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File 157318050734.jpg - (299.55KB , 850x1199 , __ushio_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_gyor.jpg )
33625 No. 33625 [Edit]
From games, comics, and cartoons, since the late 90s, westerns from America to Europe(especially France for some reason) have attempted to create "anime-like" media. You remember some of these: rwby, totally spies, avatar, teen titans, code lyoko, to name a few. Most of these are made to capitalize on a dying trend, but that's besides the point. These try to copy something more than the artstyle(which is usually a failure). There's some kind of character to otaku media that they're trying to replicate.

Aside from anime largly representing adult-oreiented animation that isn't primarily comedic, there's something else to it, some dynamic. Most people write these "knockoffs" off as shit and that's it, but I want to know, if I were to try to make something with that unique "spirit" to it, wouldn't it just come out the same? Could a westerner capture whatever that thing is so it feels the same?

There's a couple western porn artists which do a really good job, but that's as close as I can think of
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>> No. 33626 [Edit]
I don't think it's true that all western attempts in the animated medium have tried to copy off of Japanese anime. If you look at shows in the period that I consider the "golden" era of western animation, late 90s-early 2000s, you have successful shows like Animanaics that can stand by themselves and are quite uniquely "western". Unfortunately with that era having passed, most "animated" cartoons in the West aren't even animated by hand anymore.

If you are referring to more recent times, then I'd be inclined to agree that there's a general rush to try to profit off of the anime fanbase, especially given things such as "netflix" produced anime.

>Could a westerner capture whatever that thing is so it feels the same?
I'm sure there are/have been individuals in the west that have made doujin works akin to quality ones you'd find on niconico. Part of the issue might be that there isn't really a tradition of doujin circles in the west which makes undertaking larger projects difficult. More generally there's an aversion to things that aren't guaranteed to generate guaranteed profit, and with a populace as diverse as the US that means that only conventional, "safe" works are ever produced.
>> No. 33630 [Edit]
File 157318686896.jpg - (260.08KB , 850x1133 , sample_d1ae69c323eb4ef96fcd14ccba027624.jpg )
>I don't think it's true that all western attempts in the animated medium have tried to copy off of Japanese anime.
I wasn't implying that. This thread is more about why western attempts at copying Japanese media specifically fail more often than not, at least in feeling like what they're based on.
>late 90s-early 2000s
I'm not inclined to agree with this. Rocko's Modern Life and that kind of thing, is completely unwatchable to me. I think the "golden age" of animation in the west was the 1910s-1920s, before things were quite so limited. Everything after the great depression has been marred by cultural perceptions that came about from Hanna-Barbera, Fleischer Studios, and the like. Good things eventually came from Disney, but primarily not in the west. That's a different topic though.
>most "animated" cartoons in the West aren't even animated by hand anymore.
I'm assuming you don't mean physical cells as by hand, right?
>I'm sure there are/have been individuals in the west that have made doujin works akin to quality ones you'd find on niconico.
Try naming a few. I know about that faggot, Bleedman. I like jcm-2(think he's south american), but he just makes porn and his output isn't that high.
>an aversion to things that aren't guaranteed to generate guaranteed profit
Most doujin circles make little money, yet they still produce and go to comiket regardless. I think a difference in passion is part of it.
>> No. 33631 [Edit]
>If you look at shows in the period that I consider the "golden" era of western animation, late 90s-early 2000s, you have successful shows like Animanaics that can stand by themselves and are quite uniquely "western".
Ironically, animated by TMS.
>> No. 33632 [Edit]
>alongside animation works for western animation such as Animaniacs, Batman: The Animated Series, DuckTales, Spider-Man: The Animated Series, Tiny Toon Adventures (Wikipedia)
I guess that shouldn't be too surprising.
>> No. 33634 [Edit]
Avatar was good and probably the most anime like thing the west has produced, but yes, this is only one thing and I am not sure that it was actually trying to be anime like.

