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36602 No. 36602 [Edit]
What are your thoughts on this no touching yourself for a month thing? Do you take part in it, or do you think it's stupid?
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>> No. 36603 [Edit]
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Only a month? How sad are those who fail... Being serious, that's retarded and it always makes me wonder what happened to No Shave November.
>> No. 36604 [Edit]
I think it's mainly just a jokey riff off of "no shave november" that's gained rising popularity in the past few years, and which no one takes seriously but is trendy discussion fodder. Traffic-wise, it seems that porn sites do not see any significant dip during this month which bolsters my assertion that it's mainly just for show.
>> No. 36605 [Edit]
It seems like the nofap crew fail to make a distinction between a healthy amount of masturbation and the point at which is becomes a compulsion which gives them a bad rap.

Fapping is like a drug. Drugs every once in a while can even be good for you. Drugs every day, probably not. It's likely something you can't stop. The why, how, and to what you're fapping to seem more important but that's more nuance than people care for. The best way to stop an addiction seems to be just completely stopping before finding a way to slowly reintroduce it into your life.

Like others said though, I think for most it's just something to joke about.
>> No. 36606 [Edit]
As a chronic masturbator my record is four days and under special circumstances, so I wouldn't even bother to try something like that. I think once every two days it's probably the healthiest but it's still hard to keep.
>> No. 36609 [Edit]
No Nuts? No problem as I have a tree-nut allergy.
>> No. 36780 [Edit]
I've been doing it. not because of the meme but because I just don't have that sort of drive.
>> No. 36847 [Edit]
Damn November Rains
>> No. 36850 [Edit]
The month thing I think is mostly a joke, but I do know there are large communities that actively try to stop masturbating to improve themselves.
This is basically my perspective. There are definitely reasons to stop masturbating if it is actually a problem, but most people that consciously stop either have misled motives, like the negligible health benefits, or a false sense of superiority about it. I jerk off every day because I enjoy it, but there are people who do it constantly out of boredom, or that put off things/people they consider important to satisfy the urge. Those are definitely edge cases though, most people are just stupid.
>> No. 36851 [Edit]
After going a few weeks without doing it, I think it helped to noticeably improve my mood after I gave in. I think it's gross and it's not something I even enjoy doing, but it seems like the sort of thing that would be unhealthy not to do for prolonged periods of times. In my book it's right up there with urination and deification.
>> No. 36852 [Edit]
Other than those who do it for reasons of "self-improvement," there's also the smaller fringe/occult communities that believe it helps prevent loss of qi/jing. This viewpoint primarily seems to be rooted in eastern cultures (primarily taoist) [1]. Even among the Taoists though there seems to be some disagreement as to whether complete abstinence is necessary (e.g. I've seen recommendations for cycles like once every two weeks). While I personally do ascribe some plausibility to this, I think that if one subscribes to this viewpoint then the dominant factor is not whether you masturbate or not but instead whether you actively practice the associated taoist techniques to circulate energy.

>> No. 36854 [Edit]
I went through an occult phase several years ago and the methods for circulating your energy definitely work but they also let you get really powerful and prolonged orgasms. Unless you're already well in control of your sexual desires I'd recommend you steer clear. It's not just that you'll want to do it all the time. Those orgasms are very physically, mentally, and spiritually draining. For someone who someone who doesn't have good self control it's dangerous to learn those techniques.

Not saying that's you, just putting out a word of warning for any curious onlookers.
>> No. 36857 [Edit]
> for circulating your energy definitely work but they also let you get really powerful and prolonged orgasms
Were you trying to do the energy work at the same time you were masturbating? That seems like something out of Mantak Chia's books. I don't have experience with that and it does seem a lot more dangerous. It seems safer to just do energy work while meditating. The goal should not really be getting "prolonged" orgasms, but just calming your mind (the breathwork involved does have noted benefits. And if the jing/qi stuff is true, then that's a bonus).
>> No. 36859 [Edit]
Imagine your death being reported on the news as: man dies while masturbating due to botched taoist meditation.
>> No. 36861 [Edit]
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I do feel like I'm wasting my time whenever I masturbate, but stopping it completely is not a realistic proposition for me. And neither is getting a 3DPD.

So, I just ordered myself an onahip and plan to hump it whenever I feel like masturbating. That way I'll at least burn some calories and work out my abs and glutes.
>> No. 36862 [Edit]
>And neither is getting a 3DPD.
Was that really necessary?
>> No. 36863 [Edit]
I rather get a full body doll but that's just me.
>> No. 36865 [Edit]
don't look at spoilers if you don't wanna get spoiled.

drawbacks of a full body doll:
- much more expensive (I bought my hips for 60 bucks; a doll with limbs, face, hair etc. will set you back 1000 or more)
- more difficult to clean, generally much higher maintenance (I've talked to some Real Doll owners and this is a huge issue. Life-sized dolls are basically out of the question for me until we have sex robots with enough AI autonomy to clean themselves)
- can't easily hide it when people come over
- has a creepy face, look up "uncanny valley." Creepiness gets worse as she accumulates scratches and dirt.
- non-zero chance that it will be possessed by demons and murder you
- when you put it in the trash eventually, people will call the police on you for trying to dispose of a corpse.

