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40621 No. 40621 [Edit]
I'm so tired of health issues.
It feels as though if it's not one thing, it's the next. There's always something impacting me healthwise to lower my enjoyment of life.

How do you manage your health? Do you have a diet? Do you stay active?

I'm an insomniac but I also deal with horrible teeth related issues like abscesses and gum disease, I get sick very easily, suffer from heartburn daily, and recently I have a horrible pain in my lower right abdomen.
It's all tiresome.
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>> No. 40623 [Edit]
>How do you manage your health? Do you have a diet? Do you stay active?
I eat a diet with lots of protein(I try to eat more than 160g per day) and I don't avoid saturated fats. Also, I make sure to eat fruits and vegetables. I do try to avoid foods made with dough, but I'm not religious about it. Basically, most days I'm not eating donuts, pasta or bread.

I exercise 3 times a week for about an hour and a half. On other days, I'll do some exercises with resistance bands, but I don't keep track of time. I also walk for a total of about 30 minutes pretty much every day.

I go to sleep around 12am and wake up around 8am.

Post edited on 4th Oct 2022, 6:49am
>> No. 40624 [Edit]
It sounds like you have a pretty regimented system.
I don't eat too much protein, but I do try to eat fruits and vegetables. I love fruit a lot more than manufactured food, but I just forget to buy it most times.

I usually walk about 2 hours every second day, and I was going to the gym for a while.
Most often I'm falling asleep at around 9-10AM.
>> No. 40625 [Edit]
I used to be pretty good with looking after myself but I have been suicidal/depressed for a few years and that got rid of all my motivation to set or continue habits, I have not exercised for a while now...
I gave up caring what I eat, though that has not had any effects too bad so far. I was down to shaving only once a week for a while but now I managed to get it to once every 3 days, I managed to keep brushing every night but I stopped brushing in the morning.
Just before this phase hit(family reasons) I was researching a lot about health, looking at vitamins, sleeping patterns, posture, the best training regimes etc. But I gave up on all of that now.
Once my life issues gets sorted out then I should have the motivation to get back on track.
>> No. 40626 [Edit]
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I'm the same anon.
>I was going to the gym for a while
Never went to a gym before. People say it helps with motivation, but I think it would have the opposite effect on me. I don't want annoyance(other people) and wasted time(the commute) to be a part of my fitness.

A mat, some form of resistance, water, and my own body are all I need.

Post edited on 4th Oct 2022, 9:27am
>> No. 40627 [Edit]
I hope things improve for you, anon. I know the sort of situation that you're dealing with. It hits me a few times a year for protracted periods of time.

I think brushing your teeth once a day is probably fine. I stopped brushing my teeth for about 3 years when I was extremely hikki and they're ruined just from that, even though I've brushed them every day for about 7 years now.
>> No. 40628 [Edit]
If you have the motivation to work out on your own, then that's obviously ideal. I did find it to help, because I had a trainer assisting me. I gained a fair amount of muscle in the 12 weeks or so that I went.

I stopped going once I had to change gyms due to an irrelevant circumstance and the closest one to me uses facial recognition technology. Really lame.
>> No. 40629 [Edit]
>helps with motivation, but I think it would have the opposite effect on me. I don't want annoyance(other people) and wasted time(the commute) to be a part of my fitness.
This is something that makes absolutely no sense to me. I can't even understand the thought process behind this. I went to gym for quite some time, but stopped some years ago, and many days I went during peak hours, and some days during the time nobody went there, and I had pretty much no annoying interaction. I can't even imagine why the fuck so many people say this. Maybe they never went to a gym before, or maybe my gym was better than most, but I don't even see how this is possible. You go to gym, and do the daily exercises. How hard can this be? The only social interaction that can ever happen is saying hi to the receptionist, IF she's not busy doing something else, and hi to the instructor. Everything else is just ok or are you using this? or something. In the MANY days I went there I only had someone try to talk to me once or twice, and even then it was just something like you are always here great, you are young eat healthy and refrain from consuming alcohol. The gym is actually a great place for people who don't like to talk, in the gym talking is frowned upon, the people who talk are seen as hoggers of the gym equipment who delay they exercises by prating. If you don't like to talk about inane stuff, the gym is a great place for you. Just go to a gym near you.
>> No. 40630 [Edit]
I guess people have different views on gyms.