It's not just animation but in art as well, westerners seem to love to attempt to make something in an anime style but completely butcher it in the process, I think it's largely because they don't actually understand the Japanese mindset or why anime is good in the first place. That and it could also be because of the culture around anime in the west vs the East, in the West most people who are into it are losers and there isn't really an industry for it, so even if a smart, well adjusted lad decides he would like to make anime he really has nowhere to go so he will most likely do something else. Compare that with Japan where anime is much more widespread and where there is an industry for young people to work towards.
>> No. 33635 [Edit]
There really aren't any American studios producing 2D animation. They just send their storyboards to Koreans, or worse, Canadians. That perceived golden age exists almost entirely because that was when they would send them to Japanese studios, which isn't common practice anymore (though you get some rare cases).
>> No. 33637 [Edit]
File 157321720324.jpg - (595.09KB , 900x1273 , 84194e71fb6d64b9377144eba5652b31.jpg )
Avatar was alright. The way it's perceived in Japan is pretty interesting. The reception is got was very luke warm during its airing and they got some d-listers to do the dub. The ratings were so low, there was a couple year gap between the 2nd and 3rd season dubs and all the VAs were replaced. Some people speculate it's because Japan is kind of bad the guy in the show, others say Japanese people wouldn't like characters that are supposed to be Asiatic "acting white", and the third theory is because it's too similar to their anime, so they didn't find it interesting. Not sure which is true.
>I think it's largely because they don't actually understand the Japanese mindset or why anime is good in the first place.
How would you describe this mindset? I'd say animation is all about freedom and passion. You make a character with big tits because you like big tits. You make a cute character because you like cute things. You make a good story because you like good stories. That might be wrong, but it's my best guess.
Wow, that's kind of embarrassing. Some 90's obsessed people bring these shows up whenever anime is compared to western animation.
>> No. 33657 [Edit]
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Even if they could completely replicate an 'anime-esque' artstyle, (A term I find stupid, since anime in Japan can have multiple art styles, but I can see where they are coming from with a lot of anime characters having more realistic features, big eyes, and exaggerated gestures.) they could never replicate the total "atmosphere" of it in a sense.

To elaborate, I find that many westerners who watch anime have their complaints about a lot of things dealing with Japanese culture, particularly about things such as fanservice, lolicons, or just young girls in general, and even things that they don't politically/socially agree with (for example: the usual trope of a funny weird homosexual)

Westerners always complain about these things, and think Japan should incorporate their standards into their media. 'I wish anime didn't have so much fanservice', 'I wish anime was more serious', 'Japan needs to stop this' etc.,etc.,etc.

Normalfags only think anime is just pretty, cool, action-packed cartoons from Japan, and cannot perceive the culture behind it. While they may be just cartoons, there IS a culture behind it that many people need to understand.

For example, what OP said was false. Anime is not largely adult-oriented material. Maybe some manga are, maybe VN's and H-games, but not anime. A lot of 'adult' anime that air are actually pandered towards teenagers and young adults. It's not as serious or as thought-provoking as many say it is. On the other hand, Slice of Life/some Shoujo like Pretty Cure, are watched by an older male audience. While there are exceptions to every rule, this is generally how it is. Westerners don't seem to understand this.

A lot of western-produced 'anime-like' animations/games/comics put in a lot of random mundane troupes that seem to be an exaggeration of your typical, run of the mill SOL. The tsundere character, the "onniii-chan", the 'waifu', etc. etc. You know, typical garbage that gets pandered to ironic weebs. It can never truly encompass the spirit of Japan, especially since westerns inject their own flavor into anyways. That's why it's easy to tell when something is made by westerners or Worst Koreans, as compared to the Japanese.