I'm just looking for something I can thrust my peepee into and do some fun cardio on, not something to simulate female companionship.
>> No. 36867 [Edit]
Yeah, Mantak Chia stuff. The practices he outlines in Cultivating Male Taoist Sexual Energy in particular. I had done some energy work prior to delving into his stuff but I honestly wasn't ready for it. If I remember right Chia gives a lot of warnings but I didn't listen.

I don't think it had any lasting effects since I quit doing it. It's something I'll return to once I really get my sexuality under control.
>> No. 36873 [Edit]
This is mostly true, but I still want to get one all the same because you can't dress up a torso in cute outfits.
>> No. 37344 [Edit]
>Fapping is like a drug. Drugs every once in a while can even be good for you.
Well obviously the type of substance matters; I think a better analogy is to chocolate: it tastes sweet and is fine to eat once in a while but don't eat it for every meal. If one really wants to improve their mind/body though, they'd probably see more of an effect from cutting out alcohol or improving their diet. Either way there's not much point to living like an ascetic unless you're on some spiritual path.
>> No. 41919 [Edit]
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Use the time to clean house...
>> No. 42080 [Edit]
If you subscribe to the mentality that "something" is lost with each ejaculation (whether it's something material like nutrients/hormone balance stuff, or something immaterial like "jing", or even just opportunity cost of energy needed to replenish the semen) then there's an approach I thought of for calculating a suitable length of time between ejaculations which I haven't seen mentioned anywhere before.

You can find the standard taoist-esque recommendations like interval based on season, based on age, etc., but these don't make sense as a one-size fits all thing because each person is different. Instead, I think a better approach might be to abstain for a period of time until you start having wet dreams again, then use the interval between wet dreams. (Incidentally most books don't seem to consider ejaculation from wet dream as "spiritually draining" as one when waking). The reasoning would be that at least hormonally you're discovering your body's natural cycle.
>> No. 42081 [Edit]
I think that getting a bodypillow would be better,but im not sure on how much a full body doll costs.
>> No. 42084 [Edit]
no fap is for porn addicted retards who momentarily quit their addiction and then attribute any benefits from doing so to not fapping. there's nothing wrong with jacking off it's not illegal
>> No. 42273 [Edit]
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>jacking off it's not illegal
Not yet, anyway.
>> No. 42278 [Edit]
It should be tohnobro, you know it and I know it, no need to deny it.
>> No. 42279 [Edit]
It is quite self-demeaning.
>> No. 42282 [Edit]
meh, I agree with him. I blame the addiction to it and lack of proper sex ED on its bad reputation. It's human nature.
>> No. 42286 [Edit]
It's addicting due to the dopamine rush that searching, looking and consuming gives you, most things in life can give dopamine but the amount that porn and masturbation give it's absurd, and now porn is easy to access and completely free, this is a reason why porn addiction seems like a "out of nowhere" problem, you couldn't search any sort of disgusting shit you wanted like 20 years ago.
Far from one anon, I just despise pornography, you don't need to be a normalfag to hate it, if anything I'm way weirder by hating it since every normalfag considers it okay.
>> No. 42287 [Edit]
"Porn came into prominence with the iphone" is the stupidest thing young people believe.
>> No. 42288 [Edit]
I tried it once and it was awful, I have pretty high sex drive though. Last November I tried a 'No Smut November' instead, only relying on my imagination when I go at it. It did help with not triggering me into being horny from binging porn when bored in-between tasks. I also found getting off feels better when you're aroused more 'organically' too.

