colours.
>> No. 13509 [Edit]
I learnt that the 'GFAJ' in GFAJ-1 stands for "Give Felisa a Job".
>> No. 13525 [Edit]
A 'square go' is a faair fight in scottish english.....asked a scot about thta who I skype with, he said it is probably more Glasgow area (he lives by edinbuurgh)

Asked him this after TIME mentioned it in a little blurb on the girl heroine in the Pixar film.
>> No. 13594 [Edit]
today i learned that if you get a copyright claim filed against you on youtube, they force you to watch this video and take a test on it before you can use your account again
>> No. 13595 [Edit]
Asymptotic giants are red giants that no longer pulsate and produce carbon from helium by the triple-alpha process.
>> No. 13596 [Edit]
I had to watch that video too when someone intentionally filed a false copyright claim. I know that YouTube doesn't give a damn about false copyright claims because they're so routine.
>> No. 13597 [Edit]
>15,000 dislikes
That alone is hilarious.
>> No. 13610 [Edit]
Mapping XML to objects to GUI elements is really difficult.
>> No. 13647 [Edit]
You've got to have one major log sized stick up your ass to go around deleting remixes of your work and getting the users banned for it.
>> No. 13745 [Edit]
I learned the phrase "chuunibyou" (中二病).
>> No. 13789 [Edit]
File 133133112590.jpg - (3.91MB , 2480x1753 , 5c52aeaa29c38bee49529bde0c7b4df162cfa701.jpg )
You need 6905 flawless samples, if you need to estabilish a fault ratio of at most 0.001 with a confidence level of 99.9%.
>> No. 13884 [Edit]
Sim City 5. 2013. Can't wait.
>> No. 13888 [Edit]
Oh shit. This is wonderful news.
>> No. 13889 [Edit]
It's probably going to be filled to the brim with shitbookgarbage just like they did with The Sims. sorry
>> No. 13895 [Edit]
Madason is the name that Pankraz tried to give to the main character in Dragon Quest 5.
>> No. 13900 [Edit]
From what I've read about it, it seems like more than a probably, since they're making a big deal about multi player.
>> No. 13901 [Edit]
multiplayer... Simcity? How the fuck is that possible?

Please don't tell me they're going to rape Simcity. That's one of the last things from my childhood that has kept its purity, at least as far as I know.
>> No. 13902 [Edit]
probably by hooking into shitbookaccounts and spamming messages about your city to people, like (i've heard) the later expansions of TS3 do

Also, it's an EA property. Being mutilated and raped is a foregone conclusion

Post edited on 15th Mar 2012, 7:43pm
>> No. 13903 [Edit]
I don't have enough fucks and shits to appropriately express my disappointment.
>> No. 13904 [Edit]

>Davis Guggenheim, director of climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth, told conference attendees that the game will help educate young players about the issue. Players will also be able to compete with others to be the greenest city.

>An important feature is the multi player option which would allow as many as 16 players to play together. This feature would make the game more challenging and interesting. The feature provides an interesting scenario where any trouble in one city might be communicated to the Sims of a friend’s city.

The embedded trailer shows what looks to be two players simultaneously building neighboring citys, each with it's own theme.
So my guess, something like anno

Post edited on 15th Mar 2012, 8:15pm
>> No. 13909 [Edit]
File 133187826567.png - (26.62KB , 696x273 , SoFuckingManyePeople.png )
There are more people with shitbookaccounts today then there were on the whole planet 200 years ago.

I thought it was bull, but read that in 1800 the World population was around one billion, and that shitbook has 845 million active users a month alone.
>> No. 13910 [Edit]
We're really fucking overpopulated.
>> No. 13914 [Edit]
That's what I've been saying for years, but no one seems to care.
>> No. 13915 [Edit]

>Please don't tell me they're going to rape Simcity. That's one of the last things from my childhood that has kept its purity, at least as far as I know.

You must've missed Societies.

But if we're just talking theory (JUST THEORY, I'M GONNA ALL CAPS THIS BECAUSE I BET IT WOULD BE IGNORED OTHERWISE) then I don't see multiplayer as something that has to ruin Sim City. It could be interesting in fact.

But it's EA so all hope is lost etc.
>> No. 13920 [Edit]
Scientists/engineers are buying more time for the politicians to get their act together.
>> No. 13921 [Edit]
Hahaha, like that'll ever happen!
>> No. 13941 [Edit]
>> No. 13943 [Edit]
"Hirsutophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual attraction to body hair."
>> No. 14239 [Edit]
Remember that Azumanga ep/chapter where Tomo thought reindeer weren't real? Apparently Itou Kanae had a similar problem. For more info see:

TL;DR version: she tought a reindeer is a deer that flies. After Satou told her reindeer are real she still didn't realize the real reindeer don't fly. She was also wondering wether Pagasi are real.
There's even a punchline of sorts at the end 'what are the advantages of reindeer?'. Hilarious. I know right, what's the point of having both deer and reindeer if reindeers don't fly!
>> No. 14269 [Edit]
learned how to use my multimeter.
>> No. 14450 [Edit]
File 13346710136.jpg - (61.57KB , 640x480 , new-rocking-on-arms.jpg )
When I played Okami for the first time I've already seen enough anime to 'know' what shishi-odoshi is (although I learned what it's called much later). All these years (well over 5) I thought they are like windchimes and people use(d) them because they like the sound they create.

Today I found out shishi-odoshi means (rough translation) 'deer scarer'. My mind was blown.
>> No. 14587 [Edit]
Accidentally watched a sex ed video while looking for Uzbekistani porn.

Apparently having the woman on her knees while lowering her upper body on the bed results in optimal penetration and friction against her upper vaginal walls.
>> No. 14588 [Edit]
Wow, the only thing I remember learning in Sex Ed was that my penis would get bigger. Fucking liars
>> No. 14591 [Edit]
File 133552537695.jpg - (36.26KB , 400x300 , 2009-05-Dosenburger-02.jpg )
I learned that canned cheeseburgers exist.

Just imagine surviving some apocalypse or societal collapse where prepared foodstuffs (especially cheeseburgers) are very rare, if available at all.

Picture having a nice stack of those canned cheeseburgers, relatively fresh and tasty as they come.

How many survivors, especially Americans and junkfood fiends, would trade their own mothers and daughters for the taste of one of these, just to remember the good old times when stuff was plentiful?

you could probably weigh those up with gold!
>> No. 14592 [Edit]
I didn't know that those existed. I want to taste and hoard some of those.

Oh, and you're right about the other stuff.
>> No. 14594 [Edit]

That looks positively disgusting.
>> No. 14595 [Edit]
You don't go to mcdonalds very often do you?
>> No. 14618 [Edit]
That's a great idea. I would never touch that shit, I could live on canned fruit, sardines and bottled water. But in an apocalypse situation, you know a lot of people are going to want this shit.

It would be interesting to see what would happen in a complete social breakdown. Watching what people do when their savings are wiped out. Humans are a few hairs away from being animals, we just manage to get by thinking we're "civilized" when times are good and things are stable. I'm not saying I want this to happen, I just think it would be an interesting change of pace.
>> No. 14619 [Edit]
>Humans are a few hairs away from being animals
You don't watch much broadcast television, do you?
>> No. 14620 [Edit]
I don't watch any at all.
>> No. 14621 [Edit]
Check out Fox tv sometime, then try and say humans aren't animals.
>> No. 14800 [Edit]
I learned that Jojorion is nicknamed "four ball run" since Josuke has four balls instead of two.
>> No. 14862 [Edit]
File 133762928097.jpg - (442.99KB , 1010x1434 , 92369.jpg )
I learned the so-called bra-ket notation of vector-matrix-vector multiplication.
I learned yestreday that certain news servers (e.g. the one I use now, filter out spam.
>> No. 14871 [Edit]
Today I learned this painter I admire - James Abbott McNeill Whistler - was American, not English. He was only based out of London.

Post edited on 21st May 2012, 8:49pm
>> No. 14872 [Edit]
'Merica #1
>> No. 14881 [Edit]
File 133772806323.jpg - (214.17KB , 643x907 , 9662353d43f6df2c73c178899970f0fb.jpg )
I learned that I can use my mouse with my left hand. I usually only use the mouse with my left hand whenever I fap, but to be able to use my mouse like this without being bothered enough to notice makes me a little embarrassed.
>> No. 14934 [Edit]
I learned that recently these "solar powered" plastic plant things that people have been putting on their car's dashboard is getting popular. It apparently "dances".

I don't understand the appeal, but I suppose that people find them aesthetically pleasing.

I'd guess that this was a sign of some rising cult, but my mother has one and I doubt she has the capability to be in one. So I'm gonna go with some sort of conspiracy. Or at least some sort of weird fad.

Here's what it looks like:
>> No. 14936 [Edit]
Deadman Wonderland?
>> No. 14937 [Edit]

I like how 'weird fad' is supposed to be the least plausbiel scenario.

It's an Illuminati brainwashing telepathic transmitter, how do you not know this yet. Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat.
>> No. 14954 [Edit]
There is a reason why we don't see more trains and such in America.
>> No. 15006 [Edit]

Didn't know Jews had heretics, moreso those with beliefs like this.
>> No. 15145 [Edit]
No, that's a red herring. The real reason we don't have trains in the US is because the government built highways - to ensure their investment suceeded, they made business extremely difficult for rail companies.
>> No. 15386 [Edit]
I learned what's inside a hard drive today by taking an old dead one apart. Hard drive magnets are really strong.
>> No. 15397 [Edit]
Today I learned that the comments that flow by in the videos of Nicodouga, despite being informative sometimes, are really distracting. I had forgotten how much attention can be put on the image of a video when the comments are not passing by.
>> No. 15694 [Edit]
I learned that a filename can be so long that it can't be put into the recycle bin.
>> No. 15705 [Edit]
I learned (from talking to an actual Dutch person) the Dutch word "lekker," which apparently means something like "delicious," but more emphatic.
>> No. 15752 [Edit]
File 134153486832.jpg - (507.93KB , 1122x793 , 7c62166b2d50533745a4e7cf7482ee88.jpg )
I learned that this one artist that I like made a remix of Ika Musume's S1 opening with Miku.

I love it, I love Ika Musume, and I love Miku.
>> No. 15818 [Edit]
From what I got the life cycle of the average keratinocyte is to climb skin layers in a differentiation process that gets rid of its nuclei and cytoplasm until it becomes a biologically dead thing lying on the outermost layer and protecting the body from the evil things outside.

I feel sort of bad for them now, they give away their life to keep me going.
>> No. 15827 [Edit]
I learned that mama bears will sometimes adopt orphaned cubs
>> No. 15829 [Edit]
D-Do you have a link to it? I would like to hear it.
>> No. 15831 [Edit]
File 13419514213.jpg - (200.27KB , 684x600 , 77532ec761cd812fa18b39f283c32496.jpg )
>> No. 15837 [Edit]
>> No. 15934 [Edit]
Today I learned that the Mercury automobile brand is owned by Ford. The car I've been driving for the last two years is a '96 Mercury Sable. This technically makes me a Ford driver.

I apologize forever. orz
>> No. 16001 [Edit]
That is kind of like how Lexus is owned by Toyota. Feels weird, man.
>> No. 16043 [Edit]

Time to expand some minds:

Ford: Ford/Lincoln/Mercury
Toyota: Toyota/Scion/Lexus
GM: Chevy/Pontiac/Buick/GMC/Saturn (and probably a million others I can't remember atm)
Nissan: Nissan/Infiniti
Honda: Honda/Acura
Mercedes: Mercedes/SMART
>> No. 16050 [Edit]

It was an internal prison war between jailed Red Army veterans and the Soviet criminal underground that occurred during 1945-1953
>> No. 16056 [Edit]
I read of that before. Actually I read that article specifically. I got Gulag Archipelago by Solzhensityn (sp?) Because of the wiki article on the book. Its a nice diary format. Well the english translation at leaast. Specifically I have the ABRIDGED series. I will get the vull versions too. Surprising that guy wrote that all/mainly from memory.

Found out about bitch wars and shit from USSR's treatment of liberated POWs. Note in Russia that is amazingly controversial on the treatment of Soviet Army veterns.>>16050
>> No. 16065 [Edit]
It's an amazing book. Amazingly depressing, but really insightful, too. The unabridged version goes into a lot of detail, great if you want to delve into the subject.
>> No. 16067 [Edit]

This phenomenon has bugged me for as long as I can remember, but until now I never knew that anyone else experienced it or that there was a name for it.
>> No. 16100 [Edit]
File 134371619519.jpg - (143.68KB , 1600x900 , 1343705338002.jpg )

Sinking is not just a protest against the ban on spraying champagne: "One gives the finger to everything – bans, global justice, saving the planet and equality."
>> No. 16101 [Edit]
that seems extremely dumb and wasteful.
>> No. 16102 [Edit]
>The term "sinking" is a translation of the Swedish "vaskning," derived from "vask," which means "sink."

>> No. 16104 [Edit]
That's the point. There's a similar practice among their schoolchildren, but they do it with milk.
>> No. 16132 [Edit]
For some reason, I laughed really hard.
Anyway, today I learned that virtual reality headsets actually exist.
>> No. 16134 [Edit]
Bedbugs are called "Cimicidae".
>> No. 16167 [Edit]
Gaben looks like a walrus.
>> No. 16168 [Edit]
He is slowly but surely becoming santa claus
>> No. 16248 [Edit]
Zimbabwe doesn't hold the record for highest denomination of currency (their highest is only 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollar bill). The record holder is Hungary: after WW2 they experienced the highest inflation rate ever recorded and ended up printing a million billiard (long scale, equal to 1 sextillion) pengő bill. Prices doubled every 15 hours.
>> No. 16250 [Edit]
*milliard billion
>> No. 16252 [Edit]
I learned that I was using the C function strcmp() wrong this whole time. I thought it returned 0 when the strings don't match, and 1 when they do. Rather, it returns 0 when they do match, and something else when they don't.
>> No. 16254 [Edit]
Birds have a somewhat circular respiratory system. That is, the air only passes through their lungs in one direction. Obviously they don't exhale out of their butt so it works because they have air sacs preceding and coming after the lungs. Because of this, their lungs are proportionally small and very efficient, something which is neccesary because birds need to be light and they have the highest metabolic rate of all vertebrates.
>> No. 16283 [Edit]
Apparently honey can be used to treat burns, wounds and whatnot. Maybe I will slice myself up to test it's properties.
>> No. 16284 [Edit]

It's also good when you have a sore throat; a spoonful or so will sooth it for a bit.
>> No. 16295 [Edit]
Aromaticity is a unique configuration of a molecule with peculiarly strong bond strength, somewhat halfway between the bond strength of a single bond and a double bond. The three conditions for a carbon based molecule to be aromatic is that it must be cyclic, delocalised pi bonds and a certain number of electrons following Huckel's rule.

Armoatic compounds are pretty stable but can be coerced into reactions under certain conditions such as meeting a strongly electropositive molecule.
>> No. 16324 [Edit]
The lines and points of a hyperbolic surface can be represented on a (finite) Ponicaré disk.
>> No. 16325 [Edit]
Unicode has a shitton more emoticons than I thought before

Ponicaré is a really funny typo.

Post edited on 11th Aug 2012, 4:24pm
>> No. 16341 [Edit]
Stanislav Petrov really existed.
Given that everybody mentions him but can never remember his name and only tells the history very roughly("that russian guy that choose not to pres the red button"(although he didn't actually have direct control of the "red button")), I always dismissed the anedocte as some modern myth of sorts.
>> No. 16388 [Edit]
I learn some jap everyday but this was a bit unusual.
I learned that (股)is a counter for partners (At least I think so)
It wouldn't come up in any dictionaries so I spent at least an hour reading shit loads of google results about stuff a virgin like me doesn't want to read.

Too bad because it looks like my first guess was right
>> No. 16416 [Edit]
File 134560592747.jpg - (41.11KB , 352x392 , original.jpg )
The first known use of "OMG" was in a 1917 letter to Winston Churchill.
>> No. 16497 [Edit]
File 134590992979.jpg - (161.17KB , 1400x551 , SpareMiko_023.jpg )
I learned what a Klesha is.
>> No. 16714 [Edit]
It's not just me who finds that moderate sleep deprivation improves my mood:

And I thought it was just because to me it makes the world feel slightly surreal, so it introduces delightfully grandiose delusional ideas and a feeling of being disconnected from reality, letting me get lost in those ridiculous fantasies.
>> No. 16739 [Edit]
On MIPS processors, "lw" (load word) instructions can be executed only with addresses divisible by 4.
>> No. 16778 [Edit]
It's easy to change the track title of an MDX file (format for X68000 music). Just open it up in a hex editor. The title is at the start of the file, and is terminated by the byte sequence 0D 0A 1A... I think.
>> No. 16956 [Edit]
Mitt Romney speaks French. I was honesty surprised.
>> No. 16957 [Edit]
Terrible accent though. Why can't Americans ever speak other languages without having an accent?
>> No. 16958 [Edit]
it's not like people who learn English latter into life don't have accents.
>> No. 16960 [Edit]
The real question is: why can't the english...?
>> No. 16961 [Edit]
He worked as a missionary in France, so that's probably where he learned it.
>> No. 16979 [Edit]
You never heard a Briton try to speak Japanese then. It's absolutely dreadful.

Ironically it's the Australians I see with the best accents in Japanese. I however cannot speak Japanese without imitating a different voice.
>> No. 16987 [Edit]
Australians are more involved with Japan re. trade and whatnot; that's why I guess. More Australians in Japan too
>> No. 16998 [Edit]
I learned what an aneros is.
>> No. 17003 [Edit]
The Roman Emperor, Nero (immortalized in Fate/Extra as the best playable Servant) was really stinky.
>> No. 17004 [Edit]
>the best playable Servant
you seem to be confused, caster's identity was Tamamo-no-Mae.
>> No. 17021 [Edit]
>> No. 17026 [Edit]

Fucking normals. I'll wear my straw hat when I damn well please
>> No. 17058 [Edit]
When angler fish reproduce, the male literally atrophies into a pair of gonads attached to the female.
>> No. 17064 [Edit]

Sounds a lot like some h-games I've played
>> No. 17152 [Edit]
I learned about Superman Prime.