TL;DR: Gaijin will never encompass the true Japanese experience of anime, especially Westerners, unless they know Japanese and are very in-twinned with the otaku culture. I would rather watch something 'anime-esque' made from guys on an imageboard than anywhere else, since lots of people who browse imageboards are more familiar with these types of things. Why do you think we all hate 'OEL' visual novels with the exception of a very select few such as Goebells-Chan and Katawa-Shoujo?
>> No. 33659 [Edit]
File 157342128996.jpg - (338.59KB , 850x1253 , __original_drawn_by_gemi__sample-ec374a807e4361901.jpg )
>Anime is not largely adult-oriented material.
OP, here. What I meant wasn't that anime is exclusively serious and targeted towards mature audiences. What I meant was that on a world-wide scale, if you were to think, "what serious animation is out there", something anime would probably be one of the first things that comes to mind. Out of all of the animation in the world, something with more serious story telling is very likely to be an anime.
I've never heard of it, and from what I can see, I have no clue why anybody would like this except the average person who goes on 4chan or whatever, and they're very far from in-twinned with the otaku culture.
>> No. 33661 [Edit]
Sorry for the misinterpretation of your statement. I don't have too much experience with other medias, but yes, compared to American cartoons, even aimed at adults, anime is a much more serious medium.

And yeah, Goepples-chan wasn't the best example to put in things relating to otaku culture, however, the comedic scenes are actually reminiscent of those in visual novels and the team that worked on it is actually Japanese. I appreciated the humor and the perspective of it, despite the fact that it went with the common [insert]-tan theme and was pandered to westerners.

Also goes to show that there are so few good EOL VN's, I had to bring that one up.
>> No. 33662 [Edit]
File 157342631656.jpg - (669.22KB , 850x524 , sample_890c9a663459c1b2e161f851f2c57a8b.jpg )
>there are so few good EOL VN's
"Games" like Heavy Rain, Telltale stuff and even that Life is Strange shit basically are EOL VNs, they just aren't packaged as such. The gimmick of these is basically "hey, it's an electronic, slightly interactive medium of story telling. That's never been done before! Games are art now, see?". Except visual novels were doing it 20+ years before.
>> No. 33663 [Edit]
File 157342701489.png - (1.35MB , 1000x753 , VNs.png )
I feel like those take after movies, not novels. You don't read much in them, or at all. While it is similar in the sense that the focus is entirely on storytelling, the method is too different for me to see them as comparable.
>> No. 33664 [Edit]
There's a few "fully-animated" VNs.

I feel like what they were wrongly taking credit for something broader than movie based games. They didn't so much as acknowledge the existence of visual novels, which I guess is a good thing.
>> No. 34432 [Edit]
There was a recent thread about why Western attempts at animated characters don't come close to the aesthetics of those in anime. Sadly I think it was deleted by the author (I'm unsure why), but I spent some time trying to dig up a relevant source and I don't want that to go to waste:

From "The Animator's Survival Kit: A Manual of Methods, Principles and Formulas"

>I had an unnerving experience in Canada when a friend asked me to give a one-hour address to a large high school gathering of computer animation students. They had a very impressive set-up of expensive computers but, from what I could see of their work, none of them seemed to have any idea of drawing at all. During my talk I stressed the importance of drawing and the great shortage of good draftsmen.

>A laid-back greybeard professor interrupted to inform me, 'What do you mean? All of us here draw very well.'

>Words failed me.
>At the end of the talk, I showed them how to do a basic walk, and as a result got mobbed at the exit, the kids pleading desperately for me to teach them more. I escaped, but I'm afraid that's what the situation is out there - a lack of any formal training and no one to pass on the 'knowledge'.

>You don't know what you don't know.

>One of the problems rampant today is that, in the late 1960s, realistic drawing generally became considered unfashionable by the art world, and no one bothered to learn how to do it any more.

>The Slade school in London used to be world-famous for turning out fine British draftsmen. A distinguished British painter who taught at the Slade asked me, 'How did you learn how to do animation?' I answered that I was lucky enough to have done a lot of life drawing at art school, so without realizing it I got the feeling for weight which is so vital to animation.

