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File 157040602334.jpg - (125.02KB , 1344x756 , 20191006.jpg )
33410 No. 33410 [Edit]
I browse wiki to read interesting stuff:

News, mainly tech news:

I try to minimise reddit/youtube as I can get addicted to it.
Expand all images
>> No. 33456 [Edit]
File 157062167392.jpg - (32.83KB , 620x314 , 20191020.jpg )
Also Whirlpool
Love them washers and dryers.
>> No. 33457 [Edit]
File 157062242882.jpg - (4.56MB , 4276x3035 , Hakurei_Reimu_full_831934.jpg )
I just hop chan to chan daily, and listen to music. Rarely ever watch youtube it gets harder and harder to find good channels.
>> No. 33462 [Edit]
>Rarely ever watch youtube it gets harder and harder to find good channels.
I've grown weary from a lot of these channels begging for money. It's obnoxious, and I feel a lot of these people don't really put out enough quality, subjective as it is, content to justify having a Patreon or whatever.
>> No. 33463 [Edit]
Same. Fuck them.
>> No. 33473 [Edit]
File 157111715575.jpg - (189.39KB , 760x596 , 20191013.jpg )
What are some good webcomic sites?
>> No. 33477 [Edit]
Most likely none. And certainly not this poorly drawn unfunny normalfag so-quirky-and-ironic hehe xDDD facebook memer shit you've posted. Revolting.
>> No. 33500 [Edit]
File 157144993596.jpg - (137.37KB , 1200x840 , ter.jpg )
I like Ars
>> No. 33520 [Edit]
File 157173595011.jpg - (142.38KB , 1029x1029 , 20191027.jpg )
Is there a place for Waterling, the Hushed Male?
>> No. 33537 [Edit]
File 157196693744.png - (66.75KB , 1024x250 , 1503205424399.png )
This seems like the perfect place to ask

Do you guys know what imageboard this is? I saved this some time ago and the place seems comfy, /a/ and /g/ are enough for me to survive. I'm not asking on 4ch*n because I doubt someone would tell me
>> No. 33541 [Edit]
File 15720731628.gif - (116.10KB , 400x200 , 20199999.gif )
Maybe ?
>> No. 33544 [Edit]
That's mayoichan, an imageboard its admin advertised on another circlejerk board called /tea/. Last I checked the site was gone. It used the .net TLD.
>> No. 33546 [Edit]
Seems like it was actually .org TLD. It does seem to be down though, and unfortunately their robots.txt disallowed crawlers so there's no archives anywhere.

>on another circlejerk board called /tea/
On an unrelated note, I like the concept of ephemerality behind /tea/ but find the implementation with doushio liveboard to be lacking. The issue with liveboards is that you have a few people monopolizing the conversation, and it tends to result in short lower-quality posts. The non-linear conversation flow and more frequent back & forth interactions also make it harder to join an existing thread, making it feel more like it's some sort of pseudo-private dialogue between individuals rather than an open forum.
>> No. 33588 [Edit]
File 157260534893.jpg - (210.62KB , 906x1200 , 20191027.jpg )
Desuchan is so dead...
>> No. 33589 [Edit]
Good, faggot mods deleted the loli board instead of switching hosts.
>> No. 33841 [Edit]
File 157637692979.jpg - (21.33KB , 171x256 , qVToXVU8AAZ0Cm.jpg )
reddit is such a time-waster
>> No. 33848 [Edit]
I'll write down enough to account for 98% of my online time, apart from e-mail and map/navigation services.

Khan Academy, various programming language reference sites
various dictionaries (,,,,

Various chans

Semitic Controversies
wikileaks, FBI/CIA reading room, various other historichal archive websites for everything from ancient texts to newspaper articles, haaretz,
>> No. 33849 [Edit]
File 157663147326.jpg - (73.25KB , 850x680 , __djeeta_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_hanosuke__sampl.jpg )
What is this shit, anon? You actually buy into this 1950's, anglo-sphere, christfag, psedu-sophisticated crap? These people aren't your friends and they don't share your interests, that is if you're on tohno-chan for the right reasons. They'd fuck us over first chance they got.
>> No. 33851 [Edit]
Not him, but I have beliefs which I'd like to see fulfilled even though it's not in my personal interest.
>> No. 33852 [Edit]
Who's interest is it in then and why do you give a fuck?

