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521 No. 521 [Edit]
I'd like to start another dream thread, if that's all right. I'll go first.
You know how when you're a fan of something like anime or scifi or similar things in your teenage years parents will try to buy stuff for you? My dad and stepmom bought anime\manga related shit at yard sales a lot. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was off the mark.
Well, in my dream I'm still in high school. I'm sitting there playing Xbox when my dad & stepmom walk in and yell that they got me something at a yard sale. I'm think to myself, "well, probably shit, but I might as well see," and go to check it out.
I walk into the kitchen and on the table is a box full of stuff from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I get more excited and go to see what it is. There's every episode in raws and fansubs on
VHS, some uniforms, figurines, and even Shinjis' fucking tape recorder with the tape he listens to inside it! All the merchandise seems to be older and seems like it was directly imported from Japan. I ask where they found it.
It cuts to a yard sale with a slightly sad fiftyish woman in her front yard. She talked about how her son loved this show and whatnot, and seemed very sad. She sold it all for about 10-20 dollars.
I take all the stuff out and find a suicide note. Her son had gotten into anime in the
eighties while in high school and was completely inept and friendless. He grew obsessed with
Evangelion and felt a strong kinship with Shinji because he was such a fuck up. He grew older
and couldn't find anyone to share his interests with, became more and more of a recluse, and
killed himself in the late nineties, which I recall being a shame since the internet as of
96, when he killed himself, could have given him a place to talk to others and feel less alone. I realized he was "an otaku of another generation." I hung up his note and saluted it. I then went to watch his tapes and realized that he had dubbed it himself in case he ever met anyone who wanted to share his joy. I inherited his legacy. His mother had cleaned house and ended up giving me a record of a hikkikomori life.
542 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 33560 [Edit]
>Precipitous progression begetting negative consequences is an ever-present theme but so is complacency.
My Freud glasses tell me this means you feel like you have no control over your life.
>> No. 33561 [Edit]
How do you have such cool dreams? Mine (and I barely remember what I dream) are usually just a mix of nonsense, trauma and boring shit, and it's getting worse as I grow older.
>> No. 33570 [Edit]
I wish I could dream for 20 hours a day.
>> No. 33575 [Edit]
Perhaps. In any case, it all reduces to fear. Nightmares have no place if all your dreams are colored in grays.