>Then I said, 'What am I telling you for? You're teaching at the Slade and it's famous for its life drawing and excellent draftsmen.'

>'If the students want to do that/ he said, 'then they've got to club together and hire themselves a model and do it in their own home.' At first I thought he was joking - but no! Life drawing as a subject went out years ago. It wasn't even on the curriculum!

>I had a boyhood friend who became a bigwig in art education circles. He ran international conferences of the arts. About sixteen years ago he invited me to Amsterdam to a conference of the deans of the leading American art colleges. He knew me well enough to know I was bound to say controversial things, so I was invited as his wild card.

>In my talk I found myself lamenting the lack of trained, talented artists and that I was hampered in my own studio's work because I couldn't find trained disciplined artists to hire. The applicants' portfolios were full of textures, abstract collages, scribbles, often nude photos of themselves and friends. No real drawing. I didn't realise how strongly I felt about this and as I talked I found myself nearly in tears.
>> No. 34433 [Edit]
File 15855303352.jpg - (1.03MB , 1500x844 , DSC_4889.jpg )
(This was in response to a deleted thread but this one is pretty much the same thing so whatever.)

Westerners have little love for cuteness or beauty and can at times resent it. It conflicts with their culture and art schools punish students who even attempt anime style art. People here don't agree with me on this, but as I've said before this 'proper' teaching method leaves an imprint on western art students that they can't or wont ever get around. I've noticed from speaking to multiple artists about this that there are some things they outright refuse to do or not do with their attempts at anime art, even if the end results end up producing ugly results. A few common things in anime art they refuse to do for example, downplaying or removing noses, avoiding shadows on a character's face, Minimizing lips and not making them look fat, giving characters slender bodies not chubby ones, Giving extra attention to the eyes as that's where people focus. Instead, they feel more details the better while also wanting to stylise the characters to make them look bigger stronger and maybe even more realistic. This is when they're not going full retard like with modern cartoons that look like they're made by 5 year olds so that the focus can be on the fluid animation and excessively expressive thoughts and feelings characters are supposed to be displaying.

Yesterday I was sent to work at a place with hideous art on massive murals across the wall leading to the front entrance. I asked a net buddy who's been to some art school what they thought of it. They agreed some of it was ugly but praised it over all and saw nothing wrong with putting something so hideous in such a prominent public place. To me they feel sloppy and half assed, the people look creepy, the perspectives are all over the place, some items look 3D others 2D, and the details are inconsistent across the image. That said this one in particular is still probably the better of the three murals.
>> No. 34435 [Edit]
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These responses seem somewhat contradictory, or like there's something missing. Even when western artists do learn how to draw from life well and be good craftsmen, they're still not going to produce the same results. Animation is its own ballgame, but with still images, I have my doubts every doujin artists learned things in an academic, rigorous manner, yet it's still got the distinct look that's hard to reproduce. Kenkou Cross for example.
>> No. 34436 [Edit]
File 158553132320.png - (906.21KB , 1009x760 , rei.png )
I'd find a lot of personal value in finding out what this unique "spirit" is.
All the ways they deform faces, use unconventional shapes to express emotion, how the faces look cute regardless of angle, and it all fits together so well. Yet it must be something subtle since even close western imitations look completely off to me.
Liking something and not even being able to describe it is suffering.
unrelated note: thanks to the anon that pointed out I made a duplicate thread about this.
>> No. 34437 [Edit]
I think they're complementary rather than contradictory. The source I quoted (>>34432) discusses more generally the West's loss of interest in hand-drawn animation. Orthogonal to that, however, is the style in which they present their works, which is what >>34433 excellently addresses. Taken together you have the state of western animation today: usually computer animated (which is in and of itself not inherently bad, but when coupled with the lack of understanding of motion and "weight" that Richard Williams laments about in (>>34432) leads to ugly results), and done in a style that eschews cuteness in favor of cheap, lazy, ugly faces.
>> No. 34438 [Edit]
Thread deleter here, sorry.
I feel like it's more of a matter of perception than simple lack of training. Even unskilled pixiv artists still make things that look "right"
it seems even the definition of cute is different though, it puzzles me that many people genuinely find disney characters to be cute.
>> No. 34439 [Edit]
File 158553736789.png - (3.62MB , 1912x1424 , collage.png )
Let's try and get to the bottom of it. Here's some examples of western artists making an attempt. Try and think what specifically looks off.
>> No. 34440 [Edit]
That's a good idea.
1 3 and 6 I find it hard to comment on because of the style.
4 I won't say anything about style, it's just awful quality.
It's 2 the type of thing that bothers me since it is so close. The eyes are too aligned and not curved around the head? The mouth looks too in front? The hands are really not cute? The outline of the face is too solid?
And 5 just looks low quality, but I don't know if I'm just primed to nitpick right now. It's better than what I was thinking of, things like pic here:
that are way more obvious.
>> No. 34441 [Edit]
File 158554305268.jpg - (68.49KB , 703x949 , 7e0c105ccd4c77be9769327c74087225.jpg )
>It's 2 the type of thing that bothers me
>things like pic here
These were done by the same artist, also this pic. Being in monochrome makes it harder to tell. >>33630 is also based on a western character. I think the artist is south american, if that makes any difference.