Post edited on 18th Dec 2019, 5:10pm
>> No. 33856 [Edit]
File 157690245681.gif - (884.20KB , 500x375 , z1ball.gif )
Opps.. I forgot to donate to wikipedia. Time to set that right.
>> No. 33858 [Edit]
I'm convinced Wikipedia donations are a complete sham. There are other foundations (Internet Archive) that require several times more resources, have a tenth of the funds, and manage to do much more. I really don't think that Wikipedia needs any more money to pad their bureaucratic overhead, and your funds would be better donated to places like the Internet Archive.
>> No. 33859 [Edit]
If I had to guess, and be generous here, It'd say maybe it's the bandwidth. It's such a well known site that I'm sure is the go to for educational institutes around the world.
>> No. 33866 [Edit]
I don't think bandwidth would be too significant a problem because pages should be able to compress nicely (mostly plain text), and the traffic patterns would be very amenable to a cache/CDN. Compare this to internet archive where a majority of modern pages are pretty much 3MB of minified javascript, and access patterns will be much less cache friendly. And either way Wikipedia has plenty of money already, at least according to:
>> No. 33983 [Edit]
File 157821304655.jpg - (59.31KB , 640x480 , opie.jpg )
There's also
>> No. 33992 [Edit]
I use DuckDuckGo as my homepage. Aside from that:
-ANN for the database because I like the non-cancerous way you can link to more information about directors, VAs, and studios.

(Very infrequently these days)
-porn streaming site

That’s pretty much it. Mostly just a search engine and youtube.
>> No. 33995 [Edit]
File 157854546458.png - (1.53MB , 1380x1941 , 1457494374778.png )
I don't browse many sites.
Mainly Youtube for music and a couple of anime sites.
Quit 4chan because holy shit is it cancerous nowadays.
>> No. 33997 [Edit]
File 157856765396.jpg - (210.29KB , 850x1370 , 20200105.jpg )
Use whenever you can. Also youtube-dl. Using those will stop Google's youtube from tracking you.
>> No. 34009 [Edit]
Besides rating sites for media (Anidb/mangaupdates/RateYourMusic) and sites to stream/download said media (nyaa, madokami, filehost scrapers, libgen, streaming sites, boorus) I don't really go anywhere on the internet anymore, it has been homogenized into cancerous shit filled with/pandering to/advertising to ford-drivers. Even if you want to find niche content google et al always try to push generic popular shit on you. It sucks.

If it weren't for the fact that there's basically no really functional movie, game, book, or comic rating site I'd probably never go to any other part of the web at all. As it stands I occasionally search around for recommendation blogs or even recs on forums. It would also be nice if there was a booru site for art in general. There's wiki-art and google's art thing, but they both are patchy and have shit search functions.

>>33473 is a site for indexing and tracking webcomics, I don't know how many webcomics exist so I don't know how complete it is, but it is far better than the old crappy webcomic indexes at least.

Don't forget that wikimedia also has a for profit arm wikia(now ""), that ad riddled shit that hosts tons of fan wikis. Gotta wonder where the money from that went.
>> No. 34010 [Edit]
(not the anon you replied to) Holy shit, thanks anon. I forgot about that again
>> No. 34013 [Edit]
>also has a for profit arm wikia
I was aware of the site, but didn't know it was actually connected to the Wikimedia foundation
>In 2006, the Wikimedia Foundation shared hosting and bandwidth costs with Wikia, and received some donated office space from Wikia during the fiscal year ending June 30, 200
That's disgusting. It also helps explain why Wikipedia's been deleting a lot of articles on fictional works (no matter how significant).
>> No. 34014 [Edit]
>now ""
I had no idea they were actually affiliated, which is embarrassing since the change to that absolutely ruined anything of value they hosted and made it unreadable.
>> No. 34015 [Edit]
If i'm looking at the english monster girl encyclopedia wiki, the last things I want to see are star wars and cape shit ads.
>> No. 34058 [Edit]
File 157999508511.jpg - (426.21KB , 1050x1530 , blade.jpg )
Just tried it again. Forgot how fast it is...
>> No. 34059 [Edit]
Board velocity doesn't mean anything if 95% posts are worthless filler and garbage.
>> No. 34291 [Edit]
File 158416692045.jpg - (167.96KB , 1024x768 , 20200313.jpg )
You are right about that...
>> No. 34294 [Edit]
Giving a lame and generic looking car the markings of a famous car, still makes it a lame and generic looking car.
>> No. 34296 [Edit]
All cars are generic.

