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File 157040602334.jpg - (125.02KB , 1344x756 , 20191006.jpg )
33410 No. 33410 [Edit]
I browse wiki to read interesting stuff:

News, mainly tech news:

I try to minimise reddit/youtube as I can get addicted to it.
137 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 39252 [Edit]
Sounds edgy
>> No. 40092 [Edit]
File 16585975593.jpg - (97.27KB , 680x558 , 4eb.jpg )
I looked through two sites that list other imageboards and I found nothing I will browse in the future.
Some boards looked nice at first glance, but browsing though them revealed that it was nothing I would like. This entire adventure was quite disappointing, there are a lot of boards I can't read because of the language (Russian, Japanese, Spanish), a lot of boards that shooed me away immediately (modern memes, politics, porn) and a lot of boards that were dead.
Overall TC is still the last imageboard that I enjoy. Since years I poke around to find other boards, but never ever I found one. If TC ever goes down, I most likely will quit imageboards, a thought that frightens me, because TC is the only interaction with likeminded people I have. ... I miss the 00s. Late 90s or early 10s would also be okay.
>> No. 40093 [Edit]
File 165859781922.png - (654.05KB , 704x995 , 516be4308ad31c70537b2a34d906414c.png )
I looked through two sites that list other imageboards and I found nothing I will browse in the future.
Some boards looked nice at first glance, but browsing though them revealed that it was nothing I would like. This entire adventure was quite disappointing, there are a lot of boards I can't read because of the language (Russian, Japanese, Spanish), a lot of boards that shooed me away immediately (modern memes, politics, porn) and a lot of boards that were dead.
Overall TC is still the last imageboard that I enjoy. Since years I poke around to find other boards, but never ever I found one. If TC ever goes down, I most likely will quit imageboards, a thought that frightens me, because TC is the only interaction with likeminded people I have. ... I miss the 00s. Late 90s or early 10s would also be okay.

I had issues posting this, sorry if it came though twice.
>> No. 40094 [Edit]
File 165861689545.png - (54.50KB , 1280x800 , bandkun.png )
I've found a few other decent places, but I agree, no other imageboard has quite the same vibe as here. My guess is that it's due to simply being around for a long time and developing an identity and culture of our own. By comparison, the newer altchans don't have staying power and their culture is defined entirely by people fleeing the latest shitstorms on the larger sites.
I also think both the rules and the old-school presentation filter out the younger crowd who would otherwise ruin everything because they've only known the modern shitty Internet.
>> No. 40095 [Edit]
I wonder if something like KS will ever be done again.
>> No. 40096 [Edit]
Yeah, I love TC's rules. I wish more sites would have similar rules, but then again, I doubt they'd work as well anywhere else. You really have to appreciate how firm moderation is.
As for the presentation, I don't know what you mean about old-school. Maybe I'm out of touch, but it seems fine to me. I feel right at home here, despite probably being one of those younger crowd.
>> No. 40097 [Edit]
Some other altchans are a little flashier, with more modern-looking layouts, more bells and whistles like uploading multiple images per post, not having to manually use noko, etc.
TC is very classic, which is part of the charm in my opinion. I'm just saying it might ward off a lot of the Gen Z types who are used to everything on the Internet being streamlined to the gnat's ass.
>> No. 40098 [Edit]
Oh, I see. It feels fine to me. I don't really bother with sites that aren't simple. It just seems strange to have a bunch of features that don't really do anything. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", as they say. Coincidentally, those sites usually suck. They generally lack purpose other than being the same as a site, but more up to date and all the wrong users.
You're probably right, though. I figure most people around my age are used to all of that nonsense.
>> No. 40099 [Edit]
May I ask which boards you consider decent?
I know this is very personal, so feel free to ignore my curiosity.
The rules are truly god sent, they prevent everything I loathe and provide an oasis straight out of the old Internet I loved.

I highly doubt it. Katawa Shoujo was something that came forth during the peak of Internet and imageboards. Maybe it's the reason why I consider 2012 the last good year on the Internet, who knows.
>> No. 40100 [Edit]
File 165866342022.jpg - (121.70KB , 500x444 , 1656758882539.jpg )
Lately I've been on an imageboard kick, revisiting sites I used to spend a lot of time on in the days of yore. ED has an alright list of alt chans, although it could benefit from being updated since some of the listed entities are now defunct.