Eyes curving around the head is a very good point. How do you think most Japanese artists in this sort of sphere learn to draw? If it's online tutorials and that kind thing, i'd like to those get translated by somebody.

Post edited on 29th Mar 2020, 9:59pm
>> No. 34442 [Edit]
File 158558040578.jpg - (61.39KB , 483x326 , Th04cover.jpg )
>How do you think most Japanese artists in this sort of sphere learn to draw
I really think it must stem from childhood education, maybe the kanji develops some sort of brain area.
It isn't just lack of technique.
To demonstrate this let's look at a less skilled japanese artist. Even this still has that neat japanese look.
>> No. 34443 [Edit]
File 158558100072.png - (137.97KB , 483x326 , edit.png )
Does this edit affect your perception of the art in any way?
>> No. 34444 [Edit]
Not him, but having jaggedy comic sans with placeholder looking text does effect my overall perception of the image, yes.
If you mean the drawing itself, it's largely unchanged. Maybe the way you saved it made it slightly more compressed, but I wouldn't really know.
>> No. 34445 [Edit]
File 158558183623.png - (128.07KB , 329x314 , reimu.png )
Not really.
I'm just talking about the actual drawings, not an overall thematic esthetic.
>> No. 34446 [Edit]
File 158558279332.png - (3.64MB , 1544x1348 , CvK.png )
>maybe the kanji develops some sort of brain area
What about Koreans and Chinese then? Which would you say is closer to the mark? Koreans for the most part don't know kanji and Hangul is only slightly more complicated than the Roman Alphabet. Top is Chinese, bottom is Korean.
>> No. 34447 [Edit]
File 158558484783.png - (1.20MB , 1604x702 , taiwan-jp.png )
That's a good point. I like the top ones better but they still look odd. I also thought that taiwanese made rabi ribi is way more convincing than stuff from wayforward for example.
I'm at a loss then, no matter how close these modern attempts from other countries get (with decades of japanese stuff as reference) the fact is that the japanese had that unique look since almost half a century ago, and every artist there picked up on it quite quickly.
>> No. 34448 [Edit]
File 158558488754.png - (195.05KB , 800x1179 , EPXipT_VUAAvTlZ.png )
They have this distinct Chinese/Korean look but it's still somewhat closer to Japanese style compared to your usual Western attempts (thick lines, "Western" nose syndrome and coloring/shading).