Wow, I've got to say that they've made Superman too OP. He's basically a Haruhi at that point. Hell, even manga artists don't usually go that far. And this is after learning that Iron man can control machines with his mind and other shit like that.
>> No. 17245 [Edit]
File 134870006333.jpg - (111.77KB , 978x381 , corm.jpg )
I found out that I like corm.
>> No. 17252 [Edit]
I can't believe people still remember that.
>> No. 17255 [Edit]
By a clever divide-and-conquer algorithm, you can calculate the parity of an n-bit word by only log2(n) xors. Here's how: shift the word right by n/2 bits, and xor it with the rightmost bits of the original word, yielding a word of only n/2 bits and the same parity. Then repeat this step until only 1 bit is left, which is the parity in question.

Post edited on 27th Sep 2012, 6:37am
>> No. 17262 [Edit]
Trying too hard.
>> No. 17389 [Edit]
Brazilian dictator Getúlio Vargas deported the Jewish wife of one of his political enemies to Nazi Germany, where she died in a concentration camp. Kind of impressive in its depravity.
>> No. 17394 [Edit]
IIRC it was a bit more complicated. Olga was born in Germany or some eastern european country and a communist activist, with soviet training/backing, while in Europe and later in Brazil.
For that, the Reich was after her. Then her cover in Brazil was blown and she was deported more as a gift to Germany than anything else, since at the time Brazil wasn't aligned to any side but was on quite friendly terms with the nazi-fascist regimes of the axis.
Still cruel, as IIRC she was pregnant at the time, but that she was Prestes' wife was more a fortunate coincidence than Vargas primary motivation for deporting her.

And it's really questionable if the current strict policy of not deporting international criminals, brazilian or otherwise, is any better than handing people out as gifts.
>> No. 17397 [Edit]
Schenker's analysis of music is based on the idea of a number of differents layers of hierarchical importance, from surface to essence, that are possible to deduct through a process of reduction of the harmonic units so as to reach a point in which the few remaining notes and passages relate to each other in a strict contrapunctual manner. It has the analytical purpose to find contrapunctual relations between the most important notes, the fundamental points of certain works and highest of the hierarchical notes, so as to be able to fully understand the correlation that happens under the surface appearance that a work may have.

Post edited on 4th Oct 2012, 9:05am
>> No. 17399 [Edit]

Incidentally he also persecuted german, italian and japanese immigrants in Brazil on basis that they were "bringing fascism" to the country
>> No. 17402 [Edit]
I technically learned this today. Few more bits about everyone's favorite mad Emperor - well, not most folks, but still...

Nero had people bring in snow from the nearby mountain because...well, he really liked snow ("That's what we call job creation").

Killed his sister after he asked her to have sex with him, simply because it would have been an extremely awkward dinner.

He also had the late 50's (this is the 0050's we're talking about, remember) equivalent of a crazy homeless man take the throne for a day, and forced people to recognize the bum as the emperor - even putting the crown on him.

And last but not least, he built a floating city, just to prove he could. That is, floating on the water. He had to burn it because it started to smell like a dock and would "offend the mainland".

And then the fires in Rome started, and people blamed him. He ran away to a villa, where he forced one of his allies to kill him because he couldn't do it himself.

What a freak.
>> No. 17403 [Edit]
Sounds like a pretty fun guy to be around.
>> No. 17404 [Edit]
Sounds like what I might do if empowered.
>> No. 17408 [Edit]
I don't know, but I feel as though his actions are completely justified. I probably would've done the same as him just because I could.
>> No. 17411 [Edit]
ZUN originally planned to make Myouren (Byakuren's brother) the last boss of UFO. He scrapped the idea after thinking that it would be too weird to have a male boss in Touhou.
>> No. 17412 [Edit]
I agree with him
>> No. 17471 [Edit]
There are very good cheap, powerful, small single-board computers. I wanted to design a computer for myself, now I don't have to.
>> No. 17472 [Edit]
I've heard a bit about those. I'd get one if I could ever think of a good use for it, but I'm not very creative.
>> No. 17525 [Edit]
that's a bit less some cases. I could see limited naval engagements with China/Taiwan or China/Japan...but its called off bwfore it gets too bad. Remember that recently the chinese and taiwanese navies threw waterhoses at each other
>> No. 17526 [Edit]
File 134980330697.jpg - (283.98KB , 1920x1080 , ss (2012-10-09 at 06_18_54).jpg )
ab(a-b) + bc(b-c) + ca(c-a)
= -(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)
>> No. 17530 [Edit]
Please no politics.

AMD's second-generation Bulldozer CPU microarchitecture, code-named Piledriver, should come out soon.
I need to build a new computer for rendering and other CPU-intensive tasks and I am considering getting an AMD CPU for the first time.

Post edited on 9th Oct 2012, 11:22am
>> No. 17532 [Edit]
I learned how to make logic gates with just diodes
>> No. 17553 [Edit]
I thought you said "with just dildos" for a second.
>> No. 17557 [Edit]
EVERYTHING is politics....
>> No. 17558 [Edit]
you are!
>> No. 17559 [Edit]
I giggled.
>> No. 17560 [Edit]
yeah, and I can tell its election time because Americans have filled comments of every Youtube video with their ridiculous political debates
>> No. 17565 [Edit]

I'm a cute loli and I approve this message.
>> No. 17567 [Edit]
that's why everything sucks
>> No. 17570 [Edit]
Why do people dislike politics so much? I love political discussions and it's a shame /tc/ is so strict about it. I think we could have interesting and civilized discussions.
>> No. 17571 [Edit]
Everywhere else talks about that shit and I want to have one getaway. There's plenty of other websites out there if you want to talk about that kind of thing
>> No. 17574 [Edit]
There's a cool "starfield" effect on Tohno-chan's 404 pages.
>> No. 17575 [Edit]

I noticed that a while ago. The sudden music spooked me
>> No. 17577 [Edit]
Is it really slow for anyone else? It works fine when my browser's out of focus, but slows to 1-2 FPS when in focus.
>> No. 17579 [Edit]
yeah it's definitely faster if I have another window open
>> No. 17583 [Edit]
Political discussions are completely pointless because nobody who "debates" the subject will ever even accept an opposing point of view, let alone change their own. The best part is that nobody on either side has even a fraction of a clue what they're talking about. They don't even understand what they vehemently (and angrily) support. Such silliness has no place on TC.
>> No. 17587 [Edit]
That's not true. Political discussions are about arguments and countering them. Part of arguing is also understanding opposite arguments. Perhaps they won't accept opposite view, because nobody needs to accept something if they don't want, but there is still winner on arguments.

I understand one point because political discussions usually end up repeat itself again and again. That's why I think tc would be good place because old discussions are archived.
>> No. 17590 [Edit]

It's like you're almost admitting that political discussions are discussion for the sake of a discussion.
>> No. 17593 [Edit]
If someone is not stupid, he is a dumbass.
>> No. 17598 [Edit]
Sorry but I don't understand what you mean. Obviously political discussion is just one topic of discussion, like we talk about anime, dreams, movies, internet, cars etc. I enjoy different kind of discussions because they can be informative and give me something to think about.

Sorry about off-topic. I just have never understood why political discussion is forbidden in /tc/.
>> No. 17600 [Edit]
A shortwave radio transmission has been continuously broadcasted from an abandoned military base in Russia. Nobody knows why, or who does it, or what it really is. It is an on and off buzzer that seems to be sitting in front of a microphone, and once in a while names and numbers are said into the microphone, and conversations have been heard in the background.

If you are alone at night listen to it on a live stream. It's called UVB-76.
>> No. 17607 [Edit]
>but there is still winner on arguments.

No. Just no. The point is that both sides will always consider themselves the "winner" by default. I don't care how solid the points you present are or how eloquently you make them out; the bottom line is that they're falling on the deaf ears of people that refuse to believe or accept anything other than what they already believe. These discussions always end up devolving into glorified "ur dumb" or "that's not true, [x] is lying/[x] made that up" arguments, regardless of where the discussion takes place.

There are political discussions everywhere. There are other slow forums/boards out there where you can find them, if, for some reason I can't comprehend, you'd want to. Just please keep them out of TC.
>> No. 17612 [Edit]
I think its partially because internet arguments are almost always also insult-flinging fights (tohno-chan unfortunately being no exception) and partially because nobody hee is a political expert who can read evidence and understand it.
>> No. 17614 [Edit]
Most of the reasons I've seen why political discussion shouldn't be allowed seem as though they can be applied to just about any topic.
>> No. 17615 [Edit]
Why the hell is it so important to you to discuss political shit on an anime-centric hobby/shut-in imageboard. Take it somewhere else
>> No. 17616 [Edit]
I already knew of this station, tried to listen to it again, but sadly I got no signal
>> No. 17618 [Edit]
I learned about the side-effects of extended sensory deprivation. I would like the bizarre thoughts and hallucinations but I am depressed and anxious enough as it is.
>> No. 17624 [Edit]
Found out times passes A LOT faster when you don't interact with other human beings all day.

I haven't seen my family in three days and I feel like only a couple of hours have passed since then.
>> No. 17631 [Edit]
Yeah, it can really mess up your sense of time. I like it, though.
>> No. 17656 [Edit]
Most cool indie/punk bands from America, that are "underground" (>10000 listeners on have an unreleased EP of some kind. It's like it's fucking mandatory to be ashamed of something you recorded.

Epigenetics (little things of protein that wrap around certain genes or something) prevent us from having 6th toes and shit.
>> No. 17686 [Edit]
The kid who played Dewey on Malcolm in the Middle is 21 now. I feel fucking ancient.
>> No. 17691 [Edit]
Floating point numbers can behave weird. On one hand, +0 == -0, despite they are represented as different bit patterns, since their signs differ. On the other hand, NaN != NaN, because NaN is not equal to anything, even itself.
>> No. 17695 [Edit]
I don't see how that's weird. It's pretty basic stuff.
>> No. 17834 [Edit]
File 135067893129.jpg - (126.31KB , 386x335 , United%20States%20Postal%20Service.jpg )
The second-highest paid official in the U.S. Government (after the President) is the Postmaster General.
>> No. 17835 [Edit]
The United States allows its citizens to become stateless by renouncing their US citizenship. This is apparently an unusual policy.
Obvious disclaimer: don't even think about doing so, being stateless is an incredibly problematic legal situation.
>> No. 17838 [Edit]
Along these lines, to gain citizenship in Japan you must renounce your previous citizenship. However, the US does not accept renounced citizenship unless you schedule an appointment with the ambassador. So technically you could gain citizenship in Japan (where they will recognise you only have one citizenship and send you letters to ask you to renounce your old one) and the US will basically say "You don't mean it, everyone wants to be American!"
>> No. 17839 [Edit]
Sometimes I'd like to renounce my citizenship, it would be easier to vanish off the world that way
>> No. 17840 [Edit]
That doesn't sound right. If you renounce citizenship, you'll be one of the few people who have that on their record, whereas if you keep it, you'll be just another citizen among millions of others.
>> No. 17841 [Edit]
Tomatoes are related to nightshade. Because of this, people in the 1800s thought they were poisonous.
>> No. 17843 [Edit]
Guess so. Seems there is no way they would leave me alone
>> No. 17849 [Edit]
It's like using tor for anonymity. No one knows where you're from, where you get your internet and so on, but most will just assume you're a criminal. In that sense you're better off just going about it normally, more or less - you'll be just another face, or just another ip. This train of thought isn't always true, but it's something to keep in mind.
>> No. 17852 [Edit]
At 3.44 on the Pauling scale, oxygen is actually the element with the second highest electronegativity value. As is probably obvious, the only element which surpasses it is flourine at 3.98 on the scale.

I like to post uncommon, useless, and irrelevant shit in the science and mathematics field because I'm insecure about my own intellect and it makes me sound "smart".

Post edited on 19th Oct 2012, 10:49pm
>> No. 17853 [Edit]
It's kind of like socializing on shitbookin public - more often than not it's for show, as is my understanding of it; I wouldn't know personally for obvious reasons. It seems effective enough, none the less.
>> No. 17855 [Edit]
What sucks about shitbookis that it tends to pressurize users into regressing back to high school mentality. It's as if the whole thing is one big popularity contest over who leads the most exciting lives, who has the most friends etc.
>> No. 17858 [Edit]
Yeah your better off hiding in plain sight under the disguise of just another normal person. That's how I go about my life for the most part to avoid shit. You're fucked either way especially if you are as distant as it gets from being normal to the point of being hated by most, but whatever you are that is so hate worthy being like a ghost in a crowd of people is safer.

Everyone I ever been around that has a shitbook account has done absolutely nothing useful with it. It's either used for entertainment, to stir up drama with friends, to harass people, or to see what some family member you don't give 2 shits about who only makes you mad is up to. I have honestly not once in my life seen someone using it for anything useful besides setting up a business or event page on it.
>> No. 17867 [Edit]
Oxygen being less electronegative than fluorine is pretty basic chemistry.
>> No. 17872 [Edit]
I was making a point about oxygen's position as #2 more than its relation to flourine, but alright.
>> No. 17874 [Edit]
I use it to talk to people from conventions and my "job". Also, a lot of websites and forums allow you to log in using shitbookto comment on things
>> No. 17884 [Edit]
The term "studio gangstas" refer to rappers who spit a hard game, but can't back up they words on tha streets.
>> No. 17887 [Edit]
Bad ass mechas are usually too OP for multiplayer.
>> No. 17888 [Edit]
Added to my mental ebonics database.
>> No. 17962 [Edit]
File 135112808736.jpg - (863.66KB , 1850x3272 , Jacques_Tits_%282008%29.jpg )
There is a prominent Belgian mathematician by the name of Jacques Tits (pictured). He has had several mathematical concepts named after him, including "Tits buildings," the "Tits alternative," and the "Tits group."
>> No. 17964 [Edit]
He's the Tits.
>> No. 17974 [Edit]
"All by Myself" is a power ballad written and performed by Eric Carmen in 1975.

The verse is based on the second movement (Adagio Sostenuto) of Sergei Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Opus 18.


>> No. 18081 [Edit]
File 135153610668.jpg - (150.33KB , 847x462 , BifYX.jpg )
This, I didn't know.
>> No. 18083 [Edit]
I wish they'd pay me for being an otaku
>> No. 18118 [Edit]
But then we wouldn't be NEET.
>> No. 18151 [Edit]
>> No. 18153 [Edit]
Markets are Efficient if and Only if P = NP.
>> No. 18158 [Edit]
Yukihiro Matsumoto is a mormon.
>> No. 18262 [Edit]
File 135216438996.png - (4.65KB , 539x252 , A440.png )
The current musical standard of tuning middle A to 440 Hz was established by a little-known clause of the Treaty of Versailles, which coincidentally had a total of 440 clauses.

Apparently, it took "the war to end all wars" to finally get musicians to agree on a standard concert pitch. Typical.
>> No. 18263 [Edit]
File 135216657960.jpg - (106.58KB , 430x673 , TablaMIDI.jpg )
Yup. And this is the result of it.

Post edited on 5th Nov 2012, 5:57pm
>> No. 18430 [Edit]
File 135286942139.jpg - (22.39KB , 372x347 , space-jam-need.jpg )
I learned that the official websites for both the Dole/Kemp presidential campaign and the film Space Jam are still up, and haven't been updated since 1996:

It's like the world's kitschiest archaeological dig.
>> No. 18433 [Edit]
I remember finding the space jam site a few months ago, old websites are cool. This is why everyone should use this board's Awesome theme
>> No. 18434 [Edit]
I'm surprised they didn't just stop renewing their domain or paying for the hosting or something like that.
>> No. 18437 [Edit]
Thats cause its hosted off the same domain as the actual warner bro site
>> No. 18443 [Edit]

Yeah, I think we had a thread about old sites on web and someone mentioned that there. I remember visiting it myself.
>> No. 18480 [Edit]
Today I learned that I look just like the chick from Dolores Clairbone. The fat woman's daughter.

Shit's fucked up.
>> No. 18699 [Edit]
Apparently a rooster crowing at night is a sign of bad luck.
>> No. 18710 [Edit]
I'm fucked then
>> No. 18739 [Edit]
The only reason I know is because I heard it yesterday and wondered why a rooster would do that at night.

Yesterday was fucking awful.
>> No. 19006 [Edit]
I learned that you can control which way the snow falls on the front page by using the mouse.
>> No. 19007 [Edit]

it also collects at the bottom, and if you shrink the window it collects faster
>> No. 19008 [Edit]
The snow drops are actually full stops.
>> No. 19022 [Edit]
Full stops that stay on my boards and images~
>> No. 19509 [Edit]
The speed of 'push' is not instantaneous as we naturally assume in everyday life becuase everything around us is so small it's not noticeable, but the information actually travels at around the speed of sound. a simple demonstration of this would be an extended slinky being dropped. There's a noticeable delay in the time the information of it being dropped travels from the top though all the coils to the bottom.
>> No. 19510 [Edit]
Domesticated dogs understand that human pointing is referent to an object being pointed to. Feral dogs don't.
>> No. 19580 [Edit]
Déjà vu is caused by a mixup in how data is received and processed by the brain, it's just a very tiny delay between experiencing something and logging that information that makes us think we've already experienced the event.
>> No. 19582 [Edit]
The Internet contains more than 6 million terabytes of information and doubles every 5 years, and the information would collectively weigh about as much as a tiny grain of sand.
>> No. 19722 [Edit]
>the information would collectively weigh about as much as a tiny grain of sand.

What? How do you weigh information?
>> No. 19725 [Edit]
What's the smallest possible particle that can have at least 2 different configurations( e.g. positive/negative)?

Use that as binary. Take all the World's information and see how much binary code it would take to express it all.

>> No. 19726 [Edit]
Electrons have mass, even if incredibly minuscule and electrons are used to charge floating gate transistors to create binary.
>> No. 19727 [Edit]

That's some pretty specious reasoning, but alright, I won't belabor it.
>> No. 19733 [Edit]
>Electrons have mass
Do they? I thought they were mass-less like photons. But I have really no idea what I'm talking about. Anyone fluent enough on particle physics around here to clear this up?
>> No. 19734 [Edit]
Yeah they do, although it is pretty small. It might be confusing because for the purposes of high school people usually assume they have no mass because they're much less heavier tahn protons and neutrons.
>> No. 19736 [Edit]
File 135686186241.jpg - (29.03KB , 400x169 , deja-vu-matrix.jpg )
That's what they want you to believe.
>> No. 19743 [Edit]
I also assume that the guy is talking about the combined mass of the electrons that form the information. But it doesn't really make any sense to consider it the mass of the information; the electrons mean nothing by themselves without the support structures that they are contained in. It's like weighing the information in a book by the combined weight of all the ink; without the pages the ink is printed on to maintain the distribution of the ink, the ink means nothing.

