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File 14905209137.png - (3.96KB , 400x400 , 1490520853829.png )
30015 No. 30015 [Edit]
You wake up in a room, what do.
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>> No. 30016 [Edit]
Check to see if my kidney is still there.
>> No. 30017 [Edit]
jack off and then cry
>> No. 30019 [Edit]
File 149059053254.png - (4.32KB , 400x400 , 1490590389407.png )
You feel your abdomen to check if your kidneys are still there, but alas, you do not have kidneys. You started crying and jacking off in self loathing, but upon discovering that you do not possess genitals either, you cried even harder.
>> No. 30020 [Edit]
Try to contact ETs via meditation
>> No. 30025 [Edit]
File 149076315256.png - (6.76KB , 400x400 , 1490763024985.png )
Regaining your hold on life, you meditated, and sent your intention and goodwill through the cosmos. After an undetermined amount of time (which felt like 10 years but was probably ten minutes), a wild space princess descended upon you!
>> No. 30026 [Edit]
>> No. 30027 [Edit]
succ on tite
>> No. 30030 [Edit]
Should've went with either some dangerous Xenomorph-like creature or some stupid, useless, and probably slightly retarded comic relief alien that won't spout shitty puns.
>> No. 42248 [Edit]
File 17065079995.jpg - (9.85KB , 400x246 , 20240128.jpg )
I go outside.
>> No. 42420 [Edit]
The sun burns........
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