Picture related is from one of Katawa Shoujo artists.
>> No. 34449 [Edit]
File 158558513340.jpg - (296.88KB , 735x1080 , 735px-De_pruimenboomgaard_te_Kameido-Rijksmuseum_R.jpg )
Reminds me of this:

'I envy the Japanese the extreme clarity that everything in their work has. It's never dull, and never appears to be done too hastily. Their work is as simple as breathing, and they do a figure with a few confident strokes with the same ease as if it was as simple as buttoning your waistcoat'.
- Vincent van Gogh
>> No. 34450 [Edit]
File 158558566913.jpg - (219.92KB , 606x483 , Starry-Night.jpg )
Oh damn. To hell with this topic then, if this guy was envious what chance do I stand.
Japanese are magic, case closed.
>> No. 34451 [Edit]
File 158558639318.png - (2.31MB , 2120x956 , jtow.png )
Alright, so what happens when Japanese artists try imitating western art? What sort of impression does that give?
I think it's a matter of accepting things as they are. No use fretting about something you can't change like your upbringing. Honestly, i'd rather draw like terufuu than like zun.
>> No. 34452 [Edit]
No amount of japan will make disney stuff appealing to me I think. Well Alice is pretty cute, actually.
>Honestly, i'd rather draw like terufuu than like zun.
I see what you are saying but unskilled as he is, zun's work is just naturally appealing enough that he created new iconic characters all over the place
>> No. 34453 [Edit]
Worth mentioning that the "Godfather of Manga" Osamu Tezuka took huge inspiration from Disney movies, namely Bambi.
>> No. 34454 [Edit]
File 158558916298.png - (1.41MB , 1104x956 , Osamu&Banks.png )
>No amount of japan will make disney stuff appealing to me I think.
Historically, the orgins of the art style we think of in otaku media comes down to three people, Walt Disney, Carl Banks and Osamu Tezuka. According to this dubious source, Banks and Tezuka were in correspondence until the latter died.

Here's a comparison of their art.
>> No. 34455 [Edit]
Yeah I've read about that, I meant more the specific characters.
Also I can't see much of a stylistic difference from the west in really early japanese animation.
**never mind that found one from 1947 that looks pretty japanese at times
I don't understand why I keep messing up the embed.

Post edited on 30th Mar 2020, 11:05am
>> No. 34456 [Edit]
File 158559175854.jpg - (308.04KB , 887x1200 , DthfcMAXgAA998k.jpg )
Winsor McCay and Little Nemo are also notable. A large number of people from Ghibli worked on this pilot for the movie. I think it looks better than the final product.
Here's a clip from the final film, which I'm pretty sure had less involvement from them. The script and voice acting is shit, so i'd turn the audio off.
This is the 1911 short Winsor McCay made, a phenomenal feat for its time.
>> No. 34457 [Edit]
My personal theory is that it has to do with two things in particular.
1: a desire to draw things that are "cute"
2: the way that they "shape draw" when they draw people is fundamentally different due to the way their people look

I know that second one sounds a little hard to believe, so I'll give some explanation. When people first start to draw, they mistakenly draw faces and objects using the "shapes" they think those things are made out of, rather than the actual lines and contours of the object. For example, a young western child trying to draw eyes will draw eyeballs as ellipses, they will draw large noses mad of triangular and circular shapes, and the head will be a long oval. As they progress in drawing, they will continue to "shape draw" until taught by a serious teacher, by which point certain conceptions of the fundamental shapes of humans are impossible to remove. From that point on they will always subconsciously draw people with those original simple abstractions in mind, no matter how well they can imitate real images. The is where the fundamental difference lies in my opinion. In japan, a child would NOT draw peoples eyes using the ellipse shape, nor would they make the face and oval, and the nose, being flat, most likely would take a lesser prominence on the face. In particular, the very core of the difference lies in the shape of the upper eye and eyelashes. There is a very specific oriental shape to their eyes, and that is what they are trained to see from birth. That is why western "anime" characters just don't look right, no matter how hard they imitate anime as an art-style they will always be trying to "shape draw" something different. When they draw eyes, they are trying to fit it into their perception of what an "eye" is made out of geometrically.
>> No. 34458 [Edit]
I used to draw from life a lot. When I first started, I tired drawing the entire outer "outline" of an object before going on the "inside" to put all the details. Then somebody told me to draw shapes instead, thinking about form instead of lines, and my drawings got substantially better. The world isn't made out of lines. I never drew people though.