These kinds of dreams are an ostensible inevitability when an impressionable mind consumes a lot of fantastical, or otherwise, media. So I'm afraid I can't give advice for ways to stimulate your dreams. However, and this is merely my ignorant opinion, but amplifying one's dreams might not result in anything cool---but scary or unnerving instead. From the general description of yours that you gave, banal dreams might be for the best. While this is the worst case, I wouldn't want anybody to experience night terrors.
>> No. 33576 [Edit]
Nightmares are only scary while they're happening. Afterwards it makes for some cool memories.
>> No. 33599 [Edit]
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When I play a game too much, I dream of that.
>> No. 33606 [Edit]
A couple of days ago i had a dream about a reality altering nuclear device that was somehow inside a derelict house in the wilderness, people from all over were trying to find out what was happening, one of the groups who showed up where some ironic meme "otaku" faggots who thought they were gonna make some shitty memes for their fb pages, among them was this ugly and depressed 3D that wanted to get close enough to the device so she could die from radiation poisoning. What happened instead was that the device reconfigured into a being of 2D-like perfection in the real world (a tall, thin girl with beautiful blue sparkling eyes, straight black hair, pale skin and big beautiful breasts) and her beauty alone could hypnotize any man or woman to do her bidding. after what a saw i decided to enter the irradiated room the device was in, before i could even see what the device looked like i fell to the ground writhing in pain, then everything went black. After what seemed like a few hours i woke up in the middle of a dusty room, there was a lot of Tchernobog-like cultist around the 2D/3D she told me to join them, i refused telling her that she will never be like a real anime girl, in that moment she tried to use her powers to hypnotize me but i instinctively quickloaded an autosave that was created right when i woke up, with this i discovered my power; the reality altering device gave me the ability to quicksave/load and Menu save/load in the real world, but i fucked it up the second time because the 2D/3D managed to hypnotize me before i could quickload, she told me that she knew that i received a power otherwise i would be dead, so in my hypnotized state i told her what my power was after that she told that every cult member goes through a different initiation; mine was the removal of my right hand fingers, but, inmediatly after they were cut i was to overwrite my quicksave and menu save so couldn't cheat my way out of it. The cut was fast and blood-less, the 2D/3D laughed maniacally and demanded that i eat my own fingers so there was no possible way to recover them. i stepped out of the room and the hypnosis was starting to wear off, i desperately tried to load a save to no avail but in my desperation i discovered some unusual sunglasses i had in my pocket, i put them on and i saw that a mysterious operating system was starting to boot, i don't know how, but i managed to find the save files inside the system and i realized that the OS was the one inside my brain, i began looking at the code in the save files trying my best to hack them in order to recover my fingers, i manage to succeed and was now ready to take on the cultists and the fake 2D, i burst into the room, filled with rage and a desire for revenge, ready to deal a face disfiguring punch to the disgusting 3D turned 2D. suddenly, reality itself started being engulfed in a white void erasing everything in existence, then i woke up.
>> No. 33607 [Edit]
I want this turned into an anime.
>> No. 33608 [Edit]
think it could work? because a day later i dreamed about being invited to a party in an abandoned mall in a nuked part of town (recurring theme), turns out that the party was organized by the fake 2D and her cult, the party was supposedly "for peace" but it was a plan to trick me into joining the cult or the guests would die along with some acquaintances they held hostage (maybe they considered me a useful tool), i smugly refused and they got berserk angry and began attacking me, i ran down the stairs and knocked down a bag that was hanging by a rope full of replica medieval weapons and armor, i quickly picked up a sword and began slashing, i chopped like 5 cultist in half in 2 or 3 swings, unfortunately they grabbed some of the weapons as well and began chasing me around the mall while i clumsily tried to put on armor, i don't remember much after that but i vaguely remember a toy/clown dimension bleeding into our reality and everything being consumed in the white void again.
>> No. 33609 [Edit]
It would be bad. I don't want to be reminded of 2-d/3-d whatever while watching something.
>> No. 33612 [Edit]
This would do well as a book. Fun stuff.
>> No. 33795 [Edit]
I don't get the newest Code Geas movie...
>> No. 35297 [Edit]
For normal nightmares, that is valid; night terrors are awful.
>> No. 35298 [Edit]
Nightmares can fuck me the whole day. There's nothing particularly cool about them.
Only when they are child-like nightmares, like zombies and stuff, but those are too fun to be called nightmares just because of the theme.
Like last night I had a dream about playing some weird version of System Shock 2 in VR (or just something that felt like reality), there was mutants and shit that scared me but at the same time it was fun.
>> No. 35423 [Edit]
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Last night I had a really strange and really sad dream. I was living on some sort of homestead with an underground living area, and I was married to a girl who was a robot of some kind. She looked and acted very human, except that she had some obvious joints and panels here and there and a few on her face. She wasn't very crazy looking, just a normal sized girl with brown hair, a simple faded blue dress down to her feet and an apron. A good part of the dream was just hanging out at home with her and my children, I don't know how that works but apparently we had children. I remember smacking one of them at one point because he was laughing at her for having suffered some kind of damage to her face and had missing, bent panels and oil leaking out of those cracks. Sometime later on in the dream, I had to go and fight as a mercenary or something in trenches on whatever planet we were on, I remember having to run from ditch to ditch praying that I wouldn't be hit by a stray bullet. I think some old guy was with me as well during the fight.

Towards the end of the dream, we had to deal with a case of doppelgangers we were tracking down and had to determine which one was real and which one was fake, they may have been robot copies but I don't remember. At the very end of the dream I ran into my android wife and saw that there was also a doppelganger who looked exactly like her, expect I think, I don't quite remember but I think the doppelganger didn't have any mechanical features. My wife already looked fairly human aside from the odd panel line so it was hard to tell. Something happened, some kind of intense violent conflict, and the last thing I remember is holding my wife in my arms, and she was begging me to tell her that I thought she was the real her. That was where my dream ended.

I woke up feeling a really deep sense of loss that I haven't had in a dream in a long time.

