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File 156911474031.jpg - (52.00KB , 630x630 , proxy_duckduckgo_com.jpg )
33275 No. 33275 [Edit]
This is the ONLY official Tohno-chan holiday pie baking thread. In this thread: Bake pies, share recipes, show pictures, and tell stories all relating to your hand-crafted, baked holiday pies.
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>> No. 33276 [Edit]
>Penpukin Pi

Ehhh. What an odd way to spell it. The Japanese are weird.
>> No. 33277 [Edit]
Remember that ハ is “ha”, so パ would be “pa”.
>> No. 35791 [Edit]
"Oh pie" baking competition?
>> No. 41563 [Edit]
File 168857702226.jpg - (149.55KB , 621x401 , tumblr_o418isCiHs1un95hzo1_640.jpg )
I bake cakes, is it allowed?
>> No. 41590 [Edit]
As long as you do the cooking by the book (or the cake will end up crazy)
>> No. 41598 [Edit]
How crazy are we talkin' here, Jack?
>> No. 41599 [Edit]
File 169042770219.jpg - (4.89MB , 4128x3096 , 20230721_172417.jpg )
A taste of honey~~
>> No. 41602 [Edit]
File 169072346582.jpg - (2.42MB , 4032x1960 , 20210911_163658.jpg )
apple and berry pie with mysterious fantasy country design on top
>> No. 41603 [Edit]
I might have to try my hand at baking. These look good!
>> No. 41784 [Edit]
File 169546476944.jpg - (36.85KB , 438x658 , 20230924.jpg )
let's get CRAzY
>> No. 41803 [Edit]
File 169666750576.jpg - (800.75KB , 2134x2243 , 27CE2B8B-19B9-4A61-939E-864C40BDDF72.jpg )
Coffee with your pie?
>> No. 42243 [Edit]
File 170611401957.jpg - (4.94MB , 4128x3096 , Beetscake.jpg )
Beet cake with coconut topping.
>> No. 42251 [Edit]
Do crab cakes count?
>> No. 42378 [Edit]
File 170936805144.jpg - (21.31KB , 474x315 , 20240304.jpg )
Clafoutis. Can you make a simple pancake batter? If you can, bake it with chopped fruit. Ta-dah, that's clafoutis.
>> No. 42428 [Edit]
File 171003636858.jpg - (51.96KB , 518x550 , GZ.jpg )
French baked goods lose to Italian baked lasagne.
>> No. 42453 [Edit]
File 171104617362.jpg - (4.77MB , 4128x3096 , banana cake 20240207_172831.jpg )
Banana and cinnamon cake, taste pretty good.
>> No. 42489 [Edit]
File 17115805947.png - (751.23KB , 661x638 , Ami1.png )
And both fall before greek pastitsio.
>> No. 42900 [Edit]
File 17238931715.jpg - (152.40KB , 800x1124 , RPie.jpg )
Warm apple pie beats whatever the Greeks can make..
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