Post edited on 30th Mar 2020, 2:58pm
>> No. 34459 [Edit]
I find it pretty believable. The fact that we see faces at all is a very specific structure of visual neuron. No reason to believe this structure is the same in all races.
>> No. 34460 [Edit]
File 158560714684.png - (2.78MB , 2218x918 , cc.png )
Okay, let's compare children's drawings then. Top is Japanese, bottom is western. They both use dots in the earliest stages. Maybe noses are more pronounced in the west?
>> No. 34461 [Edit]
How are you finding these so quickly?
>> No. 34462 [Edit]
Google and pixiv. I translated "children's drawing" to get the top ones. Maybe I'll get some middle schooler drawings next.

Maybe i'm reaching. I probably am, but the top ones might not outline the face as much. Instead there's more blobs of colors for the face. If i'm remembering right, skin tone crayons weren't that common in kindergarten. I had to use orange and red a lot, and it looked wrong.

Post edited on 30th Mar 2020, 3:59pm
>> No. 34463 [Edit]
File 158560928680.jpg - (404.78KB , 640x640 , cfbc9d135d58bc5c3ac972b14cb23d0af431902f.jpg )
Alright, thanks.
Browsing through I think there's a difference, the western ones seem to have less compact faces. Also the japanese ones seem to have at least hints of specular highlights in the eyes more often. And you are definitely right on the outlines.

Post edited on 30th Mar 2020, 4:02pm
>> No. 34464 [Edit]
Look at the eyelashes and the noses, when the japanese kids drew noses they drew them wide or not at all, and eyelashes are a single pointed line going out to the side. Western kids drew eyelashes as strands pointing upwards, and noses are long. Also, the faces seem to be generally longer. There's something else as well but I can't put my finger on it. I can tell that there's a difference, maybe it's the line work?
>> No. 34465 [Edit]
If it's due to physiology, the next obvious question is: why is it even appealing to us?
>> No. 34466 [Edit]
Good question. It's also not like anime characters actually look like asian people either for the most part. It's not an accurate portrayal.
>> No. 34467 [Edit]
I think what you are saying is correct, but there's a caveat. Even though I don't like cosplay in general, westerners in anime cosplay look even grosser than asian 3dpd cosplaying.
So I agree that the characters don't look asian, but still asians approximate them best.
>> No. 34468 [Edit]
File 158561193427.jpg - (889.53KB , 1100x869 , download (2).jpg )
Westerner is broad. Slavic girls look very very different from anglo-saxon girls. A very cutsey Ukrainan girl would probably look better in cosplay than an orange-skinned square face, especially if it's something like silent hill or resident evil.

Pic is Van Gough's Japanoise imitation of a wood-print.