Post edited on 9th Jul 2020, 3:01pm
>> No. 35635 [Edit]
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I had a nice dream last night where I met up with the main characters from Aikatsu at an amusement park. At first I thought they were really good cosplayers but it was actually them. Kanzaki Mizuki showed me an Aikatsku card and asked me to help her match it with other fashion cards and make an outfit. While doing that the others were chatting and eating at the table. Then an employee came by to let us know they were closing soon. So we relocated somewhere else but things got a little fuzzy after that, I think we played some carnival games. That was about it. Needless to say once I got up I felt the need to catch up on the anime.
>> No. 35818 [Edit]
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Dreamt of doing the calypso
>> No. 35895 [Edit]
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Dreamt of tanks
>> No. 36469 [Edit]
I've been having "nightmares" (a bit too strong of a word since they're more just unsettling or not pleasant dreams) for the past few days. I'm not sure what might have induced them, but I have a hypothesis that it's related to closing the windows in my small room (since it's now approaching wintertime and getting cold). Maybe it has something to do with increased co2 from that (I've read some studies about how co2 levels can spike in a closed room).
>> No. 37132 [Edit]
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Being in a bear-suit. Must have been re-watching LAIN too much.
>> No. 37664 [Edit]
I was at some harbor, just visiting and passing through. A low flying WW2 plan roared past. Explosions went off in the distance. More planes started to appear over head and started shooting at each other. A couple shot and and fired at the harbor area. I realized I forgot my phone back in my motel room and struggled past debris and panicking people to try and make my way back. Along the way I had to crawl under a truck trailer, and people on the other side were grouped together desperately trying to push a boat away from the peer. No idea why. I think it ended there.
...Maybe the boat had a bomb on it and went off waking me up.
My first thought was: "Stupid dream, no one uses planes like that anymore for war."
>> No. 38317 [Edit]
I just had a dream with helpful info.
I sometimes get weird anxiety dreams that end in ejaculation, which I hate.
Well, today as it was happening I had the helpful Mythbusters narrator explain to me that it was happening due to being too hot. I wake up and after research, it turns out that yes hot weather causes anxiety dreams.
I'm happy about that, at least I can do something about it.
>> No. 38318 [Edit]
>weird anxiety dreams that end in ejaculation, which I hate.
I get these sorts of wet dreams too. And they're usually not the comforting kind of wet dream either as they leave me tired in the morning.
That reminds me of the case of a brain tumor that self-explained its own existence.
>> No. 38319 [Edit]
I knew I wasn't the only one, there's surprisingly little info on these types of dreams though.
That's amazing. Too amazing actually, I'm a bit skeptical, but it's still really interesting.
Edit: The author is some nigerian with previous articles promoting spirituality and christianity. So, not a bit, extremely skeptical now.

Post edited on 25th May 2021, 11:49am
>> No. 38320 [Edit]
My last few wet dreams happened when I dreamt I was jerking off.
>> No. 38329 [Edit]
I was trapped inside of a very large museum, which was a huge tower with many floors. I started out on one of the middle floors, with no clear way of reaching the ground floor. I was surrounded by an exhibit depicting Mars, the moon landing, and various other things associated with space. There were a number of others also trapped with me, and some decided to fire on the rest of us with their laser guns. I managed to escape to a stairwell with one other person, but the way down was blocked. When we finished climbing the stairs up, we discovered that our destination floor was a rectangle with paths all around the circumference, but the center was hollow. Looking down, one could see that there were many similar floors going downward, and falling down the pit would certainly be bad. It was very dark, but we could see that there were many grotesque monsters patrolling the pathway around the floor. We eventually maneuver around them and descend down another staircase, which led to the ground floor. I was rewarded by a penguin with a mask that would take me to see my waifu when I wore it.
>> No. 38341 [Edit]
Update: just happened again without being too hot this time. Dream info- probably unreliable. God damn it.
>> No. 38342 [Edit]
Do you wake up sweating?
>> No. 38345 [Edit]
A bit, why? I think that's more related to being in a single position for a long time.
>> No. 38349 [Edit]
Just curious, because I was/am experiencing a similar set of symptoms. There was a distinct correlation between how much I woke up sweating and the intensity/vividness of the dreams (which unfortunately tended more towards night terrors). Temperature is definitely a factor, because in my case things paradoxically got worse when it got colder – my hypothesis is that I wrap myself in the blanket more and thus end up heating up more than if it was warmer and I allow more airflow.
>> No. 38793 [Edit]
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I had a dream where Richard Stallman had passed away. I enter Tohno-chan and saw that there was a new board, when /fb/ used to be. I had 48 in the name, but I can't really recall the exact name. I entered the board, and noticed that it was intended to be a board for people to post eulogies for Stallman. There were several posts already, a lot. The vast majority, almost every post actually, was a japanese haiku, and as a result I could not read them well, one of them had 食 in it. Save that I can't remember anything about the haikus. These posts were also nearly all of them pictureless. I saw then a big post written in english, with a picture of Richard Stallman with beard and long hair, wearing a red buttoned t-shirt. The picture was zoomed in on his face. The post was a excerpt from a biography on Stallman written by a friend of his, from the college years. It began by describing that they were attending a calculus lecture, Stallman had sat between this friend and another girl, who both of them had a crush on. This girl was blonde and had a ponytail, she wore a cyan blouse and a white skirt, I think. The book text was more or less as follows:
The teacher had wrote an integral on the board, but he had forgotten to write the dx part. Most people would have just assumed that the meant to write it, but not Stallman. No, he could not do it. His analytical nature precluded him from doing so. Then, Stallman turned to the girl, and said:
-Do you want to see something impressive?-He wanted to impress the girl
-Yes.She said.
He then said:
-I shall guess your chandelier's chandelier.
She smiled and said "Oh, yes please!".
He said that he would guess what she would eat next year.
She seemed excited and anxious to see it.
He said "You shall have a chicken's chicken and an appleling for your liking"
She was impressed.
The text had an additional portion where Stallman recited a bunch of things that did not appear to make much sense, and where all of them in spanish with the character 目 being pasted in-between the spanish stanzas.
I believe the point of this dream was that Stallman had tricked her with a cunning trick to believe he was going to guess somehing very hard, but he just said something very likely, and now to prove him wrong she had to incur the penalty of spending an entire year devoid of chicken and apple just to spite Stallman. She did not want that, and so she would be more receptive to Stallman attempt at poetry, it seemed.
>> No. 39011 [Edit]
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I had an interesting one last night, first of it's kind for me I think. With any luck might have more like it.