This is probably a simplification, or perhaps even entirely wrong, but I believe the terms used to differentiate this sort of thing are "medium" and "base." The medium (ink) is arranged in such a way that it encodes information, and the base (paper) provides support to retain that arrangement.

Or, we could be talking about the data stored on hard disks, which of course is stored by magnetic fields. I don't claim to be an expert on any of this, but the way i see it, measuring the "mass" of a magnetic field makes even less sense than the mass of the electrons stored in a transistor. A material is given a magnetic field by manipulating what is already there (by aligning the spin of the electrons), rather than by adding or removing something.

From what I understand, the disks inside of an HDD are not composed entirely a ferromagnetic material, but instead are composed of a film of ferromagnetic material deposited on a non-magnetic disk which provides physical support. Since it is the arrangement of the medium which encodes information, I suppose that the film could be considered the medium, and the disk it is deposited on to be the base. So if we were weighing information by weighing the medium, I suppose the mass of the information would be the mass of that film.
>> No. 19797 [Edit]
File 135698409621.jpg - (273.12KB , 2644x2730 , CNy9J.jpg )
This will be on the midterm.
>> No. 19845 [Edit]

= 1 / (999^2)

= 0.000001002003004...996997999000001002...
>> No. 19855 [Edit]
Just learned that I can give my 10 year old PVR the capabilities of a tivo, well I already knew I could, but now I know how.
>> No. 19919 [Edit]
File 13575889714.jpg - (103.59KB , 736x447 , ISBN%2017x31.jpg )
I learned how to read barcodes. Also learned that the last digit of an ISBN is a sort of checksum.
>> No. 19920 [Edit]
>I learned how to read barcodes
the actual bars or just the numbers below?
>> No. 19921 [Edit]
Are you a computer?
>> No. 19922 [Edit]

The bars.


Aren't we all, in the end?
>> No. 19996 [Edit]
Money buys happiness for up to $75,000 a year in the US, after which point it has diminishing returns. Marriage gives you ~$100,000 a year. $267,000 (163,424 euros) is the monetary amount of pleasure gained from being told "I love you" for the first time.
>> No. 20002 [Edit]

Citation please
>> No. 20004 [Edit]
I saw a video about that just the other day.
not sure if I believe it though.
>> No. 20005 [Edit]
The first part seems pretty obvious (having enough money to not have to stress about it would obviously make you less miserable). But a source on the rest would be pretty interesting.
>> No. 20008 [Edit]

Post edited on 11th Jan 2013, 9:48pm
>> No. 20052 [Edit]

Interesting, thanks. Of course, the methodology of those kinds of studies is incredibly suspect to begin with, and not helped by the sensationalistic way they're usually reported.
>> No. 20226 [Edit]
As an archer, this image enrages me.
>> No. 20227 [Edit]

Don't worry, it's one of those mistakes that you only ever make once. Similar to standing behind a fisherman casting his pole, or cooking bacon with an uncovered pan without wearing pants, or painting for an extended amount of time in a non-ventilated room without a mask.
>> No. 20228 [Edit]
I hadn't even noticed it was an archery pic. I agree with what >>20227 said, though.
>> No. 20229 [Edit]
Why is it that only the last comparison would lead to your death?
>> No. 20232 [Edit]
it mainly leads to coughing up paint and your snot turning the color of the paint you were using
>> No. 20238 [Edit]
That sounds pretty cool, I oughta try it someday
>> No. 20245 [Edit]
File 135908168683.gif - (3.49KB , 364x228 , BenfordsLaw_800.gif )
Today I learned about Benford's Law, which states that for certain data sets (particularly those which span several degrees of magnitude, such as national populations and stock prices), the distribution of leading digits is on a log scale, so that e.g. 30% of the data begin with a '1' and 5% begin with a '9'. This is true regardless of what base you use.

It's one of those weird statistical facts that seems counterintuitive at first, but starts to make sense when you think about it.
>> No. 20248 [Edit]
>seems counterintuitive at first, but starts to make sense when you think about it.
Is there a proper mathematical proof for it? I ask because, with Numbers Theory, you can prove such kind of apparently weird results; e.g. there is a proof for that any given integer number is divisible by 3 if and only if the sum of its digits is so (say: 3857541 MUST be divisible by 3)...
>> No. 20254 [Edit]
I realized that I'm pansexual. Does that count as learning something new?
>> No. 20257 [Edit]
Oh. A hipster homo, cool.
>> No. 20259 [Edit]
How does that make me a hipster?
>> No. 20260 [Edit]
It's like being bisexual, but different, except not.

I think I'm just in a bad mood, sorry for saying that.
>> No. 20261 [Edit]
Well I know what it is. I just don't see what is hipster about it.
>> No. 20263 [Edit]
Hipsters go with the term bisexual since that is as far as their vocabulary goes. Fuck those retards.

Pansexual means that >>20254-chan is willing to stick his wiener in anything as long as he finds it attractive or just wants to.
>> No. 20264 [Edit]
>is willing to stick his wiener in anything as long as he finds it attractive or just wants to

Not necessarily, it means you're fine with whatever is between someone's legs. As long as you love the person, you don't care what they have.
>> No. 20265 [Edit]
I'm pantsu-sexual
>> No. 20266 [Edit]
>> No. 20268 [Edit]
so hows that different from bisexual?
>> No. 20269 [Edit]
Bisexuals are people attracted to both males and females. Pansexuals are people who are fine with anything as long as they like the person.
>> No. 20271 [Edit]
But there are only two genders, so there's no difference between being bi-sexual or omni-sexual. That's why I called it hipster, because it's taking a concept and putting some arbitrary spin on it in what seems like an attempt to feel different and unique, when it's really just the same old thing.

Whatever floats your boat, though. I'm not trying to come off as an asshole, but I have a feeling I am.
>> No. 20272 [Edit]
The crowd that prefers confusing and convoluted inside terminology for human sexuality doesn't think there are two genders. See >>>/tumblr/ for the latest in that (warning: may induce allergic reactions, loss of interest in Freud-grade "science", and warts on your dick).

Though I have to wonder how these pansexuals would like dickgirls, dudes with multiple (and/or man-sized) penises, or castrated dudes.
>> No. 20273 [Edit]
There's more than just two genders. You could just google it though. I feel like this discussion has gotten a bit off topic.
>> No. 20274 [Edit]
Sounds to me like 'Pansexuals' are Bisexuals who don't want to be called Bisexuals.
Do you mean to say Bisexuals aren't fine with any gender as long as they like the person? or do Pansexuals include things that aren't male or female, such as animals?
>> No. 20275 [Edit]
Why not just google it?
>> No. 20276 [Edit]
Why don't you participate in the discussion instead of just referring us back to google? I understand that there are mountains of text arguing on your behalf elsewhere on the internet, but why can't I just talk to you about it?
>> No. 20277 [Edit]
>I feel like this discussion has gotten a bit off topic.
Well, this is /ot/, after all
>> No. 20278 [Edit]
Kill me
>> No. 20279 [Edit]
Because I'm too lazy to type a mountain of text and google would be quicker.

This thread wasn't about sexuality.
>> No. 20280 [Edit]
tumblr was one of the first things I thought of when I went to see what pansexual meant. It doesn't really bother me, though. I think that there's a lot of social stigma attached to words surrounding sexuality, like bisexual in this instance, and these people are just trying to feel comfortable in their own skin. If, for whatever reason, that means they have to pedantize themselves with their increasingly obscure and redundant language, so be it. They'll probably either grow out of it eventually, or mostly continue to congregate among their niche groups of other like-minded folk, without ever forcing the general public to really acknowledge (or even become aware of) their strange lingo.

That's the tumblr people I'm talking about, by the way; not Panonymous here.

Post edited on 26th Jan 2013, 2:26pm
>> No. 20286 [Edit]
I'm not sure if that's an insult directed at me or not, but fuck that's clever.
>> No. 20287 [Edit]
Kansas has yet to ratify the 21st Amendment. Alcohol is not illegal in Kansas but is tightly regulated.
(The 21st Amendment is the one that ends federal prohibition of alcohol)
>> No. 20288 [Edit]
I've found out that I have collected 10,000 H pictures through my obsessive hoarding of these pictures. I guess that I don't really have a right to complain about harddrive space with me doing this.
>> No. 20291 [Edit]
My birthdate in MDDYYYY format, 9211987, is a prime number
>> No. 20350 [Edit]
Apophenia has been defined as the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.
>> No. 20413 [Edit]
The voice samples heard in the attached song's buildup were taken from the takeoff of STS-131, one of the last Space Shuttle missions.
>> No. 21266 [Edit]
File 136435450138.jpg - (160.86KB , 706x1024 , 706px-Mechanical_sankyo_pachinko_machine.jpg )
Pachinko is that game in a vertical case where you launch a ball with a flipper and try to get it to bounce off a bunch of pins to land in a cup.
I'd heard the word plenty and knew it was some kind of Japanese mechanical betting attraction, but I never would have made the connection between it and what I thought of as a kid's game.
>> No. 21267 [Edit]
I wonder why they don't have those in American casinos...
>> No. 21268 [Edit]
File 136436106273.jpg - (53.25KB , 1024x576 , image.jpg )
I know, right?

I was in Las Vegas recently and they didn't even have one MahJong den. Go figure.
>> No. 21271 [Edit]
pachinko is no more complicated than a slot machine. you can't compare it to MahJong, jackass.
>> No. 21275 [Edit]
Don't be so belligerent.
It was merely an observation. You'd think the former gaming capital of the world would have such things. Especially since it's such a hot destination for Asian tourists.

There is a sushi bar in my city that has a pachhinko machine. I am tempted to play it but it requires a yen piece so I wonder if it's for decoration.
>> No. 21277 [Edit]
I think the problem with localized MahJong besides how complicated it is to learn, the US already has a completely different version of the game with the same name and tiles which plays more like solitaire.
>> No. 21288 [Edit]
Inuyasha and Ranma ½ are by the same mangaka. I don't really know much about either of them, but they occupied the same vague impression space in my head.
>> No. 21304 [Edit]

Even if you ignore that stupid matching game that uses mahjong tiles there's a US variant of mahjong (a pretty bad one in my opinion) that uses jokers and whatnot. Riichii itself is just a variant of 'vanilla' Chinese mahjong.

If anything I'd expect Zung Jung to have more of a chance in the US but 'more of a chance' means like 0,0001% more, in the end the variant is rather meaningless, it's just not gonna happen.
>> No. 22502 [Edit]
The danes have an incredibly silly and confusing way to count.
>> No. 22554 [Edit]
Fireflies live to be one week old only. They're born, they grow, they glow, they reproduce, they die.
>> No. 23283 [Edit]
File 138533463753.gif - (7.21KB , 480x600 , satiean1.gif )
I learned a bit more about Satie's style of composition on some major works (Ogives, Gymnopedies, Sarabandes, Vexations), which I laughably dream of being able to apply someday.
>> No. 23284 [Edit]
File 138533491253.jpg - (87.89KB , 728x400 , Download-Windows-XP-s-Pinball-Game-for-Windows-7-a.jpg )
isn't it the same thing than Pinball?

Post edited on 24th Nov 2013, 3:17pm
>> No. 23285 [Edit]
>> No. 23286 [Edit]
I have one of these chairs that go up and down.
I noticed that, lately, it has been slowly going down on its own.
I was told that this is because of change in temperature and so my chair is fine.
>> No. 23289 [Edit]
Satie's compositional characteristics are not really on his harmonic progressions.
>> No. 23292 [Edit]
yes, but the weebs will never admit it.
>> No. 23299 [Edit]
Pinball actually requires skill.
>> No. 23303 [Edit]

So does pachinko.
>> No. 23304 [Edit]
Pachinko is shooting a ton of balls into the machine hoping at least a few land in the sweet spots. unlike with pinball you have no control over it once it's in the machine and you can't keep the balls in play. In pinball you have flippers that allow you to manipulate the balls and keep them in play indefinitely. With some skill you can determine which direction the balls will go by using proper timing on the flippers. The only skill involved with Pachinko is figuring out how to tilt the building and replace parts in the machine without the casino manager not noticing. They also differ a bit in designs. Pachinko machines will typically have a forest of pins to scramble the ball's path and have little to nothing to keep the balls in play compared to the bounce pads and other devices you'd find in pinball machines. In general pachinko machines are typically vertical while pinball machines are more horizontal.
>> No. 23305 [Edit]
> The only skill involved with Pachinko is figuring out how to tilt the building and replace parts in the machine without the casino manager not noticing.

I want Fukumoto to do a pinball manga.
>> No. 23800 [Edit]
Liszt was Wagner's father in law. The more you know.
>> No. 23801 [Edit]
A minor chord is just a major chord with a flat third.
>> No. 23805 [Edit]
*a minor third.
>> No. 23833 [Edit]
A set together with a binary function defined on it is called a magma.
>> No. 23874 [Edit]
Pineapples don't grow on trees. I feel cheated.
>> No. 23877 [Edit]
File 139612487790.jpg - (237.11KB , 1200x1600 , wild pineapple.jpg )
I take it you don't know that there is such a thing as red pineapples as well.
>> No. 23880 [Edit]
I've been trying to fix my ssh login to a server for the past three months.

I learned today that I was simply mistyping my name. I did not notice this for three months.
>> No. 23898 [Edit]
I learned how to skin and gut a squirrel the other day. It's something I've always wanted to try doing, as I've never killed and eaten anything other than fish, and the idea of doing it was way more disgusting than the reality. That said, unless I really need the meat I won't bother doing it again, it's a lot of work for not much nourishment. The flavor is okay, blander than what I was expecting but inoffensive at least.

I also learned yesterday that the instrument capable of producing the lowest pitch is a fucking huge pipe organ ( It's capable of producing a 4hz frequency, which is like C-2. It's longest pipes are 64 feet!
>> No. 23902 [Edit]
File 139675459312.jpg - (69.39KB , 600x403 , 25張鮮為人知的希特勒畫作_25.jpg )
I just learned that Hitler was actually a rather fine draughtsman and painter: his cityscapes were pretty good, all the most considering they were watercolor (a very difficult medium). The problem, apparently, was that he couldn't draw people all that well, so he got discouraged from painting to better pursue a major in architecture. Psychologists, of course, have come with interpretations about that difference, but it's most likely bullshit derived from the simplistic historical satanization of his figure; on my account, I've drawn all my life and I've never been good with structures, but that doesn't make me a "building hater" or anything of the sort.
>> No. 23903 [Edit]
Moreover: a (melodic) minor scale is just a major scale starting from the VI. That's why, say, Am is the relative minor of C: they have the very same notes, just in different order and octaves.
>> No. 23904 [Edit]
A minor scale in its natural form has the same notes as its relative major scale both ascending and descending. A minor scale in its melodic form has the sixth and seventh degrees raised half a step to provide the existence of a half step leading tone to the tonic and to break the existence of a augmented second between the sixth and seventh degrees of the mode in ascending motion, and the same notes and the natural form in the descending motion. Make sure not to misuse the forms of the minor scales, as they serve different purposes and have striking differences.
>> No. 23905 [Edit]
File 139675725112.jpg - (44.85KB , 539x304 , 34734672365.jpg )
Here's a thing to help illustrate the subject at hand.
>> No. 23906 [Edit]
Man, I remembered it wrong. Thanks.
>> No. 23928 [Edit]
Read an article based on research that suggests after the age of 24 we start to experience a decline in cognitive motor skills. Better start making an exit plan.
>> No. 23929 [Edit]
25 is the new old for everything. I lost all faith in my body around that age too and now I only hope for the transhuman possibility of jumping out this sinking boat.
>> No. 23965 [Edit]
Kinder eggs, along with basically any food with a toy inside, are banned in the USA.
>> No. 23971 [Edit]
Apparently the technique for UFO catcher machines is not to grip and pick up the toy, but to use the clecnhing action of the arm to nudge it over the chute over a series of tries.
>> No. 23972 [Edit]
I doubt this is an universal technique. The UFO catcher machines in my country maintain all prizes on a lower level when compared to the hole where you have to put them making it impossible to use the technique shown in the video to work.
>> No. 23973 [Edit]
Yes, the toys I know here in Australia have a clear plastic barrier around the chute. Its not very fair especially considering that the soft toy costs less to make than it does to play. Actually picking up the toy is near impossible considering the weakness of the grip and the only way this is possible is by freaks of positioning e.g the arm got hooked on something, or something.
>> No. 23975 [Edit]
>the only way this is possible is by freaks of positioning e.g the arm got hooked on something, or something
That, or you can bang the machine to the side, tilting it in a way that makes the prizes fall into the hole. Of course this is only possible if there are no attendants looking and if you are strong enough to tilt the machine.
>> No. 23979 [Edit]
Also note that machines of chance are essentially slot machines with a final dexterity requirement. If there is no "easy solution," what actually happens is that the machine is programmed to pay out once in a set of tries, then either reset or continue the current set then reset. After playing the game "Stackers" constantly as a kid, the machine would always give out one win, if you played it properly, per 300 iterations. Or at least following that rule gave me consistent net wins, and they eventually changed it to where this no longer applied. Or maybe I was just lucky consistently for a period of time. The former seems more reasonable, though.
>> No. 23981 [Edit]
No they actually are for a fact usually programed to pay out at set intervals.

"the technique for UFO catcher machines" is actually to not play them but rather watch other people play. wait for someone to win then count off how many times people play before the next win. you may want to do this two or three times just to make sure. after that wait for the next golden opportunity and play the machine at that point.
>> No. 23986 [Edit]
I got to the top of a Stacker machine twice and it didn't let me win. I'm not good enough to get to the top every time. So jealous of people good enough to play till they win and get to the top almost every time. I want to win all the big prizes and sell them for money.
>> No. 24016 [Edit]
So apparently clitorises are real. I always just thought it was a porn myth or something.
And men have the same number of ribs as women - I thought they had two more on each side.
>> No. 24052 [Edit]
Today I learned that tohno rhymes with bono, mono, como, homo, promo, mafioso, photo, solo, polo, rococo, hobo, dodo, cocoa, modo, loco and logo among others.