I like the convenience, my room isn't that spacious, in fact it feels very cramped (which I actually like) and I can't exercise here, and even if I had the space having to set up the mattress or even some dumbbells sounds like a pain. People aren't that annoying at least where I got to, everyone is focused on themselves and just talk to you if they want time on a machine, the music fucking sucks but at least I bring my headphones.

I stopped thinking about the commute as wasted time since I got a bike, now it's an additional exercise
>> No. 40631 [Edit]
>the people who talk are seen as hoggers of the gym equipment
Which means those people exist. Also, I don't want to hear whatever music the gym decides on. I like to have complete control over my environment.

Gyms can be different from each other, but why would I bother when I can exercise in my own living space? I save money this way too.
>> No. 40633 [Edit]
Yes, they exist but they are mostly middle-aged women, so they keep to themselves. But if the gym playlist bothers you and you don't feel like wearing headphones as the other anon recommended and you like to exercise at home I don't see why you would be better off in a gym. Some people have trouble associating their own room with exercising and will slack off if not inside an atmosphere such as that of a gym.
>> No. 40634 [Edit]
>Do you have a diet?
Not really, I don't eat much in the first place. I don't care too much for sugar (if I want something sweet I usually eat unsweetened chocolate), so it's easy to avoid temptations.

>Do you stay active?
I don't exercise heavily but I try to move around a bit each day. Probably not as much as I should though.

>horrible teeth related issues like abscesses and gum disease
Do you brush your teeth? That's the one thing you should get it in the habit of doing, just be sure not to put too much pressure on them when brushing. Use a toothpaste with as low RDA as possible, most toothpastes are too abrasive. Try to get a toothpaste which precipitates hydroxyapatite (novamin, Japanese apagard, et al.) since they are far better than passive fluoridation in terms of protection and reversal of dental carries.

>I think brushing your teeth once a day is probably fine.
Once a day is ok assuming you do a good job and have a low sugar diet.
>> No. 40635 [Edit]
>Do you brush your teeth?
I didn't for about 3 years during highschool. I'm consistently paying for it years later.
My mouth is full of fillings due to severe decay but I'm back on the public system to get a lot more work done.
I brush with nuetraflour.
>> No. 40636 [Edit]
I was/am in much the same boat. I didn't really start brushing until I was in my early 20s. My parents were pretty whatever about it till I complained about some pains. I was taken to Mexico to get cheap dental work done multiple times in a rundown shops that skimped on pain relievers. One of the first parts of the process involved ripping (yes ripping) bad chunks of my gums out. Got all my wisdom teeth pulled too. Two I barely noticed come out, the other two felt like someone was trying to rip a bone out of my head. Then there was the root canal I got (which has lasted twice the time they expected, but is on it's last legs). Easily one of the most painful experiences of my life. Since then I've taken to brushing regularly, and flossing every other day on average. I really wish I started taking care of them sooner. It's not even hard, it's just a mater of not leaving food or whatever sitting on your teeth, that's pretty much it.
>> No. 40649 [Edit]
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Good on dental health. I brush and rinse with mouthwash every day at night. No problems there, but not until I was around 15 when I began visiting the dentist regularly to treat many cavities and learn how to brush properly. I wore braces which further incentivized me to adopt good habits.

I try to have a varied diet. Don’t really control the intake of fiber, proteins, or carbohydrates. I do control the intake of refined sugars, salt, and fats. In other words, I eat reasonable portions to satiate my hunger, just making sure I vary between fish, meat, and salads, and avoid unhealthy snacks, breakfasts, and such.

Technically, my BMI says I’m slightly underweight and my blood pressure has been on the lower end of the “ideal” zone. Within the two most recent years I’ve experienced 2 episodes of fainting. Over the course of this last summer, I experienced some episodes of shortness of breath and very minor and short-lived instances of lightheadedness. I never dealt well with heat, but it never got to this point insofar as I remember. This hasn’t favored my clumsiness problems either. However, taking it slower and hanging onto edges, rails and walls has helped me regain some confidence back. I going to get a routine medical examination this month which I haven’t done in years. Let’s see how it goes.

