No. 37888
With most people it goes like that, no matter what your MS or HS school-life was actually like. Imagine it like this, your brain is like you were as a child, it is in a room full of toys. The child looks at the new toys, they are new, polished, but they are generic, no personality, and have no relations one to each other. Like a child, he wants to play with toys, making they act in storylines, but they are not interesting, and no emotion will be brought upon by witnessing their act. So he opens an old crest, and under the cobwebs there are old toys, battered and dusty, but they are interesting, they have intricate backgrounds and relations to each other, the baby wants to play.
So does your brain goes about making its stories. Being a loner or not has nothing to do with it. Per example, even if you spoke with no one and were friendless in your youth, and speaks with some adults in the present, it still doesn't matter. In adult life there's no fights, no people challenging the teacher, getting thrown out of the classroom, threatened with suspension, etc. Everything is mechanical, this form, sign this, and polite, there's no primal instinct involved. No food for the primitive mind. Moreover, everyone you met, you observed during years, the years of change, for most youngsters, and you saw they interacting with each other, everyone of them. This creates a complete personality for most of them.