Here are my poems, spoilered for artistic integrity:
Tohno is a hobo playing polo on a dodo for his promo.
Tohno drinks cocoa with a loco mafioso on a rococo.
Tohno is homo for bono with several photos but runs solo modo.
Como, Tohno, como...

Post edited on 20th May 2014, 11:39am
>> No. 24055 [Edit]
File 140064004873.jpg - (416.49KB , 1200x1600 , asdadas.jpg )
I actually won something. It took me $10 though.
>> No. 24056 [Edit]
Nice. The feeling of triumph of winning anything at those machines is worth more than any money
>> No. 24058 [Edit]
I know. When I won I felt a rush I haven't felt for years. It felt great. But I wouldn't want to do it again.
>> No. 24330 [Edit]
I learned that that website has a waifu/husbando option in the "about" section of people's profiles. I don't know what to think about this... That site looks like an anime themed social network and I don't particularly like it.
>> No. 24331 [Edit]
they were giving those cards out @ ACEN and some peope IRL i know have those cards
>> No. 24451 [Edit]
Among the new top level domains is .moe.
Too bad I've already wasted my vanity domain allowance on a .みんな.
>> No. 24455 [Edit]
How is that fundamentally different to Tohno Chan, a website where people socialise, talk about anime and also announce who their waifu is?
>> No. 24459 [Edit]
For one it's not anonymous, and a social network circlejerk (ala Facebook) at its core. I assume the waifu option is just another shitty, casual "this is my current favorite character" kind of feature.
>> No. 24522 [Edit]
You gotta bait better than that.
>> No. 24542 [Edit]
Baculum is a latin word that used to define a cudgel that was used, amongst other reasons, to beat slaves and children. It is used now as the term that defines the penis bone that some animals have, although absent in humans, which serves to auxiliate in erection during copula. These penis bones can sometimes be big enough to make a cudgel out of depending of the animal, especially because some are extremely hard and can be used as a bludgeon or club.
>> No. 24543 [Edit]
This could be used as the opening quote to an H-game.
>> No. 24635 [Edit]
The first ever hentai OVA series was serialized starting in the 23rd of February, 1984, with the name of Lolita Anime. That same year had the start of another hentai OVA series, Cream Lemon, both originating from the same magazine.
>> No. 24648 [Edit]
WD Greens are far too slow to be used as OS drives.
>> No. 24711 [Edit]
Although I didn't exactly learn this today, I just remembered about this strange fact. Anyway, Doraemon is being shown on one of Disney's channels.
>> No. 24846 [Edit]
File 140789301467.png - (280.05KB , 452x710 , 1365656584147.png )
I learned Robin Williams Died today...
>> No. 24850 [Edit]
whats more is they say he killed himself.
>> No. 24854 [Edit]
WD My Book external hard drives use hardware encryption even if you don't encrypt your data. So if you take the hard drive out of the enclosure, your data is fucked.

Seagate external hard drives require a special pentalobe screwdriver to open the enclosure, which was designed by the dark lord Satan himself.
>> No. 24855 [Edit]
buy regular drives and external enclosures
>> No. 24857 [Edit]
I do now. I found out while consolidating all my externals into one large enclosure. (In my previous case the GPU completely covered the SATA connectors so installing internals was a pain in the ass)
>> No. 25020 [Edit]
There's a natural cycle of blocking and freeing air passage on individual nasal passages.
I always thought I breathed mostly with one nostrill at a time because of sinusitis/rinitis and possibly deviated septum and all normal people always used both at the same time.
>> No. 25022 [Edit]
Wow, I've always had this and was always received with confusion when I explained it to people and asked them if they also had it. Good to know it's a natural thing.
>> No. 25023 [Edit]
It's very relieving to know this. Here I was thinking my nose was just always stuffy.
>> No. 25024 [Edit]
I heard it's so you can smell better, for some scents the air has to go through the passsage slowly and for others it has to go more quickly.
>> No. 25262 [Edit]
They're releasing new 10 euro notes now.
>> No. 26303 [Edit]
File 142383380359.png - (153.46KB , 600x321 , pathways.png )
Not something that i've learnt today, but it's something that i've learned very recently. Pic related
And, that the anatomy of migraines is not direct nerves damage, but inflamed blood vessels from some (excessively released) chemical that neurones release.
>> No. 26304 [Edit]
(pic related is reward system)
>> No. 26305 [Edit]
That's wonderful. It may be before the next century that we find a cure for normalcy.
>> No. 27218 [Edit]
There is a city in Australia called Eromanga.,_Queensland
>> No. 27221 [Edit]

Looks like somebody watch Samumenco.
>> No. 27352 [Edit]
攻撃 (kougeki) means attack in Japanese
>> No. 27353 [Edit]
You learn that the second you start playing rising storm, valkyria chronicles or any videogame that includes japs doing war stuff.
>> No. 28134 [Edit]
File 145066411095.jpg - (102.53KB , 845x846 , Ha_ha_wall_diagram.jpg )
There's a type of wall called a Ha-ha wall. It's a wall built on a level below the overall ground level and combined with a pit so that it can offer an obstacle to outsiders while not blocking the view to the other side.
>> No. 28143 [Edit]
A randoseru is a backpack made from leather or leather-like synthetic material, most commonly used by elementary schoolchildren.

It was a tag in a doujin I was reading.
>> No. 28161 [Edit]
I learned that waka/iichan is back.
>> No. 28165 [Edit]
I learnt the difference between noir and neo-noir.

Noir was heavily dependent on the era it was released in. It was a time when overt sex and violence was forbidden in film and technological limitations prevented the presence of colour however it was these very restrictions that caused noir to have the impact that it did. With those restrictions lifted, violence and sex have to be much more overt to have the same emotional impact on today's desensitised audience than what was necessary for the audiences of the '40s.

Neo-noir is an attempt to create the same impact that noir did despite the technological and cultural changes that have occurred since the '40s. Some believe that noir to be an inimitable cultural phenomenon that will only ever exist within the bubble of time that was present during its creation. Others have continued to experiment with the neo-noir genre and prove otherwise.

Personally, after watching Chinatown, I can safely say that I don't get it. I'll probably need to watch it again to get it though. Preferably with subs since I seemed to have missed most of the dialogue.
>> No. 28167 [Edit]
Yesterday I learned that x64 Windows has only one HAL.DLL, because the x86_64 is so standardized that there's little configuring OEMs can do. x86 versions of Windows have a few HAL.DLLs for the inclusion or absence of stuff like APIC.

Today I learned there are 100% Animal Crossing speedruns. They average for 70 hours but the world record is 63 hours. And the runners don't take breaks.
>> No. 28921 [Edit]
It used to be that if you google 241543903 you get images of people sticking their heads in a freezer. Now googling 241543903 brings up images instructing people to google 241543903 to see images of people's heads in freezers.
>> No. 31657 [Edit]
I finally found something that explains in laymens terms why we consider time the 4th dimension, what a dimension really is, and what the dimensions 0-10 are. A dimension is really a way of measuring the location of something along a certain axis of displacement.
>> No. 32813 [Edit]
File 156448656918.jpg - (9.65KB , 333x250 , 2018WPi.jpg )
Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov–Cherenkov radiation, is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium. The characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor is due to Cherenkov radiation.
>> No. 32867 [Edit]
The underground junkyard
>> No. 32920 [Edit]
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RIP Ok the Glacier
>> No. 32944 [Edit]
Batteries for everyone soon?
>> No. 33008 [Edit]
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Jupiter shields the inner planets from space rocks:
>> No. 33040 [Edit]
File 156621073047.jpg - (93.62KB , 850x1133 , Ollie.jpg )
Archery is more than just shooting arrows from a bow..
Presenting the Arrow Launcher~
>> No. 33042 [Edit]
There are some other methods to do that as well. It's also useful in sieges because they cannot be fired back and also you can use a similar method to fire a regular arrow with a small razor in the nock that will cut the bow string of somebody who tries to use it.
>> No. 33096 [Edit]
File 156638579338.jpg - (136.20KB , 850x780 , yaki.jpg )
Korean & Mongol bows are difference to the English longbows.
>> No. 33097 [Edit]
File 156643593928.jpg - (382.63KB , 436x600 , 07_Normans.jpg )
Yes. Not just Korean and Mongol bows, pretty much every bow from Hungary to Korea. Western Europe didn't make use of composite bows, not in large numbers anyway. It's been suggested that this image depicts Normans using them.
>> No. 33106 [Edit]
I learned that you can't save things that are already dying
>> No. 33137 [Edit]
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Zelda is not Link.
>> No. 33138 [Edit]
I learned the expressions "do not throw your pearls before swine" and "as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly".

Post edited on 28th Aug 2019, 7:45am
>> No. 33178 [Edit]
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Rapid shot
>> No. 33179 [Edit]
File 156769624586.jpg - (302.26KB , 1448x2048 , ZZC 0810.jpg )
I just found out you can't post duplicate images on Tohno-chan, also that -chan as in Akari-chan is spelt -Chiyan phonetically in Japanese, it must be like English where certain sounds are not used.

It's impressive as an item but you could just hold 4 arrows in your hand, I forget how many it was said an Ottoman archer was supposed to be able to hold in the hand, it could have been 4.
>> No. 33180 [Edit]
there's a ton of spellings in japanese than don't really make sense in romanji. Saying "ちやん" makes sense when you imagine the "iy" as being very muffled and fast. It's like "chyan" but most people say "ch(y)an". Also if you listen to the word, the "chiya" sound is still there, it's just not as noticeable. English speakers use tons of sounds in words without realizing it simply because we don't spell our words phonetically.

Post edited on 5th Sep 2019, 5:01pm
>> No. 33181 [Edit]
File 156776719164.jpg - (133.00KB , 1080x1080 , 46425625_514434255734352_7013264572362332381_n.jpg )
I learned that power word:shield in classic wow makes warriors unable to generate rage.

Oh also, more academic lined: I learned that the Eu was first called European Coal and Steel Community, and it was between only 6 European countries, it was formed in 1951
>> No. 33183 [Edit]
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Vertical farming is possible:
>> No. 33232 [Edit]
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An anti-aircraft tank is a thing
Radar is probably the most expensive part of it.
>> No. 33238 [Edit]
It's not really a thing. It's a different type of vehicle which happens to use a tank chassis.
The most expensive part is the crew.
>> No. 33272 [Edit]
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Reloading a bow
A Chu Ko Nu is fine too.
>> No. 33324 [Edit]
File 156965787886.png - (52.66KB , 1200x600 , 1200px-Flag_of_Nyasaland_(1925–1964)_svg.png )
There used to be a country called Nyasaland and it even had a cat on the flag.
>> No. 33390 [Edit]
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Twang on a horse
>> No. 33406 [Edit]
When Aaliyah was still a teenager around 14 or so, she had a sexual relationship with R. Kelly. Also, she made a song called "Age Ain't Nothing But A Number" which I find catchy but unfortunately, the fact that the song was written by R. Kelly himself really affects how I look at the song.
>> No. 33408 [Edit]
I didn't know who Aaliyah was before this. They told them the plane was too heavy to fly and they went anyway. Arrogant people who think they're invulnerable deserve it desu. Also I don't like r&b.
>> No. 33422 [Edit]
I never once researched into the specifics of Aaliyah's death so that's interesting.
I think you're the first person I've ever encountered that doesn't like R&B. I mean, I'm black and I attended a school that was mostly black during my time there but even still, I think people generally liked R&B. R&B, Rap and Hip-hop were all popular. Maybe that was just an optimistic assumption of mine that was never really challenged since there was little opportunity for me to be in the presence of someone expressing their dislike for R&B as I would've spent my time around similarly-minded friends (or at least, whom I presume were similarly-minded). Heck, I even remember being shamed as a kid by an older black man for not watching more MTV Base (he was helping us move our stuff to our new house). I just want to state that while I did like R&B, I never liked music enough as a child to wish to go out of my way to purchase it. I would've rather that money was spent on a new videogame. Nonetheless, I was generally in the presence of R&B fans such that the only reason I knew of Aaliyah's death was because of the children of my mother's friends who kept up with news on these matters.

I don't know what to say or what the point of this blogpost was. You're just this really peculiar specimen of a person to me I guess. I mean, even when I go to the Barbers for my haircut, sometimes there'll be R&B inside the venue. I mean, I guess I should've known there'd be some that don't like it but actually encountering such a person is another matter. I guess I just took the genre as good "Easy Listening" music that everyone likes.

Thinking about it though, I don't think young blacks listen to R&B anymore. I mean, for me, it was always a casual interest but nonetheless, I think R&B doesn't even have casual fans anymore. I think I may just be stuck in the past and even that past could be illusory.
>> No. 33426 [Edit]
>I think people generally liked R&B.
>I would've spent my time around similarly-minded friends (or at least, whom I presume were similarly-minded).
Yeah, i'm such a normal guy. This is a site for average people. Last sunday I went to the ball game after church and today I went on a double date with my 3DPD and bff. Rap is the shazizzle homie. Wanna shoot some hoops down by Compton? I love Goku and Yugioh too. lol xd xd...
>> No. 33427 [Edit]
Point considered.
>> No. 33475 [Edit]
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Modern Rogues
>> No. 33476 [Edit]
I had some saracen kid try to pick my pocket in France once. He cornered me with a football and was yelling the names of football players as he dribbled the ball at me with his arms shepherding me like he was just a kid that wanted to play but his hands were brushing up against my pockets feeling me out and as soon as I put my hand over my pocket he knew the game was up and walked off. You have to be careful, it's not just adults.
>> No. 33622 [Edit]
File 157303497427.gif - (67.94KB , 206x123 , 20199999.gif )
Sherman vs. Panther: France 1944

French cities seem to be full of gypsies pickpockets.
>> No. 33667 [Edit]
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I learn how big the Disney corporation really is under Bob "came from ABC" Iger.
>> No. 33691 [Edit]
Satanic music is apparently a thing. It's like something you'd hear at a spa. Fucking bubbles. Bach's music sounds more satanic.
>> No. 33692 [Edit]
And yet, despite all of this, they can't take a risk and make something interesting.
Hot damn.

That was painfully boring.
>> No. 33693 [Edit]
Rather than "despite of all this", it's because of it.
>> No. 33694 [Edit]
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They weren't really to symbolise things but their traits would be compared to biblical references, so each entry ends with kind of a biblical rant. The Pelican wasn't really Jesus but if a young pelican stuck the face of it's parent the parent was said to then kill it and after three days the mother would tear open her chest and pours blood over it which would resurrect it, the writer then compares this to what Jesus did when he resurrected in three days.
>> No. 33698 [Edit]
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Chinese Archery
>> No. 33700 [Edit]
The bows in both the videos are actually Manchu bows not Chinese persay but the people using them are dressed in an older style and have top nots not pigtails. The Manchu bows have those long siyahs to help draw them(they are meant to be quite powerful), the bow in your image is more like a Chinese bow.
>> No. 33709 [Edit]
If you were to try to access the cannibalism in China Wikipedia page you would be disappointed because it's been blocked due to copyright. I guess I did not learn this today but I tried a while ago to view this page and then tried again today and it's still blocked, something suspicious is going on here. I guess that is what I learnt.
>> No. 33710 [Edit]
You can access older versions of the article from "view history" and you can also see the discussion as to why the article was made inaccessible. I have read a couple of subjects related to the subject and while I'm not an expert, some things are definitely misinterpreted. I know that during times of war as far back as the Han Dynasty, soldiers cannibalised in times of famine. There was also a form of torture or execution called slow slicing which involves methodical removal of parts of the body but I don't remember elements of cannibalism being involved. Lastly, there was the mellified man, which was a dubious medical practice adopted from the near east.
>> No. 33888 [Edit]
Certain train departing jingles in Japan are operated by train crew.
Thought that it was completely automated, or operated by some sort of station master or signalman. Now that I think it about, it does make sense to make sure the train is on schedule.
>> No. 33896 [Edit]
I wonder if it's also done manually for safety reasons, similar to their "point and call" system.
>> No. 33948 [Edit]
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Tungsten is also known as WOLFRAM

St Helena gets an airport

Because when you're that big, accountants are the ones in charge.

Archers' reaction to chinese archery
>> No. 33980 [Edit]
Nissan is owned by Renault.
>> No. 33981 [Edit]
Did that deal actually go through? I thought one of the rumored reasons why the Ghosn kerfuffle happened was that some Japanese higher-ups supposedly didn't like Nissan being bought out by some gaijin company.
>> No. 33982 [Edit]
I head that Nissan was owned by Renault but that the issue with Ghoson was that he was trying to merge Nissan with Renault.
>> No. 33990 [Edit]
File 157836654354.jpg - (87.04KB , 686x1200 , 3e5dfdf6be4b748f25b6b91a95670c4b.jpg )
Americans never fought Tiger tanks in France, they only encountered some damaged ones loaded onto a train.
>> No. 33991 [Edit]
Hm if you're following the saga the press conference seems pretty damming against Japan:

I wonder what JP's side of the story is (if they will even reveal it)
>> No. 33993 [Edit]
I fear because of my loli stash.
>> No. 33994 [Edit]
There's no reason to be afraid... yet.
>> No. 34056 [Edit]
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Archery & Atlatl can't penetrate steel armor but it can give the wearer a big bruise.
Guns however...
>> No. 34062 [Edit]
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Twang... goes the Instant Legolas
>> No. 34063 [Edit]
He's still doing that? Personally I don't see much point in it.
>> No. 34097 [Edit]
The 2 tone chime that is often heard in train stations throughout Japan is meant to guide visually impaired people to the ticket barriers.

In the following video, listen closely and notice how the chime gets louder as the videographer nears the stairs. Actually, you can see the speaker hanging from the ceiling, right in front the stairs at a low height.
>> No. 34100 [Edit]
That's a very clever and low-cost solution!
>> No. 34130 [Edit]
I think so. To make sure the barriers/doors are closed and secured. As per their "point an call" safety method, particularly in the shinkansen , the calls you'll almost always hear when departing:

出発ヨシ!shiyuppatsu yoshi! "Departure OK!"
安全ヨシ! anzen yoshi! "Safety OK!"