I'm curious though; what other imageboards do people here use? It would be cool to know of some that aren't filled with /pol/yp cancer and actually have active moderation*chan_boards
>> No. 40102 [Edit]
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>>40100 is pretty good, from my experience with it. Similar to a couple boards here but less moderation.
>> No. 40103 [Edit]
What a weird layout for an imageboard
>> No. 40104 [Edit]
>ED has an alright list of alt chans
I use this list:
>> No. 40105 [Edit]
File 165870742726.png - (2.66MB , 1800x1273 , 24317d72141a4e8bb3bb05d3688eeececf25ea25.png )
Both of these lists are pretty outdated... I think by at least 6 months. I don't have a better one for you, but you may be missing out on some decent boards.
>> No. 40106 [Edit]
Agreed. Not a fan.
Anything that disappears after 6 months, or is less than 6 months old, probably isn't worth looking at in my opinion.
>> No. 40107 [Edit]
File 165871509310.jpg - (534.11KB , 1681x2378 , EjtQRUPVkAAeU9y.jpg )
>May I ask which boards you consider decent?
Nenpo (it's back), Smug, /late/, /kind/, Lainchan and Uboachan all come to mind. Some of them are quite slow, unfortunately.
The Channel4 BBS textboards are also still around, believe it or not, and still pretty much the same as they were in 2005.
>> No. 40108 [Edit]
I tried all of those before and wasn't particularly impressed with any of them. Channel4 textboards are actually the best of the bunch in my opinion in terms of quality.
>> No. 40109 [Edit]
Maybe 6 years ago.
>> No. 40110 [Edit]
Lain and uboa comes up with interesting stuff every now and then so I check them out sometimes but the more I actually interacted with people there the more I want to purge those places from my browser history even.
>> No. 40309 [Edit]
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Better version
>> No. 40329 [Edit]
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De-tox from internet once in a while..
>> No. 40461 [Edit]
What are some comfy twitter accounts to follow?
>> No. 40463 [Edit]
Define "comfy". High signal to noise ratio? No controversial content? No text at all and just image dumps?
>> No. 40512 [Edit]
Here you go
>> No. 40751 [Edit]
Artist's twitter are most comfy
eg. artgerm
>> No. 40944 [Edit]
How can somebody be up to date regarding all the imageboards that exist?
I only know and, but I have no idea how accurate and complete they are. Is there a way to keep track of the imageboards around?
>> No. 40945 [Edit]
Crawl the ipv4 space (or pay for api access to shodan) and write a heuristic matcher to identify imageboards.
>> No. 40946 [Edit]
So there is no way for people who don't have that kind of skills?
Well then can somebody at least say if the mentioned sites are up to date? Or knows some that are?
>> No. 40947 [Edit]
It seems relatively comprehensive for English imageboards to me, at least the iblist one. It's missing a few foreign European language imageboards that I'm aware of (e.g. krautchan), and probably all the Japanese ones. If there's anything not on the list anyhow it's probably small enough that there's only one or two posters.
>> No. 40948 [Edit]
Not up to date but I recall seeing a imageboard list on's /server/. Has a lot of non-english boards on there.
>> No. 40949 [Edit]
File 167112264110.jpg - (29.50KB , 300x302 , suiseiseki-laptop.jpg )
Thanks, anon. I wasn't sure if it is worth the effort to look through them, but now I will give it a go.
Your mention of Krautchan made me very nostalgic, I have lurked there for years. How I miss it... Not the last few years of it though. If the list contains imageboards that no longer exist is something I don't care about, as long as the existing ones are there.

Great info, anon. I love threads on imageboards where people show other stuff they lurk, no matter if imageboard or not.
>> No. 40950 [Edit]
Please post here if you do find something good. I'm fairly sure I've explored all of the imageboards and this place is the only one that's consistently decent.
>> No. 40951 [Edit]
I think fufufu is pretty good, but it's also very small.
>> No. 40952 [Edit]
File 167114180419.png - (156.82KB , 1230x514 , Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 12_48_17 PM.png )
Responding to myself, I found mathchan which seems to be abandoned but has the most amazing captcha system I've seen. Each catpcha gives you a decently interesting math problem to solve.
>> No. 40953 [Edit]
Is the answer 2018 * 2017? I think so since that pattern works for {1,2,3,4} and {1,2,3}.
>> No. 40955 [Edit]
Yes. It's fairly easy to brute-force the calculation since there's only 2 cases: the numbers at the end (1 and 2019) can each only be paired with 2017 choices, while all other 2017 numbers can be paired with 2016 choices.