Post edited on 14th Mar 2020, 7:05am
>> No. 34540 [Edit]
No, they are not.
>> No. 34548 [Edit]
>>33410 (/b/,/n/,/cd/)

Pravda. Question more n' shit, kulaks!
>> No. 34594 [Edit]
What a weird article. Was there some quak commenting there telling people to protect themselves from this with an iron deficient diet? At least it looks like that comment was shoved out.
>> No. 34602 [Edit]
Bruh did you really just link to wikipedia?
>> No. 34604 [Edit]
Bruh did you rly just wtf bruh don't even bruh common bruh??
>> No. 34619 [Edit]
Bruh close your eyes bruh. What do you see? Nothing?

That's my life without you bruh
>> No. 34731 [Edit]
File 158779871645.jpg - (51.38KB , 720x342 , 20200426.jpg )
Science news
>> No. 35165 [Edit]
File B.mp4 - (19.45KB )

I go to a fitness site every 24 hours. Reminds me that health is wealth.
>> No. 35167 [Edit]
File A.mp4 - (243.21KB )

Time to get on my bike
>> No. 35192 [Edit]
File 159130546268.jpg - (17.69KB , 600x342 , mona.jpg )
ANN, aniDB, FARK (surprisingly it still feels like it used to), SA & a few smaller sites. I've largely moved away from imageboards now, though I still check in here & on 8/a/ every once in a while. Quitting social media a few years ago is still the best decision I've made online.
>> No. 35498 [Edit]
>> No. 35517 [Edit]
Tech links
>> No. 35544 [Edit]
Sometimes you just want to read about a old guy bitching;
Quite cathartic.
>> No. 35648 [Edit]
Random interesting links
>> No. 35666 [Edit]
File 159754774247.jpg - (27.78KB , 474x281 , 20200906.jpg )
ST ~ Science & Tech

I wanna go back to M'sia
>> No. 35703 [Edit]
File 159787463744.gif - (62.75KB , 200x112 , 20200830.gif )
>>33997 closing in 1st Sept 2020....
>> No. 35705 [Edit]
There are still other instances you can use. Although the main maintainer is stopping work, and I don't know whether other community members will step in. It's a shame, since even beyond the privacy benefits the invidious interface is far superior to the bloated mess that is the current youtube ui.
>> No. 35706 [Edit]
File 159787602996.jpg - (51.26KB , 961x540 , EJjtTM_VUAUhCd1.jpg )
n-gate for "tech news".
>> No. 35749 [Edit]
Monopoly sucks
>> No. 35835 [Edit]
File 159965769148.jpg - (37.50KB , 680x164 , 20200913.jpg )
I like
>> No. 35904 [Edit]
Mr Money Mustache has some nice ideas but a snarky attitude. Ugh.