The melodies in this case help both crew and passengers realizing that the train is about to depart. There's a great video that explores this topic a bit more in depth on YT:
>> No. 34132 [Edit]
One of you deviant train likers needs to explain one thing to me.
See the sparks they're trailing at night?
How is the arc damage handled? I imagine pantographs are trivial to replace but how do they maintain the millions of kilometers of traction? Aren't the wires getting plasma torched crazy fast with heavy traffic like this?
>> No. 34262 [Edit]
File 158396753557.webm - (6.15MB , 大宮駅arc_and__asmr.webm )
The arcs don't last long enough to super heat the wire causing it to melt or something, as in the video below. The same way you're not burned instantly by an electrical shock, or how some people survive lightning strikes.

In a paper published by JR East in 2017, it says the OCL on the Joetsu Shinkansen "are nearing replacement after 30 years since the start of operations". So that should give an idea of how long they may last.
JR EAST Technical Review No.36-2017 - Simplification of Structure of Shinkansen Overhead Contact Lines

In a another publication, this time from France, it says HSR catenary last up to 50 years.

As for the pantographs, they have quite a thick layer of graphite and usually last between 9 months and a year, and are replaced as per routine maintenance. Said graphite is the cause of that dark dirtiness on top of the carriages, particularly noticeable on the white N700.
>> No. 34342 [Edit]
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Lancehead F1 Limbless X-bow
>> No. 34353 [Edit]
The system of counting to 60s, like in seconds, minutes, comes from the Babylonians.
>> No. 34354 [Edit]
Supposedly they liked 60 because it has a lot of factors:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60

Not bad for a pretty compact number – out of the numbers between 1 to 100 that have the most factors (12 factors), 60 is the smallest.
>> No. 34485 [Edit]
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Will it bow?
>> No. 34512 [Edit]
Things just haven't been the same since the fall of babylon.
>> No. 34514 [Edit]
I recently found bve and its many add-ons available.
However navigating in jap-only websites is still a little difficult and i fear i might have missed something good.I have abt 40 routes till now (scenarios folder abt 4gb) mostly by following links in that huge playlist of SF's Rail Depot channel on yt.
Do you know any other sources/routes/stock? preferably of high quality/well made?
>> No. 34528 [Edit]
The japanese have something called 音姫 (otohime) that is installed into their toilets. It's a sound-making device to mask excretion sounds. Most sounds are things like flowing of river/water and birds chirping.
>> No. 34531 [Edit]
Literally "sound princess"
>> No. 34537 [Edit]
File 158629462259.png - (71.66KB , 319x353 , sound princess.png )
I have also found through the japanese wikipedia article on it, an article on another japanese toiletry: flashbulb, the interesting thing about the article is that it is the greatest wikipedia article with no translation whatsoever, at least that I've seen.フラッシュバルブ_(栓)
>> No. 34699 [Edit]
File 158764246460.png - (479.26KB , 1920x1080 , c64forescrn.png )
I started fiddling around with a C64 emulator and writing a few short programs in it, and in the process learned to use every legal instruction in 6502 assembly.

I also learned that I would probably be making a lot more money today if someone had shown me how to get started with programming on my family's C64 when I was a kid. All I ever knew about using it came from a single sheet of paper that described how to load and run games.

It's kind of a shame that I'm too reclusive and socially inept to ever have children myself. If nothing else, I would take very good care of their education.
>> No. 34719 [Edit]
File 15877338638.png - (3.62KB , 320x200 , vice-screen-20200424140023.png )
Today I learned that some software still has loads of bugs despite having been around for 30 years and catering chiefly to skilled programmers.
>> No. 34721 [Edit]
File 158774331780.gif - (30.55KB , 320x200 , 1587012828151.gif )
Speaking of buggy software, I found out that driving a Toyota car is a good way of dying a death caused by shoddy programming:
>Other egregious deviations from standard practice were the number of global variables in the system. The academic standard is zero. Toyota had more than 10,000 global variables.
>When NASA software engineers evaluated parts of Toyota’s source code during their NHTSA contracted review in 2010, they checked 35 of the MISRA-C rules against the parts of the Toyota source to which they had access and found 7,134 violations. Barr checked the source code against MISRA’s 2004 edition and found 81,514 violations.

Mind you, this just what they found in the electronics of a normal car built 15 years ago. Nowadays people entrust self-driving cars with their lives.
>> No. 34722 [Edit]
>I also learned that I would probably be making a lot more money today if someone had shown me how to get started with programming on my family's C64 when I was a kid.

I see where you're coming from, but as someone who did pick up programming as a kid, I can tell you it's not just about when you start. You have to know people when you're young. I'm not saying you need to be as connected as Bill Gates was in his childhood, but you'll just need to know someone who can give you a chance to shine. So either your parents have to know someone, or your parents teach you the necessary life skills to go out there and build those early connections on your own (you'd be surprised how few parents actually do this for their kids; I know mine didn't).
>> No. 34828 [Edit]
I learned there are formulas for trig functions whose arguments are different inverse trig functions. I feel like a jackass for not knowing sooner.

Post edited on 28th Apr 2020, 7:33pm
>> No. 34867 [Edit]
Mind posting some links?
>> No. 34871 [Edit]
File 158838350880.png - (917.14KB , 1280x960 , sera.png )
I remember the controversy about unintended acceleration in Toyotas, but I assumed the floor mats were the culprit since it was out of the news cycle after they issued a recall. I refuse to own cars with drive-by-wire because the throttle response is always wildly inconsistent compared to a cable throttle. It'll be interesting to see how a self-driving car will behave after 15-20 years of salt exposure on its internals considering the glitches they already have from the factory.
>> No. 34879 [Edit]
The way I phrased my post probably makes it seem more interesting than reality.
>> No. 34881 [Edit]
Oh that's neat. I hadn't thought to try something like that before, but it makes sense.
>> No. 34923 [Edit]
This guy:

>Josiah Willard Gibbs (February 11, 1839 – April 28, 1903) was an American scientist who made significant theoretical contributions to physics, chemistry, and mathematics. His work on the applications of thermodynamics was instrumental in transforming physical chemistry into a rigorous inductive science. Together with James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann, he created statistical mechanics (a term that he coined), explaining the laws of thermodynamics as consequences of the statistical properties of ensembles of the possible states of a physical system composed of many particles. Gibbs also worked on the application of Maxwell's equations to problems in physical optics. As a mathematician, he invented modern vector calculus (independently of the British scientist Oliver Heaviside, who carried out similar work during the same period).
>> No. 34948 [Edit]
Amidakuji (ghost leg lottery). I'd seen it before in shows but never bothered to lookup how exactly it worked. Turns out it's a genuinely clever method of selecting a random permutation.
>> No. 34977 [Edit]
Lightning Warrior Raidy was released in 1994. I had no idea it was that old.
>> No. 35077 [Edit]
There's a guy in South Beach, he has been running for more than 40 years already, every day he runs 8 miles, he has run every day since the 70's. Even with hurricanes he still runs. He has a list with every person that joins him on any given day and completes the course.
Here's the site:
>> No. 35078 [Edit]
This reminded me of the guy who has the Guinness World Record for having the most Guinness World Records.
Apparently he holds more than 200 world records, and has previously broken over 600.
>> No. 35083 [Edit]
That's a fairly small distance. It's good that he has a routine though.
>> No. 35084 [Edit]
Very interesting, anon. Also very weird how his mentor was a fat-ish old man and lifted such heavy weights.
>> No. 35085 [Edit]
The best body for lifting heavy things is stocky. Large gut and massive, muscular arms. The typical bodybuilder thing isn't actually that functional and mostly for show.
>> No. 35168 [Edit]
File 159116532792.jpg - (79.94KB , 756x564 , 20200614.jpg )
Let me show you its features. Ha ha haa.
>> No. 35170 [Edit]
Ready to fire.
>> No. 35218 [Edit]
File 159148297060.png - (5.03KB , 318x234 , universal luminosity is better for the human eye.png )
Reading colored text of the same luminosity, perceived brightness, causes less eye strain than reading text which is a universal luminosity because it your eyes don't have to adjust as much.
>> No. 35293 [Edit]
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I can understand how to make stuff using logic gates now. Pretty simple stuff really.
>> No. 35344 [Edit]
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>> No. 35351 [Edit]
You should keep going and implement a full CPU. It's not as hard as it seems at first. Play around with Logisim. Even though I don't fully remember the fine details, the basic idea of the fetch-decode-execute loop and remembering that all of this is (at its simplest) just a lot of combinatorial logic takes away a lot of the magic behind CPUs. (Of course you need a clock as well, and as soon as you add pipelining you break up that combinatorial logic into gated, interconnected pieces).
>> No. 35356 [Edit]
I've worked out something of a decent clock-based sequential circuit, which is going to be necessary for multiplication and division. I've spent pretty much a whole week working on it because I find it so interesting, although for a moment I was trying to use a flip flop memory circuit for storing temporary calculation that was heavily synchronized to the adders and would get fucked up by the simplest changes. I figure I had a good idea that needs to be used elsewhere considering how simple BCD conversion is.
>> No. 35378 [Edit]
I used to think that circumcision is merely not required for Christians to do, but it is actually forbidden.

Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.

As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

>> No. 35379 [Edit]
Paul was a charlatan "religous authority".
>> No. 35380 [Edit]
One of the ways that Priests would rile up the people to get them to go on the first crusade was to say that Muslims were circumcising Christian boys in Jerusalem.

It still makes sense though, a large part of the religion involves the idea that your body is the body of God and the body god created for you, it's one of the reasons the Bible says not to sleep with prostitutes. Mutilating the body that god gave you and that is also in his image(thus in a way mutilating him) seems to be something that should not be allowed and it's surprising that Americans do it so much.
>> No. 35381 [Edit]
People are in god's "image" only spiritually. I've read enough of the old testament to know God has no problem with circumcision.
>> No. 35382 [Edit]
I don't know, it seems to be more than just spiritual.

>Leviticus 19:28
>You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.
>> No. 35383 [Edit]
I really hate how people will pay attention to some parts of the OT, but not others when Paul or some other guy said you can ignore it.
>> No. 35386 [Edit]
Well seeing as we don't have the death penalty for homosexuality, pre-marital intercourse, rebelling against your parents etc, it's safe to assume that it's what everybody does.
>> No. 35387 [Edit]
I don't pay attention to any of it.
>> No. 35425 [Edit]
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Titanium ore is very common but metallic titanium is expensive to produce. Extraction is energy intensive and requires volatile chemicals.

Kroll Method

Armstrong Method
>> No. 35434 [Edit]
Hegesias of Cyrene wrote a book called Death by Starvation in which a man who has resolved to starve himself is introduced as representing to his friends that death is actually more to be desired than life; the gloomy descriptions of human misery which this work contained were so overpowering that they inspired many people to kill themselves, in consequence of which the author received the surname of Death-persuader (Peisithanatos). This book was published at Alexandria, where he was, in consequence, forbidden to teach by king Ptolemy II Philadelphus .
>> No. 35435 [Edit]
Hypobole is a word, and it isn't the antonym of hyperbole.

>Hy*pob"o*le (?), n. [Gr. ? a throwing under, a suggesting; ? under + ? to throw.] (Rhet.) A figure in which several things are mentioned that seem to make against the argument, or in favor of the opposite side, each of them being refuted in order.
>> No. 35476 [Edit]
I can't meditate while chewing bubble gum!
Just trying made me self-conscious about having a hole in my face made for triturating things and integrating them into my body. What a disturbing beast I am.
>> No. 35477 [Edit]
>meditate while chewing bubble gum
I was under the impression that the whole point of meditation was to minimize/avoid conscious actions. Chewing bubble gum would seem to be the opposite of that (unless you mean meditate in a more colloquial sense of focus deeply?)
>> No. 35478 [Edit]
I do a lot of practice but I'm not good with the terminology.
When I meditate I cycle between trying to be aware of every single perception and trying to tune out every single perception. I guess trying to minimize conscious action fits in the latter.
I still wanted to try because when you are doing something else chewing bubble gum becomes an unconscious action.
>> No. 35520 [Edit]
File 159574388022.jpg - (164.42KB , 850x731 , 20200726.jpg )
Wooden poplar SHIELDS don't stop waxed broadhead ARROWs
>> No. 35585 [Edit]
Let there be Dragons
Overly Sarcastic Productions
>> No. 35658 [Edit]
Do anything enough & it becomes unconscious. Like walking; you don’t think of the individual actions but just go there...
>> No. 35674 [Edit]
File 159760311376.jpg - (79.34KB , 800x726 , virgin killer.jpg )
Pic related is called "Virgin Killer".
>> No. 35729 [Edit]
Why is it called that?
>> No. 35730 [Edit]
File 159800743899.png - (600.00KB , 1311x1717 , 74470958_p6.png )
I prefer this variant of "virgin killer".
>> No. 35732 [Edit]
If a women wears that, men are supposed to get so aroused they sexually assault them, which "kills" virgins.

Post edited on 21st Aug 2020, 5:53am
>> No. 35736 [Edit]
Much better.
>> No. 35755 [Edit]
File 159819980164.png - (808.56KB , 689x923 , cloudy sky.png )
I actually heard it the other way. That it was designed in Japan, by the fashion industry to incite lust in the hearts and souls of young japanese virgin men. If you look at the piece it is kinda conservative especially at the front, with the neck covering and the "spending time in the library after-school girl" look, yet at the same time it is very revealing, on the thighs and on the back. I succeeds in being revealing in a non-threatening way.
Thus a girl could "kill" a virgin by wearing it on a date or in her room with a boy.
>> No. 35756 [Edit]
File 159820500773.png - (475.62KB , 762x766 , 1563548259708.png )
That makes sense considering current Japan.
>> No. 35763 [Edit]
John Hickely Jr is out, and per state orders forbidden from coming in contact with print pornography, from erasing his browser history and must record the browser history amongst other things.
>> No. 35785 [Edit]
Shinzo Abe has the longest term as Japanese Prime Minister despite retiring earlier.
>> No. 35793 [Edit]
Actually he isn't retiring, he said that he will still engage in political activities and will run in the next general election. He's probably quitting partly due to his falling ratings due to the poor government response to the pandemic.
>> No. 35842 [Edit]
Japan is ranked as the no1 country in terms of travel freedom, they can go to 191 different places without a visa. Impressive.
>> No. 35903 [Edit]
Self-driving cars will probably have drive-by-wire. The concept of drive-by-wire is solid but its effectiveness depends on the execution.

Behold an automated fly-by-wire plane;
>> No. 35905 [Edit]
Partially self flying planes aren't anything 'too' new at least. My dad has one that can follow any flight path you program in and it has a few years on it. You still need to take care of landings and take offs yourself though. We spent more than an hour in the thing yesterday on auto pilot.
>> No. 35907 [Edit]
I've learned liminal spaces is a thing with a name and a cult following on Youtube.
>> No. 35908 [Edit]
I think autopilot on planes is easier than on the road though since with planes the majority of the difficulty is in takeoff and landing (solved by [1, 2] and probably others), but once in the air it's (relatively) straightforward.

>> No. 35909 [Edit]
Excluding a few outliers from developing countries, every car currently sold new has a drive-by-wire throttle system. Most automakers had phased out of cable throttles by the early 2000s. The effectiveness for a self driving car also depends on the environment. There are too many factors that prevent true self-driving cars from being implemented on a large scale. Automakers marketing adaptive cruise control as "self-driving" is as close as it will get for the foreseeable future.

Most of the world's airspace is a controlled environment with strict regulations and minimal obstacles after you reach cruising altitude. It is only under those same circumstances that autonomous cars could be able to succeed at the same level.
>> No. 35912 [Edit]
No difficulty at all. L-1011 could fly completely on autopilot including take offs and landings, 50 years ago. Digital FBW was already in use back then too. Aerial target conversion are even older. It's all old as fuck.
>> No. 35925 [Edit]
Yoshihide Suga is going to be the next PM
>> No. 35927 [Edit]
>> No. 35928 [Edit]
File 160016332013.jpg - (77.74KB , 1280x720 , 20200913.jpg )
Planes are actually easier to automate to fly because once they are high enough in the air, there's nothing to collide with. Cars on the other hand...
>> No. 35937 [Edit]
Now I want to rewatch that show, thanks buddy.
>> No. 36063 [Edit]
The Nazis were the first to successfully launch a rocket into space:

They also planned to construct a Death Star to decimate their enemies from orbit:
>> No. 36194 [Edit]
So IRON SKY is real? LOL
>> No. 36253 [Edit]
I just learnt that in Soviet Russia and eastern countries in general they use voice-over when dubbing movies. I looks fucking awful.
>> No. 36254 [Edit]
This happens a lot in documentary film and it pisses me off.
>> No. 36264 [Edit]
In Ukraine, it's at least a bit better with having separate male and female voicers for such characters, however sizeable a portion of foreign content there is on TV in the first place.

Croatia for one doesn't seem to do this, they would never be able to get away with it because their TV content is plopped-in Anglo shit across the board.
>> No. 36270 [Edit]
When I am crowned Kaiser, I will forbid broadcasting German dubs of American movies. Either stop filling your head with Hollywood garbage or at least learn English.
>> No. 36271 [Edit]
You have dubs everywhere in Germany too? I thought it was a thing only in my country because people couldn't learn another language for shit.
>> No. 36272 [Edit]
Im pretty sure its just a preference in germany.
>> No. 36273 [Edit]
I think asking the average person to lean a new language for the sake of some casual media consumption is asking a lot. For a lot of big dumb action movies with no plot, subs would only distract from the big dumb action anyway.
>> No. 36274 [Edit]
English is comparatively easy to learn.
>> No. 36275 [Edit]
Sure, but why bother if you're just watching an English movie once every couple months on average?
>> No. 36276 [Edit]
It's english though, it's not like they couldn't use it for another million things.
>> No. 36277 [Edit]
Don't most of the EU countries have pretty good knowledge of English already? Excluding all the tiny third world countries (who have bigger problems than learning English), the only major countries that don't seem to have basic proficiency in English seem to be Mexico, Brazil, Japan, and Russia. (In the case of Mexico it might just be correlation with poverty, not sure if that was accounted for).