I was at work goofing off on my laptop, downloading anime and chatting with people online. I think I forgot to have my VPN on or something because then I hear from the bosses office some yelling about all these downloads, and they they start reading off my chat history along with what I downloaded for everyone to hear.
They come out of the office while I'm turning the laptop off and it's this ugly out of shape middle aged woman who looks at the laptop and reads off the info about it from her tablet, she starts telling me how she's going to have it banned from the system and starts going into disciplinary actions. I was starting to get stressed out when she froze in place as if time stopped for her. I get up and tell her the laptop doesn't mater, none of this does. I make the laptop vanish and I tell her I could tear her limbs off with just a thought if I wanted to (but didn't), because this is just a dream and I don't need any of this shit. I told her my real life is stressful enough without getting more of it here. I then deleted the office space I was in, leaving myself in an empty white void. I stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the peace and quite until I eventually woke up.

When I woke up, I took to playing some GFL in bed. This line from the game stuck out a bit to me.
>> No. 39013 [Edit]
One of the greatest benefits of living in the third-world is not needing VPNs to download stuff. The thought of getting a letter from my ISP talking about my internet habits is very scary.
Anyway, this dream seemed almost lucid with how you manipulated it to your liking.
>> No. 39317 [Edit]
Last night, I dreamt of a mecha anime that doesn't exist. It's a series of OVAs that originated in the late 90s, and the latest one released a few years ago.
It retained a similar style to the original but with a modern, and unfortunately kind of cheap, veneer, but the original was also kind of cheap. Nonetheless, the staff did well despite monetary and temporal constraints. The cast of characters is, of course, a teenage boy as the main character surrounded by other adolescents, with some adults helping them. With a modern, Japanese Summer as its setting, we're off well enough.
Plot-wise, a big bad shows up, and it must be stopped so MC-kun will eventually hop into his mecha with his friends providing either physical or emotional support. The beginning opens with SoL moments while also establishing continuity with the previous OVA, but the expected fighting happens, romantic undertones are given, some jokes are made (though not that much as a more serious tone is used throughout), and eventually good prevails.
Until now, this sounds decent if you like the genre, but pretty unremarkable otherwise, right? But I nonetheless woke up in tears, full of wistfulness. The reason is the ending of this imaginary OVA: a synth rock song is playing while the characters gradually appear, taking a formation, while translucent scenes of the post-story play on top. The music eventually winds down, everybody thanks the viewers in unison, and the MC-kun tells us to come back in 2025. Cue the black screen.
I don't know why this touched me. Maybe because a sequel OVA won't ever happen, and I'll greatly miss seeing the characters' future escapades and developments? (Putting aside this is a dream.) Perhaps it's because this series is clearly a passion project, and I have great respect for that. Or it could just be that I love anime like this, and as a amalgamation of those them, I teared up for it as I would for the real thing.
Whatever the reason, I know that I'm happy to be alive to feel these things, and I hope other anons can feel the same yearning that I did. It prickles the heart, but in a good way.
>> No. 39374 [Edit]
I've been having nightmares every day for about two years now. I don't really remember any specific event that triggered them, it just suddenly happened. Interestingly there are usually some common trends among all of them, and I'm hoping maybe one of the anons here can help me interpret whatever the hell my subconscious is trying to convey (*). I mean given the notoriously poor success of shrinks at dream interpretation, anons can't be any worse.

