It's that time of year again! April fools day! Have you found anything interesting?! Soap Anon has leaked everyone's ATM pin number.
>>39421 Nothing from Tohno this year? Those were always my favorite.
>>39424 I had a couple ideas, some boring some offensive some just weird, I did wanna try something, but have been really busy/distracted lately (lots of home renovating) and just never got around to it. Sorry about that.
>>39425 Cool, don't worry about it. Will Nobeta ever finish her journey?
>>39424 The prank was that there was no prank.
Does Japan do April's Fools Day? 1st April always reminds me of Easter.
So, no prank this year?
So glad one of my favorite imageboards still makes good April Fools.
>>41309 4chan's for this year isn't half-bad, though it's more sad than funny since it really exemplifies the banality of most posts made to its boards.
>>41313 What's the 4chan one? I don't see anything immediately different than usual.
Stop don't toy with my heart like that I don't look at calendars
>>41315 >>41315 I like TC's because I always forget what day it is, visit TC first thing in the morning and get confused for a few seconds. >>41314 Ok I now see some posts have a "gpt-4chan". It's not clear to me if it's actually using any memechine leaning or if it's just a hardcoded list of responses.
Also sega released a sonic visual novel, called the murder of sonic the hedgehog.
>>41316 >It's not clear to me if it's actually using any memechine leaning or if it's just a hardcoded list of responses. I'm pretty sure it uses ML since a response will relate to not only the board but the thread's subject.Post edited on 1st Apr 2023, 5:20pm
>>41319 I think the implementation is far simpler, there's no ML at all, it just adds the tagline to random posts.
>>41320 Wow, I'm retarded. That makes so much more sense.
This year's vndb.
>>41321 I wish they had actually done the ML route. Considering how repetitive many threads are, a simple markov chain would probably have worked just fine. Or even just repeat historical responses. Alternatively they could have done something where they replaced every thread in the catalog with a precanned thread. Lots of possibilities, but that would require the mods to apply actual effort and have actual skills which I doubt the current crop does.
Nice one, Tohno.
>>41327 This year's vndb has a danmaku comment option that users can use to talk to each other. Very nice.
>>42495 I'm probably dense, but why the blue archive video?
>>42498 My interpretation was that this year's theme was about annoying stuff in websites. Like anti ad-blockers the big cookies disclaimer, and naturally the complementary video ads, that often show up in these sites.
>>42499 Ah I see, it was meant to be a video ad. I forgot those were a thing... (also the adblock thing was also used 2 years ago I think, but it doesn't matter because I always forget it's april 1st anyhow and have a solid moment of confusion)
>>42497 Didn't last long.
>>42499 >>42500 Yup, pretty much that. Would have added more and maybe done something more original but between a recent cross country move and a new job, things have been a bit hectic here. I still wanted to try and find 'some' time to do something at least. I've seen a lot of websites these days have a lot of obnoxious garbage obscuring half the page. News letter popups, cookies notices, tech support and AI chat window popups, auto play videos of streamers/reviews that follow the screen and more. Just terrible annoying designs everywhere now. Honestly me and the mods debated a bit about what video to use, if any. Didn't want to play some 3DPD ads so I figured a PV might make some sense.
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