Post edited on 30th Mar 2020, 4:48pm
>> No. 34470 [Edit]
Yeah it's broad, I'm just saying the closest I've seen is asian. There's also that one famous turkish girl I suppose.***
***Oh jesus no, I hadn't looked her up in years. Forget that. Time is cruel, memories are unreliable, 3dpd is never OK.
>> No. 34471 [Edit]
Anzujaamu? I'm not a fan of cosplay either, I just looked up "turkish girl cosplay". In the pictures where she looks like a doll, it's okay, but that's all just makeup. Without any she's totally off the mark. It might as well be an actual mask.
>> No. 34472 [Edit]
Yeah.I had fuzzy memories of the pics.
I just saw her on video, it's horrifying.
Anyway, I stand by the idea that even though in a non obvious and unrealistic manner, the art style does reflect the japanese appearance.
>> No. 34473 [Edit]
It might be interesting to add that the MC in Eizouken also looks pretty ugly, almost like a JP imitation of a western character akin to (>>33630). I'm assuming the "ugly western aesthetic" was intentional just because of how different the artwork is to what you usually see an anime, so it might be fruitful to use that as a basis for comparison.
>> No. 34474 [Edit]
File 158561822763.jpg - (101.81KB , 900x636 , DYfWSBtVoAEhSu8.jpg )
It's trigger-esque. Pic was drawn by Takafumi Hori.
>> No. 34475 [Edit]
Not just the MC, eizouken's OP is one of the uglier things I've seen in a while as a whole, music included.
Panty & stocking might also be of interest here.
>> No. 34476 [Edit]
Eizouken is weird. It's supposed to be about how great anime is, but it seems afraid to look like one. The colors are also too muted.
I don't mind the song but the OP sequence is terrible. There's something like 10 frames of unique animation, and 30 seconds of it is just the title fading out. I'm irritated at all the praise it gets compared to so many other great openings and endings this season.
>> No. 34477 [Edit]
File 158567174460.png - (626.05KB , 1261x413 , cats.png )
I just remembered that I used to think anime was inspired by cats. Don't know if it's just a personal thing but maybe it's worth mentioning.
>I'm irritated at all the praise it gets
The moment I looked at it I knew it was bait for a large and obnoxious audience. I was surprised that it wasn't produced for netflix.
>> No. 34478 [Edit]
>I just remembered that I used to think anime was inspired by cats. Don't know if it's just a personal thing but maybe it's worth mentioning.
Generally, cats are super cute, and their eyes are an important component to their perceived adorableness. So I can understand your former thinking.
>> No. 34479 [Edit]
File 158568222478.jpg - (267.56KB , 1920x1080 , shark.jpg )
Hm maybe that's why catgirls work so well
>> No. 34480 [Edit]
Anime as a whole probably wasn't directly inspired by cats, but there's a lot of characters I've seen that I tend to think act like cats or look like cats.
Maybe that's just because I have too many cats.
>> No. 34484 [Edit]
File 158578230771.jpg - (135.19KB , 547x937 , 20200314.jpg )
Capcom's new cat based puzzle game lets you unlock cat versions of your favorite Street Fighter characters
>> No. 34524 [Edit]
That last part about including something because one happens to like it looks more like a feature common to lots of different kinds of literatures to me; as opposed to anime in particular, that is. Be that as it may, it certainly is one of fiction's major allures.

Maybe the uniqueness of Japanese anime / culture is just a myth after all; one that large parts of the world have been, not even consciously, fostering for centuries. Of course there must be an air of elusive exceptionality blowing into the face of someone considering Anime in such an environment. The reason, however, is not some innate property of Anime, but as I mentioned before, the great effort that has been undertaken to write the elusive qualities of Japaneseness into Japan.
>> No. 38371 [Edit]
I rather western animation do their own thing rather than shamelessly copy anime.
>> No. 38377 [Edit]
They do. And it's shit.
>> No. 42234 [Edit]
File 17058123607.jpg - (90.04KB , 850x850 , 20240122.jpg )
Spiderverse is an exception
>> No. 42242 [Edit]
If you ever spend any time in western art communities, one thing you'll notice is how absurdly obsessed everyone is with finding their very own super special and unique art style. Basically, aspiring anime-style artists are pressured into committing artistic self-sabotage.
>> No. 42245 [Edit]
File 17063250399.jpg - (148.20KB , 915x1300 , 20240128.jpg )
Gonna be worse now than AI-generated art is out in the wild. Art-styles will go even more unhinged...
>> No. 42246 [Edit]
>western art
And then they all look like the same ugly ethically diverse fat bloated over stylized characters with big red noses.
>> No. 42250 [Edit]
File 17065081643.jpg - (84.71KB , 850x545 , 20240201.jpg )
Once I believe the epitome of art was to look like a photograph. Ah, simpler times.
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