Here are the common trends I remember
* In maybe about 1/2 of the dreams I feel drowsy, but the situation I'm in doesn't allow me to sleep.
* In maybe 2/3 of the dreams there is violence. I'm usually stabbed, running away from zombies, having baseballs thrown at my head(!?), asphyxiated, or something like that. I've never experienced any like that in real-life (I don't even know enough people in real life to have any enemies), so it's not clear what this is supposed to be interpreted as.
* I distinctly remember at least 3 times that I dreamt I was being experimented on in some sort of classroom or laboratory. I was drugged with some substance that made me feel drowsy and move sluggish, unable to scream or fight back. I assume the sluggish part is probably due to sleep paralysis which the brain back-projected an in-dream cause for, but I still have no idea what the hell my brain is trying to tell me.
* Maybe one or two times I realized that the situation was too absurd to be real, was able to turn it into a lucid dream, and defeat whatever threat was present. But it didn't really have any effect on how I felt when I woke up nor on the thematic content of the dreams.

(*) It seems there's still not consensus in the literature as to whether dream content has any significance, and while for "normal" dreams the connections may be tenuous I'm almost certain that nightmares do contain significant content that is attempting to be surfaced; the recurring trends are surely evidence of that. There's also this theory [1] I found sometime back which is interesting but the examples in that paper are way too unambiguous to apply to the types of nightmares you often get in the real-world.

>> No. 39381 [Edit]
How's the weather in your bedroom? Cold or Hot? Do you have a fan or air-con? When these dreams happens? Middle of night or last dream? Do you wake up at the same time always?
>> No. 39391 [Edit]
Thanks for responding – in terms of temperature/seasonality I have felt that it's worse during the colder winter months. But I'm not sure if temperature alone is the factor responsible, since I've experimented with no heater vs. running heater and using thin sheets vs. thick sheets and I have not found too much of a difference. That said, I will try logging temperature vs. intensity of dreams to see if there is indeed any correlation here.

In terms of time of day I'd guess it happens around 5am or 6am, which is closer to the end of the sleep cycle (I go to bed at 12am and wake up at 11am). Yes I'm usually jolted out of bed at around the same time every day.
>> No. 39409 [Edit]
>But I'm not sure if temperature alone is the factor responsible, since I've experimented with no heater vs. running heater and using thin sheets vs. thick sheets
Maybe relative temperature would have been a better term. Based on my experiences my dreams tend to get fucked up when the relative temperature is cold. By relative temperature I mean the temperature and weather and absence or presence of ventilation your body will be subject to while you're asleep. Per example, a person using thick blankets all over her body with no fan on a cold winter night will have a relative temperature that's warmer and better than someone in a very hot summer day going to sleep with minimal clothing and no blankets right under the fan, maybe this person feels hot when the night starts, but as her body is subject to direct ventilation and the night gets a little colder the situation changes.
>In terms of time of day I'd guess it happens around 5am or 6am, which is closer to the end of the sleep cycle (I go to bed at 12am and wake up at 11am). Yes I'm usually jolted out of bed at around the same time every day.
I did not understand. You have them around 5 am, but then go back to sleep and wake up at 11 am?
>> No. 39415 [Edit]
>Based on my experiences my dreams tend to get fucked up when the relative temperature is cold.
Yes, this matches with my observation that the nightmares are worst on days when it's not quite cold enough to use a heater but also not warm enough where I can forego the sheets. Particularly whenever I have to try to sleep in a position that conserves heat (e.g. knees tucked up, hands wrapped around, etc.).

>I did not understand. You have them around 5 am, but then go back to sleep and wake up at 11 am?
I go to sleep at ~1am, and will sleep well until about ~6am. From 6am to 11am I will have back-to-back nightmares, waking up sweating after each one. This might be because sleep tends to become lighter (and dreams more likely?) as you progress throughout the sleep cycle though. It could also be because 6am-9am is the coldest parts of the day though.

I guess with these observations I will see if I can try to avoid the conditions that are conducive to these nightmares. But I think that's still not solving the root cause, because the content of the nightmares is too specific and recurring to be dismissed. E.g. just this morning I dreamt I was having the kitchen sink of weapons being thrown at me – knives, bullets, arrows, etc. The nightmares also seem to be a relatively new phenomenon since I remember in the past I used to sleep in far colder weather without a heater on just fine.