Challenge: think of an elegant visual proof as to why it's 2019*2018.
>> No. 40956 [Edit]
File 167115511296.png - (143.33KB , 572x832 , Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 12_48_00 PM.png )
Also here's another one. The rest of the ones I saw I didn't like as much because they either require more specialized knowledge (knowledge of electrostatics) or are just "simple" problems obfuscated with some math notation.
>> No. 40981 [Edit]
File 16720736278.png - (449.49KB , 1000x766 , 706bd9d98417c1fee0c7ee16413781d16a2c13ca.png )
As requested by >>40950 I will post about my poking around regarding imageboards.
I was surprised to see how many lists are around, but they all seem to be outdated. The oldest I have found was put together in 2012, the most recent I have found received a few new entries just yesterday. Still all the lists I discovered name a lot of places that don't exist anymore. This lead me to the impression that there is no one around that bothers to maintain those lists. Some have never been updated, some got cleaned up a few times, but then it stopped. Even those that have been updated this year are in a bad condition. For example the one that has been updated yesterday has a lot of links that lead to nowhere, my guess is this person just wrote down all the places he knows and didn't bother to check if they are still up.
I started with and on some chans there I found a other chans and lists. Overall it was an interesting experience, but also a sad and disappointing one. The reason why I did this in the first place is because TC is the only imageboard that I still like. For a majority of the years I have been using the Internet I have had several imageboards to lurk. Now since years it is only TC, which lead me to search some variety. Unfortunately I didn't find it. None of the imageboards that I was able to find deliver what I long for, only TC does. I already came to the same conclusion in 2016, when I looked through Creamy's Imageboadlist, because the imageboard that used to be my home had cancer and eventually died from it. Since then TC is the only place I lurk at and outside of it everything got worse.
>> No. 40982 [Edit]
Let me guess, TC doesn't show up on any of them?
>> No. 40983 [Edit]
I've been in a similar dilemna, I haven't been using anything besides TC for the last few years. There's some boards I'd still go back and check once in a blue moon because it's hard to let things really and truly go, but they're all dead now.
>> No. 40985 [Edit]
>TC doesn't show up on any of them?
On any of the lists? Not OP but TC usually does, it's not _that_ obscure.

That's about what I figured, I did the same survey of imageboards about 5 years back, and concluded similarly that only TC has high enough SNR to make it worth visiting daily. "Afternoon Letterbox" also sometimes has interesting things, so I'll visit it occasionally, but the posts are much shorter .
>> No. 40986 [Edit]
What is SNR?
>> No. 40987 [Edit]
Signal to noise ratio, a term usually employed in EE/signal processing. In this context of imageboard posts, a place with high SNR means that almost every post is "good" (is interesting, contains useful information, etc.) whereas a place with low SNR information means that most posts are considered "noise" (short low-effort posts that don't contribute anything new, treading the same topics again and again, flamewars that don't offer any new insight, etc.)
>> No. 40988 [Edit]
Also this isn't a practical imageboard, but if TC readers haven't seen this already I think the idea behind is very cute (not to be confused with afternoon letterbox).

I think it's a bit unfortunate that the newer postcards have bardcode stickers on them though which obscure part of the text.

Post edited on 26th Dec 2022, 1:16pm
>> No. 40989 [Edit]
Quite on the contrary, TC shows up on most of them. I assume the reason why it still delivers is because of the rules, the moderation, the slow pace and the dedicated community and administration, who actually care about it.

I know that feeling, when my old home died many imageboards popped up and claimed to me the successor. All of them failed, but I still check in now and them, although it is always unpleasant.

This is also something I noticed back in 2016 and now too. There are quite a few chans that are very active, but the content is just awful. There are also a lot of those that are quite slow and claim to be back to the roots, most of them haven't seen a post since weeks/months/years though. I wonder why there are so many altchans, when there is so little to no activity. Most of the imageboards I found I could already sort out because of too much activity or too less. Those that remained failed to meet my other conditions.
>> No. 40990 [Edit]
>Also whirlpool
I'm not sure if this was intentionally the joke or not, but is actually pretty decent (or used to be anyway). I've stumbled on a lot of their older posts when researching things. Nowadays though I don't know how many graybeards are left on there.
>> No. 40992 [Edit]
Interesting, a Japanese news/blog site that covers a random mishmash of tech and non-tech news. And it has an equivalent english version as well (although most articles seem to be machine translated to English).

Seems like it's some variant of matome roundup type sites (like Sankaku). I'm honestly not sure I understand that whole part of the Japanese internet though. It seems like the difference between Matome sites and link aggregators like reddit/slashdot is that the former don't actually "link" anywhere and just directly paraphrase the original sources. Some people have negative attitude towards the matome sites, probably because during the paraphrasing they add their own editorial slant, which combined with the allure of advertising revenue seems to have led to some scandals.
>> No. 41013 [Edit]
I used to use, but in the last year or so it seems to have been colonized by alt-right teens
>> No. 41378 [Edit]
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I cook, so this site helps me out with cooking techniques
>> No. 41848 [Edit]
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