You might imagine I don’t do well with sports. I never managed to develop the mindset necessary for that. It just seems unnecessary when I love going out for strolls around the town, parks, or the coast, which are good for the heart & mind, yet not as physically exhausting as fitness training. To be fair, my poor motor skills might have played a role in demoralizing me since I was younger. Nonetheless, I try to incorporate walking into daily activities such as parking the car farther or a small walk around the neighborhood to help with digestion after a meal and relax.

Post edited on 5th Oct 2022, 8:35am
>> No. 40670 [Edit]
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I was quite healthy as a kid, the only issue I had was pain in the legs from growing a lot in 5th grade. This caused me to have issues with sleeping, but the whole thing only lasted for a few months.
During my early teens it started though, in 7th grade I had an accident where I hit my head very badly. A whiplash injury was the result, that came with multiple horrible headaches a day. Those headaches ruined my 7th, 8th and 9th grade, where I plunged with my performance in school. Furthermore the entire school started to bully me. All of this caused low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, trust issues, isolation and self-harm. When the time in school ended it was decided that I should go to work immediately because I was too stupid for further education anyway. A whiplash injury is nothing you can see and therefore give proof of, so most people didn't believe me. It didn't help that the doctors needed more than 2 years to give that diagnosis.
After working for a few months I collapsed, because after the accident I was unable to do any sports, which resulted into my muscles reducing itself to a bare minimum. Then the state stepped it, saying I need an education and sent me to some business school.
While being there I managed to tackle two issues that emerged during puberty, acne and badly positioned teeth. The teeth after my baby teeth didn't come up well, some of them didn't have enough space and started to put pressure on the others, which moved all of the teeth into bad positions. The acne was all over my back and face, sometimes it itched a lot and scratching made it even worse. Both could be solved with bracers, some locations and salves. During the time at the business school I also got a little bit of confidence due to great teachers and school mates that didn't bully me anymore.
All went downhill when I finished the education and had to start working. The cycle off getting hired, being fired, being unemployed started. With all my issues I never experienced an ordinary youth, this lead be to be alienated from people outside of image boards like this. Everywhere I am perceived as weird or even creepy, because I just have nothing to talk about those people. Even If I force myself to talk, all I can manage is work related stuff. This leads to statements like being cold, distant, reserved, uninterested in co-workers and so on. After every layoff it gets harder finding a job, so the time being unemployed grows and grows. Unfortunately the experiences made working destroyed all the progress I made and made my conditions as bad as they never were before. Right now I am on meds, else I would lay in a corner or something. Doctors aren't helping either, they say I am just fine as long as I take meds, while therapists are even worse. They say I just need people. The state refuses to give me money, they are obviously siding with those people.

Else I work out once a week in order to strengthen my back. The pain gets unbearable if I don’t do that. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables too, furthermore every day the sun shines I go out on the balcony to get some of its healthy influence.
>> No. 40676 [Edit]
I eat once or twice per day, I would probably eat more often (including a forced breakfast) if I had a schedule, my lack of schedule grants me much more time to finish my meals. The portions are big, often at least two courses with enough liquid and I'm gaining weight in the past years for reasons overweight personalities are known for, their distorted(=numbed) emotional palette and because I fear the day when eggs and other goods are even less available. Not sharing meals with occupational or genetical peers is a great factor in gaining weight. And the choice of food differs from what I could eat in my upbringing, most food tasted dry and now I'm able to eat about anything with mayonnaise, soy sauce and other condiments which were deemed unhealthy.
Sometimes I would go walking at early morning but it doesn't feel reasonable enough except in winter when there's snow everywhere.
Waking up gasping for air and occasionally sweating and panting more often or occasionnaly having shaky hand movements(esp. visible when holding something light) doesn't feel right, but every time I see a doctor, once per year, they tell me it's not my body but my anxieties causing the misalignment. I do get anxious when considering how easy it is to get a disease in this field for people who sit all day but the only solution I personally consider would be to make the nutrition part less energetic.
>> No. 40759 [Edit]
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The only real problem for me health wise is probably going to be my sleeping pattern. For whatever reason I feel tired if I sleep less than 10 hours, and I have a hard time going to sleep after only 14 hours of waking time. Sometimes I end up with this weird rotating schedule where I sleep and wake in 30 hour pseudo-days, until I force it back into place.