Post edited on 27th Mar 2022, 2:19pm
>> No. 40528 [Edit]
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Dreams are an insight to your mind. Is that true?
>> No. 40769 [Edit]
I had a dream last night, that I was in school again. It was pretty strange. The first thing I remember was being in the bus and a bunch of jewish kids got on. I knew they were jewish because they looked like the stereotype and were speaking very stereotypically. So on the way to school I had to listen to a group of jewish kids being loud in the back, though I guess kids in the back being loud is pretty normal.
Once we got to the school, we were immediately escorted by a female teacher to a very large bathroom and were handed worksheets about shitting. All the while very large portions of school lunch were being made and served. The bathroom was gross. All the toilet paper rolls had shit smeared on them, the walls and stalls were all an ugly yellow amplified by sunlight coming from one end of the room. The floor was made of sticky brown tile.
I didn't participate because I didn't know it was important, and some guy started talking to me. We ended up becoming friends I guess. Eventually we were escorted to the gymnasium. It was very long and strangely shaped. There was a corner where it was "bent" in half and the one end was completely dark. We were told to go to the locker room, and up to this point there had only been male students. In the locker room there were also girls, but nobody cared. I went back into the gymnasium and the teacher asked for my shitting worksheet, which I had thrown out with the food I was given, same deal with my friend. We went to get the worksheets back only to find the school was on fire. My friend and I decided to leave school.
We were walking around until we came to a bridge. My friend jumped off without any word. I was mildly upset, but didn't react much. Just stared for a minute. I wasn't going to jump in and save him or anything. There didn't seem to be any hesitation and he wasn't acting weird beforehand, so I guess he absolutely intended to kill himself then and there, and who am I to deny that? It wasn't like I knew anything about his situation.

I woke up after that. It was just another nonsensical dream.
>> No. 40770 [Edit]
Quite a shitty dream.
>> No. 40846 [Edit]
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I had a dream a few months ago, where my dad's office (fictional, I've never seen a room like this before) had a bookshelf with a secret switch in it that led to another, white room with a desk and another bookshelf. When I came up to the bookshelf, it turned out to be a collection of hentai and ecchi manga and some light novels. I grabbed a volume of High School DxD, but before I could read, I got caught and I quickly left the room. That's when the dream ended and when I woke up, I was filled with a sense that I needed to find my dad's ecchi stash again until I came back to reality about 3 minutes later and fell back asleep. I wonder if my dad actually has something like that in real life. He owns a few anime DVDs but I've never seen anything like porn, much less H manga at my house
>> No. 40876 [Edit]
I have recurring nightmares of the lithium ion battery in my phone catching fire. What could this mean?
>> No. 41626 [Edit]
I just had this most horrid dream. An absolute nightmare. I was not only frightened but sheerly impressed with what my mind could come up with. Some of the creatures I've saw have top notch monster design. They looked like they came out of the pages of Berserk or Gantz. The dream was very long and detailed but basically it felt like doing the Nurarihyon mission of Gantz but in a dystopian society resembling Deus Ex, but much less cybepunk and much more scrapyard. I may try drawing one of the creatures later.
>> No. 42615 [Edit]
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Last night I had quite a depressing dream.

I remember being in a summer house I visited as a kid, choosing to have my death done there because of some reason or another but I was alone there. I fought back against the doctor who was going to inject me and I could have killed him in response, but chose not to. Then there was a lady talking about the difference between surviving and living (which in her eyes was knowing and caring about other people, but I later realized that's not the only possible answer), then me breaking out into a why me why me song, then crying in the car.

I woke up after that feeling emptier than I have been in a long time, it was unbearable but I hope I have a better dream tonight.
>> No. 42632 [Edit]
I had a dream that Tohno stopped being the site admin and someone else came up and started changing the website theme and making all the posts be centered on the screen instead of left-aligned.
What a nightmare.
>> No. 42633 [Edit]
Sounds like a typical April fools around here.
>> No. 42634 [Edit]
And a funny one at that.
>> No. 43409 [Edit]
I had an outstanding dream about having sex with a cute anime girl. Simply makes me want to open my veins now that I'm awake. There was an introduction where other anime girls would first teach her how to kiss, since she looked like loli. Then there also was a prolonged scene with doing her massage.

I know it's an embarrassing post but I'd rather leave it here than anywhere else
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