What is about?
>> No. 35906 [Edit]
>What is about?
Medium is just a blogging platform, like blogspot but more "hip". Anyone can create an account and publish posts.
>> No. 35916 [Edit]
Someone sent me these financial self-help guides;
I don't know if it helps but it made me think of money in a different light...
>> No. 35921 [Edit]
How so?
>> No. 35988 [Edit]
File 160077508124.gif - (42.24KB , 200x200 , 20200920.gif )
I hang around animation sites.
>> No. 35989 [Edit]
I like 4-ch
>> No. 36054 [Edit]
File 160103000615.jpg - (150.49KB , 1600x1294 , 20200913.jpg )
>> No. 36195 [Edit]
>>33410 is crap now. Looking for a suitable replacement.
>> No. 36196 [Edit]
HN? Although I assume you're already aware of it.
There's also a japanese version of slashdot:
>> No. 36197 [Edit]
And there's another HN clone:
>> No. 36198 [Edit]
Isn't that the one that's invite-only? It seems absurd to need to hobnob on their irc to be "granted" an invite to comment; and from what I've seen most articles are from HN anyway, but with a fraction of the comments.
>> No. 36199 [Edit]
>Isn't that the one that's invite-only? It seems absurd to need to hobnob on their irc to be "granted" an invite to comment; and from what I've seen most articles are from HN anyway, but with a fraction of the comments.
From what I've seen, getting an invite is pretty easy. One can get one on HN, too. With regards to' purpose, it's a more focused HN: posts should be strictly related to hacking, programming, software, etc. So it's like a filter for HN; anything related to tech companies' financials, social aspects of technology, politics, and such periphery topics should be verboten. The smaller community helps preserve this environment. However, there is a vocal minority that believes everything is political, and thus such topics should be permitted as refraining from those discussions is, too, a political choice. I believe the admins will eventually either acquiesce or outright capitulate to these people. And as we all know: political discussions ruin everything. Even sites that think they're above such consequences are ignorant of its detrimental effects on their communities.
>> No. 36200 [Edit]
>refraining from those discussions is, too, a political choice
Even if it is, what difference does it make? You'd think people who decided to use an obscure HN clone which doesn't aggregate that kind of news would agree with that choice. It's not like there aren't other places that already cater to them.
>> No. 36201 [Edit]
> However, there is a vocal minority that believes everything is political, and thus such topics should be permitted as refraining from those discussions is, too, a political choice.
There's a thread about this going on /iaa/.
This made me chuckle.
>From the hipsters and bedroom intellectuals that brought you Everything is Subjective and Everything is Relative
Everything is Political

>Coming to an innocent internet community near you.
>> No. 36202 [Edit]
I know exactly what he's talking about, and I understand your confusion.
Unfortunately I can't even begin to explain what these people are doing without going into politics. The core principles of their ideology make it absolutely impossible to separate from politics, I don't want to break the rules.

They will submit, it's only a matter of time.
>> No. 36203 [Edit]
>They will submit, it's only a matter of time.
I doubt it. That only seems to take hold on sites that are poorly moderated.
>> No. 36204 [Edit]
Yeah I get it. It's basically just proselytizing.
>> No. 36408 [Edit]
File 160349425389.gif - (134.08KB , 200x83 , zred.gif )
A thoughtful wed

Rip everything before youtube algorithmn bans it

>> No. 36409 [Edit]
Good thread.
>> No. 36527 [Edit]
File 160417930742.jpg - (671.82KB , 1933x1987 , feast.jpg )
A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry

Urbanism. Adaptation. Resilience.
>> No. 36607 [Edit]
File 160482860560.jpg - (73.30KB , 900x383 , sg9.jpg )
Beyond Bare Hands by Vasili Shynkarenka
>> No. 36669 [Edit]
File 160541972197.gif - (478.73KB , 500x375 , zFlash.gif )
You can only read so much time to start doing!
>> No. 36749 [Edit]
File 160593685912.jpg - (43.84KB , 1000x1000 , 20201129.jpg )
Do or do not. There is no try. Only buy.
>> No. 36751 [Edit]
I hate that god damned little goblin shit so fucking much.
>> No. 36778 [Edit]
It's amazing how Star Wars just keeps getting worse and worse in ways I couldn't even imagine.
>> No. 36779 [Edit]
Funny enough that character is from what's widely considered the only good thing to come from Disney era star-wars.
>> No. 36801 [Edit]
File 160637253343.jpg - (61.57KB , 741x1078 , akan1.jpg )
That's cos the Disney SW trilogy flopped so bad with boring Rei ...
>> No. 36808 [Edit]
Rei was just one of many problems with the Disney S(J)W trilogy.
>> No. 36827 [Edit]
Hold on a second...
Didn't disney release two trillogies, a sequel trillogy and a side story trillogy?
And isn't the only good thing to come from disney's acquisition of Lucasproducts that it led to Raven software releasing the source code of the SW games they did?
>> No. 36831 [Edit]
File 160654296434.jpg - (15.32KB , 474x302 , 20201129.jpg )
Not sure about a side-story trilogy but Rogue One and Solo were the side-story movies produced to fill the gaps in the sequel trilogy. No news about another side-story movie though.