And at least in the case of Japan, given how isolated they are for them learning English is probably more of a hassle than it's worth.
>> No. 36278 [Edit]
Russia probably has a hard time learning because of how different russian is from English.
Most asian countries in fact I would say this for except for certain ones like India and Singapore.
>> No. 36279 [Edit]
>In the case of Mexico it might just be correlation with poverty,
I know Spanish, live in a part of the US relativity near mexico, and have been plenty of times. I also interact with Mexicans and other Spanish speaking people pretty much daily.
It's stubbornness combined with willful ignorance and entitlement. I've met many who flat out refuse to learn English, opportunity or not. When asked about why this is, many have told me there's no need to because Spanish is so wide spread in the US anyway. They have Spanish radio that dominates the airwaves, Plenty of Spanish tv channels, Spanish stores, communities, bilingual employees at every business, translations for anything and everything you can think of, and more. Rather than encouraging Spanish immigrants to learn English, the US has instead decided to pander to these people and make their refusal to adapt that much easier.

One day for example, I was at a post office with a Mexican lady demanding someone attend to her in Spanish. I offered to help, and while the employee worked, this old lady processed to explain how much she hates English, living in the US, and was offended the post officer didn't have a Spanish speaker on hand. Then then went on to explain how Spanish was the lords language and if we were meant to speak English we would have been born knowing it, (Mexicans are seriously religious, something I attribute to poverty+ignorance). I'm not sure if I'd call these people anti-intellectuals, but they certainly enjoy being ignorant. They're simple minded people who enjoy living simple lives. To them a job is a job, they only need/want enough money to pay the bills, buy a truck (a fancy one if they can), buy beer, and send whatever extra they make to their poor family back in mexico. They don't care about self improvement or higher education. Time and time again when talking to them I've found that life to the average Mexican is just Work, breed, die.
Maybe the US wouldn't have as much of a problem with immigrants if the infrastructure in boarder states didn't cater to them so much in the first place, but that might be getting too much into /tat/ territory.
>> No. 36280 [Edit]
>translations for anything and everything you can think of
Very few doujin have spanish translations compared to english. That's probably the case for anime and manga too except for the most popular series.

>Work, breed, die.
Ultimate normalfags.
>> No. 36281 [Edit]
Huh, I live in a border state as well and even illegals can functionally speak English.
My Dad is a doctor who speaks is bilingual as well and says that the only people who speak only Spanish are older people.
>> No. 36284 [Edit]
>I live in a border state
>illegals can functionally speak English
Perhaps they're more motivated to learn English since they might need it for work. E.g. if you're an illegal alien then your jobs will be limited to small-scale "under the table" blue collar jobs like gardening, for which being able to speak/understand basic English will be almost necessary as you'll need to communicate with the homeowner.
>> No. 36285 [Edit]
>Mexicans are seriously religious, something I attribute to poverty+ignorance
Destitution's ubiquity probably perpetuates it, but Catholicism originated from the Spaniards' and Portuguese's invasions, and I think as we all know, Catholics exhort devotion and reproduction. In contrast, the Dutch and British settlers were more eclectically religious. You can see this today in the US where Protestants are roughly twice the population as Catholics. That and British and Dutch rule seemed to be more competent.
>> No. 36286 [Edit]
yeah knowing English is pretty common with the younger generations born here. I've seen a lot of parents force their kids to act as personal translators. (myself included)
>> No. 36287 [Edit]
I thought mexicans had it better with english because US influence. I'm spaniard myself and I can say we have a problem with foreign languages here.
If a game doesn't get translated there's always a massive outrage, people don't want to even get in contact with other languages and can even find it very offensive. There's also this weird idea that spanish is the most important language in the world (obviously a lot more than english) so everything and everyone should adapt to it. I just can't imagine a person from Sweden or Denmark with the same degree of bullshit about those things.
>> No. 36288 [Edit]
>everything and everyone should adapt to it.
I think Spanish is an ugly language on multiple levels. It's essentially a sloppy lazy and obnoxious derivative of Italian.
As it was well pointed out in MGSV, the way people communicate says a lot about those people. language carries with it a certain way of thinking, mindsets, culture. You look at something like Japanese for instance, which revolves around context that requires people actually stop to think a bit more about what's being said and use common sense to figure it out. You compare that to the more precisely spelled out English where in people don't need to think as much, and you can figure out where a life time of not thinking can lead the average person. Spanish doesn't feel as exact as English, but more like a half added "whatever" of a language. Where neither context nor precession matter, as long as the person gets the general idea. I think it's the last language everyone should adapt to, because it's a culture not worth adapting to. They have no right to say things like that as a people who have contributed little to the world, with social and economic problems they refuse to fix, while being people who generally get treated as leaching pests to their neighbors. The US for all it's arrogance has at least given the world countless innovations while helping to connect the world with much of todays modern technology that we have them to thank for. If everyone was to adapt one language, English would make a lot more sense. It's already the standard in various systems across the globe anyway from air traffic control to computer programing.
>> No. 36289 [Edit]
>I think asking the average person to lean a new language for the sake of some casual media consumption is asking a lot.
Taking English classes for at least half a decade is mandatory in German schools. If asking people to learn English really is unreasonable, we should stop wasting time and resources on it. If it is reasonable, culturally beneficial and economically necessary to have people learn English, we might as well do it properly and at no cost.
>why bother if you're just watching an English movie once every couple months on average
The average German spends literally tens of thousands of hours of his life watching dubbed American movies and TV shows. All of that time is effectively wasted, aside from tnem being politically indoctrinated with the ideologies purveyed by Hollywood producers, which is desirable from the standpoint of the current regime Berlin, but not from mine.
If we leave the content in English, they will at least get something positive out of it in terms of foreign language proficiency.
Or maybe people will stop watching Hollywood garbage altogether and we will start producing more original content, which would be even better.
>For a lot of big dumb action movies with no plot, subs would only distract from the big dumb action anyway.
Yeah, I'll forbid subs too, of course. Except maybe in documentaries.
Those dumb action movies with no plot are great for language learning, since you can follow them just fine even when you don't understand everything, and you can figure out from context what most of the dialogue means.

It's not even subtle.
>> No. 36290 [Edit]
>Taking English classes for at least half a decade is mandatory in German schools.
You'll have to forgive me as I'm not German and didn't know this. With that and the rest in mind, yeah it does seem weird that they'd avoid original audio so much.
>> No. 36291 [Edit]
I think this stuff about language and mexico should probably be taken to /tat/ no?
>> No. 36292 [Edit]
>Don't most of the EU countries have pretty good knowledge of English already?
No, 9/10 times they're dogshit. Unfortunately most normalfags here have convinced themselves they're almost fluent.
>> No. 36293 [Edit]
I learned about cheese sharpness. That was fun.
>> No. 36294 [Edit]
>Unfortunately most normalfags here have convinced themselves they're almost fluent.
yeah, my co-workers all insist that they know English just fine. "I always had good grades in English" they say. Yet they can't even understand movies or the news in English, let alone anything written that goes beyond simple instruction manuals or juvenile literature.

This also goes to show how useless language courses are. All my English teachers in school admitted that I speak this language more fluently than they themselves, and people often assume I'm some sort of genius for knowing Japanese. Yet I was the kid who almost never bothered doing my homework in English class, and I've never even taken any Japanese classes. Playing video games and watching anime in a foreign language is far more educational than attending a language course.
>> No. 36295 [Edit]
Language courses are a convenient source of speaking practice. It might also work as a motivational thing since staying ahead of the class feels nice.
>> No. 36296 [Edit]
>Spanish doesn't feel as exact as English, but more like a half added "whatever" of a language. Where neither context nor precession matter, as long as the person gets the general idea.
Curious – do you say this as a speaker of Spanish? Granted I only learned enough Spanish to pass a mandatory HS foreign language requirement, but Spanish and English seemed to have more commonalities than differences. With the exception of gendered nouns (*), the grammatical constructs map almost directly onto the other – there didn't seem to be any differences in "context" required (unless you count dropping subject pronoun, which is unneeded since the verb conjugation carries the same information).

>It's not even subtle.
What was this referring to?

(*) It's an interesting linguistic question as to how gendered nouns arose in the first place. I suppose it can help avoid ambiguity and can be used as "error correction" of sorts since you have more info to reconstruct off of. Supposedly Old English had gendered nouns as well but the vairous vowel shifts and pronunciation changes wiped those all out.
>> No. 36309 [Edit]
File 160249395389.png - (136.86KB , 300x200 , 1483179209680.png )
This made me reflect a little about myself. I always had terrible grades in english and was told my language skills were really bad. Even recently, I almost lost my job because my english wasn't good enough and got rejected when I was trying to get some other job about teaching children because I couldn't even pass a simple test. But I read relatively complicated books, write everyday and watch lots of media even without subs. I doubt the average person does any of that.
So it could be that the way to evaluate language skills in my country is really wrong, my lack of social skills plays a big part, or maybe I'm just lying to myself and I'm a lost case who can't properly learn a language even after a decade of daily use. If it's the last then I'll be fucked because I've been trying to learn japanese for some time already, and I'm not going to make it. It's really depressing.
>> No. 36311 [Edit]
I nearly flunked my end-of-highschool exams because they included an oral English part and the pressure of having an entire group of people sitting there evaluating me caused me to stutter and forget words.
It's probably similar for you, lack of social skills and speaking ability is a real problem when interacting with wider society, which is why it's better not to.
>> No. 36343 [Edit]
I just found out that BIOS actually means "life" in Greek (βίος)

I wonder how many acronyms there are that I use frequently but have no idea that they're actually backronyms.
>> No. 36345 [Edit]
I think that might just be a coincidence. I couldn't find any strong evidence that it was intentionally chosen as a backronym.
>> No. 36346 [Edit]
File 160282213170.gif - (76.07KB , 580x500 , anim_jis90-2004_mincho.gif )
Two tidbits about written Japanese (learned recently but not today):
• With JIS2004, the recommended renderings of several kanji were changed, many of them from a simplified form to a more traditional form (pic related). Nevertheless, it's still quite common to see the pre-JIS2004 renderings.
• In Japanese Braille, the particles は and へ are written phonetically as ⠄ (ワ) and ⠋ (エ) respectively. (There is no hiragana/katakana distinction.)
>> No. 36348 [Edit]
Oh fuck. It looks like they add or remove a stroke or literally change an entire radical. If I didn't know better, I would probably assume it's a different word.
>> No. 36349 [Edit]
This is what makes it hard for me to try to read kanji text that uses fancy fonts (let alone handwritten kanji). There are sometimes extra flourishes and I have no idea whether it's a kanji I've learned or whether it's something else.
>> No. 36390 [Edit]
File 160341394533.jpg - (164.27KB , 850x1196 , sample_be352124467eb00ee5421fb36168f72d.jpg )
Sayonara o Oshiete has been translated into spanish. There is no english translation. This seriously rustles my jimmies.
>> No. 36391 [Edit]
Spanish translations are usually machine translated or translated from English. You're not missing much
>> No. 36393 [Edit]
Their website looks pretty legitimate.
>> No. 36395 [Edit]
Since ES->EN machine translation is a lot better than JP->EN, you could probably hit it with gtranslate if you really wanted to read it.

But I agree that I'd be skeptical of whether it's a proper translation. Their having a site doesn't mean much.
>> No. 36445 [Edit]
Most mammals in South America actually came from North America, they crossed through Central America, when the continent emerged and arrived there. Only few mammals in North America are native South America mammals.
>> No. 36450 [Edit]
File 160368440165.jpg - (31.04KB , 450x360 , ELBn23JUUAEkeTB.jpg )
Why Three Different Arrow Tips? by JoergSprave
Hunting, battle, practice.
>> No. 36590 [Edit]
File 160472481693.jpg - (64.77KB , 637x658 , 20201115.jpg )
The blonde elf's name in Capcom's D&D: Tower of Doom & Shadow over Mystara is LUCIA.

Modern bows can get really expensive...
>> No. 36623 [Edit]
Yellow, orange, and red bell peppers are sweeter and way more delicious than green ones. Only downside is, they're more expensive. And this is because the green ones aren't actually ripe.
>> No. 36624 [Edit]
> And this is because the green ones aren't actually ripe.
I think they're different varieties, not just unripe.
>> No. 36628 [Edit]
I hate any kind of bell pepper because they're sweet. Sweet vegetables aren't my thing.
>> No. 36668 [Edit]
Put them veg into a quiche
>> No. 36762 [Edit]
Viggen is Swedish for "the bolt" or "the tufted duck".
>> No. 36833 [Edit]
Sweden has a Gotland class stealth sub
>> No. 37203 [Edit]
File 160929705066.jpg - (19.46KB , 474x266 , smalltofucar.jpg )
Horsepower is officially defined as "the amount of energy required to lift 550 pounds, one foot, in one second." This definition dates back to when cars didn't even exist and, despite the worldwide acceptance of the metric system USA not withstanding), the definition remains in use today.
>> No. 37207 [Edit]
The first Soviet Jet the Mig 9 actually used German engines. They used the BMW OO3 and then a Soviet produced version of it, the designer of this engine would actually move to France and his new engines would power many French cold war aircraft.
>> No. 37233 [Edit]
I just heard of MF DOOM.
>> No. 37291 [Edit]
Current PLA Chinese jets are just knock-offs of Russian fighter jets. The cycle repeats.
>> No. 37363 [Edit]
X-bows don't work so well underwater..
>> No. 37488 [Edit]
File 161198459911.gif - (349.35KB , 255x255 , zred.gif )
China's SECRET Heavy Tank, the WZ-111 | Cursed by Design
>> No. 37614 [Edit]
Zombie Apocalypse Archery
>> No. 37714 [Edit]
File 161364819528.jpg - (176.67KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kiniro Mosaic – 12 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
I found it amusing that the Japanese term for "backscratcher" is 孫の手 (mago no te), literally "grandchild's hand". Originally, the term was 麻姑の手 (Mako no te), "Mako's hand". Mako is an immortal woman of Chinese legend who is said to have long, bird-like nails, which, if used to scratch an itchy place, felt very good.
>> No. 38021 [Edit]
Greek Easter bread Tsoureki & Hot Cross Buns are an old tradition.
>> No. 38044 [Edit]
File 161831188226.gif - (124.50KB , 1097x805 , zCopelandOS.gif )
>> No. 38091 [Edit]
moot's moving on from google:
The discussion that took place on Hacker News is also amusing(ly stupid).
>> No. 38092 [Edit]
5yrs is a pretty decent tenure. I believe he was in the Tokyo office on the maps team for most of his time there.
>> No. 38206 [Edit]
File 162055757789.jpg - (274.37KB , 1600x771 , MTGCOFF2.jpg )
Pilum time
>> No. 38376 [Edit]
File 162332380664.jpg - (82.62KB , 890x1011 , 2021VEGA.jpg )
Why there are still shortages of stuff
>> No. 38705 [Edit]
File 163192730789.jpg - (28.25KB , 474x257 , Clipboard01.jpg )
How the Korean horn composite bow is made (w/ subtitles)
>> No. 38855 [Edit]
File 163542533425.jpg - (17.84KB , 474x266 , aa1mtg.jpg )
Commanche horse-archery
>> No. 38856 [Edit]
Not really, it's based on a few witness accounts and that is it. The quote they use could be interpreted in many ways too, most likely just that they shot three or four arrows after the first not actually that those three or four arrows were in the air at the same time as the first. The solution they come up with for rapid shooting is gimmicky and made up as well. I really don't like the format of that clip either, it tries too hard to be a documentary or something yet it has very little substance to it.
>> No. 38877 [Edit]
File 163603759869.jpg - (125.91KB , 1024x768 , 水銀燈1563825410545.jpg )
Well, I guess I just learned how women (male) are made.

It's a computer animation, but still: massive trigger warning on this one.
>> No. 38993 [Edit]
File 163816950553.webm - (1.54MB , batswimming1637474920528.webm )
I just learned that bats can swim.
>> No. 39029 [Edit]
Today I learned the word occidental.
>> No. 39030 [Edit]
That's quite interesting. In romance languages we mostly use "Occident/occidental" and "Orient/oriental".
>> No. 39043 [Edit]
congratulations, now you get to read and The Occidental Quarterly.
>> No. 39048 [Edit]
Ironically, I learned about it from Baki in a scene where a white death row inmate gets beat up by a Japanese karate master.
>> No. 39222 [Edit]
I just learned about William McGonagall, and I am fascinated by this man. William McGonagall is a Scottish poet who was labeled "the worst poet in english history". He also did some minor acting. His most famous poem is "The Tay Bridge Disaster", one of many poems he dedicated to the Tay Bridge.
Here is the full poem:
While acting he played a tragic Shakesperean character, but became convinced that the other actors were envious of him, and refused to die in the final act. His friends collected his poems, and they survive to this day. His poems have this unintentional(?) humour to them. I find they very uplifting in a way. The professor McGonagall in Harry Potter is also named after this man. His collected poems are quite expensive nowadays. Here's a wikipedia article about him:
>> No. 39223 [Edit]
I've heard about that guy before. Somebody compared him to the Time Cube guy.
>> No. 39254 [Edit]
A long time ago someone told me they knew a guy who could replicate any key he saw from memory, I thought this was BS untill I got some keys and noticed a number stamped on them. After looking it over for a while, I realized it's really not hard to memories the pattern of a standard key just by looking at it for a few seconds, to then recreate it later.
I'm no lock smith, but generally there's generally 5 locations on a key, for the 5 pins in standard house locks, with cut depth settings corresponding to numbers for each location. Going from a 0 which would be no cut, and a 5 would be a really deep cut. You don't need to memorize the pattern the cuts make, just the numbers that go with each cut/indent. If you can remember the 5 digit number, you can make a new key based off that.
With that in mind, it's a bit concerning they would just print that number on the keys I have.
>> No. 39268 [Edit]
I learned that in a study following the release of the movie Jurassic World, 2000 Americans were anonymously surveyed online regarding whether or not humans existed at the same time as dinosaurs.
40% of them answered "yes".
>> No. 39269 [Edit]
I'm guessing those are the hard core religious nuts who think the world is only thousands of years old and dinosaurs co-existed with cavemen?
>> No. 39271 [Edit]
Technically they are correct because technically birds are dinosaurs.
>> No. 39277 [Edit]
I would like to see the responses broken down by race.
>> No. 39283 [Edit]
File 164600177127.png - (25.23KB , 838x205 , typical_clojure_program.png )
I learned the Egyptian hieroglyph for "penis"

And that there is a related hieroglyph for "ejaculating penis"
>> No. 39360 [Edit]
File 164724346525.jpg - (461.41KB , 673x744 , __original_drawn_by_funakura__0df9d54576961565f9d2.jpg )
Isn't this technically the lolicon of the animal kingdom?
>> No. 39467 [Edit]
File 164993610198.jpg - (76.42KB , 533x900 , marimite_s3e2_4m50s.jpg )
Whilst watching Marimite, I came across the expression 金魚の糞 (kingyo no fun [goldfish feces]).
Apparently, goldfishes often will not pass stool properly, thus, leaving a "trail" following them around. The expression is used on clingy people who tend to invite themselves to accompany others.
I never heard this before and I find it thoroughly amusing. I shall now set about labeling certain people as "goldfish poop".
>> No. 39471 [Edit]
File 165014224799.gif - (11.51KB , 140x110 , marisa.gif )
My first thought went to something an Australian might put on his bread, then I thought it sounds like you're talking about some ancient middle-eastern tribe from the bible, next to the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites and Moabites.