I'd say experiment with what works for you instead of falling for some Reddit meme about le funny chemical like >>42286 has.
>> No. 42289 [Edit]
I know very well it existed and was consumed since ages ago, they sold porn VHS's in my country and "adult cinemas" weren't all that weird, but back then it wasn't all that free and "high quality" as it is nowadays, the porn industry is far different from how it was even just 30 years ago, other thing is that most of what people could find was rather take, now you can jack off to whatever you want at a clicks distance.
A coomer saying I'm from reddit, the irony is palpable, regardless of chemicals or not a lot of people simply can't quit porn (even if they want), the reality is that some people do become addicted or attached to it to some degree, one that can be harmful, are they the majority ? Not really, far from it in fact, even more with how almost everyone consumes porn nowadays.
This doesn't magically mean that porn can't have adverse effects in individuals, your own inability due to a "high sex drive" (Wich is nothing more than some meme made up by faggots who can't keep it on their pants, it does have biological basis in some people and it's not that different from the "meme chemicals" that you accuse me of) shows that even if it became a problem or detrimental to your life yoi wouldnt be able to quit, this shows at least some degree of addiction or dependance (if you think that one truly cant become addicted to it).
>> No. 42306 [Edit]
You come across as a 2016 tourist. People regularly waste hours on all kinds of stupid shit. It's not like the majority of people do anything more "meaningful" outside of work. If somebody jerks off once or twice a day, so what? Their life wouldn't improve in any way if they stopped. In most cases, porn is no worse an addiction than coffee. And if somebody is REALLY addicted to it, they would replace it with something else. Addiction and underlying emotional problems go hand in hand. If the underlying issues aren't resolved, the person will find something else to latch onto.
>> No. 42307 [Edit]
i just think believing "people should be incarcerated for doing a thing i don't like because i think it's gross" is a bit of an overreaction.
not everyone thinks sex is an inherently disgusting act.
>> No. 42308 [Edit]
>Your own inability due to a "high sex drive" (...) shows that even if it became a problem or detrimental to your life yoi wouldnt be able to quit.

Quit fapping or quit consuming porn? The former, no, trying to quit that caused the problems, instead of solving any. The latter, yeah I don't know, I didn't feel much different during the month of giving up on that. It may have put some schedule on my habits, but that's it. None of that 'wow I'm free, can't believe I didn't stop sooner' feeling like when I gave up on other addictions.

>a lot of people simply can't quit porn (even if they want), the reality is that some people do become addicted or attached to it to some degree, one that can be harmful, are they the majority ? Not really, far from it in fact.

