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File 14754279284.jpg - (103.32KB , 1280x720 , tomoko-kuroki5 (1).jpg )
29537 No. 29537 [Edit]
So the new admin at 4chan is struggling financially with the site (ads are now gone)
And /a/ is having talks of where to migrate to if the site goes down for good , people are name dropping your site a lot
I'm not sure if this is wanted or unwanted but I feel you should at least be aware of it .
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>> No. 29540 [Edit]
/ot/ - 4chan meta

as always
>> No. 29541 [Edit]
Much ado about nothing. /a/ would never be targeted for this type of cost-saving scenario. Besides, those willing to migrate to other boards would have already done so by now when you look at /a/'s status.
As for Tohno, I prefer quality over quantity myself. If I want a really fast, casual discussion I can hop over to 4chan. I see no reason to combine the two.
>> No. 29542 [Edit]
The thing people are concerned about is that hiro will try to do something and unintentionally make the site unlivable. Or Martin Shkreli buys and who knows what happens. Any potential leader and most of the userbase of 4chan has no awareness of how the "Japanese culture" boards work or interact so it's easy to see how they could get scrambled.
>> No. 29544 [Edit]
I hope nothing will change, I fled from the normies on 4chan long ago.
>> No. 29545 [Edit]
After all these years, this is still the best chan, by far. 4chan has completely been overrun by normalfags and there's no saving it now. It's just a shame this place isn't faster, so ronery.
>> No. 29546 [Edit]
After all these years, this is still the best chan, by far. 4chan has completely been overrun by normalfags and there's no saving it now. It's just a shame this place isn't faster, so ronery.
>> No. 29547 [Edit]
4chan /a/ is a cesspool fit only for shitposting, but I love /co/ and /vr/.
I'm not sure where I'd go to replace those if 4chan died.
>> No. 29549 [Edit]

I hope you aren't serious, anon. That place is more cancerous than /a/ is by thousands of orders of magnitude.
>> No. 29551 [Edit]
/co/ is a waste disposal, but not that much in comparison to /a/ or more degenerate boards like /cgl/ and friends. The only boards worth a damn in 4chan are /an/, /g/, /gd/, /po/, /vp/ and finally /wsr/ because kindness in such a pit of despair should always be encouraged.
>> No. 29553 [Edit]
I mostly go to /co/ for the win'o's. I could pirate comics other ways, but it's convenient to have all the new stuff in one place every week and I've already been going to 4chan for years.
>> No. 29554 [Edit]
What's wrong with /co/? I think it's pretty good. It's been declining in post quality, sure but not as rapidly as the other boards though it still has its share of shitty waifu 3x3 threads and powerlevel garbage.
>> No. 29563 [Edit]
You can't call /co/ bad and then include /vp/ in a list of boards worth anything. That just doesn't compute.
>> No. 29565 [Edit]
Because /vp/ is the only good containment board that (1) serves is purpose, and (2) fulfils it perfectly... For example, despite there is /lgbt/, fags and traps and other reprobates still roam the site unchecked shilling their degeneracy wherever they can, same with /pol/.
>> No. 29567 [Edit]
What about /mlp/, though?
>> No. 29568 [Edit]
You're right. I had forgotten that board existed, thankfully. You owe me an "uguu~" for reminding me. I expect immediate payment.
>> No. 29569 [Edit]
this meme needs to die.
>> No. 29570 [Edit]
Leave, and take your 4chan-tier replies with you.
>> No. 29571 [Edit]
they won't
tohno wants more posters here so he is inviting 4chan kiddies to come join us and ruin the board, because the current population of tc dosen't say him enough attention.
>> No. 29573 [Edit]
File 147564817551.jpg - (146.50KB , 1280x720 , passive aggressive to the max.jpg )
Yup, That's exactly right anon! It has nothing to do with the site being half dead and desperately needing new blood, That's a lie I tell myself and everyone else. It's actually because I'm very starved for attention that only a site with such loving devoted fans can provide. Coming to TC every day and reading everyone's post about why the admin is so awesome is the only thing keeping me alive. Unfortunately because people here wont do that I have to kick everyone out and rebuild the user base to suit my needs. You really hit the nail on the head there anon, nice job! We'd be lost without you to help show us the truth. Now tell me how great I am or get out!
>> No. 29574 [Edit]
>because the current population of tc dosen't say him enough attention.
>say him enough attention.
Leave as well, and take your derping with you. Typos happen, but you should either read twice what you write, or put down the booze every now and then so you don't make a fool out of yourself. Additionally, this site has an edit function.
>> No. 29575 [Edit]
Now now, no need for sarcasm. A lot of us are angry at how much the internet and chans have changed over the years. The rush of normalfags has penetrated to virtually every single crevice and this is pretty much the last stand. People are simply worried you won't be able to take care of all the normalfags who shitpost about how much they hate anime or whatever faceberg /soc/ garbage they will inevitable drag here. I support more posters here, I really do. Unfortunately I wish it was only the oldfag /a/ posters but it's a wish that is too wishful. We're just worried what will happen to us if the rush of new users becomes too great and it'll be complete shitposting. By the way, I suggest an Anime/Random board. We can keep all forms of shitposting there and there alone if need be and it'll act something like a magnet for new users until they settle down enough to use the rest of the good boards. It's the same kind of board 4chan used to have in the old days, before they took out the anime part. Oh and make it so I can see the last 100 recent posts on demand. Thanks.
>> No. 29578 [Edit]
>about how much they hate anime
Seeing more of this is indeed what made me leave /a/.