I am also fairly thin, maintaining 135lbs feels like a slight effort, if not exactly hard. When I don't make sure to force myself to eat I often drop down to 120lbs, and I'm not super short at 5'10. I've just always been super fucking skinny though and my granddad was the same way, so I'm probably just genetically predisposed. My dad and his siblings, and my siblings, are all tall and thin.
>> No. 40764 [Edit]
just brush your teeth holy fuck
and stop eating only processed foods, if you're living with your mom, which i assume you are, get her lazy ass to cook some actually good fucking food
its literally that easy just eat home-cooked food instead of the goyslop that is atrophying all of your organs
>> No. 40765 [Edit]
holy fuck, for three straight years? i usually brush my teeth around once or twice a week, which is bad enough as it is, but how to you manage to avoid brushing your teeth for three entire years
what are the ramifications of this that youve experienced?
>> No. 40767 [Edit]
sorry i forgot no western media
plz no ban for the homestuck gif
>> No. 40771 [Edit]
>what are the ramifications from this
My front four top teeth are all ruined. Huge black holes and cavities, broken etc. I have like 2-3 fillings in each tooth and they just told me the other day that I need to have one of them ripped out.
>> No. 40787 [Edit]
The Pros:
I think I'm probably in better health than the average otaku, but hard to say by how much. I say that because it seems like more often than not most I come across are sickly and on various medications (including those for mental health, which can cause physical side effects). I don't take any prescriptions and have no allergies as far as I know aside from a mild one to cantaloupe and avocados.
I pretty much never get sick, on the rare occasions I do it quickly passes. I don't use any medications, or ever get migraines which seems to be a common thing. My vision is perfectly fine, with only a very slight and easy to forget about imbalance between eye clarity. I'm also not colorblind which is another weirdly common thing. I don't get motion sickness easily either. I don't have the same energy issues as most seem to, but have noticed myself lately struggling to stay awake at work sometimes when I have nothing to keep me busy.

The Cons:
I'd like to loose some weight but I wouldn't consider myself fat just yet. I was starting to get chubby for a while but started working out and got to a more reasonable point.
My diet honestly sucks because I can't be bothered to cook proper meals.
I've had back issues, and in spite of trying to keep decent posture, I often find myself struggling to do so. I think I messed it up from years of sleeping on floors and couches. I donated blood a couple years ago and they almost rejected it because it was really low in iron, which they said is kinda weird for people like me. I've gotten a bunch of sunspots, I think from not bothering with sunscreen.
I've got a root canal with a number of fillings due to poor dental hygiene when I was younger, and those are some mistakes that stick with you for life unfortunately. Baldness runs in the family, and it's already showing. Hell, I've seen a ton of grey hairs lately in fact, which I assume must be from stress.
>> No. 40788 [Edit]
Tohno posting in my thread...

I get grey hairs too, but I think it's due to balding.
>> No. 40789 [Edit]
/ot/ - Oji-san Talks
>> No. 40790 [Edit]
Just a fair warning for your health in the future; fat is pretty much a set and done thing weight wise so don't allow yourself to trick yourself into think you're not fat "enough", the chubbiness wiggle room is already accounted for by most countries bmi scale to begin with. And vice versa never let yourself become convinced you're not skinny enough. I had a problem with this as a young adult. 190lbs is already getting fairly bad for anyone 6ft or under. The average guy who isn't a bodybuilder has little reason to be above or below 150-160lbs.
>> No. 40795 [Edit]
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Follow up:
I like to use hand grippers. I have a light one and set of 100lb, 150lb, and 200lb. I'm now able to close the 100lb one about 4 times. Will start doing this program so I can progress.
>> No. 41302 [Edit]
Lately my right hand hasn't been able to open and close smoothly. My middle and ring finger sort of "pop" somewhere in between. Wonder if it is an issue with the joint or the muscle.
>> No. 42733 [Edit]
I walk around. I'm lucky that a walkable area is just a short bus ride away.

The White Death
Been going down the rabbithole into this as my gramma died of TB years ago but didn't understand it at the time...
>> No. 42749 [Edit]
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Wakeup exercise; do the cliche morning jog immeadiately after sleep ends.
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