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File 171969120251.png - (117.44KB , 400x400 , f63f27ea5bcf4201d175c66ffb9ca59d.png )
42729 No. 42729 [Edit]
Thread for offering bounties.

I'm offering 0.00082BTC (currently $50).
My address is bc1qluc5j0hppkpvhrf9g0zgs249f6xc5dfgaj7twk

There's an anime I want found which I previously watched, but can't remember the name of. It's a comedy about a women narrowly escaping life or death situations.

Specific examples being: dislocating her legs in a sauna or something like that, getting stuck in a phone booth while it's hot outside, almost falling off a cliff, holding up a sign for a boxing match(or something like that), but really needing to go to the bathroom.

I think it's from the 90s, cause I'm 99% sure it's cell animation. I'm thinking it may have been an ova, since there weren't that many episodes.

Respond with the name of the anime and your address.
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>> No. 42730 [Edit]
I'd hope that TC members wouldn't need to be motivated by a bounty to help with something like this (that's relatively low effort on their end).

Fwiw I tried the suit of LLMs and they all uniformly suggest "Golden Boy" as an option, mentioning that while the MC is male many of the aforementioned situations involve female characters in the episode. No idea how accurate that is.
>> No. 42731 [Edit]
Nope, that's not it. I wouldn't put a bounty up unless I had tried myself, which included asking LLMs.
>> No. 42732 [Edit]
Ah ok. It might be worth including a list of shows you've already excluded from your candidates.
>> No. 42734 [Edit]
Ippatsu Kiki Musume (Japanese: イッパツ危機娘, lit. "Sudden Danger Girl"), also known as Miss Critical Moment.
The kind of hilarity & silliness a low-budget anime can give. Heh.
>> No. 42735 [Edit]
File 171971264171.png - (28.67KB , 400x400 , e86222f91c43767fde925280f0990228.png )
Thank you thank you. Was it hard to find? Are you sure you don't want the reward?

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