>I suggest an Anime/Random board
I think Otaku Tangents is the Anime/Random equivalent.
>> No. 29579 [Edit]
>Unfortunately I wish it was only the oldfag /a/ posters.
You too leave, if you're unwilling to drop such pretentious notion. There is no need here for that elitist attitude. Anime and its byproducts is for EVERYONE to enjoy, not only those who deem themselves worthy of it. As long as the rules are followed, even someone who just started watching anime for the first time should be welcomed here.
>I suggest an Anime/Random board.
This very board where this thread is located has that function: off-topic discussion. Nevertheless, this thread would be better placed in /fb/ (feedback).
>We can keep all forms of shitposting.
Unacceptable. I've been suggesting for a while that the "Rules" section should be rewritten, reworded and made as concise as possible so there is practically no room for interpretation regarding regulation. "Shitposting" and any variation of "Meme" threads should be instantly purged, since by intention, they're made to disrupt. Some exception do qualify to be kept, e.g. A "Smug faces" thread in /pic/. the image dump board.
>> No. 29580 [Edit]
>You too leave, if you're unwilling to drop such pretentious notion. There is no need here for that elitist attitude.
When people who say what you're saying started posting on /a/ is when /a/ went to shit. Now if /a/ is normie central for anime posting then normies can stay there.

/a/ was never 'elitist' to begin with and yet was constantly accused of being so by you Communist scum.
Oh, everyone is equal and has a equal voice, everyone is equally intelligent and equally enjoyable to be with. No, fuck that bullshit.
It sounds elitist but it's more about knowing your fucking place. Society will always form groups of people with similar interests and ways of thinking, it's a fact of life. Some people don't belong to a certain group, that gives them no right to purge the old members and take the group for themselves.

The funny thing is, I never intentionally act 'elitist', I'm just being who I am. If, in yours eyes, I am elitist, it means YOU see yourself as being inferior to me.
>> No. 29581 [Edit]
You're taking to long to leave, but I'll humour you.
>When people who say what you're saying started posting on /a/ is when /a/ went to shit.
I never posted in /a/ because I was never an attention seeking sponge hoping to validate my tastes. I sololy lurked, read and saved, enjoyed the board for what it was. This isn't /a/ nor should ever be a replacement for it, it's its own thing. Go project your desires somewhere else and respect the place where you are for what it is.
>Now if /a/ is normie central for anime posting then normies can stay there.
Unfortunately, that's all of 4chan nowadays, really.
>/a/ was never 'elitist' to begin with and yet was constantly accused of being so by you Communist scum.
I never said /a/ was elitist. I said -you- were, with the notion you wrote, which provides proof of it. Additionally, but irrelevant, I vouch for conservatism, capitalism and transhumanism. I don't care for the poor, because I've been there and can attest a great majority of poor people are at least somewhat responsible for never rising.
>Oh, everyone is equal and has a equal voice, everyone is equally intelligent and equally enjoyable to be with.
I agree, which is precisely why you should stick to the style, rules and spirit of this board. Unless you can provide proof of your (perhaps delusional) weeaboo superiority, like published manga, subtitle contribution that hasn't been superseded by others', figure making, or even anime reviews.. then shove your self-importance back to your brain and keep it away from your fingers.
>It sounds elitist but it's more about knowing your fucking place.
Ironic; seems you completely ignored that point yourself.
>I'm just being who I am. If, in yours eyes, I am elitist, it means YOU see yourself as being inferior to me.
Interesting logical fallacy. By that logic, nothing ever can say about you can be right because it's projecting? You're stating that my argument is false because you personally believe it's impossible for a statement regarding yourself can be true. I guess I mistook your egocentrism for righteous self-importance.

