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File 161657022977.jpg - (1.06MB , 1203x1543 , dd6c4cad8439a42de40ed0e740ca6f0a.jpg )
37957 No. 37957 [Edit]
Are there any character archetypes you are fond of or would like to see?
I like pure girls with dark skin and light hair. The resemblance to gyarus while having a very different personality is refreshing and the dark skin adds an exotic bit of excitement with the personality making for a strong amount of moe. It's even better if they're busty girls.

Post edited on 24th Mar 2021, 12:56am
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>> No. 37958 [Edit]
File 161660298773.jpg - (163.09KB , 850x631 , sample_901b2381d58a95011d45f92dbd42d679.jpg )
I'd like to see a show about actual military girls who wear uniforms and stuff, not ones playing pretend. The set up doesn't matter, it just has to have all female soldiers doing soldier stuff.
>> No. 37959 [Edit]
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Houri(a type of angel) sounds pretty close to that.
>> No. 37982 [Edit]
Air, land or sea?
>> No. 37983 [Edit]
File 161677103439.jpg - (775.53KB , 850x993 , sample_a75ba2dcc7cbba7d9afb0af5e29f7e31.jpg )
Land. It would also be really cool to have something entirely focused on submarines in a waterworld kind of setting.
>> No. 37985 [Edit]
Oh, I don't know any land based anime that fits your description. Submarines are cool too.
There's a cool and funny air based anime that may fit your description. Aozora Shoujotai, I like it.
>> No. 37986 [Edit]
How about Soranowoto?
Maybe the upcoming Girls Front Line anime?
There's also Valkyria Chronicles, which has mixed gender armies.
>> No. 37987 [Edit]
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Soranowoto and Aozora Shoujotai look interesting. Something that feels grittier would be good. I guess there isn't much of a market for that kind of thing.
>> No. 41792 [Edit]
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i love yandere characters, loli characters, and otaku characters. i'm always really happy when they appear in something i like, especially if it's some combination of the three. my dream is one character that combines all three archetypes, somehow.
i wish yandere characters were more common in general, it feels like it peaked with Yuno Gasai in Mirai Nikki.
>> No. 41793 [Edit]
>i wish yandere characters were more common in general
Same. That deep unquestioned love and devotion... It's inspiring.
>> No. 43125 [Edit]

>> No. 43126 [Edit]
>> No. 43127 [Edit]
Too bad. I'm busy deciding whether Little should be replaced with Lithe or Loyal, so contact me later or leave a message after the beep.
>> No. 43131 [Edit]
I like young girls that are extroverted and immature, at the limit of going too far and being annoying, but never crossing the line. Maybe sometimes lightly doing it, but returning and not overstepping the boundaries.
>> No. 43132 [Edit]
>but never crossing the line. Maybe sometimes lightly doing it, but returning and not overstepping the boundaries.
Yeah this part is really important, and is the mark of a good show to me. Having a sense of where that boundary is and being considerate enough to not overstep it, is a way to tangibly demonstrate how closely the characters understand each other. It's part of the emotional intelligence.
>> No. 43137 [Edit]
File 173133150424.gif - (368.38KB , 250x375 , 638e3033648aa52cb59ac7f60b6abd75.gif )
Did somebody call for Yuzuko?
>> No. 43138 [Edit]
You read my mind. I love TC.
>> No. 43143 [Edit]
File 173145435511.jpg - (159.65KB , 898x334 , evawiki-calls-the-tank-full-of-rei-clones-the-reiq.jpg )
Autistic coded kuuderes
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