No. 36094
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I liked Tesagure! Bukatsumono, as well as gdgd, Himote House, and Straight Title Robot Anime. I'm also someone who don't care for v-tubers all that much.
I see what you're getting at. Half the appeal of those "anime" being the ad-lib segments which felt like an interesting change of pace to hear characters talk in a more realistic way, stumbling over words and talking over each other, and dare I say it felt authentic. This made it feel fun, like watching SoL characters drop the formalities and 'really' be themselves with each other. So I can understand the appeal of that from fans of vtubers, but... then there's Naria☆Girls, which was similar to the likes of Tesagure and gdgd, but with damn near no effort put into it. By the time it came out I was really into these adlib "anime" that looked like they were made with MMD, so I was expecting to love it, but it felt like an insult to the very small following these sort of anime managed to acquire. I could go on and on with the problems with it, but at the end of the day it came across like a cheap cash in from people who must of thought they could put out absolute garbage and still have it sell. This is what vtubers feels like to me. It lacks the structure and contextualization that made some of these enjoyable to watch. It's one thing for characters in a school club to talk about school clubs while going off script, it was another for magical girls to suddenly start talking about their weird dreams or whatever else is completely unrelated to what's going on. Sure they're playing games and 'generally' talk about the games, but even then it's one sided discussions mostly talking to themselves while occasionally trying to crack a joke or make funny noises when they remember people are watching. At that point it stops being entertainment and feels more like one sided socializing, like when someone wont shut up about themselves and/or something you couldn't care less about. It's the difference between being an entertainer, and a narcissist. I followed Ai chan when she first debuted, but quickly lost interest when she soon went from the former to the later.