I guess you should leave regardless of your elitist attitude. Egocentric people are a blight anywhere.

Post edited on 6th Oct 2016, 12:57am
>> No. 29582 [Edit]
>You too leave, if you're unwilling to drop such pretentious notion. There is no need here for that elitist attitude. Anime and its byproducts is for EVERYONE to enjoy, not only those who deem themselves worthy of it. As long as the rules are followed, even someone who just started watching anime for the first time should be welcomed here.
Well said. It takes a bit of courage to say this too, especially if you yourself have pretty high powerlevel and would rather be surrounded by other people who have seen their fair share of anime. Dropping your 'anime pro' benefits isn't easy.

>Oh, everyone is equal and has a equal voice, everyone is equally intelligent and equally enjoyable to be with. No, fuck that bullshit.
>The funny thing is, I never intentionally act 'elitist', I'm just being who I am. If, in yours eyes, I am elitist, it means YOU see yourself as being inferior to me.
Nice contradictions you've got going there.
>> No. 29583 [Edit]
>I never posted in /a/ because I was never an attention seeking sponge hoping to validate my tastes.
What the fuck are you on about? The point of a forum is to talk, but you're too good for talking? Sounds a bit elitist.

>This isn't /a/ nor should ever be a replacement for it, it's its own thing. Go project your desires somewhere else
Now this is fucking ironic. You say that all should be welcome to this site, even if it changes the status quo, but not MY type because it changes the status quo for the worse? I hope you see the hypocrisy.

>I said -you- were, with the notion you wrote, which provides proof of it.
I did not write what you responded to first but I agree with it.

>I vouch for conservatism, capitalism and transhumanism
Those are detestable too. Power by a popularity contest. And democracy enforces a communism come voting time, no matter your qualifications, you get ONE vote.

>Unless you can provide proof of your (perhaps delusional) weeaboo superiority
I never said I was superior. But once again you accuse me of being so.
And I never said specific intelligence regarding anime, I mean overall intelligence regarding thought process.

>then shove your self-importance back to your brain
Are you more superior of intellect than me that I should listen to you? Can you prove this? Sounds a bit hypocritical and elitist.

>Interesting logical fallacy. By that logic, nothing ever can say about you can be right because it's projecting
Not at all, not in the very least! You can call me elitist all you want. I never said I wasn't and when I said /a/ wasn't I also meant they didn't do it intentionally.
I never put any effort into achieving the title of 'elitist'. This is my natural state, if you come by and call me an elitist, that means YOU have OBSERVED I am superior to you EVEN when I am not doing anything in particular to want to be more important.

I am not egocentric, such a ad-hominem. If I was egocentric I wouldn't be advocating groups, I'd be advocating everybody just listen to me, which is exactly what old-fashioned Liberalism wants, behind its "people's sovereignty" the slyest cheaters are hiding, who don't want to be recognized.

Would Isaac Asimov have fun talking to Kim Kardashian? What if Kardashian outnumbered Asimov 3:1? even the other way around! what if Asimov outnumbered Kardashian 3:1? Would the minorities in either group be having fun? Completely regardless of how superior one is to the other, they still different.
>> No. 29584 [Edit]
This is a bad thread and you should feel bad.
>> No. 29590 [Edit]
File 147581288028.png - (634.78KB , 860x609 , 296f50aa7da80e7a3ace8af916ce820e.png )
here's your one warning, you two

The following are not rules, but are discouraged. Repeated infractions will result in a ban, length of which to be determined by a moderator.

Political or religious discussions on /ot/. (it only ever serves to piss people off)

The following rules apply to all parts of this website and our IRC channel:

Excessive flaming or trolling.
>> No. 29591 [Edit]
Its ok even if they came they'd be scared away by the overmoderation and dead boards
>> No. 29593 [Edit]
>this is pretty much the last stand.
I'm not sure if I'd go as far as to call this the "last stand" I mean sure imageboards are dying out a bit lately but I'm sure there's still plenty of decent ones still left out there. Last I checked they're a dime a dozen. As for "oldfags", I used to wonder a lot where they went once they moved on from the likes of 4chan, like if there were super secret websites for elite next level otaku or something. I think what actually happens is they just loose interest in this life style and go the normalfag root. Seen it happen even around these parts and I can't say I blame them, this is a hard to sustain lifestyle in any long term capacity, anime gets a bit old when you've seen 1000+ hours worth of the stuff. NEETs run out of financial support, hikimori stop having people bring them food, 3D haters get lonely, people grow old and shit just happens. Doesn't help things much when your average anime fans are dumb teens who can make you feel like a creep just for still being a fan at an older age.