Currently The Mandolorian is streaming and although successful, I don't believe it's what Disney had in mind when making more Star Wars.
>> No. 36832 [Edit]
It's amusing to me they burn truck tons of money producing big grand epic films everyone hates, but the low budget ground to earth tc series they didn't care about was their most critically well received entry. I doubt they'll learn anything however and distroy The Mandolorian as the suits meddle with it and shove in all the garbage people hated about the movies.
>> No. 36840 [Edit]
Oh, ahhh, whooops! So it's simply a trilogy in five parts!

Well, you never know, maybe they did have games in mind. But if so, then that would probably be of an MMO or two. Still, they ought to be able to get that they should muster an appreciation of the industry, develop a bit of goodwill/reputation, and that kind of stuff, you know, at least make use of some stepping stones, so either way, they still could outsource it to those who took good care of it before, conceivably.

Nah, of course that ain't gonna happen.
>> No. 36841 [Edit]
File 160659657212.jpg - (73.97KB , 850x850 , __may_wong_star_wars_and_1_more_drawn_by_a1__sampl.jpg )
I'm not a fan of star wars, but if I was I'd rather ignore everything except the first three movies that were made. Any games and other tie ins seem like they would be extraneous to a simple story set in a simple universe.
>> No. 36842 [Edit]
File 160659831355.png - (535.50KB , 1018x536 , hello there___.png )
You might as well. Star Wars is one of those franchises that had a good enough start to become popular, kept it's momentum and did interesting things early on but by the time it lost it's soul and quality it was something that was already popular enough to stick around as something people attach more importance to than it deserves.
>> No. 36843 [Edit]
>I'd rather ignore everything except the first three movies
I think a lot of people are trying to do that. Even during the prequel days a lot of fans did that.
>> No. 36844 [Edit]
*Ick!*, screw that, the movies were repulsive! Besides ... source releases, hot damn, source releases!

But I'll offer you a compromise, let the original dark forces burn, and let the source for Outlaws come out instead. It's damn close anyways, and right there you have some of that much vaunted simple story Oh, it also had a cutscene codec optimized for animation!
>> No. 36845 [Edit]
File 160660561187.png - (23.43KB , 360x500 , 4b36633d339835f89c905efb6542f9fc.png )
>the movies were repulsive!
Why? It's just above average, 70s pulp sci-fi. It's got a hero's journey and some aliens and a cool looking, mildly interesting bad guy and some space battles and a hasty redemption arc. The music is basically a shameless rip-off of Holst, but it sounds nice. Even if, IF, the games are better in some way, they probably didn't need to be attached to star wars.
>> No. 36888 [Edit]
Because it isn't any sort of simple narative display from a single source that has a concept of a simple universe to spontaneously share with everyone at all, it's a natural goldmine tapping the abilities of a wide range of contributors. Over the years, it ended up musterring some honesty towards this. But the original movies ended up forcing that to the degree that it could, and kludging all that neat setting and such around that incredibly lame space-paladin mythical theme.
>> No. 36927 [Edit]
The expanded universe was raw garbage and the original trilogy is the only good thing in Star Wars.
>> No. 37134 [Edit]
File 160870197229.jpg - (89.81KB , 850x478 , GG.jpg )
Star Wars had more than three movies? Say it ain't so.
>> No. 37229 [Edit]
File 160947860799.jpg - (104.45KB , 1200x1137 , ballet.jpg )
>> No. 37240 [Edit]
Focus on SV business tech but has some gems
I really like this one~
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