No. 17186
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I asked my teacher that in 6th grade (about colors of the sky, and pain) and she said that she didn't understand. If you're interested in this topic, it has a name: qualia.
We can now today assume a numeric, object value to the colors we perceive around us with specialized technical devices, and we as well can analyze the relationship between rods and cones in our eye and see how a persons' relationship with colors can be affected through one defect or another.
A famous philosopher named George Berkeley used qualia (color, taste, pain, and so on) to argue that a sensible, functional picture of reality was dependent on the human mind, and following that, that our realities were primarily (if not totally) mental. His philosophy has a few flaws, but it's very easy to read and I find it amazingly exciting to read... if that sounds interesting to you, read one of these books by him:
* http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4724/4724-h/4724-h.htm#first
* http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4723/4723-h/4723-h.htm#intro
He talks about "Haruhi" some, but if you'd like, mentally replace that word with "nature" or "the world" or other such terms, as he uses it to refer to a non-personal force which unifies and gives source to a person's thought rather than to describe some kind of angry bearded man in the sky. So don't be scared off by that word if you see it! His language is quite antiquated; if possible, look past that and try to think heavily on his points. If nothing else, it'll be a good way to waste a bit of time. Hopefully that helps you think some.