Might be a bit naive on my part but I like to think newcommers have the potential to adapt to our ways, and of course if they refuse to then we got our hammers. so I don't think it's right to block out new people all together. Almost everyone who comes here is going to be coming from a place where shitposting and meme spouting are the norm to some degree and would think it's not unusual to do the same thing here. Most people would probably think an imageboard is an imageboard after all. Given a chance I think many of them have the potential to change once they see things are a little different here.

>I suggest an Anime/Random board.
Already created a board for that sort of thing actually. It just never really got used and it would be hard to explain why we have multiple anime boards anyway, so it just stayed unlisted...
That and encouraging shitposting type behavior, even on a separate board, probably isn't the best idea anyway...
maybe they'll settle down like you said, but I think they'd probably just stay where they are and not change.

I'll see what I can do about the 100 recent posts thing, but on a site this slow you really shouldn't need more than 45.
>> No. 29595 [Edit]
God, just look at 4chan /a/ now. It's so normalfag with such terrible posts and threads there's almost no point in going there anymore.
>> No. 29596 [Edit]
This picture is so cute. How can anyone go back to arguing after seeing it? It serves better than any warning.
>God, just look at 4chan /a/ now.
>It's so normalfag with such terrible posts and threads.
>There's almost no point in going there anymore.
Since it seems you almost reached the solution on your own, care to explain why do you still go there?
>> No. 29597 [Edit]
He's not wrong, the posts on /a/ pretty much parallol the same types of awful posts on /v/.

But there are few threads that remind you of old-fashioned /a/, usually about specific anime like Saki and Yuki Yuna.
>> No. 29602 [Edit]
File 147634730468.jpg - (799.21KB , 1080x1080 , 1444372087142.jpg )
So? Good riddance. It's all their fault for not getting rid of normalfags and turning away from the ways of the samur/a/i.
>> No. 29605 [Edit]
Should 4chan shut down, almost everyone will go to 8chan. It's the second biggest imageboard and already has /a/, /v/, /b/, /pol/, /tv/, /co/ and /r9k/.

>People are simply worried you won't be able to take care of all the normalfags who shitpost about how much they hate anime or whatever faceberg /soc/ garbage they will inevitable drag here.
That's just what almost all self-described anime fans in the West are like, even if they've been watching since the 80s. There is no anime fandom in the West and never was. No place is exempt, not even /an/. It's all shit.
>> No. 29606 [Edit]

Yeah and you're totally not one of them and thats why its perfectly OK that you come to TC to discuss 4chan metashit. Fucking hell this whole site was built exclusively so that uninteresting 4channers could have 4chan meta discussion about their home site when they were somewhere else on the internet, so thanks for stopping by & don't forget to tell your friends at 4chan all about us, OK?
Thanks & goodbye, have a good time on 4chan! see you next time
>> No. 29611 [Edit]
>Yeah and you're totally not one of them
That's correct.

>and thats why its perfectly OK that you come to TC to discuss 4chan metashit.
I did not start this thread so I don't know why you're suddenly complaining to me about this.

>thanks for stopping by & don't forget to tell your friends at 4chan all about us, OK?
>Thanks & goodbye, have a good time on 4chan! see you next time
Did you forget to take your medication?
>> No. 30198 [Edit]
This post was meant as a joke but it is really true. Feels like anyone who doesn't bow down and suck Tohno's dick is removed.
>> No. 30199 [Edit]
I'm not sure what your basing your claim on, but you're welcome to discuss this on /fb/ or message me directly if you like.
>> No. 30260 [Edit]
I guess the real question is who qualifies as an "oldfag".

For some, it's those who have been around since the start. I guess that excludes me. I've been around, but not for a LONG time. I feel a strong kinship with most of the people here. Some might call me a normie though. It's all hard to tell sometimes.
>> No. 42249 [Edit]
File 170650807499.jpg - (74.71KB , 461x998 , 20240205.jpg )
Goes to 4chan
It's the same old thing
Rather be here
>> No. 42252 [Edit]
File 170654639155.jpg - (79.43KB , 1024x768 , Konachan_com - 14468 95 anthropomorphism os-tan wi.jpg )
Bumps 7 year old thread
I rather sage.
>> No. 42253 [Edit]
Lurk and learn, or fuck off.
>> No. 42344 [Edit]
Aw I thought this was a new thread.
>> No. 42349 [Edit]
Were you excited or dismayed?

Post edited on 20th Feb 2024, 5:04pm
>> No. 42421 [Edit]
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