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File 164882824951.png - (2.93MB , 2500x2500 , ffee1e0ae3c5b52a5e3c5fa6079a3e99.png )
39421 No. 39421 [Edit]
It's that time of year again! April fools day!

Have you found anything interesting?!
Expand all images
>> No. 39422 [Edit]

>> No. 39423 [Edit]

Anon has leaked everyone's ATM pin number.
>> No. 39424 [Edit]
Nothing from Tohno this year? Those were always my favorite.
>> No. 39425 [Edit]
I had a couple ideas, some boring some offensive some just weird, I did wanna try something, but have been really busy/distracted lately (lots of home renovating) and just never got around to it. Sorry about that.
>> No. 39426 [Edit]
Cool, don't worry about it.
>> No. 39427 [Edit]
>> No. 39428 [Edit]
Will Nobeta ever finish her journey?
>> No. 39432 [Edit]
The prank was that there was no prank.
>> No. 41300 [Edit]
File 168033808398.jpg - (90.46KB , 550x1200 , 2XX2.jpg )
Does Japan do April's Fools Day?
1st April always reminds me of Easter.
>> No. 41303 [Edit]
So, no prank this year?
>> No. 41309 [Edit]
So glad one of my favorite imageboards still makes good April Fools.
>> No. 41313 [Edit]
4chan's for this year isn't half-bad, though it's more sad than funny since it really exemplifies the banality of most posts made to its boards.
>> No. 41314 [Edit]
What's the 4chan one? I don't see anything immediately different than usual.
>> No. 41315 [Edit]
File 168039129356.png - (20.09KB , 236x227 , jesuschrist.png )
Stop don't toy with my heart like that I don't look at calendars
>> No. 41316 [Edit]
I like TC's because I always forget what day it is, visit TC first thing in the morning and get confused for a few seconds.

Ok I now see some posts have a "gpt-4chan". It's not clear to me if it's actually using any memechine leaning or if it's just a hardcoded list of responses.
>> No. 41317 [Edit]
Also sega released a sonic visual novel, called the murder of sonic the hedgehog.
>> No. 41319 [Edit]
>It's not clear to me if it's actually using any memechine leaning or if it's just a hardcoded list of responses.
I'm pretty sure it uses ML since a response will relate to not only the board but the thread's subject.

Post edited on 1st Apr 2023, 5:20pm
>> No. 41320 [Edit]
I think the implementation is far simpler, there's no ML at all, it just adds the tagline to random posts.
>> No. 41321 [Edit]
Wow, I'm retarded. That makes so much more sense.
>> No. 41327 [Edit]
File 168044448582.png - (163.54KB , 918x527 , vndb.png )
This year's vndb.
>> No. 41331 [Edit]
I wish they had actually done the ML route. Considering how repetitive many threads are, a simple markov chain would probably have worked just fine. Or even just repeat historical responses. Alternatively they could have done something where they replaced every thread in the catalog with a precanned thread. Lots of possibilities, but that would require the mods to apply actual effort and have actual skills which I doubt the current crop does.
>> No. 42494 [Edit]
File 171199384257.png - (109.46KB , 1363x685 , tc april fools 1.png )
Nice one, Tohno.
>> No. 42495 [Edit]
File 171199395495.png - (251.63KB , 1365x685 , tc april fools 2.png )
>> No. 42496 [Edit]
File 17119942148.jpg - (1.71MB , 2526x2771 , shamicookies.jpg )
>> No. 42497 [Edit]
File 171199424498.png - (492.38KB , 1365x685 , vndb april fools.png )
This year's vndb has a danmaku comment option that users can use to talk to each other. Very nice.
>> No. 42498 [Edit]
I'm probably dense, but why the blue archive video?
>> No. 42499 [Edit]
File 17120015537.jpg - (645.03KB , 2983x4096 , GJ4faVoaAAA9W1U.jpg )
My interpretation was that this year's theme was about annoying stuff in websites. Like anti ad-blockers the big cookies disclaimer, and naturally the complementary video ads, that often show up in these sites.
>> No. 42500 [Edit]
Ah I see, it was meant to be a video ad. I forgot those were a thing... (also the adblock thing was also used 2 years ago I think, but it doesn't matter because I always forget it's april 1st anyhow and have a solid moment of confusion)
>> No. 42501 [Edit]
File 171201962257.jpg - (365.99KB , 1250x2048 , GJLsELvXsAEmO8A.jpg )
Didn't last long.
>> No. 42502 [Edit]

Yup, pretty much that. Would have added more and maybe done something more original but between a recent cross country move and a new job, things have been a bit hectic here. I still wanted to try and find 'some' time to do something at least. I've seen a lot of websites these days have a lot of obnoxious garbage obscuring half the page. News letter popups, cookies notices, tech support and AI chat window popups, auto play videos of streamers/reviews that follow the screen and more. Just terrible annoying designs everywhere now.
Honestly me and the mods debated a bit about what video to use, if any. Didn't want to play some 3DPD ads so I figured a PV might make some sense.
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