Well there you go, that may be why. If someone is addicted to porn (or even self-pleasure) to a harmful degree and wants to detox I'm all for them. Who knows, the whole NNN style quitting everything cold turkey may even work for them. But one needs a flexible mindset when approaching that, not going fucking nuclear and throwing the latest wojak buzzwords around in a misguided sense of righteous anger.
>> No. 42309 [Edit]
It's hard to take someone seriously when they have extreme views like that.
I don't experience the feeling of guilt that many people have after doing it unless I look at something that's too much for me. It reminds me of how people fear torrenting and piracy because it's ingrained in their minds that it's "wrong".
>> No. 42310 [Edit]
Go back.
>> No. 42311 [Edit]
When I see people like you advocate for no-fap, I can never tell whether they're referring to 2D as well when using the term "porn", and I would think it stupid if they did since 2D is nothing but beneficial, it's of higher quality and artistic in nature. For it to be detrimental must mean you're consuming some form of depraved content.
You're clearly referring to 3DPD primarily, and if that's the case why even make mention of it here? people here are not interested in it anyways. You really do come across as an outsider normalfag and should preferably fuck off.
>> No. 42312 [Edit]
True, there are sometimes underlying reasons for addictions but that doesn't make the addiction any less harmful, porn is thankfully a rather uncommon addiction but it's there and denying it is absurd.
That was literally sarcasm, I have a few screws loose but not the whole thing you know ? To put it clearly, I don't think that people should be jailed due to porn use, it was a joke.
Porn, masturbation by itself is not that bad, I don't do it mind you but I have no problem whatsoever with it, most people won't feel much of a "benefit" because there are barely any (just like most addictions it's about will and feeling better about yourself, not magically being a chick magnet or some pseudo science bullshit) and most people are not even addicted to the point where removing it would cause massive changes.
Do they do that ? While I'm against porn I barely know about communities about no fap or NNN, most of what I've seen is dumbasses attributing magical powers to it like it's some crazy thing that will change you forever, wich I find to be absurd.
No thanks.
2D porn is the same shit, it just looks better and it's overall better fap material, but it's still the same disgusting shit, 2D love is where perfection and beauty are found not 2D whores, I sometimes forget that most tohno users probably aren't even waifuists, if you wanna jack off use your imagination.
>> No. 42313 [Edit]
No one is denying it. It's hard for me not to think of this post as backpedaling when your original post doesn't read like sarcasm (I was just pretending...)
>if you wanna jack off use your imagination
Don't tell people what to do. They know their own limits even if you like to project them as ¨coomers¨.
>> No. 42314 [Edit]
That's a recommendation and my personal opinion, sure if people would follow it that would be cool but you have as much free will and I do so you can jack off how you want, not like I'll even know what you do.
Many don't know their limits, that's how you end up with alcoholics and other kind of addicts, you leave them alone because "they know their limits" and before you know it they are drunk driving or in the case of drug addicts selling everything for one more gram, I refer back to a previous point, thankfully most won't reach this grade of addiction (where it's just clearly bad for their health/life) but some will and I'm scared that with ease of access and early introduction into it we will soon have more people with this addiction, despite how critical I am of porn and to some degree it's users I just hope for people's happiness and I've seen first hand how detrimental this kind of thing can be to it's users, I just wish that these are irrational fears and that porn addicts will remain as a miniscule fraction of people and that they can get the help they need.
>> No. 42315 [Edit]
I don't see how an erotic depiction of a 2D character automatically makes her a whore, it's difficult to understand what your definition of porn is here exactly. So even a picture of a nude girl for example which does not involve men or any sexual activities in general is considered harmful and immoral? I think the problem here is that you're too deeply invested into mediocre prudish christian morality.
Addictions are typically demonized, but whether you want to admit it or not (and society as a whole), we all have our addictions that help us get through the drudgery of existence, and some are beneficial and not detrimental, with that being said 2D is one of the better things to be addicted to.
>2D porn is the same shit
Please just go back to wherever you came from, even if you believe that 2D porn has negative effects, it pales in comparison to 3DPD porn which will fry your brain, you're really preaching your bullshit to the wrong people.
>I sometimes forget that most tohno users probably aren't even waifuists
As if you would fucking know, what a moron. According to you masturbating to 2D porn is harmful but you most likely don't have a similarly poor opinion on having 3DPD sex, so much of a "waifuist" you are.
>> No. 42316 [Edit]
Not really, it depends on what the photo or art piece is supposed to evoke, if it's just a depiction of someone naked then it's just that a normal naked body, but if it's obviously sexualized and supposed to arouse then it's porn, mediocre by Wich mesure ? We can't measure things like this, it's all about personal biased and opinions, there is no objectivity in anything we say (unless it's like cuantitativa information, and even this kind of data tends to be interpreted, this is when biased are imprinted).
Being addicted to 2D can entail a completely normal preference for media that entails 2D characters, one that's completely different and divided from an addiction to porn or 2D porn, sure you can have both but you can have a single one and putting them together is disingenuous in my eyes, and I agree, 2D is the best.
I don't see why one kind of porn would be less than other, both depict the same kind of acts, they are quite literally the same with one being acted in real life by 3D people and the other being drawn and simply devoid of the bindings of real life, and I'm not really preaching more or less than everyone else here then, I'm just expressing my opinion (like we all do), it's just that people take that really personally because mine disagrees with their opinion.
You can be a waifuist without despising 3D, that perspective is just childish and filled with hate and resentment, not love and comprehension as my waifu would like, and my opinion in 3D sex depends greatly on who it's performed with, are you having sex with your spouse and exclusively with her ? Great, that's how it should be (in my opinion), now is it just sex with anyone, one night stands or even worse cheating ? Then go and fuck yourself, that's disgusting and inmoral.
Sex should to me exclusively happen between a husband and his wife, anything else is inmoral.
>> No. 42317 [Edit]
You should be more careful with how you express yourself, then. The myths around it are obnoxious and exaggerated when you compare them to drugs and alcohol abuse. It has more in common with ¨doomscrolling¨ or ¨gaming addiction¨ as a waste of time, in my opinion. Most who seriously fall for the No fap memes tend to be confused teenagers with a pathological black and white view of it. The majority of them seem to be self-aware of how it can be bad if they do it too much. If anything, It's less taboo now and they (and other adults) have more resources to deal with it online themselves, including NNN, as ridiculous as it is.
>> No. 42319 [Edit]
Maybe I should, my posts tend to rustle some feathers most often than not, so maybe that's worth taking into consideration, at the same time I would say a main problem is that I enter always in conversation with the fact that almost everything is subjective including my opinion and the one of whom I'm taking with, sadly most people don't seem to see it that way, wich causes problems most often than not.
It certainly is closer to those, but the problem is that despite how real these addictions are (even if rare when compared to alcoholism etc) when minimized they are seen as jokes rather than a real addiction that is affecting real people, these resources sadly don't tend to prove enough, which is why I think we need more research put into this, it's kind of sad how we have such low amounts of research in rare addictions (and sickness/ disorders in general)just because they are uncommon.
Just in case, that's not me, I don't do short posts like that.
>> No. 42320 [Edit]
>sadly most people don't seem to see it that way, wich causes problems most often than not.
It's definitely you.
>> No. 42321 [Edit]
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>if you wanna jack off use your imagination.
Your opinion/recommendation is shit. Sexuality is an integral part of 2D media. It's part of the fantasy. Your sanitized, westernized conception of what makes 2D great, holds no water.
>> No. 42322 [Edit]
For you, but some try to look for more in their ideal. And that's kind of the point.
>> No. 42324 [Edit]
>> No. 42325 [Edit]
i think if you jack off to 3D "women" then tohno should ban you
>> No. 42330 [Edit]
This discussion would be better off in /tat/.
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