マリみて, yes, of course, that show exists, thank you brain.
>> No. 39472 [Edit]
'chigyu' meaning cheese gyudon meaning a dorky looking person with glasses, a baby face and lack of spirit, someone who is so lame and unadventurous they eat cheap cheese gyudon at yoshinoya
>> No. 39489 [Edit]
today I gained a deeper understanding of the enthymeme topoi
>> No. 39493 [Edit]
Not exactly learned, more like realized that even years old, dried, forgotten, "expired" legumes can sprout. I read about it but I was really sceptical at first until I sowed like 20 of them and one indeed sprouted.

Not really useful information but I was still kind of surprised that life can be kickstarted from them.
>> No. 39496 [Edit]
Oh seeds are hardy little things. Some will remain viable for centuries, so much so there's a wiki article all about them:
>> No. 39838 [Edit]
New GERMAN TANK!!! Well it looks like a Leopard 2 with a 130mm gun and some Sci-fi panels but still.
>> No. 39873 [Edit]
File 165571308162.png - (3.36MB , 1589x2301 , be137363e4d717ec81c3e0c2d125efc1b9acd66b.png )
It is believed that saying "itadakimasu" before every meal did not become a widespread custom until as late as the Shōwa era.
>> No. 40101 [Edit]
Neat. I'm going to have to go back and rewatch Inuyasha and Yashahime with an eye to where they use these. (I know they're in the outro, but where else?)
>> No. 40305 [Edit]
File 16610778546.gif - (973.63KB , 365x498 , 202208.gif )
Broken Arrow (nuclear), an accidental nuclear event involving nuclear weapons, warheads, or components which does not create the risk of nuclear war.

Maria-sama ga Miteru
>> No. 40341 [Edit]
File 166134191093.jpg - (89.75KB , 850x900 , aamt (11).jpg )
Dreadnought: The Battleship that Changed Everything
>> No. 40366 [Edit]
I learned the word coterie and that doujin roughly translates to it.

Post edited on 31st Aug 2022, 4:07pm
>> No. 40367 [Edit]
That's a nice word, will have to remember that.
>> No. 40455 [Edit]
Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of Spongebob, is dead. He's been dead for nearly four years now, even. I legitimately had no idea.
Chiaki Konata, the lead visionary behind Serial Experiments Lain, also worked on Armitage 3. I have just recently started exploring the Internet Archive on and I saw they had an anime section and got very excited. I'm trying to be law-abiding, so to see that this internet library has some anime is pleasing.
They've got the Armitage 3 OVAs, which is great, since I've been wanting to watch the Armitage OVAs for a while. I do believe they're considered Cyberpunk classics.
Aphex Twin was my first foray into electronic music, and now that I've checked the dates of release, I have a strong suspicion that the music for the OP for the OVAs was heavily inspired by Aphex Twin's 1992 "Flaphead". I skipped over Flaphead initially, but after returning to it some time later, I really found myself enjoying it, so it was easy for me to recognise. To me, there's a sound effect in Flaphead that's very reminiscent to me of the elevator sound effect in the Streets of Rage games, making the track even more memorable. Also, the intros to both sound similar.
I recall being shocked some time ago when I stumbled upon how popular Warp was over in Japan as well, so I really doubt the music designer for the anime was oblivious to a man of Aphex Twin's stature, particularly in this then-blossoming genre, and particularly in the '90s, of all periods. In the UK at least, Aphex Twin was a borderline household name back then.
You can watch the Armitage OVAs on the archive - if you know spanish. They're, by default, in spanish. I had to download the .mkv off of the archive (they provide links), and then manually download an english subtitle .srt file from elsewhere on the internet.
Actually, it seems Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" is a much stronger influence on the Armitage 3 OP than Aphex Twin's "Flaphead", as revealed to me by YouTube comments on the relevant video. It's possible Flaphead provided some inspiration, but those similarities could be coincidental.
>> No. 40465 [Edit]
Tomb Raider 2 has DLC.
I was looking through old shopping catalogues on the Internet Archive, looking at the games and toys I wanted to buy when I was a kid, and I found that, in the PC Games section, one could buy "Tomb Raider 2: The Golden Mask".
I was completely flabbergasted. I played TR2 on PS1, and I thought that was it. Apparently, it actually got DLC back in the day. You had to go onto their website, and if you owned the game for PC, you could get the DLC for free. TR2 actually lives up to the ideal of how DLC should be implemented: you buy a whole game, and then the DLC adds more content for further playing (as opposed to paying full-price for an incomplete game, and then needing to buy DLC to complete it).
Just to clarify: the DLC, itself, was free. TR2 got re-released in '99 as a full-package, both the game, and both DLCs, and that's what I was seeing in the catalogue. But yeah, if you already owned TR2, the DLC was totally free.
For the curious:
>> No. 40534 [Edit]
The "other side" of the Earth isn't actually completely empty.

Allow me to explain. At some point, possibly from watching a video, I saw a globe, and my mind was blown. Basically, all of the landmasses of the world, are literally just on one side of the Earth. Every "World Map" I've ever seen was basically kind of lying to me because it only displayed the major landmasses that are all, coincidentally, on the same half of the Earth.

When you go to the other side of the Earth, indeed, there's a lot of water, but it isn't actually totally empty like I had assumed. There's tons of little islands! I actually know where Hawaii and Samoa are now, and that "Fiji" island I would occasionally hear about.
So yeah, that's the new thing I learned today. I got reminded of the existence of Google Earth today, and so I figured I'd use a virtual globe to investigate the Earth's "empty space" and lo and behold, it's not totally empty.

I'd love to see what the combined landmass is of all of those little islands. How big are they, relative to a country?
>> No. 40545 [Edit]
You might like playing around with [1] and [2]

>> No. 40547 [Edit]
This is something of an aside, but I think the Mercator doesn't get nearly enough credit nowdays. The main criticism of it is that it doesn't accurately portray landmass scale, but what a lot of those people fail to realize is that aside from simple visual purposes, a lot of those "better scale" maps are completely useless Garbage. The Mercator excels at one thing incredibly well, and that is ocean navigation. So much so that all map software still uses it, because we've yet to come up with something better for 2D maps in the 450 years since its invention. The trick lines in being able to draw a straight line between any two points and always maintain a constant bearing. None of those aesthetically appealing maps could hope to rival this simple but vital function. So much so that for the purposes of understanding marine navigation, it would be better for children to visualize the world as a Mercator and not, say, a Robinson.
>> No. 40580 [Edit]
Linux isn't as scary as it seems.
I'm not really sure what I expected to be different. Maybe it's a little more involved than Windows, but it feels like there's better information out there as a result. Problems are better documented, and the solutions don't require you to dig through a ton of menus. If you're willing to learn, I imagine it is much faster and easy to use than Windows.
That isn't to say I know what I am doing, I don't. I slip up quite a bit. It's just that it feels easier to pin down what I did wrong and correct it.

I also learned that it is okay to connect USB 2.0 ports to pins for USB 3.0, even if they aren't the same. I was pretty worried about it until I looked and thought about it. If I keep things up, I might just become computer literate.
>> No. 40658 [Edit]
Czechoslovakia doesn't actually exist.

I don't know why, but I had the idea that Czechoslovakia still existed. I think it's because I would still hear that someone was "Czech" and so I assumed they were saying the person was "Czechoslovakian".
No, actually. Czechoslovakia was dissolved in '93. It split into the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
Czechoslovakia hasn't existed in a few months short of 30 years (as of this post), and I thought it still existed this whole time. So yeah, that's interesting. Just goes to show how ignorant I am of the Eastern Europeans. To me, they're their own little world.
>> No. 40662 [Edit]
thete never was such a thing, Czechs and Slovaks are separate peoples.
Czechoslovakia was politically constructed with no regard for the wishes of the people who actually lived in it. The fact that the Sudeten Germans were not allowed to join Germany despite wishing to do so was one of the major issues that contributed to the outbreak of WW2.

It's a good thing that frankenstein state is no more.
>> No. 40690 [Edit]
"Ramsacked" isn't actually a word. It's "ransacked".
>> No. 40697 [Edit]
It's odd because I had the same phenomenon occur to myself as well. I just assumed it still existed throughout my highschool and early 20s, because I'd heard so much about it all my life, but when I took a deep dive in geography about 5 years ago I realised I was mistaken. Crazy.
>> No. 40739 [Edit]
"Rina Chan" is the voice actress of 2B in the English Dub of Nier: Automata.

That's right. The female VA from the "Brawl Taunts" animations with Kirbopher. All I remember is being on /v/ in the 2010s and how people used to mock Rina Chan. I don't even remember the mockery. She was fat? She was a terrible VA who thought too highly of herself? I vaguely recall the critique that she only has one voice. I thought she was impressive and sounded professional back then, but the fact that she was in flash animations definitely reinforced the idea that she really is kind of pathetic.
Now I learn she's the VA for 2B in Nier: Automata. Meanwhile, where has my life gone since those days?
What a horrifying thing I've learnt today.

Not only that, but "Rina Chan"/Kira Buckland has worked on the dubs of a lot of anime. By consuming dubbed anime, I'm actually consuming works that Rina Chan has worked on. I kind of had Re:Zero's second season on my backlog, and now I know that she voices Beatrice (the old witch-loli) in those.
I feel pain.
>> No. 40741 [Edit]
Don't watch dubs.
>> No. 40746 [Edit]
Something tat annoyed me about Nier and also many other games is that they use the subs for the dub when using the sub as well so even in Japanese I can see what the English version would have said.
In Nier the dub ruins 2B in particular, she is an automata, her way of speaking is quite robotic, she does not speak causally, yet in the subs you can see that they still insist on adding that casual American way of speaking.
>> No. 40747 [Edit]
I learned about insurance car auctions. Or at least, I'm now aware of them.

I assume they're vehicles that have been considered "totaled" by the insurance companies, which pretty much means the company buys it off of you because it isn't worth it for it to be fixed based on the car's value. Or I think so anyway.

I'm just wondering how the prices are so good. You can find cheap shitboxes that supposedly run and drive. Today you'd be hard-pressed to find such a thing for less than a couple grand. Yet here are all those really shitty cars that can be bought outright for a few hundred dollars. Now, you'll have to put in a little work, but that'll be the case with pretty much any of those "cheap" cars you'll find on craigslist or whatever else. The only thing that seems to set them out is that some have pretty nasty dings and dents, which makes sense. Body work would be too expensive for your 20 year old Toyota Camry.

Personally, I think it's too good to be true. For a while I wanted something that I can fool around with and develop a better understanding of the mechanics behind an automobile without having to worry about regretting the possibility of ruining it. Thing is, you don't really get much information about the cars and as I'd be buying online, I wouldn't be able to test drive or anything. It is completely possible that those $300 cars would be a total nightmare to deal with.

Either way, I'm strongly considering giving it a try. If I do, I'll be sure to give TC an exclusive report on the $300 insurance car experience.
>> No. 40748 [Edit]
If there were a business strategy fixing up those cars and reselling it I assume someone would have already done it. I think the reason is that beneath the major surface damage lurks an unknown amount of internal damage.
>> No. 40749 [Edit]
>It is completely possible that those $300 cars would be a total nightmare to deal with.
Yeah, for one thing they're 99% likely to be labeled as "salvage" on the car's tittle. Some buyers don't care about this or even know what it means, many will run for the hills when they see this. It's not always a bad thing, sometimes the car is fine and it's just salvage for technical or red tape reasons.

I've also known people who buy these things (people who can't afford much better) and more often than not they can be black holes that suck in your time and money. One thing after another goes wrong with these things (assuming they're at 200+ miles). Sure you might think it just needs a new battery, then it's just some new sparkplugs, only a new alternator, new radiator, new breaks, new starter, and before you know it a piston craps out followed by a bad transmission.
IF you're buying a salvaged auction car on the cheap for yourself as a project car you don't mind working on that's one thing, but if you're in for profit, well it "can" work, but it'll be hard.
I used to live on a very busy street with a perfect driveway/corner for selling a car. A friend of a friend parked a few of his auction cars there to resell them and would give us $50 each time one did. I tried it once and would have made a profit, if my mom didn't force me to keep it and sure enough things started going wrong with it and I lost money on it by the time it sold.
If you're going to go for it anon, I recommend driving the thing as little as possible and selling the thing as quickly as you can. It'd also be a lot easier if you learned how to fix them yourself, because mechanics are a rip.
>> No. 40750 [Edit]
It isn't really a business thing for me, but yeah, I assume usually they (these bottom of the barrel cars) are bought by scrapyards to sell the good parts individually and the rest is scrapped. I have no intentions of making money on it myself. It will be like a frog to be dissected by school children. Some things are easier to show than tell.
>> No. 40800 [Edit]
Whereas for english programmers "foo/bar" is used as dummy variable, Japanese programmers use "hoge/fuga". I don't know etymology of this, and it seems it's not even to the Japanese

Quoted from

The epicenter of the variable is in the vicinity of the following five epicenters. (0)-(4) are in chronological order, with (0) being the oldest. At the moment, we guess that the center of the spillover is mainly at (0), (1), (2), and (4). The ripple effect of (1) ASCII-related and (2) WIDE-related seems to be particularly large. The impact of (3) is probably limited.

(0) @hoge_mix, started using it around 1976-1977.
  Around 1979-81, he created an Apple II-compatible board, which became known as the HOGE board.
  After that, he worked in the PC communication Nikkei Mix under the ID hoge.
  Meta-syntactic variable: hoge
  Receiving: Apple II compatibility board users, Nikkei MIX, etc. I confirmed that @hoge_mix's account name at that time (HOGE) was known in ASCII.
  Etymology: A nickname given to @hoge_mix. The name was spontaneous and has no special origin.
(1) Around early 1980s? Around ASCII (according to @shigeyas)
  Meta-syntactic variables: hoge, tako, ika, tentsu
  Spillover: MMA, Univ. of Dentsu, WIDE, various places via ASCII, etc.
  Etymology: research required
(2) Around 1983, Dr. Osamu Nakamura used to say this (from @kanamono). Around Dr. Jun Murai (from Dr. Yutaka Ishikawa, who was at the University of Tokyo at the time of the summary).
  Meta-syntax variable: hoge, unknown after that.
  Ripple: Universities, WIDE, etc. The ripple effect seems to be large.
  Etymology: to be investigated.
(3) Mid-1980s, near Yamate-dori, Nagoya, Japan
  Meta-syntactic variables: hoge, piyo, (third variable*), hogehoge, piyopiyo, (third variable) repeated twice, hogepiyo, hoge with (third variable) added
  Ripple: Nagoya University related. Various places via the "Page to Think about Hoge"
  Etymology: From a vague sense of the word. No conscious manga influence, but may have been unconsciously influenced by manga. Prior to reading Hollow Earth Defense Forces at the time. Another reason is that the repetition of the word "hoge," "hogehoge," "hogehogehoge," "piyo," "piyopiyo," "piyopiyopiyo" and so on can increase the number of meta-syntactic variables. The etymology of piyopiyo comes from Kyoko-san's apron in "Mezon Ikkoku".
  The word "piyopiyo" is derived from "Mezon Ikkoku's" Kyoko-san's apron. I have information that Prof. Izumi Kimura used to use it when he was at Tokyo Institute of Technology, from 1992 to 1996 (from @masahiko_kimoto).
  The third meta-syntax variable is not shown here for the sake of etymological research. People related to the Nagoya Univ. Radio Dept. may remember it.
(4) 1988? From @kazukey
  Meta-syntactic variables: hige, huge, hege, hoge
  Spillover: → spread to over 3,000 people at an external seminar hosted by DEC, WIDE
  Etymology: Ha-hi-fu-he-ho with "ge" and without "hage", from hige, fuge, hege, and hoge, as the fourth meta-syntactic variable. There is no conscious cartoon influence.

Whether (0), (1), and (2) occur independently is still under investigation, but it appears that (0) was known to (1), although it is unclear whether as a meta-syntactic variable.
(3) and (4) are probably both independent, but if hoge was ever published in ASCII magazine, it is possible that it was unintentionally derived from there.
>> No. 40802 [Edit]
Apparently the language code for japanese is ja, not jp. Jp is the country code. I have no idea why they did this since JP remains unassigned as a language code and would make much more sense (ja can be confused with javanese).

I couldn't find any reasoning for why the iso codes were assigned as such. Closest reasoning was in namely that apparently the two were worked on by different communities at different times, and they never bothered attempting to unify in cases where they could do so? Although clearly some cases like FR = french = france fall out naturally so they could have done the same for Japanese, I really which the design decisions were documented somewhere.
>> No. 40934 [Edit]
Interesting thing I learned about recently. Magnetico, a BitTorrent DHT scraper. Basically, it lets you search for torrents without middlemen like nyaa.

One instance(on yggdrasil)
>> No. 40935 [Edit]
Yes, it's a well known technique.

Post edited on 12th Dec 2022, 12:13am
>> No. 40958 [Edit]
File 167120415529.jpg - (145.95KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault (2).jpg )
3 of the 10 tallest statues in the world are located in Japan.
>> No. 40959 [Edit]
It's interesting how tiny these statues make the statue of liberty look and yet at the same time how little we ever see of them compared to said statue.
>> No. 40973 [Edit]
Because the measure of a statue is not in its size but in the symbol it represents. The statue of liberty represents the successor to the British Empire, empire of empires, the first nuclear weapons state in the world, and the dominating force on the planet for almost a century. When people see the statue of liberty they associate with a country everyone in the world has some strong opinion about. No matter how large, some statue out in rural Japan can never have the social and mental impact that the statue of liberty has. It's all about the mentality of the thing, like so many other things that are physically larger but ignored by everyone. When did you last hear that Indonesia, Pakistan, and Brazil all have similar population sizes in terms of order of magnitude to the U.S.?
>> No. 41219 [Edit]
File 167663939148.jpg - (19.87KB , 474x266 , 2023.jpg )
Tactical Repeating Bow
>> No. 41255 [Edit]
In terms of dissolving cerumen (i.e. removing earwax), nothing has been statistically found to be better than plain water (i.e. all the fancy OTC stuff are within same confidence interval of effectiveness as plain water). So really, all you need to do is a few drops of distilled water held there for 15 minutes followed by warm-water irrigation with a tri-tip syringe.
>> No. 41257 [Edit]
I disagree with this premise. It certainly holds for some symbols, but I think the Statue of Liberty is memorable for a far more practical reason - New York City is one of few common entry points to the US. Whereas anybody visiting Japan likely came in from Tokyo or another people-centric hub and have no interest or business in visiting anywhere else. There are a lot of other, more benign landmarks that get a lot of traction because of where they are rather than any importance they have. The Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, and Golden Gate Bridge for instance.
>> No. 41258 [Edit]
I always found it a bit funny that the Golden Gate bridge gets so much attention while the bay bridge is pratically unheard of outside the bay area.
>> No. 41268 [Edit]
if i put water in my ear i think id just give myself an insane ear infection and it would get very itchy and uncomfortable because the water would never come out
>> No. 41269 [Edit]
Assuming your ears are clean, water should drain immediately out just by tilting your head, else just spinning around once should generate sufficient centrifugal force to dislodge all water.

If this is not the case, either you have too much earwax which is trapping the water, or your anatomy is different from most people (e.g. ear canal weirdly shaped, a perforated ear drum, etc.).
>> No. 41345 [Edit]
First of all, please don't judge me or ban me; I've been doing research on escorts and how that process works. I learned it's basically one big scam. Nowadays, most of them expect a "deposit", of like 50%. They come up with all kinds of reasons why. When Johns talk to each other, they say "never pay a deposit". Normal people say that too, because it's obvious. It's a borderline illegal service, and not only are you leaving a digital trail, but you have no protection when you inevitably get your money stolen. It's stupid.

But when "escorts" talk about it, or write about it, they're all for it. They say "just do research". But there's tons of stories of "reputable" ones scamming people. It's madness. They want you to turn your brain off, listen to them instead of other Johns, and give them money for nothing. It's like a black hole of integrity. I'm starting to think life is one big scam. You're being scammed right now.

Post edited on 7th Apr 2023, 9:33am
>> No. 41346 [Edit]
I think it is difficult, because as an illegal service there's a very big trust divide. As either party there's no real recourse if the other person scams you short of violence. An option that you have if you're looking is to make sure you're finding reputable "providers", since there are likely fewer people giving the service than seeking it. But honestly I don't think they could provide any meaningful experience for the average person here anyways, myself at least.
>> No. 41347 [Edit]
If it's the legality that's an issue then it should be easy to compare to e.g. Amsterdam. I guess it might be true, once it's legal it's just yet another business and if there's no social stigma, people can leave reviews.
>> No. 41358 [Edit]
They made a version of Sesame Street for Japan. And not just dubbed over the existing, but they actually produced episodes specifically for Japan.

See The review is hilarious:

>The Japan Times article reported that the show was suffering from low ratings in its early months: "Viewers are complaining about the differences in the characters' voices compared with the NHK-aired version and about the exclusive use of Japanese."
>Another scathing article, published in November 2004 in the Yoimuri Shinbun, was titled "A wrong turn on new Sesame Street": "[The] new and not improved version of Sesame Street...opens with the cast shouting: 'English, Everybody. It's Sesame Street,' but it was 20 minutes later before we heard another English phrase. One of the better decisions NHK made this year was not to get involved with the Japanization of Sesame Street.

>"The show... bears very little resemblance to the original.... If anything, the show looks poised to further the scope of Japlish and make the work of the nation's English teachers even more challenging. First, there is the perplexing problem of how to pronounce the names. Since the show is now all in Japanese...bye-bye, Big Bird, and hello, Biggu Bâdo, Bâto, and Kukkî Monsutâ....

>"Then, at last, came the show's ode to its English-language-education roots—a section called English on Street set in a convenience store. Big Bird wants an umeboshi ika manju...The obliging onî-san...makes him one and we get the English phrase for the day: 'Tastes bad!' No one bothers to add an 'It,' as in 'It tastes bad.' Who needs a complete, correct English sentence in a Japanized version of Sesame Street? 'Tastes bad' is repeated in an assortment of very bad accents and then we are given the appropriate translation: mazui. That is definitely the taste the show left with me—mazui, mazui, mazui.... Yes, all in all, I'd say this show is a giant six-step leap backward for early childhood education in Japan."

I couldn't find any clips of the co-produced version, but apparently this short was done with the same cast...
>> No. 41359 [Edit]
wew lad. Thanks for sharing!
>> No. 41380 [Edit]
I learned that the 40s superman cartoon had weirdly good animation. Fleischer isn't somebody I heard of before.

Is has a realism to it that was abandoned in the west. Yeah, a lot of it is rotoscoped, but I don't consider that a bad thing.
>> No. 41443 [Edit]
The infamous mirai botnet was named after the Mirai Nikki manga/anime
>> No. 41502 [Edit]
File 168613633798.jpg - (100.87KB , 800x450 , 20230609.jpg )
An AI-generated image of an anime-style woman that also functions as a working QR code. If you have trouble reading it, try positioning your camera farther away from the image.
>> No. 41534 [Edit]
File 168765277045.jpg - (40.90KB , 823x577 , canadianMaid.jpg )
I just found out that Canada's medical assistance in dying (MAiD) program has been killing 1000% more people recently than it did normally.

First of all, I love the name, it makes me think of an anime maid who gently tucks me in and gives me the injection that puts me to sleep forever.

Then, it makes me wonder in how far the guidelines have been relaxed for this many people to qualify for assisted suicide.
Like, is it ideologically based?
Would they allow me to take a seat in their fine suicide chair if I tell them that I want to die because I create so much CO2 and don't want to contribute to global warming?
Or because I'm White and therefore inherently oppressive towards Blacks, First Nations people and Jews for as long as I live?
>> No. 41535 [Edit]
Why should it be conditional? We celebrate personal freedom as the most important value but seem to shun giving someone the most important freedom of them all, the ability for them to decide their own life. The real reason is of course if we did that society would crumble, but no one talks about that.
>> No. 41538 [Edit]
File 168766268526.png - (3.08MB , 1280x1920 , sdg1677719390833475.png )
>Why should it be conditional?
ideally, I think it shouldn't be.
Practically, the easier you make it to get MAiD, the easier you also make it for people in positions of power to murder their enemies and disguise it as MAiD.
>> No. 41541 [Edit]
>positions of power to murder their enemies and disguise it as MAiD.
The only way this would happen is if you blackmailed someone into doing it. And the same thing could happen even today, so it's not a real reason.
>> No. 41543 [Edit]
>The only way this would happen is if you blackmailed someone into doing it.
If you happen to know German, check out this lecture by a prominent Austrian politician on how there are power-hungry cliques within Austria and the rest of the EU who have already been linked to multiple murders, and among other things control key positions in a number of hospitals, leading to a situation in which their doctors may kill or harm their enemies through intentional medical malpractice while maintaining plausible deniability:

So let's say a group like that abducts a target person, bring him to a hospital they control, strap him into the suicide chair and murder him. In a society that doesn't require anything such as an incurable disease as a precondition to qualify for assisted suicide, there's not even going to be a police investigation or anything, it's just one more guy who decided tonoff himself and used the government's no-questions-asked MAiD service to do it.

Or if the abduction seems too much for you, how about political prisoners? States like Britain and Canada arrest hundreds of people every year over various types of political speech crimes. When the target is already a prisoner, then all you need to do is to arrange for an interview with the prison psychologist or whatever and note down that the prisoner wants to die, and just like that he's off to the kill room where an awful lot of other enemies of the regime have already gone before.
>> No. 41655 [Edit]
"Genuine leather" only means a substance has some leather in it. It can be a bunch of scraps mixed with artificial material and held together with a bonding agent. So if a product is labelled "genuine leather", it's low quality.
>> No. 41672 [Edit]
The VA for Sakura from Capcom vs. SNK 1 on the PS1/Dreamcast is not the same as the VA for Yamato from One Piece.

I would hear Yamato do shouts, and I was so certain that Yamato's VA was the same as Sakura's from that game, but that game came out in 2000, and the VA for Yamato (who has a very interesting work history, I must say) only started working in 2007. Not only that but, being born in '91, she would've been a mere 9 years old when the game was released. It's impossible.

So, here's some video footage to show how Sakura shouts in the game. It'll show up often during her attacks, but the soonest example I'd say is 1:07
And of course, Yamato's gritty shout in this clip for comparison:
0:57 for what I'm talking about.

So yeah, I was so certain, because of the similarity, that it was the same VA. Since it's not the same VA, I guess that just means that this gritty shout is really just a vocal technique. It's probably a known trick for when a woman is playing a masculine woman. I have to say, I do like this gritty shout. In hindsight though, Sakura having such a battle cry is hilariously not well thought out. Sakura's meant to be a cute teenage girl! Well anyway, that's what I wanted to share.
>> No. 41673 [Edit]
Haha, I've heard about this american marketing technique before. Apparently, if food says that it's "made with 100% real beef," it's not illegal, if you use a little bit of actual real beef, and then use horse meat or whatever for the rest of the meat. I read something like that on reddit once, I'm not sure.
>> No. 41674 [Edit]
Also, on the topic of Yamato's VA, I want to say that I learnt something else whilst researching all of this:
Some Japanese women have thick lips.

I am aware of what East Asians think of natural African facial features. I'm quite certain the East Asian aesthetic is for lips to be thin, not thick, and that the naturally thick lips of the African is one of many points of mockery of the African by the East Asian.
Nonetheless, the VA of One Piece's "Yamato," Saori Hayami, seems to have unusually thick lips. There are definitely some pictures where they seem less pronounced than in others, but yes, she, a Japanese woman, seems to either naturally have thick lips, or to have even pursued augmentation! Is this perhaps part of the westernisation of Japan? I remember watching NHK News and learning that bodybuilding is becoming more popular amongst Japanese men. According to the news report however, it seems to be in the stage of "ottermode" being desirable. A bit of definition, and a low bodyfat percentage. (To be fair, isn't ottermode the most popular anyway?) It could progress further some day, though. Who knows?

So yeah, that's what I learnt today as well. Some Japanese women have thick lips. You'd think, if she did have them, she'd pursue a reduction asap, but no, there she is - Saori Hayami.
>> No. 41707 [Edit]
I learnt two things:
Plok is the OG Rayman, basically. The whole idea of a videogame protagonist that throws its limbs at its enemy? Plok did it first, it seems. Perhaps even Plok borrowed it from somewhere else.
And Nokia didn't invent Snake, like I unquestioningly assumed. There's actually an MS-DOS game called "Nibbler." I was a bit curious about DOS games, so I figured I'd check them out, and I was quite surprised to see Nibbler.

So yeah, two classic games from my childhood that I assumed were original ideas, but had actually been done before.
>> No. 41747 [Edit]
Yotsub&, is still going.

I had no idea. When I found out about it due to a certain website the rules forbid me mentioning, I assumed it was still going. But to see that the manga has actually been running this entire time, literally throughout the entire of the 2010s, and is still going now, is incredible.
I knew that Azumanga Daioh and Yotsub& came from the same guy, but I would've assumed he moved on, hence why I wanted to see his other works. Imagine my shock when I see that, since beginning Yotsub& in 2003, it's been going this whole time. I wonder, in storyline, where the One Piece manga was back when it started. That would probably give an interesting sense of the scope of how long this manga's been running.

Like, the iPhone wouldn't be released for another 5 years or something. The longevity is just insane.
>> No. 41748 [Edit]
Doesn't he release 3 chapters per year or something like that?
>> No. 41751 [Edit]
It's shocking but not that much in the manga world, there's series running since the 60's until today. Still a weird feeling.
I started following Yotsuba relatively late, around 2006, but that still means I have followed it for almost half of my life. The rarest thing could be the few volumes involved in such a long lapse of time, makes me think of Evangelion; I started buying it as a teenager and ended it as a 30 yo, 14 tomes. The Five Star Stories is particularly infamous in that aspect, only 16 tomes since 1986 and still on-going... or Akagi having the last arc going from the late 90's to 2018, more than 20 years for a single session of mahjong.
>> No. 41752 [Edit]
>I wonder, in storyline, where the One Piece manga was back when it started. That would probably give an interesting sense of the scope of how long this manga's been running.
2003 saw the release of vols 27 to 31. This is manga format, so in the magazine it should be a couple chapters ahead, but it would be Wyper and the four priests of Skypiea, and the war there. So basically mid Skypiea.
I don't think it is particularly rare for such long hiatuses in the manga industry. HunterXHunter and Black Lagoon are others that come to mind.
>Like, the iPhone wouldn't be released for another 5 years or something. The longevity is just insane.
I have no fucking idea what you're talking about here.
Do you know what's the world record for longest hiatus? I once heard it belonged to Rei Hiroe with Black Lagoon but I'm skeptic.
>> No. 41753 [Edit]
>I have no fucking idea what you're talking about here.
The iPhone's release is considered a historic milestone.
>> No. 41754 [Edit]
Feels weird to use the iPhone release as a milestone marker.
>> No. 41755 [Edit]
Yeah, I've heard about stuff like the mangaka for HunterxHunter, despite being a mangaka for Shounen Weekly, barely releases manga. I always hear about mangakas at Shounen Weekly getting axed because their manga's not selling enough, so I'm just left wondering why some guy can just be allowed to infrequently release a few pages. How does that even happen? Why is it tolerated, but only some times?

I didn't even know there was, an official, Evangelion manga. Not fanart. Official. Interesting.

Yotsub& starts in 2003.
I... assume the iPhone's release was in 2008. Although, that may not necessarily be true. I didn't even check before I made that post. In fact, as I type this, I'm still not checking. I'm obstinately refusing to knowingly spread fact-checked information. Instead, with access to a mere google search, I will speculate.
Perhaps the iPhone's release was in 2006, rather than 2008?
>> No. 41756 [Edit]
>Why is it tolerated, but only some times?
I imagine popularity is the main, if not only factor.
>Perhaps the iPhone's release was in 2006, rather than 2008?
It was 2007, the year phoneposting became common.
>> No. 41757 [Edit]
>It was 2007, the year phoneposting became common.
I doubt this since the technology at the time was still too clumsy and annoying to make phoneposting attractive to the normalfag.
>> No. 41758 [Edit]
Indeed, remember that the original iphone only had 2g connectivity and the early versions didn't have external applications. It took several years for the idea of mobile-first websites to pick up. I'd say things started gaining steam around 2010 or so, and ~2014 was the point of no return.
>> No. 41760 [Edit]
>I didn't even know there was, an official, Evangelion manga. Not fanart. Official. Interesting.

Made by Evangelion's character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, and interestingly, it started before the anime. It was supposed to be a promotional work to be published alongside the TV show but I suspect at some point Sadamoto became very sick of Eva, so it ended almost 20 years after it. Still, it was a big commercial success.
>> No. 42595 [Edit]
File 171534559175.jpg - (8.05KB , 200x198 , cover.jpg )
The eminent guitarist Marty Friedman was known to lend his axe prowess to the Jpop scene. I find it interesting that other guitar talents from the time like Buckethead also became to have ties to the Japanese popular music scene.
And as a side note, these guys' faces tend to have a similar structure.
>> No. 42596 [Edit]
I should note that Friedman's been living there for a long time. Go figure.
>> No. 42597 [Edit]
I remember him helping Bang Dream seiyuu practice for their concerts.
>> No. 42602 [Edit]
>> No. 42608 [Edit]
File 171567989718.png - (1.69MB , 2559x1390 , dalle3 icon set.png )
you can now make your own icon themes with ml-based image generators.
25 years ago I would've loved this.
>> No. 42609 [Edit]
Today, I learned about a preschool in Sweden called Egalia that seeks to eliminate gender roles. Children are encouraged to play with whatever they want. They are not forced to dress in certain ways. They are free to express themselves in whatever way they want. Staff is trained to remove preconceived biases regarding a child's behavior and instead view them as their own individual.

>We don’t want to deny the biological sex. It is the gender we are working with. And the most important part is how adults relate to the children. Research shows that gender determines how children are approached - already as a crying baby. – We think we are free, but whenever we make suggestions it is almost always something within the gender category. . .
>For example, when a girl is observed to be shy, this situation is attributed to sex, and it does not raise any concerns. However, when a boy is observed to be shy, it is considered that something is wrong.
>Similarly, it has been observed that while teachers tried to comfort a crying girl they tried to avoid a crying boy. Rajalin stated that “[a]fter we had been filming and observing each other, we understood that it's not the children we have to change, it's ourselves” (Scott, 2017). After watching the recording, gender pedagogues interviewed teachers and directed questions such as “Why do we treat children differently?”, “What can we change?”, “Why is it important that we change this?” (Lind-Valdan, 2014, p. 226).

I also learned that a dyad is another word for a group of two people.

This is so neat. Thanks for sharing.

Post edited on 14th May 2024, 11:50am
>> No. 42610 [Edit]
Should also be coupled with [1]. But approach "equality" in this sense seems like a fine thing, it's just that most of the west has decided to serve the ends instead of the means and force uniform distributions even if such distributions are not actually natural. Probably if boys could like cute things without being made fun of (c.f. bronies) then the "transgenderism" stuff would not have been widespread.

>> No. 42611 [Edit]
>We think we are free, but whenever we make suggestions it is almost always something within the gender category
>So to be free we make genders equal
That's what happens when you have no wars to fight, so you decide to free yourself from reason at all. Reason and thinking hurts, you know?
>> No. 42941 [Edit]
Cute. I want it too!
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